Wk12 revelation 20 and the question of the millennium

Revelation 20 and Revelation 20 and the Question of the the Question of the Millennium Millennium

Transcript of Wk12 revelation 20 and the question of the millennium

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Revelation 20 and the Revelation 20 and the Question of the Question of the


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There is a fourfold ending to the book of There is a fourfold ending to the book of Revelation that reflects the structure of Revelation that reflects the structure of Ezekiel 37-48. (1) Resurrection of God’s Ezekiel 37-48. (1) Resurrection of God’s people (Rev. 20:4a; Ezek 37:1-14), people (Rev. 20:4a; Ezek 37:1-14), messianic kingdom (Rev. 20:4b-6; Ezek. messianic kingdom (Rev. 20:4b-6; Ezek. 37:15-28), final battle against Gog and 37:15-28), final battle against Gog and Magog (Rev. 20:7-10; Ezek. 38-39), and a Magog (Rev. 20:7-10; Ezek. 38-39), and a final vision of the new temple and new final vision of the new temple and new Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1-22:5; Ezek. 40-48) Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1-22:5; Ezek. 40-48) (Beale, (Beale, Revelation, Revelation, 1012). John is 1012). John is structuring the end of his vision like that of structuring the end of his vision like that of the climax of OT prophecies. the climax of OT prophecies.

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ReviewReview Dispensational PremillennialDispensational Premillennial: chs 1-3 deal with : chs 1-3 deal with

the church after which the saints are raptured the church after which the saints are raptured (4:1) “come up here” refers to the church that is (4:1) “come up here” refers to the church that is taken out of the world. “The middle section of the taken out of the world. “The middle section of the book deals with Israel on earth (4-19) during a book deals with Israel on earth (4-19) during a seven year period of great tribulation that does seven year period of great tribulation that does not affect the church, because it is in heaven with not affect the church, because it is in heaven with Christ. At the battle of Armegddon in Ch 19, Christ. At the battle of Armegddon in Ch 19, Christ brings with him the raptured Christians and Christ brings with him the raptured Christians and establishes a Jewish millennium in fulfillment of establishes a Jewish millennium in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The Christian saints Old Testament prophecies. The Christian saints rule with Christ during this thousand-year period. rule with Christ during this thousand-year period. At the end of this time, Satan is released from his At the end of this time, Satan is released from his confinement for a final rebellion” (Elwell, confinement for a final rebellion” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380). Finally, he and his Zondervan, 1998, pp 380). Finally, he and his cohorts are judged and throne into the lake of fire. cohorts are judged and throne into the lake of fire.

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Premillennial:Premillennial: The book relates to the life The book relates to the life of the church. “The persecutions are to be of the church. “The persecutions are to be experienced by the believers up to the time experienced by the believers up to the time of the end, when they will be delivered from of the end, when they will be delivered from the power of antichrist by the return of the power of antichrist by the return of Christ (ch 19). There will be a resurrection Christ (ch 19). There will be a resurrection of believers at the time of Christ’s second of believers at the time of Christ’s second coming, followed by a millennium, and then coming, followed by a millennium, and then a final judgment of unbelievers at the ‘great a final judgment of unbelievers at the ‘great white throne’ (20:11-15). After that a new white throne’ (20:11-15). After that a new heaven and a new earth are instituted, and heaven and a new earth are instituted, and the eternal day dawns.” (Elwell, the eternal day dawns.” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).

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Postmillennialism:Postmillennialism: “…through the “…through the preaching of the Gospel the world will be preaching of the Gospel the world will be gradually won to Christ. In this way the gradually won to Christ. In this way the idea of the millennium is fulfilled. The age idea of the millennium is fulfilled. The age of the church of the church isis the millennium, where the millennium, where righteousness and justice throughout the righteousness and justice throughout the earth…After the world has been made earth…After the world has been made worthy of Christ, he returns in glory to the worthy of Christ, he returns in glory to the world he has saved—hence the name world he has saved—hence the name ‘postmillennialism,’ Christ returns ‘postmillennialism,’ Christ returns afterafter the millennium” (Elwell, Encountering the the millennium” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).

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AmillennialAmillennial:: (Origen, Augustine, Luther, (Origen, Augustine, Luther, and Calvin) “It rejects the idea of a literal and Calvin) “It rejects the idea of a literal thousand year reign of Christ after his thousand year reign of Christ after his return at the end of the age…the return at the end of the age…the millennium is fulfilled in a spiritual fashion millennium is fulfilled in a spiritual fashion in the ministry of the church during this in the ministry of the church during this present age…Revelation is understood to present age…Revelation is understood to be a description of the life of the be a description of the life of the persecuted church that will end with persecuted church that will end with Christ’s second coming, at which time Christ’s second coming, at which time there is a general resurrection of there is a general resurrection of everyone, the saved and the lost alike. everyone, the saved and the lost alike. The last judgment takes place and a new The last judgment takes place and a new heaven and a new earth are inaugurated heaven and a new earth are inaugurated as the home of the believers. The lost are as the home of the believers. The lost are cast into the lake of fire.” (Elwell, cast into the lake of fire.” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).

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Questions that your view of Questions that your view of Rev 20 must answer.Rev 20 must answer.

How do we interpret the visionary How do we interpret the visionary sequences of Revelation? Literal or sequences of Revelation? Literal or figurativefigurative

Does chapter 19 precede chapter 20 Does chapter 19 precede chapter 20 in chronological order?in chronological order?

If chapter 19 does follow 20 in If chapter 19 does follow 20 in chronological order, then how do we chronological order, then how do we explain the defeat of evil in Rev 19? explain the defeat of evil in Rev 19?

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In other words what nations are left for In other words what nations are left for the dragon to deceive?the dragon to deceive?

In what way is the Devil bound? In what way is the Devil bound? How shall we understand the 1000yrs?How shall we understand the 1000yrs? Who are the ones that sit on thrones? Who are the ones that sit on thrones? In what sense do the saints come to life? In what sense do the saints come to life? How do we understand the first How do we understand the first

resurrection and the second resurrection and the second resurrection? resurrection?

Who are the nations? Who are the nations? What relation does Rev 12 have to Rev What relation does Rev 12 have to Rev
