Wk 12 vocab ch 10 12

Vocabulary –Grade 9 Lesson 12 Chap. 10-12 http://soundbible.com/332-Mockingbir d-Call.html To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee


vocabulary for To Kill a Mockingbird

Transcript of Wk 12 vocab ch 10 12

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Vocabulary –Grade 9Vocabulary –Grade 9

Lesson 12

Chap. 10-12


Mockingbird Call

To Kill a Mockingbird

By Harper Lee

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Attribute Attribute

Noun  \ˈa-trə-ˌbyüt\

: a usually good quality or feature that someone or

something has

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Attribute Attribute

: a usually good quality or feature that someone or something has

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adjective  \o-ˈstir also -ˈster\

: simple or plain : not fancy

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Austere Austere

: simple or plain : not


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Devoid Devoid

Adjective  \di-ˈvoid\

:  being without a usual, typical, or expected attribute or accompaniment

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Devoid Devoid

e.g., an argument devoid 

of sense


 a landscape

 devoid of life

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Ecclesiastical Ecclesiastical

Adjective  \-ti-kəl\

: of or relating to the Christian church or clergy

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Ecclesiastical Ecclesiastical

: of or relating to the Christian

church or clergy

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Habiliments Habiliments

noun  \hə-ˈbi-lə-mənt\

:  the dress characteristic of an occupation or occasion —usually

used in plural

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:  the dress characteristic

of an occupation or occasion —

usually used in plural

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Noun  \ˈin-tər-ˌdikt\

:  a prohibitory decree

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:  a prohibitory decree

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Subdued Subdued

Adjective  \-ˈdüd, -ˈdyüd\

: not strong, loud, intense, etc.

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Subdued Subdued

: not strong, loud, intense,



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Interrogation Interrogation

Verb  \in-ˈter-ə-ˌgāt, -ˈte-rə-\

: to ask (someone) questions in a thorough and often forceful way

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Interrogation Interrogation

: to ask (someone)

questions in a thorough and often forceful


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Propensities Propensities

Noun  \prə-ˈpen(t)-sə-tē\

: a strong natural tendency to do something

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Propensities Propensities

: a strong natural

tendency to do something

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Noun  \ri-ˈkä-nə-zən(t)s, -sən(t)s\

:  a preliminary survey to gain information; especially :  an

exploratory military survey of enemy territory

Reconnaissance Reconnaissance

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Reconnaissance Reconnaissance

:  a preliminary survey to gain

information; especially :  an exploratory military survey of enemy territory

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Rectitude Rectitude

noun \ˈrek-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\

: the quality of being honest and morally correct

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Rectitude Rectitude

: the quality of being honest and

morally correct

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Rudiments Rudiments

noun  \ˈrü-də-mənt\

:  something unformed or undeveloped 

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Rudiments Rudiments

:  something unformed or undeveloped

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Umbrage Umbrage

Noun  \ˈəm-brij\

: a feeling of being offended by what someone has said or done

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Umbrage Umbrage

: a feeling of being offended

by what someone has said or done


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Vehemently Vehemently

Adjective  \ˈvē-ə-mənt\

: showing strong and often angry feelings : very emotional

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Vehemently Vehemently

: showing strong and often angry

feelings : very emotional