With Linda Tucker, Joan Ranquet and Tamar Peters In...

Sacred Journey into White Lion Magic - Entering the Soul of Africa through the Heart of the White Lion With Linda Tucker, Joan Ranquet and Tamar Peters In Support of the Global White Lion Protection Trust Tuesday 18th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th October 2016 At the epicentre of the massive nature reserve region known as the Kruger to Canyon’s Biosphere, in precise alignment with the great Sphinx of Giza due North, the fabled White Lions were birthed by miraculous natural occurrence. Declared a “sacred site”, by African Kings for many hundreds of years, due to the mysterious occurrence of snow white lions in this region only, the name Timbavati means “the Place where the Starlions came down….” 8 days and 7 nights spent journeying through the African bush to Tsau Conservancy, learning the subtle art of interspecies communication and guided by the star lion prides who roam freely in their endemic homeland. Learn about the sacred and long history of the connection between humans and lions since

Transcript of With Linda Tucker, Joan Ranquet and Tamar Peters In...

Sacred Journey into White Lion Magic - Entering the Soul of Africa through the Heart of the White Lion

With Linda Tucker, Joan Ranquet and Tamar Peters In Support of the Global White Lion Protection Trust

Tuesday 18th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th October 2016

At the epicentre of the massive nature reserve region known as the Kruger to Canyon’s Biosphere, in precise alignment with the great Sphinx of Giza due

North, the fabled White Lions were birthed by miraculous natural occurrence. Declared a “sacred site”, by African Kings for many hundreds of years, due to

the mysterious occurrence of snow white lions in this region only, the name Timbavati means “the Place where the Starlions came down….”

8 days and 7 nights spent journeying through the African bush to Tsau Conservancy, learning the subtle art of interspecies communication and guided by

the star lion prides who roam freely in their endemic homeland. Learn about the sacred and long history of the connection between humans and lions since

the beginning of time and the Mysteries of the White Lions as told by Linda Tucker. Joan shares her divine interspecies communication knowledge and

techniques with wildlife species. This is a truly sacred journey into White Lion Magic by entering the soul of Africa through the heart of the White Lion. You

will be privileged to have dawn and dusk scientific tracking and monitoring visits of the Royal Prides which will help us to gain a heightened understanding

and connection with the King of Kings – combining sacred science and spiritual connection for the benefit of all of nature.

In true African tradition, it is appropriate to bring a gift in honour of the lions. This can be either a physical gift, for example a crystal, or an energetic gift for example a prayer or poem.

Day One (Tuesday 18Th October 2016) - Guesthouse in the Mist

At Das Landhaus Guest Lodge, Johannesburg, we will meet all guests for a welcome introduction before we start our journey. We would encourage all

guests to spend the night of the 17th October 2016 at this facility (if available) or somewhere nearby so that we can do an informal meet and greet that

evening ready for the early start in the morning.

On the morning of the 18th October 2016 we are collected, by the Global White Lion Protect Trust,

and begin our travels due East across country to the South Africa’s bushveld region, rich with

game and primordial archaeological sites. We stop-off for lunch at the enchanting fishing town of

Dullstroom (for guests own account). Then a spectacular drive over the mountainous peaks of

historic Long-Tom pass, one of the most dramatic mountainous passes in South Africa (Long Tom

was the name given to the cannon which was positioned at its apex during the Anglo Boer War),

before arriving at Margsol Guesthouse in the mist belt. This characterful colonial guesthouse was

one of the very first in the region, and was the place where famous naturalist Eugene Marais

wrote his books “Soul of the White Ant” and “Soul of the Ape” the first of their kind investigating

the power of the collective mind.

*** Please note ***

The shuttle will leave at 10h00 sharp and we suggest if you are not staying the night at Das Landhaus, then to meet us at least 2 hours before so to be there

at 08h00 so we can ensure we get you sorted for the trip.

Day Two (Wednesday 19th October 2016) – Wild Horses and Adams Calendar

Breakfast and Adam’s Calendar excursion

Linda Tucker will take us through her personal journey and the mysteries of the White Lions, relating to the sacred Nile Meridian upon which they occur.

In the Barberton Mountains, we begin our journey along the Nile Meridian, the earth’s central axis and most high-frequency ‘powerline’, known to the

Ancient Egyptians as Zep Tepi: the golden leyline of First Time, the birth canal where life began on the planet.

Significantly, it is in these arcane mountain lands that pre-amoeba records of First Life were discovered by geologists, and the rock formations also house

the first gold deposits. The guardians of this site are a roaming herd of hundreds of wild horses,

believed by Linda Tucker to guard over a “unicorn portal” to other dimensional realms. These

equestrians invite us into the Inner Realms of Sacred knowledge in alignment with the White

Lions, and the Great Sphinx of Giza due North. In Heraldry and other ancient symbolic systems, the

Lion and the Unicorn have been associated throughout the ages, and it is here that we see their

stellar alignment.

Lunch at the Bohemian Restaurant, Kaapsehoop in the Barberton Mountains.

Our indigenous guide is Enos Zulu, the field guide of Michael Tellinger and Linda Tucker. In the

afternoon we walk with Enos to the primordial ceremonial site of Adams Calendar, the oldest

know man-made calendar, a stone circle site of initiation and worship by many different cultures

and nations over millennia. It is here, at this remote site, in alignment with the sacred heartland of

Timbavati and Giza, that Linda’s shaman teacher, Credo Mutwa, Guardian of the Ancient Relics and the Secret Knowledge of Umlando, was initiated. We

gather around the oldest stone observatory of the ancient astronomer priests, integrating with the star map on earth and ancient Egyptian knowledge

shared by John Anthony West.

Dinner and reflections back at our private guest house.

Day Three (Thursday 20th October 2016) – Transfer to Tsau: White Lion Ancestral Territories via the

Panoramic Route over the Dragon Mountains

We have a relaxed morning with a late start before setting out on our journey through the mountains at around midday. We continue along the golden

leyline of the Nilotic Meridian up the tail of the Drakensburg (Dragon) Mountains, a massive tectonic plate which links with the East African rift valley,

following part of the route of the great elephants that walk the leyline in their migration.

We will meander along the spectacular panoramic route, taken by pilgrims in search of

gold before us, to incredible sites such as God’s Window and Three Rondawels. We will

enjoy a packed lunch en route while we admire some of the best vistas South Africa has

to offer at the edge of the world’s third largest canyon, the Blyde River Canyon.

Optional three hour long walk along the pristine mountains rivers of Bourke’s Luck

potholes, named after the discovery of gold nuggets in the rock pools of this spectacular

region, believed to be guarded over by a Golden Dragon.

We are on the cusp of the Kruger to Canyon’s Biosphere, declared by the United Nations

as the world’s third largest biosphere region. It is here, at the epicentre of this massive

nature reserve region, in precise alignment with the great Sphinx of Giza due North, that

the fabled White Lions were birthed by miraculous natural occurrence. Declared a “sacred site” by African kings for many hundreds of years due to the

mysterious occurrence of snow white lions in this region only on earth, the name Timbavati means the “Place where the Starlions came down…”

We drop down over the edge of the escarpment at sunset to arrive at Tsau, the White Lions’ heartland, where we are welcomed for a traditional meal

around the fire.

Day Four (Friday 21st October 2016) – Tsau: White Lion Ancestral Territories

Welcome to the heart of the White Lion’s Sacred Territory known as Tsau, originating from the ancient Bushman word incantation – “Starlion”. After a

leisurely breakfast you start your work around developing your innate ability to communicate intuitively with all beings. Linda Tucker will open the session

with intension setting in preparation of an uplifting experience in the Heart of the White Lions Sacred Territory.

Session 1 with Joan - The Energetics of All Life

Our first session will be about understanding the energy fields of wild animals as well as becoming aware of our own energy field. Learn how to manage

your energy field while navigating through the wilderness.

Meditation: The Gathering

Exercise: Communicating through the energy field: we will expand and contract our energy field and feel into the fields of others.

Enjoy a light lunch prepared by the White Lion Trust’s resident chef, while Linda & Jason share personal anecdotes of their challenges in protecting the

White Lions, which were technically extinct in their natural endemic territories due to trophy hunting, and forced removals into zoos and circuses around

the globe.

Afternoon introductory Talk prior to your first visit to the White Lions: Jason A. Turner, discusses the White Lion re-introduction project into the wild, and

the White Lion Genetics and the ground-breaking discovery of the illusive “genetic marker”, the “Star-Gene” that could help save the White Lions as a

critically endangered sub-species. He will share the challenges around this legendary animal, which has been hunted to virtual extinction, and still has no

protective status today.

Sunset Tracking and monitoring of the Royal pride members including Zukara, Nebu, and Matsieng, so named by Credo Mutwa as the Great Star Hunter of

the Orion Constellation.

A delicious traditional dinner will be followed by a screening of the National Geographic documentary “Return of the White Lions” before another night of

blissful slumber and powerful dreams.

Day Five (Saturday 22nd October 2016) – Riverine Walk to the Rock StarLion

Day of reflection, walking and gentle journeying into the Inner Worlds.

We rise early to another opportunity to visit the Royal Prides, connecting with them and the land to the

morning sounds of the bushveld while we watch the magnificent African sunrise.

Linda Tucker to present on the 12 Laws of LionHearted Leadership TM.

Today for lunch we will enjoy a light picnic beneath the canopy of the Tula Giant Wild Fig tree which

inspires one to appreciate the cool shade from the heat. Take time to reconnect with nature and reflect on

the morning’s session. After lunch we take a riverine walk along the Nilotic Meridian, led by expert

indigenous trackers through the natural amphitheatres of wilderness landscapes to the giant Rock

StarLion, “Ngwavuma Rising” sculpted by renowned South African artist Andries Botha, in exact geodetic

connection with the great Sphinx of Giza, due north.

This walk imparts principles of the ancient art of tracking, and connection with earth and gold energies. The second part of the walk takes place in silence as

we tune in to the presence of the resident beings. During the walk we will pass the Tsau eco-village, built by staff for the staff, as a model for sustainable


Afternoon White Lion Meditation: on the banks of the Tsau River led by Linda takes us on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment, sharing White

Lion techniques to help us integrate the principles and qualities of these most radiant of animals in our own lives. Tuning in to these qualities helps us to

achieve greater self-fulfilment, self-healing, leadership potential and effective decision-making. The alignments between the living StarLions of these lands

and the ancient Egyptian star-knowledge of Giza (held in the ranks of the astronomer priests, the so-called Followers of Horus), is explored.

Sunset monitoring expedition accompanying the scientific monitoring team to track the Tsau Pride of white and golden lions, and spend some quiet time in

reverence and observation of these two bachelor Starlions and their wild “golden girls”.

Hearty BBQ dinner under the stars with fireside sharing of our reflections on our stay at Tsau.

Day Six (Sunday 23rd October 2016) – Kruger National Park

Early morning rise for Full Day Excursion to Kruger National Park

The Kruger National Park is South Africa’s most famous wildlife conservation area. This two million hectare

reserve borders Mozambique and is situated just over an hour’s drive from Tsau. This is a unique opportunity to

integrate and celebrate your animal communication training to cross the ‘species barrier’; connect heart-to-

heart with the many beautiful and fascinating animals coexisting in one of the most famous wildlife areas in the

world. Our driver/guide will take us on an unforgettable all day drive through the elephant, giraffe, zebra and

antelope populated savannah lands of Kruger, dotted by rivers and ponds where crocodiles and hippos emerge

to sun themselves. Whatever you may see is a blessing from the great creative Force that is Mother Nature; do

not be limited by expectations of viewing the so Big Five, any encounter with creatures in their natural eco-

system is a profound privilege. As “King of Kings”, the White Lion is the true “Apex Predator”, or “capstone

species”, at the tip of the pyramid of life, governor of all other creators great and small in these wilderness lands.

Picnic breakfast packed for you, and stop-off at a full-service rest stop with food court for lunch and shopping at the large gift shop. Please note: Lunch in

Kruger National Park for guest account

After a rich day’s experience, we are welcomed back to Camp Unicorn with a delicious supper and tranquil evening discussion, integrating everyone’s

personal connections with Nature.

Day Seven (Monday 24th October 2016) – White Lion Cultural Excursion

Dawn monitoring of the Royal Prides is optional today as it is important to replenish our energy before our healthy

morning nourishment.

Session 2 with Joan - Communion with all Life

Our second session will start with feedback about the energetics of all life. Then we will move into the communion

with all life, feeling into the communion. Through this state, we can see, hear, feel a communication but more

importantly, establish a connection with wildlife that is beyond day to day communication.

Meditation: One mind

Exercise: We will establish connection, communion and communication with lions we have already met.


Session 3 with Joan - Communication with all Life

Our third session will start with feedback about the Communion with all Life experience. Now we will go into Animal Communication 101. We will review

the basics of telepathy, the transference of pictures words and feelings. We will have lots of practice sessions.

Meditation: Getting to neutral

Exercise: Telepathy!

If time allows we will pay a visit to the Akeru Prides, who guard the Earth’s East-West Axis on the lands of

Mbube (the Zulu name for the “LionStar” at the Heart of the Orion constellation) at dusk.

This special day culminates with a visit to the family of Maria Khosa, Lion Queen of Timbavati, and an

opportunity for authentic bone divination interpretation given by traditional healers of her village. A

delicious traditional dinner, with warrior dancing around the fire after dinner, drums up the excitement of

the heart and soul of Africa in the presence of the Ancestors of these sacred lands.

Day Eight (Tuesday 25th October 2016) – Departure

After an early breakfast the journey ends with a session on integrating the experiences of the past

few days at the White Lion Trust in your everyday lives back home. Before the final goodbyes, the

group rounds up for a ceremony of thanksgiving. You are able to depart on your onward journey

knowing that you have established a strong connection with Tsau and with the confidence that you

carry the Spirit of the Sacred White Lions of Timbavati with you always.

You will be transported to Eastgate Airport, Hoedspruit for your onward journey to Johannesburg or

Cape Town.

Please refer to these links for more information on the Global White Lion Protection Trust:

http://www.whitelions.org AND http://thegoodholiday.com/white-lions-timbavati


This itinerary is not set in stone, and may change slightly depending on the weather, people’s health and most important of all, the welfare of the animals.

The unique White Lion monitoring experience at Tsau is not open to the public and is offered to our group of trusted Inner Circle people, as an authentic

eco-educational and inspirational opportunity.

Please observe there is a strict protocol in respect of the reintroduction of the White Lions. The White Lion Trust’s scientific monitoring vehicles do not

intrude on the pride’s space, and we ensure we keep our voices to a whisper when approaching these high frequency beings in the wild. We also avoid

taking cameras, zooms or spotlights into their environment and instead enter into the magic of their natural existence and share its timeless beauty. The

contact with the White Lions is a non-photographic experience. However, magnificent photographic studies of the White Lions and greeting cards are

available upon request, proceeds of which are entirely given over to the protection of the White Lions in their natural habitat.



Character Private Colonial Guest House – 4 twin rooms and 1 double room with communal bathroom facilities.

Unicorn Camp

This beautifully immersed camp will be our home while we are being hosted by the white lions. It is a beautiful boma type camp the accommodation is

comprised of 3 traditional large bushveld rondawels (one double and two twins with en-suite bathrooms) and 4 smaller twin rondawels with communal

bathrooms. Allocation will be on a first come first serve basis.

The Global White Lion Protection Trust is NOT licensed for the sale of liquor. Should you wish to bring your own alcoholic drinks you are most welcome to

do so, however generally we prefer a “dry” camp.

We also feel that people can only fully experience the richness of Africa and her unique wildlife, if they are not distracted by the trappings of our modern

world. To feel the soul to soul contact between humans and White Lions is special and rare, so cameras, Ipads, Cell phones etc. are left at camp so that they

do not interfere with the quality of this experience. As a leadership organisation we hope that we can impart our values and ethos to our guests and

encourage them to follow our model wherever they may travel.


We are asking for a donation of USD 8,000 – 5,000 per person sharing for this Journey. There is a sliding scale

based on the amount of participants attending. The event has a minimum requirement of 5 people to attend plus

the organiser and facilitator. We can accommodate a maximum of 10 participants. So if we have 5 people book

the event the cost is USD 8,000 and then 6 people it will come down to USD 7,000, 7 people it will be USD 6,000

and 8 people it will reduce to USD 5,000. If we do get another 2 participants to make up the maximum of 10, then

price will remain at USD 5,000 as other costs change because of the larger numbers. We appreciate this is a little

different to how most events are charged for but we wanted to ensure our participants benefited from the

reduced rates as the numbers increased. We require a deposit of USD 2,500 to hold your place on the event (to

be paid on booking) and the balance will be due by no later than August 31st as by then we should know exactly

how many people will be joining and what the balance amount will be.

An additional 33% of the accommodation cost is requested for single supplements. We can calculate this on

request. As specialty foods are difficult to come by in our area the GWLT requests an extra donation of USD10 per day for guests who have special dietary

needs, i.e. lactose and gluten intolerance or vegan diets.

What is Included -

All accommodation on a shared basis

All meals (except lunch on the Kruger National Park excursion day and in Dullstroom)

Daily lion monitoring patrols when at Tsau

Entrance fee, picnic breakfast, transport and guide for Kruger National Park excursion

Transport to and from Mafunyane Village

Collection and drop off at Eastgate Airport, Hoedspruit

Collection from Johannesburg

Joan’s Wild Animal Communication Training sessions

All evening experiences

What is Excluded –

Local and international travel to and from Johannesburg, South Africa

Local and international travel from Hoedspruit, South Africa (unless you are joining us on the

“add on tour”)

Lunch on Kruger National Park excursion day

Lunch in Dullstroom in transit to Margsol


Tips and gratuities


Kindly note: There is NO guest Wi-Fi available at Camp Unicorn. As a conservation organization we recommend that guests abandon the trappings of

modern society for the duration of their stay. This way the beauty and peace of our natural environment can be fully appreciated.

In emergencies we are happy to transport guests to our Mangoza office to use the Wi-Fi there.


Standard visa policy requires a minimum of two (2) free/blank pages in passports for each country to be visited. Please ensure that your passport complies

prior to travelling to South Africa.


A laundry service (wash and fold only) is offered at Unicorn camp at a cost of ZAR100 per laundry bag (laundry bags are provided).


Indemnity forms need to be signed before entrance to Tsau Reserve is allowed. Further T&C’s are on the booking forms.