Wise Elephant/Workbook Presentation; Online Marketing

Wise Elephant: Marketing Strategy for Creative Professionals 2 Parts: - The Basics (what is…) - Strategy (case studies)


These are the slides from my Workbook online marketing presentation

Transcript of Wise Elephant/Workbook Presentation; Online Marketing

Wise Elephant:Marketing Strategy forCreative Professionals2 Parts:- The Basics (what is…)- Strategy (case studies)

Goddess Durga

- Contacts - Relationships- Gigs

The Quest: Online Marketing

- Blogs - Networks- Email (sites)

The Tools: Online Marketing

Blogs = radio Sites = billboards

The Basics: Blogs

Photo Blog: Chase

Illus Blog: Doret

Blogs = active Sites = passive

The Basics: Blogs

NOTE:- 9% of adults blog- 39% read blogs

The Basics: Blogs

NOTE:- Stats! Are you reading them! Start!

The Basics: Stats

Workbook portfolio

�The Basics: Stats Workbook

The Basics: Networks

- Facebook = all- Twitter = talk

�Facebook screen shot

The Basics: Networks

Facebook:- Friends- Stay connected- Immediacy

�Twitter screen shot

The Basics: Networks

Twitter:- Transient- Listen/Share- Social Capital

- activity/current-cy- please, no blankets- tea leaves (data)- MUST follow-up

The Basics: Email

The Hump

Goddess Durga

- Identity/Brand- Funnel- Routine- Practice/Tweak

Strategy: Recipe

It’s you! Sort-of…- Consistency- Relevancy- Current-cy

Strategy: Identity

- Message should relate to the outside world

“I ate a tuna sandwich”=

“Eating this tuna sandwich reminds me of this great artist I saw at the Tate Modern…”

Strategy: Relevancy

-Have to communicate often (month/week/daily)

- Is my topic current?- Using relevancy can I

make it current?

Strategy: Current-cy

Email > Links > Stats > Website (Stats) > Workbook Port. (stats) > Action > (New Email? Call?)

Strategy: Funnel

3 Emails> Stats > New Email to new list > New Stats > Call Clicks

Strategy: FunnelStats Please

Workbook portfolio

�Strategy: Stats Workbook

�Strategy: FunnelJay P

Initial stats:- 9% clicks

Preferred image:- 19% clicks

Strategy: Stats

Case Study:- Illustrator, Michael Doret

Strategy: FunnelType of Email

�Strategy: Doret Old Email

�Strategy: Doret Site

�Strategy: Doret new email

�Strategy: Doret Blog

“new works” gained:- 7% open rate

“newsletter” gained:- 25% open rate

Strategy: Funnel

The Hump

Blog posts > Update Facebook > Weekly email > Email to Clicks > Email to Opens > Call Clicks

Strategy: FunnelSocial Media angle

Case Study:- Photographer

Shawn Roche

Strategy: FunnelSocial Media angle

�Facebook screen shot

�Strategy: Soc.Med.

Case Study:- Photographer

Shawn Roche

�Strategy: Soc.Med.

�Strategy: Soc.Med.

Strategy: Soc.Med.“…it has reconnected me with a lot of art directors I haven't talked to in a while. It's strange to actually have these guys commenting on images as I post them. I send monthly email campaigns and get no response as far as direct comments from these same people.”

Strategy: Soc.Med.

“Not new business, yet, but it has allowed me to get in front of some art buyers we were having trouble accessing.”

The Hump

- Identity/Brand- Funnel- Routine- Practice/Tweak

Strategy: Recipe

YES! It takes time!- Make time- Start with 1 hour/day

Strategy: Routine

- 20 minutes “read”- 20 minutes “respond”- 20 minutes “write”

Strategy: Routine3 steps…

- Try it for one week- Then tweak

Strategy: Practice

Goddess Durga

Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak with you all!

Contact me anytime:[email protected]: Jason Moribertwitter: jason_elephantphone: 317.259.9201