Wisdom of Buddha - Dhammapada - 4

1 Buddha’s View Complete Dhammapada in 4 Sets. This is set - 4


Wisdom and inspiration to live a better life from Buddha's Dhammapada. If followed properly we can have eternal peace.

Transcript of Wisdom of Buddha - Dhammapada - 4

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View Complete Dhammapada in 4 Sets. This is set - 4

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The compulsive urges of the thoughtless grow like a creeper. They jump like a monkey from one life to another, looking for fruit

in the forest.

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When a person is driven by selfish desires, sorrow

spreads in his life like wild grass.

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All human beings are subject to attachment

and thirst for pleasure. Driven by this thirst they run about frightened like a hunted hare, suffering

more and more.

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A person driven by fierce craving is like a spider caught in his

own web.

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He is supremely wise who is free from compulsive urges and attachment.

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Greed, lust, hatred, and selfish desires ruin the mind, as weeds ruin the


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Train your senses, they are good friends when

trained and will take you beyond sorrow.

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A true bhikshu trains his body, speech and mind and is at peace

with him self.

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A true bhikshu lives simply, is contented and never jealous of

others. Those who are jealous cannot do well in meditation.

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Bhikshu, empty your boat! It will go faster. Cast out greed

and hatred and reach ‘Nirvana’.

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Be a friend to all. Perform your duties well. Joy will grow

sorrow will end.

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Cross the river bravely, conquer all your passions. Go

beyond the world of fragments, likes and

dislikes and all fetters will fall away.

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The sun shines in the day, the moon shines at night, the warrior shine in battle; the Brahmin in meditation. But day and night the Buddha shines in radiance of

love for all.

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Him I call a Brahmin who is never angry and

never harms others even when he is harmed by them.

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How can a troubled mind

Understand the way?If a man is disturbedHe will never be filled

with knowledge.

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Him I call a Brahmin who possessing

nothing, desiring nothing and is free

from past and future.

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Look about and contemplate life.

Everything is transient and nothing endures.

There is birth and death; growth and decay; there

is combination and separation.

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The glory of the world is like a flower; it stands in full bloom

in the morning and fades in the heat of

the day.

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‘Self’ if combined with selfishness is a source of evil. ‘Self

combined with ego is a false self and ‘Self’ combined with truth is a self which will

attain Nirvana.