WISDeM Jly-03 William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 1 Bill...

WISDeM Jly-03 William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 1 Bill Janvier & Claude Ghaoui Liverpool John Moores University [email protected] & [email protected] WISDeM

Transcript of WISDeM Jly-03 William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 1 Bill...

Page 1: WISDeM Jly-03 William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 1 Bill Janvier & Claude Ghaoui Liverpool John Moores University.


Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 1

Bill Janvier & Claude GhaouiLiverpool John Moores University

[email protected] & [email protected]


Page 2: WISDeM Jly-03 William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 1 Bill Janvier & Claude Ghaoui Liverpool John Moores University.


Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 2


Research Vision & Hypothesis Some Questions & Thoughts The Way We Learn Learner Profile – VAK E/I, S/N, F/T, J/P Communication Preference WISDeM – Mapping & Motivation Architecture Screen Shots Future

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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 3

Research Vision

"A virtual university should be, to the learner,a distance learning environment that is capable of being transmitted via the world wide web by an intelligent tool that is intuitive to use, a simulation of the real-world learning experience and, at all stages, interacts with the learner's changing profile".

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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 4

Research Hypothesis

“Matching learner/Human-Computer Interface neuro-linguistic program language patterns in a Distance Learning Tool Intelligent Tutoring System will augment learner-computer communication and thus enhance the storing of and recall of instances to and from the learner's memory”.

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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 5

Some Questions

How does a tutor adapt from learner to learner to make effective communication?

How does a learner learn?

How can a Distance Learning Tool replicate learner-tutor and learner-peer interaction?

What is missing from Human-Computer interaction?

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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 6

Some thoughts!!

Distance Learning Tool definition Phillos

An “intelligent system” does not necessarily have an intelligent interface, it needs to use some kind of intelligent technique to make an improvement: the resulting interface should be better than any other solution, not just different and more technically advanced. Wær

“The asynchronous or synchronous communication between learners and teachers at a a distance from the originator using a combination of media.”

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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 7

The Way We Learn

T e s t N e w K n o w le d g e a g a in s tp re c o n c e iv e d k n o w le d g e

S h o r t Te r mL o n g Te r m

D o I k n o w th is ?I s it to o pa in fu l to le a rn ?

I s it l ik e s o m e th in g I k n o w?XR e je c t Y ES ! NO != co m m it to m e m o ry

T ra n s ie n tP e rm a n e n t

S t o re

W o r k i n g

M e m o r y

Data retreived toDataretreived


Sen s ory In pu t

I co n icEch o ic

H a pt icO lfa cto ry Ta s te

(60% )(30% )

(10% )

Iconic, Echoic, Read/W rite, Kines thetic

I s th is v ita l k n o wle dg e ? Y ES !c o m m it t o

m e m o ry

D o I n e e d to re m e m be r it? Y ES !b yre h e a rs a l

NO !

Us e in

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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 8

Learner Profile – VARK (Neil Fleming – 1987)

Learning Style PreferencesVisual oriented students

Learn via their eyes, in charts, graphs, flow charts, and symbolic representation

Auditory oriented studentsLearn via their ears

Read/Write oriented studentsLearn via the written/printed word

Kinesthetic oriented studentsLearn by doing – simulated or real

Multi-modalityLearn by multi-sensory input

Learner’s Learning Style Preference isfirmly established before joiningHigher –Education and may be not be interpreted correctly by tutors.

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Learner Profile – MBTI® (Myers-Briggs 1948)

Type Indicator Preference Types



(N) Intuition

(E) Extroversion (I) Introversion

Decision Style (J) Judgement (P) Perception

(T) Thinking (F) Feeling

Interpersonal Communication

Information Processing

Information Evaluation

(S) Sensing

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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 10

Learner Profile

Research indicates that Creating a Learner’s Profile from his/her

Communication Preference & Learning Styles

Mapping Learning Styles to Teaching Styles Providing timely relative motivational input

is beneficial in inter-personal communication.

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Learner Profile - Communication Preference

Sensual Memory

60% Iconic

30% Echoic

10% Haptic




Kinesthetic(tactile-haptic instances)

NLP = Neuro-Linguistic Programming LP = Language Patterns





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Com m u n ication P referen ce & L earn in g S tyles D N D

C o m ple teC o m m u n ica t io nPre fe re n ce fo rm

R e s e tErrorMs g

Nu m be r o f qu e s t io n sa n s we re d to o f e w

O u tpu t R e po rt

S u bm itS tu de n te le ct s to

re tu rn

C o m ple te 'v 'L e a rn in g S ty le s

fo rm

C o m ple te 'a 'L e a rn in g S ty le s

fo rm

C o m ple te 'k 'L e a rn in g S ty le s

fo rm

S e le ct re le v a n t L e a rn in g S ty le s qu e s t io n n a ire

O u tpu tL e a rn in g S ty le s

re po rt

ErrorMs g

Nu m be r o f qu e s t io n sa n s we re d to o f e w

S u bm it








S tu de n te le ct s to

re tu rn

O pe n m o du lefro n t pa g e

S a v e da ta inL e a rn e r Pro f ile

re po s ito ryS u bm it

S tu de n tPro f ile


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Jly-03William A.Janvier & Claude Ghaoui, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 13

WISDeM – Intelligent Tutoring SystemMapping & motivation

Tutorial Topic Question/Answers use Learner Communication Preference (CP) 16 Learning Styles (LS) linked by an algorithm using the

mqFactor – Extrovert|Introvert, Thinking|Feeling

rfFactor – Judgement|Perception, Extrovert|Introvert, Novice|Expert (ne)

snFactor – Sensing|iNtuition

tfFactor – Thinking|Feeling

jpFactor – Judgement|Perception

Learner Profile dynamic updateQuestions answered, Hints used, neFactors, marks (gross & CAB)

Motivational FeedbackUsed as relevant using CPLS and updated Learner Profile

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WISDeM – Intelligent Tutoring SystemAlgorithms map types to factors

r fF ac tor c om binesres erved & fr iendlytype values


3 002 01 0


-4 +4

1 0

2 0

I + t

E+ f

e + J P+ i E





5 ---0 ---5

m qF ac tor c om binesm eas ured & quic ktype values

m qFa cto r rfFa cto r

m o dif ie rNo v ice - - Ex pe rt

S ca le

O th e r in div idu a l fa cto rs

Th in k in g | Fe e lin g

S e n s in g | iNtu it io n

J u dg e m e n t | Pe rce pt io n

Ex tro v e rt & I n tro v e rt J u dg e m e n t & Pe rce pt io nExt ro v e rt & In t ro v e rtF e e lin g & T h in kin g

2 6

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Infe re nc e E ng ine

L e a rn e r P ro file sR e p o s ito ry

I n p u t

D e c is io nL a y e r

U p d a teL a y e r

O u tpu t L a y e r

M o d u le R e p o s ito ry M o d u l e S e r ve r

R e qu e s t Q u e s t io no r Po s t A n s we r

No n - in te ra ct iv eC o m m u n ica t io n

I n te ra ct iv eC o m m u n ica to n

O u tpu tC o m m u n ica t io n

P e d a g o g ic a l P ro fileR e p o s ito ry

M o tiv a t io n a l R e wa rdR e po s ito ry

C P L SR e p o s ito ry

L e ar n e r P C

D a ta S e rve rUpdateProfile

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Q u e s t io n

Info rm a tio n a nd M o tiva tio na l Input

L e ctu reS lide s

L e ctu reNo te s

R e s o u rce s(B o o k s , e t c)

Us e fu lUrls

Tu to ria lNo te s

A ddit io n a lI n fo rm a t io n

C o u rs e s

M o t iv a t io n

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Output – Topic Learning

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Output – Bibliography and Illustration

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Output – Topic Testing – Visual Q&A’s

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Output - Topic Testing - Visual Feedback

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Output - Topic Testing – Buttons and Links

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WISDeM is currently being evaluated

By Students for learning

By Tutors for authoring

Create auditory input facility

Develop avatar with facial language?

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R ig h t - lo o k in g u pv is u al co n cep t u alis at io n

R ig h t-e ye d o m in a n t

L e f t - lo o k in g u pv is u al rem em b erin g

R ig h t - lo o k in g ah eadau d it o ry co n cep t u alis at io n

L e f t - lo o k in g ah eadau d it o ry rem em b erin g

R ig h t - lo o k in g d o w nt alk in g t o o n es elf

L e f t - lo o k in g d o w nK in aes t h et ic/E m o t io n /F eelin gs

N eu ro -lin g u istic P ro g ra m m in gey e a ccess in g cu es

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Web Intelligent

Student Distance – education


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Thank you for listening

Any questions?