Wiring up the science data graph

//flickr.com/photos/stansich/433484931/ Wiring up the science data graph Cameron Neylon (with inspiration from many others)


A presentation put together for the Bristol Knowledge Unconference, 5 September 2009

Transcript of Wiring up the science data graph

  • 1. Wiring up the science data graph Cameron Neylon (with inspiration from many others) http://flickr.com/photos/stansich/433484931/

2. http://flickr.com/photos/nicmcphee/2756494307/ How do we link the dead trees to the full record? 3. Where did it come from? http://flickr.com/photos/clairity/114084801/ 4. Capture at source http://flickr.com/photos/jason_burmeister/2053139930/ 5. A blog as the lab book http://chemtools.chem.soton.ac.uk/projects/blog /Bio Blogs http://blogs.openwetware.org/scienceintheopenDiscussion 6. One item one post (1I-1P) system 7. 1I-1P relationships between posts An rdf dump of posts and links between them rendered using Welkin (simile.mit.edu/welkin) 8. 1I-1P relationships between posts 9. 9:00 am, 4 September 2008 10. Southampton Chemistry 3/9/08 11. http://usefulchem.wikispaces.com/Exp207 12. 7:36 pm, 4 September 2008 13. http://www.mapofscience.com/