Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

@ WIRETESS DOORBETT Operotion ond Sofety Notes (HR) gEZr€No zvoNo Upute zo posluZivonie i zo Voiu sigurnost @ soNERtE rinA rrn Instrucfiuni de utilizore 9i de siguronfd @ IIPbKA HA BPATA C PAIII4OBPbSKA Vlacrpyr4nn ro o6cnyxeo"e, 6eronilioir- (DD aAD ac-tr) run-riiiRKHNGEr Bedienungs- undSicherheitshinweise @@@ 231370A 2313708 SrrwRCRfsT.


Sonerie fara fir {Wireless Doorbell}SilverCrest model no. Z31370A]

Transcript of Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

Page 1: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

@WIRETESS DOORBETTOperotion ond Sofety Notes


gEZr€No zvoNoUpute zo posluZivonie i zo Voiu sigurnost

@soNERtE rinA rrnInstrucfiuni de utilizore 9i de siguronfd

@IIPbKA HA BPATA C PAIII4OBPbSKAVlacrpyr4nn ro o6cnyxeo"e, 6eronilioir-

(DD aAD ac-tr)

run-riiiRKHNGErBedienungs- und Sicherheitshinweise


231370A2313708 SrrwRCRfsT.

Page 2: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

InrroducrionIntended use.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Technicol doto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Included i tems.. . . .Ports ond feo1ures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sofety. .. .......Generol sofely informot ion. . . . . . . . . .

Sofety insiructions for bofferies......


Preporing for useInserting/replocing the botteries...

OperofionSynchronis ing l ronsmi l ler / receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Set i ing the s ignol type.. . . . . . . . . .

Sett ing fhe vo1ume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Select ing the chime.. . . . . . . . . . . .


Cleoning ond mqintenqnce.............

Disposol . . . . . . .

InformotionDeclorol ion oI conformity. . . . . .

Page 3: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

J;;::"".,. ! r-., Tegh

F*,il;.,6[W '6mm

E23t370A z3l370B

Page 4: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest


AA n.5V

Page 5: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest



Page 6: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

f '

Page 7: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest


Wireless Doorbell

O lntroduction

Keep these instruclions in o sofe ploce. lf you poss the producton to onyone else, pleose ensure thot you olso poss on ollthe documentotion.

O lnfended use

This oroduct is infended for the wireless lronsmission of the doorbellchime. The product is not intended for commerciol use.

O Technicqldoto

Ronge: l00m (unobstructed oreo)Tronsmission frequency: 433 MHz

, Bottery fypes: Receiver: 2 x I .5 V: (type AA/ tR6),Tronsmi6er: I x 3V: (type CR2032)

Receiver: Audible signol volume (oi moximum volumesetting): min. 73dB (ot o dislonce of I mfrom the devicel

Tronsmitler: lP roting: lP44

Page 8: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest


A Scrfery instructions for botferies

tr tr[f,[IIEI DANGER To LIFE! Botferies con be swollowed'

which con prove tolol. r-onsult o doctor immediotely if onyone

swollows o botterY'

r ^ EXPIOSION HAZARDI Never rechorge nonrechorge-'

A :i:ym'1""','UHijffff^botteries Thiscon

r Never ihrow botleries inlo fire or woter' The botteries moy explode'

r lmmediotely remove depleted botteries from fhe device; otherwise

there will be on increosed risk of leokoge!

. l*"", reploce oll the botferies ot the some time ond insert botteries

of lhe some tYPe.

O" ""irt"

a',f[rent types o[ botteries or mix used ond new botter-

ies togefher.

Botferies do not belong in household refuse' Dispose o[ used botteries

in on environmentolly friendly monner'

lo],rr."r, or" under o legol obligotion fo dispose of botferies in

lhe proPer woY.

f*i itl" U.n"ty oul of the reoch of children' do not dispose of the

f.nltf '"

fire, io not shorkircuit it' ond do not toke il oport'

Foilure to observe these instruclions moy resuli in the bottery dischorging

bevond its end volioge, which poses o risk of leokoge lI the bottery

i"l.rr'"ur"t""t hol leoked, hove il removed immediotely to prevenf

domoge to the instrumenl'

Page 9: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest


A Generolsoferyinform<rf ion

s A tr[f[IXEI Children offen underesfimote risks.Alwoys keep children owoy from the producl. This is nol

o roy.

Children or persons who lock the knowledge or experience to use

the device or whose physicol, sensory or intellectuol copocilies ore

limited must never be ollowed to use lhe device wifhouf supervision

or insfruction by o person responsible for their sofety' Children must

never be ollowed to ploy with the device.

Check thot oll ports ore in sound condition. lf you use domoged

ports when ossembling fhe device, you risk iniury.

Check thot oll ports hove been ossembled correctly. There is o risk

of inlury if the device is not properly ossembled.

Keep fhe device owoy from open flomes or sources of heof (e.g.

burning condles).

Page 10: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest


o lncluded items

I TronsmitterI Receiver2 Botteries l.5V:, fype M (receiver)

I Botteries 3 V:, type CR2032 (konsmitler)

4 Screws (for tronsmitter ond for mounling the receiver on o woll)

3 Dowels5 Exchongeoble nome plofes (for the doorbell)

I Doorbell coverI Operoting instructions

O Ports ond feotures

(oplicol, ocoustic, opticol ond ocoustic

Receiver (Figs. A/B):

fl signol indicoior

17 Synchronisotion bufionl3l Volume button

@ U"toay seleclion butionp Signol type selector bufion


@ Speoke,

lzl Stond

@ Hong.tpl Bottery compqriment cover

@ Bott"ry comportment

Page 11: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

Introduction/ Sofefy

Tronsmitter (Figs. C/ D):Signol indicotor

Nome plote

Chime buiton

Botlery comportment

Holder (for woll mounting)

Mounting (Figs. E/F):

@ s.r"*ffi oo*el@ S.r"* (for tronsmiiler)

A sofety

tr tr[f,[IIEI Reod oll sofety informolion ond inskuctions. Foilureto comply with the sofety informolion ond insfructions moy couse fireond / or serious injury.


Page 12: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

Sofety/ Assembly / Preporing for use

r Avoid confocl with skin, eyes ond mucous membrone. In the event ofcontoct wilh bottery ocid, rinse the offected oreo with plenty of woterond / or consult o doctor.

: Never use rechorgeoble bofieries.: The supply terminols ore not to be shorkircuited.r Do not mix old botteries with new ones.r Remove lhe bofieries from the device if they hove nol been used for

o long period.

r Moke sure you insert the botteries the right woy round (polority).

o Assembly

Nofe: You will need o screwdriver ond o drill to ossemble the doorbell.Note: Only use fhe screws ond dowels supplied for the ossembly oflhe device.

Mount the receiver (see Fig. E)

Mount the lronsmitler (see Fig. F)

O Preporing for use

O Insert ing/replocing the boiter ies

,': Inseri the botteries to provide power to the device before preporingit for use.

Page 13: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

Preporing for use

A ClUnOUt Use the oboveindicoted bottery types only. Foilure to

observe this odvice moy result in domoge to the producl.

Receiver:r.l Remove the bottery comportment .ou.t lTl ftot the bock of the

device.r Remove the used botteries, if presenf.

Inserl 2 botteries ( I .5 V:, tYP" AA).

Note: Ensure correct polority. This is indicoted in the bottery

comportment [dl.r Close ihe bottery comporiment lTOl.Tronsmilier:': Remove the holder S] from the bock of the tronsmitter'

.: Remove lhe used bofieries, if present.

: Insert o bottery (3 V:. type CR 2032). The side morked "+" must

foce uowords.r: Fosten the holder @ of the receiver bock on fo the bock of the device.

Page 14: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest



O Operotion

o Synchronising tronsmifler / receiver

Synchronise the tronsmiller ond receiver os follows:

lr As soon os the botteries ore insfolled, lhe receiver enters synchronis-

ing mode.

n You con olso monuolly enler synchronising mode by holding the

synchronising button E for opprox. 3 seconds.

r. The signol indicotor I I I on lhe receiver will lighr on.

r r Press th" .hir" buron S], the signol indicotor I on the tronsmitler

wi l l i l luminote once.

rr The signol indicofor lT on fhe receiver will then blink. This is to indi'

cote the svnchronisotion is successful.

NOTE: The synchronisofion mode con only lost for opprox. 2 minute. lf

you connot synchronise your tronsmitter ond receivet pleose enter syn-

chronis ing mode ogoin.

t Setfing the signol type

The receiver con indicofe lhe recepfion of o door signol eilher oplicolly

or ocousticolly or both opticolly ond ocouslicolly.

Page 15: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest


r Using the signol type selector buton | 5 l, select whether the signol

is lo be indicoted opticolly or ocousticolly or bolh oplicolly ond


O Setting the volume

r Press the volume button P until the desired volume is reoched. There

ore o tolol of 4 possible volume settings: very loud, loud, medium,soft.

o Select ing lhe chime

Note: The doorbell hos 36 different chimes.Press the melody seleciion bunon El. The first oudible signol sounds.Press the melody selecfion button I 4 logoin lo move on io ihe nextoudible signol.

r : Repeot lhis process uniil you hove selecfed your desired oudible signol.The losf-selecled oudible signol is outomoticolly stored.

o Troubleshooting

After the influence of exhoordinory environmenlol conditions (e.g. o shong

electromogneticol field) the function of the ilem moy be offected. In this

cose, pleose toke off the boiteries of both opplionces for opproximotely

Page 16: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest

Operotion/Cleoning ond mointenonce/ Disposol

2 minufes. Then proceed ogoin os described in the section "synchronisingthe honsmitter/ receiver".

Electrostotic dischorges moy leod to molfunctions. lf such molfunctionsdo occuq remove lhe bottery for o short time ond then reploce if ogoin.Then proceed ogoin os described in the seclion "synchronising lhetronsmitter/ receiver".

o Cleoning qnd mointenonce

r Under no circumstonces should you use l iquids or detergents, osihese wi l l domoge the device.The device should only be cleoned on the outside with o soft dry cloth.

O Disposol

O) The pockoging is mode entirely of recycloble moferiols,

V which you moy dispose of ol locol recycling focilities.

Contoct your locol refuse disposol outhority for more detoils of how todispose of your worn€ut product.

Page 17: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest




To help protect the environmenl, pleose dispose of the producf

properly when it hos reoched lhe end of its useful life ond not

in the household wosle. Informotion on colleclion points ond

their opening hours con be obtoined from your locol outhority.

Foulty or used botleries must be recycled in occordonce wifh Directive

2006 / 66 / EC. Pleose return lhe botleries ond / or f he device to fhe

ovoiloble colleclion ooinls.

Environmenlol domoge throughincorrect disposol of the boreries!

Botteries moy nol be disposed of with the usuol domestic woste. They

moy contoin toxic heovy metqls ond ore subiect to hozordous woste

treotment rules ond reguloiions. The chemicol symbols for heovy metols

ore os follows: Cd : codmium, Hg : mercury, Pb : leod. Thot is why

you should dispose of used botteries of o locol collection poinl.

Page 18: Wireless Doorbell: SilverCrest



O lnformqtion

o. Declorotion of conformily

We, OWIM GmbH & Co. KG, StiftsbergstroBe l,D-74167 Neckorsulm,hereby declore under our sole responsibility thot the product: WirelessDoorbel l , Model No.: Z3137OA/2313208, Version: Ol /2O13,towhich this declorofion refers, complies with the stondordsT normotivedocumenls of 1999 / 5 / EC.

4,,4nThe complete declorofion of conformity con be viewed ot:www.owim.com.