Wired magazine analysis by Hamad Pervaiz

H a m a d P e r v a i z

Transcript of Wired magazine analysis by Hamad Pervaiz

Hamad Pervaiz

AudienceThe average reader of WIRED magazine is between 30 & 50, has an income of

$75,000 or greater, and works in the computer or high-tech industry.

CompetitionCompeting magazine titles include MacWorld, PC Magazine, Science. Most

competition is more computer or science-related and not as design aware. There is no direct competition in terms of breadth of topics covered.

Access point

Access point

A bullet-point list on the cover

Main Cover Line prominence

Linking graphics-to control visual flow

Custom cover elements-barcode

Cover Line inside graphics

First third

Hashtag on cover

Masthead color changes every issue

September 1994

September 1994