Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission

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Transcript of Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    blessed my life. After graduation from the

    recovery program I found a job at Panera

    Bread as a full time employee. I still live

    at the Mission so God has blessed me with

    an employer who is understanding of my

    situation. I now have my son two to three

    times a week and hope to have him come

    live with me soon. I am currently looking

    for a place to live and plan to go back to

    school and finish my bachelor degree in

    Political Science. Staying the course and

    trusting in the Lord is well worth it and

    has enriched my life in every way.


    On the street, home-

    less and an addict, my

    life was in shambles. I

    came to the Mission

    desperate to change

    my life. God has

    blessed me abundant-

    ly. Since my graduation from the pro-

    gram, I gained a full time job with full

    benefits. The Lord has blessed me, giving

    me a second chance to take care of my 9year old son Jeremy and He keeps bless-

    ing me every day. I am in the process o

    finding a place of my own to live with my

    son. I truly believe that without the Visalia

    Rescue Mission helping me find my way

    back to the Lord, I would have never

    made it. With both the strength of the love

    that comes from the Mission and with the

    Mercy, Grace, and Love that comes from

    the Lord, I have been given hope knowing

    anything is possible.

    W I N TE R 2 0 0 7

    What an exciting year for the

    Visalia Rescue Mission. We

    graduated 24 from our recov-

    ery programs; 15 from the mens program

    and 9 from the womens program. It is truly

    exciting to see these graduates go on and

    live productive lives in the Lord.and it all

    began with a meal.


    I love the Mission,

    it saved me. When I

    first came to the Mis-sion I wasnt sure if it

    was the place for me.

    Once I got closer with

    my walk with the

    Lord I knew this was the place I was

    meant to be. After graduation, I had to

    learn to stay away from old friends and

    lifestyles. They can quickly drag you back

    down. I am now working at the Senior

    Center in Visalia and love working with

    the seniors.

    JIMMYI am currently

    working for APED as

    a delivery driver. I

    came to the program

    in April of 2005 and

    graduated in June of

    2006. The Mission

    was a blessing and it saved my life. I was

    court ordered into the program. When I

    first walked into the Visalia Rescue Mis-

    sion I knew I didnt want to be here.

    Something told me to just stay just one

    night at the shelter. I woke up in the morn-

    ing with a feeling of total peace. I knew I

    was on the right path and started walking

    closely with the Lord. Now I am a walk-

    ing advocate for the Mission.


    When I came to the

    Mission, I was heavily

    into my addiction and

    my parents had taken

    my two children. I was

    so blessed to have theMission there when I

    needed it the most. I was pleasantly sur-

    prised that the blessings would continue

    after graduation. After graduation I moved

    home to be reunited with my family and

    children. I looked for work diligently for

    several months. God gently closed the door

    at every turn. I could not understand at the

    time but soon the picture became much

    clearer. I put my application in at the Shel-

    ter of Hope and within two weeks, I was

    hired. Now I work for the place that handed

    me Jesus on a silver platter. I enjoy my jobcompletely and being able to be a part of

    such an awesome ministry is incredible.

    Life is good.


    I came to the Mis-

    sion, my life torn

    apart. I did not have

    custody of my son and

    was looking at possi-

    bly being incarcerat-

    ed. God has so richly

    24 Graduate from our Recovery Programs in 200624 Graduate from our Recovery Programs in 2006

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Board of DirectorsMichael Allen

    Ron Ballou

    Ernie Flores

    Bill Jordan

    Nonning Leyendekker

    Murray Minnema

    Brad Reenders

    Greg Scroggins

    Mark Shelton

    Bruce Tyler

    Mark Vanciel

    Dennis Vanderham

    Danny LittleExecutive Director

    Because You Care. . . were serving more in 2006

    Meals served


    Bed nights




    Chapel attendance


    A Special Thanks Goes Out to:Sunset Rotary

    For their support on repairs to the

    Shelter of Hope women and chil-

    drens shelter

    Ashoori and Company Jewelers

    For donating that beautiful emerald

    and diamond necklace to adorn our

    tree and the Christmas Tree Auction

    Calvary Chapel

    For the use of the Calvary Caf for

    our Staff Christmas Party

    Our faithful Chapel speakers

    All those who supported us this

    past year May God bless you!


    s I reflect on this past year I am in awe

    of all the miracles the Lord has done in

    the hearts of those that have sought

    out the Mission. But amazingly He per-

    formed not just miracles in the residents

    but also in the hearts of our donors and

    volunteers. Many from our community

    have come to us this past year seeking a

    place to help. These donors wanted to

    donate funds in an area that would have a

    real impact in the lives of those in need.

    They found that place in the Visalia Res-

    cue Mission.

    Every dollar given to the Visalia Res-

    cue Mission is used locally to help meet

    the basic physical, emotional and spiritual

    needs of the homeless and the disadvan-

    taged in the Central Valley. We continue

    to be frugal and effi-

    cient with your dona-

    tions and the Lord

    continues to honor

    this. We want to thank

    all of you that so faith-

    fully give to the

    Lords work here at

    the Mission. We

    would also like to thank those that have

    given donations or volunteered this past

    year for the first time. Just know how

    much your help and generosity means to

    the Visalia Rescue Mission. You are

    changing lives.

    We have exciting plans for expansion

    this year that will impact our community

    Please be praying that the Lord continue

    Happy New YearFROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS by Mark Shelton, Chairman

    News from the DirectorNews from the DirectorH

    ow can you truly say thank you? I hope we are honorablein our verbal affirmation and appreciation to you who

    make this ministry possible. We literally could not do this

    work as effectively as we do if it was not for the thousands of

    supporters that make it happen, providing Hope and Restora-

    tion through Christ.

    The Board, staff at the Mission, and I feel the awesome

    responsibility to honor the gifts, time, and talents given to the

    Mission and to thank you. We strive to be God-honoring in all

    we do to bless the Lord and to serve this community.

    We have just completed our biggest year ever. We served 139,129 meals and provid-

    ed overnight accommodations for 36,344 men, women and children in our facilities. I am

    thrilled to announce we graduated 24 men and women from our Christ centered recov-

    ery programs. Please remember these men and women in your prayers as they seek to

    walk in the new life they have found here in Christ. Bless the Lord.

    May our gratitude be expressed in approaching 2007 with the same fervor to win as

    many people to the Lord, may the excellence of our work be our protest.

    Blessed in Christ,

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Volunteers Help at Thanksgiving and ChristmasT

    hanksgiving and Christmas Meals

    bring hundreds of volunteers to help

    feed the community and give toys to

    those less fortunate. They definitely put

    the Christ in Christmas. We at the Mis-sion are so thankful.

    What an incredible year for volunteers.

    Everyday we give thanks for the number of

    volunteers that come to help and all of the

    food donations received by the Mission. We

    had over 250 volunteers at each event to

    help serve, greet, give out toys, distribute

    clothing, slice pies, prepare turkey, serve

    drinks and decorate the tables.


    Kevin Bakker for deep pitting a hugeamount for both Thanksgiving and


    Susan Peck for getting so many donors to

    supply pies and turkeys for Thanksgiving

    Costco for supplying rolls for the

    Thanksgiving meal.

    Those who donated toys for the children

    KARM Radio for helping get the word out

    and for holding a toy drive for the Mission

    The Exeter Boys and Girls club for

    donating toys

    Those who donated food for the meals

    The volunteers who came to wrap

    Christmas Gifts

    Those who adopted the Family Center

    and the Shelter to make sure they had

    gifts for Christmas.

    Volunteers Help at Thanksgiving and Christmas

    TOP LEFT: Green Acres Middle School Desiree Terronesbrought in over 1500 articles of clothing and won the Helpthe Needy Campaign. TOP CENTER: St. Pauls Schoolselves helping load the toys. BOTTOM CENTER: LinwoodElementary Kindergarten. TOP RIGHT: Four Creeks Schoolhelping load the goodies. BOTTOM RIGHT: Central Val-ley Christian School Elementary Food Drive.

    TOP RIGHT: Hope begins with a meal BOTTOM LEFT: Santa give gifts to a grateful child. BOTTOM RIGHTCan volunteering be this much fun? It can at the Visalia Rescue Mission!


  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Visalia Rescue Mission Choir in celebration at the Neighborhood Church. The congregation held a food drive and a love offering for the Mission.The College of the Sequoias nursing students volunteer their time to the Mission.

    Radio-thon a Huge SuccessRadio-thon a Huge SuccessT

    he Visalia Rescue Mission would like to thank KARM radio station and station manag-

    er Loren Olsen for hosting our 2006 Radio-thon in November. We were able to reach our

    goal of $20,000 enough to feed and shelter 10,870 guests.


    Our volunteers who manned the phone bank The Recovery Program Graduates who told their story KARM staff, Carolyn and Chuck and the Board of Directors Toni Vogt and Angela Walker for telling our story And last but not leastall the donors

    What a glorious holiday weve had at the VRM this year. Hosts Sid and Judy Tuls alongwith the Womens Auxiliary held a Christmas party for the residents and staff. St.

    Marys Catholic Church provided the parish hall for the event.

    Santa Claus was the hit of the night, giving out candy canes and teddy bears. Even the

    big kids got in on the act and sat on Santas lap and were given gifts. The children were

    also presented with the childrens version of The Book. After a delicious dinner, we were

    entertained by the Great Jonathan, Christian Illusionist. He had everyone on the edge of

    their seats with incredible illusions; doves disappearing, reappearing and then turning into

    cockatoos, ropes changing sizes, scarves that never ended and amazing escape tricks. The

    evening concluded with a Candle Light service with everyone singing Christmas Carols.

    How wonderful to hear again the true message of Christmas, Christs birth.

    Santa Hands Out Gifts to Residents of the Visalia Rescue Mission

    ABOVE RIGHT: Volunteer Theresa Maxey and intern Becky Garcia taking calls for donations and pledges. BOTTOM RIGHT: Tommy Stephens telling his story to Danny Little and Loren Olsen

    Every month, the nursing students come to

    take the blood pressure, check blood glu-

    cose, temperature, and weight. In Decem-

    ber they also brought lunch and gifts. Pic-

    tured at right, Diane Bagley, staff at the

    Family Center, gets her glucose checked.

    COS Nursing Students bring lunch,gifts and check blood pressure

    Visalia Rescue Mission Praise Choir

    Santa Claus (Sid Tuls) asking TJ Irvin if he has been good boy.

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Rescued Treasures Ministry Honors & MemorialsMEMORIALSHoward Brummitt

    Mary Dickerson; Martha Marshburn

    Maynard and Verle Meredith

    Tom Maxfield; M. J. Hopkins

    Mr. and Mrs. David Dever

    Walter and Leni Kupfe

    Marcella Daniels

    Jack and Joan Ellingson

    John Kenedy

    Dorothy Raybe

    Frank Silva

    Isabel Silva

    Rita Saenz

    Frank Saenz Jr

    Gerald Lopes

    Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lope

    Viona Weaver Epp

    David and Brenda Weave


    Pinkham School Staf

    John Davis

    Luanne Michler

    Glenola Conne

    Brian and Siobhan Calvin

    Brent and Renee Calvin

    Neighbors in West Keogh CourtMike and Sharon Shannon

    Byron and Marilyn Riege

    Employees of World Wide Sires

    John and Denise Schouten

    Elnora King, Jeff & Sally King &

    Brad & Mari King

    Ruth Smith

    Shelter of Hope

    Charles and Wendy Culbreth

    Brad and Marge LeachPaul and Lynn Olsen

    Ruth Smith

    Michael and Sara Knigh

    Phillip Barnes

    Dale and Diane Barnes

    Upcoming EventsVRM Annual Banquet

    March 29, 2007

    Rain could not deter the Board of Directors and staff as they came out in full force to help

    clear out the back storage area of the thrift store so we could put up shelving. It was a

    great day of fellowship and bargains galore were had for those shopping in the parking

    lot. What a tremendous ministry the Rescued Treasures thrift store has become for our

    community. Rescued Treasures was established to:

    Provide clothing and furniture items to

    Mission residents and graduates,and to

    the general public, through the vouch-

    er system established with social serv-

    ices agencies in the area.

    Many recipients would not have the

    clothing to wear to work or to keep

    warm if not for the vouchers

    redeemed at the thrift store.As our

    residents graduate from the program

    they are also given vouchers to help

    furnish their new living quarters. Provide income for Mission Opera-

    tions, which includes feeding and

    sheltering the homeless.

    In 2006 Rescued Treasures donated over$198,274 to those with vouchers.

    Rescued Treasures Ministry

    Staff Ramona and Jackie manning the cash register atthe clearing out sale.

    Board Chairman, Mark Shelton gets help from Caleb Tylermoving items at the clearing out sale.



    Furniture Small appliances

    Appliances Household decorations

    Tools Gently used clothing

    Electronics Bicycles and luggage

    With prayerful expectations we hope to

    relocate to a larger location in the next few

    months. We are also in need of a lift truck

    for the pick up and delivery of appliances.

    6:00 PM Fellowship6:30 PM DinnerDinner catered by Fugazzis

    $30 for individual tickets$240 for a table of 8

    For ticket and reservation information,please call Julie at 740-4178, ext. 12

    Please come celebrate what amazingthings the Lord has done at the Mission.

    Hear messages of hope and joy withrestoration through Jesus Christ.

    26th AnniversaryHelpingHands

    Celebration Banquet

    Thursday, March 29, 2007Visalia First Assembly of God

    3737 S. Akers

  • 8/8/2019 Winter 2007 Helping Hands Newsletter, Visalia Rescue Mission


    Womens Auxiliary TreeChosen as Most Original










    Aspecial thanks to the Visalia Chamber of Commerce for holding the annualChristmas Tree Auction, A California Christmas, to support non-profit agen-

    cies in Tulare County. Our Christmas tree won Most Original.

    The Visalia Rescue Missions breathtaking Christmas tree represented an

    exciting reflection of the rich cultural history of Mexico and its influence on

    Early California. Vibrant colors were displayed in all the ornaments including

    colorful dolls and traditional tin ornaments displaying the artisans rustic skills

    in shaping, etching and stamping these treasured pieces. Everyone was fasci-

    nated by the festive side of this display of rich old world culture.

    Womens Auxiliary members, Wendy Little, Lane Downes, and Lynn Dwelle,

    worked vigorously to decorate the tree. The tree was adorned with an emerald and

    diamond necklace, donated by Ashoori and Company Jewelers.

    Our thanks go to Bill and Tanya Miller who were the high bidders on the tree.

    Thanks also to the generosity of our donors, we were able to raise over $50,000 atthe Christmas Tree Auction. We would also like to thank those who donated items

    for the silent auction, Goodies Cookies for the donation of a decorated small tree,

    Karen Kingsbury for her Forever in Fiction donation, Karen Bachman for her

    beautiful handmade quilt and Monica Stahl for decorating the small tree for the

    silent auction.

    Womens Auxiliary TreeChosen as Most Original

