Winners || Pause

GOOGLE WINNER’S || PAUSE Ekamevadwiteeyam – The power of one Madhu Vadlamani 12/7/2010


The book for all winners

Transcript of Winners || Pause

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Ekamevadwiteeyam – The power of one

Madhu Vadlamani


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2Madhu Vadlamani

Hi to one and all. The word winners pause looks different isn’t. Well! In this book I would

like to explain about how winning happens to many people. And what all we need to do to win. I’m writing this keeping in view of my ideas and experience.

Friend… there are certain situations such that we can observe different views for a single situation. That means the way of thinking is different from person to person. Just like the temperature. In our house we can observe three different types of temperatures one will be common were we meeting in hall. The A/C room will be different and the temperature at the balcony is different.

We would prefer always which we like the most. But most of us will be satisfied with the common one. The one, who likes to prefer to be in his own world, can convert himself to the

thing. He will change this towards his ways. He is only called WINNER.

This book is for those want to become a winner

Note: Even a single point mentioned in my book is not a copy material from any book or from any other resources.


[email protected]+91-9704233062

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3Madhu Vadlamani


A Small Story PMA Factor Pause The Equation The Reality Behind Fact

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4Madhu Vadlamani


I think many of you know about “SEAGULLS”.This small story is for those who don’t know anything about Seagulls at all.

Seagulls are a type of bird which lives on the banks of sea. These birds are different from other birds. They never like a fixed place. So they love to move from one place to other.

But In past it wasn’t. One of the seagulls has new ideas and wants to make it own world.

The bird wants to fly and want to see new things in life. It likes the adventure part of life. So it expresses to friends and family. But no one supports and many laugh at him.

However the bird never gets disappointed. The good thing about that bird is that the enthusiasm from the first day to till date never slowed down. The bird maintained the confidence levels and that levels are increasing day by day.

Finally a day came where its family and friends agreed over. The bird was happy not because achieving something. It was happy because it has achieved a path to win i.e., A route to success.Here you can observe two things 1) Confidence2) Patience

The bird has confidence but that confidence was laid by lots of patience. For any individual if there is no enough patience then there is a huge lack of confidence

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5Madhu Vadlamani

PMA FACTORPositive Mental Attitude (PMA) was designed in 1960. It was the first habit in the 7 major habits of highly effective people.

Refer: 7 habits of highly effective people

The PMA factor varies and the fact is that there is a huge lack in PMA factor in many persons.

So what is PMA factor?

As per the equation A(1) T(20) T(20) I(9) T(20) U(21) D(4) E(5)= ATTITUDE(100)

I think you got the equation. No other equation such as CONFIDENCE (77) or any other ever goes to too except attitude.

So the attitude of person changes his life. Being positive is so important and being fixed is also important

“If you are fixed to both pass and fail then only step in to examination hall”

Being positive never say that when you achieve success only. At times in failure you may lack confidence but if you are positive, things will turn in to your way.

For example a patient knows that he was going to die in 5 minutes. If he feels that he was going to ended in 5 min he will definitely die in 4th minute

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But if he feels that he was going to live 5 minutes more than he can pass away happily. In the second scene the person was positive about what was going to happen. His mind was set what will happen and he was positive about it. It means he was fixed to it. So always the positive mental attitude should be it peak. Try to be in such a way that.

A negative mind set people says: oh god! Don’t let that happen. A positive mind set people says: will it happen! then let it happen(he too believes god)

You are not a supreme and you can never bring past and predict future.

[email protected]+91-9704233062

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7Madhu Vadlamani

WHY PAUSE FOR A WINNERWell! We came to the major part of the book till know I have said about confidence levels and positive attitude of person. A winner needs pause at times. Why it is needed or is it needed? What exactly pause means?

What exactly pause means?

Simply…when you play a music or video etc… in the remote you to have pause button and stop button.

When you press stop button there is nothing to do with. You need to restart again. When you compare with life rearranging or restarting is an impossible task. Many say that it is a new life but I say it as useless life.

See there is no use with completely damaged item it is always better to try new one rather modifying it. The condition will be never fit through you modify it.

So when you give pause on a running system, we change several things modify it or do anything else because you are always at a running system.

[Remember there is only life and you need to achieve or do something in this life I don’t know about re-birth and i don’t believe in that]

Why does a winner need a pause?

Winning is not a simple task. It can never be achieved in a single day.

See if you are at 26 and if you are in a good company earning 40k and if you fell that you won, and then the fact is that you are big looser. Here you have only reached to your target. Winning is a long term goal. Remember “survival is different from satisfaction”.

[email protected]+91-9704233062

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A simple silence keeps some situations in to control. A simple silence lets your pressure go away and keep you cool.

For example you are in car and you should reach office by 10a.m you started as usual and unfortunately there was a huge traffic jam and you are blocked in that. Then if you are just keeping on horn then no use of that the fact is that you are far away from other routes. So no chance to go but you are still trying and making very small gaps blocked so that many suffers from you

Instead of doing all these, just give a simple pause here. Make yourself cool and steady and no one kicks you away if you are late for a cause. By giving a pause your mind will be set and you can call to your head saying that you are late due to the situation.

This was a simple example and there are many situations in life where few seconds changes your life completely eating butter daily are so difficult. But being happy every second is so difficult unless you have a positive mind set.

Remember a wave which have crests and troughs both are ad joint to each other which is similar to sad and happiness.

Your friends may be settled in very good companies and you aren’t still why to worry boss? Even five fingers don’t have a similar size and shape

Remember: a friend acts like both constructor and destructor. The constructors are good friends and destructors are those who expect something from you and leave you in desert.

Leave all these but remember that “you are leaving for yourself but not for others” live for others only when you can leave for yourself.

Isn’t really foolish when you offer food to others though you are hungry?.

[email protected]+91-9704233062

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THE EQUATIONAs I said, live for yourself and not for others. You may help to your parents only when you are at shore but not when you are in sea. This is the real fact.

Well life is all about Mathematics

I think many know about BODMAS. Life is all about division and multiplication whereas addition and subtraction are the forms of that remember

+ * += +

+ / += +

- * - = +- / - = +

- Means how negative minded you are

+ Means how positive minded you are

However may be the result is same nothing happens when you are often negative but never be in both minds

Remember “if it happens it happens in life” another equation for you

The behavior of a person is all in 0,1,∞

If ‘0’ is nothing

‘1’ is something

‘∞’ is anything then

0/1=0 => the fact is that you are nothing and you feel something in you then the fact is that you are nothing.

1/0=∞=>if you are something and if you feel nothing in you then you can anything in life.

[email protected]+91-9704233062

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But 0/0 and ∞/∞ these states cannot be defined ever. So feel like common you are just a common human being with un-common abilities. He who finds the un-common things in him is always highlighted and will be a winner.

“Everyone has a page in book of history. Winners always be at index of the book .But many of us will be just an examples or an exercise to be solved”- Madhu Vadlamani

[email protected]+91-9704233062

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THE REALITY BEHIND THE FACTWhat is reality and what is fact?

Fact is what exactly what he/she is? But in reality he is some other

For e.g.: the fact is that Mr. X is politician is a criminal earlier and has many cases now but in reality he is devotee of many. “The worst thing in many countries is that many people have habituated worship individuals.” The fact is always fact but when that fact comes to reality is only a past proof of reality. OK leave it for a while.

For e.g.: let’s take a situation: Two persons are going to interview and the distance is 700kms. Both reserved for a train scheduled at 5.30p.m and they should attend interview by 10a.m next day. As per the schedule, train reaches in 12hrs and there will be enough time to refresh from then.

Person ‘A’ caught the train at right time and train started going.

Person ‘B’ missed that train and caught the bus which takes 14hrs of time i.e., 7a.m. where there will very less time to refresh and the situation will be such that his heart will be at his feet. He needs to hurry up from then. Unfortunately person ‘B’ attended the interview at right time and got selected whereas person ‘A’ was unable to reach due to some train accident where this particular train have blocked in n un know station where there is no resources to go at all either by road/air.

Friends what would you say/feel about this? I know that many of you say that is LUCK/FATE/BAD TIME…..? What else anything new?

In my view person ‘A’ is so studios, intelligent hard worker but why it happened to him only!

[Many of the individuals who are waiting for success and if they are not succeeded they fell that they have lost something what is LOSS. Look Over Solve Succeed. Are many doing this? Many of us are always at blank state but never filled those blank]

[email protected]+91-9704233062

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Remember person ‘A’ can pick his luggage come to station and get train. His duty is over then after it depends on engine and driver. If any of them fails then you are late. Here person ‘A’ cant blames any one over there why?

It means that your duty is to just catch the train in time but after that its takes you away. I mean to say that for every person it was already written what you are and you are just acting according to that. Here I don’t mean to say anything about Astrology/Numerology/Palmistry….

But I would rather say that an eternal power exists that saves us all time that eternal power will lead us what to do. In every aspect of life there is power of eternal power. It is the cause of life, death, happy, sorrow and sad.

In your word that eternal power is god.

I don’t try to contradict this but without that eternal power how do u know about universe. Why only human not animals. It is a big suspense that how power generated by clouds clash.

It all depends on belief and faith. Human brain is combination of hundreds if computers then why are we using computers today. If you are capable to think like 100 computers then you would be saint not even a scientist. Which scientific calculator is there with “CHANAYAKA” who wrote economics? Which books does VIVEKANANDA refer to become an inspiration of youth? Do you think that Vivekananda has strained to become father of youth? Never. He did what he want to do and he too believed that eternal power where he seen it in “KALI MATHA”

We the youth are surrounded by homely pressures and fixed to temporary happiness and left the uncommon things in us

“Winners don’t do different things. They do the things differently”

-shiv khera

LIFE: what exactly life is?

It is all about a umpire who releases a coin for a toss. He who predicts the exact one is winner and other looser. Then you may question me that “why to work hard and act smart “.

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The fact is that you need to come for toss and you are coming behalf many because that you have the capacity to think and judge where as you too know that you are capable enough. You have no right to predict the result but give the best from us. ““A worrier is always greater than a winning king”. Realize the facts and act according to that.

The other problem that I have found in recent days i.e., due to the economic crisis/rescission whatever may be many have losses the jobs. Those who got jobs and those who are out within few months were felling sad and worried about not of lost job are how to get other job they are worried about people they know and in their locality?

They are worried about how they fell about him. Even many parents do this. Support his family is important why not they think that his student has got 2 months experience and known how to not to lose a job for a next time. If he is capable to get 1 doesn’t he get other? It may take time but don’t he? Also individual who lost job…is there a need to worry about public.

My goodness! Friend You’re living for yourself not for other as I said earlier you need survive first. OK. Say to those people to come with you even in death. They have no right to do so. Man is a always selfish and should be. Selfish in the sense not taking food from other hand but making relief from hungry of yourself

For god’s sake all parts in your body are ok. He doesn’t have difficulties like an old man with set of diseases. See comparison is the worst thing in life. If I compare with my friends who earn lacs of rupees and enjoy if I feels seeing them nothing happens and how foolish is that.

They are what they may not be but I am what as if I am not anyone else. You should be never satisfied when you do business. But friend ship, love these are not business and there is no give and take policy. If you want to help, then help without expecting anything.

However I concluded this for now and thank for bearing me but “Be as if you are! Don’t change for others” a small advice “Never give advice and never take it” people are so brilliant than you.

[email protected]+91-9704233062

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Thank You Madhu Vadlamani

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