Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Vol 37. Ed 8. Tuesday 11th March, 2014 A community newspaper for Winchelsea and district Since 1977 Price $1 Make Way For The New Bridge Initial environmental controls have been installed at the Barwon River, which allowed some test bores and initial excavation works to be undertaken where the bridge pier and abutment will be located.


Bridge 3 preparations begin, Mayor responds, Church Auction coming up, Winchelsea-Colac Highway 'Have Your Say' opportunities, Opinion, sports roundup and regular columns.

Transcript of Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Page 1: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Vol 37. Ed 8. Tuesday 11th March, 2014

A community newspaper for Winchelsea and district Since 1977

Price $1

Make WayFor The New Bridge

Initial environmental controls have been installed at the Barwon River, which allowed some test bores and initial excavation works to be undertaken where the bridge pier and abutment will be located.

Page 2: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star2

The Winchelsea Star is a voluntary service

to the town.Articles are most welcome from any group

or organisation and must carry the name and address of the sender. The editorial team

reserve the right to edit or not to publish any article. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the editors.

Copy / adverts can be emailed to [email protected] or left

at IGA Supermarket.

Copies printed total 415 each week.

© Winchelsea Star Org. Inc. All rights reserved.

Weekly deadline is 4pm Sunday.

Winchelsea Star Organisation Inc. Reg. No. A1479

ABN: 57 207 411 958 Ph. 03 5294 0300

Po Box 5, Winchelsea, Vic, 3241

Editor/President:Stewart Mathison

Email: [email protected]

Advertising:Neil McInnes

Email: [email protected]

Production:Tony Phelps and Stuart Fountain

Email: [email protected]

Vice President:Vacant - volunteer welcome!

Treasurer:Mick O’Mara

Email: [email protected]

Committee:Linda Carter, Debbie Rowley,

Lesley Mathison, Cathy Cheadle and Stuart Fountain.

Printed by Mud Group, Winchelsea 0417 160 559

VicRoads today are urging the community to take the opportunity to have their say with plans for the highly anticipated duplication of the Princes Highway between Winchelsea and Colac.VicRoads Project Director Tony Hedley said that from 3 March members of the public are invited to make written submissions about the proposed duplication design.

“VicRoads has consulted with landowners living adjacent to the highway. The design aims to meet the needs of the community by providing the maximum benefit with the least impact on residents,” Mr Hedley said.

“This is another opportunity to provide feedback on the plans, including what residents may like or dislike about the project, any suggested changes and any important issues that have not been addressed,” he said.

Mr Hedley said the project was entering an exciting stage and the community should get actively involved and the planning process is a way to make sure that the way the project is delivered is in line with the community’s needs and wants.

“This process reserves the land required for the duplication by amending the Surf Coast and Colac Otway Shire Planning Schemes.

“Once finalised, this will enable the reservation of land for future road duplication and apply a Public Acquisition Overlay to the land required for the duplication. It will also provide exemptions from permit requirements in relation to various planning scheme controls.

“This represents an important milestone as the project moves forward, and I encourage anyone with interest to view the documents and attend one of the information sessions,” Mr Hedley said.

All submissions will be considered by an independent panel, which will make a series of recommendations to VicRoads based on the submissions received.

The highway duplication will help

improve freight viability between Melbourne and the South Australian border and enhance access for tourists to the region and the Great Ocean Road

The plans and documents can be inspected at the following locations:

• VicRoads Geelong Project Office, 174-212 Colac Road, Highton • VicRoads Geelong Regional Office, 180 Fyans Street, South Geelong • Surf Coast Shire, 1 Merrijig Drive, Torquay • Bendigo Bank, 11 Main Street, Winchelsea • Colac Otway Shire, 2-6 Rae Street, Colac • By appointment only (via telephone number 03 9655 8600) during business hours at Victorian Government Library Services, 25/121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne • on the Department of Planning and Community Development website at:

Display SessionsInformation displays will also be held in Winchelsea and Colac. VicRoads staff will be onsite to answer any questions you may have.

• Winchelsea: 11 March, 3pm-8pm at Winchelsea Tea Rooms, 28 Hesse Street, Winchelsea

• Colac: 13 March, 3pm-8pm at Colac Otway Performing Arts Centre (COPAC), Cnr Rae and Gellibrand Streets, Colac.

If required, a Directions Hearing will be held on 16 April 2014 and a Panel Hearing on 6 May 2014.

All submissions must be submitted by Monday 1 April 2014 either by post or delivery to: Princes Highway Project - Winchelsea to Colac Submissions Director Planning Level 1, 3 Prospect Hill Road Camberwell VIC 3124

For further information visit:

Winchelsea-Colac Highway Project - Have Your Say

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 3

Winchelsea Swimming


Open 7 Days a week 12pm - 6pm

(The pool is closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.)

Prices Children Swim $3.80

Adult Swim $4.80 Spectators $1

Family Season Pass $165 (If purchased by December 15 $145)

Barwon Terrace, Winchelsea. Phone: 5267 2027

Pool operating hours may change depending on weather conditions.

Saturday March 29th. Hesse Street Reserve, Hesse St. Winchelsea.The 2014 Uniting Church Auction is gathering steam, with a wide range of items being collected in readiness. From prams to generators, collectable spoons to petrol motors, there will be something for everyone.The auction will start at 9.30am, run by Auctioneers Charles Stewart & Co.

Items may be entered from 9am to 7pm on Friday, 28th March, and 6.30 - 8.30am on Saturday 29th.

A selection of items available so far for Auction includes;

Machinery section -

Petrol driven pumps - Generators New & Used. – Stationary motors new & used up to 13hp - Petrol driven hi-pressure cleaners

- Automatic keycutting machine with blanks.

Variety of Estate tools.. Boats etc.

Household – Antique cane pram. Antique fire shield. Variety of collectable spoons in cases and display racks.

Lots more to come.

If you have articles for sale – it’s a great time to sell !


Household. Jeanette 52672488 / 0409418766 Machinery: Geoff 52672630 / 0417059683

Annual Church Auction - Stock Building Up

Page 4: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star4

Plasterer & Painter

Daryl Hecker

Domestic & Commercial Renovations & Repairs Suspended Ceilings Dustless Sanding New Homes Extensions

Ph 0419 194 799

Page 5: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 5

I BELIEVE Mick O’MaraI am dismayed at the vitriol that characterises the current debate as to whether climate change is occurring or not. The argument appears to be on the “I hate/love Collingwood” level where each side can shout abuse at the other without the need for any respect for someone else’s belief. And it is belief! Very few of us have the scientific knowledge to be able to prove, or disprove, climate change theory. We use our personal experience, and faith in people we believe to be experts, to form our opinion on climate change. Political allegiance also appears to play a big part in climate change belief. Opinion polls indicate most Labor/Green supporters believe climate change is happening, most Liberal/National supporters believe it is not. I strongly maintain that belief in climate change should be based on science, not political allegiance.

With the agreement of Stewart Mathison, (Winch Star editor) I propose to instigate a cordial debate in our Winchelsea community on why we believe, or don’t believe, climate change is happening. I, a climate change believer, would be particularly interested to understand the circumstances that has led someone to conclude that climate change is not


I realise now that my first “brush” with the notion of global warming came many years ago, long before I had heard of climate change theories, when I stood at the foot of the Franz Josep glacier in New Zealand and wondered why Franz Josep has retreated so dramatically since the 1910 marker. This retreat of the ice is common to most of the world’s glaciers. What else, other than global warming, could have caused this?

Forty years ago our Winchelsea climate was very different to that we are experiencing today. 1974, when I first moved to Winch, was a very wet year. I managed to get my father’s truck bogged in our Dicksons Rd driveway. It stayed there for 3 weeks until things dried out sufficiently for Duck Drayton to get his tractor in and tow it out. No possibility of that happening since.

A few years ago when I was secretary of the River Care group a new arrival to our district, in the mistaken belief that I was a noxious weed eradication expert, rang up to ask me for advice on getting rid of Bathurst Burr. Bathurst Burr? That’s a weed of drier areas such as Nhill. Must have come in with a load of hay. A few weeks later I was working my bees in an Inverleigh sugar gum plantation. Alongside my hives was a nice crop of Bathurst Burr. No load of hay could have brought that in. There are numerous other examples of our climate changing.

When I was a kid days of 100 fahrenheit (about 37.6 celsius) were headline news. This year we set a record of 4 successive days over 40. Who could forget Black Saturday? Wheat crops now abound around Winchelsea. My mate Dave is now catching snapper (a relatively warm water fish) south of Hobart.

Sure there are apparent anomalies. When we were having 40 degrees much of North America was having 40 degrees below zero. However climate scientists have a logical explanation for such anomalies or if they haven’t, they are working on it.

This brings us to the scientific aspect of climate change. Do we believe the climate scientists associated with the Bureau of Metrology and CSRIO who say, as they did recently, that South West Victoria has become drier and, produce rainfall statistics to prove it or do we believe the very few scientists such as Bob Carter who say it hasn’t or it is not due to increased CO2 in the atmosphere? We need to ignore people such as Andrew Bolt and Lord Monckton who are journalists, not scientists, and know as much about climate as you and I.

The Star welcomes your thoughts on this topic. Remember that if climate change theories are correct, and we do nothing, our grandchildren may inherit a planet in which they can’t survive. However if the opposite is true, climate change is not happening but we limit CO2, what will be the damage?


The RIVERLEE water colour artists are very happy to be back at their class on a Wednesday in 2014 with teacher Ray Woods.

The group started many years ago in a hall in Winchelsea with Ray before moving to Riverlee and are a very happy bunch.

Check their progress on Riverlee Art Studio Facebook or website.

Phone Sandra Jones on 0429368287 if you are interested in joining us every second Wednesday from 9.30 - 12.00 am.

The Art-Ful Dodgers!

Left to right - Veronica, Faye, Marg, Anne, Pam, June, Jill, Lisa and Ray at back.

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 7

In response to the points raised by David Loone in an open letter to the Winchelsea Star, I wish to offer the following information that addresses each of Mr Loone’s points directly:

1. Council’s Pathway Strategy, which covers pedestrian and cyclist access, was originally developed in consultation with Bike Safe and local communities, and was recently reviewed (in 2012). Members of the Winchelsea community participated in the extensive community engagement process incorporated in that review. In February this year, Council agreed to support the Principal Bike Network, which is a joint G21/Bike Safe project that incorporates access to Winchelsea.

2. While the Lorne, Torquay and Aireys Inlet access maps are now in circulation, it was decided to put the Winchelsea access map on hold until the Princes Highway duplication project and other planned access improvement works are completed.

3. Due to the complex issues involved, Council has decided to undertake a separate planning process for Winchelsea Common, rather than incorporate it within the discussions relating to Eastern Reserve and Hesse Street Reserve. Council is presently working in partnership with other agencies (DEPI, EPA) to investigate the feasibility of continuing to use Winchelsea Common as public open space. Detailed planning work should start once the investigation is completed later this year.

4. In collaboration with the Eastern Reserve Committee of Management, Council is currently undertaking a master planning process for Eastern Reserve. Parking issues, including

parking for people with disabilities, will be addressed during this process. A community workshop on the master plan was advertised in the Winchelsea Star with many residents attending and contributing their views. Residents interested in making a further contribution can complete a survey at

5. Council has worked closely with Vic Roads to ensure the existing traffic management plan for the main shopping area continues to provide safe access during the duplication works while significantly improving pedestrian access following the project’s completion.

6. Council has also worked closely with VicRoads to develop and implement a traffic management plan for works associated with constructing the new toilet block and improving access to this area.

In relation to these last two projects, VicRoads has conducted multiple community forums where residents can view plans, ask questions and provide feedback. Councillors have attended all forums held in the past year.

The following community information and engagement initiatives are also currently underway or soon to start:

• A recent community survey, conducted in partnership with Barwon Medicare Local, which will help inform a community profile for Winchelsea, as the basis for developing a comprehensive plan to improve health and wellbeing services in Winchelsea.

• Extensive communication – including direct mail with affected residents,

schools and businesses, signs and advertisements – relating to the current road improvement works in Larcombes Road, Paraparap, and Church Road, Modewarre.

• Working with Winchelsea, which provides a forum for Council to work closely with the Winchelsea community on a range of community development and capacity building projects, and to inform and consult on various upcoming initiatives and issues.

• Growing Winchelsea, which will entail a wide-ranging community engagement process to inform the development of a sustainable growth framework to facilitate population and investment growth in the township while addressing liveability and other issues.

In addition to the above, Winchelsea Ward Councillors Rod Nockles (P. 5261 0858 or 0400 169 741 E. [email protected]) and Heather Wellington (P. 5261 0853 or 0417 542 967 E. [email protected]) are highly accessible and can be contacted at any time.

I would like to thank Mr Loone for his letter. Clearly, community engagement is an ongoing challenge in a municipality as large and diverse as the Surf Coast Shire, but I can assure Mr Loone and other Winchelsea community members that Council is committed to ensuring all members of the community are consulted about and engaged in Council decisions that affect or are of interest to them.

Thanks once again for providing the opportunity for Council to address Mr Loone’s issues.

Regards Cr Rose Hodge, Mayor, Surf Coast Shire

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor.

How long will the Surf Coast Shire use the duplication works of the highway as an excuse not to carry out the basic maintenance works of the streets, parks and grounds throuout the township of Winchelsea. The mood of the elder residents of the town is very low. The trimming and cleaning up debris on nature strips, walkways and parks, would help brighten up all residents. Begining with Guye Reserve, around the golf club park, main shopping area and footpaths, including from Barwon Terrace to Harding street to Austan street, and eliminating of verman and noxios weeds. Where are you, Bylaw officers, Parks and Gardens managers?

Julie Loone.

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star8







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Page 9: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 9

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Clouds of cockatoos are once again screeching and screaming their way around Winchelsea, their favourite haunts being the big trees next to the school and the bluestone bridge.

This time of year, the cockatoos gather in particularly large flocks taking regular flights over town - much to to amazement of overseas tourists passing through.

Town Screechers Are Back

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star10

Schroeter Bros Garage

7 Willis Street, Winchelsea Ph: 5267 2098

For all Mechanical Repairs and Service to Cars, 4 Wheel Drives and Commercial Vehicles Heavy tilt tray service for tractors, machinery, trucks and containers 24 hour accident towing and salvage

Matthew Partridge p 0418 672 334

e [email protected]

Welding Service - Onsite welding - Farm maintenance - Farm machinery & equipment repairs - Cattle & sheep yards - Custom built trailers - Supply & install gates

Page 11: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 11

Senior Citizens

Hello everyone, I hope you are all feeling well and exercising in preparation for a rain dance, which seems to be our last resort for rain. Our winter veggies should be getting planted soon but it will have to be put off until we get some rain.

Wednesday Results; BOWLS Jessie Gardner and Vida Bath CARDS Margaret Lugg and Roma Schroeter COMPETITION Isabel Walker

Friday Results; BOWLS Leila Forster Isabel Walker and Dave Loone CARDS John Read Lindsay Schroeter and Haydn Shinners CANASTA It was great on Friday night to have 4 people playing Canasta, all four of us have names beginning with J. This means the “J birds’ are increasing in numbers. Thanks to Julie Loone we now have a genuine quartet for Friday Nights. The winner on Friday was Jo Jursak our “Queen Bee”. COMPETITION Leila Forster

Wormbete Afternoon TeaWe are having an Afternoon Tea at Wormbete Station on Friday the 28th of March..Once again we will carpool at the clubroom car park at 2.15pm and we will leave at 2.30pm. A list is on the wall in the hallway, please put your name down if you would like to come along and also please mark against your name if you are willing to take passengers in your car. The drive to Wormbete Station is only 10 minutes.

Sorrento TripWe are having a trip to Sorrento on Friday the 9th of April. A list is on the wall in the hallway. Please put your name down if you would like to attend and also indicate if you are willing to carpool. We have decided that those who take their cars will be paid $5.00 by each of their passengers, towards the cost of fuel. ( A cheap return trip to Queenscliff). The cost of the Ferry is $18.00 return, we are then being taken by transport to the Sorrento R.S.L. for a private lunch, which will cost approx. $25.00.

Annual Trip PaymentFor those going away on our Annual Trip Away in May, the full payment is now required. Please pay either Jessie Gardner or Leila Forster well before Easter.

St Patrick’s DayTo all those of Irish descent, a Happy St. Patrick’s Day for March the 17th, and I hope you enjoy the following :


Dear Son,

Just a few lines to let you know I’m still alive. I’m writing this letter slowly because I know you can’t read fast. You won’t know the house when you get home - We have moved.

About your father - he has a lovely new job. He has 500 men under him - He cuts the grass at the cemetery. There was a washing machine at the new house when we moved in, but it hasn’t been working too good. Last week I put in 14 shirts, pulled the chain, and haven’t seen the shirts since.

Your sister Mary had a baby this morning but I haven’t found out whether its a boy or a girl, so I don’t know if you are an aunt or an uncle.

Your uncle Patrick drowned last week in a vat of Whisky at the Dublin Brewery. Some of his workmates tried to save him but he fought them off bravely. They cremated him and it took three days to put out the fire.

I went to the doctor on Thursday and your father went with me. The doctor put a small tube in my mouth and told me not to talk for 10 minutes. Your father offered to buy it from him.

It only rained twice this week, first for three days and then for four days.

Monday was so windy, one of the chickens laid the same egg four times.

We had a letter from the undertaker. He said, if the last payment on your Grandmother’s plot wasn’t paid in seven days, up she comes.!!!!!!!!!

Your Loving Mother X X X

P.S. I was going to send you ten dollars, but I had already sealed the envelope.


8 Pork Sausages 4 rashers Bacon 30g Oil 2 large brown Onions, chopped 2 cloves Garlic, crushed 4 medium sized old Potatoes, peeled and cut thinly 1/4 teaspoon dried Sage Ground Pepper 3/4 cup Chicken stock 2 Tablespoons chopped parsley

1. Preheat oven to 180c. Place sausages in a pan, cover with cold water, bring to boil. Simmer uncovered for 7 minutes, drain and cool. Cut bacon into 2cm strips.

2. Heat oil in pan, cook bacon for 1 minute, add onions and cook until golden. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute. Remove bacon, onions and garlic. Cook sausages in the pan on all sides until well browned, then remove from pan.

3. Arrange potato slices in large heatproof dish, top with bacon mixture, sprinkle sage and pepper, add chicken stock. Place sausages on top, cover and cook at 180c for 1 hour. Serve garnished with chopped parsley.


2 1/4 cups Milk 4 Eggs separated 4 Tablespoons Caster Sugar 6 teaspoons Gelatine 1/4 cup boiling Water 1/2 cup Irish Cream Liqueur (Baileys or Father O’Leary’s) 1/2 cup Cream whipped Extra whipped Cream Chopped Nuts or Chocolate

1. Bring milk to boil, whisk with egg yolks and caster sugar. Pour back in to pan and cook over a low heat for 7 minutes - DO NOT BOIL.

2. Dissolve gelatine in boiling water, add to hot milk mixture, stir well. Pour in Irish Cream Liqueur, refrigerate for 40 minutes or until the mixture begins to set.

3. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form, sprinkle remaining sugar through and beat until it dissolves. When milk and egg mixture starts to set, fold through 1/2 cup of whipped cream and beaten egg whites. Pour into 8 glass serving dishes and refrigerate until set.

4. Decorate with whipped cream, nuts and chocolate.

Page 12: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star12

Services Available

Acute Hospital

Residential Aged Care

Dementia Specific Care

Urgent Care



District Nursing

Diabetes Education

Occupational Therapy

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Community Health Groups

Palliative & Continence Care


Maternal Child Health Nurse

5267 1200 8—12 Gosney Street, Winchelsea

Your ad here!For more

information visit

Page 13: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 13

Who, what, when, whereAdvertise your event in the Winchelsea Star who, what, where and when for FREE. Please be brief. The

Editor’s decision whether to publish a who, what, where and when notice request is final.

Annual Auction Stall HoldersThe Winchelsea Uniting Church are seeking ‘Expressions of Interest’ in stall holders tobe part of a Produce Farmers Market on March 29th at the Auction on Saturday March 29th.Hesse St.Reserve. Stall holders should have a current Certificate of Currency. More details from Geof Orchard 0417 059683 or 52672630

Winchelsea Horticultural and Garden Club Inc.The 27th Autumn Show to be held on Saturday March 22nd 2014 at the Leisure Centre, Gosney Street. Schedules are available around Town. Any queries to Peg 52661462 Dawn 52313494.

Open Garden Dahlia FestivalCome and enjoy the wonderland of colour and the country hospitality at “Country Dahlias”. Australia’s largest dahlia collection of approx. 20,000 bushes spread over 2.5 acres. The open weekend is held on the 15th and 16th March. Opens 9-30 to 4-00pm. Country stalls, country live music, Lions Club BBQ, Devonshire Teas, Vintage tractors and machinery. Wheel chair friendly. Proceeds to local charities. 195 Mathison Rd Winchelsea Contact Jenny Parish 53672389 Admission $7 per adult, children free. Fun day out for all.

Anyone wishing to have a stall at the Country Dahlia Festival please contact Jenny Parish on 52672389

Winchelsea Op Shop$5 a BAG SALE Winchelsea Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Op Shop will be holding an end of Summer Sale with men’s ladies and children’s clothing selling for $5 per bag. Bag supplied.

Uniting Church Annual AuctionSat. March 29th, 9.30am at Hesse St.Reserve. Goods delivered from 9am - 7pm Frid. 28th March. No Tv’s, or mattresses. Eftpos facility available sponsored by Bendigo Bank. Enquiries Geof Orchard 0417 059683 / 52672630

Groom, Edna Lucy 28/02/1922 - 18/02/2014Our family sincerely thanks you for your love, flowers, support and kind expressions of sympathy conveyed to us in so many ways during the sad passing of Edna. She will be greatly missed by us all.

“ You held our hands for your lifetime , our hearts forever”.

James, Toni and Karen

Kindergarten Sand Pit Redevelopment Grand Opening!The committee of the HM Kininmonth Kindergarten would like to invite the Winchelsea community to celebrate the Grand Opening of our Sand Pit Redevelopment on Tuesday, March 18. Formalities will begin at 6pm with a word from our sponsors, followed by a welcome and thank you to all involved. We will then finish with the official ‘cutting of the ribbon’ to formally open the new space. A BBQ will then follow the formal ceremony. We look forward to sharing this exciting event with you all. Helen Mary Kininmonth Kindergarten, 32 Hesse Street, Winchelsea.

Bingo at RaidersThe Winchelsea Football and Netball Club first fundraising night for 2014 at Raiders Bingo at Buckley’s, Geelong will be on next Monday 17th March and we leave about 6.30p.m. and return about 10.30p.m. So, if you are interested or have any inquiries, please contact Lesley Mathison on 52672197.

Winchelsea Mens Shed Special General MeetingThe Winchelsea Men’s Shed are holding a Special GM on 19th March 2014. Our normal meeting will be from 10am till 11am Then our GM will be held at 11am. The reason for this special meeting will be explained on that day. David Kellas (Secretary)

AGM - Winchelsea Business & Tourism AssociationThe WBTA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th April, at 7:30pm in the Members Room of the Eastern Reserve. All welcome, new committee members required. Membership is free. The WBTA is the official Local Tourism Association for Winchelsea.

AGM - The Winchelsea StarThe Annual General Meeting for The Winchelsea Star is to be held on Wednesday 20th March, at 7:30pm in the Members Room of the Eastern Reserve. All welcome, free membership, new committee members are being sought - in particular the Editor position. Please support your local community newspaper.

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star14


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Page 15: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 15

Church NewsWinchelsea Uniting ChurchEvents of the Week

Inter-church Prayer Meeting – Wednesday March 12th at 1.00pm in Anglican vicarage (Note new time).

Visit by Western Heights Uniting Church Senior Retirees – Wednesday March 12th – 2.00pm – in the Hall.

Women’s Evening Fellowship – Wednesday March 12th – 6.00pm.

No Thursday Music Group practise this week.

Combined Choir Easter Music practise – Thursday March 13th at 7.30 in the Hall.

Worship Sunday March 16th – 9.00am – at St. Thomas’s Anglican Church.

Church Picnic – Sunday March 16th – leave 11.00am - Barwon Heads.

John Bumford, Co-ordinator

This week at St Thomas’This week at St Thomas’ Church

Wednesday 1pm. Inter-church prayer meeting at St. Thomas Hall please note the new time.

9am Holy Communion at St Thomas.

God bless, Wendy Gravolin

Proudly supported by:

Saturday 22 March 9am - 10pmLawson’s Park, Inverleigh

Free activities for the family include: face painting, jumping castle, the Monty’s Express train and so much more!

The day begins at 9am with the Inverleigh Rivers Fun Run and Walk. Live music will play on the big stage throughout the day, a kid’s movie at 4.30pm followed by more live bands rocking the big stage.

Lawson’s Park, find us on facebook

Oops... Car vs Bridge

Various rumours have described how and why a vehicle struck the inner side of the bridge across the Barwon River in Winchelsea.

While damage was relatively minor, it highlights the potential for more serious incidents on the pedestrian side...

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Charlie Phelps - Prep

Me and Kye went to dinosaur land and we found a t-rex.

Zac Wilson - Grade 1/2

Cubby houses are for hiding in and out of places. Cubby houses can be used for tea parties. Cubby houses are fun. Cubby houses are for stories. Cubby houses are for toys. Cubby houses are for books. Cubby houses are for hiding. Cubby houses are for fun.

THE SWIMMING CARNIVAL!!! By Georgia Glynn - Gr 5/6

Last Friday the 19th of February, five different schools and Winchelsea went down to the

Winchelsea pool to do a swimming carnival. First we started to walk. When we got there we saw the other schools.

I was doing freestyle first. When I got into the

water I almost froze it was that cold! The whistle blew and I was coming first! I came first and

received a blue ribbon!

About an hour later I started to do backstroke but before that I saw dad and sat with him until my next race! I was shivering. Ieisha did backstroke before me. Then I was up! In backstroke I came third and received a green ribbon! It was really windy and cold but sometimes it got just a little bit sunny!

Dad gave Tori and I money to get lollies Tori gave Memphis some lollies. I got red frogs Tori got a nerd rope and shared it with Memphis!

Then it was the freestyle relay which I was in with Mia, Courtney and Memphis,

we did alright we came third and all received a green ribbon.

Memphis started the race then it was Courtney

going second, after Courtney it was Mia then I raced as hard as I could but we came third!

Through the whole day everyone was cheering and had great sports men ship. After all the relays the judges added up the scores and we came second out of five schools and we beat Moriac!!! Dad took Tori and I home. I was so tired from all the races!

Writers of the week

Hi Kids,

The Autumn weather has certainly come along and I notice how chilly it has been in the mornings.

This little bunyip is very sad because none of you send in your pictures or stories any more.

I would love to hear from you and then you can tell me what you have all been up to. I miss out otherwise and never hear any news!

So please, send in your pictures, stories, puzzles, jokes etc. and put them in my mailboxes, as they are so empty!

Don’t forget they are at the Winchelsea School Office and the IGA supermarket.

Jokes of the WeekQ. Why was the dog sweating so much? A. He was a hotdog!

Q. What kind of dog likes baths? A. A Shampoodle

Bunyip’s Tip of the WeekRemember to eat well and get plenty of exercise and drink water!

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star18

Scrap Metal Bought

Call Peter on 0448 343 105

FirewoodFirewoodFirewood Timber SlabsTimber SlabsTimber Slabs

for salefor salefor sale

Haidee Benning, local Osteopath, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Masseuse is re-opening her Practice in Winchelsea and will be available for appointments from January on-wards. Please email Haidee on [email protected] for appointments and be sure to include your phone number for her to call you when she returns from France just before Christmas. Alterna-tively, you can find her on Facebook.

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 19

Submissions to The StarThe Winchelsea Star welcomes YOUR news, information, articles and items for publication. This newspaper aims to reflect its own community.

Naturally, any article submitted for printing must comply with legal requirements such as for libel, discrimination, racism etc. Ideally, submissions fit within one page (allowing for adverts) and at most two pages. With a photo or two, this is around 700-800 words per page. Photos make for a much better article - please do not edit, crop or retouch photos, the Star team will do this as required. If you are able to ‘resize’ the photo(s), aim for around 1000 pixels (px) for the longest side. Many phones and computers can automatically resize photos when being emailed, be sure NOT to choose the small (or “email”) size as this is too small to use in a printed page.Note also that there is no need to submit carefully formatted and laid out

documents, as all formatting is stripped out when the article is imported into The Star. Please also note that any submissions in hard copy (ie. printed or hand-written) or ‘locked’ formats will incur delays as they have to be typed and/or scanned - the Sunday deadline applies to material that can be readily copied-and-pasted. Please send the article wordage separately from the article photos and images. In other words, when submitting an article, attach a document of words only and then also attach the associated images. Include image captions at the end of the article.

Send to [email protected]

Bus to the HubFree Bus Pick up from your home and Drop off (Winchelsea) if you are:

• over 65

• have a disability

• find yourself socially isolated

Free Complimentary Main Meal for “Bus to the Hub” Users (1st Time Users)

To book your seat phone 5267 1200 After hours; Annie Ph: 0427 840 280 or Michelle: Ph: 0437 783 551

Want to receive The Star

by Email ?Every week that the Star is published we can email it to paid up subscribers. The

emailed version will come as a PDF that has the advantage of earlier delivery

and full colour. To take out a subscription Google “Winchelsea Star subscription”.

click on Subscriptions | The Winchelsea Star and follow the directions.

Please note: a yearly subscription is now $25 and lasts for 12 months from the date

you start the subscription.

We would prefer Direct Deposit but Paypal is available. If you need help contact Mick

on 52672295 or [email protected]

Postal subscriptions are unchanged at $110.

For postal subscriptions contact Deb Rowley at Winchelsea IGA

or Don on 52887231.

Moriac Store also has copies.

Trains to Geelong/MelbourneMon-Fri 07:22 13:18 19:03 Sat 08:19 13:28 19:12 Sun 08:57 14:35(bus) 19:12 Sunday bus service departs from Winchelsea Post Office

Trains from Geelong/MelbourneMon-Fri 08:55 14:27 20:15 Sat 09:30 14:32 20:32 Sun 10:30 20:32

Old Shire Hall (tea rooms), Hesse St, Fridays, 2pm-5pm

Bus From Geelong to ColacMon-Fri Geelong Rail Station 17.35 Deakin Uni 17.57 Winchelsea Station 18.24 Terminates Colac Rail Station 19.05

Sunday Geelong Rail Station 17.10 Winchelsea PO 17.40 Winchelsea PO 14.35 Geelong Rail Station 15.20

Monday 6-11am & 5-8pm Tuesday 9am-Midday & 5-8pm Wednesday 6-11am & 5-8pm Thursday 9am-Midday & 5-8pm Friday 6-11am & 5-7pm

Train Services

Surf Coast Mobile Library

Bus Services

Winchelsea Gym Hours 5267 2336

Wednesday 12 Ray & Jeanette McConachy

Friday 14 VOLUNTEER REQUIRED - Call 5261 0508

Monday 17 Keith & Lynette Henderson

Your ad here!For more

information visit







Est. 1858

Winchelsea & District

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star20

fast@showers Splashbacks and Mirrors

10mm Frameless from $350 Glass Kitchen Splashbacks

from $199 m2 All available in 48 hours

Showroom at 1/28 Wood St. South Geelong

call 5222 1332 or 0400 200 073

The Winchelsea

Men’s Shed

Open Hours: Tues & wed from 9:30am Thurs from 12:30pm Every 2nd Sat from 9:3am

at 51 Hesse Street New members welcome

For more details ring: John Bader (co-ordinator)

5267 3030 Colin Mayman (Treasurer)

5267 2164 David Kellas (Secretary)

5266 1549

TheBooks Pty Ltd Registered Tax Agent


Tax Returns: Individual, Business, & SMSF

Financial Statements GST & BAS Returns MYOB & Quickbooks

Bookkeeping Services


Ph: 0481 324 802 E: [email protected]

Winchelsea Supermarket

Trading Hours Monday to Saturday— 8:30 am to 7:30 pm Sunday— 10 am to 7:30 pm

Ph: 5267 2676 29 Main Street, Winchelsea

Fun, Interactive music sessions for pre-school children (0-4 y.o.) and


When: Mondays from 10 to 11 am (Starts 3rd Feb. runs during school terms)

Where: St Thomas’ Hall, 25 Barwon Tce.

To Enquire ring: 0407838256

Do you have any of these kinds of problems?

• Tired• Stressed• Sore• Headaches • Run Down

• Aching• Stiff• Back Pain • Neck Pain• Shoulder Pain

• Trouble sleeping

Want a healthier 2014??See how Chiropractic may be able to

help you!Located At Winchelsea Medical Clinic.

Call Now! 52671268

Meals 7 days Kids Play Area

Live Entertainment Free kids Entertainment

monthly starting 5th March 6-8pm

Like us on facebook for info

Or call 5267 2046

Page 21: Winchelsea Star Vol.37 Ed.08, 11th March 2014

Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 21

Star ClassifiedsWinchelsea Star classified ads are FREE for personal entries. Please be brief, and be sure to include a contact name and phone

number. One photo may be included if appropriate. The Editor’s decision whether to publish a classified ad request is final.

For LeaseAvailable end of March. Brick Unit 3 years old. 3 large bedrooms, master with walk in robe and en suite. 2 living zones, split system heating and cooling, electric oven and hotplates, dishwasher, large pantry. Large rear yard, 2 car garage with remote controlled door. 12 month lease, $300 per week. Ph 5267 2459 or 0438 083 373

Garage SaleSaturday March 15 63 Hesse Street, Winchelsea 8.30am - 2pm (no early callers please) Books, clothing, household items, craft, bric a brac and lots more!! Come and grab a bargain!

For Sale2x Adult Tickets, must sell for TOBY KEITH CONCERT Wednesday 19th March Rod Laver Arena Ticketed Price, $199.00 each Good Seats , together. Call 0401 704 619

For Sale$50 voucher to be used at Crest Dry Cleaners in Pako St West Geelong. For sale at $35. Phone Janice Wilson 5267 2229

For Rent2 bedroom house centrally located on big block. $240 p.w negotiable 0401 535 840 or 0427 400 377

Winchelsea Community House Phone: 52672028 Or

Email: [email protected] Open 9am-2pm Mon-Fri.

FIRST AID LEVEL 2 (INCL. CPR) When: Tues 6th and concludes on Fri 9th May Where: Winchelsea Community House Duration: 2 days Cost: $170 or $145 concession

INTRO TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY When: Sat 29th March Where: Winch House Duration: 4 hours Cost: $80

HARE KRISHNA COOKING When: Sat 5th April Where: Hare Krishna Farm, Winch. Duration: 4 hours (10am—2pm) Cost: $55


When: 29th March Where: Winchelsea Community House Duration: 1 day (6 hours approx) Cost: $145

INTRO TO MYOB When: Coming soon Where: Winchelsea Community House Duration: 3 weeks (2 nights per week)


When: Coming soon Where: Winch House Duration: 6 sessions, 6pm—9pm Cost: $140 or $120 conc.


When: 29th April Where: Winch House Duration: 1 day Cost: $130 or $120 conces.

Winch house is seeking Expressions of Interest

for the following Courses:

1. Cert IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs!

2. Cert IV in Community Services Work!

3. Cert III in Business Admin (Medical)

4. Cert III in Business Admin (Education)

5. Cert III in Early Childhood Development (Children’s Services)

INTRO TO FLORISTRY—POSIES When: Coming soon Where: Winch House Duration: 3 hours Cost: $120


When: Monday’s—starting 19th May Where: Winch House Duration: 6 sessions at (3-4 hrs per session) Cost: $120, $110 concession—





When: Friday 28th March Where: Winch Community House Duration: 7 hours (9am—4pm) Cost: $100 or $83.15 concession

We rely on a classroom of five students to make these courses go ahead! For more information regard-ing cost and course duration etc —email [email protected] or phone Winch House on

52672028 between the hours of 9am-2pm Monday to Friday.

2 spots left!! Winchelsea Transfer Station

Opening Hours

Monday Closed Tuesday 2pm-4pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 2pm - 4pm Friday Closed Saturday 1.30pm - 3.30pm Sunday 9.30am - 12.30pm

55 Cressy Road, Winchelsea. Accepts household garbage, mixed

commercial & industrial waste, mixed construction & demolition waste.

Accepts recyclable materials. Accepts one recycle bin two waste bins.

Does NOT accept clean fill.

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star22

Although there is still another week until the Grand Final, where Winchelsea Division 3 will play Colac Central 2 at Colac Lake, many people have been getting some extra practice in preparation for the 15th. The Friday Social Bowls Competition has been reasonably well attended and visitors appear to be enjoying the opportunity to try something new.

Over the long weekend there has been a very big Annual Men’s Tournament at

Colac and many of our members have been participating in some or all of the three days. We once again take this opportunity to wish the Divi 3 team all the best for the Final,

Until next week

May the bowls be with you!!!!

Winchelsea Bowling ClubBy Kitty ‘n Jack

Winchelsea’s “Mighty Blues” senior football teams will open the 2014 GDFL season under stadium lights at Eastern Reserve on Friday 4th April in what promises to be an exciting and action packed game against Bannockburn.The Mighty Blues have been pre season training for some time now and are fit, fast and focused on the job ahead. The determination and attitude to take on the challenge of an all out assault, for this years Premiership Cup has attracted growing media attention. Following the fairy tale rags to riches story local media publications are featuring Coach David Mensch and the Blues regularly in their

sporting columns.

Crowd numbers for the night game are expected to be large with mild weather forecast, the Eastern Reserve Community Hub will be in full swing with extra catering required to feed the large crowds expected.

Our wonderful Winchelsea Community Bank Staff have generously offered to step out from the cash draws and tackle the tongs and tomato sauce cooking up a storm on the BBQ to support the Blues Canteen which is expected to be extremely busy.

Upstairs in the Community Bank Room, you can choose to dine in style with family, friends or work colleagues with a two course country cooked roast meal

followed by complimentary tea and coffee for just $25.00 per head. Book your seats/table now to avoid disappointment. Bookings can be made with Caroline on Ph: 0409 335 226 Sit in the comfort of the social rooms and enjoy a birds eye view of the game.

Action kicks off at 6.00pm Dinner will be served in the Social Rooms at 6.00pm.

WFNC 2014 Season Kicks Off Soon

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 23

Winchelsea Golf ClubMens GolfSat - 8/3/14 - Par - Hugh & Rodney Robertson Memorial1st - S Reyland (10) +4 c/b 2nd - N Byers (35) +4 3rd - S Cole (18) +3 4th - N Tresize (30) +2 NTP - 6th & 15th - D Baker Golden Hole - S Reyland

Midweek Comp - Stableford 1st - D Lewis (16) 20 pts 2nd - M Morgan (32) 20 pts Balls - G Morgan 19 pts, L Chandler 19pts, N Byers 18 pts NTP - 6th - S Reyland

Next week Sat 15/3/14 - Andy Worland Trophy - Lefties Vs Righties

Note - Beeac interclub Challenge, date change to 29/3/14 11.00 hit off @ Beeac

Ladies GolfWednesday March 5th MARG AXON PAIRS 4BBB1st Marie Robins & Carol Stanesby 51pts Runners up Sheryl Rayner & Una Ellis

Thursday March 6th Pennant at Elcho ParkWinchelsea defeated Inverleigh 3/2

Beeac Golf ClubStroke Event 8th March 2014Winner - C Francese R/U - Allan Smith 86/59 Golden Hole - Pat McCarthy 89/61 NTP - 5th T Norman, 7th A Coles 2nd Shots 13 Stuart Marshall 18 Pat McCarthy Birdie Balls Pat McCarthy K Broomfield x2 Dusty Drayton Ken Earl Chicken Run Winner Allan Smith Golden Hole K Earl

1st March 2014Winner - Greg Francese Clint Worden R/U - J Drayton Rex Wellman Golden Hole B Cameron NTP 7th Pat McCarthy 14th Rob Pearce Birdie Balls T Norman x2 Rex Wellman Clint Worden Pat McCarthy Chicken Run Winner Pat McCarthy

Your ad here!For more

information visit

LADIES GIVE GOLF A GO at the Winchelsea Golf Course

There will be BEGINNER GOLF CLINICS Wednesday March 19th, 26th, April 2nd and 9th 9am for previous attendees and 10am for new beginners.

Conducted by Professional Vicky Thomas

Cost: $5.00 per week. Clubs provided if required

To register or for further information ph Carol Stanesby on 52 672 347

WFNC Junior FootballAttention all Under 10 Winchelsea players :Training for season 2014 is to commence on Wednesday 19th March at 5pm at Eastern Reserve with Coach Damien Luppino. The Under 10’s were as keen as mustard last season and showed great improvement .

The Club looks forward to seeing as many as possible on the 19th at 5pm. GO (UNDER 10) BLUES ! !

Junior Cricket Team Champions Again!Congratulations to the Winchelsea Under 13 Boys cricket team, Grand Final winners for 2014.

The team are enjoying back-to-back premiership wins.

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Tuesday 11 March, 2014The Winchelsea Star24


Team of Pianists presents

2014 Rigg Bequest Classic Music at Barwon Park !

R2R – The Two Roberts A splendid recital for cello and piano with Julliard trained cellist Robert Ekselman, now based in

Melbourne, and Team of Pianists partner Robert Chamberlain. The program includes

Rachmaninoff’s mighty cello sonata, Marin Marais’ famous La Folia variations, selections from

Stravinsky Suite Italienne and the Spanish inspired Habanera by Ravel. Experience the passion and

drama of this wonderful music performed live in the colonial splendour of Barwon Park.

Sunday March 23, 2:00pm Barwon Park, 105 Inverleigh Road, Winchelsea (Melway X911 B8)

(includes Afternoon Tea and viewing of the Mansion)

Bookings: Single tickets: $40

Single tickets for National Trust members: $35

Children & full-time students under 25 years: $20

Pensioners (Ausn Gov. pensioner conc. card): $30

Phone: (03) 9822 2959 or purchase at Barwon Park


Email: [email protected]

Robert Ekselman Cello

Robert Chamberlain Piano

This is a photo of Laurene Lloyd helping a family from Brisbane researching the Cooper family history.

The Historical Society is open every Wednesday afternoon for anyone wishing to research their family history.

We are at the moment -with the help of Museum Australia (Victoria) - putting all our information, artifacts and photographic information online with VICTORIAN COLLECTIONS.

Anyone wishing to join our society and help in this very big task is most welcome.

You can see our progress on their website. Victorian Collections is a free, easy to use, online cataloguing system that is available to all types of collecting organisations throughout Victoria.


Winchelsea Historical Society Provides Interstate Research