Willoughby, Reason B GA/1...6RXUFH...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. . . St anda rd Fo rm For He mb er a of th e t eq 1s l a tu re Na me of place ,. . 3. Significant events for example: A. Business ______________________________________________ __ B. Civic C. Profession ____________________________________________ __ I 4. Church f tl ?JCJ 5. Sess i ons ____________________ __ ..., c/ 6. Public Offices A. Local ___________________________________________________ B. State __________________________________________________ _ c. National ______________________________________________ __ 9. N ames of parents __________________________________________ ___

Transcript of Willoughby, Reason B GA/1...6RXUFH...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

St a nda rd Fo rm For Hember a of the t eq 1s l atu re

Name of

place ,.

~! • . ~1.->.~.- fi:-~ ~~.I(/ 3. Significant events for example:

A. Business ______________________________________________ __

B. Civic responsibilitie•----------~-----------------------

C. Profession ____________________________________________ __

I 4. Church membership~~,---~GX~~-~r>~;/-~,~1~-~~f~~~--------------------

f tl ?JCJ 5. Sess i ons servtd ...t./~5~~~~/,~~~~~~~~~~~h/~· ~·~~~~f ____________________ __ ..., c/ 6 . Public Offices

A. Local __________________________________________________ _

B. State __________________________________________________ _

c . National ______________________________________________ __

9. Names of parents __________________________________________ ___

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

lO.Education _________________ __

11. Degrees ________________________ ___

----- --·--- --------·-----

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


I (/ •

- UtiC f.::let. Ct'-"' (~ ~~.4J- ,;lo e,, .. ·;UJ'1) } /

-{,Jjl.ftjrr•·P,r",.- ,,.{'c- c- .... / Yl ~,,. ltl"' V 7 t/

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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West Lane Project

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Contact: Barbara ' . • Home Page: West Lane Project D

The people in this database have lived in and/or are buried in Lane Co., OR. The area of concentration is the area west of Eugene along Territorial Road. For more information, select "West Lane Project" from the index (it

is listed under "West") and check the Notes for the entry. More people will be added as time permits. Help transcribing obits, etc. is always needed. Please contact me if you have any interest in helping with this project.

Index I Descendancy I Register I Public Profile I Add Post-em

• ID: !19237 • Name: Reason B. Willoughby • Sex: M • Birth: in Ohio

Marriage 1 Eleanor Stone b: in Pa.


1. ~ Egbert J. "Bert" WILLOUGHBY b: 23 NOV 1848 in Iowa


BankofAmedca ~

Index I D~scendancy I Register I Public Profile I Add Post-em --------------

Additions and corrections are always welcome. Living persons have been removed from the posted database. All previous and future help in collecting and checking this data is greatly appreciated.

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1880 United States Federal Census - Ancestry.com

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Name: R.B. Willoughby

Home in 1880: Harrisburg, Linn, Oregon

Age: 70

Estimated Birth abt 1810


Birtltplncc· Ohio

Rl'lation to Head Self J.!cad)

of Household:

Spouse's N:· me E.T.

Father\ Scotland


Mother's Ohio




; larit:-~1 Status:


Cannot reaclfwntc:

Blind: D-.·uf :md dumb:

Othcr~tis.c tilS:lt) Cd:

lt~:of -~ o;· insane:


?vi embers:

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Vic'' image

R. B. Willoughby

. ;c


._...,. Vk~\V origin irnag.Q

:::.... View blank

http:/ /search.ancestry. com/cgi -bin/sse.dll ?indi v= 1 &db= 1880usfedcen%2c&rank=0&=%2c%2c%2... 6/20/2009

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



1880 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

E.T. vVilloughby

E .• J. \NiHougllhy

Nettie WHioughby

M.A. Loc.:kc






Page 2 of2

Sourc~.: Cit.ltiou: 'rL, ;: Jfi;.,,; C: .n .• u>< l 1 • .:.: llurri:-1111r". Unn, Or·enm1; ;.o·: 'f<l w: Family IH:·tory Film: I.::r,:Jo~,:.); I' . ('' 1::·'· ncn>; 1~1:1 • r;r :o•: t'! •ic .. : ~· lm· "<': O;?h

Sour<· lnformatiou: •' nc<,•.lt \.COl:' and T:1<> Chmdt 1 ,k t s (.'.a . • . r·Ua\ 'i: u .! . 18. , 1 l mt< (/ Swt:·: (' lt.us;(l:!taht: on-lit J.l'ro,o. t · ,l·~·;'l!t (.'·n 1 t:p·., · ·,,·o·· ,lnc.,nm,j. tH, (',n u-: lndcx prmid· .. d b.\ Ti Churcl1 c: ,;,•s•t·' t''l•ist of . 1'N . \' :-:· 'nt:- ; CIJpyri~lh lnte]k('tual Rcrl!n·:-. Jne. All n~~hb 1 ·: .•n·c~d. ·\, u • ,, . ntJjrc, to tl· limlt d 11 lkt•ns~: otht>r lNms and cnnd'ti )I)<;. pplint: 1 lo t!•r; ·it.· C)l'ildr:: ·'~a\. . t. nit ~d ~l'th:~ nf .' i'lc' !

Burc.au o:'the C .. nsus. Tcrlth Cen'ill.' uft!.e (. titccl. otu: ~·:·· •. '.\':·: I ~::to11 D.C.: '"at• Arehi\'C~s nnd lk<:()rd-, ,•\dmiPh tr I;CJu. >;:\ 'I· • , '•·

\)(-scription: Tl'is lhf l ~-:: i~ an il '':It> ;J'> nil it 11 'I'Ci' idt•1 ~ , <:. :<::.!: 1 tl· 1~,'0 Uuil .< :'li" I ·1 r 1 t:t O'-'US, C .nsu:< L;·'·,•r n ·c .d,t! m;,;.~ cl. l;:il:. II&< u I' I'· <';t!'•l Jl-~"" on':: thHlh, ;,t: o,:l·upalion. relationship to thr lh ... d of how liJid. 1 , (~X ..... ;:! I .st birthcby. marit< place of birth, 1 n:nt. plat\ ()fhirth . .-'.d.Lio! ·tlly, tla• ,,,,m,~.: of tbo . . : IL 'c•<l n11 !h..: w·. · sclu~uul rc~ lin' t.rl tc, ~ctual inw:~n: of th · ;~;';> Fl•t' :;.t t • 11.:n..,. Lt!<Jrn more ...

http://search.ancestry .cornlcgi-bin/sse.dll ?indiv= I &db= 1880usfedcen%2c&rank=0&=%2c%2c%2... 6/20/2009

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. • '!

~: ·: .. ' : .. . ~ •',' !· ·.

~ .... _,. ~ ... ;,:,. .-"-.:. · ... _:}





This is a very old and very large cemetery I just west of the town of Bonaparte. It has a large gully going through it, with the older part of the cemetery on the near side of the gully. It is so deep that two bridges are needed to provide crossing. There are good graveled drives •. The cemetery is kept up by volunteer labor, through the local 'cemetery committee. I was told that they raise money for the cause by havin~ bake sales, etc. They are to be commended for the excellent W4Y in which they care for this cemetery. The very old stones are in good condition. It is on high ground across. the road from the river.

In this cemetery was found the only wooden marker in Van Buren County- marking the grave of Joseph Rabb.


Pages 57 through 63 of this cemetery are not included

herein, but they may ba found in possession of the Lee County

Genealogical Society, Keokuk, Iowa, in the Library of the D.A ·.R.,

Washington, D. c. and in the Library of the Genealogical Society

of the L.D.S. Church, 107 South Main, Salt Lake City, Utah.

~ b (..A.) ;~ "'-. 0 C..v ~ (] ~ 'S S.e ~ S / D ~ ,

Su""e_, 1 1'(7~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

' '

' ', ' . .' ,.-.·;.: .... .· . . ';".

r;.: -.. ... ~ ~·


'1/ ARE Effie ,· Wif0 of Edward 'Nara, zs rune 1860, ae. 61 yr&.

Vv.ARE Edword, ~s S~pt. 1853 , tn h ls S9th. year

WARE Sarah .8., dau9htM' of \Vtn. & Nancy 'Wore, 18 Feb. lSS l ae. a yu. 6 mos. 2 d ays

WARE Mllry r. I da~ghter of Wm. & Nancy Waro, 26 Aug. 1847 • .ae. l yr. 5 mos.

jOHNSON ( Jann1e 11., d tiughter of M . s. & Jane Gall~n , 2 Sept. ( 1894, ae. 26 yn . , l7.days. . ·

GALLEN ( AnM J., dau'ilhter of M . S. & Jane Gallen, lB Jun·e ( 1890, a:~.t. 26 yrs. U mos. lS days ( .. Sisters"

GALLEN ( Tane, wife cf M. s; Galien, l~ Apr. 1889, 4&. 63 yra., ( 8 mos. 16 days .,Mother" (M. s ., 14 June .L899, ae. 74. yrs. 6 mos. 14 d~ya ( .. Fatherit .

WILLOUGHBEY, Mery ft.. , wlf a of R. 8. WUloughbey and daughter of G. & B. FIRESTONE, <t. 9 Oct. 1839, ae. 25 yn., 1 mos. 17 days.

FLtNr Dr.J. w •• 21 At19. 1866, ae. 55 yrt. 8 m~s . 5 days

G. B., (Nodat es)

R. {No dates)

HOBSON,]., 1 Dec. 1849, ee 34 (or 84?) yrs., 6 mos. 10 days. (Home Mt~de Cement M arker )

MITCHELL, Nancy J., daughter of G . & s. Mitchell, 21 July 1849 ao.t mos. 1S days

MITCHEll, Mgt. J., daughter of G. & S. M1toheU, 16 Oot. 1844, e(t. 9 mos . :tl days

GILES, •eur wuae• , son of r. T. & e. GUes, 21 M4y 1862, ae. l yr . 3 mos. 2 d4ys

R'iAN ( EUz. 28 Au~. 1898, ae. 33 yrs. 1.0 mo1. 13 days ( Y.ary, 24 r' l!lb. 1663- 22 ran . l9l9 ( Mero., 28 Sept. 1898, ae. 60 yrs. 8 moa. 6 c:Saya

- ---- - - -- ' .

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Reason B. Willoughby (1810- 1881)- Find A Grave Memorial

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Reason B. Willoughby

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Family links: Children:

Jan. 10, 1810 Wayne County Ohio, USA Jan. 31, 1881 Unn County Oregon, USA

Egbert J. Willoughby (1848- 1933)* Reason Lysander Willoughby (1850 - 1914)* Ada Willoughby (1856 - 1875)* Antoinette L Willoughby Gillette (1865 - 1943)*

Spouse: Elenor T. Willoughby (1821 - 1905)

* Point here for explanatiOl!

Burial : West e.ojnt_C_!!_meterv Unn County Oregon, USA

Created by: E,_$.b.!Jmgn Record added: Apr 24, 2009 Find A Grave Memorial# 36275762 Cemetery Photo

Added by: E. Shuman

Photos may be sealed . Click on Image ror full size. r• -Jan Gille:;;Rig

· Added: Apr 24. 2009

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Elenor T. Willoughby (1821- 1905)- Find A Grave Photos

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Elenor T. Willoughby (1821 - 1905) - Find A Grave Memorial

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Elenor T. Willoughby

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Birth: Death:

Feb. 14, 1821 Jul. 3, 1905, USA

Elenor T. (Stone) Wi lloughby was born in Pennsylvania. She married Reason B. Willoughby on 19 Apr 1840 In Van Buren County, Iowa.

The Morning Register newspaper Eugene, Lane County, Oregon Tuesday, July 4, 1905; Page 8


WILLOUGHBY - In Eugene Monday July 3, at 4:45 p.m. at the home of her son, R.L. Willoughby, 342 Washington street, Mrs. E.T. Willoughby, aged 84 years.

Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Wednesday followed by Interment in the Willoughby cemetery north of Coburg. Rev. E.C. Oakley, pastor of the First Congregational church will conduct the obsequies.

Family links: Children: Egbert J. Willoughby (1848 - 1933)* Reason Lysander Willoughby (1850 - 1914)* Ada Willoughby (1856 • 1875)* Antoinette L Willoughby Gillette (1865 - 1943)*

Spouse: Reason B. Willoughby (1810- 1881)*

*Point here for exglanati.O!!

Burial: ~...E.Qlnt,J::emet~rv Unn County Oregon, USA

Created by: E. Sh um aJJ Record added: Apr 24, 2009 Find A Grave Memorial# 36275799

Cemetery Photo Added by: E. Shuman

Photos may be scaled. O ick on Image for full size.

~·- Jan GillesR.[g_ ~ Added· Apr 24, 2009

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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