Will Id Couple 23/Brooklyn NY Greenpoint Dail… · The wedding is planned lor;daughter of Mr. and...

Office: ;Q6 M a n h a t t a n Will Id ® a' 8 D J IZ© d William John, Fumai, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fumai of 153 Guernsey street, was baptized in St. Anthony of. Padua Roman Catholic Church, j Godparents were Eileen Pallia* I dkio and John Fumai. aunt and! uncle of the child. A reception for 100 guests j followed in the club at Green- j point avenue and Franklin street. AMOXF THOSE who attend- i ed were the grandfather, An- j thony Fumai, Mrs. Helen Ben- son, Also Mrs. Marie Fumai, Mr. and Mrs. William Dough- erty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palladino, Frank Fumai, Mr. and Mrs. John Fumai Marion Fumai. The infant's mother is former Dolores Benson Beadle street. and the of iss Smith Engaged to Airman OINT W!-'h<!/Y STAR, FRIDAY, A! J ST 29, 1958 Telephone FVergreen 6 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Smith Of Astoria announced the en- gagement of their daughter. Eleanor Regina, to Airman Sec- ond Class Norman Dean Bower of Norfolk, Va. The Smiths are former resi- dents of Engert avenue. A graduate of John Ericcspn Junior High School 126. and of Bryant High 'School in Astoria. Miss Smith is employed by a ;l life insurance company. lof HE11 FIANCE is stationed at J of McGuVe Base in New Jersey. | bride The wedding is planned lor;daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- Oct. 5 in St. Joseph's Roman itonio Esposito of 95 Driggs ave- HOLIDAY IN BRITAIN—Mrs. Natalie Swanson (left) of 269 Nassau avenue is shown at the King's School, Canterbury, during a tour of the lovely fruit-growing county of Kent, known as the "Gar- den of England." The school adjoins Canterbury Cathedral, one of Britain's many architectural treasurers, founded in the 6th century by St. Aug- ustine. With Mrs. Swanson is Mrs. Anne McEvoy of Forest Hills, Queens. Catholic Church. Astoria. Edward Newins Baptize Child Kimberly Ann Newins. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs.' Edward Newins of Jersey Ctiy, formerly of Greenpoint, was baptized .re- cently. Her godparents are. Peter .Donnelly of 171 Kent street and Mrs. Thomas Pope. Joan Thompson Wed To Antonio Esposito Joan L. Thompson, daughter) Alter a Bermuda honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson; the couple will make their home 112 Hull street, became the in •Whitcstone, Queens, of Carmine J. Esposito, j U~ i Daughter Christened Couple Marks 25th Year Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy of Noble street celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary re* eently. They were married in St. Anthony of Padua R. ' : C: Church by the Rev. Robert E. Crowell, officiated. Father Crowell is now pastor of Corpus Christi R. C. Church in Woodside. The Murphy children, a sort, Brother Thomas Patrick (Mar- ist Order), who teaches at St. Anne's School Bayonne, N. J., and a daughter, Mrs. James Burke, also attended, Mrs. Murphy is actively iden- tified with the Daughter's of Scotia, Lady Margaret Wyllie Lodge, and her husband is an active member of the Holy Name Society of St. Anthony's Church. wmmm 1 *3 soc : : 1 li mm Julia Moran, Society Editor , Miss joung Engaged to J. MdMally Mr. and Mrs 3 Clifford plac engagement of Maureen Ann Francis McNa McNally of 131 Miss Young, St. Anthony of School and' S ousan Island Dressing d nue, in the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Lourdes. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father in the late afternoon ceremony Aug. 23. A 'reception followed in Ridge- wood. Maid of honor was Eleanor | Doling. The bride's sisters, I Ealine Cigna and I Thompson, were bridesmaids. Maria Esposito was flower girl. Diane Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jenchow- ski of 132 Guernsey street, was baptized Sunday in St. Stanis- laus Roman Catholic Church. Eleanor!Godparents were an aunt and uncle, Mrs. Frances Burzynski and Walter Stanjeski. Diane Frances was born Aug. BEST MAN was the groom's'! in St. Catherine's Hospital brother. Anthony. Paul Cigna and weighed 10 pounds, 3'a and Richard Thompson were'ounces. Her father is corn- ushers. !mander of John Eugene Wal- The bride is a graduate of lace Legion Post in Long Island M a x w e 11 Vocational High: City. School; the groom, of St. John's j Among those at the ceremony of the Greenpoint Lions Sweetened condensed milk is the prpper kind to use in this dressing, which is delicious spooned over wedges of crisp head lettuce. 1 can sweetened condensed milk 2 eggs \'i cup buter, melted 1 cup tarragon vinegar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt \'z small onion, grated 1 (12 ounce) jar chili sauce 1 green pepper, chopped 1 (2 ounce) jar pimiento, diced Combine milk, eggs, and but- ter in an electric blender or mixer; beat until smooth. Add vinegar, mustard, salt, onion, and chili sauce; beat until thick. Fold in pepper and pimiento. Chill for several hours or over night. University where his law degree. he received: were the Jenchowski's other i children, Stanley and Linda. Old Style Cookery Is Kate's Delh OX THE COMMITTEE—Val JL Podwojski of 95 Dupont street, deputy grand master ©f the Polish Xnion. a Roman Catholic organization which will hold its national conven- tion in Manhattan Sept. 14- 20,. Is one of the Greenpointers on the pre-convention com- mittee.. She is serving as executive secretary. The Echo Pre?? Singer Kate Smith is an old-fashioned hostess when "company's coming." She likes to serve home- made hot breads and cakes. But she's not above ringing in dishes made from canned, frozen or packaged prod- ucts when time runs short, if the dish itself does not suffer from the short cuts. —— "' " The old-fashioned custom of with guests whose visits may guests dropping in at mealtime range from a week to a month. w i t h o u t notice at either her summer home at Lake Placid, N. Y., or h e r New York apart- m e n t doesn't upset Miss Smith. "I have al- w a y s wel- comed guests and to stay, because Jack MacGHIs On Western Trip Jack MacGill, past president Club, and his wife left this week for a six weeks vacation to Cali- fornia where they will visit Jack MacGill Jr. MacGill recently retired from a Manhattan* awmw© in- surance company. The MacGills live in Forest Hills. enry Young of announce the ;heir daughter, oung, to John son of John uernsey street. graduate of adua Parochial Michael's Acad- emy, Manhattai, is employed as a representative of the New York Telephonefcompany. Her fiance las graduated from St. AnthJky's and Alex- ander Hamiltoj High School. He is employedin the purchas- ing departmentfcf the Charles j Pfizer and Comlany. No definite d j e has been set | for the wedding Reception Set for Pastor The Parish Committee of SS. Cyril and Methodius Church announced this week that a re- ception is being planned for the church's pastor, the Rev. M. Mrozinski, upon his return from Poland. The reception will be held in the parish hall on Oct. 27. Parishioners can obtain tickets from members of the commit- tee after each mass on Sundays, a spokesman said. Father Mro2inski. a native of Poland, is in his homeland on an extended visit. M rs. Wins Mrs. Lola J. point attorney are at 694 Maj has been elec president of t| iiiary of the ment* Catholic! Mrs. Nemcikl lative officer Department foi to the electk C.W.V. convent ton, D. C. WITH HERj tion were her L. Nemcik, aid the same adc son, Billy. Nemcik is general of the ment. emcik, Green- whose offices tattan avenue. id third vice- Ladies Aux- tional Depart- [War Veterans. iad been legis- the National Jive years prior held at the )n in Washing- it the conven- isband, William [an attorney at ?ss, and their past adjutant fational Depart- Bride-to-Be GivenShower A bridal -shower for Sheila Coogan, formerly of Greenpoint, was held on the lawn of her parents' home in New Hyde Park with 50 guests attending. Miss Coogan will be married Oct. 25 to Donald McGovern of Staten Island. The bride-to-be is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Coogan, residents of Nassau avenue before moving to New Hyde Park. NEWLYWEDS—These newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kimkowski, who were married in St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the former Barbara Sobocinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sobocinski of 51 Jewel street. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kimkow- ski of 127 Nassau avenue. • . '. • ' ; ' ••"-; • »-•-•—_• 'i i i - . •—" : ——;—."-"•"•-••• " iimiiM.111 ii ;<m[i ii H ma n. i. . Aid to Clubs Offered by PA The Port of New York Au-i A spokesman for the PA said thority announced this week special programs on the port district can be arranged by that its speakers bureau ready to help Greenpoint-Wil liamsburg organizations plan U[n S ALgonquin O-1000, ex- Couple Returns From Poconos Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mc- Cahon of Lorimer street have returned from a vacation in the Pocono Mountains. While there, they were the guests of Mrs. Ethel Fraas and her mother. Mrs. Annie Lang, former Greenpointers who now reside in Stroudsburg, Pa. their fall schedules. tension 777. Miss Karnay Engaged Kate Smith urged them; that is the But her dinner table rarely 1 is as crowded as on one occa- sion when Kate was hostess to 65 persons, members of her i television company who went I to Lake Placid to film a TV show. S h e a l s o serves homemade foods at Christmas and on other occasions. * # * .-:<& Social Commercial Offset Printers 192 DRIGGS BROOKLYN EVERGREEN AVENUE 22. N. Y. 3 2644 way I was brought up," she "I FEEL and shut-ins at older people really appreciate said in an interview m conncc- the thou S ht bchind these S ifts ' tion with her book. The Kate because they knovy that 'loving Smith "Company's Coming" care' went into the prepara- Cookbook. | tion," she said. "It is more difficult for "I think this probably stems guests to drop in on me at from a custom my mother and Camp Sunshine (her summer 'grandmother established many years ago. ? wming to MARKOWITZ 726 Manhattan Avenue she added. "So, because I live on an ^ ^ any Qf the holidays> island," she said. you'll find me busy in my However, a phone call from kitchen making cookies, brown- shore brings her speedboat to ies, « Monadnock delights fa the mainland to pick up un- brownie - like cookie topped expected arrivals. Then modern with chocolate bits), cherry nut devices like deep freezes and bread, and Mamie's convenience foods come to her;dollar fudge." rescue. . - \~~**~—'—' •"*"""" ~~ BARBARA KARNAY Mr. and Mrs. John Karnay of 170 Nassau avenue announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Barbara, to Thomas Sav- oldy, former Greenpointer who now lives in Queens Village. The couple plans to be wed after Savoldy returns from the million-1 Army, which he entered Wed- nesday. KATE sometimes pitches ini to help with the cooking, and! she always plans menus, over-! sees the preparation and selects) table settings. This keeps her pretty busy in| the summer, for her mother,! sister, and two teen-aged nieces j stay at Camp Sunshine, along for a car? T0SCH00L Large and Complete Selection of Boys' and Girls' School Clothing WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR MEN'S SPORT COATS and SLACKS ALL AT DISCOUNT PRICES ©PEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT 10 co GIF i FREt IF ^ OU ©PE^ A NEW BUBGET ACCOUNT F©R AT LEAST 825.©0 r Kkt BARNETTS 960 MANHATTAN AVEN* DUTCH BOY - GUDDEN • HOBOKEN - LUCAS - UOYDS - DUPONT LOWEST PRICES IN GREENPOINT! Red-Devil comes to Greenpoint.. In Addition to Its Other Top Brands, Weiss & Weiss Has Now Added Famous Red-Devil Paints. Opening Special... Below Cost! Red-Devil Tile & Wall ENAMEL REG. 3.20 DUNNE'S LABOR DAY WEEKEND SPECIALS Talk to the people at Chase Man- hattan about a low cost loan. Their experience, applied to your needs, means prompt and intelli- gent service! There's an office near you. fflAIMI M] I#%N Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, evil Riot!!! Kitchen and Bath Enamel 45 Reg. 6.30 5 NOW m^ Gal. In Colors, White Slightly Higher Alkyd Flat Enamel 55 FULL QUART DUNNE'S 90 LONDON DRY G IN Reg. 5.35 4 NOW Gal. In While and Colors RUBBERIZED FLAT Vinyl Wall Finish Reg. Ji OR 4 5.75 NOW •" Gal. In White and Colors Semi-Luster Enamel Reg. 45 6.30 NOW * 0 Go In White and Colors 5 'DUNSKT VODKA 100'r Grain Neutral Spirits FULL QUART DUNNE'S BLENDED Whiskey • 40% Blend • 5, 6, 7 Yn. Old • 86 Proof FULL QUART f?*jj PAINTS - WAllPAPBt - INDUSTRIAL StIPPyiS 677 Manhattan Awwe EV 3-1413 "FREE DELIVERY" DUNNE'S RETAIL WINES A LIQUORS 698 MANHATTAN AVE, Corner Norman Aft. — Lie. 256 EV 3-1616 i I 1 ! 1 ? Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Will Id Couple 23/Brooklyn NY Greenpoint Dail… · The wedding is planned lor;daughter of Mr. and...

Page 1: Will Id Couple 23/Brooklyn NY Greenpoint Dail… · The wedding is planned lor;daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An-Oct. 5 in St. Joseph's Roman itonio Esposito of 95 Driggs ave-HOLIDAY IN

Office: ;Q6 M a n h a t t a n

Will Id ®


8 D JIZ© d William John, Fumai, son of

Mr. and Mrs. William Fumai of 153 Guernsey street, was baptized in St. Anthony of. Padua Roman Catholic Church, j Godparents were Eileen Pallia* I dkio and John Fumai. aunt and! uncle of the child.

A reception for 100 guests j followed in the club at Green- j point avenue and Franklin street.

AMOXF THOSE who attend- i ed were the grandfather, An- j thony Fumai, Mrs. Helen Ben­son, Also Mrs. Marie Fumai, Mr. and Mrs. William Dough­erty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palladino, Frank Fumai, Mr. and Mrs. John Fumai Marion Fumai.

The infant's mother is former Dolores Benson Beadle street.


the of

iss Smith Engaged to Airman

OINT W!-'h<!/Y STAR, FRIDAY, A! J ST 29, 1958 Telephone FVergreen 6

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Smith Of Astoria announced the en­gagement of their daughter. Eleanor Regina, to Airman Sec­ond Class Norman Dean Bower of Norfolk, Va.

The Smiths are former resi­dents of Engert avenue.

A graduate of John Ericcspn Junior High School 126. and of Bryant High 'School in Astoria. Miss Smith is employed by a;l

life insurance company. lof HE11 FIANCE is stationed at J of

McGuVe Base in New Jersey. | bride The wedding is planned lor;daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An-

Oct. 5 in St. Joseph's Roman itonio Esposito of 95 Driggs ave-

HOLIDAY IN BRITAIN—Mrs. Natalie Swanson (left) of 269 Nassau avenue is shown at the King's School, Canterbury, during a tour of the lovely fruit-growing county of Kent, known as the "Gar­den of England." The school adjoins Canterbury Cathedral, one of Britain's many architectural treasurers, founded in the 6th century by St. Aug­ustine. With Mrs. Swanson is Mrs. Anne McEvoy

of Forest Hills, Queens.

Catholic Church. Astoria.

Edward Newins Baptize Child Kimberly Ann Newins. daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mrs.' Edward Newins of Jersey Ctiy, formerly of Greenpoint, was baptized .re­cently.

Her godparents are. Peter .Donnelly of 171 Kent street and Mrs. Thomas Pope.

Joan Thompson Wed To Antonio Esposito

Joan L. Thompson, daughter) Alter a Bermuda honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson; the couple will make their home 112 Hull street, became the in •Whitcstone, Queens,

of Carmine J. Esposito, j — U~ i

Daughter Christened

Couple Marks 25th Year

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy of Noble street celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary re* eently. They were married in St. Anthony of Padua R. ':C: Church by the Rev. Robert E. Crowell, officiated.

Father Crowell is now pastor of Corpus Christi R. C. Church in Woodside.

The Murphy children, a sort, Brother Thomas Patrick (Mar-ist Order), who teaches at St. Anne's School Bayonne, N. J., and a daughter, Mrs. James Burke, also attended,

Mrs. Murphy is actively iden-tified with the Daughter's of Scotia, Lady Margaret Wyllie Lodge, and her husband is an active member of the Holy Name Society of St. Anthony's Church.




soc • • : :

1 l i

mm Julia Moran, Society Editor ,

Miss joung Engaged to J. MdMally

Mr. and Mrs 3 Clifford plac engagement of Maureen Ann Francis McNa McNally of 131

Miss Young, St. Anthony of School and' S

ousan Island Dressing


nue, in the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The bride was given in mar­riage by her father in the late afternoon ceremony Aug. 23. A

'reception followed in Ridge-wood.

Maid of honor was Eleanor | Doling. The bride's sisters, I Ealine Cigna and I Thompson, were bridesmaids. Maria Esposito was flower girl.

Diane Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jenchow-ski of 132 Guernsey street, was baptized Sunday in St. Stanis­laus Roman Catholic Church.

Eleanor!Godparents were an aunt and uncle, Mrs. Frances Burzynski and Walter Stanjeski.

Diane Frances was born Aug. BEST MAN was the groom's '! in St. Catherine's Hospital

brother. Anthony. Paul Cigna and weighed 10 pounds, 3'a and Richard Thompson were'ounces. Her father is corn-ushers. !mander of John Eugene Wal-

The bride is a graduate of lace Legion Post in Long Island M a x w e 11 Vocational High: City. School; the groom, of St. John's j Among those at the ceremony of the Greenpoint Lions

Sweetened condensed milk is the prpper kind to use in this dressing, which is delicious spooned over wedges of crisp head lettuce.

1 can sweetened condensed milk

2 eggs \'i cup buter, melted 1 cup tarragon vinegar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt

\'z small onion, grated 1 (12 ounce) jar chili sauce 1 green pepper, chopped 1 (2 ounce) jar pimiento,


Combine milk, eggs, and but­ter in an electric blender or mixer; beat until smooth. Add vinegar, mustard, salt, onion, and chili sauce; beat until thick. Fold in pepper and pimiento. Chill for several hours or over night.

University where his law degree.

he received: were the Jenchowski's other i children, Stanley and Linda.

Old Style Cookery Is Kate's Delh

OX THE COMMITTEE—Val JL Podwojski of 95 Dupont street, deputy grand master ©f the Polish Xnion. a Roman Catholic organization which will hold its national conven­tion in Manhattan Sept. 14-20,. Is one of the Greenpointers on the pre-convention com­mittee.. She is serving as

executive secretary.

The Echo Pre??

Singer Kate Smith is an old-fashioned hostess when "company's coming." She likes to serve home­made hot breads and cakes. But she's not above ringing in dishes made from canned, frozen or packaged prod­ucts when time runs short, if the dish itself does not suffer from the short cuts. — — — • " ' "

The old-fashioned custom of with guests whose visits may guests dropping in at mealtime range from a week to a month. w i t h o u t notice — a t e i t h e r h e r summer home a t L a k e Placid, N. Y., or h e r New York apart-m e n t — doesn't upset Miss Smith.

"I have al-w a y s w e l ­comed guests and to stay, because

Jack MacGHIs On Western Trip

Jack MacGill, past president Club,

and his wife left this week for a six weeks vacation to Cali­fornia where they will visit Jack MacGill Jr .

MacGill recently r e t i r e d from a Manhattan* awmw© in­surance company. The MacGills live in Forest Hills.

enry Young of announce the

;heir daughter, oung, to John

son of John uernsey street.

graduate of adua Parochial Michael's Acad­

emy, Manhat ta i , is employed as a representative of the New York Telephonefcompany.

Her fiance l a s graduated from St. AnthJky's and Alex­ander Hami l to j High School. He is employedin the purchas­ing departmentfcf the Charles j Pfizer and Comlany.

No definite d j e has been set | for the wedding

Reception Set for Pastor

The Parish Committee of SS. Cyril and Methodius Church announced this week that a re­ception is being planned for the church's pastor, the Rev. M. Mrozinski, upon his return from Poland.

The reception will be held in the parish hall on Oct. 27. Parishioners can obtain tickets from members of the commit­tee after each mass on Sundays, a spokesman said.

Father Mro2inski. a native of Poland, is in his homeland on an extended visit.

M rs. Wins

Mrs. Lola J. point attorney are at 694 Maj has been elec president of t | iiiary of the ment* Catholic!

Mrs. Nemcikl lative officer Department foi to the electk C.W.V. convent ton, D. C.

WITH HERj tion were her L. Nemcik, aid the same adc son, Billy.

Nemcik is general of the ment.

emcik, Green-whose offices tattan avenue. id third vice-

Ladies Aux-tional Depart-

[War Veterans. iad been legis-

the National Jive years prior

held at the )n in Washing-

it the conven-isband, William [an attorney at ?ss, and their

past adjutant fational Depart-

Bride-to-Be GivenShower

A bridal -shower for Sheila Coogan, formerly of Greenpoint, was held on the lawn of her parents' home in New Hyde Park with 50 guests attending.

Miss Coogan will be married Oct. 25 to Donald McGovern of Staten Island.

The bride-to-be is the daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Coogan, residents of Nassau avenue before moving to New Hyde Park.

NEWLYWEDS—These newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kimkowski, who were married in St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the former Barbara Sobocinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sobocinski of 51 Jewel street. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kimkow­

ski of 127 Nassau avenue. • . — — — '. • ' ; ' ••"-; • »-•-•—_• — 'i i i - . • — " : ——;—."-"•"•- • • • " iimiiM.111 ii ;<m[i i i H ma — n. i. .

Aid to Clubs Of fered by PA The Port of New York Au-i A spokesman for the PA said

thority announced this week s p e c i a l programs on the port

district can be arranged by that its speakers bureau i« ready to help Greenpoint-Wil liamsburg organizations plan ™U[nS ALgonquin O-1000, ex-

Couple Returns From Poconos

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mc-Cahon of Lorimer street have returned from a vacation in the Pocono Mountains.

While there, they were the guests of Mrs. Ethel Fraas and her mother. Mrs. Annie Lang, former Greenpointers who now reside in Stroudsburg, Pa.

their fall schedules. tension 777.

Miss Karnay Engaged

Kate Smith

urged them; that is the

But her dinner table rarely 1 is as crowded as on one occa­sion when Kate was hostess to 65 persons, members of her

i television company who went I to Lake Placid to film a TV show.

She a l s o serves homemade

f o o d s at Christmas and on other occasions.

* # *


Social Commercial Offset



AVENUE 22. N. Y. 3 2 6 4 4

way I was brought up," she

"I FEEL and shut-ins

at older people really appreciate

said in an interview m conncc- t h e t h o u S h t b c h i n d t h e s e S i f t s ' tion with her book. The Kate because they knovy that 'loving Smith "Company's Coming" care' went into the prepara-Cookbook. | tion," she said.

"It is m o r e difficult for "I think this probably stems guests to drop in on me at from a custom my mother and Camp Sunshine (her summer 'grandmother established many

years ago.

? wming

to MARKOWITZ 726 Manhattan Avenue

she added. "So, because I live on an ^ ^ a n y Qf t h e h o l i d a y s >

island," she said. you'll find me b u s y in my However, a phone call from kitchen making cookies, brown-

shore brings her speedboat to ies, « Monadnock delights fa the mainland to pick up un- brownie - like cookie t o p p e d expected arrivals. Then modern with chocolate bits), cherry nut devices like deep freezes and bread, and Mamie's convenience foods come to her;dollar fudge." rescue. . - \~~**~—'—' •"*"""" ~~


Mr. and Mrs. John Karnay of 170 Nassau avenue announce the engagement of their daugh­ter, Barbara, to Thomas Sav-oldy, former Greenpointer who now lives in Queens Village.

The couple plans to be wed after Savoldy returns from the

million-1 Army, which he entered Wed­nesday.

KATE sometimes pitches ini to help with the cooking, and! she always plans menus, over-! sees the preparation and selects) table settings.

This keeps her pretty busy in| the summer, for her mother,! sister, and two teen-aged nieces j stay at Camp Sunshine, along for a car?

T0SCH00L Large and Complete Selection of Boys' and Girls' School Clothing





F©R AT LEAST 825.©0

r Kkt




Red-Devil comes to Greenpoint.. • In Addit ion to Its Other Top Brands, Weiss & Weiss Has Now Added Famous Red-Devil Paints.

Opening Special... Below Cost! Red-Devil Tile & Wall ENAMEL REG. 3.20



Talk to the people at Chase Man­hattan about a low cost loan. Their experience, applied to your needs, means prompt and intelli­gent service! There's an office near you.

f f lAIMI M ] I#%N Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp,

evil Riot!!! Kitchen and Bath Enamel

45 Reg. 6.30 5 NOW m^ Gal.

In Colors, White Slightly Higher

Alkyd Flat Enamel







Reg. 5.35 4 NOW • Gal.

In While and Colors


Vinyl Wall Finish Reg. Ji OR 4 5.75 NOW • " Gal.

In White and Colors

Semi-Luster Enamel

Reg. 45 6.30 NOW * 0 Go

In White and Colors



100'r Grain





• 40% Blend • 5, 6, 7 Yn.

Old • 86 Proof




677 Manhattan A w w e EV 3-1413



698 MANHATTAN AVE, Corner Norman Aft. — Lie. 256

EV 3-1616




! 1 ?

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