WildStringdom Intro Video Aug 2015

Welcome to WildStringdom where every month we examine and analyze guitarists who really revolutionized the way play and approach the instrument. This months featured guitarist is John Petrucci from the band Dream Theater, and the composition that we are going to be investigating is Pull Me Under which is the first track off of the 1992 album Images and Words. Where we are going to start is in the solo section on page 157, and measure 143 in the Dream Theater Anthology Song Book, of which can be found in the Educational Media Link above. Here we are going to learn to develop proper picking techniques and learn how to build and transition from one fragment or sequence into another. This composition is filled with the tools that will really catapult your playing to new levels, but you have to be willing learn, and make some changes to your playing. And with that being said let’s get started….


Wildstringdom script

Transcript of WildStringdom Intro Video Aug 2015

Welcome to WildStringdom where every month we examine and analyze guitarists who really revolutionized the way play and approach the instrument.

This months featured guitarist is John Petrucci from the band Dream Theater, and the composition that we are going to be investigating is Pull Me Under which is the first track off of the 1992 album Images and Words.

Where we are going to start is in the solo section on page 157, and measure 143 in the Dream Theater Anthology Song Book, of which can be found in the Educational Media Link above.

Here we are going to learn to develop proper picking techniques and learn how to build and transition from one fragment or sequence into another.

This composition is filled with the tools that will really catapult your playing to new levels, but you have to be willing learn, and make some changes to your playing.

And with that being said lets get started.