Wikibrands YMCA Ten Ideas

YMCA WUN Madrid- “Changing Lives, Moving Forward” Ten Leading Digital Ideas for 2015 World Urban Network Madrid July 21 st , 2012
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A presentation of ten ideas for voting and workshopping at the 2012 World Urban Network Meeting in Madrid Spain.

Transcript of Wikibrands YMCA Ten Ideas

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YMCA WUN Madrid-“Changing Lives, Moving Forward”

Ten Leading Digital Ideas for 2015

World Urban NetworkMadrid

July 21st, 2012

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Because 894 goals can’t be wrong

"Skate to where the

puck is going,

not to where it is."

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There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and

that is not being talked about.Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey

The Primary Law of the Connected Net - Awesomeness

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Only 1.5% of Tweet conversations go…

Two levels (replies) deep

Only 14% of your Facebook posts ever … Receive comments

The Law of Awesomeness Online

Source: Compete

Only 5.0% of Linked Users have…

1,000+ contacts

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IBM, Will it Blend, Charity Water and Samsung - Connected Awesomeness

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Selling You the Digital Circus

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Idea #1 - iYMCAYMCA Global Mobile App

- Top Media Growth Driver

- Youth Relevance

- 5 billion global connections spanning all geographies

- YMCA Scale

- Local/Global Benefits

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Idea #2 – YMCA Youth AssemblyYMCA Leader Social Network

- Values-based network

- Invite first YMCA and community leaders

- Foundation sponsorship

- Anti-Facebook sentiment

- YMCA’s 119 Countries

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Idea #3 – YMCAx TalksInspiring Stories and Lectures from Y’s Best

- Video Growth

- Success of TED

- Importance of Telling Y Stories

- Affiliate events

- Ownable Youth Focus

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Idea #4 – YMCA Global Strong KidsYouth Fundraising Across the Globe

- Fundraising #1 Global Digital Engagement Priority

- Ability to leverage existing local activity

- Scale up and produce sophisticated fundraising platform

- Global sponsorships

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Plan Canada – A Manifesto that Resonates

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Idea #5 – YMCA Living JournalDocumentaries on Y Related Success

- Emotional/inspirational aspects of the Y work

- Viral nature of video

- Global scale and efficiencies

- Youth relevance

- Links to fundraising and important messaging

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- The 93 Dollar Club

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Idea #6 – YMCA Brought To LifeDaily Infographics on Y Successes

- 6 Times Effect Online

- Solves Social Media Content Generation Issues

- Coordinates YMCAs throughout the world through content

- Presents to important and fun side of the Y

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Idea #7 – YMCA MovesExpert Fitness Hub

- YMCA Bank of Expertise

- International coordinated programs and challenges

- Ownership of Family and Youth Fitness

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Idea #8 – Y StarterYMCA Crowdsourcing Social Innovation

- Kiva microcredit success

- Kickstarter growth and regulation changes

- Ownership of Youth Social Innovation globally

- Leverage YMCA assets (locations/members) to help

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Idea #9– YMCA Long Beach Idea

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Idea #10– YMCA England Idea

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Present 10 ideas (15 minutes)

Ranking the Best Ideas (15 minutes)

Present Back Rankings and Reasons (10 minutes)

Optimize Best Ideas (25 minutes)

Present Back Top Builds (15 minutes)

Wrap Up and Next Steps (10 minutes)

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iYMCA – Mobile AppYMCA Youth Leader Assembly - the Alternate FacebookYMCAx Talks – Video InspirationYMCA Global Strong Kids – Fundraising CampaignYMCA Living Journal – Video DocumentariesYMCA Brought to Life – InfographicsYMCA Moves – Expert Fitness HubY Starter - YMCA Social Innovation YMCA Long Beach Idea – Youth Institute CampsYMCA England Idea – Project Iuvenis Social Commerce


Rank Your Top 3 Ideas as a group (15 minutes)

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• Key Objectives that this delivers against and why is this so exciting?

• How do we make this a bigger idea?• What are exciting features to build into this idea?• What will be the challenge(s) to execute it?• Key Next Steps• Other YMCAs that might be Interested
