Wiki and member directory: List-serve:

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Transcript of Wiki and member directory: List-serve:

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  • Wiki and member directory: List-serve: northern minnesota gis users group
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  • nmngis who we are Itasca County St Louis County Crow-Wing County Carlton County Cook County Lake County Koochiching County City of Superior, WI City of Grand Rapids, MN City of Duluth, MN City of Hermantown, MN EMR, inc. JSA Services Midwest GIS Lake Superior College University of Minnesota Duluth Fond du Lac Community College Natural Resources Research Institute EPA USGS MPCA Arrowhead Regional Development Commission NRCS National Weather Service WLSSD Superior Water, Light & Power Co. MN DNR Mn/DOT 24 in web directory 46 signed up on wiki 85 on list-serve 10-25 at meetings
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  • nmngis what we do Wiki discussions: Open source training, other training opportunities GIS Day, conference connections Imagery initiatives, availability Specific applications, methodologies who has experience with? Presentations: Organization projects State and regional datasets ArcGIS Server, geodatabases Tours: National Weather Service, Ironworld (Mesaba bike trail kiosk, DNR forestry center)
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  • Geographic Information Sciences Laboratory College of Liberal Arts, UMD
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  • Geographic Information Sciences Laboratory College of Liberal Arts, UMD Promoting GIS in UMD research, provide project support for UMD faculty Promoting GIS in student curriculum (across many disciplines) and provide practical experience for students Facilitating student projects demonstrating different uses of GIS to students Providing a lab for students and faculty to do their own GIS work Maintaining the lab through GIS support, research consulting, and GIS services that provide hands-on GIS experience for students wishing to intern in the GIS lab (internal and external sales) Sustainability in UM practices and promoting sustainable community practices
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  • Project design Identification of system and data needs Data acquisition Oversight of a GIS project GIS data editing Contracted Services may include: Internal Services Clients include: Spatial analysis / geoprocessing GIS model development Cartography large format printing Maps for web Hartley Nature Center St Louis County School District Local Initiatives Support Coalition WI Dept of Natural Resources Minnesota Department of Transportation Wheels on Trails Organization Geography, Biology, Geology, History, Pharmacy, Large Lakes Observatory, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Center for Sustainable Community Development, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Operations External Services Clients include: Geographic Information Sciences Laboratory College of Liberal Arts, UMD
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  • Center for Sustainable Community Development Dr. Mike Mageau, Assistant Professor Director, Environmental Studies Dr. Steve Graham, GISP Research Associate, Geographic Information Sciences Lab Dr. Adam Pine, Assistant Professor Director, Urban and Regional Studies Dr. Olaf Kuhlke, Associate Professor CLA interim Dean Stacey Stark, MS, GISP Director, Geographic Information Sciences Lab University of Minnesota: Commitment to: sustainability and responsible stewardship of public resources; and to sharing new knowledge and practical solutions to real- world problems. (President Robert Bruininks)
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  • MN Statewide Flood Risk Assessment Minnesota Department of Public Safety (September 2009) with The Polis Center of Indiana University Hazard riverine profiles for each county in MN using HAZUS-MH (FEMA) Use updated HAZUS-MH essential facility (school, care facility, emergency operations center, police, fire station) inventory data Collect and document the riverine flooding hazards for each county Collect basemap information from State of Minnesota Sources. Collect and document the riverine and coastal flooding hazards for each county. Estimate losses using HAZUS-MH GIS tools Create reports and maps for each county
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  • Wind Resources Mapping of Lake Superior Shores Dr. Mike Mageau, CSCD
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  • Defining the Agricultural Landscape of the Western Lake Superior Region: Realities and potentials for a healthy local food system for healthy people Stacey Stark, GISL David Abazs, Round River Farm Partners: David Syring, PhD Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UMD Gayle Nikolai Member, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Reservation Mike Mageau, PhD Director of Center for Sustainable Community Development, Instructor, Director Environmental Studies, UMD Information about the capacity of this region to produce food and to meet consumers needs: research-based assessment of the current food system Conceptual "regional pattern" diet Local economic impacts
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  • Rural Pharmacies at Risk Stacey Stark, GISL
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  • St Louis County Independent School District Transportation Analysis Dr Steve Graham, GISL