WiiA ss itandituilooal wmzs noHett. 21/Cortland NY...and Retail Dealer la Books, Stationery, Paper...

KOITOB AMU I'm.. .U..I..U. f. O. KINNEY,} omc. •* J ^ afT* ** •r. MS* •>cj,...-> (.„» «v.*i*v. ,;„ A "«!« !'•«< W •' In »'•(•< '..!, IA pilWnlliftl • '! • . ,• LiiMafi ' 1 '> Let all the ends thou aim'st at, be tSmCountry's, thy G-od's* i Cortland County Standard. Pust-isiieD SIM TuNSDAY. AT .•OKTr.AN-D.-ttmTT.AND CO., K. f|. BY F. G. Kinney, Editor and Proprietor. Ofiet t* ItoMfrt NswBioeK, iWrd A»r. TBKM8.-$a.«0 «/wi $a,00i/p»MI»«>"~»- IUT^» or A""* 1 """** 1 Twolvo linos (or ono Inch) raako one sqnar*. j CALKIN, Suoc JRsaotw SurriR A SI.RRRR, » - 111? ./i*'! <1 .^ f ,he to, ° n " » ' » KMlor Block* n«nJri.,!r l ," al i"? c< L'?** "?' e^aHenco will aid us In offerlnggoode to this market at IAIMI .s^SE^sSif 11 MI 3 00~.no; V80 a.ooifi.50 Vi?! too sso m n.wii.oo S.00'U.W,U.flO. I8.U0I W.OI)!*).0O »b». t square, » simsrvs, 5 - |'l.ii.-«. -.pl'liva, Mr/lort, o<«* »<••««" JW / otto /<"' " " V f"<**<l'<*nt W "'n»e*Kt4 i*r H»*/orto"*mtf*»»», *M (le»tt* Qtji.tr tu\ng rata for itandituilooal noHett. ss wmzs nlf RY. ( tr-.: PUI0B8 THAT W l r f ' t ^ k M . :<•, I Farmers, •n/b&ehC'Wffl find It to their Intercut to OUR 8XPCK 18 LARO* AND VARIKD, Ulotlis, Claakings, I {H t< 4 •+ ail* . ,n.fijtryZ i Great Mon will Differ, but all Agree lHHt'Jf ' THAT AT E. N. JohiisoaV IW Store .pftaWSWItlWt.ooT £ 8 the place to bay Dry Goods cheap for cash. Ite le now recejrW fertile) Vail tr,d«a large lino of Paisley and Wool MIIIIWIH, f^ 11 ,**" YefveV Ana Cloth Backings aud Oloakliigs, t/A. A MAO «JS i»4l'io^tje»j*««*(i»iil«iniui ,.ir ^elQotBoetry.,;,., and Truth'aV ••••••••:'•: ^•'• f '»L-tmmi-<^/ t t ^.^iw.j •••„,„•,. ',7 »'";, ! ; ' ;,; ' - ; - <»»' '•'• '.-' . . . . . " . >| 'nlioja V T A rVIIT A "RV 9!K 1 8TA .""^«^ "tl/ tw>»IW*! iM,(ta » ?rJ | »A-rt'g »rf» »».' ^<vj«W APDITIPN T9 qUAY'aJ BL»QY. e,/pll9wl|ia ; HoflB ago, (ini)iiy..mii'ily. In A HI oito ,.f r ft <, /P ,1 9«;4>3; Ho,«B wcff pttWIshod, many,roart ag6, (in.)iiy.,itni'ily. In a Hloito Island paper.' Tl>» kM\6t bolleVe* that Gray h; * b o t gtrMn to tils pooin WiiA ! BALLARD A SMITH, t8 A T I uwNTojc-rvue door north of ATTOKNKY8 A«Di<fflllN8R[.OU8 AT LAW. ) OK flri' over SKACORI) & Pi S«iiiHK*^l»ro. ,...„„,.»*-.»-». ,s«M*isfL^4 •JrOMUt IMriyiwf*»itl w MI ' Al-l'DHNKY AND COBNHBI.OR AT IVAW.' |>F- it. •• In room Utoly occupied by Komi & KHKKHAN, >„ M.,.,,MI.:UI.1I Iflock, Main stf<-o«. CortlapA N. Y. «i_ JZZliVT fU /7vi7. B. A. BENEDICT, ATTOUNKY AND 00UN8BT^>R AT LAW urMilceluall the UonrtxortheHtale. All "-". jS^lflW;MMI.«t,'"" I)«AI.KK IN JKWRLRY. WATCHES, CL0CK», silver and tlatcd Woro, Kancy Articles, Ac, Sto, and at short notice, mora wirj. All business KciMlrliur well done. BENJ. T. WRIGHT, limine, Marathon, N. Y. »»vl ATTOKNRY AND cbu«BRI.OR ATTVW. BUS. Iness entrusted to MM will receive prompt and rarenil Htieutlon. (>Alre in room* furiuiirly occu* plod hy llAi.i.AKti A WAHHSN, corner of Main and Port Watioji streets, Oortlaud, N. Y. 111 nl .''i'ljllilf <3»«. M.'JoKis. BOUTON A CHAMPUN, AITORNKY8 AND COtfNSRl.Olis Af LAW^RD \ot I.IOH 1'iil.llc, Ke«tor lllock, iSn-iliuul. N. Y. (..1IWTC-N? *^~nl* U. CHAMPUN. aaanu bnaW18, i »iiK)||( Flamiola, Sheetings, K ' Shirtings, Tickings, Prints, L o • ""^P ^ rt8 » * 0# "' Moalory, •. Gloves, Notion*, NOTTINOHAK I.AUK (JURTAINB and •I P IIIOHKBT MARKET PRIOR PAID FOR DRIKD APPLKJ^ It |a our Intention to keep up tho reputation which this establishment has so long maintained, ot 8BLL1N0 THK BUST AiW» 0/ftCA PAST UOiiDH In Cortland, and we auiiiro our frlciuUt and tho publlo that we will HOT UNDKHAOLO WM. P. BUMNKR. 19 TH RO. P. OALKIH. HOLMES A PALMER, UTOKNEYH'KHD OOlINBRl.OSH AT LAWt A N thsHtate'andTJnlted States Courts, and Bollcltora i<l Pat»n|s. Otllce In Mc»»ong«r Hull lllock. Main ^iroet, Cortland, N. Y. AimiVBOOUfSS. nl IRV1NO PAI.MKR. •tul A. M.'iroUNSEVELL, A-l«lVUN>!r:ANDl!t>UN8RIAllt AT LAW.ANl) II. S. Pension and Claim Agent. Qfllce on corner of North tihurch And Mill ntreeta, k few ilm>n< east of the C:ortland llouao, Oortlaud village, N. Y. 81 T.VHODE8, OtTTTINtl, HIIAMPOOINO, AND IstfAVINO, HA I; 11.ili Dressing, execiitotl lu a manner to suit custo- Baloon In Hiiulros' Block, Cortland, N. Y. mors. n*l fr *• CHARLES Z. WILLIAMS, HircokasoR to w. 11. VAN BtVck; WM, POB- rur and IlUlrll.-iliu. Itu .lUonou No. I'l. Mill stroet. All work In this line executed In a workmanlike mannjr. Orders left at the STANDARD or DKHO- CIIAT Ofllcos, will recolvo prompt sttontlon. i*. ~8A~RDIR8, r CIXICKB, Repairing and Kuj-ia 'nl DKALIR IN JRWRLRY. WATCIIKp. silver an* Plated Warej.tc. Repairing vlug exocntod promptly and sstlsfscTorlly. ;k, Cortland, N. Y. songcr 11 tit X lllocl NASH, M. D. HOMBOPATIU8T, HAVIN« LOOATBD IN THIS place lor tho practice of his proPosalou, solicits a share of publlo patronage. The host of references urodRCed if deslrod. Ofllce and residence one door south of Randall Bank. I'iyl "^ ' T Wl8. 7 ll. r 'MANTANY«' *'•"''' ATTORN8T AND COl/NBRLOR AT LAW, PRCK*8 Block, Marathon, N. Y. n81 -vr-rt"* — ( t t i r f - ^ r ^ f ' s M -Hi' so * Tr* 1 * 1 ! HYATT A HOLDEN, IIBNTISTB, OKFtOB, OPPOBITM MKBBRNORH Hank. Particular attention paid lo preserving tho nstnral teeth. 'Peeth lnsort«d on OoH, Bllvor, Rub- ber and AUdTitnum baaee. Kthsr, Chloroform aivl Narcotlo Spray need In extracting troth. nl A. BrlAHAN, REMOVAL !. („> * 1HK_WBLL-KNOWN MIM.INKItY KS'l'AIIMBII- MRNT OF RS. D. M. C LKARWOOO having beon removed to the ONew tjfnion Ha^il Block gtr miarami MAIS sikixT, COUTLAND, and hating latoly received a I.AUHN and sexier stock «f all tho latest styles or > f ifl 1 i nr-e r y <^ <> o d a , (he fe prepared to furnhh to castomors »• Bonnets, to sntt any taste, , H a t s , lri"every variety, v, Velvets and 8jttlns, or ail colore, R i b b o n s and V a o e s to Match, Flowers of every shaite. soil, indeed, everything In her'Uno which can be de- ecrlboUor desired, Also, Housekeepers' Goods. Quilts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towola, Onrtaln Goods, Window Bhmfes and Cornices, Domesllo Ooode, Hats, Wick, Twine, FI.ANNBL8, VsRIRTtGOODB, •! "'"f* 8 * TAIIX>R8'_THl_MMJN08, fuojighof rolfHlouBchar^iobn>li|*tot donee hevrroW tlicre vprsea, to follow tho s anas, la tho Elegy bogUi- bln4< with tho Wordsi" Sir froin the rnaddoUiug ertjwa'satrlfe,!'.) n-,,,,.-. it ?<:.'! • . \!;.f2if W»rt f yi'N"»w.*plr.ftWH)ls,fiinclfca-A,rtd, (dpi "'T*' fos^onjth, iilrR-i^Uagsfteriftiine! (! . "5i ,r -?.* v^ J S° 8«Wlnibr h < ^ luspipri., f Ana brged (|tem on wkrd nil nobler alia'., II fmi) r'«'H(!.' Ski) .LiUl-'llliVi r«« •*«' Vr mwy «f>»v»««, w *>rWP^i»y; aww,^ The .hallovvod voice of spirit-breatbiiiK (!.itil« ( ^jioff(jifr) •'Wr, M liL'etft! ••<»( *)1..i.| I'll Vt i. r.) . • HOOP BKHITS and SKIRT qoODB DRKSB TRIMMINOH, ' FRiNGH^f 8 ' . VKLVKTS, and Zophyr. Won»t«i|*, Yarns, Hosiery W1TO0W SHADES, k ,,,. < y.^VBlW QIOVSS, «tO,» A«i, •'.«!.• .\\\- •\ { > KUtl which will be .111 \U lf'*#l B»1WS'.>?I JUS VI SOLD LKBS THAN A T A N Y OTHER I>KY OODDS 5fi»* ry*»j *$ fw. r*»f n*' °* s: Abrf .triiooo nfithesfi.'Atl We'peAoaftiliKfee.l > i I-iko holy InciiiiHuchiumcd tlie evening air. ^umjjj/giifjftmi oj I [i • .[;.'» m.'t, ( >!W/ ; in The hnlliniil i>ai)i ot jjuiuiico iteycrtiMl,- Tho sncreil Volumoii claimed thohnarls nlOno, , Whhsh.tawthtthe,way.fflglory..tidu.Qod. I'Here'NMy Uroih Trttth'^ Ulernalfountam^w 't'hoiniioimdnrltiadoiiliifjwntemdaybyilay; -J«WWrdi*to«PiaWydaye, are. av jl,ileut, and ' J vfel ti: irv.ar i» fi*ilrtH MU i'tf : Tq wallf in wisdom's bright and poaooftd '"'' w^V , "''"''' • ' *' ' •^i" i^'ii'' i'i/. ; vitiilj^.rii ; .( Jiv i ..(u< •.•(! 4n.il/ , fc mWMWWfa'' ni^k 4va.fl* styflly P W Th{/"hA*y haiid iof alWoiiroytng Tttae,' Through vr^osb Ww mouldferiii^la riW t( j. sighs the blast, !•- ^ , /«•.•< nil Aud round whose altars grass audi Ivy i, , . climb;, . , , ... t H'lr J l i U j i .Mi ." I- I'lriif the want of fiutli. Ami doubt boiHK ((iiickcr-.spokcii anil louder- teilguwl than faith, neitlicr party is etRrtolwd by the other. What«v«r faith survives tho friottou, loses its beauty, and;is iluered by.Uigotryf Bo Deal tenderly with the joy-giving friths of children, old and yeting. JU'r thep be hk B tho loved old' dog> the P^hn^is of.clnldhaodi He mm gam- bwltBOimore,. H«,oa» mv*"w>!mQn\ , He. only waits his time to die. Uive him Ills time. Solace your boy wjth a P W lM^ad,,»nd,sp h«\»,hjnA tpr^y a tilwieiinl goodfbye, ,Te»r^ 9\V?\ tb« J o a t ^ W t b ^ , , SpMlea.fiyer th^ v ,pA> Py Vi?t^Btter^ t Uf> ,wbo ( , can gjy„, po- P><>»,/ | (fr,,,dog8j ) or ;/ itnanly , bpjiofe, for childish oi^os, oarriqs, light and bless- iug with him. May hwi d»y» »i»3|, his jJonmeysb^loW.. ,' y , f , c WA bewaropt"' rudely ^stthig ^om- ^ftr ; |t(ng belieifi|. ' ^a'^pps'e \fyj r "'»ito fau^y,Ji4t1g<^rl by,thp> ; ^bftrajr^' sjta^d* ifV^, *!»ey a ^ / ^ t t i r . ^ R . n ^ j ^ ^ ^^ttn^IPe?^ $W', $W 0 }', ( be /P r0 Y? (J true, «\s is probably t h e c ^ e wf^h, «|ev* end of the standard orthodox beliefs j pwj»-m»iti ijL¥ir»«hgiii|M8iff.v,<ijy JJJIH' J A Visit tola (Jhinoso Bilk Factory. A cdi-reapondoiit of the Oinoinnaii Vqmrtffirqial writes from Canton .- v 1 directed By, guide to take me iiu- to tho silk-weaving streets. We soon entered them. 1 at once dismounted to make i careful observation of their tnodus operandi for the proilitction of ^bjprenpwned it>^r|o^Qri(BpjiaJi lopma. All; around n» e was Bilk, jiilk, ooth^ig but silk. > In small, dark houses, little Better tihan hovels; were seen ]f>eoplo. ehiclly women, dyeing this dolie'ato textile;. 6ut8>% «n, .|^lij'jrjlt^y. yafdsj and plg-stycs, over tho ground whoro tho family swino wero wallowing, weWf plaefed b^botV poles, whereon 'Wer^ |jatt^% A e j ^ «ilf oflloreti' BIITC, ,jiw y ,ft-6rr| the $y% an^ 8f|,owii|gf; with the most- vivid hues, as thoy hung for drying in tho siyishine over the loath- some pools below. I visited so vend 'of ttjeilr weaving ihopsi;'' ThoV WON quite similar in their fixtures and ar- rangemODtSi I spent, sprae time in ox* K;K#S-!MAKING . Ill all Its branches. - - S 1 Ledfak,aro Kiqueated to. col 1 ami see for theueelvee. October, 18(0. IS and Retail Dealer la Books, Stationery, Paper Also t Sowing Ma (SUCCKSSOR TO OKO. W. Ai'UAUJ WMOLKSALE 01 " " tod deal VR M.-s<«ng«r'HSll Block; Cortland Hangings and jfaticy Ooode. Also. Sowing chines, Mosleal (nstrtimoiils, Shoot MrtSrC, - lion Bwks, Violin and Utiltar Strings, d, N. Y, llgS Willi IHIIVJ «"WU«, ...".-, fcj. , . ,, hliies, Minleal Iiistnimenls, Sheet Music, Instrnc- - Ac, No. 1 USM BENJAMIN BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS CORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. llesil.tmiea and Monuments of American ami Ital- ian Marbles, and Freestone, furnished to order, and twenty live per cent, cheaper than cap he procured ostewhere. Shop east »lde Main street, north of the Oottlandllailse. ItF >YT3 ,A'f... S. M. UKNJAM1N. ,.•»>», J. W. BENJAMIN. PROTRIrrrRBrTfHltY'SROTaL. HAVfNGBRRN 1 throughout, aelied, this HENRY BREWER A SON, I'rsvslliig Bass, Ae., at the old stand, on Port Wat- son sires O. W. HULL, DKNTIST. OrFlCK tNTUR NEW WICKWARE rWlcRwate'snard' niork,, Y. N ,over > rilculi irdwate store, Cortland,N. ular atlenUmi paid to all branches of the S rofesaloh. None hut the best material used. En- WM. u.i.i,111 p. RAWDAU. LIVERY STABLE. BOMB OF THE BEST AND Anest looking horses In Central New York, New, •-Iran, and stylish, carriages. On Port Watiob St., , and stylish carriage a few rods east of Ihe Mrs Hunger Hou.it. THOMAS HOWARD, IUlRHK.1 A to let on reatonablu Icrius. Eve LIVERY STABLR, HQR8B8 AND CARRIAOKS lahki tennt. Everything well kept, and In the best of style, Opposl lil.K'k, on Main street, Cortland', N. rythlng \_. •site the Oarrlson Y. 4 Hi s-S».. a. *. se^t-si. WATERS A WATERS ATTOHNBtBANft CODNSBLORSAT LAW. [A. ti. WMKIIH, District Attorney.] oiMco, rornei ol Main and Court streets, Cortland, N. Y. Ilnslncss in United Slat.* Courts promptly attended to. ' M. M. WATERS. nl A. D. WATERS. J. A. TODD, DENTIST, CORTLAND, N. V. NITROB8 OXIDE Has ns.nl In extracting teeth. This gaa Is harmless, and all wishing teeth removed without feeling the pain, ehoald try It. Vavilcular attention given lo saving and Ailing Ihe int.mil teeth. Prepnratlons for diseased mouth and gums kept prepared. No charge for admlnlsterlug iirrrorofonn, Ether, or Narcotic Spray. Allonorallone warrantod. nl "T nl OF- A. P. SMITH ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLOfc AT LAW OF- ioo in faylor Uall Block, (n» etalm,) (JorUand. . a\%l ','. 14 ••') . . ,'l- ia rO ' DUKLL 4. FOSTER, ATTORNBY81\ND COimSKLORSAT LAW. n a-W "".•) H'.'.T SUTlif !BII r T X fdi' M. MICHELSON, DEALER IN WAJOH8S, J EWRI.RY, 0L0OK8, AND Silver and Plated Ware of every description. Re- pairing done on short nolle* ami In a workmanlike raanaec, , - ,• • •.•;••- Kl.i •.«.' al ., .. ... ^..y^ ^„|il,mjf |. •., »J I , III j ' LYDIA A. STROWBRIDCE, IIYOIKNIC PH¥rMCIAN. TREATS ALL CURABLE dlevasea successfully wlihiMilthriiMXif drugs. Pa tlouls received lu the house, and calls from home promptly attended to. Especial attention paid to •••••• " ""Hldimeo oitCnuit nl .',.• ',jf ,» ;n •;' nptlv attended to. Especial cbronhi eMin^rlaodlaeaaee, J llonee hill. . n » ...in. .i.,i>i u .,«• "i*i •TA JOHN M. KATLINE, . ALL, OKDKM8 IN KVERy orlng protnplly executed. Over Janli I A Co, e etore, Cortland, N. T cil FORD A FREEMAN, LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND. UV It STOCK lNBU- Sro?tTOUiurV^Y w vulu * y^. , " ock ' Ms,n A. M,'FORI), 10 F. W. FREEMAN. Jr,,,h\MA&,MJ+i*r:„<JUoO BOOK ANP JOB I'KINTjKH. , Al/L JVORK RXE- eiiied lu the nest manner and lit reasonable rates oillie £ Moore's hrU k liulldlng.north pf National Bank, Cortland, N. Y. furdy & Vat* Alstyn^, DEALERS IN 'BOOTS, ^ l O E S , R U B B K t? S ! Iseather and f'iiulinss, KIT TOOIiJ AND MACHINERY I Which will bsMald As low as can be bought west of New York( x r x ) * HOOTS AND SIIOE^JoF AU. KINDS, Manufactnred lo order. > Cash paid for HIDES and SKINS. Life, a Opposite Messenger Hell Main St Jsuusrv 1. 1R*R _K1~ MOO iti J J AH !l*0>: i*4iOsSideilt I he had at rate* adapted to the haxard, the r,|»uwt*.' JrlfR^^iafs Ojajnpan||f|: .IK IN!: Oaeh Assets. ( t \ N he had at rales adapted to the hazard, in any ) of the rtaowbx" Ifwjr/jp'•»•» Ojnipanlpj:- HQMiS lisSUliuVNCE CO.," ,N.. X., ...\)....:..;.4/^)l»t.a « IIAKTFORD mSURANCE CO., l ! l R^TOaSJftoNN., Cash Assets e^^jos.TS .INSURANCE | C a OF AMERICA, Plt^ADKt.PHIA, Cash Assets.. ,.\'JIIMI'.).i $9,*69,186.00 HOME INSlfiiAN\*JE CCllflPANY, OF NRW HAVKN, Cash Asset* .... <. #l,r.*l,Tfi.l» Sff<3/[/lipy j jKS\|RAK(?E ^ I p t ' V N. Y., \ Oaeh Xfjftti.,.,,..:...... .*l,llpS,W8,09 ' PHENIX INSURANCE CO., k Y., ;J«JRS< > »As«kl,.,..X..i.ri.,'.. ; !. »I,1rt|,7*a,efJ » NOlltH AMERICA INSURANCE. .•A.-.d.i n,Q(KVYj i ,•/'.!•'.' ,,.• .9**h.rfrf*¥'vw^yy y '.vivi tiiwsi.oo dlsENS FALlii WWJXB&k CO., MTU A, LIFE iMURANCE CO., >. ttTJaejhSleeoSriU.. it «,'.t wi\C. I. .uSlA8sS.00svC(| j BicimrrY jiivstviy ANNUITY. OBtlSSSf& > CLOTHING, « " NE'W",;S,#ODSf ! "'' ; -ASD- Great ReduOtioi. in ^Prices! . ,"(i:i/-ouu'h.. SB ots. Saved on every Dollar J Beady-Mado Clothing in.Qpi}|land County for the Pall ana Winter trade oan now be found in Sugerman's Oheajf OlotMrigStoreV' Go tirifl• see. the staoka of iOverooats, piles of un- der Coats, oords of Pants, and heaps of«Vtwter) laU new v ^n*itirtiarrlved.^ it The only place « Cortland to buy good Goods oheap. •' Ho sells more "Goods for les's nioiley than a'ny'other house in the county. Mo shoddy, no humbug, and prioes way down. Boys'Clothing and Children's at less than half-prioe. Every artlole guar- anteed as rep'rVented. A good'suit for $10, a good Ovorcoafc for $6 worth $iOjp any other sWfr west offt.t. Ppmirj one, oopie; ^,ftijdb&oonvinoed that at Sugerman's Oheap Clothing Stow'ftthri'pltWe'fd'lrVty. J> v i ^ ^ Bememper the plaqe,— Masonic Halt Bfock, Cortland, N.'ir! 1 Jury, gladly thwragedy their grateful ^yrons 1 ,,,| ..tOljaise, ;i: • i K ,pft.as ihq,cal w ai)d holy ^bbfithshone t ^The mhigled frlbute u| - .th,elr,|P^ayer8,eod! praise in sweet commmdoA rose l.ofolro the "••'.'• 'Uirdne, ••••MMBI I > 't '>«< . ., fe ;«ia; i . • . , i . ; i ••' 'p. i. •-.>•. i ere, from .tho^honqred lips which sacred fire '.' V. v A tt, |A^^MPAJG^d>PJpa) I Oassime3re», ai«ao« s? erJB/eejti^gi, il .1 T./. ;t A R 7 •: i , Uvtiytv? I'liriiiHliiiig «^<MMIH! '• »»*«iMi J ra)Pii*0T tl '*' * Ready-Made Clothing! elv they warrant to gl 1 Induceuionts are oflei l»PM CJOJrlK lOO rtflllsi:M which they Warrant to glvo good satisfaction! pe offered m»k*Hi>fyt« good sittlsructlon. Such to ouatoMore as will Prom Hfeavirt's high cBancery' l,ath toiicb. ': ed, they hear ' ! ' »> » H' Trutlis which their lealtoflame,,thoir hopes . ,,• Inspire, i... , .^ive wingp to fidUvand check afltyctlqu's tear. When life flowed by, aud, like an tingel, Dwlli ,,,, . , ,, •, Came to release tycm to tho worWs on high. Praise trembled still on'dach cxpirifij} liriiath, And holy t) iuinph beamed from every eye. Ti*S5 j»*i\!l? l !^ u « 8 ..i)' o i''," ^^imtm- sign ; With qmeftears the'simplerl(W aVo said; And hero they sleep, till at the trump divine m JeUihiwd.aQtw.il n its '. To trade with them. Pleas* give th( Isfy yourselves that they iK nean \ E l a call aud sat- •lt thoy say. Any article purcliased of thorn rail lis rolled upon ae being In every respect WHAT IT fa BKPRgaSHTJSD TO BK. EH .»»,.'' >>. ,.Y ,rt.b^t'i»R.^<r;.> Custom Department! ..CwtliM and Making JO «*ier, ))• BXPKRIKNCRO WORKMBN, niide a specialty In (hie Department. Thanking old Mends and customers for. Weir libe- ral patronage, they would ask for a the same. continuance of i Cash By making yonr applications to I.UO be OSoTin Union Hall •'.A*; 'lU.' '-I Iv, . » / '. - >. -; / '< '' They are also Agents for the VVORLliliENOWNED Singer Sewing Machine .|2eV~ Remosiber the, place, ' ltOMKR. N. Y. CARKIAGE d: mm »*a>'»*t-»flttr e It' > ,~ u M AJ»l>TACTURERS, Ilfllffl5W'»W' 4 i **»* Top and Open Buggies, Rtfteni-rfil) afllJeifl bar, xSmn'j , M ^atform Spring WAGONS, SleightBv?;t>a imm AWIM CUTTERS, _»f' ; •&C , ii t> P A B A B * Q l t S i a i A OtOJUl « 1 .WBtttV COUBT BTKKKT, .HSBsMD OK MB8SM0XB HALL BLOCK, iw CORTLAND NY ' * For the standard. ••Tr'USPaaaB?'•".'«" ^ That iriystcriow8 friend of children has been around again. The lire-places of our grandparents are done away. The gveat-ruouthod chimneys are gone. Oiir stovo-plpoa aro -fjrnall kud tiglit. Our doors uVo lockedl. Oiir windows and shutters aro fast. No" matter. The good 8 Aint BomqhoW gets himself and his pack into the room, and 1111B tho little stockings hung up for htm in simple trust. Bless tho dear little Children lor helping ils, larger children, to implicit faith in things iinsocn; things at which reason may fitly laugh, or before which it may/reverently bond in presence of a uiysj,ery. f Santa Clans is one of a blessed troop of traditional I saints, coming with good chcor and comfort to chil- dren young and .old. The real names of others it will not do to write hero, lest the lively joy of believers in thomi bo disturbed,; i of\4 rkjlj have no saint- ed names like St. Nick, by which .qno mijrht speak of them. >i9fH<eirIt'to say that thW tbr i orig ? kir''tno ways of tlrllj^riiigliiri their mental toys and candies to usy-groWii-Up boys aud girls, whereof wo aro glad., They are shy. They walk in tiarknesn while we sleep. Bat', onctj in! a wjille, .slyly,-watching, and following tho directions of those favored ones who have beon initiated, one may see these saints of comfort going v*eir roujajs, with inipartiality that riVfls thatjof the little" one^'Bayat; so diviging ther.isbor as $$ cheer 5$, Whethsivthcy be oatholiry, or protect- ant ; ejpthodox,' liberal, of' indifferent; moiiarOhists,dernV>orats, oftepublicaik; laarneriipr ignorant ;• riohJ)r poor. »^A blessco^ffift is this belief j>«4 things tin- 8Con. -Not ont^r .full of present grnti- tication, but also the best, readiest way toward growth in strength and grace. For, believing In'things unseen, if they be real and true, thoy evidence them- t 8*iV^«ftd^c^ncreas%'oflrfe';'1lflhey be falser they sar* no ^quickest found out. Practical boliefis tlio "gate to actual possession. RelibfB^arr) ohlldisri oririiriry. ! Hap- py are they whose childish faith grows intamBidKlaitk 0 W U j s , Now and then ono passes from one to the other with his girowtli in Btataic and wisdom, the childish dropping oiit and tho ; m»j>|yfcora|ug in, a^de^ncss goes out whon light comes in, without noise or commotion. Thoy need not have their faith' as- sailed rudely by experience, nor by tho ridicule, contempt, or direct as- sault of their fellows. It enlarges with evk&l^tf-Wapd lays hoE ItiftrtLHjJd. more of things above reason, and makes them more aritt 'ihorbi 'citizens of the world to ci • i no. In this growth toward Jargqrbolieffl j^on,!: feast goods „,^ n) Ivess happy aro thoY who abido In TJ\r| :t M* ' * '" 3 ^PVILt^T ff T tfli traditions of ohildhobd.' L happy dftiej, who, Arliiliig tboir early beliefs bisuffiqifipt, ttsfew them away, doWfety m vfa!m 8$im ti«in ! g s. »^.H«»« ; »wo classes jf>stle eA'oh othjor. Thoy doubt each otho|r?H faith,ior Con- or stippose, il* that are. perhaps true, 'iir'Jw'.s i. jc'.'uiO I::J .SiaiinR • they are not proved so;, or 8tipposo tfiem dead h as inaiiy %'a1iii<id bellbft seeiitdbe 1 ; wttat of W'f''tf tKey be . eB8eotiaf|y'in6a|)aDle!'pf proof, or hot proVen, or dead,'sWely "oho need npt be afraid of thorn. They are' htirm. ' Wss^to ns and comforting to tliom, Thef ard'HlcesainlB*boties !•.' old >ca- thodralr,, |tood fbr chiirohtn^n, harm- less"t6 aliens. 'Moreover, they are liko'tfeepta^ bears. Attack tfieftt And thoy" Decohle 'wonderfnlly "viflforoUs. Thenars- ndvor'••killed.' 'Thoy die, 'if over, by-being lot alone. Contention aud denunciation tiro no part of life- giving truth. , Large and healthful be- liefs, frankly carried, sometimes be- come contagious. The heart more than, theheadiBtjicir fountain. Words cannot express them. Thoy^fare fra- grant. As well catch and hand to another tho fragranoo of a rose. The loaders of our religious beliefs not seldom teach that christian faith is rational; that they do not want, aud . will not hare a faith that cannot bo sustitinod by reason. >So, nanoh stress is laid upon reason m propagating tho fattlL.''Extremes meet'.' Orthodox sutiTrBattonsJist, takiiitt their weapons, one from tho IUble, tho other from scionce, fight their battle on the earn- n, 9P' : .ground of reason. Rationalists aU„l^ pu^lcs one to see why thoy should contend. , , Far hotter is it to say that christian faith .is a mystery, into which only tho spirit of God can lead men. Rea- son is good. It confirms and comforts' one in faith; never gives it; never demonstrates it to. one who doubts. It has not strength nor wings able to span, the chasm between sense and spirit, ,.,, , Rational faith 1 It is a contradiction ;»u,terms.. , , . \ya}k' u g. by faith, we s,ep into dark- ness/ After the stop, thore ,18 light buhipd, aud where we stand; nev.er.be. lore. "Hope that is seen is not hope." Faith demonstrated js, not faith, .. The simple faith of childhood in things unseen, is the key that opens Vie kingdom of heaven., Having sad- ly wal ked the way , of reason and doubt, it is good to be led back .again by t|>o little pnes r o implicit belief in many things tha,t balk reason and sci- ence,. Verily, "Blessed are thoy who have not seen »n.d[ yet havq believed,." Ho good is it,,that we hunger for lar- ger capacity to bstye.ye. ^Te.are done .with denials. The creeds are all too narrow. Combine them ft U, Prop thy juiceless ppgatfves. . iThen < sifje; ^hata^east fpr^fie,children qf, faith. •'Belleying, w<e, rejqifi 0 v i t o j q y ijin- epeakahlo ai^d (ltl| o^ glbry," Ajrltcii Pwzt.—Borne months sinoe we published a statement lo tho effect that^Wiss Gray, a miltin'er of Fort Ed- ward, had become the fortunate heir to $19,0<!)0,o6ol :i wrllbh ! her ' 16'vAr, a yoifrfg Englishinrtri^ had willed to her itnoli his dying'bed: ' The main facliiii the case—the heirship—Is true ; but we flow loam that it was' not to tho lover but to his father that Miss Gray is Indebted to her extraordinary good fortdno. It seems tlie loVer, oh his re- turn to England, tike too mahy others, proVeil lneonstaht, and married anoth- er lady agafnst his father's will. Whether it was remorse at his falth- lcssiitss or frOm other cause, cortain it is the yoinig man died in about a year after his marriage, and left' all his property to his father. The old gen- tleman was without heirs; and not having become reconciled to his daughter-in-law, upon "his death left ono*alf of ! hls property to< the gov- ernincnt Of England, and the remain- ing "half, $19,000,000* tq MISs Gray, the Fort Edward milliner.' Tho sum was so large that many people 'were disponed to dOabt' Its trnth when-It flrse appeared in print; but Miss Gray has already received' : the first install- ment of hor fortune, a trifle of •.0,000,- 000, from the Hritish (<onsttl in,New York. On Tuesday last she received a dispatch from: the l Consul, announc- ing that tho money invuiled her order t nd on the following day she left Fort Edifftrd for Kew Yprk, where* it was pRtdsOver to hor.--2rx>yiS r *V/is», i—*T?r .,,, ; . |-«p ffiefnUu. Wo have been Jq< I to,mak? these ro- marks by tho difloi ivyry- that an at tempt is being mad) Jto provide mus elos ( tor , women, ^i, moro oorreotly speaking, to teach t liom to 'use those which they possess!—to givo them, a means of healthful pxerciaes whlohaWe trust, thoy wjll adipt; 'iniij.' w^^may then expect to Sep fewer pale faces and -M ,. - I illfllllS iM.« ,V T.tffMS,< ^ < » O a r ^ T S»a*« *J»i- irijj 4-Mii;! .,1 j !i, •. t.i • l ii J i. Isillil 31 .llr.i ml I nvs taMii, iJtMeji illllll.) WMo wti-v./ I ni'V t. J ue. •mining ope of tho largost. It was. perhaps, one hundred feet long and about sixtoon foot wide. Tho walls ;^e're 6fi'O^ar^e^a^'.'0o^^J|un'jd?r|6d, air or light, save at '>h» front, jarhioh was entirely open the whole breath of the building, ' Itttftltioi' wlto simply of t^d4r. ( ,ql% ( u^W4WiHjfI\dt>tlrAy.;; ji lA;„ aisle ra« (lowq the contro, just wide enough for a person to pass.) on eith- er sldo of this wore ranged the noaresl looms, and standing as cl'osfi 1 together ,ss'they'qquld.oe'pl'sct^; 1 ';' ( , - i! ''.',;' | ,., /two or .thrse psrpqps STprft 9^9Y- edi on ithe work ojf : eia«h iloAlm... i; ybe looms are plain, ooininon-looking, nf- fklrs; felHtoit preoisely* Of the ttrdo 'kfiifj, as', iq app^aranoe ari4, mode of manipulation, ns wero . those upon which our grandmothers in Ohio used to wea«/e the linseywoolsey for;'the wear of us Western' boys, when oven the preacher was almost a 'stranger to broadcloth. $tjuatting myselif <ty>vn by one ot these friendly acquaintances of my boyhood, I 'leisurely watched the delicate and diligent manipula- tions of the WcaVer and his' assistants as their shuttles flow and fro in the mnsy. mystery, of figures and flowers that came gradually, out larger and plainer upon the glowing suvVtioe of the gorgeous fabric, Which those skill- ful workman werq. latere, qreat^g un- der my oye. ,8o, .complex wero thq movements of tho men of those simple looking machines/ and; sq marvelously beautiful wero the prod nets resulting therefrom, that I gazed with unbound; ed amazement upon this work of silk weaving as it progressed before mo. Tho weather being warm and the shop crowded, tho workmen are al- most naked. My -yisit interested them manifestly, yet not a loom censed its clicking, clacking noise, not a man loft his employment to gaze,.but I detect- ed them giving furtive glanoos and exchanging mutual smiles among themselves at the ouriqns stranger who had thus unceremoniously squatted himseU down in. their .uydst, by one qf these humble-looking looms, on a common dirt floor, within homely olay walls, where, nevertheless, nre]produe ed those magnificent fabrics which for ages, and throughout, the world, have been tthopridp'of; W e al^h» tho, envy of beauty, and the admiration und desire of rpyaHy, | Far ,d,owp, nearly tq the extreme limit of this long room was a plain board counter, extending quiteaoroHS tho room, Behind it :! »tood thq proprietor ; pf the factory, a Buiooth-taecd, liehly-chtd Ohinamau Directly over him, the building was unroofed, thereby affording, a spaoious akylight; exempt} tljis ^windqw there was, none. , Throngh tbjn skylight and down upon the counter below the sun- shine fell, PPOn the finished work of tjiis .dingy, dirty, squalid-looking workshop. The proprietor was busily measuring off and packing up the pro d>»o,r» 0« b»S looms.,,• ,,, ; And, a* th? rfUPllght "treame^ full upon the gorgeous colors of those magnificent silks, satins, and 'brocades which the proprietor was tossing about in billowy radiance, it seemed to my styes, as I stood far Up in the feeble light of the centre of the room, as though, he were tossing ami toying with rainbows. l'Vom places so hum- ble and surroundings so squalid as this come those royal fabrics which are to decorate palaces and adorn the persons of princes , and monarehs of the earth. • " .' ; A Miss Hnbbiird has boon appoint- ed Transcript-Clerk of the Wisconsin Assembly , under somewhat peculiar q^ccpip^^noes,- ,^lie Chicago llepubli- patt. says, sl^o is an accomplished,single lady of about thirty, who lives at the capital. of t Wisoqnsin. "She. did not .^cceedqp any woman's rights plea, •Wlier talk to her friends iu the Senate yithen soqliqitingflome^qbpyUig work, was not iii tl^e least tinged with this modern problem; but, her : modesty so efiiisted the admiration of Senator Joiner, an old and gallant legisiatrqr from Iowa couu*y, as to impel him to rise in the Senatorial caucus and bold- ly present Miss Hubbard's, name for transcribing)' clerk. Hla sudden ap- peal, took the Senators by surprise, and they showed themselves true natural appYeeiatorsot woman and Iter reason- ableirights by at onoe electing Miss |Iubbard without tho least opposition. ewaoiated figures jtban at .present. It, may by said tljat n| aubh means are wanting, ^jbar, women l,t}/tnq higher grades of hie havo, ample opportuni- tii's of taking all requisite exercise. Perhaps so,; bv\\ do ( th]ey ii»q them r lishiiients for female education incul- cates iq them early in life such a habit sha,ke it off. upon sfl^ymg *t yearji of maturity, "Jo man^ even a short walk , is a task, and the majority, what; exer- cise do thoy take beyond perhaps the stereqtypijd j^nstjiiutionaV^, Hde. in ,r5f|a,"^W»"..wblplT( soon, becomes so monojtqi^s as to affqra as little diver- sion to the body as the mind P Such Wing thq Qaso', Wedjanaot but express our pleasure Iq Keaijig^ that at Jasi An amusement has' ooon 'devUfed which will givd'boV ladles ItifJl! only'a 1 health. ful^kerOlSo, but 'ittjiolr ptetts«rel' > Let us seo of what this' exercise consists, 'pWrmfsing' that; its 'bur readers aro probably nwaro, on tho Continent ^tttlrigs aWs t'ery i, di^^e• , eI^t. , Thew are to he found numerdns gynlnasinnis in which women are trained to all' kinds of athletic sports—»where we find fair damsels iu ! all ages, In elegant' and suitable' costumes, disporting them- selves in dozens, tinder the superin- tendence of a trainjer or a traiheress. Bat surely you wDuld not advocate tho introduction Of such it system in this oountry t wo can Itear the shocked En- glish materfnmtlluK say. The Idea of a»iy qiqdes.t wqmah b.eing. dreesed in k^iokerboqkqrs aifff. twisting herself in- to all kinds of positions In a gymnas- ium 1. Bah 1 it is' disgusting! And why? we ask. Is there anything half so horrible in a wdman being dressed appropriately, and going through a "inqyemeqt, driir,"jwluoh will bring in- to healthful p|a.y ejvqry muscle ,pf her body, give ablo^rji.to, tyer cheeks, a"d devolop tliq bqauttes. of hqr fqrip, as in her going to any lone of our theatres to view unhlushtiigly the nakedness of modern ballets, and listening to tho ba.rely covorod' 'inUeconoy of modern dramas ? Wc know wo shall be called heretics. Wo know tho "proper yOung woman" of the dajy will read this ar- ticle with abhorrence, but we also know that wc aro working in a good cause, and that the day will come ere long when evon the greatest prude will go to her drill as regularly as now- adays she does to her studios. Then, and not until then, shall we seo that most pernicious of all fashions, tight- laoiitcr, recoive it}s doatjh-blow. En- glish women will thou see what a fear- ful deformity a small waist really is. The praotico of athletics will soon teach them what the human form should be, and thcly will learn to ap- preciate the beauty far more thari thoy now admii'o the ddlormity of fashion. Thk BrttdMiait Mat MARK TWAIN Owrt-DDBUc-rrOur read- ers will.. recollect! Mark Twain's ex- ceedingly funny imaginary loiter from it little miss, but the following which is sent to the New Orleans JHcayune as a genuine letter from a young lady of six years, rather beats the fictitious epistle; ., PASS CHRISTIAN,,Deo. 26.—My Dear Aunt Joitic. ;—I have not written to j yqu for such a long time J Row did ,you, Jikj your vijit to Farts? lam very much jptyllgp,^ to you for my book and desk, The I lttle fish comes after the stiqk better thaq, any of them ] the djqoks won't come, at ad,', The baby is very/ mush Pleased, with them, and pulls inn fpto the, room where they are. ,t^e,,,»r,e.Sij|i;e%t; ,inauy duoks on tfcio j*$ty ., I have a great many pets; my ben, my roosters, my cat, apd the baby, I raised my hen; when she was first born,,her mother, d|«$,.and I raised her until now sf)e,ji* grown. , My cat, I don't know wha£ has becqnie of hor. I have a little rooster and he crows; wo,have a grea,t rnany roosters. Wc have a rooster tha;t can't, run, and he gits up on the steps and he falls down on some of the others, and ho laughs at jt. but if some of them would fall down on him, he would not like it. Good by. (Send my love to all. Uavi- you seen brother ? . Your nffcctha)iatq |)iece, MAGGIE. SKVICN BINS.—It Refusing to take your own county paper. 2. Taking a paper and then not pay- ing for it. i ."'.••< V »i i 8. Not advertising, t ,i. n ^;i. „\< «. Getting manned and forgetting the printer. , ,.,| ,:••,-, . i . 0. Asking newspapers to publish matter that is lor your own benefit, without remuneration.,, 11,. . ..•..,'! 1. Roaming cqpkpu a.qompp»i l tpr , s °W- l,. il ,1; ...i. ti'. V bltuM 1. Never paying your suliscription until the publisher goes to the trquWe r\ W^^MjMmMmM > th, ,,, O'roftbles aro lilfe dr^aTrT*hn;eW*ll*r thoyaro. tho morn Uioy anuoy you. '" :-A'Slt'-Of «*C«tAB«O*{'0 >•• -I' Although, for so far this wtntoi-tho skies have been tinusual|y compassion- ate In riot aggravating with oontlriu- ous, intense cold the hunger - and rags of poverty, yot aii OcfeaBlohki blokk shaft.from the north transfixes a house- less wanderer at the qruel oorner of 8oniqof,ou.St.-e«ts. .„ ( .j^ , Early on 1'inlay morning a poor young.'.wajf, apparently of tjhe past night., with'her deiioatsf t1|;«ire aoiiV tared relentlessly through a thin cot- ton dress, was found, almost f'amishei'l, leaning against H lain p post in a strer# leading into one of our principal thoroughfares. Her condition having l^een recognized by ,a kindly honso- maid who had been dusting mats qt a neighboring door,«J,ho wretched siife iorer was huniauoly led into the base ment, where, after some lime, she,was restored to lite and animation. i; n<f'.n><"Tsks her up tenderly/'!I p> •,.• Subsequent inquiries revealed tho fact that she was the daughter of once re- spectable and wealthy imrcnts who had I loft every thing- -pride, Virtue and fortune—in the wine oup, ami who, reoehtly dying pailpers, hadUelt Her qn |hat blttor Friday'bb^kjpg without a home, a hope or a crusl in the world. Wlion discoverod, she was blindly groping her way toward the river, to end her miseries, hither than ,quver u p o . n ' a ^ e t ; .«Mf,,',',;. " . Her touching ami siuq.lo story reaching tho ear of the lady of tho house, she was summoned to her pres- ence; when, strangb to tell, It was as- certained, beyonA a shadow of doubt, that sne was the Only'child 1 "of'*' dnbo dear friend who had been lost-sight of for years, but who, through a singular interposition of proYldqnoe,' 'was now restored ill Urn person of her daugh- ftevero Joke oa aa sipotl^rifi^ A good story is told of Maoroady, the aotor, whose hand-writing wa* Il- legible, ( and especially when Writing orders of admisslou .'tb/'tho'thea'tre!'^-- One day, at New Orleans, Mr, Ihoug- ham obtained ouo of these for a friend. On handing it to the gentle- roan tho latter observed that; If he had not known what itv purported to be, he never would have suspected what it was. "It looks moro like a proscription than anything else;" ho added. "So it does," said Mr. Brougham, "let us go and havo it made out." Turning into the nearest drug store, the paper was given to thoolerk, who gave it a careless glance find then proceeded to get a!vjsl,naaViy and pull out divers boxes. With another look at the order, down catno a tincture bot- tle, and the vial was half filled. Thbn there was a pause. The gentlemanly attendant was evidently puzzled. At last he broke down completely, and rang for the principal, ah elderly and severe-looking Individual, who pres- ently emerged from an inner saiiotuiii. The two whispered together an in- stant, when tlm old dispenser looked at the document, aud with an air of pity for the ignorance of his subordi- nate, boldly filled up tho vial with some apocryphal fluid, and duly oork- od and labeled it. Then handing it to the gentlemen who were wailing, he said: A cough mixture, andftvery good ono. Fifty cents', if, you please. IIRLP WANTKD.—Before the war, it chanced that In a hotel bar-room in Canada, hot far from the line, a group were seated, whoii a'bright-loOking negro entered'. **I s'pOSe you're s runaway slave ?" said one, looking sharply at the new- comer. Footing that he was pretty well away from bondage, the 'darkey re- sponded that he was. ' "Ah,indeed; well, we're glad of It, but you don't sise'm to look very poor •^-have good clothes down Sdutti'f" "Certainly," said the darkey, with some pride, "same cldthes as my mas- ter." "But you got many a good'thrash- ing, eh ?" "Never had a whipping in my life." ' "Never thrashed!" said another; "well,but you niggers don't get enough to eftt, do you?" "Always had enough, gernmen; never went hungry." "What!" said the interrogator, "good clothes, no punishment, plenty to eat !" "Now," said he, turning to the group, "only think of it 1 This fel- low has left a position where lie en joys al| these privileges for an uncer- tainty." "Common," said the darkey, "all l'so got to say rospeotin' dose privi- leges is dat if ahy one who wlshesto 'ftyait .himself, dc situation still remains ' ,"' open! (.a ni-.i —'W lilt \\*,.--:. , QUKSTIOXB *p >v ,j4mainnB^Why should delicate^ housed* ed >girls wear upon their logs only thin muslin draw crs and flffe! cbtt'oti •st'ht ! kiiigs,-'#hli« ' theg'rtjt*Vstropg(' itic'ii tyW'wfe'.-'.their fathor^i'weari stout, warip ol{( for drawers and pantaloons, and leal e r b o o t - l e g s besides I , ' " Why should the little girls go with MeW*t>s and shquldorn bare,.while tij/iir fathers havfi ahM^ w> WfriwaV sleeves on their arm8?.VWI|it-.ir.iid Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of WiiA ss itandituilooal wmzs noHett. 21/Cortland NY...and Retail Dealer la Books, Stationery, Paper...

Page 1: WiiA ss itandituilooal wmzs noHett. 21/Cortland NY...and Retail Dealer la Books, Stationery, Paper Alsot Sowing Ma (SUCCKSSOR TO OKO. W. Ai'UAUJ WMOLKSALE 01 " " tod deal VR M.-s

KOITOB AMU I 'm. . .U . . I . .U .

f. O . K I N N E Y , } o m c . • * J ^ a f T * * * •r. MS* •>cj,...-> (.„» « v . * i * v . • , ;„ A "«!« !'•«< W •' In »'•(•< ' . . ! , IA p i l W n l l i f t l • '! • . ,• L i i M a f i ' 1 '>

Let all the ends thou aim'st at, be tSmCountry's, thy G-od's* i

Cortland County Standard. Pust-isiieD S I M TuNSDAY. AT

.•OKTr.AN-D.-ttmTT.AND CO., K. f | . BY

F. G. Kinney, Editor and Proprietor. Ofiet t* I toMfrt N s w B i o e K , iWrd A » r .

TBKM8.-$a.«0 « / w i $a,00i/p»MI»«>"~»-

I U T ^ » or A""*1"""**1

Twolvo linos (or ono Inch) raako one sqnar*. j

CALKIN, S u o c JRsaotw o» S u r r i R A S I . R R R R ,

» - 111? . / i * ' ! < 1 . ^ f , h e to,° n " » '» KMlor Block* n«nJri.,!r l,"ali"?c<L'?** " ? ' e ^ a H e n c o will aid us In offerlnggoode to this market at

I A I M I .s^SE^sSif 11 MI 3 00~.no; V80 a.ooifi.50 Vi?! too sso m n .w i i . oo

S.00'U.W,U.flO. I8.U0I W.OI)!*).0O


t square,

» simsrvs,

5 - |'l . i i .-«. • - .pl ' l iva,

Mr/lort, o<«* »<••««" JW /otto /<"' " " V f"<**<l'<*nt W

"'n»e*Kt4 i*r H»*/or to"* mtf*»»», *M (le»tt* Qtji.tr tu\ng rata for itandituilooal noHett. ss wmzs

nlf RY. (


PUI0B8 THAT Wlrf't^kM. : < • ,

I Farmers, •n/b&ehC'Wffl find It t o their Intercut to



Claakings, I {H t< 4 •+ a i l * .

, n . f i j t r y Z i Great Mon will Differ, but all Agree lHHt'Jf ' THAT AT

E. N. JohiisoaV I W Store

.pftaWSWItlWt.ooT £8 the place to bay Dry Goods cheap for cash. Ite

le now r e c e j r W fertile) Vail t r , d « a large lino of

Pai s l ey and W o o l MIIIIWIH,

f 11,**" YefveV Ana Cloth Backings aud Oloakliigs,



«JS i»4l'io^tje»j*««*(i»iil«iniui ,.ir


and Truth'aV ••••••••:'•: ^ • ' • f ' » L - t m m i - < ^ / t

t ^ . ^ i w . j • • • „ , „ • , . ' ,7 » ' " ; , !

; ' ; , ; ' - ; - < » » ' ' • ' • ' . - ' . . . . . " .

• > | ' n l i o j a

V T A rVIIT A " R V 9!K • 1 8 T A .""^«^ "tl/ tw>»IW*! iM,(ta »?rJ | »A-rt'g »rf» »».' <vj«W

APDITIPN T 9 qUAY'aJ BL»QY. e,/pll9wl|ia;HoflB

ago, (ini)iiy..mii'ily. In A HI oito ,.frft<,/P ,19«;4>3;Ho,«B wcff pttWIshod, many,roart

ag6, (in.)iiy.,itni'ily. In a Hloito Island paper.' Tl>» kM\6t bolleVe* that Gray h; * b o t gtrMn to tils pooin

WiiA !


uwNTojc-rvue door north of ATTOKNKY8 A«Di<ffl l lN8R[.OU8 AT LAW. ) OK

flri' over SKACORI) & Pi S « i i i H K * ^ l » r o .

,...„„,.»*-.»-». ,s«M*isfL^4 •JrOMUt I M r i y i w f * » i t l w M I '

Al-l'DHNKY A N D COBNHBI.OR A T IVAW.' |>F-it. •• In room Utoly occupied by Komi & KHKKHAN, >„ M.,., ,MI.:UI.1I Iflock, Main stf<-o«. CortlapA N . Y.

«i_ JZZliVT fU /7vi7. B . A . B E N E D I C T ,

ATTOUNKY AND 00UN8BT^>R AT LAW urMilceluall the UonrtxortheHtale . All

"-". jS^lflW;MMI.«t,'"" I)«AI.KK IN JKWRLRY. WATCHES, CL0CK»,

silver and t latcd Woro, Kancy Articles, A c , Sto, and at short notice, mora

w i r j . All business

KciMlrliur well done.

BENJ. T . W R I G H T ,

limine, Marathon, N. Y. » » v l

ATTOKNRY A N D c b u « B R I . O R A T T V W . B U S . Iness entrusted to MM will receive prompt and rarenil Htieutlon. (>Alre in room* furiuiirly occu* plod hy llAi.i.AKti A W A H H S N , corner of Main and Port Watioji streets, Oortlaud, N. Y. 111 nl . ' ' i ' l j l l i l f <3»«. M.'JoKis.


\ o t I.IOH 1'iil.llc, Ke«tor lllock, iSn-iliuul. N. Y. ( . .1IWTC-N? * ^ ~ n l * U. C H A M P U N .

a a a n u bnaW18, i »iiK)| | (


Sheetings, K ' Shirtings,

Tickings, Prints,

L o • ""^P ^ r t 8 » * 0 # " ' Moalory, •.

Gloves, Notion*,




A P P L K J ^

It |a our Intention to keep up tho reputation which this establishment has so long maintained, ot


In Cortland, and we auiiiro our frlciuUt and tho publlo that we will HOT B « UNDKHAOLO


H O L M E S A P A L M E R ,

U T O K N E Y H ' K H D OOlINBRl.OSH AT LAWt A N thsHtate'andTJnlted States Courts, and Bollcltora i<l Pat»n|s. Otllce In Mc»»ong«r Hull lllock. Main ^iroet, Cortland, N. Y. A i m i V B O O U f S S . n l IRV1NO PAI.MKR.

• t u l A. M.'iroUNSEVELL, A-l«lVUN>!r:ANDl!t>UN8RIAllt AT LAW.ANl) II.

S. Pension and Claim Agent. Qfllce on corner of North tihurch And Mill ntreeta, k few ilm>n< east of the C:ortland l louao, Oortlaud village, N. Y. 81


11.ili Dressing, execiitotl lu a manner to suit custo-Baloon In Hiiulros' Block, Cortland, N. Y. mors.

n*l fr *•

CHARLES Z . W I L L I A M S , HircokasoR to w. 11. VAN BtVck; WM, POB-

rur and IlUlrll.-iliu. Itu .lUonou No. I'l. Mill stroet. All work In this line executed In a workmanlike mannjr. Orders left at the S T A N D A R D or DKHO-CIIAT Ofllcos, will recolvo prompt sttontlon. i*.

~ 8 A ~ R D I R 8 , r CIXICKB,

Repairing and Kuj-ia


DKALIR I N JRWRLRY. WATCIIKp. si lver a n * Plated Warej . tc . Repairing vlug exocntod promptly and sstlsfscTorlly.

;k, Cortland, N. Y. songcr 11 tit X lllocl


place lor tho practice of his proPosalou, solicits a share of publlo patronage. The host of references urodRCed if deslrod. Ofllce and residence one door south of Randall Bank. I'iyl

" ' TWl8.7ll.r'MANTANY«' *'•"''' A T T O R N 8 T AND COl/NBRLOR AT LAW, PRCK*8

Block, Marathon, N. Y. n81 -vr-rt"* — ( t t i r f - ^ r ^ f ' s M -Hi' so * Tr*1*1!


Hank. Particular attention paid l o preserving tho nstnral teeth. 'Peeth lnsort«d on OoH, Bllvor, Rub­ber and AUdTitnum baaee. Kthsr, Chloroform aivl Narcotlo Spray need In extracting troth. n l

A . Br lAHAN,

REMOVAL !. („> * •


R S . D. M. C LKARWOOO having beon removed to the

O N e w tjfnion Ha^il B lock gtr miarami MAIS sikixT, COUTLAND, and hating latoly received a I.AUHN and s e x i e r stock «f all tho latest styles or

> f ifl 1 i nr-e r y <^ <> o d a , (he fe prepared to furnhh to castomors »•

B o n n e t s , to sntt any taste, , H a t s , lri"every variety, v, Velvets and 8jttlns, or ail colore,

Ribbons and Vaoes to Match, F l o w e r s of every shaite.

soil, indeed, everything In her'Uno which can be de-ecrlboUor desired,


Housekeepers' Goods. Quilts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towola,

Onrtaln Goods, Window Bhmfes and Cornices, Domesl lo Ooode, Hats, Wick, Twine,


VsRIRTtGOODB, •! " ' " f * 8 * TAIIX>R8'_THl_MMJN08,

fuoj ighof rolfHlouBchar^iobn>li|*tot donee hevrroW tlicre vprsea, to follow tho s anas, l a tho Elegy bogUi-bln4< with tho Words i" S i r froin the rnaddoUiug ertjwa'satrlfe,!'.) n-, , , , . - . • it ?<:.'! • . \ ! ; . f 2 i f

W»rtfyi'N"»w.*plr.ftWH)ls,fiinclfca-A,rtd, (dpi "'T*' fos^onjth, iilrR-i^Uagsfteriftiine!

(!. "5i,r-?.* v^JS° 8«Wlnibr h < ^ luspipri., f Ana brged (|tem on wkrd nil nobler alia'.,

II fmi) r'«'H(!.' Ski) .LiUl-'llliVi r « « •*«' Vrmwy «f>»v»««, w *>rWP i»y; aww,^

The .hallovvod voice of spirit-breatbiiiK ( ! . i t i l « ( ^ j i o f f ( j i f r ) •'Wr,

M liL'etft! ••<»( *)1..i.| I 'll V t i. r . ) . • HOOP BKHITS and SKIRT q o O D B


' FRiNGH f8' . VKLVKTS, and

Zophyr. Won»t«i|*, Yarns, Hosiery W1TO0W SHADES, k ,,,. < y . ^ V B l W Q I O V S S , « t O , » A « i , • ' . « ! . •

. \ \ \ - •\{> K U t l which will be

.111 \U l « lf'*#l B»1WS'.>?I JUS V I

S O L D L K B S T H A N A T A N Y O T H E R I > K Y O O D D S

5fi»* ry*»j *$ fw. r*»f n*' °*s:

Abrf .triiooo nfithesfi.'Atl We'peAoaftiliKfee.l > i I-iko holy InciiiiHuchiumcd tlie evening air.

^umjjj/giifjftmi oj I [i • .[;.'» m.'t, (>!W/ ; in The hnlliniil i>ai)i ot jjuiuiico iteycrtiMl,-Tho sncreil Volumoii claimed thohnarls nlOno, , Whhsh.tawthtthe,way.fflglory..tidu.Qod.

I'Here'NMy Uroih Trttth' Ulernalfountam^w 't'hoiniioimdnrltiadoiiliifjwntemdaybyilay;

-J«WWrdi*to«PiaWydaye, are.avjl,ileut, and

' J vfel ti: irv.ar i» fi*ilrtH MU i'tf : Tq wallf in wisdom's bright and poaooftd

'"'' w ^ V , " ' ' " ' ' ' • ' *' ' •^i" i^'ii''

i'i/. ; vitiilj^.rii ; .( Jiv i ..(u< •.•(! 4n.il/ , fc mWMWWfa'' ni^k 4va.fl* styflly P W

Th{/"hA*y haiid iof alWoiiroytng Tttae,' Through vr osb Ww mouldferiii^la riW

t( j. sighs the blast, ! •- , /«•.•< nil Aud round whose altars grass audi Ivy

i, , . climb;, . , , ...

t H ' l r J l i U j i .Mi ." I- I'lriif — the want of fiutli. Ami doubt

boiHK ((iiickcr-.spokcii anil louder-teilguwl than faith, neitlicr party is etRrtolwd by the other. What«v«r faith survives tho friottou, loses its beauty, and;is iluered by.Uigotryf Bo

Deal tenderly with the joy-giving friths of children, old and yeting. JU'r thep be hkB tho • loved old' dog> the P^hn^is of.clnldhaodi He mm gam-bwltBOimore,. H«,oa» mv*"w>!mQn\ , He. only waits his time to die. Uive him Ills time. Solace your boy wjth a P W lM^ad,,»nd,sp h«\»,hjnA t p r ^ y a tilwieiinl goodfbye, ,Te»r^ 9\V?\ tb«

J o a t ^ W t b ^ , , SpMlea.fiyer th v,pA> Py Vi?t^Btter^ t Uf> ,wbo(, can gjy„, po-P><>»,/|(fr,,,dog8j) or;/ itnanly , bpjiofe, for childish oi os, oarriqs, light and bless-iug with him. May hwi d»y» »i»3|, his

jJonmeysb^loW.. ,' y , f

, c WA bewaropt"' rudely ^stthig ^om-ftr;|t(ng belieifi|. ' ^a' pps'e \fyjr"'»ito

fau^y,Ji4t1g<^rl by,thp>; ^bftrajr^' sjta^d* ifV^, *!»ey a ^ / ^ t t i r . ^ R . n ^ j ^ ^

^^ttn^IPe?^ $W', $W0}', ( b e /Pr0Y?(J

true, «\s is probably t h e c ^ e wf^h, «|ev* end of the standard orthodox beliefs j

pwj»-m»iti ijL¥ir»«hgiii|M8iff.v,<ijy JJJIH' J • A Vis i t tola (Jhinoso Bilk Factory.

A cdi-reapondoiit of the Oinoinnaii Vqmrtffirqial writes from Canton .-

v 1 directed By, guide to take me iiu-to tho silk-weaving streets. We soon entered them. 1 at once dismounted to make i careful observation of their tnodus operandi for the proilitction of ^bjprenpwned it>^r|o^Qri(BpjiaJi lopma. All; around n»e was Bilk, jiilk, ooth ig but silk. > In small, dark houses, little Better tihan hovels; were seen ]f>eoplo. ehiclly women, dyeing this dolie'ato textile;. 6ut8>% «n, .|^lij'jrjlt^y. yafdsj and plg-stycs, over tho ground whoro tho family swino wero wallowing, weWf plaefed b^botV poles, whereon

'Wer |jatt^% Aej^ «ilf oflloreti' BIITC, ,jiwy,ft-6rr| the $y% an^ 8f|,owii|gf; with the most- vivid hues, as thoy hung for drying in tho siyishine over the loath­some pools below. I visited so vend 'of ttjeilr weaving ihopsi;'' ThoV WON quite similar in their fixtures and ar-rangemODtSi I spent, sprae time in ox*

K;K#S-!MAKING . Ill all Its branches. - - S

1 Ledfak,aro Kiqueated to. col 1 ami see for theuee lvee . October, 18(0. IS

and Retail Dealer la Books , Stationery, Paper A l s o t Sowing Ma


tod deal

VR M.-s<«ng«r'HSll Block; Cortland

Hangings and jfaticy Ooode. Also. Sowing chines, Mosleal (nstrtimoiils, Shoot MrtSrC, -

lion B w k s , Violin and Utiltar Strings, d, N. Y,

l l g S Will i I H I I V J « " W U « , . . ." . - , fcj. , . , , hliies, Minleal Ii istnimenls, Sheet Music, Instrnc-

• • - A c , No. 1 USM


l lesi l . tmiea and Monuments of American ami Ital­ian Marbles, and Freestone, furnished to order, and twenty live per cent, cheaper than cap he procured ostewhere. Shop east »lde Main street, north of the Oottlandllailse. ItF >YT3 , A ' f . . . S. M. UKNJAM1N. , . • » > » , J. W. BENJAMIN.

PROTRIrrrRBrTfHltY'SROTaL. H A V f N G B R R N 1 throughout,

aelied, this


I'rsvslliig B a s s , Ae. , at the old stand, on Port Wat­son sires


rWlcRwate'snard' niork,, Y. N

,over > rilculi

irdwate store, Cortland,N. ular atlenUmi paid to all branches of the

Srofesaloh. None hut the best material used. En-

W M .



Anest looking horses In Central New York, New, •-Iran, and stylish, carriages. On Port Wat iob St., , and stylish carriage a few rods east of Ihe Mrs Hunger Hou.it.


to let on reatonablu Icrius. Eve LIVERY STABLR, HQR8B8 AND CARRIAOKS

lahki tennt . Everything well kept, and In the best of style, Opposl lil.K'k, on Main street, Cortland', N.

rythlng \_. •site the Oarrlson

Y. 4 Hi — s-S».. a. *. se^t-si .


ti. W M K I I H , District Attorney.] oiMco, rornei ol Main and Court streets, Cortland, N. Y . Ilnslncss in United Slat .* Courts promptly attended to. ' M. M. WATERS. n l A. D. WATERS.


Has ns.nl In extracting teeth. T h i s gaa Is harmless, and all wishing teeth removed without feeling the pain, ehoald try It. Vavilcular attention given lo saving and Ailing Ihe int.mil teeth. Prepnratlons for diseased mouth and gums kept prepared. No charge for admlnlsterlug iirrrorofonn, Ether, or Narcotic Spray. Allonoral lone warrantod. nl

" T




i o o in fay lor Uall Block, (n» etalm,) (JorUand. . a\%l ','. 14 ••') . . ,'l- ia r O

' DUKLL 4. FOSTER, A T T O R N B Y 8 1 \ N D C O i m S K L O R S A T LAW.

• n a-W " " . • ) H'.'.T SUTlif !BII r T X fdi' M. MICHELSON,

DEALER IN W A J O H 8 S , J EWRI.RY, 0 L 0 O K 8 , AND Silver and Plated Ware of every description. Re­pairing done on short nolle* ami In a workmanlike raanaec, , - ,• • • . • ; • • - Kl.i • . « . ' a l

. , . . . . . ^ . . y ^ ^ „ | i l , m j f |. •., »J I , III j '


dlevasea successfully wlihiMilthriiMXif drugs. Pa tlouls received lu the house, and calls from home promptly attended to. Especial attention paid to

• • • • • • " ""Hldimeo oitCnuit n l

. ' , . • ' , j f ,» ; n •;'

nptlv attended to. Especial cbronhi eMin^rlaodlaeaaee , J l lonee hill.

. n » . . . i n . . i . , i > i u . , « • "i*i


JOHN M. KATLINE, . ALL, OKDKM8 IN K V E R y orlng protnplly executed. Over Janli I A Co, e etore, Cortland, N. T

c i l


Sro?t TOUiurV^Yw vulu* y^.,"ock'Ms,n

A. M,'FORI), 10 F. W. FREEMAN.

Jr,,,h\MA&,MJ+i*r:„<JUoO BOOK A N P JOB I'KINTjKH. , Al /L JVORK R X E -

eiiied lu the nest manner and lit reasonable rates o i l l i e £ Moore's hrU k liulldlng.north pf National Bank, Cortland, N. Y.

furdy & Vat* Alstyn^, DEALERS IN

' B O O T S , ^ l O E S ,

R U B B K t? S ! Iseather and f'iiulinss,

KIT TOOIiJ A N D MACHINERY I Which will bsMald

As low as can be bought west of New York(x


Manufactnred lo order.

— > Cash paid for HIDES and SKINS.

Life, a

Opposite Messenger Hell Main St

J s u u s r v 1 . 1R*R _ K 1 ~

MOO iti J J AH !l*0>: i *4 iOsS ide i l t

I he had at rate* adapted to the haxard, the r,|»uwt*.' Jr l fR^^ia f s Ojajnpan||f|:

.IK IN!: Oaeh Assets .

( t \ N he had at rales adapted to the hazard, in any ) of the rtaowbx" Ifwjr/jp'•»•» O j n i p a n l p j : -

HQMiS lisSUliuVNCE CO.," ,N.. X., ...\)....:..;.4/^)l»t.a «

IIAKTFORD m S U R A N C E CO., l ! l R^TOaSJftoNN.,

Cash Assets e ^ ^ j o s . T S


Cash Assets . . ,.\'JIIMI'.).i $9,*69,186.00


Cash Asset*. . . .<. #l,r.*l,Tfi.l»

Sff<3/[/lipy j jKS\|RAK(?E ^Ipt 'V N. Y.,

\ Oaeh Xfjftti.,.,,..:...... .*l,llpS,W8,09 '

PHENIX INSURANCE CO., k Y., ; J « J R S < > » A s « k l , . , . . X . . i . r i . , ' . . ; !. »I,1rt|,7*a,efJ »

NOlltH AMERICA INSURANCE. .•A.-.d.i n,Q(KVYj i ,•/'.!•'.'

,,.• .9**h.rfrf*¥'vw^yy y '.vivi tiiwsi.oo

dlsENS FALlii WWJXB&k CO.,

MTU A, LIFE iMURANCE CO., >. ttTJaejhSleeoSriU.. i t «,'.t wi\C. I . .uSlA8sS.00svC(| j

BicimrrY jiivstviy ANNUITY.



" NE'W",;S,#ODSf !"'' ;

- A S D -

Great ReduOtioi. in ^Prices! . , " ( i : i / - o u u ' h . .

SB ots. Saved on every Dollar J

Beady-Mado Clothing in.Qpi}|land County for the Pall ana Winter trade oan now be found in Sugerman's Oheajf OlotMrigStoreV' Go tirifl• see. the staoka of iOverooats, piles of un­der Coats, oords of Pants, and heaps of«Vtwter) laU newv^n*itirtiarrlved.^ it The only place « Cortland to buy good Goods oheap. •' Ho sells more "Goods for les's nioiley than a'ny'other house in the county. Mo shoddy, no humbug, and prioes way down. Boys'Clothing and Children's at less than half-prioe. Every artlole guar­anteed as rep'rVented. A good'suit for $10, a good Ovorcoafc for $6 worth $iOjp any other sWfr west of ft. t . Ppmirj one, oopie; , ftijd b&oonvinoed that at Sugerman's Oheap Clothing Stow'ftthri'pltWe'fd'lrVty. J> v

i ^ ^ Bememper the plaqe,— Masonic Halt Bfock,

Cortland, N.'ir!

1 Jury, gladly thwragedy their grateful ^yrons1

, , , | . . tOljaise , ;i: • i K

,pft.as ihq,calwai)d holy ^bbfithshonet ^The mhigled frlbute u|-.th,elr,|P^ayer8,eod!

praise in sweet commmdoA rose l.ofolro the

"••'.'• 'Uirdne, ••••MMBI I > 't '>«< . .,

fe ; « i a ; i . • . , i . ; i ••' ' p . i . •-.>•. i ere, from .tho^honqred lips which sacred


'.' V .

v A tt,

|A^^MPAJG^d>PJpa) I

Oass ime3re» , a i « a o « s? erJB/eejti^gi,

i l .1 T . / . ;t A R 7 •: i ,

Uvtiytv? I'liriiiHliiiig «^<MMIH!

'• »»*«iMiJra)Pii*0T t l ' * ' *

Ready-Made Clothing! elv they warrant to gl1

Induceuionts are oflei


CJOJrlK l O O rtflllsi:M

which they Warrant to glvo good satisfaction! pe offered m » k * H i > f y t «

good sittlsructlon. Such to ouatoMore as will

Prom Hfeavirt's high cBancery' l,ath toiicb. • • ': ed, they hear ' ! ' »> » H' Trutlis which their leal to flame,, thoir hopes . ,,• Inspire, i...

, .^ive wingp to fidUvand check afltyctlqu's tear.

When life flowed by, aud, like an tingel, Dwlli ,,,, . , ,, •,

Came to release tycm to tho worWs on high.

Praise trembled still on'dach cxpirifij} liriiath, And holy t) iuinph beamed from every eye.

Ti*S5 j»*i\!l? l! u«8..i)'oi''," ^^imtm-s i g n ;

W i t h q m e f t e a r s t h e ' s i m p l e r l ( W aVo s a i d ;

A n d h e r o t h e y s l e e p , t i l l a t t h e t r u m p d i v i n e

m J e U i h i w d . a Q t w . i l


i t s


To trade with them. Pleas* give th( Isfy yourselves that they iK nean \ El a call aud sat-

•lt thoy say.

Any article purcliased of thorn rail lis rolled upon ae being In every respect


E H . » » , . ' ' >>. • •

, . Y ,rt.b^t'i»R.^<r;.>

Custom Department! . . C w t l i M and Making JO «*ier, ) ) • BXPKRIKNCRO WORKMBN, niide a specialty In (hie Department.

Thanking old Mends and customers for. Weir libe­ral patronage, they would ask for a the same.

continuance of i

Cash By making yonr applications to



OSoTin Union Hall

•'.A*; 'lU.' ' - I Iv, . » / '. - >. - ; / '< ''

They are also Agents for the


Singer Sewing Machine

.|2eV~ Remosiber the, place, '

ltOMKR. N. Y.

CARKIAGE d: mm » * a > ' » * t - » f l t t r e It' >


Ilfllffl5W'»W'4i **»* Top and Open Buggies,

Rtfteni-rfil) afllJeifl bar, xSmn'j

, M^atform Spring „ WAGONS,

SleightBv?;t>a imm AWIM

CUTTERS, _»f' ;

• & C

, ii t> P A B A B * Q l t S i a i A OtOJUl « 1



For the standard.

••Tr'USPaaaB?'•".'«" ^ That iriystcriow8 friend of children

has been around again. The lire-places of our grandparents are done away. The gveat-ruouthod chimneys are gone. Oiir stovo-plpoa aro -fjrnall kud tiglit. Our doors uVo lockedl. Oiir windows and shutters aro fast. No" matter. The good 8Aint BomqhoW gets himself and his pack into the room, and 1111B tho little stockings hung up for htm in simple trust. Bless tho dear little Children lor helping ils, larger children, to implicit faith in things iinsocn; things at which reason may fitly laugh, or before which it may/reverently bond

in presence of a uiysj,ery. f Santa Clans is one of a blessed

troop of traditional I saints, coming with good chcor and comfort to chil­dren young and .old. The real names of others it will not do to write hero, lest the lively joy of believers in thomi bo disturbed,; iof\4 rkjlj have no saint­ed names like St. Nick, by which .qno mijrht speak of them. >i9fH<eirIt'to say that thW tbriorig?kir''tno ways of

tlrllj^riiigliiri their mental toys and candies to usy-groWii-Up boys aud girls, whereof wo aro glad., They are shy. They walk in tiarknesn while we sleep. Bat', onctj in! a wjille, .slyly,-watching, and following tho directions of those favored ones who have beon initiated, one may see these saints of comfort going v*eir roujajs, with inipartiality that riVfls thatjof the little" one^'Bayat; so diviging ther.isbor as $$ cheer 5 $ , Whethsivthcy be oatholiry, or protect­ant ; ejpthodox,' liberal, of' indifferent; moiiarOhists,dernV>orats, oftepublicaik; laarneriipr ignorant ;• riohJ)r poor. »^A blessco^ffift is this belief j>«4 things tin-8Con. -Not ont r .full of present grnti-tication, but also the best, readiest way toward growth in strength and grace. For, believing In'things unseen, if they be real and true, thoy evidence them-

t8*iV^«ftd^c^ncreas%'oflrfe';'1lflhey be falser they sar* no ^quickest found out. Practical boliefis tlio "gate to actual possession.

RelibfB^arr) ohlldisri oririiriry. ! Hap­py are they whose childish faith grows intamBidKlaitk 0 W U j s ,

Now and then ono passes from one to the other with his girowtli in Btataic and wisdom, the childish dropping oiit and tho;m»j>|yfcora|ug in, a^de^ncss goes out whon light comes in, without noise or commotion.

Thoy need not have their faith' as­sailed rudely by experience, nor by tho ridicule, contempt, or direct as­sault of their fellows. It enlarges with evk&l^tf-Wapd lays h o E ItiftrtLHjJd. more of things above reason, and makes them more aritt 'ihorbi 'citizens of the world to ci • i no. In this growth toward

Jargqrbolieffl j^on,!: feast goods „,^n)

Ivess happy aro thoY who abido In TJ\r| :t M* ' * '" • 3 ^PVILt^T ff T tfli traditions of ohildhobd.' L

happy dftiej, who, Arliiliig tboir early beliefs bisuffiqifipt, ttsfew them away,

doWfety m vfa!m 8$im ti«in!gs.

»^.H«»«;»wo classes jf>stle eA'oh othjor. Thoy doubt each otho|r?H faith,ior Con­

or stippose, il* that are. perhaps true, 'iir'Jw'.s i. j c ' . ' u i O I::J .SiaiinR • they are not proved so;, or 8tipposo tfiem deadh as inaiiy %'a1iii<id bellbft seeiitdbe1; wttat of W'f''tf tKey be

. eB8eotiaf|y'in6a|)aDle!'pf proof, or hot proVen, or dead,'sWely "oho need npt be afraid of thorn. They are' htirm.

' Wss^to ns and comforting to tliom, Thef ard'HlcesainlB*boties !•.' old >ca-thodralr,, |tood fbr chiirohtn^n, harm-less"t6 aliens. 'Moreover, they are liko'tfeepta^ bears. Attack tfieftt And thoy" Decohle 'wonderfnlly "viflforoUs. Thenars- ndvor'••killed.' 'Thoy die, 'if over, by-being lot alone. Contention aud denunciation tiro no part of life-giving truth. , Large and healthful be­liefs, frankly carried, sometimes be­come contagious. The heart more than, theheadiBtjicir fountain. Words cannot express them. Thoy^fare fra­grant. As well catch and hand to another tho fragranoo of a rose.

The loaders of our religious beliefs not seldom teach that christian faith is rational; that they do not want, aud

. will not hare a faith that cannot bo sustitinod by reason. >So, nanoh stress is laid upon reason m propagating tho fattlL.''Extremes meet'.' Orthodox sutiTrBattonsJist, takiiitt their weapons, one from tho IUble, tho other from scionce, fight their battle on the earn-n,9P': .ground of reason. Rationalists aU„l^ pu^lcs one to see why thoy should contend. , ,

Far hotter is it to say that christian faith .is a mystery, into which only tho spirit of God can lead men. Rea­son is good. It confirms and comforts' one in faith; never gives it; never demonstrates it to. one who doubts. It has not strength nor wings able to span, the chasm between sense and spirit, ,.,, ,

Rational faith 1 It is a contradiction ;»u,terms.. , , . \ya}k'ug. by faith, we s,ep into dark­ness/ After the stop, thore ,18 light buhipd, aud where we stand; nev.er.be. lore. "Hope that is seen is not hope." Faith demonstrated js, not faith, .. The simple faith of childhood in things unseen, is the key that opens Vie kingdom of heaven., Having sad­ly wal ked the way , of reason and doubt, it is good to be led back .again by t|>o little pnes ro implicit belief in many things tha,t balk reason and sci­ence,. Verily, "Blessed are thoy who have not seen »n.d[ yet havq believed,." Ho good is it,,that we hunger for lar­ger capacity to bstye.ye. ^Te.are done

.with denials. The creeds are all too narrow. Combine them ftU, Prop thy juiceless ppgatfves. . iThen < sifje; ^hata^east fpr^fie,children qf, faith. •'Belleying, w<e, rejqifi0 v i t o j q y ijin-epeakahlo ai d (ltl| o^ glbry,"

Ajrltcii Pwzt.—Borne months sinoe we published a statement lo tho effect that^Wiss Gray, a miltin'er of Fort Ed­ward, had become the fortunate heir to $19,0<!)0,o6ol:iwrllbh! her ' 16'vAr, a yoifrfg Englishinrtri^ had willed to her itnoli his dying'bed: ' The main facliiii the case—the heirship—Is true ; but we flow loam that it was' not to tho lover but to his father that Miss Gray is Indebted to her extraordinary good fortdno. It seems tlie loVer, oh his re­turn to England, tike too mahy others, proVeil lneonstaht, and married anoth­er lady agafnst his father's will. Whether it was remorse at his falth-lcssiitss or frOm other cause, cortain it is the yoinig man died in about a year after his marriage, and left' all his property to his father. The old gen­tleman was without heirs; and not having become reconciled to his daughter-in-law, upon "his death left ono*alf of !hls property to< the gov-ernincnt Of England, and the remain­ing "half, $19,000,000* tq MISs Gray, the Fort Edward milliner.' Tho sum was so large that many people 'were disponed to dOabt' Its trnth when-It flrse appeared in print; but Miss Gray has already received':the first install­ment of hor fortune, a trifle of •.0,000,-000, from the Hritish (<onsttl in,New York. On Tuesday last she received a dispatch from: the l Consul, announc­ing that tho money invuiled her order t nd on the following day she left Fort Edifftrd for Kew Yprk, where* it was pRtdsOver to hor.--2rx>yiSr*V/is»,


.,,,; . | - « p ffiefnUu. Wo have been Jq< I to,mak? these ro-

marks by tho difloi ivyry- that an at tempt is being mad) Jto provide mus elos( tor , women, ^ i , moro oorreotly speaking, to teach t liom to 'use those which they possess!—to givo them, a means of healthful pxerciaes whlohaWe trust, thoy wjll adipt; 'iniij.' w^^may then expect to Sep fewer pale faces and

-M ,. - I i l l f l l l l S

iM.« ,V T.tffMS,< ^ < » O a r ^ T S » a * « *J»i- irijj 4 - M i i ; ! . , 1 j ! i , •. t . i

— • l i i J i. I s i l l i l 31 . l l r . i

ml I nvs taMii, iJtMeji

i l l l l l l . ) WMo

w t i - v . / I ni'V t . J


•mining ope of tho largost. It was. perhaps, one hundred feet long and about sixtoon foot wide. Tho walls

;^e're 6fi'O^ar^e^a^'.'0o^^J|un'jd?r|6d,

air or light, save at '>h» front, jarhioh was entirely open the whole breath of the building, ' Itttftltioi' wlto simply of t^d4r.(,ql%( u W4WiHjfI\dt>tlrAy.;;jilA;„ aisle ra« (lowq the contro, just wide enough for a person to pass.) on eith­er sldo of this wore ranged the noaresl looms, and standing as cl'osfi1 together


,., /two or .thrse psrpqps STprft 9^9Y-edi on ithe work ojf:eia«h iloAlm...i;ybe looms • are plain, ooininon-looking, nf-fklrs; felHtoit preoisely* Of the ttrdo

'kfiifj, as', iq app^aranoe ari4, mode of manipulation, ns wero . those upon which our grandmothers in Ohio used to wea«/e the linseywoolsey for;'the wear of us Western' boys, when oven the preacher was almost a 'stranger to broadcloth. $tjuatting myselif <ty>vn by one ot these friendly acquaintances of my boyhood, I 'leisurely watched the delicate and diligent manipula­tions of the WcaVer and his' assistants as their shuttles flow t° and fro in the mnsy. mystery, of figures and flowers that came gradually, out larger and plainer upon the glowing suvVtioe of the gorgeous fabric, Which those skill­ful workman werq. latere, qreat^g un­der my oye. ,8o, .complex wero thq movements of tho men of those simple looking machines/ and; sq marvelously beautiful wero the prod nets resulting therefrom, that I gazed with unbound; ed amazement upon this work of silk weaving as it progressed before mo.

Tho weather being warm and the shop crowded, tho workmen are al­most naked. My -yisit interested them manifestly, yet not a loom censed its clicking, clacking noise, not a man loft his employment to gaze,.but I detect­ed them giving furtive glanoos and exchanging mutual smiles among themselves at the ouriqns stranger who had thus unceremoniously squatted himseU down in. their .uydst, by one qf these humble-looking looms, on a common dirt floor, within homely olay walls, where, nevertheless, nre]produe ed those magnificent fabrics which for ages, and throughout, the world, have been tthopridp'of; Weal h» tho, envy of beauty, and the admiration und desire of rpyaHy, | Far ,d,owp, nearly tq the extreme limit of this long room was a plain board counter, extending quiteaoroHS tho room, Behind it

:!»tood thq proprietor ;pf the factory, a B u i o o t h - t a e c d , l i e h l y - c h t d O h i n a m a u

Directly over him, the building was unroofed, thereby affording, a spaoious akylight; exempt} tljis ^windqw there was, none. , Throngh tbjn skylight and down upon the counter below the sun-shine fell, PPOn the finished work of tjiis .dingy, dirty, squalid-looking workshop. The proprietor was busily measuring off and packing up the pro d>»o,r» 0« b»S looms.,,• ,,, ;

And, a* th? rfUPllght "treame^ full upon the gorgeous colors of those magnificent silks, satins, and 'brocades which the proprietor was tossing about in billowy radiance, it seemed to my styes, as I stood far Up in the feeble light of the centre of the room, as though, he were tossing ami toying with rainbows. l'Vom places so hum­ble and surroundings so squalid as this come those royal fabrics which are to decorate palaces and adorn the persons of princes , and monarehs of the earth. • • • " .' ;

A Miss Hnbbiird has boon appoint­ed Transcript-Clerk of the Wisconsin Assembly , under somewhat peculiar q^ccpip^^noes,- ,^lie Chicago llepubli-patt. says, sl o is an accomplished,single lady of about thirty, who lives at the capital. oft Wisoqnsin. "She. did not .^cceedqp any woman's rights plea, •Wlier talk to her friends iu the Senate yithen soqliqitingflome^qbpyUig work, was not iii tl e least tinged with this modern problem; but, her: modesty so efiiisted the admiration of Senator Joiner, an old and gallant legisiatrqr from Iowa couu*y, as to impel him to rise in the Senatorial caucus and bold­ly present Miss Hubbard's, name for transcribing)' clerk. Hla sudden ap­peal, took the Senators by surprise, and they showed themselves true natural appYeeiatorsot woman and Iter reason-ableirights by at onoe electing Miss |Iubbard without tho least opposition.

ewaoiated figures jtban at .present. It, may by said tljat n| aubh means are wanting, jbar, women l,t}/tnq higher grades of hie havo, ample opportuni-tii's of taking all requisite exercise. Perhaps so,; bv\\ • do (th]ey ii»q them r

lishiiients for female education incul­cates iq them early in life such a habit

sha,ke it off. upon sfl^ymg *t yearji of maturity, "Jo man^ even a short walk , is a task, and the majority, what; exer­cise do thoy take beyond perhaps the stereqtypijd j^nstjiiutionaV^, Hde. in

,r5f|a,"^W»"..wblplT( soon, becomes so monojtqi^s as to affqra as little diver­sion to the body as the mind P Such Wing thq Qaso', Wedjanaot but express our pleasure Iq Keaijig^ that at Jasi An amusement has' ooon 'devUfed which will givd'boV ladles ItifJl! only'a1 health. ful^kerOlSo, but 'ittjiolr ptetts«rel'> Let us seo of what this' exercise consists,

'pWrmfsing' that; its 'bur readers aro probably nwaro, on tho Continent

^tttlrigs aWs t'eryi,di^^e•,eI^t., Thew are to he found numerdns gynlnasinnis in which women are trained to all' kinds of athletic sports—»where we find fair damsels iu! all ages, In elegant' and suitable' costumes, disporting them­selves in dozens, tinder the superin­tendence of a trainjer or a traiheress. Bat surely you wDuld not advocate tho introduction Of such it system in this oountry t wo can Itear the shocked En­glish materfnmtlluK say. The Idea of a»iy qiqdes.t wqmah b.eing. dreesed in k^iokerboqkqrs aifff. twisting herself in­to all kinds of positions In a gymnas­ium 1. Bah 1 it is' disgusting! And why? we ask. Is there anything half so horrible in a wdman being dressed appropriately, and going through a "inqyemeqt, driir,"jwluoh will bring in­to healthful p|a.y ejvqry muscle ,pf her body, give ablo^rji.to, tyer cheeks, a"d devolop tliq bqauttes. of hqr fqrip, as in her going to any lone of our theatres to view unhlushtiigly the nakedness of m o d e r n b a l l e t s , a n d l i s t e n i n g t o t h o

ba.rely covorod' 'inUeconoy of modern dramas ? Wc know wo shall be called heretics. Wo know tho "proper yOung woman" of the dajy will read this ar­ticle with abhorrence, but we also know that wc aro working in a good cause, and that the day will come ere long when evon the greatest prude will go to her drill as regularly as now­adays she does to her studios. Then, and not until then, shall we seo that most pernicious of all fashions, tight-laoiitcr, recoive it}s doatjh-blow. En­glish women will thou see what a fear­ful deformity a small waist really is. The praotico of athletics will soon teach them what the human form should be, and thcly will learn to ap­preciate the beauty far more thari thoy now admii'o the ddlormity of fashion. —Thk BrttdMiait

Mat MARK TWAIN Owrt-DDBUc-rrOur read­

ers will.. recollect! Mark Twain's ex­ceedingly funny imaginary loiter from it little miss, but the following which is sent to the New Orleans JHcayune as a genuine letter from a young lady of six years, rather beats the fictitious epistle; .,

PASS CHRISTIAN,,Deo. 26.—My Dear Aunt Joitic. ;—I have not written to

j yqu for such a long time J Row did ,you, Jikj your vijit to Farts? l a m very much jptyllgp, to you for my book and desk, The I lttle fish comes after the stiqk better thaq, any of them ] the djqoks won't come, at ad,' , The baby is very/ mush Pleased, with them, and pulls inn fpto the, room where they are. ,t e,,,»r,e.Sij|i;e%t; ,inauy duoks on tfcio j*$ty .,

I have a great many pets; my ben, my roosters, my cat, apd the baby, I raised my hen; when she was first born,,her mother, d|«$,.and I raised her until now sf)e,ji* grown. , My cat, I don't know wha£ has becqnie of hor. I have a little rooster and he crows; wo,have a grea,t rnany roosters. Wc have a rooster tha;t can't, run, and he gits up on the steps and he falls down on some of the others, and ho laughs at jt. but if some of them would fall down on him, he would not like it. Good by. (Send my love to all. Uavi-you seen brother ? .

Your nffcctha)iatq |)iece, MAGGIE.

SKVICN BINS.—It Refusing to take your own county paper.

2. Taking a paper and then not pay­ing for it. i ."'.••< V »i i

8. Not advertising, t , i . n ^ ; i . „\< «. Getting manned and forgetting

the printer. , ,.,| ,:••,-, . i . • 0. Asking newspapers to publish

matter that is lor your own benefit, without remuneration.,, 11,. . ..•..,'!

1. Roaming cqpkpu a.qompp»iltpr,s

° W - l,. il ,1; ...i. ti'. V bltuM 1. Never paying your suliscription

until the publisher goes to the trqu We r\

W^^MjMmMmM > th, ,,, O'roftbles aro lilfe dr aTrT*hn;eW*ll*r thoyaro. tho morn Uioy anuoy you.

' " : - A ' S l t ' - O f « * C « t A B « O * { ' 0 >•• -I'

Although, for so far this wtntoi-tho skies have been tinusual|y compassion­ate In riot aggravating with oontlriu-ous, intense cold the hunger- and rags of poverty, yot aii OcfeaBlohki blokk shaft.from the north transfixes a house­less wanderer at the qruel oorner of 8oniqof,ou.St.-e«ts. .„ ( . j ^ ,

Early on 1'inlay morning a poor young.'.wajf, apparently of tjhe past night., with'her deiioatsf t1|;«ire aoiiV tared relentlessly through a thin cot­ton dress, was found, almost f'amishei'l, leaning against H lain p post in a strer# leading into one of our principal thoroughfares. Her condition having l een recognized by ,a kindly honso-maid who had been dusting mats qt a neighboring door,«J,ho wretched siife iorer was huniauoly led into the base ment, where, after some lime, she,was restored to lite and animation. i; n<f'.n><"Tsks her up tenderly/'!I p> •,.•

Subsequent inquiries revealed tho fact that she was the daughter of once re­spectable and wealthy imrcnts who had I loft every thing- -pride, Virtue and fortune—in the wine oup, ami who, reoehtly dying pailpers, hadUelt Her qn |hat blttor Friday'bb^kjpg without a home, a hope or a crusl in the world. Wlion discoverod, she was blindly groping her way toward the river, to end her miseries, hither than

,quver upo .n 'a^e t ; . « M f , , ' , ' , ; . " . Her touching ami siuq.lo story reaching tho ear of the lady of tho house, she was summoned to her pres­ence; when, strangb to tell, It was as­certained, beyonA a shadow of doubt, that sne was the Only'child1 "of'*' dnbo dear friend who had been lost-sight of for years, but who, through a singular interposition of proYldqnoe,' 'was now restored ill Urn person of her daugh-

ftevero Joke oa aa sipotl^rifi^ • A good story is told of Maoroady,

the aotor, whose hand-writing wa* Il­legible, (and especially when Writing orders of admisslou .'tb/'tho'thea'tre!'^--One day, at New Orleans, Mr, Ihoug-ham obtained ouo of these for a friend. On handing it to the gentle-roan tho latter observed that; If he had not known what itv purported to be, he never would have suspected what it was. "It looks moro like a proscription than anything else;" ho added.

"So it does," said Mr. Brougham, "let us go and havo it made out."

Turning into the nearest drug store, the paper was given to thoolerk, who gave it a careless glance find then proceeded to get a!vjsl,naaViy and pull out divers boxes. With another look at the order, down catno a tincture bot­tle, and the vial was half filled. Thbn there was a pause. The gentlemanly attendant was evidently puzzled. At last he broke down completely, and rang for the principal, ah elderly and severe-looking Individual, who pres­ently emerged from an inner saiiotuiii. The two whispered together an in­stant, when tlm old dispenser looked at the document, aud with an air of pity for the ignorance of his subordi­nate, boldly filled up tho vial with some apocryphal fluid, and duly oork-od and labeled it. Then handing it to the gentlemen who were wailing, he said: A cough mixture, and ft very good ono. Fifty cents', if, you please.

IIRLP WANTKD.—Before the war, it

chanced that In a hotel bar-room in Canada, hot far from the line, a group were seated, whoii a'bright-loOking negro entered'.

**I s'pOSe you're s runaway slave ?" said one, looking sharply at the new­comer.

Footing that he was pretty well away from bondage, the 'darkey re­sponded that he was. ' "Ah,indeed; well, we're glad of It,

but you don't sise'm to look very poor •^-have good clothes down Sdutti'f"

"Certainly," said the darkey, with some pride, "same cldthes as my mas­ter."

"But you got many a good'thrash­ing, eh ?"

"Never had a whipping in my life." ' "Never thrashed!" said another; "well,but you niggers don't get enough to eftt, do you?"

"Always had enough, gernmen; never went hungry."

"What!" said the interrogator, "good clothes, no punishment, plenty to eat !"

"Now," said he, turning to the group, "only think of it 1 This fel­low has left a position where lie en joys al| these privileges for an uncer­tainty."

"Common," said the darkey, "all l'so got to say rospeotin' dose privi­leges is dat if ahy one who wlshesto

'ftyait .himself, dc situation still remains ' ,"' open! • ( .a n i - . i

—'W lilt \\*,.--:. , QUKSTIOXB *p>v ,j4mainnB^Why

should delicate^ housed* ed >girls wear upon their logs only thin muslin draw crs and flffe! cbtt'oti •st'ht!kiiigs,-'#hli« ' theg'rtjt*Vstropg(' itic'ii tyW'wfe'.-'.their fathor^i'weari stout, warip ol{( for drawers and pantaloons, and leal e r b o o t - l e g s b e s i d e s I , ' "

Why should the little girls go with MeW*t>s and shquldorn bare,.while tij/iir fathers havfi ahM^ w> WfriwaV sleeves on their arm8?.VWI|it-.ir.iid

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