Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions




Transcript of Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions

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Page 2: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions


Location. Borders. � e Republic of Poland is situated in Central Europe. It borders on Germany (facing the west), the Czech Republic and Slovakia (the south), Lithuania and Byelorussia (the east) as well as Russia, the Kaliningrad District and the Baltic Sea (the north).

Area. Population. Language. Poland occupies the area of 312,7 thousand km2 and is inhabited by over 38 million people. � e offi cial language is Polish.

� e Capital, Cities, the Administrative Division. Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Łódź, Cracow, Wrocław, Poznań or Gdańsk are among the biggest cities in the country. As for the administrative division, Poland is divided into 16 provinces.

Topographic Profi le. � e Environment. Poland is a country with a rich and diversifi ed topographic profi le. Most of the area (the Coast and the central part in particular) is dominated by lowlands. In the north, at the seaside, one may spot wide, sandy beaches. As for the north-western regions such as the Pomorskie, Mazurskie and Wielkopolskie Lake Districts, they are famous for beautiful landscapes abounding in picturesque lakes and hills. � e south of Poland, on the other hand, has the typical features of highlands, with chains of mountains, namely the Sudeten and the Carpathian Mountains. While characterizing the Polish environment one should also mention forests, welldeveloped river net as well as rich fl ora and fauna. � e most beautiful regions have been given the status of nature reserves and landscape parks.

� e Wielkopolska Province

Location. Wielkopolska Province is located in the basin of the Warta river, in the central part of Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland. Simultaneously, it is situated on the crossroads of the main European East-West track leading from Berlin to Moscow (via Poznań, Konin and Warsaw) and the track from Prague towards the north (via Wrocław, Leszno, Poznań). As a result, the province has very favourable transportation connections with other European countries as well as the rest of the world.

Area. � e province occupies the area of 29 826 km2, which is 9,5% of the Polish territory.

Population. Wielkopolska is inhabited (approxi-mately) by 3,4 million people, which is 8,7% of the whole population of Poland.

� e Capital. � e capital of the province is Poznań, a city with the population of 600 000 people. Due to its economic, commercial, scientifi c, cultural and tourist signifi cance, the city is considered the centre of western Poland. Also, Poznań has its own airport (Ławica Airport) performing both national and international functions.

Important Cities: Gniezno, Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Piła.

international functions.

Important Cities: Gniezno, Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Gniezno, Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Piła.

Page 3: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions

Welcome! Wielkopolska is often described as the cradle of Poland. � e land hosts the oldest material foundations of the State, which are systematically uncovered and researched by archeologists. � e cathedrals in Gniezno and Poznań attract those who seek pleasure in unraveling the history of the region – the former witnessed the coronation of the fi rst Polish kings, whereas the latter is known as the necropolis of the fi rst Piasts. Sightseeing in Wielkopolska allows to admire the impressive accumulation of historic monuments gathered here over the millennium. � e oldest of them are dated at the latter half of the 10th century, the times when Poland converted into Christianity and was infl uenced by the architectural tendencies of the West. Each subsequent epoch left an indelible mark on the land, embodied in magnifi cent churches, charming country manors, castles and palaces as well as town halls, located in the old market squares of Wielkopolska’s towns and cities. � e region is also famous for, often unique, museums, heritage parks, archeological reserves and museum houses, fostering local traditions. Wielkopolska region is also the land of lakes and woods which may serve as a shelter from everyday mundane city rush. Wielkopolska’s topographic profi le, is typically lowland, yet far from monotonous; the region is massively diversifi ed by rivers, natural post-glacial lakes (over a thousand of which is bigger than a hectare and suitable for practicing water sports), moraine hills providing unforgettable views and, also, extensive woodlands. � is verdant countryside stretches over a quarter of the region’s surface. Poznań, the city inhabited by almost 600 000 citizens, is the capital of Wielkopolska, and, simultaneously, one of the pivotal points in Western Poland in terms of business, trade, science, culture and tourism. It regularly hosts a number of international sports events, including canoeing and rowing competitions held on Lake Malta (equipped with a state-of-the-art regatta course). � e Malta site is equally famous for organizing international outdoor theater festivals as well as Henryk Wieniawski’s Violin Contest and International Festival “Malta”. To sum up, the impressive dynamics of the development which characterizes the region attracts a wide range of people dealing in business, science, culture and sport as well as tourists. Welcome to Wielkopolska - come here and discover the Past and Present of this place.

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� e Poznań Town Hall – one of the most beautiful Renaissance secular buildings (not only) in Poland is the symbol of the city. Worth mentioning is the building’s façade’s three-storied arcade loggia. � e Town Hall’s major attractions are the famous billy goats, striking at noon on the tower, as well as its rich interior and exterior decoration. � e interior hosts Museum of the History of the City of Poznań. Its focal point is the Grand Hall, also known as the Revival Hall. It rests on two sandstone pillars, supporting the ceiling, which in turn is ornamented with polichromed sculptures. � ese range from crests, biblical symbols and mythological scenes to exotic animals and planets.


NAŃ Bamber’s Well, located in the center of the Old Market Square,

commemorates the German immigrants from Bamberg who, in the fi rst half of the 18th century, came here at the invitation of the City Council to populate the nearby villages, hitherto decimated by the North War and the plague. Over years, they adopted the Polish culture, simultaneously preserving some of their native traditions and, predominantly, the beautiful, characteristic dress. � e well was founded in 1915 by a Bamberg family of wine traders, the Goldenrings. On each fi rst Saturday of August, the Bamberg immigrants’ predecessors, along with the members of Poznań Bambers’ Association celebrate their arrival in Poznań with a fl amboyant gala.

� is Baroque-Classical palace, decorated with reliefs is easily recognizable by the sculpture placed on the roof presenting a pelican with outstretched wings. In 1808, Anna Gurowska sold it to her son, Ksawery Działyński. It remained in hands of the Działyńskis till 1872, the date which marks the death of Jan Działyński, the last member of the family. � e palace was then inherited by Jan Działyński’s nephew, Władysław Zamoyski, who, in 1925, donated it to the Polish nation. Today, the building is the seat of the Kórnicka Library of Polish Academy of Sciences. � e Red Hall of the palace, also known as the Rasberry Hall, is a place of frequent social gatherings, such as literary meetings, chamber concerts and lectures.

St Stanisław the Bishop’s Parish Church is a superior example of Baroque architecture. Initially the Jesuit temple, its construction proceeded in stages since 1651 till the middle of the 18th century and required the demolition of some selected fragments of city walls as well as fi lling the moat. � e marvelous main altar and entrance portal was designed by Pompeo Ferrari. � e building is a three-nave church with galleries over the lateral naves and massive columns in the main nave. � e church strikes as monumental, pompous, literally saturated with all sorts of ornaments (e.g. sculptures, paintings, moulding) yet, all these elements instantiate an ideal example of artistic symbiosis. � e nearly hypnotic play of light in the church gives the impression of its inside being slightly submerged in subtle fog.

Town Hall in Poznań

Bamber’s Well

� e Działyński Family Palace

Parish Church (fara)

Museum of the History of the City of Poznań, Stary Rynek 1, 61-772 Poznań, tel. (0-61) 856 80 00, www.mnp.art.pl

Poznań Bamber’s Museum, ul. Mostowa 7, 61-854 Poznańtel. (0-61) 847 43 54

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

St Stanisław Parish Church, ul. Gołębia 1, 61-834 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 69 50

2 Parish Church (fara)

tel. (0-61) 852 69 50

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St Peter and Paul’s Cathedral is located in Ostrów Tumski, the oldest part of Poznań. It is associated with the origins of Poland and the Polish church. � e building witnessed the very beginnings of the State’s history and serves as the place of eternal rest for the Piast dynasty: Mieszko I, Bolesław Chrobry, Mieszko II, Kazimierz Odnowiciel and Przemysł II.

Although the vaults of the cathedral still hide the relics of pre-Romanesque and Romanesque architecture (including the fragments of baptismal fonts and supposed tombstones of Mieszko I and Bolesław Chrobry), the building’s present shape resembles a 15th century three-nave basilica with a passage behind the chancel and the surrounding circular arrangement of chapels.

� e damage resulting from the World War II, particularly severe in the main nave, had to be supplemented with various elements of interior decoration from Silesia, such as a Gothic altar from Śląska Góra (dated at 1512), 16th-century stalls (from Zgorzelec) or a 18th-century baptismal font and pulpit.

� e cathedral’s lateral chapels, with the famous Chapel of the Kings (founded in the 19th century from the society’s donations) survived the war relatively unscathed. In one of the remaining chapels, heavily ornamented with Byzantine decorations, a neo-Gothic sarcophagus of the fi rst Polish rulers was placed. � e sarcophagus has elements of Bolesław Chrobry’s Gothic tombstone including the sculptured fi gures of St Peter and Jesus Christ, founded by king Kazimierz Wielki, as well as the statues of both rulers.

� e tradition has it that St Mary’s Church (late-Gothic architecture, dated at the fi rst half of the 15th century) replaced Dąbrówka’s (Mieszko I’s wife) chapel. � e soaring red brick building scores high on the list of Wielkopolska’s most beautiful Gothic monuments. � e starry vault still has a tremendous eff ect on visitors.

� e church has been reinforced for the last couple of years. Once the reinforcement process is fi nished, archeologists will be able to start research under the building. It is worth noting that this is the place where Mieszko I’s palladium was discovered.

� e Psalter house, the harbor of psalter priests (obliged to sing psalms in the cathedral), dated at the beginning of the 16th century, is adjacent to St Mary’s Church. � e psalter was founded by one of the most prominent clericals of the time, bishop Jan Lubrański. His crest, Godziemba, still ornaments the east elevation. � e building replaced an earlier wooden canonical curia.

St Peter and Paul’s Cathedral in Ostrów Tumski

� e Golden Chapel

St Mary’s Church

� e Psalter House

St Peter and Paul’s Cathedral, Ostrów Tumski 17, 61-108 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 96 42

Archdiocese Museum, ul. Lubrańskiego 1, 61-108 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 38 14, www.aap.poznan.pl/arch, [email protected]

3� e Psalter House

tel. (0-61) 852 38 14, www.aap.poznan.pl/arch, [email protected]

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Kórnik owes its fame to the Działyński family. At the beginning of the 19th century, Tytus Działyński redecorated the Kórnik castle, thus not only converting it into a comfortable residence but, at the same time, a library with an extensive collection of literary works and a museum of national tokens. His eff ort was continued by his son, Jan and, his nephew (Tytus’s grandson) Władysław Zamoyski, subsequently. � e last owner of the Kórnik castle and mansion decided in his last will to donate it to the Polish nation, altogether with the library and various works of art. Today, the castle is administered by the Kórnicka Library of Polish Academy of Sciences. � e visitors feel enchanted by the legend of the White Lady and the beauty of the castle’s interior, particularly the Moresque Hall and various collected exhibits.

After 1830 Tytus Działyński extended the park surrounding the Kórnik castle and redesigned it in the English style. Simultaneously, the dendrological value of the area increased considerably. Nowadays known as Kórnik Arboretum, the property of PAN Dendrology Institute, it is famous for having the richest collection of trees and shrubs (over 3000 species and varieties). � is diversity makes it an eagerly visited tourist attraction. In May, when magnolias are in full blossom, the park is literally thronged with people. A keen observer will also fi nd here Taxodium (the oldest one in Poland), with its pneumatophores (air roots) growing above the soil level. � e plant is often regarded as the symbol of Kórnik Arboretum. � e tourists will also fi nd here the famous willow-leaf pear tree form the Caucasus.

� e history of the lords of Rogalin is closely linked with Kazimierz Raczyński, who, in 1768, bought these charming areas located on the Warta river. As the starost general of Wielkopolska, he decided to build an impressive residence in Rogalin. Over years, it became the Raczyński family’s mansion. On the hundredth anniversary of his birth, Edward Raczyński handed it over (with the entire collection of paintings) to the Raczyński family’s Foundation. Edward Raczyński, a prominent diplomat, the president of Rzeczpospolita Polska in Exile, was the last male representative of the Polish branch of the Raczyński family. In the north wing of the palace, visitors admire the imitation of count’s London study, in which he spent the last 26 years of his life.

Wielkopolska was the fi rst region to establish a tourist route marked with special signs used in the European Union. � e Route starts in Poznań, at the crossroads of Królowej Jadwigi St and Droga Dębińska. Next, tourists encounter on their way the castle in Kórnik, the palace and the concentration of old oaks in Rogalin, Arkady Fiedler’s Museum in Puszczykowo, Wielkopolska National Park, WNP’s Natural Museum in Jeziory as well as the Szreniawa National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry. � e route is 80 km long and visitors are advised to go sightseeing by car.





Kórnik Route

� e Castle in Kórnik

Kórnik Arboretum

� e Palace in Rogalin

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Castle in Kórnik, ul. Parkowa 5, 62-035 Kórniktel. (0-61) 817 00 33, www.zamki.pl

Dendrology Museum, ul. Parkowa 5, 62-035 Kórniktel. (0-61) 817 00 33, [email protected]

Palace in Rogalin, 62-022 Świątnikitel. (0-61) 813 80 30

4 � e Palace in Rogalin

tel. (0-61) 813 80 30

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� e Rogalin palace (late Baroque – Classical architecture), was erected in the 70’ of the 18th century. Worth mentioning is the fact that both facades of the building, the front as well as the back (overlooking the garden), look equally impressive.

Rogalin also hosts a splendid gallery of Polish and foreign painting, mostly from the turn of the 19th and 20th century, founded by Edward Raczyński. Visitors also marvel at the beauty of the surrounding parks (French and English style) and famous Nadwarciańskie Oaks “Lech”, “Czech” and “Rus”, unique in Europe (and assigned the status of monuments of nature).

� e home of Arkady Fiedler, a famous writer and explorer, is now a museum. Outside, the signpost with numerous arrows indicating the distance and direction of some, often remote, places in the world as well as the replicas of Indian totems give the foretaste of the atmosphere inside the house; the exhibits range from various (both Polish and foreign) editions of Fiedler’s books to African ritual masks, Aztec fi gurines, Indian blow-pipes, shark jaws, collections of shells, spiders and, Fiedler’s beloved, butterfl ies. Tourists highly appreciate the fact that the museum guides are the writer’s sons, Arkady, Radosław and Marek.

Prof. Adam Wodziczko, a renowned naturalist, described this place as “a museum of post-glacial forms”. � eir diversity was the reason for the Park’s foundation. � e richness of the environment, multitude of natural reserves and monuments of nature make Wielkopolska National Park an outstanding natural spot. � e protection of nature is the subject of the Jeziory WNP’s Natural Museum’s permanent exhibition. � e museum – education center is located in a palace, erected by Germans during World War II.

� e museum was initially placed in a 19th century manor which, due to the dynamic and systematic infl ow of new exhibits, had to be extended; various new pavilions (placed in a park extending over the area of a few hectares) were thus erected and adapted for the museum’s needs. Today the number of exhibits reaches 20 000. � ey diff er in size, ranging from small tools to huge steam engines. Visitors may trace here the evolution of agriculture, starting from the fi rst, ancient historical records up till the present. � e museum’s greatest attraction are the cyclically organized cultural events the purpose of which is to illustrate country life in the particular seasons of the year. Simultaneously they serve to show the conditions of village life and work in the past centuries as well as to cultivate traditions preserved to date.





Rogalin Oaks

Museum – Arkady Fiedler’s Literary Study in Puszczykowo

Wielkopolska National Park’s Didactic Museum Center in Jeziory

National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry in Szreniawa

Museum – Arkady Fiedler’s Literary Study, ul. Słowackiego 1, 62-040 Puszczykowotel. (0-61) 813 37 94, www.fi edler.poznan.pl

Wielkopolska National Park’s Didactic Museum Center, 62-050 Jeziorytel. (0-61) 813 22 06, www.amu.edu.pl/jeziory, [email protected]

National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry in Szreniawaul. Dworcowa 5, 62-052 Komornikitel. (0-61) 810 76 29, www.muzeum-szreniawa.pl, [email protected] 5National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry

in Szreniawa

ul. Dworcowa 5, 62-052 Komornikitel. (0-61) 810 76 29, www.muzeum-szreniawa.pl, [email protected]

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� e Piastowski Route is one of Poland’s most eagerly visited tourist tracts. Tourists can visit some parts of it or take the entire tour leading through Ostrów Lednicki, Gniezno, Trzmeszno, as well as Mogilno, Strzelno and Kruszwica (the latter group is located outside the administrative borders of the Wielkopolska region). On their way back to Poznań, tourists are advised to stop off in Biskupin and fi nally, via Gniezno, arrive in Giecz.

Let’s not forget though that the above mentioned objects / places are nowadays set in a diff erent environment. A thousand years ago wooden constructions prevailed. Stone buildings, founded by princes and nobility symbolized a new world and embodied the spirit of the newly formed state and religion.

Although the archeological examination in this region was undertaken as early as in the middle of the 19th century, it wasn’t before 1982 that (in consequence of intensive interdisciplinary research) the fi rst satisfactory results were presented. Today there are no doubts as to the fact that the stone buildings - the palladium, chapel, settlement’s church, bridges and various fortifi cations located in Ostrów Lednicki were erected in the 60’ of the 10th century and, during Mieszko I’ s rule. Yet, tremendous excitement came in 1988 and 1989 with the discovery of two baptismal fonts placed on the cruciform base, which justifi es the hypothesis that hints at Ostrów Lednicki as the place where Mieszko I and his entourage were baptized in 966.

� e objects of historical value obtained from the uncovered archeological sites are exhibited in Skarbczyk (Treasury), in Mały Skansen, located near the ferry crossing point.

Gniezno strikes as the city of many diff erent “faces”. It is associated with the legend of a white eagle that fl ew high into the air above the heads of Lech, Czech and Rus, who, impressed by its beauty, decided to found a city here. It was also the fi rst, very powerful, capital of the (new-born) Polish state, the venue of the contemporary key political events, such as the Gniezno Convention in the year 1000. Gniezno is also known for its cathedral in which the fi rst Polish rulers were crowned. Finally, as stated by the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of the Roman Curia (1994), the city has a patron – the martyr bishop St Wojciech.

� e Virgin Mary’s Ascension’s arch-cathedral basilica is the most magnifi cent witness of the millennial history of the city. Over generations, the building has been extensively redecorated and massively ornamented so that nowadays it forms a rich, yet unanimous entity. � e Romanesque vaults, Gothic shape and circle of surrounding Baroque chapels as well as abundance of valuable ornaments make it a pearl of the Polish culture and place it high on the list of the top European monuments.






� e Palladium of Mieszko I

� e Chapel in Skarbczyk

� e Monument of St Wojciech in Gniezno

Arch-cathedral Basilica in Gniezno

Museum of the First Piasts in Lednica, Dziekanowice 23, 62-261 Lednogóratel. (0-61) 427 50 40, 427 50 10, www.lednicamuzeum.pl, [email protected]

Tourist Information Center, ul. Tumska 12, 62-200 Gnieznotel. (0-61) 428 41 00, www.powiat-gniezno.pl

Virgin Mary’s Ascension’s Arch-cathedral, ul. Kolegiaty 2, 62-200 Gnieznotel. (0-61) 426 13 62

6 Arch-cathedral Basilica in Gniezno

tel. (0-61) 426 13 62

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� e history of St Wojciech’s life and death, divided into 18 stages and presented on the bronze door is the supreme work of Romanesque art in Poland. It was cast in approximately 1170-1180, most probably in Gniezno, by artists from Moza. � e door is decorated with fl ower-shaped ornaments, fi gures of people, animals, as well as various scenes depicting hunting and fi ghting. In order to “read” the depicted history one should start from the bottom on the left wing and proceed clockwise.

Premonstratensian monks (Norbertines) came to Poland at the beginning of the 12th century, at the invitation of Bolesław Krzywousty. � ey erected here a three-nave Romanesque basilica, with a transept and two belfries, later redecorated on numerous occasions. � ese, over centuries, added beauty and spiritual atmosphere to the building. A calamity came in 1945; the temple was set on fi re by the German soldiers. It took 15 years to rebuild what remained after the fi re. Specifi cally, the restoration activities aimed at uncovering and outlining the Romanesque character of the building, the residual fragments of the walls and the two columns in the central nave.

Historically, the old chronicles characterize it as one of the most powerful cities of the early-Piast era. Its strategic relevance derived from the fact that Giecz was considered as a stronghold, shielding the early-Piast capital cities from the south. It was founded between 850 and 950 as one of the fortifi cations built in the heart of the newly formed state. � e construction of prince’s palladium (the foundations of which strongly resemble the ones uncovered in Ostrów Lednicki), started in the late 10th century. It was never fi nished, though. � e most recent archeological research has revealed that the construction of St John the Baptist’s church was initiated at the term of the 10th and 11th century, shortly after Poland had converted into Christianity. � e present version of St John the Baptist’s church is dated at 1767.




EAlthough the Gniezno basilica contains numerous objects of historical

relevance, two of them literally overshadow the rest. � ese are the Gniezno Door and St Wojciech’s relics. � e relics are placed in the chancel, resting in an early Baroque silver reliquary resembling a coffi n the lid of which is ornamented with a sculpture of a man wearing bishop’s gowns. � e reliquary is placed under the Baroque confessional (restored in the 90’s of the 20th century) imitating Bernini’s work from St Peter’s basilica in Rome.

� e Relics of St Wojciech in Gniezno

� e Gniezno Door

Church of Virgin Mary’s Assumption in Trzemeszno

St Mikołaj’s Church in Giecz

Museum of Gniezno Archdiocese, ul. Kolegiaty 2, 62-200 Gnieznotel. (0-61) 426 13 62

Church of Virgin Mary’s Assumption, ul. Kosmowskiego 8, 88-340 Trzemesznotel. (0-62) 315 42 46

Archeological Sanctuary - “Gród Piastowski” in Giecz, 63-012 Dominowotel. (0-61) 285 92 22, www.archeo.amu.edu.pl/giecz

Virgin Mary’s Ascension’s Cathedral, ul. Kolegiaty 2, 62-200 Gnieznotel. (0-61) 426 13 62

7St Mikołaj’s Church in Giecz

tel. (0-61) 285 92 22, www.archeo.amu.edu.pl/giecz

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� e palace in Racot was built (by Dominik Merlini himself, also famous for Łazienki in Warsaw) between 1780-1790, at the request of prince Antoni Barnaba Jabłonowski. � e front of this interesting palace – villa has the form of a four-column portico. Among a considerable number of precious elements of the interior preserved to date are black marble fi replaces, round Classical tables, stylish paintings and furniture. Racot is also widely known for its horse stud, established in 1928.

Antoni Mielżyński, the Crown’s Great Writer and king Stanisław August’s chamberlain, asked Karol Gothard Langhas to design a residence which would mirror his unbelievable fortune and, at the same time, exemplify the very essence of kinglike luxury and style. Yet, the preserved interior decoration includes only the 200-year old silk fabric covering the walls of Silk Parlour and two sets of furniture, Louis XVI style, as well as the countess’s wardrobes built in the walls. � e column hall, restored and now considered the fi nest ballroom in Wielkopolska, leaves no doubts as to why the building is often placed among “the most outstanding palaces in Poznań poviat”.

� e castle in Rydzyna belongs to the most beautiful residences in Poland. It was build by Krzysztof Leszczyński and designed by Josef Simon Belotti. � e building was erected on the foundations of a medieval castle and walls. � e three subsequent redecorations took place in the 18th century and were carried out by Pompeo Ferrari, Karol Martin Frantz and Ignacy Graff . � e building owes its present shape to these alterations. � e castle once belonged to Stanisław Leszczyński, but later it passed into the hands of the Sułkowski family. � e interior off ers restored, richly ornamented (stucco work and sculpture) halls, including the enormous Ballroom.

� e palace is famous for its outstanding ballroom. � e room was built at the end of the 18th century, being the result of redecoration works carried out by the then owner of Czerniejewo lands, general of the Crown Army, Jan Lipski. (He also founded the palace (late baroque style) earlier in the 70’s of the 18th century). � e original architectural arrangement, with two courtyards, one embracing the stable and the coach-house, and the other, overlooking the palace and the symmetrically located annexes, has been preserved to date. After almost twenty years, Lipski decided to rebuild the residence in the classical spirit. � us, a monumental, four-column portico was added to the front and the interior was substantially changed. At that time two representative rooms were built – the “Pompeian” room on the ground fl oor (previously ornamented with paintings depicting Pompeian scenes) and the huge, two-storied, rotunda-shaped ballroom.






� e Palace in Racot

� e Palace in Pawłowice

� e Castle in Rydzyna

� e Palace in Czerniejewo

Palace “Racot”, Racot, ul. Dworcowa 5, 64-000 Kościantel. (0-65) 511 79 58www.palac-racot.pl, [email protected]

Palace in Pawłowice, 64-122 Pawłowicetel. (0-65) 529 91 92

Castle in Rydzyna, pl. Zamkowy 1, 64-130 Rydzynatel. (0-65) 529 50 40, [email protected]

Palace and Park Complex, ul. gen. Jana Lipskiego 5, 62-250 Czerniejewotel. (0-61) 427 30 30, www.palac-czerniejewo.ig

8 � e Palace in Czerniejewo

tel. (0-61) 427 30 30, www.palac-czerniejewo.ig

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� e manor in Koszuty is dated at approximately 1760. It was extended though in the 19th and early 20th century. � is brick nogged timber wall building has corner alcoves with extensions between them and is covered with a hip roof with dormer windows which overlook a beautiful park. Inside, there are plentiful (now precious) exhibits scattered naturally here and there, (once the property of the manor’s hosts) as if the house was still inhabited. � us, tourists may visit a traditionally furnished vestibule, dining room, living room, nobles’ room as well as children’s room, all full of the then domestic equipment.

� e palace in Śmiełów is closely associated with Adam Mickiewicz and his visits to Wielkopolska. At that time, it belonged to the Gorzeński family and the famous poet arrived here in the mid-August and left in the mid-September of 1831. � e building has an interesting, Classical character. It was erected in 1797 by an appreciated architect, Stanisław Zawadzki. � e palace is hoof-shaped; its corpus is ornamented with a monumental lonic portico and linked with two lateral annexes by means of quarter-circular galleries. It is surrounded by a charming English style landscape park.

� e building represents an amazingly rich composition of various colors, shapes and moods. Built in 1560, the castle obeys the conventions of French Renaissance. Although its beginnings can be traced all the way back to Rafał Leszczyński, the castle was signifi cantly extended at the threshold of the 17th century by Wacław Leszczyński. Yet, its heyday came in between 1872 and 1885 with Izabela Działyńska, who redecorated it in the spirit of French Renaissance castles. � e decoration of the building became the passion of her life. Specifi cally, Gołuchów was to host her numerous collections of various exhibits, hitherto kept in Paris. At the same time, Czartoryska did her best to make it a “Paradise on Earth”, outlining its idyllic character. � e castle is surrounded by a heritage park – arboretum and it borders on a wisent pen, the only one in Wielkopolska.

� is charming hunting palace was designed by a Berlin architect, Karol Frederick Schinkel. It was built in 1822-1824 for Antoni Radziwiłł, the vice-regent of Great Poznań County. Although the Radziwiłł family spent in Antonin only a few months a year, they often brought with them some extraordinary guests, for example Chopin visited the palace twice. “Chopin in the Colors of Autumn” is the name of a festival organized here annually to commemorate his visits in Antonin. � e palace also hosted the German prince Wilhelm, later crowned the emperor Wilhelm I.

Amazing is the central place in the palace, a large, three-storied hall whose ornamented ceiling rests on one column only, the chimney.



� e Manor in Koszuty

� e Palace in Śmiełów

� e Castle in Gołuchów

� e Hunting Palace in Antonin

� e Manor in Koszuty - Museum of the Średzka Land, Koszuty 27, 63-022 Słupia Wielkatel. (0-61) 285 10 23

Palace in Śmiełów, Adam Mickiewicz’s Museum, 63-210 Żerkówtel. (0-61) 740 31 64, www.mnp.art.pl

Castle in Gołuchów, ul. Działyńskich 2, 63-320 Gołuchówtel. (0-62) 761 50 96, www.zamki.pl

� e Radziwiłłowie’s Hunting Palace, ul. Parkowa 1, 63-422 Antonintel. (0-62) 734 81 14

9� e Hunting Palace in Antonin

tel. (0-62) 734 81 14

Page 12: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions






Licheń constantly attracts crowds of pilgrims. � ey rush to see the painting of the Virgin Mary, the Sorrowful Queen of Poland as well as the biggest Polish temple, probably one of the biggest sacred buildings in Europe. It has been built since 1994, and its sumptuousness is literally breathtaking.

� e temple, designed by Barbara Bielecka, is a fi ve-nave transept cruciform basilica (Latin cross) with a semicircular chancel. Its façade is headed by an impressive column portico. � e whole building is covered with an enormous golden dome, visible from the distance of almost twenty kilometers. It has been estimated that the church can house 7000 people.

� e miraculous painting is placed in St Dorota’s Church (neo-Gothic architecture). � e tradition has it that it was found by Tomasz Kłossowski (a soldier and ex-landowner who had lost his fortune and taken on smithery) on his way back home from the Napoleonic wars. He hung the painting on a tree and, later, it turned out that it had miraculous power.

Apart from the new basilica and St Dorota’s Church, tourists can also visit the Częstochowska Virgin Mary’s Church as well as take a walk in the surrounding park and admire numerous sacred and patriotic objects, such as a stone Golgotha or the monument of pope John Paul II.

� e cult of the Virgin Mary the Sorrowful has been present in Skulsk for a few centuries. � ese days though, it is experiencing its revival. � e pilgrimage season starts here in early spring and lasts till late autumn. � e place is most frequently visited during the September indulgence (8-15 September).

� e legend has it that the Bolesław Chrobry’s knights saw the Virgin Mary on an island called Kępa Skulska. � e king order to erect a chapel in these boggy fi elds. Soon, the chapel became the destination of pilgrimages. Presently, the pilgrims visit a church that replaced the chapel in 1810. Its Gothic Pieta – a wooden sculpture, dated at approximately 1420, nested in the late Baroque altar, captures visitors’ attention.

� e place has an exceptional status among Poland’s pilgrimage sites. � e cult of St Josef has been present here for 400 years, and the visiting pilgrims pray in front of the miraculous painting of the Holy Family, so far the only crowned picture of St Josef. � e Sanctuary is located in the Kalisz collegiate of the Virgin Mary. Its beginning date back to the 13th century, yet in the middle of the 14th century the building underwent architectural modifi cations which gave it a Gothic shape. � e building was partially destroyed in the late 18th century, later to be restored in the late Baroque style. � e plenary indulgence takes place here on 19 March, but some pilgrims also visit this place on the 29 April (the priests – ex-prisoners of Dachau concentration camp) and 1 May (International Pilgrimage of Working People).



S’ D





Virgin Mary’s Sanctuary in Licheń

� e Stone Golgotha in Licheń

� e Church in Skulsk

St Josef ’s Sanctuary in Kalisz

Virgin Mary’s Sanctuary, ul. Klasztorna 4, 62-563 Licheń Starytel. (0-63) 270 81 00, www.lichen.pl

Tourist Information, Monastic House of the Marians’ Prists, ul. Klasztorna 4, 62-563 Licheń Starytel. (0-63) 270 81 63

Kalwaria Skulska with the Way of the Cross, ul. Kościelna 4, 62-560 Skulsktel. (0-63) 268 20 09, [email protected]

Saint Josef ’s Sanctuary, pl. św. Józefa 7, 62-800 Kalisztel. (0-62) 757 58 22

10 St Josef ’s Sanctuary in Kalisz

tel. (0-62) 757 58 22

Page 13: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions






� e Baroque church near Głogówek, known as Święta Góra, is modeled on the Venetian Santa Maria della Salute. Its construction was initiated in 1675 by a Philippine, priest Stanisław Grudowicz, the founder of St Phillip’s Oratorio, located nearby. � e work was supervised by Jerzy Catenazzi and his son Jan and, later, by Pompeo Ferrari. � e latter is known for the dome, chancel and monastery buildings. � e complex was fi nished in 1728. Święta Góra is nowadays a popular and frequently visited sanctuary. � e picture of the Virgin Mary with the Infant Jesus and a rose in her hands, painted approximately in 1540, (placed in the main altar) attracts masses of people on daily basis.

� e place has a long history, written down by the Bernardines as late as in the 17th century. According to their chronicles, in 1079 the place witnessed the appearance of the Virgin Mary. Nowadays, the Virgin Mary’s Sanctuary in Górka Klasztorna commemorates the appearance.

Adjoining to the Baroque temple of the Virgin Mary the Immaculately Conceived are two wings of the Monastery of the Missionaries of the Holy Family. � e missionaries have been looking after the sanctuary since 1923. � e church has Baroque-Rococo interior decorations. In the churchyard there is a well from which pilgrims draw water which, ostensibly, gives good health.

� e foundations were laid in 1893. Yet, 17 years had passed until the 14 chapels of the Way of the Cross (and some adjacent objects) stood on the steep slopes of the post-glacial stream valley of the Noteć. Soon, Kalwaria became widely known in Wielkopolska. � e faithful used to treat it as the destination of pilgrimages. During the World War II, the German military forces destroyed it.

At the beginning of June 1976, overnight, 14 Stations of the Way of the Cross (decorated with sculptures) made by Jerzy Sobociński replaced the destroyed chapels, in spite of the lack of permission from the authorities. � e decision granting the restoration of the former Kalwaria was passed in 1997. � e place hosts the greatest number of pilgrims on the fi rst Sunday of July, the time of plenary indulgence.

A magnifi cent painting of the Kazańska Virgin Mary, the replica of the Russian icon presenting Virgin Mary the Consolation for the Tormented, has been the object of worship in Szamotuły Gothic collegiate for almost four centuries now. It was brought to Szamotuły by Aleksander Wolff , the then holder of the local castle. He placed it in the castle’s chapel. � e icon would probably have stayed there for good if the Virgin Mary hadn’t shed bloody tears - the heartbreaking event happened on 24 April, 1665 and it was witnessed by eight people, including Wolff . A special committee appointed by the Poznań Curia classifi ed it as a miracle and decided to move the icon to the collegiate.

� us, the Virgin Mary of Consolation is the target of pilgrimages all year round, most of them in the period between March and September. � e last Sunday of August ends the week of Virgin Mary’s glorifi cation, celebrated here in exceptional dedication.






� e Baroque Church on Święta Góra near Gostyń

� e Baroque Temple in Górka Klasztorna

� e Way of the Cross in Ujście

� e Collegiate in Szamotuły

Philippine Monastery on Święta Góra – Blessed Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception’s and Saint Filip’s from Neria Church, Głogówko 15, 63-800 Gostyńtel. (0-65) 572 08 55, www.fi lipini.gostyn.pl, sanktuarium@fi lipini.gostyn.pl

Virgin Mary’s Sanctuary in Górka Klasztorna, 89-310 Łobżenicatel. (0-67) 286 08 48, www.gk.msf.opoka.org.pl, [email protected]

Tourist Information Offi ce (Hotel Gromada), ul. Piastów 15, 64-920 Piłatel. (0-67) 210 94 86, www.powiat.pila.pl, [email protected]

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

11� e Collegiate in Szamotuły

tel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Page 14: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions






� e tree which was used as building material for the construction of this church blossomed for the fi rst time in approximately 1180-1200! Yet, the building itself was erected in the last quarter of the 14th century, according to the dendrological tests, carried out here three times. It turned out that the central nave and the sacristy are three hundred years older that it had initially been suggested. � at, in turn, makes this sacred building the oldest church in Poland preserved in the original shape (apart from the belfry built in 1639 and the rafter framing).

Almost all interior is covered with 17th century polychromy. � ey depict scenes from New Testament, St. Małgorzata’s and St. Mikołaj’s life as well as the Final Judgement and adoration of the Holy Trinity.

� e church was built in 1699. Today, it is famous for its interior covered with late-Renaissance and Baroque polychromy. � e walls are ornamented with fl owery motives and scenes from the life of St Nicholas. � e painting on the wall behind the altar presents angels holding drapes in which the altar is partially cloaked. � e ceiling of the church depicts various images of heaven and hell as well as scenes from the Council in Nice. � e choir is composed of angels playing musical instruments. � e most remarkable painting though presents the devil leading the innkeeper’s unruly wife straight to hell. Among her sins, written down on a piece of beef skin, the cardinal one is: “because she didn’t want to top up my drink”.

� e church is considered one of the fi nest representatives of its class in Wielkopolska, among Poland’s most precious wooden churches. � e temple, built in 1711, is cruciform, erected on the base of the Greek cross, with its slightly narrowing lateral wings. Its interior is decorated with the 19th century polichromy, imitating the scenes from the 17th-century Venetian missal. Equally outstanding is the Baroque bilateral altar, at which two services can be conducted simultaneously. Worth mentioning are also traditional “soboty”, a wooden covered porch adjacent to the eastern wall of the church. Its arcades, propped against specially shaped posts, lead to the door to the church.

� is wooden church is easily recognizable by its very characteristic, convex dome, strongly reminiscent of the architecture of the eastern borderland of Rzeczpospolita. Such an architectural style was the result of the temple’s fi rst redecoration in the 18th century. � e exterior changed signifi cantly after the Cieszkowki family’s chapel had been added. � e cross decorating it resembles the Dołęga coat of arms. As for the 17th-century interior, the visitors’ attention is immediately captured by the painting of the Virgin Mary with the Infant Jesus placed in the main altar. In the painting there is also the founder of the altar kneeling at Virgin Mary’s feet, wheelwright Bartłomiej of Kłecko.







� e Temple in Tarnowo Pałuckie

� e Interior of the Church in Słopanowo

� e Interior of the Church in Bralin

� e Church in Wierzenica

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Tourist Information Center, ul. Garbarska 2, 62-800 Kalisztel. (0-62) 764 21 84, www.kalisz.pl

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

12 � e Church in Wierzenica

tel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Page 15: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions






� e church, one of the architecturally most precious wooden buildings in the region, is located on the picturesque river bank of the river Wełna in Wełna (near Rogoźno). � is Baroque temple, built in 1727 has a cruciform shape, based on the Latin cross. Its nave and belfry are surrounded by “soboty”, the chain of wooden, roofed porches. Inside, tourists may admire original, well preserved decorations. Exceptionally beautiful is the polychromy, ornamenting the walls and the ceiling, presenting scenes and images connected with the history as well as the cult of the Holy Cross, Christ, the apostles and evangelists. � e paintings on confessionals, pulpits and stalle (among them illusionist motives on altars) are interesting examples of superior artistry.

Erected in 1618, the church ranks high among old sacred buildings in Wielkopolska. � e temple is built of wooden logs put one by one on top of each other and then linked at the corners. Its polygonal presbytery closes the relatively small, square nave. In the 17th century, a vestibule was erected (adjacent to the west wall of the church), later converted into a belfry with a shingle-covered dome and a lantern. � e interior decoration, largely preserved in its original shape, seems equally interesting. � is meticulously restored wooden church now regarded as a real masterpiece of architecture. � e surrounding wooden folk sculptures of saints contribute to the its irresistible charm.

It took almost a hundred years (the entire18th century) to build St Kazimierz’s Church. � e building has a frame construction with brick nogging. Adjacent to it is the neo-Gothic tomb chapel of the Bniński family, erected in 1784. Inside the chapel there is one nave only, yet the specially arranged wooden columns form two narrow lateral naves. � e church is massively ornamented with the 18th-century polychromy ( a characteristic feature of the majority of Wielkopolska’s wooden churches), depicting St Kazimierz’s Glorifi cation (the vault of the nave) and the image of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels (the vault of the chancel). � e choir is decorated with paintings presenting musical instrument as well as the inscription praising Kazimierz Słucki, the founder of the interior decoration.

St Leonard and Holy Mary’s Ascension’s Church is famous for its Baroque altar with a Gothic crucifi x, the masterpiece of sacred art. � is wooden temple was built in the 16th century and extended in 1730. � e latter date indicates the addition of two chapels, on the south (the chapel of Holy Cross) and the north (the chapel of St Leonard) sides of the building. At the same time, an adjacent tower was erected. � e north chapel attracts visitors with an early 15th-century Gothic painting presenting its patron, St Leonard. � e main altar (late Renaissance style), dated at the beginning of the 17th century, hosts the bas-relief of the Virgin Mary and the sculptures of St Leonard and John the Baptist. � e interior of the church is ornamented with rich polychromy and from the fi rst half of the 18th century.







� e Church in Wełna

� e Church in Dolsk

� e Church in Gułtowy

� e Altar of the Church in Słupca

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Śremski Land Tourist Information, ul. Kilińskiego 2, 63-100 Śrem tel. (0-61) 283 54 67, www.biblioteka-srem.com.pl

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Voivodship Tourist Information Center, Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

13� e Altar of the Church in Słupca

tel. (0-61) 852 61 56, [email protected], [email protected]

Page 16: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions





� e full beauty of this place comes with the full bloom of hollyhocks, sticking out through wooden fences, the smell of ripe fruit and the sough of grain in the fi elds. � is is what makes tourists wander from one household to another and learn how our ancestors used to live in them. � e place off ers deep insights into the history of the region as almost all the buildings preserved here (except for the replicas of Baroque manor houses in Studzieniec, near Rogoźno, and the 18th-century annexes in Łomnica, near Zbąszyń) are original. Wielkopolski Ethnographic Park on the lake Lednica lures with a multitude of historic monuments brought here from various regions of Wielkopolska. Among these prevail wooden houses with frame construction, yet some are built of wooden logs put one by one on top of each other and then linked at the corners. � e 18th-century inn from Sokołów Budzyński, near Chodzież, with a fi ve-pillar arcade is a very impressive example of this type of architecture.

� e Park, although established in 1975, has constantly been enriched with new architectural objects. Today, it presents over sixty exhibits and the immediate objective is to bring ten more. � e spatial arrangement of objects in the heritage park resembles a typical 19th-century Wielkopolska village (however, the buildings are diversifi ed with respect to age), with its specifi c shape and all characteristic elements – fences, wells, wayside shrines, fi gurines of the Saint as well as gardens and fi elds. Nearby, there is a chapel with an adjacent cemetery with crosses and graves. Archeologists have also discovered two historical burial sites, a stake (typical of the Pomerania culture) and a frame construction (characteristic of the era of early Christianity).

� e Park (Museum of Folk Culture) in Osiek nad Notecią, is a sizeable collection of historic buildings from Pałuki, Krajna, and northern Wielkopolska. Its exhibits a typical oval arrangement of a village from the middle of the 19th century till the outbreak of World War II, giving clues as to the contemporary conditions of life and work. � e most interesting objects in the museum are, among others, a half-timbered hut with a corner arcade called “przyłap” a village school in a brick nogged timber house, the interior of the German settlers’ hut, a smithy and a fi re station. Wayside shrines, pigeon-houses and apiaries, scattered here and there, complete this very naturalistic picture…

� e park collects examples of rural architecture from the regions of Kalisz. It is placed in a manor park, next to Maria Dąbrowska Museum. � e three most characteristic buildings in the park form the so-called Kalisz household. � e interior of the house is equipped with everyday items typical of a medium-rich peasant family, whereas in the barn visitors will see numerous farming tools. � e exhibition gives a comprehensive picture of life and work in this region in the 19th century. � e granary called “sołek” (from Russów), dated at the middle of the 18th century, is the oldest exhibit in the park’s collection. In an adjacent orchard tourists may fi nd box and straw beehives.








Wielkopolski Ethnographic Park

Wielkopolski Ethnographic Park

� e Museum of Folk Culture in Osiek

� e Heritage Park in Russów

Wielkopolski Ethnographic Park, Dziekanowice 23, 62-261 Lednogóratel. (0-61) 427 50 40, 427 50 10, www.lednicamuzeum.pl, [email protected]

Museum of Folk Culture, ul. Dworcowa 9, 89-333 Osiek nad Noteciątel. (0-67) 286 60 90, www.zabytki.pl

Ethnographic Heritage Park, Russów 49, 62-816 Tykadłówtel. (0-62) 769 12 65

14 � e Heritage Park in Russów

tel. (0-62) 769 12 65

Page 17: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions






� e park is located approximately a kilometer west of the village Mrówki near Wilczyn, between two lakes. On the peninsula on Kownackie Lake archeologists have discovered the remains of a settlement dated at the 13th-14th century. � e preserved emplacement is 35 meters in diameter at the base level and is 12 meters high. Some of the original fi ndings have been restored, such as the pentagonal watchtower, gate, stockade, dug-out, as well as fi shermen’s shelters and a wooden smithy. � e park has also a small collection of exhibits found during the archeological excavations in the area. � e watchtower provides marvelous views.

� e beehives in Swarzędz have various, even the most extraordinary shapes; there is a nobleman girt with a traditional, colorful robe, a miner, a priest, a mountaineer smoking a pipe, a corpulent countrywoman appareled in the traditional Łowicz dress, a traditionally dressed Cracovian, a knight, a devil sitting on a barrel and lots of others. Among “animal” hives prevail bears, as they have for long been notorious for their fondness of honey. � ere are also beehives – creatures which scare away any bee plagues and misfortunes. Finally, some of them replicate the famous Poznań historic monuments. � e collection counts 200 pieces altogether. What’s interesting – the hives in Swarzędz are still used by bees.

� e historic monuments, the museum’s exhibits, are located on the west shore of Wolsztyn Lake, less than a kilometer away from the town. � e collection consists of objects brought here from the west of Wielkopolska. � ere are only about a dozen of them, yet their diversity paints a coherent picture of the organization of a typical, 19th-century village in this part of the region. Among the most interesting buildings is a household of a medium-rich peasant, dated at the middle of the 19th century from the Reklinek village, where under the same roof visitors will fi nd a hut, a pig sty and a coach-house. � e inn from Nowy Solec is almost 300 years old. Even older is a wooden wind-mill (1603) brought here from Wroniawy. A household, a hut and a barn built in the late 18th and early 19th century, respectively, are also worth seeing. In summer, visitors may taste the village bread with lard.

� e visitors, even the youngest ones, feel here like real giants. � e museum off ers a slightly diff erent perspective on Wielkopolska’s historic monuments; a “bird’s eye view”, so to say... � e miniatures depict the fi nest objects and sites scattered along the Piastowski Route and elsewhere in the region. Biskupin, the Gothic cathedrals of Poznań or Gniezno – they are all here just a couple of steps away from each other. � e latter two, even as miniatures, seem impressively massive. Despite the fact that the scale of the presented exhibits is 1:20, their precision and meticulous preparation allows to capture all (even the tiniest) details of the original temples, palaces, country manors and tenement houses.







� e Heritage Park in Mrówki

Museum of Bee-Keeping and Usable Insects in Swarzędz

� e Heritage Park in Wolsztyn

� e Museum of Miniatures in Pobiedziska

Archeological Heritage Park in Mrówki, 62-550 Wilczyntel. (0-63) 242 75 30, www.archeo.amu.edu.pl/muzea

Heritage Park and Museum of Bee-Keeping and Usable Insects, ul. Poznańska 36, 62-020 Swarzędztel. (0-61) 651 18 17, www.swarzedz.pl

West Wielkopolska Folk Architecture Heritage Park, ul. Bohaterów Bielnika 26, 64-200 Wolsztyntel.(0-68) 384 26 19

Heritage Park of Miniatures on the Piast Route, 62-010 Pobiedziska-Letniskotel. (0-61) 817 78 22

15� e Museum of Miniatures in Pobiedziska

tel. (0-61) 817 78 22

Page 18: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions






Kalisz, located on the river Prosna, is the second largest (in terms of its population) city in Wielkopolska. � e fi rst historical records of Kalisz come from the 2nd century A.D. � us, it is considered “the oldest city in Poland”. In medieval times, the major trading routes, i.e. Morawy – Silesia and Kujawy - the Coast as well as Wielkopolska – Małopolska, crossed here. Most probably, it was 1257 when Bolesław Pobożny, chartered the city and built the castle. King Kazimierz Wielki surrounded Kalisz with battlements with fi ve gates and seven or eight donjons. Some parts of the walls, six meters high, have been preserved to date. � e 14th century donjon “Dorotka”, the subject of many legends, towers above them.

� e church is located between the streets św. Stanisław, Kazimierzowska, Sukiennicza. � e historical beginnings of this Gothic church go back to the 13th century and its founders, Bolesław Pobożny and his wife Jolenta, later beatifi ed. � e relics of blessed Jolenta, announced in 1880 the patron saint of Wielkopolska, rest in a silver coffi n in the right nave of the church.

Over ages, the church was redecorated several times. Today, its decoration emanates with the spirit of Baroque and Rococo. � e objects that capture tourists’ attention are the St Peter’s boat-shaped pulpit, late Renaissance stuccos in naves and the main (late Baroque) altar with Franciszek Smuglewicz’s painting entitled “Piotrovine’s Resurrection”.

Cathedral of St. Mikołaj was founded in the 13th century by prince Bolesław Pobożny. � e original building had a chancel and sacristy with (preserved to date) cross-ribbed vault. From the 14th to 19th century the cathedral was in the hands of Lutheran Canons. It has mainly Baroque interior decoration. � e altar, indeed very impressive, comes from 1662. It burnt down, but was later (1973) restored. In the center of the altar there is a replica of the painting entitled “Descent from the Cross” from the Antwerp atelier of Piotr Paweł Rubens, painted by Bronisław Owczarek. � e altars in lateral naves are dated at the 18th century.

� e � eatre belongs to the most characteristic buildings in Kalisz. It is chronologically already the forth theater in Kalisz, built between 1919-1936, based on Czesław Przybylski’s design. � e charm of its Neoclassical façade is refl ected in the waters of the river Prosna. � e theater is adjacent to Kalisz municipal park, one of the oldest city parks in Poland.

� e Kalisz stage was named after Wojciech Bogusławski, the creator of the Polish theater. Bogusławski, accompanied by his troupe, was a frequent visiting guest here. Nowadays, the artistic tradition of the city is cultivated by means of Kalisz � eater Meeting – the theater festival, organized since 1961, one of the oldest festivals in Poland.



– T









� e Donjon “Dorotka”

� e Church of Fathers’ Franciscans

� e Cathedral of St Mikołaj

Wojciech Bogusławski � eater in Kalisz

Tourist Information Center, ul. Garbarska 2, 62-800 Kalisztel. (0-62) 764 21 84, www.kalisz.pl

Tourist Information Center, ul. Garbarska 2, 62-800 Kalisztel. (0-62) 764 21 84, www.kalisz.pl

Tourist Information Center, ul. Garbarska 2, 62-800 Kalisztel. (0-62) 764 21 84, www.kalisz.pl

Wojciech Bogusławski � eater, pl. Bogusławskiego 1, 62-800 Kalisztel. (0-62) 767 30 47, www.teatr.kalisz.pl

16 Wojciech Bogusławski � eater in Kalisz

tel. (0-62) 767 30 47, www.teatr.kalisz.pl

Page 19: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions






� e Steam Engine House in Wolsztyn was founded in 1907, is the last active institution of this type in Europe. Most of the facilities are preserved in their original form. � e oldest steam engine exhibited here was produced in 1908 in Królewiec. It reaches the maximum speed of 65 km/h and uses seven tons of water as well as two tons of coal. Visitors will also fi nd here the representative of the last locomotive batch produced in Poland, the “Ty 51”. It was manufactured in Hipolit Cegielski Factory in Poznań in 1957. Apart from steam engines, the exhibition contains historical carriages, trolleys and repair equipment.

At the beginning of May the House organizes the annual “Locomotive Show” the highlight of which is the parade of old locomotives.

Currently, Gniezno Access Railway exploits the section from Gniezno to Anastazewo (38 km). It is one of the last steam tractions remaining in Europe. Although the railway services mostly freight trains (predominantly Witkowo-Powidz), it is becoming an increasingly popular tourist attraction. � e rail leads though charming Gniezno Lake District (Gniezno-Ansatazewo, located on Powidz Lake). Tourists have at their disposal the historical steam locomotives Px48 and passenger cars from the 50’s of the 20th century as well as special open (adjusted for tourist purposes) carriages. For guided groups it is a possible to order a special ride, whereas individual tourists may (in summer) use it on weekends, according to the timetable.

� e railway joining today Środa Wielkopolska and Zaniemyśl is the residue of the over 100 years old connection Kobyle Pole (nowadays within the borders of Poznań) – Środa Wielkopolska – Zaniemyśl. � e section was then 59 km long, and was mainly used to transport farm produce to Środa or Poznań.

Today, the only preserved connection is 14 km long and it joins Środa Wielkopolska and Zaniemyśl. � e train, pulled by the Px48 steam locomotive, covers the distance in 45 minutes, at the speed of 25 km/h. � us, tourists have plenty of time for admiring the views, as some of the carriage are partially open.

Nowadays, there is no steam engines on Śmigiel narrow gauge rails. 1973 marks the end of the era of steam locomotives and, simultaneously, the beginning of diesel traction. Today, Śmigielska narrow gauge services the 23 km long section joining Stare Bojanowo, Śmigiel and Wielichowo. It is a very effi cient mean of transport, particularly popular with students traveling to schools. Yet, on off er are also numerous proposals for both individual tourists and guided groups. It is also possible to order a special draft of carriages and an accompanying entertainment show.






� e Steam Engine from Stem Engine House in Wolsztyn

� e Gniezno Access Railway

Poviat Narrow Gauge Railway in Środa Wielkopolska

Śmigielska Access Railway

Polish State Railways – Steam Engine House, ul. Fabryczna 1, 64-200 Wolsztyntel. (0-68) 384 20 08, www.parowozy.com.pl, [email protected]

Museum of the Gniezno Access Railway, ul. Wrzesińska 2, 62-200 Gnieznotel / fax (0-61) 426 11 30, [email protected], www.kolej.com.pl

Poviat Narrow-Gauge Railway in Środa Wielkopolskaul. Niedziałkowskiego 25, 63-000 Środa Wielkopolskatel. (0-61) 285 24 26, www.kolej.com.pl

Śmigielska Access Railway, ul. Leszczyńska 14, 64-030 Śmigieltel. (0-65) 518 00 10, www.kolej.com.pl

17Śmigielska Access RailwayŚmigielska Access Railway

tel. (0-65) 518 00 10, www.kolej.com.pl

Page 20: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions


� e region abounds in extensive forests and natural post-glacial lakes. � e protected areas are located in national and landscape parks as well as nature reserves and dendrological gardens. � ese present plentiful exotic plants, trees assigned the status of monuments of nature, but also lairs of rare animals, e.g. otter, eagle, heron or black stork. � ey are available for tourists, who will fi nd there numerous marked trekking and cycling routes. � ere are two national parks in Wielkopolska region, i.e. Wielkopolski and (partially) Drawieński National Park and also 13 landscape parks.










Wolf Park in Stobnica Canoeing route on the Rurzyca river

Walking route in Piła surroundings „Łazienki Chodzieskie”

Autumn in Piła forests18

Autumn in Piła forests

Page 21: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions


Wielkopolska is also the host of many international or regional cultural events. Every fi ve years, Poznań organizes the Henryk Wieniawski’s International Violin Contest. At the same time, “Malta” � eater Festivals as well as International Meetings with the Gypsy Culture or jazz contests are held here annually. � e Hunting Palace in Antonin has, for years now, been the venue of the Chopin music concerts. People interested in Folk culture take part in the International Festival of folk Culture “Bukowińskie � eater Meetings” in Jastrowie. Tourists also eagerly visit the traditional trade-fairs: St John’s Day Fair in Poznań, Chinaware Fair in Chodzież, Hop-Wicker Fair in Nowy Tomyśl, Soplicowski Fair in Cichowo as well as Midsummer’s Eve in Ostrów Lednicki.

� ose who prefer various forms of active rest will discover here over 3 000 km of marked cycling routes, among which Trans-Wielkopolska Cycling Route (Transwielkopolska Trasa Rowerowa TTR) is particularly interesting. Tourists may also cycle along the TTR-N route (from the north), the TTR-S route (southwards) as well as Cross-country Cycling Route (Ziemiański Szlak Rowerowy, ZSR) or Piastowski Cycling Tract (Piastowski Trakt Rowerowy, PTR).� e city of Poznań is embraced with the Cycling Ring (Pierścień Rowerowy, PP).

Horse lovers are eagerly awaited in over 50 horse riding centers, whereas water sports enthusiasts will have fun on almost each and every Wielkopolska lake.







„Bukowińskie meetings” � e hall of the University of A. Mickiewicz A windmill on the Piastowski Route

National Museum of Agriculture in Szreniawa

Old Market Square in Poznań National Museum in Poznań


almost each and every Wielkopolska lake.

Page 22: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions





NVOIVODSHIP TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER Stary Rynek 59 / 60, 61-772 Poznańtel. (0-61) 852 61 [email protected]@wot-wielkopolska.pl

CITY INFORMATION CENTERul. Ratajczaka 44, 61-816 Poznańtel. (0-61) 851 96 [email protected]

TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER ul. Tumska 12, 62-200 Gnieznotel. (0-61) 428 41 [email protected]

TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER ul. Garbarska 2, 62-800 Kalisztel. (0-62) 764 21 84www.kalisz.pl

TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE ul. Słowiańska 24, 64-100 Lesznotel. (0-65) 529 81 [email protected]

TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE (Hotel Gromada)ul. Piastów 15, 64-920 Piłatel. (0-67) 210 94 [email protected]

MARCELI MOTTE GUIDES’ CIRCLEul. Wroniecka 24, 61-701 Poznańtel. (0-61) 853 03 97www.przewodnicy.pttk.pl

CENTRAL RAILWAY STATION PKP (POLISH STATE RAILWAYS)ul. Dworcowa 1, 61-801 Poznańtel. (0-61) 866 12 12

BUS STATION PKS (POLISH MOTOR TRANSPORT)ul. Towarowa 17 / 19, 61-586 Poznańtel. (0-61) 8 33 12 12

ŁAWICA AIRPORTul. Bukowska 285, 60-189 Poznańtel. (0-61) 849 20 00fax (0-61) 849 23 17www.airport-poznan.com.pl

MARSHAL OFFICE OF THE WIELKOPOLSKA VOIVODSHIPal. Niepodległości 18, 61-713 Poznańtel. (0-61) 855 83 90www.wielkopolska.mw.gov.pl






1. AUSTRIAPolnisches FremdenverkehrsamtLerchenfelder Strasse 2A-1080 Wientel. (+43 1) 524-71-91-12, fax: 524-71-91-20e-mail: [email protected]://www.poleninfo.at

2. BELGIUMPools Informatiebureau voor ToerismeLouis Schmidtlaan 1191040 Brusseltel. (+32 2) 740-06-20, fax: 742-37-35e-mail: [email protected]://www.polska-be.com

3. FRANCEOffi ce National Polonais de Tourisme9, rue de la Paix75002 Paristel. (+33 1) 42-44-19-00, fax: 42-97-52-25e-mail: [email protected]://www.tourisme.pologne.net

4. SPAINOfi cina Nacional de Turismo de Poloniac/ Princesa 3 duplicado, local 131028008 Madridtel. (+34) 91-541-48-08, fax 91-541-34-23e-mail: [email protected]://www.visitapolonia.org

5. HOLLANDPools Informatiebureau voor ToerismeLeidsestraat 641017 PD Amsterdamtel. (+31 20) 625-35-70, fax: 623-09-29e-mail: [email protected]://www.poleninfo.info

6. JAPANPolish Tourist Organization Offi ceShinjuku I-land Wing 13F6-3-1, Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo, 160-8308tel. (+81 3) 5323-8508fax (+81 3) 5323-6751e-mail: [email protected]://www.polandkanko.org

7. GERMANYPolnisches FremdenverkehrsamtKurfürstendamm 7110709 Berlintel. (+49 30) 21-00-92-0, fax 21-00-92-14e-mail: [email protected]://www.polen-info.de

8. USAPolish National Tourist Offi ce5 Marine View Plaza,Hoboken, NJ - 07030 - 5722,tel. +1-201-420-9910, fax: +1-201-584-9153e-mail: [email protected]://www.polandtour.org

9. RUSSIAPredstawitelstwo Polskoj Turisticzeskoj Organizacjiul. Zemlanoj Wal 66/20, ART BUILDING109004 Moscow tel. (+7 095) 510 6210, fax: (+7 095) 510 6211e-mail: [email protected]://www.visitpoland.ru

10. SWEDENPolska Statens TuristbyråVillagatan 2S-114 32 Stockholmtel. (+46 8) 21-60-75, 21-81-45, fax: 21-04-65e-mail: [email protected]://www.tourpol.com

11. GREAT BRITAINPolish National Tourist Offi ceWestec HouseWest Gate, London W5 1YYtel. + 44 (0) 8700 675012, fax: + 44 (0) 8700 675011e-mail: [email protected]://www.visitpoland.org,

12. HUNGARYLengyel Nemzeti Idegenforgalmi KepviseletKaroly krt. 111075 Budapesttel. (+36 1) 269-78-09, fax 269-78-10e-mail: [email protected]://www.polska-tourist.info.hu

13. ITALYUffi cio Turistico Polaccovia Vittorio Veneto 54/A00187 Romatel. (+39 06) 482-70-60, fax: 481-75-69e-mail: [email protected]://www.polonia.it

20 POLICE 997


Page 23: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions

Key to symbols:






heritage park

town hall


Publisher: Wielkopolska Tourist Organization Stary Rynek 59/60, 61-772 Poznań

Text: Anna Plenzler

Review: Bogdan Kucharski

Translation: Piotr Cegłowski

Addresses and a Map: Wielkopolska Tourist Organization

Layout Design: Polish Tourist Organization, Aldona Dawid

Graphic and Computer Preparation: Janusz Zajączkowski

Print: Autograf, ul. Łużycka 32a, 61-614 Poznań

ISBN 83 – 88506 – 48 - X

Poznań 2006 r.

Photos: M. Chwistek, D. Krakowiak, A. Wiktor, W. Lis, J. Miecznikowski, T. Mosiek, A. Plenzler, K. Przybyła, P. Skórnicki, D. Swosiński, Z. Szmidt, J. Sznajder, J. Więckowski, J. Wyczyński, Artists – C. Gwóźdź, J. Tatarkiewicz, Z. Tomczak, J. Ramuckiarchive: National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry in Szreniawa, Poviat Offi ce in Środa Wielkopolska, Śmigielska Access Railway, Landscape Park Complex of Wielkopolska Voivodship, City Offi ce of Piła








J. Tatarkiewicz, Z. Tomczak, J. Ramuckiarchive: National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry in Szreniawa, Poviat Offi ce in Środa Wielkopolska, Śmigielska Access Railway, Landscape Park Complex of Wielkopolska Voivodship, City Offi ce of Piła


Page 24: Wielkopolska the most interesting tourist attractions

Old Brewery in Poznań

S. Staszic Museum in Piła

Old Market Square from the Model of Former Poznań