Why we should get rid of books

Why we should get rid of books By: SIERRA vogelzang

Transcript of Why we should get rid of books

Why we should get rid of books

By: SIERRA vogelzang

1. They weigh too much

Books are too heavy to carry, and we could break our backs.

Don’t forget, we could break our arms.

2. Some of us are blind

Some kids are blind, and it’s not fair for them to know how to read like other kids.

It might make them feel left out.

3. They teach us nothing.

They teach us nothing. Sometimes we can’t understand what a sentence means, because they might have accidentally put the wrong word.

4. Violence

You could throw a book at something, and we could accidentally hit someone.

They HURT.


Books are killing us.

Books have paper in them.

Paper is made of wood.

Wood is made of tree’s.

Trees give us air.

Thus, books are killing us.