Why receive Redpagos payments with Paygol?


Transcript of Why receive Redpagos payments with Paygol?

3.4 Million market. High internet accessibility. 2.6M online users.

Market data Features

Why receive Redpagos payments with Paygol?

Uruguay is an attractive eCommerce market in Latin America, with a population of more than 3.4 million people. Paying with cash is very common in Uruguay, as much of the consumers do not own a credit card. We offer Redpagos payment method to reach those consumers. Redpagos is the leading payment method in the country.

Payments through Redpagos are offline cash payments that can be paid taking the transaction voucher to any Redpago branch office.

Adding Uruguayan payment methods helps merchants reach consumers in a market in Latin America that has a low credit card penetration. This gives merchants the opportunity to accept international payments in a secure environment, consequently leading to increa-sed earnings.

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