Why do 7 of the Top 10 Banks Base their Mobile Testing on SeeTest?


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SeeTest from Experitest is the tool of choice for the banking industry worldwide. Securely Testing all mobile OS (iOS, Andorid, WindowsPhone and BlackBerry).

Transcript of Why do 7 of the Top 10 Banks Base their Mobile Testing on SeeTest?

Page 1: Why do 7 of the Top 10 Banks Base their Mobile Testing on SeeTest?

Why do 7 of the Top 10 Banks Base their Mobile Testing on SeeTest?

Wikipedia lists the top 10 banks worldwide as:

- Bank of China


- Barclays

- Wells Fargo

- JPMorgan

- Westpac

- American Express

- Bank of America

- Citigroup

- TD Bank.

Out of these, 7(!) have large-scale deployments of SeeTestAutomation for mobile testing.

SeeTest from Experitest is the tool of choice for the banking industry worldwide.

Based on interviews with these 7 banks, we listed the following reasons for SeeTest becoming the industry de-

facto standard for mobile testing in the top banks:

Reason 1: Banks like it secure!

- SeeTest solution is found inside the bank’s VPN, thus providing the same top-security level as the bank’s other

IT systems.

- SeeTest tool does not require jail breaking or rooting of the devices under test.

Reason 2: Big banks have large batches of tests - Low maintenance is key!

- Native properties identification support is critical. You can’t rely on image/text identification.

- Web properties identification support is critical. You can’t rely on image/text identification.

Reason 3: Full integration with Visual Studio 2013 - Fully integrative with Visual Studio including object repository, test creation, execution and reporting

- Fully integrative with TFS including Continuous integration support

Reason 4: Mobile banking is happening now - simple, quick deployment is important - Software only, downloadable solution

- Recorder for quick test creation (including Native and Web properties recording)

Reason 5: Big banks service many users – support for all mobile OS is a must! - Support for iOS and Android but also Blackberry and WindowsPhone

- Same tests should run – WITHOUT MODIFICATION – on all mobile OS

Reason 6: Top 10 banks span large continents – remote capabilities are essential! That’s what

SeeTestCloud is all about - Ability to run tests on devices that are physically located in a different location than the tester. Yet all (devices

and tests) reside inside the bank’s VPN.

- Fast, speedy response time when testing on a remote device.

Well now you know why 7 of the top 10 banks run SeeTest for mobile testing...

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