Why Degauss? The benefits of using a degausser from Data Security Inc.

Why Degauss? with a degausser from Data Security, Inc. 1.800.225.7554 www.DataSecurityInc.com


In the age of technology where we store vast amounts of personal, confidential, or even classified information on electronic storage devices, there is an ever increasing danger of that information being compromised. In other words, everyone’s data is at risk. In order to protect that data, the government and interest groups have developed regulations to dictate the way storage devices and the information contained therein are disposed of. Whether you have information that must be disposed of yourself, or you are providing services to those who do, compliance and information protection should be at the forefront of the decision about how to do so.

Transcript of Why Degauss? The benefits of using a degausser from Data Security Inc.

  • 1. 1.800.225.7554 www.DataSecurityInc.com

2. We live in the age of technology. 3. Personal 4. Confidential 5. Proprietary 6. Classified 7. Its stored in Computers Laptops Back-Up Tapes Filing Cabinets Cell Phones Tablets Thumb Drives CD-Roms Servers The Cloud 8. This creates an ever growing risk 9. Tossed out with the trash is an open invitation to theft. 10. Delete and overwrite is incomplete. Recoverable files are left behind. 11. Physical destruction (like hammers and shredders) are not enough... 12. they are time consuming, and the equipment requires frequent, expensive repairs. Plus, data can still be recovered! 13. These cannot provide the protection or guarantee of a National Security Agency evaluated degausser. 14. Degaussing guarantees complete removal of information. Degaussing is the fastest, most energy efficient way to dispose of sensitive information. Degaussing is the National Security Agencys preferred method of sanitization. 15. Consider the following when selecting a degausser: Experience 16. Consider the following when selecting a degausser: Experience Compliance 17. Consider the following when selecting a degausser: Experience Compliance Service 18. MEDIA TYPE? COERCIVITY? DIMENSIONS? VOLUME TO DEGAUSS? MOBILE? MANUAL? AUTOMATIC? COMPLIANCE REGULATION? GSA CONTRACT? COMMERCIAL RATES? BULK ORDERS? RENTAL OPTIONS? Well gladly help you make sense of all the questions. 19. or find us online