Who would be the audience for your media??

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Transcript of Who would be the audience for your media??

Page 1: Who would be the audience for your media??

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Page 2: Who would be the audience for your media??

Our thriller is going to be aimed at 15 year olds and people who are older. This is due to them being our target audience.

This was because our thriller has contents that would best suit people in that age range.

Our Target Audience

Page 3: Who would be the audience for your media??

We carried out a questionnaire asking a variety of questions. One of the question asked the people who answer the question their age.

Doing this allowed me to consider the type of thriller I’d need to create and the type of audience I'm going to have.

How did We Decide Our Target Audience?

Page 4: Who would be the audience for your media??

After the questionnaire was carried out and then looked over. My group came to the decision that we’d make a psychological/obsession thriller and that our target audience was going to be 15 year olds and people of higher age. This was because the majority of people who answered the questionnaire was from the ages of 15 and higher.

Choosing Target Audience