Who will save the world1

Who will save the World? Are you a Superhero?

Transcript of Who will save the world1

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Who will save the World?

Are you a Superhero?

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You will have to be a Superhero

• Your generation will be the most important ever.

• In 40 years’ time the world’s oil will have run out.

• In 54 years, the rainforests - the lungs of the world - will all have been destroyed.

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What will save the world?

• Lots of small actions…

• Done everyday….

• By millions of people

like you…

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• 50 simple, everyday actions that can change the world…

• …if enough people do them.

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How many plastic bags do you think your Mum or Dad

use in a year?

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134 Bags a Year!

• Every person in the country uses an average of 134 plastic bags every year.

• That’s 8,000,000,000 bags a year in the UK.

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How long does a Plastic bag take to rot?

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500 Years for a Plastic Bag to Rot

• If you put a bag in the soil in 1506 it would just be rotting now.

• In 1506…

• Henry V11 was King, Henry V111’s father!

• Leonardo da Vinci was still painting the Mona Lisa

• People still thought that the Sun moved round the Earth.

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What’s the alternative?

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A Proper Shopping Bag

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A Bright Idea

• An Energy-Saving Light-Bulb uses just one quarter of the electricity of ordinary light-bulbs.

• They also last 10 times longer.

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Calculate the Saving

• If energy-saving bulbs cost £3.50 and normal bulbs cost 50p…

• But energy-saving bulbs last 1000 days instead of 100…

• …and they cost 10p a day to run instead of 40p…

• How much is saved by the time the energy-saving bulb blows?

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One Light Bulb Can Save £297

• £297 saved by just one light-bulb!

• If an office switched all its lights off overnight, instead of leaving them on, for over a year….

• ..It would save enough electricity to power two and a half schools for a year!

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Chewing Gum

• It’s sticky It’s messy It ruins clothes

• It gets stuck to pavements, walls everywhere.

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How much does it cost to clear up

Britain’s chewing-gum?

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One Hundred and Fifty Million Pounds

• 35p to buy a pack, 15p to clear it up.

• It costs £150 million pounds to clear up all the chewing gum that people don’t put in the bin.

• £150 million would build 3 new hospitals…

• Or employ 8,500 teachers.

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Turn the Tap Off Whilst

Brushing Your Teeth

• Most of us leave the tap on whilst cleaning our teeth

• This wastes 9 litres of water a minute.

• Most people in poor countries use only 10 litres in a whole day for everything…cooking, washing, cleaning, drinking.

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If everyone in the street where you live,leaves the tap on whilst brushing their

teeth, how much water does it waste in a year?

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An Olympic Swimming Pool

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Planet Earth is Dying

• Tropical Rainforests cover just 2% of Earth’s land surface but are home to two-thirds of all living species.

• They have existed in their present form for 70 to 100 million years, spared the loss of life caused elsewhere by the Ice Age.

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The Rainforests are Disappearing

• Every two seconds we lose an area of rainforest the size of a football field.

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The Rainforests are Disappearing

• Every day we lose an area larger than New York City.

• Every year we lose an area more than twice the size of Florida.

• By 2025 half the remaining rainforests will be gone; by 2060 they will have gone forever.

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We are what we do

“We must be the change we

want to see in the world”
