Who am i?

Who Am I? The Role of Human Capital in the Global Workplace

Transcript of Who am i?

1. Who Am I? The Role of Human Capital in the Global Workplace 2. January 29, 2015 You are a senior corporate executive. How do you categorize your human capital resources? Why? Question: 3. Agricultural Age Life on the farm and the family unit Industrial Age Movement to the big city Change in what we pay for The era of dreams Who Am I? Across Time 4. Who Am I? - Agricultural Times I lived off the land and assisted my neighbors The world is my tiny piece of land Introduction of the Quaker Business Model (Quaker Capitalism) 5. Who Am I? - Agricultural Times Introduction of the Quaker Business Model (Quaker Capitalism) The real goal for an employer is to seek for others the best life of which they are capable Worked together towards a common goal which were in the communitys best interest 6. Who Am I? - Agricultural Times Introduction of the Quaker Business Model (Quaker Capitalism) Based on the Cadbury Chocolate Company Pioneers in employee welfare and labor relations Employees encouraged to get further education Established medical and dental departments and pension funds 7. Who Am I? Industrial Age I wanted a new life I wanted to move into the big city I exchanged the farm life for a life of minimum wage I only wanted to provide for my family I am the factory worker who worked the line My world is the job 8. Who Am I? Knowledge Era I am working in a changed world I add value through what I dream I am the creatives. I am valued for what I think not what I make My world is the global marketplace 9. January 29, 2015 Questions ? Before my final thoughts Who Am I? 10. January 29, 2015 You are a senior corporate executive. How do you categorize your human capital resources? Agricultural Age It is necessary that we help the family farm survive Industrial Age We are an expense item. We are hired and let go based on the economy Knowledge Age We are non-owned corporate assets Return to our original question 11. January 29, 2015 We dont employ talent we lease their services We need to engage the employee if we want to succeed We need to create a work environment that enhances the individual We need to have TOTAL management buy-in New Paradigm Implications 12. January 29, 2015 I expect that my creative efforts will be appreciated I expect that my workspace will be free from hostile work environments I expect that my workspace will be free of violence and drugs I expect that my work environment will be free from discrimination New Paradigm Implications 13. 1/29/2015 13 Daniel Bloom & Associates, Inc. HR Strategist@net-speed THANK YOU It has been my pleasure to speak to your organization today Go forward and be focused, flexible and fast within your organizations Embrace the new role for your human capital assets and grow your organization 14. Questions? More Information? Daniel Bloom SPHR, Six Sigma Black Belt Chief Executive Officer Daniel Bloom &Associates, Inc. PO Box 1233 Largo, FL 33779 (727) 581-6216 [email protected] m http://www.dbaiconsultin g.com