When Buying A Diamond ; -- I -- 1|0)l0i|0M0«0ll0...

IT SERVES YOU RIGHT WITH THE BEST OF MEAT AND THE LOWEST PRICES NEW ASTOR MARKET WESTHAMPT05 BEACH •SUFFOLK'S POPULAR CIGARS. Diploma , 10c. Mutual Benefit 5c. Junior Diploma 5c. E. GRIS WOLD <* CO. MAKERS. «OM0M0«0lt0l |Otl0 1|0)l0i|0M0«0ll0«lt0aI0lt0ltOlt0l tC 40tt0lt0lt0lt0lt0lt O I -- ' roes ' -- I o o 3 Watch fobs made of finest quality leather with Gold o 2 Plated Lodge Emblems SOc o jg With College Colors SOe g M With College Seals 78c £ | f Corwin ' s Jewelry Store f * Jeweler and Optometrist f | Wafch , OocMeweky and Optical Rep^ | g tOCAl AMD tONG MSTANCC TtUPMONtS § O O OltO«0lt0«0lt0ieolt0R0lt0lt0ltO Bi0lt00al0al0M0MO»0lS0M p1t0M0a10al0a10S i Two Essentials , -- When Buying A Diamond ; FIRST —that you get a good stone; SECOND—that you get good value. vTj a-e fully prepurod to serve you favorably with reference to the above points, because we have a targe stock of very fine stones, and most excellent -values. They will never be cheaper than now. R. C Brown..: . " . ;. .! lewder and Optician , RIVERHEAD. : ' i - ---..- ¦. - «--- ...- ..... »--..-----.-. ¦ .- ¦ ..-..----.- . . »^ » «^ » NO QUESTION ABOU T IT Pepsikola Must Cure Indlgeatlnev or it is FREE M. F. Benjamin' s Sons continue to sell Riverhead people with the under- standing it must positively core dys- pepsia and indigestion or it will not cost a penny. Experience has proven that Pepsi* kola Tablets care dyspepsia in forty- nina cases out of fifty. That ia a remarkable ttateuient , but the faetft in the case can easily be verified. There is every reason to have con- fidence for Mr. Benjamin will hand. back your 25 cents withont hesitation should you fail of being cured. All kinds of food con be eaten freely —it is more easil y digested, there is no fullness or distress after eating, and by siding the stomach to assimi- late and digest , Pepsikola Tablets make more rich, red blood to strong* th°n tho body. They are just the thing if yon feel run down , nervo uh, tiied and debili- tated and need something to give yoa new life tind energy. Don't hesitate a minute but go right to Mr. Benjamin and try Pepsikola Tablets with the understanding that ' ' you must be deeidedly benefited or the cost is nothing. LOCAL DOINGS The Long Island peach crop gives promise of being onnenally huge. Boss Sbntt is Isying gn nltold walks oa the property of Matthias Oorwin, Main street. Mrs. Ottrander has greatly Improv- ed hex Oiiffin avenue property by re- moving the front fence, A gang of Italians are laying the sew sidetmcka at the enlarged freight yard at tlie depot. Work oa tbe Huntlngton-Amiiyville eross-island trolley will begin within thirty days. Tbe Polish voters , it is said , are aoon to organize an independent polit- ical olub. Tbe members of the Pot and Kettle dob held a meet at the elab bonse Tuesday evening. The aiaiasnn of the town of Hent- iogtoa have added about 91 . 000 ,000 to tbe valuation of the town. Amitvyille officers oolleeted $120 In fines for onto speeding k on Saturday nnd Snnday. Wells ft Hudson are building a large addition to the west side of their building on Griffin Avenue for a po- tato storehouse. ;. Wedeusday was the Feast of the As- sumption , a holiday of obligation and Haaiee were said in 8t. John' s R. O. Church and St Isidor' a Polish Church. Go to tbe Fair Grounds to-night. Dancing in New Women' s Building. Concert , refreshments and a general good time. Everybody is invited. A. S. Oartwright , of Shelter Island picked or 1, 042 eggs during the month of July i»om a flock of seventy Plym- outh Book fowl. Capt. Ernest Hallock has been building an addition and otherwise improving his Roanoke avenne res idence. The nineteenth annual convention of tbe New York State Christian En- deavor Union will be held iu Brooklyn October 9, 10 and 11. Southold Gnnge will hold a har- vest festival at Fleet's Neck, Catch- ogne, nest Friday, the 9tth. There will be spesohes , contests, games, etc. The Mid-sommer festival given by St. John ' s Church parish opened in the Opera House last evening and was ¦ well patronized. The affair will con- tinue today and tomorrow. The subject for the Epworth Lea- gue meeting Sunday eveningjis "Snn- day School Union and Local Snnday [ School Interests. " Leader , MiBs Ida A. Greene. F. M. Smith's new sixty-foot sloop saoht Effort won tbe King Edward fcup off Niawport last Wednesday. Mr. Smith bas a summer residence at Shelter Island. K:A house dog owned by Counselor ¦ jjmee T. Walsh was poisoned Monday E unknown parties. The dog was a E jrmleBS little creature. The animal Hfcdisoover ed in time and doctoring ¦ Nf ni* life. It is a pity the guilty ¦ fifties ate not known. The Patchogne Merchants ' Associa- tion at its last meeting decided to close its stores after I o' clock on tbe * after- noons of Wednesday during August and September. Things aia looking up for the Fire- men' s tvnrnament at Greenport. What has done it is the push that Is behind Greenport' s committee oa arrange- ments. The contract for building the new Polish Church in this village has been awarded to William H. Corwin , of Aqoebogoe. The new edifloe will cost 110 ,000. Potatoes sold at fifty cent* this week. 'There was a better demand and quite a number of cars were sent ont from this station. The yield ton tinues big snd tbe stock fine. The Long Island Railroad Company reports net earnings for the month of June increased |48, S18; and from Jan- uary net earnings increased 170 ,685, over same period hut year. The boy* at Pine Bluff Camp, Port Jefferson, accompanied by Dr. felt it. sailed in the house boat Mermaid one day last week for a crniae around Shelter Island. The L. I. R. R. Co. has applied ' ,o the State Railroad Commission for authority to close the fatally and dangerous grade crossing at Westbaiy and tunnel under tbe track. The carpenters and plumpers of Southampton , or rather a pioked nine from eacb, crossed hats last Saturday whioh resulted in a score of 14 to 4 iu favor of the plumbers. The Polish Dance given in the Opera House Wednesday was well at- tended and a grand good time was had by the Polish people. The Polish Bacd furnished the music , whioh was highly appreciated. By the decision of the Railroad Commimion the River road east of Eastport Station is to be earned over tbe tracks at a height of twenty-one -feet by the ereetioa of an overhead crossing. The Riverhead Brass Band famish- ed the music for the dance at the Great Peconio Bay House , South Jameeport text Friday evening. The trip wn« made in the Nellie and the summer boarders were moob pleased with tbe music. The Smith Brothers , deniists, bsve dissolved partnership. Dr. Walter D. Smith will remove his offioe to the Benjamin Building and he also ex- pects to praotioe in Mattitcuk two days in the week. Dr. Harold B. Simth will remain in obarge of the dental parlors on Roanoke avenne. The Bay Shore-Bine Point Oyster Co. has just been incorporated with the secretary of state, shares fSo, and the following as directors fOr tbe year : Selah T. Clock, Isabella A. Cloak and William H. Bobbins , of Bay Shore. One million divorces have been granted by the courts of this country during the past twenty years. This Is an estimate by the Census Bureau end it ia so startling that it probably will result in further discussion ot the question of enaoting a uniform divorce law in the various states. On a recently published map of Long Island the population of some of the Suffolk Connty villages Is given as follows : Pa tchogne 5, 360; Huntington, 3, 345 ; Sayville. 3, 840 ; Amityville, 3, 110; Babylon, 2, 800 ; Greenport. 2, 783 ; Southampton 2, G85; Riverhead, 3, 235. August 33 is the date set for the anuual "Hallock Gathering " of the decendauts of William Hallock of Rev- olutionary times. Should the day prove stormy the following 'day will be devoted to the picnic. The gather- ing will be held at Roanoke Grove. A short program will be rendered and a good time is anticipated. Merry Girl , the valuable pointer owned by Heury W. Terry, of Babylon, formerlvfof Sound Avenne, died last Snnday of spinal meningitis. Merry Giri was the winner of many hand- is /me and costly silver onps and other prizes offered b y the Field Trial Clnb of America. The death ot the doc is a great loss to Mr. Terry who wan much attached to the animal. There is renewed talk of a trolley between Riverhead and Greenport. A representative of a big financial house in New York City told us the other day that it was his opinion that the proposition was a good one. He said that if local capital did not want to bnild the road if the people were Interested enough to get the right of way he woold gladly finance the en- terprise. Harry M. Smith, 73 years old, the well-knowo contractor and builder, of New Tork City, died suddenly at Woodhaven last Friday. The immed- iate cause of death ws r . heart disease from which he had been suffering for two years past. One of Mr. Smlt.h' s contracts was the building of the Riverhead Savings Bank building. He also built tbe addition to the connty clerk' s and surrogate ' s office*. The best of tho season is what is promised for Percy C. Peck' s "A Run- away Match, " that is to be presented at the Auditorium Wednesday even- ing, August 23. There is not a large city that haa not seen this farce and the buisneas has been immense every- where, which proves the worth of the production. Manager Hill is getting the number one company here and al- ready the demand for seats has been large. POST OFFICE NOTIOE On[and alter May 11, 1908 , main will ekxe aa atonow e: Watt 06S*« 3»0 r" cut .1035 A a OSA PS Vr Cap* Bora Weal 800p» Vallafo Montana DirMon..» 30 A « 4'*™ Fornaaden.. ....7 30r« 11 45 ut «tand mall for New York and Brooklyn. 650 ra Bandara . Man arrive* from New If ova " jS"" MSOaolncwcatelMM st ^... , ........... 8«0 pm 0«ce open w«k d*T»fm«n71Sani to8 OOp mt 8und* from 11 *B a m to 100 r> m. GEORGE T. B8EVE. JR., Foatraaater. OBITUARY Mrs. Eraatns Green , 68 years of age, an employee of the Long Island Home, fell down one of tia flights of stairs in that institution Saturday night and broke her neck , dying in- stantly. Robert Currie died at his home in Sayville last Thursday from the effects of the heat. Mr. Currie was a mason and his last work was on a canal bridge on F. G. Boorne ' s Indian Neck place , Oakdale where he was exposed to the intense heat last Tnesday. Old fishermen say that it' has been many years since the bay has been so full of fish as at the present time. Many fine catches of blueSah hare been made by the hook and lino fishermen this week, and the fly nat - ters have been doing great business, being hampered only by the difficulty of getting ice in sufficient quantities. Two boats heavily laden wth weak and blues have been sent from here to Faiton Market , besides hundred* of barrels which have gone b y express. A conservative estimate of the quan- tity of fish shipped from Sayville this week is from 25 to 30 tons. For a wonder too , the pricei have been very good, and the fishermen are greatly pleased with the retu rns they have (teen getting. —Sayville News. Arthur Greene, a photographer of Port Jefferson, made a snapshot of a bathing scene at Stony Brook in the almost incredible time of one thousand - th of a second. Souvenir postals have been made from the p late snd although the picture is an animated scene, showing several persons in the act of diving, they ara recognizable. Net receipts of the annual fair of the Ladies ' Village improvement So- ciety of East Hampton were $440 this year, an against $448 for 1905. fish Galore in South Bay Two young girls of this village had a scrap on the public streets Monday evening, which resulted in one of them being brought before Justice Taft on a charge of assault in the third degree. It seems that an un- kind remark from a third party caused the row. There was a slap In the face with a newspaper, some hair pulling and then a warrant. Justice Taft said it was a shame that two sach nioe looking girls should be mixed up in such an affair and he advised an apology which was gladly made and the ease dropped. Claim BuHrfing Encroaches ' The Long Island Railroad Company claims that a part of Wells ft Hadsoo ' s building on Griffin avenne encroaches oa their property. Tbe firm think differently and instead of moving their building they have added an addition toward the railroad. The railroad company has bad its title searched and lines surveyed snd now that Wells ft Hudson are trespassers , a lawsuit will probably result. The land is wanted for new switches and tide tracks and there is talk of condemning the whole property for that purpose. Sheriff Wells was appealed to by the railroad company to remove the building, ont sent back word that he had no papers giving him euthDrlty in the premises. Young Ladies In a Scrap Frank J. Oorwin and son. Frankie, attended the races at Pougbkeepsie Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Maud E. Lee spent hut week end in Brook lyn. Miss Lena Sandman, of Brooklyn, formerly of this village, visited Miss Miriam Meyer, tbe latter part ot last week. Dr. S. Busby Allen bas leased the house of Mrs. Henry F. Vail , now oc- cupied by Mrs. Hlggius. Mrs. Hig- gles and family will remove to Brook- lyn this fall. Mrs. Henry F. Vail , of Brooklyn, is visiting relatives in this village. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. BUI end daughter, Miss Natalie, left Monday for a trip to Westerly, R. I.. w*<ere they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Malcolm West. They will also visit Mr. and Mrs. Leone D. Howell In Brooklyn. Mrs. B. B. Bailey and son , of Hunt- ington, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dettner. The Dettner family enjoyed a dsys' outing on the bay one day this week , going to New Suffolk in Morell' s lannob. Luzon Finch , of Queens , was in town Snnday. Mrs. Finch is stopping for the summer at Mrs. Evelina Hal lock' s. . Miss May Whitney, daughter of Hr. and Mrs. Edward Whitney, left the employ of the N. T. & N. J. Tel- ephone Co. , last Thursday and went to Patchogne, where It is said sbe was married to Ralph Bassere*r ,j for- merly of Greenport. Eighteen of our nusinesa men enjoy- ed a trip to Geenport the forepart of tbe week in Capt. Charles Pogsley ' s large sloop A fine dinner waa eerved on board and a stop was made at New Suffolk on the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Howell and son , Bradley, of Amityville, were guests at B. F. Howell' s this week. Miss 8ue Powell, of Brooklyn, is visiting Mis* A. Virginia Howell. Dr. Macdonald' e automobile, pret- tily decorated , took part In tbe par- ade at Qoogne Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson , of New Tork City, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Mr. snd Mrs. Wilson made tbe trip in their auto. Mrs. Esra Young is visiting her sister at Greenport. Mrs. Henry Terry, of Babylon , is a guett of Mrs. O. J. Young at Roanoke. Counselor John Q. Adams , jr. , is spending his vaeation at Ponghkoep- sis , N. Y. Miss Chatfisld is stopping at Tbe Willows. Edward H. Brown , of Jamaica , ha<i been spending the week with bis father, Buell. A. Brown. Riobsrdson Webster , of Brooklyn , has been the guest of Herbert H- How- ell this week. Mr. Webster is connected with the Brooklyn Citizen. Miss Leila N. Terry, of Brooklyn, is v isiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Aus- tin. Stanley Terry will arrive to- morrow to spend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Austin. Mrs. Samantha Young is visiting friends in Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Howell and family are enjoying a trip ia their new house boat. They will visit Shelter Island and Greenport. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Algie and James Algie, of Pelham , N. Y., have been visiting at Dr. Maodoneld' i this week. Mrs. Macduffy, Mrs. Sarah Cos and Miss Katie Urlsy, of Manhat- tan, ware also recent guests of Or. and Mrs. Maodonald. Miss Rhea Block, of Manhattan , is a guest of Miss Grace Maodonald. The Noyackera are priding them- selves on the success of Arthur Pug - slev, of Noyac, in sailing the winning boat In the recent regatta at Sag Har- bor , and in his own boat coming in second in the race. Arthur is a first- clats yachtsman.—Express. Sidney S. Breese, 23 years old, son of James L. Bronte , of Southampton, the millionaire banker, was held in |100 bond for the Court of Special Ses- sions for. speeding his machine and having operated an automobile with- ont a license or without having a number on the machine. Tha Perkins family are holding pic- nics or family reunions each Saturday of this month. The first was held »t the Pot and Kettle Club honse, the second was at Penny ' s Landing on the Sound when there were forty-six pre- sent ; tomorrow they will go down bay and the last one will be held at Grsng- abel Park. Miss Inez Bagshaw gave a dinner party last evening at her home on Sec - ond street. ' He- truests were the Misses Irene Vai l and Maria King, Dr. and Mrs. F. 0. Dettner, George H. Moore , Paul H. R. Dettner and Donald Bagsiiaw. Mr. and Mrs. John Bagsiiaw are ex- pected to arrive on the Codric tomor- row. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Litchard are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Heany, of Manhattan. Mr. Heany is .superin- tendent of the cigar department ot Austin, Nichols ft Co. Brief Personal Mention LONG ISLAND R. R. TIME TABU. Taking Meet Jane l«n. 1808. Trains leave Creenport Dew York , Brook- lyn and principal intermediate nation * Week- Sara, e.ffra. m.,8.08 a m.. 2.22 p. m , 7, -TOp. an. 8unday»—7.no a. ¦ ., as» p. m., 0.00 p. m. leave southold—week-dan , «4S a. m., 8.10 a. at., 3.ao p. m., 7.W p. m. Sundays, 7.68 a. m , 3,43 p. m.. 9.07 p. m. ¦ Uev* l&ttintcK-Week-dar * , 7.01 a m . S .-JO a. ra..2.S3 p. m.. 7.S« p. m. Sundays , 8.14 a. m., AW p. n., 9 . 23 p. ia. Leav* JaaMpojS-Week-dayi , 7.10 a. m., 8. 30 a. ¦ , 3.03p. aa , 8.00 p. at. Bondayt , 8.39a .m., -4. 09 a. m., 9 31 p ia. Iaave HlVerbead—Week-daya . 6.38 a. m., 7.20 *. «..8.47». m,. 8. 18 p.m., 8.20p.m. Sunday* , «, 33 a. m4.-J0 p. m , 0.43 p. m. Trains leave RlYHbcaS lot Ittmttport , *»1h- eM, araenp*rt and principal Intermediate ata- «tona-Wcekdaya , A37a. m., 10.47 a. m., 11.38 a. ra.. 3.16 p. m , (4.33 p. m , expma to Oreen- port , Friday* and July 3 otut) 5.48 p. m., ft.56 p. a£.7.17 p. m. Banaaya ,7.38 a. m., 11.37*. m., «.Xll>. i». TralBlearaaKlrerlMad for Sag Ha/fcor , Ama- muuett via. Manor , week-days, 2.28 p. n>. Uev* New York, E*»t 84th Street Station, tor Blrerhead , Jametport , Mattituck , Southold, Greenp- rand principal intermediate nations , A3* a m., ».*> a. m., 1. 30 p. m , 3.80 p. m, 4. 00 p. m., 6.00 p. m, (6.40 p. m. for Rlvofeead only and principal Intermedi- ate aUtfctns.) Train* leave Brooklyn, Flatbnah Arenue Malino about 5 minute* later than 34th Thae table anblselito chanve without notice. FOR SALE. LARG E Furm, So acre**. 8 lirre-t stAiidFng wood "" acres under cultivation All heavya*U and all level. Ten-room ho«, bam and a tut* orchard. FR\Nld Mlit' .l.l.V.a, *" mo Riverhead. SLOOP, Alice M. Newton , length of keel 37 tact 4 inches, beam 12 feet s infhe. «, ciiauxat H feet. All in good condition. Price reasonable. 47tf KOBT. 1>. LANK , East QuoffUe, L. t AQ NEW Farm Wwoiu. 12 thimble kera ~*-» team Farm Wacom:. 3 in. tire.opacity S tonormore , wo e»eh: 12 steel axle Kara) Waf- on«. 1 5-8 in. :u!p, 3 in tire, U% each; 13aad axle Fa rm VI a^ons 1 1-2 in. axle. 3 In. ti re ,MS: 12 fanner* ' hstti' . ly low-.doivn Tnieks, woodas wheels, 4 In. tircSttC each. Above are of OH) celebrated StDdebakcr mnke, one ot the beat fana wagons In existence. I am authorized by Stado- baker Kms, to make these low prices , whiek as* really below cost, in order to introduce thaw wagons in this section. Better get one Mow they are all gone, as there will in I Im aiailkn chince to buy a good waaon so cheap. 48 W. F. MORBLL. Riv«rae*d_ FUR Sale che:ip Whitehall row-boat 17 ft Ions 3 rowing scats, sound and tight, newly painted. Mattituck Boat Work* . 30 J «p Mattituck N. t. ONE of the beat bred colu in SuOoU Ooaaty. 4 month' sold. 4«2w R, W. WELLS , Lettri. FOR S \LK or to LET , Bakery with U tin* ansa attached, also with a No. 3 MlddiebyPun- aWC Oven. Only bakery in town. Poateaiion Sept. 1*. 49!f Inquire of OEO. P. CARTER, £*at<*iagn*. FOR REN T. TWO Flan, Jeatup Are., Qtioiue . On* Sara 1 Jenup Ave., ({uogue. For parses! *!* as- dreg P. O. Box 81, Huog uc, L. I. . IM-f SIX-HORSE Power Steam Engine and Buttsf ' worth Low-down Threaher. for sale cheap. 431 H. F. OOOIJALE . East QMaraaT FOUND OUN-D-Kow-boat adrift on Peconic Bay owaar may hate sane by proving property. so iw s. s. aRlrVlM, nandsrs. LOST. L03T Mileage Book, bekpoglng to F. » . CrasaS finder return to A. & Keeve, Sonaok* AT * uud receive reward. 0O3wa Lo-T— A Pugdc*. v»lu«d l*a houa* prt. Finder please notify Sheriff WlXlS , Rlrar- liujd, -N. Y. ' WANTED FAJUf, with buildings, Muathav* bay, smat &nd situated between AqueDOKueaodtlaaB r - port OEO. D. SQUIRES , Good Ground. M CHEAP Acreage in tracts of not lemtBaaHt* acre*. Good title must be furnished. Fat further particulars apply to EUW1N l>. TISHEL , Rlveraaad , if . Y. tTS P| f"f" 4* newandsewnd-haai ,efall VM fab V kinds and makes; hoaffet , al lirLal «*1 sod exchanged/ ^ % jl II l a tCr * Victor aafea oar sptdaltr C. S. E!.TO!( . Riverhead. K.Y Mr. Shad* was taken suddenly ill aboard a launch off Roanoke last Fri- day evening. The party came ashore at Mrs. Ostrander' s bongalow and Dr. Joseph li. Johnson , was caUed. He diagnosed the case as appendicitis and the yonng man was brought to the Long Island Hnnse that evening and in the morning was taken to his home in New Tork City. He i< a son ot the proprietor of the Shady Inb , at Oak- dale, which horned a short time ago. He was with a party of six yonng men who were cmising on the Sonnd. Mr. Shady underwent an operation in a Manhattan hospital Snnday nnd died ou Wednesday. He was 21 years of age. M M on Crtnte Taken IN Snnday someone cat the rigging and slashed the sails of a boat owned by Johnson Brothers , of Patchogne , whioh Was being overhauled in TMmon' s shipyard in this village. The damage to the boat will amount to 1150. Johnson Brothers say they have a strong olue to the gnilty part- ies and it is to be hoped that whoever perpetrated the outrage will ' be brought to justice. There bas been a feeling among some of tho local baymen against the encroachment of non-residents on the clam and escalop beds in Peconio ony, and particularly against the Groat Sonth baymen as residents of the East End towns are not allowed to clam or oyster in the Great south bay. The State however bas been declared the owner ot Pe- conio bay and there is no law to ex- clude any resident of the state from catching clams and escalope in thos? waters. Recently Johnson' s boat oame here to clam and more par- ticularly to get ready for the es- calop season whioh begins Sept. 1. The baymen in general denounce the outrage . Boat S.<ib Stashed Riverhead was saddened this morn- ing to learn ot the untimely death ot Mrs. Mary Gerard Walsh, wife of Counselor James T. Walsh. A little girl waa born to Mrs. Walsh yesterday which lived but a few minutes. The mother suffered convulsion* and died about four o' clock this morning. Mrs. Walsh was SJjyeara of age. The sym- path y of all goes ont to Counselor Walsh and to the other relatives of the deceased in their great bereave- ment. Mrs. Walsh was a most es- timable yonng lady with a host of friends and her death will be greatly felt by the whole commnnity. Go To The Fair Groumis To-*fght Everybody should go to the benefit dance in the new Women ' s Bnilding at the Fair Grounds this evening. It will be the event of tba season and a good time is assured. Excellent mus- io will bo furnished by tbe River- head Brass Band and L'Hommedieu ' g orchestra. The grounds will be pret- tily lighted and the buildings dec- orated. Refreshments will be served. The admission Is 10 cents. All the merchants have donated some article for tha affair and some of tha donations to b* raffled, on chances are: Work table , givea by Jacob Mayer; haodsonts jewel box , by R. C. Brown; oak stand, Henry Brown; $5 in (old, Harry B. How- ell ; largo ton, Lee ' s Greenhouses. Frank H Oorwin has presented a large clock for tha new building. Mrs. James T. Walsh Dead Arrangements have been completed tor the grand entertainment to be given for tha benefit of the River- head base ball team oti Monday even- ing, August 27. L'Hommediea ' s com- plete orchestra has volanteared its servloss and tht mala qaartatta own- posed of Doctors Harold B. Smith , Walter D. Smith, A. E. Payn* and Oouoselor S. 8. Hotohkias will also render a aamber of selections. In ad- dition to this tbe eatertalament will bs oonoladed with a roaring farce , whioh hi one of the beit short plays avsr written. It Is entitled '' Mr. Smallworth' s Mistakes or Noah' s Ark Jr., " and there is not a dull moment throughout the act. The program will be as follows : Orchestra; Male Quartette; Solo, Dr. Harold B. Smith ; Orchestra; Solo, Counselor 8. 8. Hotehklss; Duett, Dr. Walter D. Smith and Dr. A. E. Payne; Faroe. "Mr. Smallworth ' s Mistakes or Noah' s Ark, Jr. " Tbe following it the cast of characters : Mr. Schuy ler, R. F. Griffiing ; Mr. Rawdon , Robert W. Dnvall ; Mr. Morris , Daniel O Cor- win; The Rev. Mr. Smallworth , Roy S. Oorwin; Mrs. Blckerdick, Florence L. Dnvall ; Nettle Schuyler, Mabel P. Maodonald; Jane, a maid; Hattie E Skidmore. There will be a sketoh by Messrs. Lane, Carter and Bnrnlte. The entertainment will be held at the Auditorium. Adminlon 25, 35 and SO cents. A dance will follow , and the date August 24. Big Benefit For Bal Team A Little Remindet The best results are assured by employing the best painter and using the best paint—Wether ills "Atlas" ready mixed Paint. We don't profess to have every- thing; but we ' ve got the best paint a prudent man can buy. We have it on hand for all pur- poses. Let me help yon select a fashionable color combination for your house. Ugly homes impossible , pretty homes the rule, made to have stylo and no end of charm. A card to WM. T. BRITTO N Riverhead, N. Y. N othing leads more to personal attractiveness than the clear skin and fresh rosy complexion that comes to those who nse Laxacola tablets, 25 cents, a guaranteed cure for sal - lowness and constipation. M. J. BENJAMIN'S SONS. The Charm of a Clear Complexion Brief County Notes Invitations have been issued IOT the wedding of Miss Mary Esueiwan Thompson and Robert Eugene John- son, both of Sayville. The ceremony is to take place in that village Thurs- day, the 23rd , at tbe home of the bride' s mother, Mrs. Sara Thompson. The land speculators who are run- ning excursions to Smithtown Branoh to tali building lota are meeting with eonaiderebi* success. Eighty nine lots were disposed of last Sunday and another crowd of people are expected next Sunday. A new railroad corporation to be known at the Point Judith Railway Company has recently been organized at Narragansett Pier, B. I., and proposes to have a line of steamers to connect with the esstern shore of Long Island , but it is not known whether it will be Montauk or Green- port. Jerome D. Travers , the Nassau Connty golfer , won the final match round in the Shinnecock Hills golf tournament on Saturday. Travers won by 2 up and t to go from How- ard W. Perrin , twice the Philadelphia district title holder. R.A . Baohia, Jr., 8 years old is the champion fisherman ot his years on Groat South Bay, having caught seven fine blues while out with C. E. Brew- ster and party off Bay Shore. Rudolph Heilmann, of Brooklyn, one of the directors of the Nassau Cot- tage Company at Nassau by tho Sea, was drowned Sunday afternoon off the Point Lookout Life Saving Station while in bathing with H. Willitrd Griffiths , president of the association. Peter Heisler, of Lindenlinrst , has purchased the old ctiuroli owned l>y the pastor of St. Mary ' s or Onr Lady of Perpetual Help, which is not iu use, paying fl . POO for it. He will move it to anotlur site and convert it into a factory. AMENDED SUMMOSS. NEW YOKK SUPREME COURT— Suffolk Co. Leander W. Fonlhnm, plaintiff agninst James u. Kordham an:l Augusta \V. Fordham, his wife , Lillian A. Forrlham, Harriet Matilda Aldrich and Caleb Aklrich, her husband , Thebc M. Fordham, Elmira A. Corner and George 'iorncr, her husband, and tho successors in interest of the said Klmira A. Corner either as devisees , neirs-at law, grantees or otherwise. Defendants To the above named defendants : You are hereby summoned ' to answer the complaint in tills action, and to serve a copy ef your answer on the plaintiff's attorney, mthiti twenty clays afler the service of this summons, exclusive of tbe day of service ; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief-demanded in the complaint. l !ated April ft, lAOtt. TIMOTHY SI. GRIKKIJJG , Plaintiff's Attorney. Office and Post-Offlee address , Ki verhead, Suffol k County N. Y. To the defendants Elmira A. Gorncr . and George Gorncr her husband, and the suc- cessors in interest of the said Elmira A. Gorncr, ieither as devisees, heirs, at-law. grantees, or otherwise:- Thc foregoing summons is served upon vou bv publication pursuant to an order made by Justice Hon. Walter H. Jaycox , bearing the date the 15th day of August. 1S06, and filed with the amended complaint Iu the office of the Cleric of the Connty of Suffolk, in Riverhead, Suffolk County, Sew York , on the 16 day of August , 19011. Dated August 1G, 1000 ROBERT I' . GRIFFING. * Attorney for Plaintiff , Rivcrhcad,.N. V. MONEY TO LOAN on bond and mortgage. RKKVB & BARTXMT , 34 Greenport. N. T. How to Improve your Complexion When we recommend and guaran- tee Ake-In-The-Head tablets for head- aches and neuralgia it is because we) know you must obtain relief or we stand ready to pay your ten cents back. Safe, sure and always core. [ M. J. BENJAMIN'S SONS.

Transcript of When Buying A Diamond ; -- I -- 1|0)l0i|0M0«0ll0...

Page 1: When Buying A Diamond ; -- I -- 1|0)l0i|0M0«0ll0 ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1906-08-17/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · nina cases out of fifty. That ia a remarkable ttateuient,







Diploma, 10c.Mutual Benefit 5c.Junior Diploma 5c.E. GRISWOLD <* CO.

M A K E R S .

«OM0M0«0lt0l |Otl01|0)l0i|0M0«0ll0«lt0aI0lt0ltOlt0l tC40tt0lt0lt0lt0lt0lt O

I -- ' roes' -- Io o3 Watch fobs made of finest quality leather with Gold o

2 Plated Lodge Emblems SOc o

jg With College Colors SOe gM With College Seals 78c £| •f Corwin's Jewelry Store f* Jeweler and Optometrist f| Wafch, OocMeweky and Optical Rep ̂ |g tOCAl AMD tONG MSTANCC TtUPMONtS §O O

OltO«0lt0«0lt0ieolt0R0lt0lt0ltOBi0lt00al0al0M0MO»0lS0M p1t0M0a10al0a10S

i Two Essentials,--When Buying A Diamond ;

FIRST —that you get a good stone;SECOND—that you get good value.

vTj a-e fully prepurod to serve you favorably withreference to the above points, because we have atarge stock of very fine stones, and most excellent-values. They will never be cheaper than now.

R. C Brown..:. ". ;. . !lewder and Optician, RIVERHEAD. :

' i- — ---..-¦.- « - - - — ...-.....»--..-----.-.¦.-¦..-..----.- . . »̂ »«^»

NO QUESTION ABOUT ITPepsikola Must Cure Indlgeatlnev

or it is FREEM. F. Benjamin's Sons continue to

sell Riverhead people with the under-standing it must positively core dys-pepsia and indigestion or it will notcost a penny.

Experience has proven that Pepsi*kola Tablets care dyspepsia in forty-nina cases out of fifty. That ia aremarkable ttateuient, but the faetftin the case can easily be verified.

There is every reason to have con-fidence for Mr. Benjamin will hand.back your 25 cents withont hesitationshould you fail of being cured.

All kinds of food con be eaten freely—it is more easily digested, there isno fullness or distress after eating,and by siding the stomach to assimi-late and digest, Pepsikola Tabletsmake more rich, red blood to strong*th°n tho body.

They are just the thing if yon feelrun down, nervouh, tiied and debili-tated and need something to give yoanew life tind energy.

Don't hesitate a minute but go rightto Mr. Benjamin and try PepsikolaTablets with the understanding that''you must be deeidedly benefited orthe cost is nothing.


The Long Island peach crop givespromise of being onnenally huge.

Boss Sbntt is Isying gn nltold walksoa the property of Matthias Oorwin,Main street.

Mrs. Ottrander has greatly Improv-ed hex Oiiffin avenue property by re-moving the front fence,

A gang of Italians are laying thesew sidetmcka at the enlarged freightyard at tlie depot.

Work oa tbe Huntlngton-Amiiyvilleeross-island trolley will begin withinthirty days.

Tbe Polish voters, it is said, areaoon to organize an independent polit-ical olub.

Tbe members of the Pot and Kettledob held a meet at the elab bonseTuesday evening.

The aiaiasnn of the town of Hent-iogtoa have added about 91.000,000to tbe valuation of the town.

Amitvyille officers oolleeted $120 Infines for onto speeding kon Saturdaynnd Snnday.

Wells ft Hudson are building alarge addition to the west side of theirbuilding on Griffin Avenue for a po-tato storehouse.;. Wedeusday was the Feast of the As-sumption, a holiday of obligation andHaaiee were said in 8t. John's R. O.Church and St Isidor'a Polish Church.

Go to tbe Fair Grounds to-night.Dancing in New Women's Building.Concert, refreshments and a generalgood time. Everybody is invited.

A. S. Oartwright, of Shelter Islandpicked or 1,042 eggs during the monthof July i»om a flock of seventy Plym-outh Book fowl.

Capt. Ernest Hallock has beenbuilding an addition and otherwiseimproving his Roanoke avenne residence.

The nineteenth annual conventionof tbe New York State Christian En-deavor Union will be held iu BrooklynOctober 9, 10 and 11.

Southold Gnnge will hold a har-vest festival at Fleet's Neck, Catch-ogne, nest Friday, the 9tth. Therewill be spesohes, contests, games, etc.

The Mid-sommer festival given bySt. John's Church parish opened inthe Opera House last evening and was¦well patronized. The affair will con-tinue today and tomorrow.

The subject for the Epworth Lea-gue meeting Sunday eveningjis "Snn-day School Union and Local Snnday

[School Interests." Leader, MiBs IdaA. Greene.

F. M. Smith's new sixty-foot sloopsaoht Effort won tbe King Edwardfcup off Niawport last Wednesday. Mr.Smith bas a summer residence atShelter Island.K:A house dog owned by Counselor¦jjmee T. Walsh was poisoned MondayE unknown parties. The dog was aEjrmleBS little creature. The animalHfcdisoovered in time and doctoring¦Nf ni* life. It is a pity the guilty¦fifties ate not known.

The Patchogne Merchants' Associa-tion at its last meeting decided to closeits stores after I o'clock on tbe* after-noons of Wednesday during August andSeptember.

Things aia looking up for the Fire-men's tvnrnament at Greenport. Whathas done it is the push that Is behindGreenport's committee oa arrange-ments.

The contract for building the newPolish Church in this village hasbeen awarded to William H. Corwin,of Aqoebogoe. The new edifloe willcost 110,000.

Potatoes sold at fifty cent* thisweek. 'There was a better demandand quite a number of cars were sentont from this station. The yield tontinues big snd tbe stock fine.

The Long Island Railroad Companyreports net earnings for the month ofJune increased |48,S18; and from Jan-uary net earnings increased 170,685,over same period hut year.

The boy* at Pine Bluff Camp, PortJefferson, accompanied by Dr. felt it.sailed in the house boat Mermaid oneday last week for a crniae aroundShelter Island.

The L. I. R. R. Co. has applied',o the State Railroad Commission forauthority to close the fatally anddangerous grade crossing at Westbaiyand tunnel under tbe track.

The carpenters and plumpers ofSouthampton, or rather a pioked ninefrom eacb, crossed hats last Saturdaywhioh resulted in a score of 14 to 4 iufavor of the plumbers.

The Polish Dance given in theOpera House Wednesday was well at-tended and a grand good time was hadby the Polish people. The PolishBacd furnished the music, whioh washighly appreciated.

By the decision of the RailroadCommimion the River road east ofEastport Station is to be earned overtbe tracks at a height of twenty-one-feet by the ereetioa of an overheadcrossing.

The Riverhead Brass Band famish-ed the music for the dance at the GreatPeconio Bay House, South Jameeporttext Friday evening. The trip wn«made in the Nellie and the summerboarders were moob pleased with tbemusic.

The Smith Brothers, deniists, bsvedissolved partnership. Dr. Walter D.Smith will remove his offioe to theBenjamin Building and he also ex-pects to praotioe in Mattitcuk twodays in the week. Dr. Harold B.Simth will remain in obarge of thedental parlors on Roanoke avenne.

The Bay Shore-Bine Point OysterCo. has just been incorporated withthe secretary of state, shares fSo,and the following as directors fOrtbe year: Selah T. Clock, IsabellaA. Cloak and William H. Bobbins,of Bay Shore.

One million divorces have beengranted by the courts of this countryduring the past twenty years. ThisIs an estimate by the Census Bureauend it ia so startling that it probablywill result in further discussion ot thequestion of enaoting a uniform divorcelaw in the various states.On a recently published map of Long

Island the population of some of theSuffolk Connty villages Is given asfollows : Patchogne 5,360; Huntington,3,345 ; Sayville. 3,840; Amityville,3, 110; Babylon, 2,800 ; Greenport.2,783 ; Southampton 2,G85; Riverhead,3,235.

August 33 is the date set for theanuual "Hallock Gathering" of thedecendauts of William Hallock of Rev-olutionary times. Should the dayprove stormy the following 'day willbe devoted to the picnic. The gather-ing will be held at Roanoke Grove.A short program will be rendered anda good time is anticipated.

Merry Girl , the valuable pointerowned by Heury W. Terry, of Babylon,formerlvfof Sound Avenne, died lastSnnday of spinal meningitis. MerryGiri was the winner of many hand-is /me and costly silver onps and otherprizes offered by the Field Trial Clnbof America. The death ot the doc isa great loss to Mr. Terry who wanmuch attached to the animal.

There is renewed talk of a trolleybetween Riverhead and Greenport.A representative of a big financialhouse in New York City told us theother day that it was his opinion thatthe proposition was a good one. Hesaid that if local capital did not wantto bnild the road if the people were

Interested enough to get the right ofway he woold gladly finance the en-terprise.

Harry M. Smith, 73 years old, thewell-knowo contractor and builder, ofNew Tork City, died suddenly atWoodhaven last Friday. The immed-iate cause of death wsr. heart diseasefrom which he had been suffering fortwo years past. One of Mr. Smlt.h'scontracts was the building of theRiverhead Savings Bank building. Healso built tbe addition to the conntyclerk's and surrogate's office*.

The best of tho season is what ispromised for Percy C. Peck's "A Run-away Match," that is to be presentedat the Auditorium Wednesday even-ing, August 23. There is not a largecity that haa not seen this farce andthe buisneas has been immense every-where, which proves the worth of theproduction. Manager Hill is gettingthe number one company here and al-ready the demand for seats has beenlarge.


On[and alter May 11, 1908, main will ekxe aaatonowe:Watt 06S*« 3»0 r"cut .1035 A a OSAPSVr Cap* Bora Weal 800p»Vallafo Montana DirMon..» 30 A « 4'*™Fornaaden.. ....7 30r« 1145 ut«tand mall for New York and Brooklyn. 650 ra

Bandara.Man arrive* from New If ova "jS""MSOaolncwcatelMM st̂ ...,...........8«0pm

0«ce open w«k d*T»fm«n71Sani to8 OOpmt 8und*v» from 11 *B a m to 100 r> m.

GEORGE T. B8EVE. JR., Foatraaater.


Mrs. Eraatns Green, 68 years ofage, an employee of the Long IslandHome, fell down one of t i a flights ofstairs in that institution Saturdaynight and broke her neck, dying in-stantly.

Robert Currie died at his home inSayville last Thursday from the effectsof the heat. Mr. Currie was a masonand his last work was on a canalbridge on F. G. Boorne's Indian Neckplace, Oakdale where he was exposedto the intense heat last Tnesday.

Old fishermen say that it'has beenmany years since the bay has been sofull of fish as at the present time.Many fine catches of blueSah harebeen made by the hook and linofishermen this week, and the fly nat-ters have been doing great business,being hampered only by the difficultyof getting ice in sufficient quantities.Two boats heavily laden wth weakand blues have been sent from here toFaiton Market, besides hundred* ofbarrels which have gone by express.A conservative estimate of the quan-tity of fish shipped from Sayville thisweek is from 25 to 30 tons. For awonder too, the pricei have been verygood, and the fishermen are greatlypleased with the returns they have(teen getting.—Sayville News.

Arthur Greene, a photographer ofPort Jefferson, made a snapshot of abathing scene at Stony Brook in thealmost incredible time of one thousand-th of a second. Souvenir postals havebeen made from the plate snd althoughthe picture is an animated scene,showing several persons in the act ofdiving, they ara recognizable.

Net receipts of the annual fair ofthe Ladies' Village improvement So-ciety of East Hampton were $440 thisyear, an against $448 for 1905.

fish Galore in South Bay

Two young girls of this village hada scrap on the public streets Mondayevening, which resulted in one ofthem being brought before JusticeTaft on a charge of assault in thethird degree. It seems that an un-kind remark from a third party causedthe row. There was a slap In theface with a newspaper, some hairpulling and then a warrant. JusticeTaft said it was a shame that two sachnioe looking girls should be mixed upin such an affair and he advised anapology which was gladly made andthe ease dropped.

Claim BuHrfing Encroaches' The Long Island Railroad Companyclaims that a part of Wells ft Hadsoo'sbuilding on Griffin avenne encroachesoa their property. Tbe firm thinkdifferently and instead of moving theirbuilding they have added an additiontoward the railroad. The railroadcompany has bad its title searched andlines surveyed snd now that Wells ftHudson are trespassers, a lawsuit willprobably result. The land is wantedfor new switches and tide tracks andthere is talk of condemning the wholeproperty for that purpose. SheriffWells was appealed to by the railroadcompany to remove the building, ontsent back word that he had no papersgiving him euthDrlty in the premises.

Young Ladies In a Scrap

Frank J. Oorwin and son. Frankie,attended the races at PougbkeepsieTuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Maud E. Lee spent hut weekend in Brooklyn.

Miss Lena Sandman, of Brooklyn,formerly of this village, visited MissMiriam Meyer, tbe latter part ot lastweek.

Dr. S. Busby Allen bas leased thehouse of Mrs. Henry F. Vail, now oc-cupied by Mrs. Hlggius. Mrs. Hig-gles and family will remove to Brook-lyn this fall.

Mrs. Henry F. Vail, of Brooklyn,is visiting relatives in this village.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. BUI enddaughter, Miss Natalie, left Mondayfor a trip to Westerly, R. I.. w*<erethey will visit Mr. and Mrs. EarlMalcolm West. They will also visitMr. and Mrs. Leone D. Howell InBrooklyn.

Mrs. B. B. Bailey and son, of Hunt-ington, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.Henry Dettner. The Dettner familyenjoyed a dsys' outing on the bay oneday this week, going to New Suffolkin Morell's lannob.

Luzon Finch, of Queens, was intown Snnday. Mrs. Finch is stoppingfor the summer at Mrs. Evelina Hallock's.. Miss May Whitney, daughter ofHr. and Mrs. Edward Whitney, leftthe employ of the N. T. & N. J. Tel-ephone Co., last Thursday and wentto Patchogne, where It is said sbewas married to Ralph Bassere*r,j for-merly of Greenport.

Eighteen of our nusinesa men enjoy-ed a trip to Geenport the forepart oftbe week in Capt. Charles Pogsley'slarge sloop A fine dinner waa eervedon board and a stop was made atNew Suffolk on the return trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Howell andson, Bradley, of Amityville, wereguests at B. F. Howell's this week.

Miss 8ue Powell, of Brooklyn, isvisiting Mis* A. Virginia Howell.

Dr. Macdonald'e automobile, pret-tily decorated, took part In tbe par-ade at Qoogne Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, ofNew Tork City, are guests of Mr.and Mrs. James Wilson. Mr. sndMrs. Wilson made tbe trip in theirauto.

Mrs. Esra Young is visiting hersister at Greenport.

Mrs. Henry Terry, of Babylon, is aguett of Mrs. O. J. Young at Roanoke.

Counselor John Q. Adams, jr., isspending his vaeation at Ponghkoep-sis, N. Y.

Miss Chatfisld is stopping at TbeWillows.

Edward H. Brown, of Jamaica, ha<ibeen spending the week with bisfather, Buell. A. Brown.

Riobsrdson Webster, of Brooklyn,has been the guest of Herbert H- How-ell this week. Mr. Webster isconnected with the Brooklyn Citizen.

Miss Leila N. Terry, of Brooklyn,is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Aus-tin. Stanley Terry will arrive to-morrow to spend two weeks with Mr.and Mrs. Austin.

Mrs. Samantha Young is visitingfriends in Southampton.

Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Howell andfamily are enjoying a trip ia their newhouse boat. They will visit ShelterIsland and Greenport.

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Algie andJames Algie, of Pelham, N. Y., havebeen visiting at Dr. Maodoneld'i thisweek. Mrs. Macduffy, Mrs. SarahCos and Miss Katie Urlsy, of Manhat-tan, ware also recent guests of Or. andMrs. Maodonald.

Miss Rhea Block, of Manhattan, isa guest of Miss Grace Maodonald.

The Noyackera are priding them-selves on the success of Arthur Pug-slev, of Noyac, in sailing the winningboat In the recent regatta at Sag Har-bor, and in his own boat coming insecond in the race. Arthur is a first-clats yachtsman.—Express.

Sidney S. Breese, 23 years old, sonof James L. Bronte, of Southampton,the millionaire banker, was held in|100 bond for the Court of Special Ses-sions for. speeding his machine andhaving operated an automobile with-ont a license or without having anumber on the machine.

Tha Perkins family are holding pic-nics or family reunions each Saturdayof this month. The first was held »tthe Pot and Kettle Club honse, thesecond was at Penny's Landing on theSound when there were forty-six pre-sent ; tomorrow they will go down bayand the last one will be held at Grsng-abel Park.

Miss Inez Bagshaw gave a dinnerparty last evening at her home on Sec -ond street. ' He- truests were theMisses Irene Vail and Maria King,Dr. and Mrs. F. 0. Dettner, GeorgeH. Moore, Paul H. R. Dettner andDonald Bagsiiaw.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bagsiiaw are ex-pected to arrive on the Codric tomor-row.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Litchard areentertaining Mr. and Mrs. Heany, ofManhattan. Mr. Heany is .superin-tendent of the cigar department otAustin, Nichols ft Co.

Brief Personal Mention

LONG ISLAND R. R. TIME TABU.Taking Meet Jane l«n. 1808.

Trains leave Creenport *» Dew York, Brook-lyn and principal intermediate nation* Week-Sara, e.ffra. m.,8.08a m.. 2.22 p. m , 7,-TOp.an. 8unday»—7.no a. ¦., as» p. m., 0.00 p. m.

leave southold—week-dan , «4S a. m., 8.10a. at., 3.ao p. m., 7.W p. m. Sundays, 7.68 a. m ,3,43 p. m.. 9.07 p. m. ¦ „

Uev* l&ttintcK-Week-dar *, 7.01 a m .S.-JOa. ra..2.S3 p. m.. 7.S« p. m. Sundays, 8.14 a. m.,AW p . n., 9.23 p. ia.

Leav* JaaMpojS-Week-dayi, 7.10 a. m., 8.30a. ¦ ,3.03p. aa , 8.00 p. at. Bondayt,8.39a.m.,-4.09 a. m., 9 31 p ia.

Iaave HlVerbead—Week-daya. 6.38 a. m., 7.20*.«..8.47». m,.8.18p.m.,8.20p.m. Sunday*,«,33 a. m„ 4.-J0 p. m , 0.43 p. m.

Trains leave RlYHbcaS lot I t tmt tpor t, *»1h-eM,araenp*rt and principal Intermediate ata-«tona-Wcekdaya,A37a. m., 10.47 a. m., 11.38a. ra.. 3.16 p. m , (4.33 p. m , expma to Oreen-port, Friday* and July 3 otut) 5.48 p. m., ft.56p. a£.7.17 p. m. Banaaya,7.38 a. m.,11.37*. m.,«.Xll>.i».

TralBlearaaKlrerlMad for Sag Ha/fcor, Ama-muuett via. Manor, week-days, 2.28 p. n>.

Uev* New York, E*»t 84th Street Station, torBlrerhead, Jametport, Mattituck, Southold,Greenp- rand principal intermediate nations,A3* a m., ».*> a. m., 1.30 p. m , 3.80 p.m, 4.00 p. m., 6.00 p. m, (6.40 p. m.for Rlvofeead only and principal Intermedi-ate aUtfctns.) Train* leave Brooklyn, FlatbnahArenue Malino about 5 minute* later than 34th

Thae table anblselito chanve without notice.


LARG E Furm, So acre**. 8 lirre-t stAiidFng wood""acres under cultivation All heavya*U

and all level. Ten-room ho«, bam and a tut*orchard. FR\Nld Mlit'.l.l.V.a,

*" mo Riverhead.

SLOOP, Alice M. Newton, length of keel 37 tact4 inches, beam 12 feet s infhe.«, ciiauxat H

feet. All in good condition. Price reasonable.47tf KOBT. 1>. LANK , East QuoffUe, L. t

AQ NEW Farm Wwoiu. 12 thimble kera~*-» team Farm Wacom:. 3 in. tire.opacity Stonormore, wo e»eh: 12 steel axle Kara) Waf-on«. 1 5-8 in. :u!p, 3 in tire, U% each; 13aadaxle Farm VI a^ons 1 1-2 in. axle. 3 In. tire,MS:12 fanner*' hstti'. ly low-.doivn Tnieks, woodaswheels, 4 In. tircSttC each. Above are of OH)celebrated StDdebakcr mnke, one ot the beat fanawagons In existence. I am authorized by Stado-baker Kms, to make these low prices, whiek as*really below cost, in order to introduce thawwagons in this section. Better get one Mowthey are all gone, as there will in I Im aiailknchince to buy a good waaon so cheap.48 W. F. MORBLL. Riv«rae*d_

FUR Sale che:ip Whitehall row-boat 17 ft Ions3 rowing scats, sound and tight, newly

painted. Mattituck Boat Work*.30 J «p Mattituck N. t.

ONE of the beat bred colu in SuOoU Ooaaty.4 month'sold.

4«2w R, W. WELLS, Lettri.

FOR S \LK or to LET, Bakery with U tin* ansaattached, also with a No. 3 MlddiebyPun-

aWC Oven.Only bakery in town. Poateaiion Sept. 1*.49!f Inquire of OEO. P. CARTER, £*at<*iagn*.


TWO Flan, Jeatup Are., Qtioiue. On* Sara1 Jenup Ave., ({uogue. For parses! *!* as-

dreg P. O. Box 81, Huoguc, L. I. . IM-f

SIX-HORSE Power Steam Engine and Buttsf'worth Low-down Threaher. for sale cheap.

431 H. F. OOOIJALE. East QMaraaT

FOUNDOUN-D-Kow-boat adrift on Peconic Bay owaar

may hate sane by proving property.soiw s. s. aRlrVlM, nandsrs.


L03T Mileage Book, bekpoglng to F. ». CrasaSfinder return to A. & Keeve, Sonaok* AT*uud receive reward. 0O3wa

Lo-T— A Pugdc*. v»lu«dl*a houa*prt.Finder please notify Sheriff WlXlS, Rlrar-

liujd, -N. Y. '


FAJUf, with buildings, Muathav* bay, smat&nd situated between AqueDOKueaodtlaaBr-

port OEO. D. SQUIRES, Good Ground. M

CHEAP Acreage in tracts of not lemtBaaHt*acre*. Good title must be furnished. Fat

further particulars apply toEUW1N l>. TISHEL, Rlveraaad, if. Y.

tTS P| f"f" 4* newandsewnd-haai,efallVM fab V kinds and makes; hoaffet,allirLal «*1 sod exchanged/ ^%jl II latCr* Victor aafea oar sptdaltr

C. S. E!.TO!(. Riverhead. K.Y

Mr. Shad* was taken suddenly illaboard a launch off Roanoke last Fri-day evening. The party came ashoreat Mrs. Ostrander's bongalow and Dr.Joseph li. Johnson, was caUed. Hediagnosed the case as appendicitis andthe yonng man was brought to theLong Island Hnnse that evening andin the morning was taken to his homein New Tork City. He i< a son ot theproprietor of the Shady Inb, at Oak-dale, which horned a short time ago.He was with a party of six yonng menwho were cmising on the Sonnd.

Mr. Shady underwent an operationin a Manhattan hospital Snnday nnddied ou Wednesday. He was 21 yearsof age.

MM on Crtnte Taken IN

Snnday someone cat the riggingand slashed the sails of a boat ownedby Johnson Brothers, of Patchogne,whioh Was being overhauled inTMmon's shipyard in this village.The damage to the boat will amountto 1150. Johnson Brothers say theyhave a strong olue to the gnilty part-ies and it is to be hoped that whoeverperpetrated the outrage will 'bebrought to justice. There bas beena feeling among some of tho localbaymen against the encroachment ofnon-residents on the clam and escalopbeds in Peconio ony, and particularlyagainst the Groat Sonth baymen asresidents of the East End towns arenot allowed to clam or oyster in theGreat south bay. The State howeverbas been declared the owner ot Pe-conio bay and there is no law to ex-clude any resident of the state fromcatching clams and escalope in thos?waters. Recently Johnson's boatoame here to clam and more par-ticularly to get ready for the es-calop season whioh begins Sept. 1.The baymen in general denounce theoutrage.

Boat S.<ib Stashed

Riverhead was saddened this morn-ing to learn ot the untimely death otMrs. Mary Gerard Walsh, wife ofCounselor James T. Walsh. A littlegirl waa born to Mrs. Walsh yesterdaywhich lived but a few minutes. Themother suffered convulsion* and diedabout four o'clock this morning. Mrs.Walsh was SJjyeara of age. The sym-pathy of all goes ont to CounselorWalsh and to the other relatives ofthe deceased in their great bereave-ment. Mrs. Walsh was a most es-timable yonng lady with a host offriends and her death will be greatlyfelt by the whole commnnity.

Go To The Fair GroumisTo-*fghtEverybody should go to the benefit

dance in the new Women's Bnildingat the Fair Grounds this evening. Itwill be the event of tba season and agood time is assured. Excellent mus-io will bo furnished by tbe River-head Brass Band and L'Hommedieu'gorchestra. The grounds will be pret-tily lighted and the buildings dec-orated. Refreshments will be served.The admission Is 10 cents.

All the merchants have donatedsome article for tha affair and someof tha donations to b* raffled, onchances are: Work table, givea byJacob Mayer; haodsonts jewel box,by R. C. Brown; oak stand, HenryBrown; $5 in (old, Harry B. How-ell ; largo ton, Lee's Greenhouses.Frank H Oorwin has presented a largeclock for tha new building.

Mrs. James T. Walsh Dead

Arrangements have been completedtor the grand entertainment to begiven for tha benefit of the River-head base ball team oti Monday even-ing, August 27. L'Hommediea's com-plete orchestra has volanteared itsservloss and tht mala qaartatta own-posed of Doctors Harold B. Smith,Walter D. Smith, A. E. Payn* andOouoselor S. 8. Hotohkias will alsorender a aamber of selections. In ad-dition to this tbe eatertalament willbs oonoladed with a roaring farce,whioh hi one of the beit short playsavsr written. It Is entitled '' Mr.Smallworth's Mistakes or Noah's ArkJr.," and there is not a dull momentthroughout the act. The programwill be as follows: Orchestra; MaleQuartette; Solo, Dr. Harold B. Smith;Orchestra; Solo, Counselor 8. 8.Hotehklss; Duett, Dr. Walter D.Smith and Dr. A. E. Payne; Faroe."Mr. Smallworth's Mistakes or Noah'sArk, Jr." Tbe following it the castof characters: Mr. Schuy ler, R. F.Griffiing; Mr. Rawdon, Robert W.Dnvall; Mr. Morris, Daniel O Cor-win; The Rev. Mr. Smallworth, RoyS. Oorwin; Mrs. Blckerdick, FlorenceL. Dnvall ; Nettle Schuyler, Mabel P.Maodonald; Jane, a maid; Hattie ESkidmore. There will be a sketoh byMessrs. Lane, Carter and Bnrnlte.

The entertainment will be held atthe Auditorium. Adminlon 25, 35and SO cents. A dance will follow,and the date August 24.

Big Benefit For BalTeam

A Little RemindetThe best results are assured

by employing the best painterand using the best paint—Wetherills "Atlas" ready mixed Paint.

We don't profess to have every-thing; but we've got the bestpaint a prudent man can buy.

We have it on hand for all pur-poses. Let me help yon select afashionable color combinationfor your house.

Ugly homes impossible, prettyhomes the rule, made to havestylo and no end of charm.

A card to

WM. T. BRITTONRiverhead, N. Y.

Nothing leads more to personalattractiveness than the clear skinand fresh rosy complexion that comesto those who nse Laxacola tablets,25 cents, a guaranteed cure for sal -lowness and constipation.


The Charm of a Clear Complexion

Brief County Notes

Invitations have been issued IOTthe wedding of Miss Mary EsueiwanThompson and Robert Eugene John-son, both of Sayville. The ceremonyis to take place in that village Thurs-day, the 23rd , at tbe home of thebride's mother, Mrs. Sara Thompson.

The land speculators who are run-ning excursions to Smithtown Branohto tali building lota are meeting witheonaiderebi* success. Eighty ninelots were disposed of last Sunday andanother crowd of people are expectednext Sunday.

A new railroad corporation to beknown at the Point Judith RailwayCompany has recently been organizedat Narragansett Pier, B. I., andproposes to have a line of steamersto connect with the esstern shoreof Long Island, but it is not knownwhether it will be Montauk or Green-port.

Jerome D. Travers, the NassauConnty golfer, won the final matchround in the Shinnecock Hills golftournament on Saturday. Traverswon by 2 up and t to go from How-ard W. Perrin, twice the Philadelphiadistrict title holder.

R.A. Baohia, Jr., 8 years old is thechampion fisherman ot his years onGroat South Bay, having caught sevenfine blues while out with C. E. Brew-ster and party off Bay Shore.

Rudolph Heilmann, of Brooklyn,one of the directors of the Nassau Cot-tage Company at Nassau by tho Sea,was drowned Sunday afternoon off thePoint Lookout Life Saving Stationwhile in bathing with H. WillitrdGriffiths, president of the association.

Peter Heisler, of Lindenlinrst, haspurchased the old ctiuroli owned l>ythe pastor of St. Mary's or Onr Ladyof Perpetual Help, which is not iuuse, paying fl .POO for it. He willmove it to anotlur site and convert itinto a factory.


Leander W. Fonlhnm, plaintiff agninstJames u. Kordham an:l Augusta \V. Fordham,his wife, Lillian A. Forrlham, Harriet MatildaAldrich and Caleb Aklrich, her husband , Thebc M.Fordham, Elmira A. Corner and George 'iorncr,her husband, and tho successors in interest of thesaid Klmira A. Corner either as devisees, neirs-atlaw, grantees or otherwise. Defendants

To the above named defendants : — You arehereby summoned 'to answer the complaint intills action, and to serve a copy ef your answeron the plaintiff's attorney, mthiti twenty claysafler the service of this summons, exclusive oftbe day of service ; and in case of your failure toappear or answer, judgment will be taken againstyou by default for the relief-demanded in thecomplaint.

l!ated April ft, lAOtt.TIMOTHY SI. GRIKKIJJG , Plaintiff's Attorney.

Office and Post-Offlee address, Ki verhead, Suffol kCounty N. Y.

To the defendants Elmira A. Gorncr. andGeorge Gorncr her husband, and the suc-cessors in interest of the said Elmira A.Gorncr, ieither as devisees, heirs, at-law.grantees, or otherwise:-

Thc foregoing summons is served upon vou bvpublication pursuant to an order made by JusticeHon. Walter H. Jaycox , bearing the date the 15thday of August. 1S06, and filed with the amendedcomplaint Iu the office of the Cleric of the Conntyof Suffolk, in Riverhead, Suffolk County, SewYork , on the 16 day of August, 19011.

Dated August 1G, 1000ROBERT I'. GRIFFING.

* Attorney for Plaintiff , Rivcrhcad,.N. V.

MONEY TO LOAN on bond andmortgage. RKKVB & BARTXMT,

34 Greenport. N. T.

How to Improve your ComplexionWhen we recommend and guaran-

tee Ake-In-The-Head tablets for head-aches and neuralgia it is because we)know you must obtain relief or westand ready to pay your ten centsback. Safe, sure and always core.