Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1856 ... ·...

jfiXG ac VOLUME 5. WHEELING FA. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1856, ©I)C Reeling SiiteUigcncer, 13 ITBLISHED DAILY, TRI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, BY B E ATT Y <fc CO. OFFICE.Corner of Main and Quincy streets! .Entrance from Quincy st TEKMS. DaILT, fV $0,00 M-Wmu, jxt UjuO W«BlT,p«T*nnua $1,00 KATES OF ADVERTISING. TCN USES OF XO.NPMtKI!., OR_LSSS, CONSTITUTE!G for one tqoMe 1 lu rtlon . 70 .. « ¦; -C 1,00 " » u * 1.S8 OIM 10,00 annum !!!""i!ioo,oo For 1 eolumr(ouUMe)olKjrear 100,00 .. X " *M» .. a " » 40,00 Fifty per ccltf. on tbe nhore tor the lualde. tari'crwnal CeminunlealiMU cl«rj«l at $1,00 per than- itadcou. i*rZT.eci:d Notices dunged 930 per square, per annum, for Ant equare, and the same rale of discotint thereon for a greater number <>f square* as under the general head, and 10 j cents a 11ns for iln*ltf insertion. Business Advertisements, with monthly change, one nqnarel jrear. $23,00 0am . with weekly change.... .80,00 Notice ofDeaths Inserted gratuitously, but Funeral Notice charged 80 Marriage Notice charged 00 Nominations, charged for each candidate for a sep¬ arate office, inserted for one month or less, In ad* Vance.......................................... 2,00 Religious notices inserted for half price. BUSINESS CARDS. LAWYERS RUSSELL & FITZHUGH, Attorney, mud Csun.elloa. at IjlW, ofjticx No. CP, Uanuw mm, Wheeling, Va. J. H. PENDLETON, ATT°^»^^LAW- ET^ATTENDd tbe Courts of Ohio, Marshall, Brooke and Hancock counties. OfFICE-onQufncyirctttJntabOTeMata. feT o. K.TMAW, 1 J '. rf tcrna, Jsckson C. II., Va. J ] Parkersburg, Ya. Thaw & Turner, .rs AT LAW. i all business entrusted to them , Jackson, Ritchie, Gilmer and Pleasant*. Particular attention given to collections. .REFER TO. PHILADELPHIA..lion. George Sharewood ; Ron. Joel Jones, lion. Chas. Gilpin, Messrs. Lee k Walker. BALTIMORE.Messrs. Neale k Luckett, Messrs. Penn k Mitchell. WHEELING.Mr*»r». Z.8.U. J. Yarnall, Thomas John- ton, Jr. oc20:ly PHYSICIANS. ALKKKD hughes, m. d. Bonicoopathlo Physician, HAS removed bis office and residence, and permanently j located himself at the corner of Foorth and Quinces* streets, fceiow the first Presbyterian Church j Orricc Hocus:.Morning, from 7 to 9 Noon, " 1 " 8 Kvrulnrs, M 7 9 BILL OP PRICES..For a single visit, 73centr, medicine, 23 cents. For two or more visits a day, 50 cents; medldde, 29 casts. Advice aft office, and medicine, from 26 to 50 cts, andnpwerdsr as the ease may be. Obstetric cases from $5tofl0. Visits to the country, according to distance. Tbe above "Bill or Prices'* is given because it if said my charges are mueh higher. my &-lyd ~TJ. W. WHEAT, O HOMIiOPATIHST, . FFICK.at residence on Market street, opposite the Post- Office. ffcl9_ Medical. DR. D. C. CRACRAFT tenders his professional services to the citisen* or Sooth Wheeling and vicinity. OFFICE directly west of Kenetft's Hotel. ' mrS:3m E.VARNEY. jfay cfa vtur s r or | I'OPPKH, TIN * SlIL'trr IROIt lVARE, So. t) JVain tuar Ou Crtti Rriilge, 1 _ WllHKUJiO, VA. Lambdin, Bonham & Co. viBuiniA. ndriii»«),& rucENixl PA^u^%Ls- 1 Manufacture Printing and Wrapping Paper, Candle Paper, Cotton Yarn Paper, Steam Boat Paper, Bonnet Boards, Fullers* Boards. Ac. W. D. MOTTE & BRO.,, DEALERS ,B *11 Wads of iforeisn nnd'Domestlc -v., ?^^?pE%ssr, 1VUHEUNU, VA. St REILLY. J . Wholesale dealer in Groceries,! foreign and Domatie Winei and Lijuort, So. U1 IVminil MiHin SQo.lt*, WUKKL1MI, VA. a. M'niiin. £ m'claueh.j*. o.b.uox[ M'CLALLENS & KNOX, O ktltnlc A licinil dealer. In all km«l" Boots, Shoes, Leather, eto. A'o. 1M, Jfain Ur"'^.UKUJNG, VA. WM. Id. BERRYHILL, Cheap Furnishing Ware rooms, 151 MaimtU.t. W 11 tKLING, VA. ALL hinds of Vurnilure, Including CHAIRS, SOFAS, 0LOCKS, LOOKING QLASSES, Ac., Ac., «r i. Iital .V>UaaM bqt quallUM, k«pt roniunllj onhanpatrcdnced WK^i. illy «. W. SHOOK L. SXJLL .....A.VAH BmbUUSS# OBXTOK, Mill, * SH IiAipnUK.V, FANCV DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE. N«. 11 M»lk»«ilrtll. j-iuladelpuia. W. F. Peterson, MBE, MARm^JglNSUE-CE No- »1 Moaaoa i[»kt, Wheiijso, Va. _ TcsI^^ij^an^jbry. BEHGERiHOFFMAN, XAicrACTCkKu or --.WfrXi e Every degoription of Leather, «or» Boom If,. 1J0, onur Market all<y and JTatn *«*, WHtaLWO, VA. ¦ Flndiafa of all kind* oa bind, and (old at rerJ J. TURTON, II|I nnd Ornamental Pa later, las Mini, umn Mux*u* axo Oroa in. WUKXL1SO, VA. ,,i. w^«aa, Burnet* UD Ran, transparent, Plain and Can- ',tthlS&Ud W1U> "**"**. "d dtopalch, Qr^laliif, *c. M a a a facta riV u4M«9hllU^i( Tobaooo, Snuff and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. >'aiujrifaiM;«u< n<U, a door* Mew iTarUt allty, _____ WUEUIKO, VA. _ H &aA?ERY, WLoleaule and Helalt Hat and Cap Manufacturer. NO.m«A,N»r«r.eeiin6 ^ R. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Forwarding and Commission mbhchants. 4 CO**** MO*»O^KD(MA««T STRIKTS, Konaapw. ROBINSON &BRO^ DBAUR3 IN Kiosks Stationer j, ^Porlodlcnln, Notion*, Mhcft .tlnnic Kcvmpoperii, A., No. 4, Washington Hall, Monroe^0'.' CT-Br«Tttlacaw.laoarl :ung, va. L N. KELLER, DEALER IN & j? Groceries, Produce, Jefcf o;ij Grain .W^LLJWG, OTC4M p*id for Corn, U*U, "Mm Fe«J, riroeed, m. Batter. Eiro. Ac. aolS BUSINESS CARDS, DRUGGISTS. DRUGS, MEDiCINES, U . friend* and the public generally, that baring purcha¬ sed the lutcrest of the sfinior partner In the business lately conducted under the Una of J. CrnmbacUer A Son, be wiu continoa thQ«fcn* M the old »tand, No. 175 Main tt* and would kespectfully solicit, and trusts to merit a continuance of ib'e patronage so liberaQjr bestowed on the old firm. lie has just returned from the Eastern cities, and is now opening an extensire and well selected stock of Drugs and Chctotcalf, Perfumerj,Fancy articles, Ac., all ut which were purchased after strict personal Inspection and with scrupu¬ lous regard to the purity of quality, and are nowofffered to the public on the most reasonable terms. lyr A. C. QOOD <fc 00., [gccCESseM TO javf.s bakf.r.] Wholesale and Retail Druggists, SSte.; vl. A o. GOOD*CO;, h»re boujhtiht entire ttock of Ju. In their Use oftnilncn. A. 0. GOOD A CO. * dki o. *. ranuu... a. »t»w*a>um5I HEISKELL&. CO., Urulrra In nil lilnda of Fancy and (Staple Dxy Goods. Corner of Market and Union streets,threu doors from Geo. B* Wlclcham's Auction Room s, ««»M _ WHEELING. VA. W. & J. btbwaht; aAXvrACTvana or aix inrw or STOVKN, OBA1H, PI.OIJ«n IRORI, Cullap tor Tkrakiilg ITIarbinea, STEWART ~&~~CALD WELL, MAMVTACTVMXIIM OP COPPER, TIN, AND SHEET IRON WARE, urraa m> ofiheit num. WHEELING. VA. Wholesale Paper Warahoue MAIN ST., FEAR QUINCYST. LA MB DIN, QILBBRSON & CO., (HKMoif » A. o. *o»uno» A oo .Axnixnmi CO) l^'ASOTAOTtlM and keep constantly on hand the follow - STRAW W1IAPPINO, aotr wrapping, MAXILDA, tea and CANDLE PAPER. DBcconrrs, cotton pactory and hardware paper. Bonnet, Binders* and Fullers* Boards, To which they Invite the attention of purchasers. sepl4 c. p7~br'own, dealer in clocks, watches, jewel¬ ry AND FANCY GOODS, . 138, Hornbrooks Building, Din In HI , Wheeling. CLOCKS and WATCHEScartfiuy rtpaivtd. Oborqb b. wickham, AUCTIONEER AIM* COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 180 Market Sqnate, >B-dV___ WHEELING, VA. w. TAUJUIT. A. TALLANT. X~ a DRL1PLAIAN. TALLANT St DBLAPLAIW, FORM ABD1NO .A*P. ,C«. Commission Merchants, va. F- R. ARMSTRONG, ASKKT A1YO DKUEB II* [REAL ESTATE, Office corner of Main and Union streets. aurf7-lyd WHEELING, VA. s: D. HARPER &SON,i Wholesale and Retail Dealers In .. « . no orrt? A w r.noDS, « vi uulon, Wheelino.Va* T. SWEENEY & SON, (gnccmon n Strain * Bsu.) MAKOFAOTCEKHSO, FLINT GLASSWARE, China, Qaeentwsre, ¦.ampx, Giroudsln, Table Cntlrry. dc. . No 65, MAIN STREET, WhKEUNO.YA. JOHN H THOMPSON, DEALEK IK Boaks, Stationeryi Wall Paper, vARiECm Street. W. HBBUEN, HOUSE FURNISHING AND HOtfSE KEEPING 000D& gP|80 MQNROESM;r, Jonn n.. uotsiord. GROOERY^PROVISrON STOR Wfaeeilng, Va. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, [ronnwuLT kxcha*qk motel.] Corner «r I'enn and Ml, Clair street*, Pittsburgh, Pa. W. C. CONNELLY, Proprietor.' .' mayl! JOHN HOWELL, DBAI«EB IN BOOTS, SHOES. <f-c IVa. ITa.WninWl, XV MriKlUIII PORTRAIT PAINTER, Rooms, HORNBBOOK'S NKW B0ILDIN08, ' nrlO.If MAIK 8TBKKT. WAI**CLOVKE SEJtD TIMOTHY SOD. BUTTER,, A<M|io. S. I. BLOCH, Importer juufzftftler lD *°' N«. fl( Uurn ei. *pl8 tin WMBW.Va. i - v>«»/V \ BUSINESS CARDS. ARTIFICIAL TEiiTH. i i ' ncuiarcase. Full wtiofTeeth, or any parts of stif^nide with Artificial Qns». The Gara is made In one continuous or volld piece.the coat la the same for Teeth with or without Gums. Full seta of Teeth made from $79 to $100 a let; smalls seta from $8 to $S per tooth. febl:lyd COPPER, TIN 6c MUEET IRON WABE Manufactor y. THANKFUL for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, the subscriber would respect- fully Inform bit friends, and Uie public generally, that he continues to manufacture the above named articles tn all their variety, all of which he has al¬ ways on band, a good assortment for wholesale and retail at *80 aisokeepaon hand Cooking Btores of the most approv- terns, for coal and wood. 'Job Work will continue to receive his particular at- 1, and executed with promptness and In a style tli please the most f 1" I AM HARE, Plum me r ^nd Gas Fitter, ? [opposite rax xoeth-westeex banc,] lllala at., W b eeling, V a . QUSES fitted up with Water and Gas. Orders from the country for Pipes and Pumps attended to at short notice. j nv2:tf Eagle Forge, Wire and Iron Works, C. DEWEY, Proprietor, WAREHOUSE, NO 6Q MAIN STREET, Wheeling. Vn., MANUFACTURER of all sixes Bar and Fancy Iron, Rail Road Axles: heavy and light Forgings, Boiler Rivets, Wire, *u. ^"Rallroaa and Suspension Bridge iron work made to order. . ocll Wheeling O1 mg Savings Institution. OVnOB, 103 9IAIN XT. |FFICE open from 9 o'clpck.'a. m., until 8 p. m. Discount: - day.Thursday, 10 o'clock, a. m. I HT"Money received on transient deposlte. Interest paid on special depositee. ' J. Crcmracker, Alex. Roger?, Alex. Paxtox, A. N. Jons- aox, Daniel Stxxxboo, Jas. B. Marsh, Adam Fjtcueee a*d II. K- List.Dieectoes. M. NELSON, President. WM. MeCOY, Treasurer. augSl [ J. C. COLLINS, Grocery, Feed and Produce Store, 189 MnrketlV«xare, Wen side. WHEELING, VA. T7^EEP constantly on hand all kinds of Feed, such as Oats, JX Corn, Bran, Shorts, Ship Stuflfe, etc., Flour, Corn Meal, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Provisions, and Dried Fruit of all kinds, together with a complete assortment of Family Gro- ^T*Cash paid for corn, oats, Flaxseed, Dried Fruits, Sheep Skins, hides, butter, eggs and poultry. ap!2 ... GEO. W. ANDERSON\ FORWARDING AND Commission Eerohant. NO. 48, MAI* STREET, ' _ WHEELING, VA. tSTStrict attention paid to the sale and purchase of West* era and Southern Produce, and the shipment of all kinds of produce and merchandise. nv8 JOHN FISHER, WJTCLZSAl.il AJTJ> RETAIL BOOKS EXiXj ER, Stationer, Wall Paper Merchant, aid mm m T4R[g'tIll»ODS, NO. 1SS MAIN BTRKKT.jWHKKLINO, VA. pyPrench Goods, Porte-monnales,. Reticules, Buttons, I Combs, Brushes, Fans, Spectacles, English and German Goods, Ac. Goods Imported to order. The highest trad* price for Rags. mh20 w- COMMISSION MERCHANTS. XO 28 LKTEE, k 66 COMMERCIAL STREET, 6t. Louis, OIo., ORDERS for Lead, Hemp, Provisions, Flour, Grain, Ac., solicited and promptly executed. 1 .REFER TO. J. J. Axokrsox A Co., Bankers, St. Louis, 9Io. L. A. Bexoist A Co., 44 ' feb!4.ly V BN1TZAN BLINDS George Roberts, tftO) ITXaln at. /CONTINUES to manufacture to order (wholesale and re- tail) a heautiftil variety of 1 YENITIAN WINDOW BLIND8 of every color and sixe, and at Eastern prices. | These Blinds are superior to tverj other kind of Window | Blinds In use. BfCall and examine specimens. rv. B..Old Blinds repainted, and trimmed equal new. - nvl4 I. M. PUJM.PR1SY*. FORNVARDINO & COMMISSION! MERCHANT. XO. T8 MAIX BRSETT, OPPOSITE LMT A HOWELL'S, Wheeling, Va, REFER TO. List A Howell, Wheeling, Va, C. A B. Davenport, Rarnesrille, 0. Burt, Shafer A 8mith, Cambridge, 0. D. Applegate, Zanesville, Oi "Wee A Son, 8 ~ Price A Bon, Sftiithflehl, 0. O. A. Zane, Baltimore. a. u. vohuax. Jso.y auAmuur. Cr. R. IORDAN & CO. PAPKK MANUFACTURERS. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, ft*. TO Molts Ml. _ aplt_ WHEELING, VA. Removal. ON Tuesday, April 1, C; P. BROWS, haying remored from Waihlngton Hull, wKl open at I*.. . In Hombrook'a Building, one door above Mora. Marib * Taylor's, a beautlfal assortment of Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Articles, recently-selected by himself in the Eastern °'1 ACcall and examination of his stock by his former patrons and the public generally Is respectfully Invited. Wheeling, March 29.18M. Sundries. LBS. pure Qr*und Popper; 60 ' Alsplce; SO* pure ground cinnamon; 45 ' do elorea; £W ' do finger; 10 . do mm; So do*, pore pulverized mustard; Ja.tfr»h ground and 1 Melodcon building. Mala at. Sundries. | "I fk SACKS of BtoOoAe; 11U 3 tierces Rice; 8 bbls. Pulrerlaad Sugar; 6 " Crushed * S « Bolt Crushed Sugar; S Uads. ». O. Sugar; 10 tan Chocolate; too 1U». Race Ginger; SKSSm.c^. lO^bbb. * ** 85 boxes So. 1 Herring; 10 bb!». Prime Eaitern Herring; Just received andfor saleby ALEX. Tl RNER, f,M Melodeon Bulldlnss. Main M. rtrstsiirlag Slack. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Slo. &.c. NSW and srJendld" stoci-SaVuoeedlnt In beauty, ex¬ cellence, rariety and cheapoesa, any he haa heretofore kst.. To vtleh he respectfully tames the attention of the^pub- ^mvsRHl) gLasx_ uuutajxpixs' t VEW and beautiful article. Alio.an Inrolw of SilTer jusiopeue j Jfo. 58 Monroe street, JSSL ._ "****.*». SEED. TRANSPORT. Cincinnati, Wilmin'gton and Zanesville OPES THR( DIRECT BOUIB TO CINCINNATI Two Pnawngtr Trains I OK and after Monday> Hay 2&h, t (Sundays -. lc*re ivv -JWj Zaiitrevilie....... New" Lexington. ..v .9^ Lancaster...'..... ............KwW* Circleville .11:4ft Washington Wilmington.. 8:i4 Tr*<7 6:80 w Washington;;.. *:44 " 7.80 " 'JirclevUle, ...9:40 " MO " Lancaster... .V;..... 10*0 « 9:40 « New Lexington.............. 11:25 " 10:50 14 Arrive Zanesville. 12*0 P. M. lfcOO* " The 4;15 a, Jf. Train leaves Zanesyille on the arrival of the 4:50 Train on 0. 0. R. R. from "Wheeling, and arrives In Cin¬ cinnati at 5:04 p.m. The 8:00 p. m. Train leaves ZanesviUe on the arrival of the 11:45 a. M. Train on O. O. R. R. from Wheeling. This Road Is located through the most beautiful part of Ohio, passing through New Lexington, Lancaster, Circle- vlUe, Washington, Wilmington, Ac. all fine flourishing towns, and it has a beaotifnl line. There la a large portion of the road that Is air-line,-making it a desirable route. Nu attention will be spared on the part of the officer* of the Rood to make this a pleasant route for the traveling public Co patronise: Trains will atop at all intermediate stations, and connect at Morrow with trains for Dayton, Xenia, Springfield, Ac., and at Lpveland with trains for Hillsborough and Chilli- cothe. Lines of Stages and Packets make connections for all Im¬ portant points in Southern Ohio. G. W. HARRIS, Sup't. t3ST"The Omnibus Line calls at all the Hotels, and upon notice left with H. OrndorfF, two doors east of the 8tacey House, will call for passengera in any part of the city. myflQ.dtf v FRKIGHT DEPARTMENT. Cincinnati, Wilmington & Zanes¬ ville Railroad. "VfERCHANTS, manufacturers, and the public generally, lit are hereby respeclfnlly informed that the 0. w. A Z. R. R. Company is now prepared to receive and forward freight (from the temporary Station in Zanesville.. on 8econd street north of MainO to Cincinnati, Morrow, Wilmingtou, Wash¬ ington, Oirci^ville, Lancaster, New Lexington and interme¬ diate Stations. Particular attention will also be given tothe forwarding of Freight destined for the West in accordance with the wishes of consignors, whether by Railroad or the River from Cincinnati. Freight will be received and delivered during the winter months from 7 A. M. to 4P. M.; during the summer months from 7 A. M. to 5 P. M., and shippers favoring the Company ^rith their patronage, may rely upon the Company's Agents, giving every attention necessary to Insure the utmost promptitude and safety in the forwarding of property en¬ trusted to their care. For farther information sec the Freight Tarlif published by the Company, or apply to H. K. SMITH, General Freight Agent, ray 80dawtf_ Zanesville, Ohio. The Adams Express Company. OFFICE it'LUBE HOUSE, W&ULISO, VS. for ereDlngdrCTlei; C. POOP * 00. INSURANCE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENOEY, WHEELING, VA. TTOWARD FIRE AND MAKING INSUIIANXK :QO., OF DKLl'lllA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. rated br Aci of (fee I>rgUlmure of Penu»Tlranl«. XL PHlLADKlA-lllA- CUA.w'rl lucarparatfd o Pea u«y Iran la. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, AttUO.OUO) FULL AMOUNT 8UB80RIBRD. Invested us follow: Jlr*t Bonds and Mortgages on Proper* tyin the City or Philadelphia, .$185,090 Stocks worth'par,.... 22U,l00 Cash on hand, .1.... 51,190 -Amount seeured:by Stock Notes,. 190,000 Amount of Stock due on Cull,.... 1,710 THIS COMPANY EFFECTS INSURANCE ON Buildings, Merchandise, >Furniture, Lumber, &c., on Ves¬ sels, Cargo and Freight, to all Porta, and by Railroad, Lakes, apd Rivers, at the^owest Rates, and upon the most liberal Terasi guaranteeing Prompt Payment on the adjustment of * Office Union Hall Buildings, \Ve«| kido of Walii.;&t:, 2nd I door South of N.ffiBank. augO 1 Insure your Property. AND SA YJC YOUJl EARNINGS RY INSURING YOOR LIFE. Wm. T. Selby, Insurance Agent, i Will take Fire add Martne rUks in (heliKurAnoe Company of the -Valley of Virginia 1 Capital $300,000 all paid In, and Invested with surplus. WJILL also take application* for.Life Policies, in the ? V United States Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Com¬ pany of Philadelphia. Assets. .. ..... ....$541,408.42 Estimated Value of Annual Premium.. .. ...... 850,304.00 augU Office at Talltuit k Delaplain* Store Main 8t. THE uETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OP HARTFORD, CONN. INCORPOKATRD, MAY 1819. WITH A PERPETUAL CHARTER.CASH CAPITAL ALL PAID IN, 1 5 00-.0 0 0. kNE or the oldest and best Institutions in this country, I continues to take risks upon the moat favorable terms.1 Apply to E. B. 8WEARINGEN, Agent for Wheeling and vicinity. OFFICE.Union nail Building, Main street. Jul2.-dly [OFFICE NO. 4 WALL STREET, N. Y.] Cash Capital. ^.i ^. $747,972 44 Liabiutibs. .;..... ..$58,677 66 npHIB Company Is owned and managed by some of the X wealthiest and best merchants in the city of Ndtr York.. For particulars enquire of W. P. PETERSON, jnfe Agent for Wheeling and vicinity. ATHEN-ffiUM FIRE OFFICE, London. AUTMORIZKD CAPITAI. 0,000,000. Available Capital 81,284,300, YY ILL TAKE any and aU fair'Fire Risks at a reasonable I Losses are adjusted and promptly paid without reference to London. ' For further particulars enquire of WM. F. PETERSON, Agent for Wheeling and vicinity. OFFICE next door to the M. k M. Bank. mh8 Valley of Virginia FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Win. X.' Selby, Agent at Wheeling. OFFICE-at the store of TaRantft Delaplaln, Main street, 11 between Monroe and Quincy streets; are prepared to take Risks at customary rates on Goods in transitu. Steam¬ boats, Stores, Dwellings, Ac. 1 .REFERENCES. J. R. Baker, TaRaut &£Delaplaln, Thos. H. List, D. Lamb, Norton, Acheson k Co. G. Hardman, 8. Brady, S. 0. Baker k Co., » List k Howell, O. W. HeiskeU k Co., septl9 INSURANCE THE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COM¬ PANY OP WHEELING. 1 Incorporated 1881. TAKES risks at the lowest rates on Buildings of all kinds, 8teamboats, Furniture and Merchandise, and against all dangers attending the Transportation of Goods on rivers, seas, lakes, canals and railroads. DIRECTORS. R. Crangl®, S. Brady, Rob*t Morrison Sara'l Neel, Wm. Fleming, J. W. G1U, Dan'lLarab, RobfcPatterson, Sam). Ott. ROBT. CRANGLS, Preset. R. W. Hakdi.no, Sec*y. Applications for Iniurance will be promptly attended 1 to by the President and Secretary. Wheeling, Jan. 28.1858. COMMERCIAL college, COLUMBUS. Om The noil .Thorough and Practical XnalK iiou iu Che Went. TERMS: For Full Course, including all Department* of Book keejHtig, Lectures and Fenvuinship, invariably in advance $40 For Full Coursein Ladies Department..... 20 THE PROPRIETORS take great pleasure In expressing their thanks for the gratifying and unprecedented suc¬ cess which have marked the career of their Institution since its establishment at the Capital, and stimulates them to re¬ newed exertions to meet, in tfie most efficient manner, the rapidly Increasing demand for a practical and comproffen¬ sive course of mercantile training. The great practical experience of the Principal, In heavy Banking and Commer¬ cial Houses, assisted by educated and accomplished gentle¬ men has enabled him to bring to a degree of perfection a system of COUNTING ROOM Instruction, by oral exercises, NOT ATTAINED BY ANY OTHER INSTITUTION. Each student, by this new process, is drilled at the DESK, individ¬ ually, step by step, until he has mastered the whole routine of an Accountant's AuXXceasthoroughlif as though he futd served an apprenticeship in some, large -Commercial House; and thus all awkwardness; -faltering, and egregious blunders are, In a great measure, dissipated. In addition to our engagement or accomplished Assist-, ants, we. have also secured .the services :of some of the most eminent Lecturers in Ohio, to lecture on commercial Our course of Instruction is too extended to particularise here, but It embraces every thing connected with DOUBLE ENTRY, BOOK KEEPING, with free and full discussion of its Scientific Principles.Lectures upon Commercial History, and History of Eminent Commercial Men, Commerp$al Ge¬ ography, Commercial Products, Commercial Calculations, [ Political Economy, Mercantile Law, Ethics of Tradd, Part¬ nership, kc. THE LADIES' DEPARTMENT Is now opened for the reception ofLadles. No InaUtutlon In -the Union impart* ft more thorough or Interestingtoorse in this Department. \ i w In conclusion, we would add, that we shall put forth our best efforts to merit In a still more eminent degree, the flat¬ tering reception with which our enterprise has met, and tcr. pledge, ouraelres to impart a more thorough* practical court ofMercantile Ihetruction than can beformed, at any other eimilar Mercantile College. Among the many reccommcndatlons, we give the follow- "We, the nbderslgned, take pleasure In testify lug thst we are personally acquainted with Jlr. Granger's ability as an Accountant, and Teacher of Book Keeping, which is of the highest order. He has had great experience as an Ac¬ countant, In heaVy Commercial and Banking Houses, which PW *?r£*T. l°,lmp.rUor Baltimore COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. REMOVED to the iputeu New HALL, No. 101 Ji.lli- rter?ro7t£T£rt££hIS Wf*. JSI &. or kr Pupils TRANSPORTATION. GREAT NATIONAL ROOTB TO TITS SOUTH AXO WESTI Time, Money, and Dietariee Sated/ CENTRAL OHIO RAJL-RO-AaDl NEW ARRANG35MEN,T. Three Through Trains, Each Way Daily)! SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, Connecting on the East tilth the Baltimore tad Ohio Rail¬ road, Hempfleld Railroad and the Ohio River at Wheeling, and on the West with Railroads at Zaneirille, Newark. Mon- Northw"?. C°1UmbU* f°r *" I"rtl "" S°Uth W"'' "Ud 7hUm eanbT^Tahudat the office tn 1 noting, and Information as to every line and connection west of the Oblo River. PASSENGERS BOUND WEST can, by taking this route, »ave time, money and dtatanoe.: TRAINS LEAVE WHEELING FOR THE WEST AS FOLLOWS: Irt. Through Mall Train at SJ0.1.X. 1 Coianboj time. 2d. Express Train u 9.00 a. M. J Making Direct 'and sure connections for- Cincinnati, Vinesniies, St. Louie, Iowa City, Dubuyue, Dunlteth, Milwaukee, Chicago, Indianapolis, Rock Inland, Alton, Galena, La Salle, St Pauls, Min Terre Haute, Lexington, Ey. Louieritle. Peoria, Springfield^ HL Burling ton, CouiicilBluffi. AND ALL PARTS OF THE WEST. Tickets to kOleVeland. Time quicker than by any other route. -v..- 8d. Accommodation Train at 3.00 p.. m. Omnibus leaves Office In Wheeling for Bell-Air via Suspension Bridge at 8 p. m. Returning this .Train Jeeves Zanesvllle at 8.45 A. k. andarrives at Bell-Air at 9.80 a. v. OmnibusFaretoBeli- 25 cents each way. Apply at ticket office. Two Daily Trains From the West Conncct at Wheeling with the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-Road for all parts of the East and Seaboard. &TThQ Omnibus calls for Pasaeugcra at all the Hotels; and, by (earing directions at this Office, will call at any part of the clty;r GENERAL TICKET OKFIOE, One Door South o/th'e Spring Home' Wheeling. THATCHER PEHKINg, Bop't. W. D. TEItltV, General Pauenger Agent, Wheeling. J: W. BROWN, General Ticket Agent, ColumlMia, May8 Virginia Central Railroad. ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. Great Northern and Southern Mail Route. FOR NORTHERN, SOUTHERN AND] WESTERN TRAVELERS. Twice Daii.t;- (Sunday night excepted,) between Rich¬ mond and Washington City via Qordonsville and Alex¬ andria. Hoars of departure at' Rich¬ mond 6:46 A. M. and T^O P. M. Returning leave Washington.. .6 A. M. and 4 P. M. and Arrive at Richmond......;...1:80P. M. and 4 A; M. Baggage checks and tickets, given through between Rich" mond and Washington. THESE TWO RAILROADS HAVING NO STRAP RAIL* and being In excellent order, and CARRYING THE GREAT NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN MAIL,, give the best guar, antee of always securing connections/as is shown by arri¬ val dally at Richmond aOd Washington city in advance of tho Steamboat line. Faaa JutTWsss Richmoxd and Wabhixotox f5,60 An Omnibus will be found always ready-to take through passengers and their baggage of wearing apparel, between the two Depots, free of charge, with atdple time for them to take their meals, whether going North or 8ontb. Through Tickets can be obtained between Danville and Washington at the Terminus of the Road, now nearly com¬ pleted-to DanVille. An Agent of the Company* will receive the Ghecks of passengers from the Danville Road, and at¬ tend to their baggage all the Way to Washington or.the Bal¬ timore Depot. The fare the same by the mall line as by the old steamboat route. There Is no change of cars cn the night line,between Rich¬ mond and Alexandria. fel Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark RAILS O ,A.H> Change of Time. ON and after Tuesday, Aug. 7, I860, uhtU farther notice, Traiu» Tillbt>nw ai follows, (Saturdays excepted:) GOING SOUTH. MA III EXP. EXPRESS. Leave Sandusky,...11*20 A.M. 6*20 P. M. Huron June.....11*40 6*40 .*! Monroeville, 12*06P. M. 7*10 » Centrevllle, ,12*86 41 7*65 " Plymouth,. 71-00 8*16 »» Shelby June ..1*20 " 8*40 » Mansfield June 1*45 » ar. 9.10 .. .. 'le. 6 00 A.M. Frederick, .......^..;.;3«27P.fcL T*40 .. Bit. Vernon 8*42 » 8*00 » Utlca Vt3 « 8*85" Reach Newark .4*40 " 9.10 » going"north. axAIL KXP. RXPBkSS. Leave Newark,.......9*20 A. M. 4*00 P. M. Utlca, 9*48 " 4*82 " Mt. Vernon, 10-80 " 6 06 M Frederick,.......*.,...............10*48 " 6*20 .. Mansfield June..... 12:00 it 6?87. " . Shelby June 12*25 P. M. 7*07 «.v, Plymouth,.. 1*00 " 7*80 " CentrevlUe, ........».j....l-25 H 7*50 MonroeviUs, 2*02 " 8*25 " Huron June 2*22 " 8*46 » Reach Sandusky... v.. ;w......2'46 ** 9-06 .. sals ENCOURAGE AMERICAN (mANUFACTURIwL» BVTLKK'A JBOO Writing I gINCE thli superior Fluid Inkl luid. mm "Vi'-Tr.V: a been before the public, Yo°M££m-- ' ona pint *.«- pan: been Rll * -SHf now nearly two yprs.lt has <b favor, and to now preferred by maf] ooMKuid. Puring the p#at jr#r twenty tbon tles.together with smaller sixes Ihna to banker* and merchants In Cincinnati, I bnrgh, Buffalo; Cleveland, Detroit, Tcrrc E -Vincenn&.j2ndIanapoiIs, Evansvllle, Frankfort, I Nashville, Memphis, St. Louis, Vlcksburg, Jackson, NtUhcs and New Orleans. It has also-been:adopted in the 8tate De¬ partments of Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. It has taken three first closaDlplomaaat theMechanics lnlrtltutca of .CincinnatiandLouisville, and four Diplomas and Prlxe Me- data st State Fslrs held last FaB In New York, Ohio, Indiana !«.. .n h«t. tofore uainp Arnold's English Ink, have purchased J. J. But- Merchtnu- k Mechanic- follows: Rio Coffee, lU>astcd Coffee, Ground 44 Extract " i .J*ya, " Imperial Tea^ Vounp Hyson Tea, G Powder ^ " Oolong 4i Breakfast " Rice,. .' English Split Peas, Rice Flour, Bvdlnn, Corn Starch, VunlUa Chocolate, Cocoa, a Vermlcells, Prunes, Fresh Tomatoes, Fresh Straw berries; /Fresh Peaches, Preserved Ginger, Lemon Syrup, No. I Mackerel, bbls Jb kits. Strawberry Irish 8almonv Potomac'Herring, Scotch 44 Cucumber Pickles, Mixed Walnut Catsup, f Tomato *4 Worcestershire Sauce, American Mustard, French , " " IUapb«rry ^ A general assortm't of spices, essences and oils. Filberts'and Citrons,. Falkirk k Harvey's Scotch Ale, Fine Cigars," *V Johnson's fine Lump Chawing Tobacco, , Maccaroni. {3F""The above stock has been carefully selected In tha Eastern markets, and we Invite our friends and the pf$lte to call and examine, as -we are prepared to sell at the lowest market prices. .. ;> .^HIOK S opened Tins' i'irFiaS^SfW£iT't& 1 nut and Roiewood Bnlsh, and for brilliancy of new ityl., with full an* half swell, of fine Roaewood finish, and at thelowea£Bnffalo prices; with a general stock of Martin's celebrated Guitars, Italian, French and German Violins, Vlollncellos, Flutes, Fifes, Banjos, Tamborlnes, Tuning Strings, with all other articles In the music ral asscrtment of Variety Goods, Wholesale and retail at the old Music and Variety Store, "^ P'!°n"rM'- JAS. Mn.LOB. LAJJliiS & UJJNTLliAliili.TAKK JiOXiUi I FINE PERFUMERIES. TXTE have Just received a large assortment of cboioe V T Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, comprising: Pomatums; French and American Hair Ollaj Lubln's Extracta for the Handkerchief; Basin's M 90 varieties; Oriental Drops; "Od^ure".new and rich styles; 8UtfPom*tumi; Cosmetic Creams and Powders; Tooth Pastes; ToUet Waters; Imported Colognes; Aromatic Vinegar; Attar of Roses.rich stylos; Milk of Noses; Toilet Soaps.a great variety. For sale by T. H. LOGAN k Co. myl4 Bridge Corner Druggists. DRUGS AND, MEDICINES. FUNDENBEKO & ROBERTS, NO. 1, WASHINGTON HALt, Wheeling, Va. XT7"0DLD respectfully Inform the public that they are now VI replenishing their, stock with a complete assortment of ¦{.'ill U Congress Water. Fenafed TtactiJiark,Sims! manufacture. Cod Liver Oil, Baker's manufacture. Chloroform, Sulphuric Ether. Collodeon.a very superior article. i Arsenltc of Quinine; Brucia. Fine Extracts for Flavoring purposes. '*? Dandelion Coffee, Wilson's. Wines and Brandies for mcdical use. ko.t da, Aa, my!4 llalv, TMtkaMd NAII B^alliei. npH* richest assortment in Wheeling. JL "What-Not" Dusters; Mosquito Fans; Fancy Pungents and Match Safes; Porte Monnales; Combs.all varieties; India Rubber Goods; - ; With a complete assortment of Druggists Fancy Articles. For sale by T. H, LOOAN fit CO., vmyli Prldg^l^r^DnnHata. JtARK CHANCE FOE BARGAINS!! I SAVINGS BANK STORE . FOR SAI.K. qpHE proprietor of the Savings Bank Store, corner of Mar- X ket and Monroe ats., Wheeling, Va., wishing to change hla occupation, and It -being necessary to dose his business during the present year, offers hla entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Hata, Caps, ftc. at wholesale, on favorable terms, and will continue to sell at retail (ir not otherwise disposed of) the best bargains in the city. I have just received a flue assortment Of Summer Hafr, ladle? .nrf »nll tthnv* anrf HilUra ami #miM »«nu>«Mil1.. say t sold, ladict and gents Shoes and Gaiterr, and would respectfully o all those dlBposed to patronise me, my Goods must bo >m,aad will be sold regardless of profit. Come one andall.youshall have value for your money. I have many Goods.I will sell at cost. mv9P B. H. WATWOW. WINDSOR MANUFAC- rrtHE subscriber continues to manufacture Chairs, Settees JL Sociable Arm Rockers, Children's Chairs, Ac., of the most modern styles and Improved patterns, all of which be will warrant to givo aattafaetlon. apT NotmM^ln street. /7VUB. stock is now full, and it is our intention to keep Itve- U ry complete, by connUnt additions, throughout the .wholeseason. -;>v < HE1SKELL k 5WEARINGKN. , B Co-Partnership.1 WAI,U" T B; MARSH bu this day associated With lilmM.T. Wi 8rasmffi352ffifc; l°^°rc'u^ aM door* gm Jgly let, 16bs. Jg«0 omi -d «-. =*=* dcitft L N. KELLER. Quincv «. 1.Complete sets of thc Work, JOHN B. clover Md timothy feeds. Also on batter (solid pickled) an eggs. gill 4 CO. t* ¦"=" DOANISJk COWOU.L. BAKDOTT?*g WORM SUGAR DROPS, \ pltSthiiT .'.-.id tiiicadotti rcmedr for Worms In chil'Iret A. fut up in the form of fine candy, avoiding the disagree ¦Uic teste of Vermifuge generally. Price 25 cts per box. foundry l'IO IROM. -A IO»BLon.n'"* ^,o?«5Hg§S W*""*DAI8, whkarTvk. BARRET, ot^t , *or which the blgheet market price will be '

Transcript of Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1856 ... ·...

Page 1: Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1856 ... · itadcou.i*rZT.eci:dNoticesdunged930per square, perannum, forAntequare,andthe same raleof disco tintthereon for a

jfiXG ac


©I)C Reeling SiiteUigcncer,13 ITBLISHED


B EATTY <fc CO.OFFICE.Corner of Main and Quincy streets!

.Entrance from Quincy stTEKMS.

DaILT, fV$0,00

M-Wmu, jxt UjuOW«BlT,p«T*nnua $1,00


for one tqoMe 1 lu rtlon . 70.. « ¦; -C 1,00" » u * 1.S8


10,00annum !!!""i!ioo,oo

For 1 eolumr(ouUMe)olKjrear 100,00.. X " *M»

..a" » 40,00Fifty per ccltf. on tbe nhore tor the lualde.

tari'crwnal CeminunlealiMU cl«rj«l at $1,00 per than-itadcou.

i*rZT.eci:d Notices dunged 930 per square, per annum,for Ant equare, and the same rale of discotint thereon for a

greater number <>f square* as under the general head,and 10 jcents a 11ns for iln*ltf insertion.

Business Advertisements, with monthly change, onenqnarel jrear. $23,00

0am . with weekly change.... .80,00NoticeofDeaths Inserted gratuitously, but Funeral

Noticecharged 80MarriageNotice charged 00Nominations, charged for each candidate fora sep¬arate office, inserted for one month or less, In ad*Vance.......................................... 2,00

Religious notices inserted for half price.


RUSSELL & FITZHUGH,Attorney, mud Csun.elloa. at IjlW,

ofjticxNo. CP, Uanuw mm,Wheeling, Va.


ET^ATTENDd tbe Courts of Ohio, Marshall, Brooke andHancock counties.OfFICE-onQufncyirctttJntabOTeMata. feT

o. K.TMAW, 1 J '. rf tcrna,Jsckson C. II., Va.J ] Parkersburg, Ya.

Thaw & Turner,.rs AT LAW.

i all business entrusted to them, Jackson, Ritchie, Gilmer and

Pleasant*.Particular attention given to collections.

.REFER TO.PHILADELPHIA..lion. George Sharewood ; Ron. Joel

Jones, lion. Chas. Gilpin, Messrs. Lee kWalker.

BALTIMORE.Messrs. Neale k Luckett, Messrs. Penn kMitchell.

WHEELING.Mr*»r». Z.8.U. J. Yarnall, Thomas John-ton,Jr. oc20:ly


Bonicoopathlo Physician,HAS removed bis office and residence, and permanently jlocated himself at the corner of Foorth and Quinces* streets,fceiow the first Presbyterian Church j

Orricc Hocus:.Morning, from 7 to 9Noon, " 1 " 8Kvrulnrs, M 7 9

BILL OP PRICES..Fora single visit, 73centr, medicine,23 cents. For two or more visits a day, 50 cents; medldde,29 casts. Advice aft office, and medicine, from 26 to 50 cts,andnpwerdsr as the easemay be.

Obstetric cases from $5tofl0.Visitsto the country, according to distance.Tbe above "Bill or Prices'* is given because it if said my

charges are mueh higher. my &-lyd~TJ. W. WHEAT,


FFICK.at residence on Market street, opposite the Post-Office. ffcl9_

Medical.DR. D. C. CRACRAFT tenders his professional services

to the citisen* or Sooth Wheeling and vicinity.OFFICE directly west of Kenetft's Hotel. ' mrS:3m

E.VARNEY.jfaycfa vtursr or |

I'OPPKH, TIN * SlIL'trr IROIt lVARE,So. t) JVain tuarOu Crtti Rriilge,1


Lambdin, Bonham & Co.viBuiniA. ndriii»«),& rucENixl

PA^u^%Ls- 1ManufacturePrinting and Wrapping Paper,Candle Paper,

Cotton Yarn Paper, Steam Boat Paper,Bonnet Boards, Fullers*

Boards. Ac.


,B *11 Wads of iforeisn nnd'Domestlc-v., ?^^?pE%ssr,


J .Wholesale dealer in Groceries,!foreign and Domatie Winei and Lijuort,So. U1 IVminil MiHin SQo.lt*,

WUKKL1MI, VA.a. M'niiin. £ m'claueh.j*. o.b.uox[M'CLALLENS & KNOX,O ktltnlc A licinil dealer. In all km«l"

Boots, Shoes, Leather, eto.A'o. 1M, Jfain Ur"'^.UKUJNG, VA.

WM. Id. BERRYHILL,Cheap Furnishing Ware rooms,

151 MaimtU.t.W 11 tKLING, VA.

ALL hinds of Vurnilure, Including CHAIRS, SOFAS,0LOCKS, LOOKING QLASSES, Ac., Ac., «r i. Iital

.V>UaaM bqt quallUM, k«pt roniunllj onhanpatrcdncedWK^i. illy«. W. SHOOK L. SXJLL .....A.VAH BmbUUSS#OBXTOK, Mill, * SH IiAipnUK.V,


N«. 11 M»lk»«ilrtll.j-iuladelpuia.

W. F. Peterson,MBE,MARm^JglNSUE-CENo- »1 Moaaoa i[»kt, Wheiijso, Va.

_TcsI^^ij^an^jbry.BEHGERiHOFFMAN,XAicrACTCkKu or --.WfrXi e

Every degoription of Leather,«or» Boom If,. 1J0, onur Market all<y and JTatn *«*,

WHtaLWO, VA.¦ Flndiafa of all kind* oa bind, and (old at rerJ

J. TURTON,II|I nnd Ornamental Palater,las Mini, umn Mux*u* axo Oroa in.

WUKXL1SO, VA.,,i.w^«aa, Burnet* UD Ran, transparent, Plain and Can-

',tthlS&Ud W1U> "**"**. "d dtopalch, Qr^laliif, *c.

MaaafactariVu4M«9hllU^i(Tobaooo, Snuff and Cigars,

Wholesale and Retail.>'aiujrifaiM;«u< n<U, a door* Mew iTarUt allty,_____ WUEUIKO, VA.



&aA?ERY,WLoleaule and Helalt

Hat and Cap Manufacturer.NO.m«A,N»r«r.eeiin6 ^


Forwarding and Commissionmbhchants.



Kiosks Stationerj, ^Porlodlcnln, Notion*,Mhcft .tlnnic Kcvmpoperii, A.,No. 4, Washington Hall, Monroe^0'.'CT-Br«Tttlacaw.laoarl :ung, va.

L N. KELLER,DEALER IN & j?Groceries, Produce, Jefcf o;ij Grain

.W^LLJWG,OTC4M p*id for Corn, U*U, "Mm Fe«J, riroeed,m. Batter. Eiro. Ac. aolS


DRUGS, MEDiCINES,U . friend* and the public generally, that baring purcha¬sed the lutcrest of the sfinior partner In the business latelyconducted under the Una of J. CrnmbacUer A Son, be wiucontinoa thQ«fcn*M the old »tand, No. 175 Main tt* andwould kespectfully solicit, and trusts to merit a continuanceof ib'epatronage so liberaQjr bestowed on the old firm.

lie has just returned from the Eastern cities, and is nowopening an extensire and well selected stock of Drugs andChctotcalf, Perfumerj,Fancy articles, Ac., all ut which werepurchased after strict personal Inspection and with scrupu¬lous regard to the purity of quality, and are nowofffered tothe public on the most reasonable terms. lyr

A. C. QOOD <fc 00.,[gccCESseM TO javf.s bakf.r.]

Wholesale and Retail Druggists,SSte.;vl.

A o. GOOD*CO;, h»re boujhtiht entire ttock of Ju.

In their Use oftnilncn.A. 0. GOOD A CO.* dki

o. *. ranuu... a. »t»w*a>um5IHEISKELL&. CO.,

Urulrra In nil lilnda ofFancy and (Staple Dxy Goods.

Corner of Market and Union streets,threu doors from Geo.B* Wlclcham's Auction Room s,


WHEELING. VA.W. & J. btbwaht;

aAXvrACTvana or aix inrw orSTOVKN, OBA1H, PI.OIJ«n IRORI,

Cullap tor Tkrakiilg ITIarbinea,


COPPER, TIN, AND SHEET IRON WARE,urraa m> ofiheit num.

WHEELING. VA.Wholesale Paper Warahoue


(HKMoif» A. o. *o»uno» A oo .Axnixnmi CO)l^'ASOTAOTtlMand keep constantly on hand the follow -

STRAW W1IAPPINO,aotr wrapping,


DBcconrrs, cotton pactory and hardware paper.

Bonnet, Binders* and Fullers* Boards,To which they Invite the attention of purchasers. sepl4

c. p7~br'own,dealer in clocks, watches, jewel¬

ryAND FANCY GOODS,. 138, Hornbrooks Building,

Din In HI , Wheeling.CLOCKS and WATCHEScartfiuy rtpaivtd.

Oborqb b. wickham,AUCTIONEER


No. 180 Market Sqnate,>B-dV___ WHEELING, VA.w. TAUJUIT. A. TALLANT.



Commission Merchants,va.


[REAL ESTATE,Office corner ofMain and Union streets.

aurf7-lyd WHEELING, VA.

s: D. HARPER &SON,iWholesale and Retail Dealers In

.. « . no orrt? Aw r.noDS,« vi uulon,Wheelino.Va*

T. SWEENEY & SON,(gnccmonn Strain* Bsu.)


China, Qaeentwsre, ¦.ampx, Giroudsln,Table Cntlrry. dc. .



Boaks, Stationeryi Wall Paper,vARiECm Street.



Jonn n.. uotsiord.GROOERY^PROVISrONSTORWfaeeilng, Va.

ST. CLAIR HOTEL,[ronnwuLT kxcha*qk motel.]

Corner «r I'enn and Ml, Clair street*,

Pittsburgh, Pa.W. C. CONNELLY, Proprietor.'

.' mayl!


BOOTS, SHOES. <f-cIVa. ITa.WninWl,





S. I. BLOCH,Importer juufzftftler

lD *°'

N«. fl( Uurn ei.


i - v>«»/V \


i i ' ncuiarcase. Full wtiofTeeth, or any partsof stif^nide with Artificial Qns». The Gara is made In onecontinuousorvolld piece.the coat la the same for Teeth withor without Gums.

Full seta of Teeth made from $79 to $100 a let; smalls setafrom $8 to $S per tooth. febl:lydCOPPER, TIN 6c MUEET IRON WABE

Manufactory.THANKFUL for the liberal patronage heretofore

bestowed upon him, the subscriber would respect-fully Inform bit friends, and Uie public generally,that he continues to manufacture the abovenamedarticles tn all their variety, all of which he has al¬

ways on band, a good assortment for wholesale and retail at

*80 aisokeepaon hand Cooking Btores of themost approv-terns, for coal and wood.'Job Work will continue to receive his particular at-1,and b« executed with promptness and In a style tli

please the most f 1"

IAM HARE,Plummer ^nd Gas Fitter,

? [opposite rax xoeth-westeex banc,]lllala at.,

Wb eeling, V a .

QUSES fitted up with Water and Gas. Ordersfrom the country for Pipes and Pumps attended to at shortnotice. jnv2:tf

Eagle Forge, Wire and Iron Works,E» C. DEWEY, Proprietor,


MANUFACTURER of all sixes Bar and Fancy Iron, RailRoad Axles: heavy and light Forgings, Boiler Rivets,

Wire, *u.^"Rallroaa and Suspension Bridge iron work made to

order. . ocll


mg Savings Institution.OVnOB, 103 9IAIN XT.

|FFICE open from 9 o'clpck.'a. m., until 8 p. m. Discount:- day.Thursday, 10 o'clock, a. m. IHT"Money received on transient deposlte. Interest paid

on special depositee. '

J. Crcmracker, Alex. Roger?, Alex. Paxtox, A. N. Jons-aox, Daniel Stxxxboo, Jas. B. Marsh,Adam Fjtcueeea*d II.K- List.Dieectoes.

M. NELSON, President.WM. MeCOY, Treasurer. augSl [

J. C. COLLINS,Grocery, Feed and Produce Store,

189 MnrketlV«xare, Wen side.WHEELING, VA.

T7^EEP constantly on hand all kinds of Feed, such as Oats,JX Corn, Bran, Shorts, Ship Stuflfe, etc., Flour, Corn Meal,Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Provisions, and Dried Fruit of allkinds, together with a complete assortment of Family Gro-

^T*Cash paid for corn, oats, Flaxseed, Dried Fruits,Sheep Skins,hides, butter, eggs and poultry. ap!2


FORWARDING ANDCommission Eerohant.



tSTStrictattention paid to the saleand purchase of West*era and Southern Produce, and the shipment of all kinds ofproduce and merchandise. nv8


BOOKS EXiXjER,Stationer, Wall Paper Merchant,

aidmm mT4R[g'tIll»ODS,

NO. 1SS MAIN BTRKKT.jWHKKLINO, VA.pyPrench Goods, Porte-monnales,. Reticules, Buttons, I

Combs, Brushes, Fans, Spectacles, English and GermanGoods, Ac.Goods Imported to order. The highest trad* price forRags. mh20


XO 28 LKTEE, k 66 COMMERCIAL STREET,6t. Louis, OIo.,

ORDERS for Lead, Hemp, Provisions, Flour, Grain, Ac.,solicited and promptly executed. 1

.REFER TO.J. J. Axokrsox A Co., Bankers, St. Louis, 9Io.L. A. Bexoist A Co., 44'


George Roberts,tftO) ITXaln at.

/CONTINUES to manufacture to order (wholesale and re-

tail) a heautiftil variety of 1

YENITIAN WINDOW BLIND8of every color and sixe, and at Eastern prices. |

These Blinds are superior to tverj other kind of Window |Blinds In use.BfCall and examine specimens.rv. B..Old Blinds repainted, and trimmed equal

new. - nvl4



Wheeling, Va,REFER TO.

List A Howell, Wheeling, Va,C. A B. Davenport, Rarnesrille, 0.Burt, Shafer A 8mith, Cambridge, 0.D. Applegate, Zanesville, Oi"Wee A Son, 8 ~Price A Bon, Sftiithflehl, 0.O. A. Zane, Baltimore.

a. u. vohuax. Jso.y auAmuur.





Removal.ON Tuesday, April 1, C; P. BROWS, haying remored

from Waihlngton Hull, wKl open atI*.. .

In Hombrook'a Building, one door above Mora. Marib *Taylor's, a beautlfal assortment of Watches, Jewelry and

FancyArticles,recently-selected by himself in the Eastern°'1 ACcall and examination of his stock by his former patronsand the public generally Is respectfully Invited.Wheeling, March29.18M.

Sundries.LBS. pure Qr*und Popper;60 ' Alsplce;SO* pure ground cinnamon;45 ' do elorea;£W ' do finger;10 . do mm;So do*, pore pulverized mustard;

Ja.tfr»h ground and1 Melodcon building. Mala at.

Sundries.| "I fk SACKS of BtoOoAe;11U 3 tierces Rice;

8 bbls. Pulrerlaad Sugar;6 " Crushed *

S « Bolt Crushed Sugar;S Uads. ». O. Sugar;10 tan Chocolate;too 1U». Race Ginger;

SKSSm.c^.lO^bbb. * **

85 boxes So. 1 Herring;10 bb!». Prime Eaitern Herring;

Just received andforsalebyALEX. Tl RNER,

f,M Melodeon Bulldlnss. Main M.rtrstsiirlag Slack.

Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,Slo. &.c.

NSW and srJendld" stoci-SaVuoeedlnt In beauty, ex¬cellence, rariety and cheapoesa, any he haa heretofore

kst..To vtleh he respectfully tames the attention of the^pub-^mvsRHl) gLasx_ uuutajxpixs't VEW and beautiful article. Alio.an Inrolw of SilTer

jusiopeue j Jfo. 58 Monroe street,JSSL ._


TRANSPORT.Cincinnati, Wilmin'gton and



OK and after Monday> Hay 2&h, t(Sundays

-. lc*re ivv -JWjZaiitrevilie.......New" Lexington. ..v .9^Lancaster...'..... ............KwW*Circleville .11:4ftWashington

Wilmington.. 8:i4 Tr*<7 6:80 w

Washington;;.. *:44 " 7.80 "

'JirclevUle, ...9:40 " MO "

Lancaster... .V;..... 10*0 « 9:40 «

New Lexington..............11:25 " 10:50 14

Arrive Zanesville. 12*0 P. M. lfcOO* "

The 4;15 a, Jf. Train leaves Zanesyille on the arrival of the4:50 Train on 0. 0. R. R. from "Wheeling, and arrives In Cin¬cinnati at 5:04 p.m.The 8:00 p. m. Train leaves ZanesviUe on the arrival of the

11:45 a. M. Train on O. O. R. R. from Wheeling.This Road Is located through the most beautiful part of

Ohio, passing through New Lexington, Lancaster, Circle-vlUe, Washington, Wilmington, Ac. all fine flourishing towns,and it has a beaotifnl line. There la a large portion of theroad that Is air-line,-making it a desirable route.Nu attention will be spared on the part of the officer* of

the Rood to make this a pleasant route for the travelingpublic Co patronise:Trains will atop at all intermediate stations, and connect

at Morrow with trains for Dayton, Xenia, Springfield, Ac.,and at Lpveland with trains for Hillsborough and Chilli-cothe.Lines of Stages and Packets make connections for all Im¬

portant points in Southern Ohio.G. W. HARRIS, Sup't.

t3ST"The Omnibus Line calls at all the Hotels, and uponnotice left with H. OrndorfF, two doors east of the 8taceyHouse, will call for passengera in any part of the city.myflQ.dtf v


Cincinnati, Wilmington& Zanes¬ville Railroad.

"VfERCHANTS, manufacturers, and the public generally,lit are hereby respeclfnlly informed that the 0. w. A Z. R.R. Company is now prepared to receive and forward freight(from the temporary Station in Zanesville.. on 8econd streetnorth of MainO to Cincinnati, Morrow, Wilmingtou, Wash¬ington, Oirci^ville, Lancaster, New Lexington and interme¬diate Stations. Particular attention will also be given totheforwarding of Freight destined for the West in accordancewith the wishes of consignors, whether by Railroad or theRiver from Cincinnati.Freight will be received and delivered during the winter

months from 7 A. M. to 4P. M.; during the summer monthsfrom 7 A. M. to 5 P. M., and shippers favoring the Company^rith their patronage, may rely upon the Company's Agents,giving every attention necessary to Insure the utmostpromptitude and safety in the forwarding of property en¬trusted to their care.For farther information sec the Freight Tarlif published by

the Company, or apply toH. K. SMITH,

General Freight Agent,ray80dawtf_ Zanesville, Ohio.

The Adams Express Company.OFFICE it'LUBE HOUSE, W&ULISO, VS.

for ereDlngdrCTlei;

C. POOP * 00.





XL PHlLADKlA-lllA-CUA.w'rl




AMOUNT 8UB80RIBRD.Invested us follow:

Jlr*t Bonds and Mortgages on Proper*tyin the City or Philadelphia, .$185,090

Stocks worth'par,.... 22U,l00Cash on hand, .1.... 51,190-Amount seeured:by Stock Notes,. 190,000Amount of Stockdue on Cull,.... 1,710

THIS COMPANY EFFECTS INSURANCE ONBuildings, Merchandise, >Furniture, Lumber, &c., on Ves¬

sels, Cargo and Freight, to all Porta, and by Railroad, Lakes,apd Rivers, at the^owest Rates, and upon the most liberalTerasi guaranteeing PromptPayment on the adjustment of*

Office Union Hall Buildings, \Ve«| kido of Walii.;&t:, 2nd Idoor South of N.ffiBank. augO 1


YOOR LIFE.Wm. T. Selby, Insurance Agent, i

Will take Fire add Martne rUks in (heliKurAnoe Companyof the -Valley of Virginia 1

Capital $300,000all paid In, and Invested with surplus.WJILL also take application* for.Life Policies, in the? V United States Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Com¬

pany of Philadelphia.Assets. .. ..... ....$541,408.42Estimated Value of Annual Premium.. .. ...... 850,304.00augU Office at Talltuit k Delaplain* Store Main 8t.




5 00-.0 0 0.kNE or the oldest and best Institutions in this country, Icontinues to take risks upon the moat favorable terms.1

Apply toE. B. 8WEARINGEN, Agent

for Wheeling and vicinity.OFFICE.Union nail Building, Main street.


[OFFICE NO. 4 WALL STREET, N. Y.]Cash Capital. ^.i ^. $747,972 44Liabiutibs. .;..... ..$58,677 66

npHIB Company Is owned and managed by some of theX wealthiest and best merchants in the city ofNdtrYork..For particulars enquire of W. P. PETERSON,

jnfe Agent for Wheeling and vicinity.ATHEN-ffiUM FIRE OFFICE,

London.AUTMORIZKD CAPITAI. 0,000,000.

Available Capital 81,284,300,

YY ILL TAKE any and aU fair'Fire Risks at a reasonable ILosses are adjusted and promptly paid without reference

to London. '

For further particulars enquire ofWM. F. PETERSON, Agent

for Wheeling and vicinity.OFFICE next door to the M. k M. Bank. mh8


Win. X.' Selby, Agent at Wheeling.

OFFICE-at the store of TaRantft Delaplaln, Main street, 11between Monroe and Quincy streets; are prepared to

take Risks at customary rates on Goods in transitu. Steam¬boats,Stores, Dwellings, Ac. 1

.REFERENCES.J. R. Baker, TaRaut &£Delaplaln,Thos. H. List, D. Lamb,Norton, Acheson k Co. G. Hardman,8. Brady, S. 0. Bakerk Co.,

» List k Howell, O. W. HeiskeU k Co.,septl9



Incorporated 1881.

TAKES risks at the lowest rates on Buildings of all kinds,8teamboats,Furniture and Merchandise, and against all

dangers attending the Transportation of Goods on rivers,seas, lakes, canals and railroads.

DIRECTORS.R. Crangl®, S. Brady, Rob*t MorrisonSara'l Neel, Wm. Fleming, J. W. G1U,Dan'lLarab, RobfcPatterson, Sam). Ott.

ROBT. CRANGLS, Preset.R. W. Hakdi.no, Sec*y.

Applications for Iniurance will be promptly attended 1to by the President and Secretary.Wheeling,Jan. 28.1858.


The noil .Thorough and Practical XnalKiiou iu Che Went.

TERMS:For Full Course, including all Department* of BookkeejHtig, Lectures and Fenvuinship, invariably inadvance $40

For Full Coursein Ladies Department..... 20

THE PROPRIETORS take great pleasure In expressingtheir thanks for the gratifying and unprecedented suc¬

cess which have marked the career of their Institution sinceits establishment at the Capital, and stimulates them to re¬newed exertions to meet, in tfie most efficient manner, therapidly Increasing demand for apractical and comproffen¬sive course of mercantile training. The great practicalexperience of the Principal, In heavy Banking and Commer¬cial Houses, assisted by educated and accomplished gentle¬men has enabled him to bring to a degree of perfection asystem of COUNTING ROOM Instruction, by oral exercises,NOT ATTAINED BY ANY OTHER INSTITUTION. Eachstudent, by this new process, is drilled at theDESK,individ¬ually, stepby step, until he has mastered the whole routineof an Accountant's AuXXceasthoroughlif as though he futdserved an apprenticeship in some, large -CommercialHouse; and thus all awkwardness; -faltering, and egregiousblunders are, In a great measure, dissipated.In addition to our engagement or accomplished Assist-,

ants, we. have also secured .the services :of some of themost eminent Lecturers in Ohio, to lecture on commercial

Our course of Instruction is too extended to particularisehere, but It embraces every thing connected with DOUBLEENTRY, BOOK KEEPING, with free and full discussion ofits Scientific Principles.Lectures upon Commercial History,and History of Eminent Commercial Men, Commerp$al Ge¬ography, Commercial Products, Commercial Calculations, [Political Economy, Mercantile Law, Ethics of Tradd, Part¬nership, kc.

THE LADIES' DEPARTMENTIs now opened for the reception ofLadles. No InaUtutlon In-theUnion impart* ft more thorough or Interestingtoorse inthisDepartment. \ i w

In conclusion, we would add, that we shall put forth ourbest efforts to merit In a still more eminent degree, the flat¬teringreception with which our enterprise has met, and tcr.

pledge, ouraelres to impart a more thorough* practicalcourtofMercantileIhetructionthancanbeformed,atanyother eimilar Mercantile College.Among the many reccommcndatlons, we give the follow-

"We, the nbderslgned, take pleasure In testifylug thst weare personally acquainted with Jlr. Granger's ability as anAccountant, and Teacher of Book Keeping, which is of thehighest order. He has had great experience as an Ac¬countant, In heaVy Commercial and Banking Houses, which

PW *?r£*T. l°,lmp.rUor

BaltimoreCOMMERCIAL COLLEGE.REMOVED to the iputeu New HALL, No. 101 Ji.lli-

rter?ro7t£T£rt££hISWf*.JSI&. orkr Pupils



Time, Money, and Dietariee Sated/


NEW ARRANG35MEN,T.Three Through Trains, Each Way Daily)!

SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,Connecting on the East tilth the Baltimore tad Ohio Rail¬road, Hempfleld Railroad and the Ohio River at Wheeling,and on the West with Railroads at Zaneirille, Newark. Mon-

Northw"?. C°1UmbU* f°r *" I"rtl "" S°Uth W"'' "Ud

7hUm eanbT^Tahudat the office tn 1noting,and Information as to every line and connection west of theOblo River.PASSENGERS BOUND WEST

can, by taking this route, »ave time, money and dtatanoe.:


Irt. Through Mall Train at SJ0.1.X. 1 Coianboj time.2d. Express Train u 9.00 a. M. J

Making Direct'and sure connections for-

Cincinnati,Vinesniies,St. Louie,Iowa City,Dubuyue,Dunlteth,Milwaukee,

Chicago,Indianapolis,Rock Inland,Alton,Galena,La Salle,St Pauls, Min

Terre Haute,Lexington, Ey.Louieritle.Peoria,Springfield^HLBurlington,CouiicilBluffi.

AND ALLPARTS OF THE WEST.Tickets to kOleVeland. Time quicker than by any other

route. -v..-8d. Accommodation Train at 3.00 p.. m. Omnibus leaves

Office In Wheeling for Bell-Air via Suspension Bridge at 8p. m. Returning this .Train Jeeves Zanesvllle at 8.45 A. k.andarrives at Bell-Air at 9.80 a. v. OmnibusFaretoBeli-25 cents each way. Apply at ticket office.

Two Daily Trains From the WestConncct at Wheeling with the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-Roadfor all parts of the Eastand Seaboard.&TThQ Omnibus calls for Pasaeugcra at all the Hotels;

and, by (earingdirections at this Office, will call at any partof the clty;rGENERAL TICKET OKFIOE,

One Door South o/th'e SpringHome' Wheeling.THATCHER PEHKINg, Bop't.

W. D. TEItltV,General Pauenger Agent, Wheeling.

J: W. BROWN, General Ticket Agent, ColumlMia,May8Virginia Central Railroad.


Great Northern and Southern Mail Route.FOR NORTHERN, SOUTHERN AND]WESTERN


Twice Daii.t;- (Sunday night excepted,) between Rich¬mond and Washington City via Qordonsville and Alex¬

andria.Hoars of departure at' Rich¬

mond 6:46 A. M. and T^O P. M.Returning leave Washington.. .6 A. M. and 4 P. M.and

Arrive at Richmond......;...1:80P. M. and 4 A; M.Baggage checks and tickets, given through between Rich"mond and Washington.THESE TWO RAILROADS HAVING NO STRAP RAIL*

and being In excellent order,and CARRYING THE GREATNORTHERN AND SOUTHERN MAIL,, give the best guar,antee of always securing connections/as is shown by arri¬val dally atRichmondaOd Washington city in advance oftho Steamboat line.Faaa JutTWsss Richmoxd and Wabhixotox f5,60An Omnibus will be found always ready-to take through

passengers and their baggage of wearing apparel, betweenthe two Depots, free of charge, with atdple time for them totake their meals, whether going North or 8ontb.Through Tickets can be obtained between Danville and

Washington at the Terminus of the Road, now nearly com¬pleted-to DanVille. An Agent of the Company* will receivethe Ghecks of passengers from the Danville Road, and at¬tend to their baggage all the Way to Washington or.the Bal¬timore Depot.The fare the same by the mall line as by the old steamboat

route.There Is no change of cars cn the night line,between Rich¬

mond and Alexandria. fel

Sandusky, Mansfield & NewarkRAILSO ,A.H>

Change of Time.

ON and after Tuesday, Aug. 7, I860, uhtU farther notice,Traiu» Tillbt>nw ai follows, (Saturdays excepted:)


LeaveSandusky,...11*20 A.M. 6*20 P. M.HuronJune.....11*40 6*40 .*!Monroeville, 12*06P. M. 7*10 »

Centrevllle, ,12*86 41 7*65 "

Plymouth,. 71-00 8*16 »»

Shelby June ..1*20 " 8*40 »

Mansfield June 1*45 » ar. 9.10 ..

.. 'le. 6 00 A.M.Frederick, .......^..;.;3«27P.fcL T*40 ..

Bit. Vernon 8*42 » 8*00 »

Utlca Vt3 « 8*85"Reach Newark .4*40 " 9.10 »

going"north.axAIL KXP. RXPBkSS.

LeaveNewark,.......9*20 A. M. 4*00 P. M.Utlca, 9*48 " 4*82 "

Mt. Vernon, 10-80 " 6 06 M

Frederick,.......*.,...............10*48 " 6*20 ..

Mansfield June..... 12:00 it 6?87. " .

Shelby June 12*25 P. M. 7*07 «.v,Plymouth,.. 1*00 " 7*80 "

CentrevlUe, ........».j....l-25 H 7*50 .«

MonroeviUs, 2*02 " 8*25 "

Huron June 2*22 " 8*46 »

Reach Sandusky... v.. ;w......2'46 ** 9-06 ..



gINCE thli superior Fluid Inklluid. mm

"Vi'-Tr.V:a been before the public,Yo°M££m--

' ona pint *.«-pan: been Rll

* -SHf

now nearly two yprs.lt has <bfavor, and to now preferred by maf]ooMKuid.Puring the p#at jr#r twenty tbon

tles.together with smaller sixes Ihnato banker* and merchants In Cincinnati, Ibnrgh, Buffalo; Cleveland, Detroit, Tcrrc E-Vincenn&.j2ndIanapoiIs, Evansvllle, Frankfort, INashville, Memphis, St. Louis, Vlcksburg, Jackson, NtUhcsand New Orleans. It has also-been:adopted in the 8tate De¬partments of Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. It hastaken three first closaDlplomaaattheMechanics lnlrtltutca of.CincinnatiandLouisville, and four Diplomas and Prlxe Me-data st State Fslrs held last FaB In New York, Ohio, Indiana

!«.. .n h«t.tofore uainp Arnold's English Ink, have purchased J. J. But-

Merchtnu- k Mechanic-

follows:Rio Coffee,lU>astcd Coffee,Ground 44

Extract "

i .J*ya, "

Imperial Tea^Vounp Hyson Tea,G Powder ^ "

Oolong 4i

Breakfast "

Rice,. .'English Split Peas,Rice Flour,

Bvdlnn,Corn Starch,VunlUa Chocolate,Cocoa,aVermlcells,Prunes,Fresh Tomatoes,Fresh Straw berries;/Fresh Peaches,Preserved Ginger,Lemon Syrup,

No. I Mackerel, bbls Jb kits. StrawberryIrish 8almonvPotomac'Herring,Scotch 44

Cucumber Pickles,MixedWalnut Catsup,

f Tomato *4

Worcestershire Sauce,AmericanMustard,French ,

" "

IUapb«rry ^A general assortm't of spices,essences and oils.

Filberts'and Citrons,.Falkirk k Harvey's Scotch

Ale,Fine Cigars," *VJohnson's fine Lump ChawingTobacco,

, Maccaroni.{3F""The above stock has been carefully selected In tha

Eastern markets, and we Invite our friends and the pf$lteto call and examine, as -we are prepared to sell at the lowestmarket prices. .. ;>

.^HIOK Sopened Tins'i'irFiaS^SfW£iT't&

1 nut and Roiewood Bnlsh, and for brilliancy of

new ityl., with full an*half swell, of fine Roaewood finish, and at thelowea£Bnffaloprices; with a general stock of Martin's celebrated Guitars,Italian, French and German Violins, Vlollncellos, Flutes,Fifes, Banjos, Tamborlnes, TuningStrings, with all other articles In the musicral asscrtment of Variety Goods,Wholesale and retail at the old Music and Variety Store,"^ P'!°n"rM'-


FINE PERFUMERIES.TXTE have Just received a large assortment of cboioeV T Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, comprising:

Pomatums; French and American Hair OllajLubln's Extracta for the Handkerchief;Basin's M 90 varieties;Oriental Drops;"Od^ure".new and rich styles;8UtfPom*tumi;Cosmetic Creams and Powders;Tooth Pastes;ToUet Waters;Imported Colognes;Aromatic Vinegar;Attar of Roses.rich stylos;Milk of Noses;ToiletSoaps.a great variety.

For sale by T. H. LOGAN k Co.myl4 Bridge Corner Druggists.


NO. 1, WASHINGTON HALt,Wheeling, Va.

XT7"0DLD respectfully Inform the public that they are nowVI replenishing their,stock with a complete assortment of


U Congress Water.Fenafed TtactiJiark,Sims! manufacture.

Cod Liver Oil, Baker's manufacture.Chloroform, Sulphuric Ether.

Collodeon.a very superior article.i Arsenltc ofQuinine; Brucia.

Fine Extracts for Flavoring purposes.'*? Dandelion Coffee, Wilson's.Wines and Brandies for mcdical use.

ko.t da, Aa, my!4llalv, TMtkaMd NAII B^alliei.

npH* richest assortment in Wheeling.JL "What-Not" Dusters;Mosquito Fans;Fancy Pungents and Match Safes;Porte Monnales;Combs.all varieties;India Rubber Goods; - ;

With a complete assortment of Druggists Fancy Articles.For saleby T. H, LOOAN fit CO.,vmyli Prldg^l^r^DnnHata.JtARK CHANCE FOE BARGAINS!! ISAVINGS BANK STORE

. FOR SAI.K.qpHE proprietor of the Savings Bank Store, corner of Mar-X ket and Monroe ats., Wheeling, Va., wishing to changehla occupation, and It -being necessary to dose his businessduring the present year, offers hla entire stock of Boots,Shoes, Hata, Caps, ftc. at wholesale, on favorable terms, andwill continue to sell at retail (ir not otherwise disposed of)the best bargains in the city.

I have just received a flue assortment Of Summer Hafr,ladle? .nrf »nll tthnv* anrf HilUra ami #miM »«nu>«Mil1..

say tsold,ladict and gents Shoes and Gaiterr, and would respectfully

o all those dlBposed to patronise me, my Goods must bo>m,aad will be sold regardless of profit.Come one andall.youshall have value for your money.I have many Goods.I will sell at cost.

mv9P B. H. WATWOW.

WINDSOR MANUFAC-rrtHE subscriber continues to manufacture Chairs, SetteesJL Sociable Arm Rockers, Children's Chairs, Ac., of themostmodern styles and Improved patterns, all of which bewill warrant to givo aattafaetlon.

apTNotmM^ln street./7VUB. stock is now full, and it is our intention to keep Itve-U ry complete, by connUnt additions, throughout the.wholeseason. -;>v<

HE1SKELL k 5WEARINGKN., B Co-Partnership.1 WAI,U"

T B; MARSH bu this day associated With lilmM.T. Wi

8rasmffi352ffifc;l°^°rc'u^ aM door* gmJgly let, 16bs. Jg«0

omi -d «-. =*=*dcitft L N. KELLER. Quincv «.

1.Complete sets of thc Work,JOHN B.

cloverMd timothy feeds. Also on batter (solid pickled) aneggs. gill 4 CO.


\ pltSthiiT .'.-.id tiiicadotti rcmedr for Worms In chil'IretA. fut up in the form of fine candy, avoiding the disagree¦Uic teste of Vermifuge generally. Price 25 cts per box.

foundry l'IO IROM.-A IO»BLon.n'"* ^,o?«5Hg§S


BARRET,ot^t ,

*or which the blgheet market price will be '