Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va.) 1855-05-11 [p ]. · maleand fenisle assistant...

Bea^AOo. ;;; MP *W HE IS LING, VA:- 'FKfuAF»T0trNTN0,"MAYTl, .]Mj 8 AMERICAN TICKET. For Otetmorof VirglM Til0.11 AH M> Vk0VRN01T,«r Halifax. For Lieutenant OortlM/, JAJIK* .11. II. BKALK, «f JIn.on. . JOIIN nfvAttllls^oVlll'chmoni. WILLIAM Brothc. "fife 'IMaWNf jit imiwl*.Preeldent Pleict, with lili wife, mil Mrs. Amos Lawrence, her «n, and Mi# »U">n, of Bjston, arrived In lfeltiiAoieon Wednesday morning, from Washing- ton. The PreilJent vlsiled the Custom House and Post 9<11cer and went through (ho Reading Bonm mid surveyed the Merchants' Rscliange, generally, Willi reference to selecting o lite for the conlein- plated new United Slates Court House and Host Office building. lie, alio looked at varloui other locations named. Il'e'ttturned to Washington yesieiday morning. 'W"1 qg -*~-4-4 * ' HiiitXkt. WiSiiiNOTO* Monumbnt,.The Boaid of Managed of Ihe fund have Issued an nd- dress, In which they make the following appeal fur meahs 10 complete the wurki .<A new Board of Manager* have now been ap. np]Dl^..,W« conio into office under favorable auspices, and w'iili well founded hopes of means to piosecute the work.' Since our election, on tho ¦Jit February l«»l, we have not been idle. Our arrangements have been begun, and ore In pro. ;rt«. We appeal to the people. We wish no .egulallve aid. We look lo free heat's) we call upon all, not the liberal and the gei.erous alone. We call upon eaoh man who this day wnlks erect mail ihe panoply of freedom In this broad land, who Is not dead lo Ihe common Im,mists ol hu¬ manity, who is worthy in the least degree of the countless and diveisilied blessings by which he is surrounded, call upon men everywhere to coniiib- Ule each his mile. A great and mighty people of twenty-five millions cannot be (o dead lo Ihe sen- astlons which are innato iu every bieast at the bare naming Of such it benefaction as lo refuse to give their aid in such a cause. ...4. .... CorvaiouT or Hiwi..liilraordimryl.lw com¬ mittee on ihe abolition of the newspaper * tamp, the new Biiglish Chancellor of the Rxchequtt-ex' editor of the Kdlnburg Quarterly Beview.propo¬ sed to Insert clauses to effectually muzzle the pteu and prevent the circulation of intelligence. Ilia proposition was to the efleot that a propricior of* newspaper! should be entitled lo a copyright for every original article, teller, inrigmph, «m- MunltitlM an J companion IrMeh thMfor the fin! be puH/tied In tueA iittetpaptr, and any pcison vi¬ olating the copyright, even by a colorable abridge¬ ment within 31 hours after Ihe appcainnce of such article, letter, iVc.« to be lined from 6 to £20. «.?-¦«»»-» .. Mn.tsoaxiia.Nr or BuTitQums..-Tho forner director of Ihe Observatory at Prague, Dr. Kiel), has invented an Ingenious Inslrumenl to measure tl.e force, duration, and direction of enithpuakes. Jt consists of a pendulum so conlrivtd that, whilst It can move iu any direction, it cannot return. A perpendicular cylinder is attached, which by menus of clopkwork, tui us on .ts vcitiole axis in twenty- font houts. A pole with a lliin clastic aim, is fixed neat the pendulum) Una aim, poiula towards the oyliuder, and presses on it gently a pencil, by which means an unbroken line is formed on the surface of the cylinders us long as the pendulum Is at rest, but If It is put In motion by an earth¬ quake, the pencil makes broken marks, which show tho strength, direction, and period of the eatlhquake. . . I'I'iib N. Y, An.MVtas.taits..The annual re- port of tho Ueneral Assembly's Hoard uf Foreign Missions of the I'resbyterion Church, was read at Dr. Phlllippa' Church, Fifth Avenue, New York, on Sunday evening. The receipts lor the year weie including a balance from lasiol $1,207,- 62) $181,071 17. Bipeilditures, J 176,106 10, leaving a general balance of $8,369 07. Sit mis¬ sionaries tone of whom had been in this country on it visit) and twenty-two male and female assis¬ tant missionaries, making 23 In all, have been sent out during the year, The'lluard has missions among tbo Indians, in Africa, ill Liberia, in Inuia, hi China, in lluenos Aytes and in the island of Corisco, end have la¬ beled also among Ihe Jews of this country, and in Papal Europe. The angregale is thus given. The Board has under its direction, besidts what Ii dope lor i'apal Burojw, 20 separate tuitions, 60 ordained missionaries, 6 licenliaiv pi vat he is, IM male and fenisle assistant missionaries, lolly-three native helpers, 21 churches, and about 050 native comniuuicanui VO schools, and 0,400 pupils) six printing iuc«s<s, irom which have been issued over i2,100,000 ol pages during Ihe year. Ciuistun Union..itev, Dr. Baild, on Sondsy evening, gave a verbal statement of Ihe year'sop- nations of Ih J Amciicnu and Foreign Christian Union hi the,Du'.eh Itefotmed, Church iu Lafay¬ ette Place, N. V, Bev, Ut, Hewitt piejched Ihe innlvtriaiyieimon,. Hour Missions,.Bev, Dr. Sloir* of Uraiuitec, Mass., pleached the .annual sermon before ihe A< tnerican Home Mission, Suuday evening, iu Ihe Presbyterian Church, .Madison njuaie, corner 21th street, (Bev. Dr. Adams'.) Barnsr Bisi.k Socutv..'The annualdiscourro before Ihe Baptist American and Foreign Bible So- cltly was preached ,last Sunday evening by the Rev. K. L. Magoon, D. 1)., ,iu the Fust Uaptist Church of Brooklyn. Union Tiito, Sim..The Inauguration of Bev. 1)1. II. I). Smith as Professor of Systemio Theology III Union Theological Seminary look place, last Sunday evening, at the Mercer at. Presbyterian Church. Bev, Dr. Stearns, of New Haven, dcliv- «red Ihe charge, and Prof. Smith pronounced his Inaugural. Til* Jtwi..The sermon before ihe American Society for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Jews, was preached last Sunday evening by Ihe Bev, Edwin B. McOngor, in the new Colle¬ giate Church, cornet of Fifth av. and Twenty- ninth st. 8. S. Mission..The tenth anniversary of tho Ssbbath School Mission Association was celebra¬ ted Sunday evening, iu tic Tabhnaole. C. L. llrace ond Mr, Tousley were Ihe speakers. About $2,600 have been collected since Ihe es¬ tablishment of this Association, of which $1,600 lias been paid in suppoiling missionaries in the West, and 81,000 has been expended in the pur¬ chase of library btoks, by which meaus about 300 Sabbath Schools have been established in llio Well. Ilcarir..Bev, S. Lee, n Methodist preacher in Canterbury, Ct., has been suspended fiom Ihe ex- ticise of his ministerial functions on occouut of a||ege< be$e»y. According lo Mr. Lee's account, his Iji(tales were'that man is a progressive being, '"#i!(l,Ui»iiiie Cend cannot instantly becouvertid ' liitb in ohgel of light.' ' i Death of an Oit> I,tor..Mrs. Elizabeth Young, «<d (9 yeari, the oldest mender of ihe Met Ijodlit Epiii:cpil Cfiuich In Iho Valley of Virginia, died it Port Republic, Hockl«gbam, on the 20ib jilt. r " laitont') tquatter sovereignly, By . ileimet jail ortived frpm Poll i.eavcnwotlh, wo have leceived a copy of « h<Ml. dated II* 1st Inst., Id which lb# murder of Maieoinb Clark Is announced, aii'l a call mode totho citizens toifieel and take action In elation to the matter. The deceased Is repre¬ sented as having boine the character of a raost worthy and amiable cltieen. Of Iho standing of McCtea, the homicide, no mention ia made, nor are we acquainted at all with his history. The difficulty occurred on the 30th till.,"ie meet- (tig of the citizens was to hare, taken f.Uce^in the 3d Instant, Of.at excitement prevailed at Fort l.eavenwoitli wiie.i the ateamer left. McCrea was in confine¬ ment, availing the ileoison of the people, Vim the feeticg expressed, it was feared ho would be most suinmatiiy dealt with. The hand-bill as well as the Information derived from the officers of the boat, leave no doubt but that the melancholy deed was the result of that foul spirit of discord which has been let loose in the Territory by men profes¬ sing to be actuated by holy and philanthropic mo- ""AMached lo the memoranda of the steamer Edinburgh we find a few addition"! rarticulars -* The quarrel between McCrea and Clark oilginaled el a meeting of SquatlelS held at Leaveiiwoilli City, and grew out of a dispute about voting.. McCtea is a lawyer. After he shot Ms victim ho otlcmpted lo escape by swimming the liver, but was overtaken and conveyed to the guard house. The excitement, both In W eston and Leavenworth, wa< Intense, and it was apprehended the oiiitens would teat down the piisonand lynch the prisoner. We give the hand-bill entires. 8 TO'l'ilB HUltliJOl r.HKAT INDIONAtlON HKKTINOl I Aroute anJAttnge Ihe Mm! of put Ftlltu* .Van. WSerta$i M.tu'oiia Cimkk, one of our most worthy and (tiloubie cilitens.a man whom it Is Impossible lo see without admiring, or to know wi'houtesleeming,and of whom it might be said that (hose who knew him brtt, loved him mod, was consigned to an tintiuiely grave, killed, alto- clouslyjmurdered, without any Just c.use or pro- vocation, in this city, on the 3UI1. ultimo, by the violent and ruthless hand of an assassin, C. Mo- Crea, a meeting of out citizens is hereby called in (lib place on Thursday, .May 3rd, for the purpose of taking some action in relation to this foul and atrocious Clime by whloh a happy family has sus¬ tained a sad and irreparable bereavement, and out community been depiived of one of her most use¬ ful and enterprising oiiizetu. Here is another life that has been taken by the murderous hand of a treacherous villain! "here will these fatal consequences end, God only knows! Arise fellow men, and trample under your leet the hydia-hvaded monster, AHUM- T10NI8M! U.Scott Boyle, John llartis, James M. l.yle, D. J. Johnson, II. Kiver bollard, J. Marion Alexan- der, Bennett Buinham, J. L, MoAleel, Jarrett Todd, J. II, Mclliidc, membeli of the commit- tee appointed by the citizens of Leaveiiwoilli to frame a cull for it pulilio uiceliiig. litattttirorlh (111), A. I., May 1st, 1845. . * .. Potor Branolaooj tha Sani|isou of tbo Western Hemisphere. As late as the year 1830, there lived In Western Vimniu a man, whose stiengtli was 40 remarkable as to win lolhitnthe title ol the "Virginia Samp- ion," He knew nothing of his liiilli o( parent¬ age, but suppos d lie was born in I'oitugnl, from whence he was Stolen when a child and corricd to Iselniut. Ilts earliest recollictions were Ihose of boyhood In tLfe latter country. While yetn lad he apprenticed himself Ion tea captain for seven >enrs, in pay for a passage to this country. On l is ulllval his lime and seivioes were sold loa Mr, Winston, of Virginia, in who*; service he teinnined until the breaking out of the devolution, Being of an adventurous turn in mind, he sought and obtained permission of Ids master to Join ll eaimy, and was engaged in active service during me whole contest. Such wo, Ins strength and prison il binvety.lliatuoeiieniy could res'sl him. lie wteideit a sword, tte blado ol which was five leet in length, ns though it had been a feather, and every one who Came in con¬ tact with him paid the forfeit of Ins lire. <U Stony Point he was ono of the "Firlorii Hope," which was advanced to cut uWBy the obalis, and, next to Major till,boil was the first man to enter thvwuik*. At liraiidywinc, mid Monnioulh, he exhibited the most fearless bravely, and nothing but his inabili¬ ty lo write, plevented ids promntio.i lo u commis¬ sion. Transferred lo the South, he look pit in most of Hie engagements in that section, and lo wards the close of the war, lie was engaged in n contest which exhibited in a sinking manner, his temaikablo degree of self-confidence mid ccor- °8One day while reconnoitring, he slopped at the hotife of a man by the name of W.., lo re¬ fresh himself. While at the table lie was surpris¬ ed by nine British troopers, who rode up to the house and told liiin lie was their prisoner. Seeing Hint he was so greatly outnumbered, he p.etended lo surrender, and the drayouns seeing he was appa¬ rently veiy peacefully inclined, otter disarming liiin, allowed Idm considerable freedom, white they sat down to pallake ol the food which he had left when disturbed. Ww,deling out into the door-yard ho was accosted by tl.t p.iym.is'er, who demanded of liiin eveiylhing of value about hun at ll.e lit); of his life in case of refusal. .! hove uotliing lo give,' said Francisco, 'so use your pleasure.1 'Hive up those itwisivo silver buckles In your shoes,* ssid the dragoon. ' i'hey were the gift of a friend,' replied Franciiw, 'and give them iu you 1 never sli-.ll, take ihem if >vii will, you have the power, but I will never give Ih.mto any one,' rolling his sabre under his atm, the soldier stooped tloivn to take lliem Frwcisco seeing Hie opportuuily, which was too good lo be losl, seized Iho swoid, anil dtawiug it with force from under the atm of the soldier, dealt him a sevete blow acioss the skull. Although severely wiunded, yet be-lng a bravo man, the dragoon ,|rew a pistol and aimed it at the breast of his an- tsgonitt, who was too quick for hint however, and a* he |>ulled (lie trigger, a blow from lie sword nearly severed his.wltsl, and placed him iu hit ut comkit. The report of the pistol drew the uHier dragoons into the yard ns well as \\ .-, who very ungentiously, brought out a musket which he handed lo one of llieioldiets and told him lo use it. Mounting the only hoise he could get at, he presented the muzzlenlthe breast ol Francisco and pulled the trigger. Fortunately it missed fire, and Fiancisco cloied in upon him. A shortstrug- gle ensued, which ended in his disarming and wounding the soldier. Tarlton'i lroo|i of lour hundred men were now In sigh', ami the other dragoons » ere about lo attack him. Seeing his cose was ilesperature, he'turned toward an ad¬ joining thicket, and as il cheeting on a pally of men he exclaimed, 'Coir.e on, my brave t-oysi now- is your time) wo will soon dispatch these lew and then nllaek the main body!' at the same time lushing at the dragoons 'villi the luiy of an en- raged ligtr. I'hey did not engage him, but (lid precipitately to the troop, panic stiuck ami dismayed. Seizing upon the traitorous villain, U , Francisco was about to dispatch Jiim, but he begged and plead so hard for his life, that he forgave him, and (Old hint to seciele lor hun the eight hoists, which the soldiers left behind them, Perceiving that Torltou had dis|ialched two oilier dtfgroons in search i f him, he made off into the adjoining wood, and while they stopped ot the house, he, like an old fox, doubled upon their rear and suc¬ cessfully evaded their vigilance. The next day lie went lo W -, lot his horsct) ho demanded two of Ihein for hit services, and generous inten¬ tions. Finding his situation dangerous, and sui- rounJcd by enemies, where he ought lo have found friends, Francisco wis compelled lo make the best of it and left with six liotses, intending to levenge himself upon W , at some iulitle tune, 'but,' as he said 'Providence, ordained that I should not be Ins executioner, for he broke Ins neck by a fall ftim one of the very hones.' Many oilier anecdotes ale told of Francisco, il¬ lustrative of his immense strength and ptrsuunl prowess. At Camden, where Ootes was defeated, he telrealed and after running along n toad some distance, he sal down lo rest himself, lie was suddenly accosted by a British dragoon, who pre¬ sented a pistol, and demanded his immediate sur¬ render. His gun beiug empty lie feigneJ submis¬ sion, and ssiil ho would suiretidel, at the some lime remarking thai his gnu was no further me lo him, he presented it sideways to the liooper, who hi reselling for it threw himself olT Ins guard, when Francisco, quick as thought tan Idintbiough with the bayonet, and as he fell fiom his horse, he mounted him and continued Ids retreat. Overta- king his commanding officer. Colonel Mayo, of i'owhaltan, he gave liini up the animal, for which aclof gcnciosity the Colonel, aflcrwaids present¬ ed him with a thousand acres ofland in Kentucky. The following anecdote exemplifying Ids peace¬ ful nature and his ilrenglh, isaitotold of Fran- Cisco, llow true il is, we cannot say, but we tell it as It was told us, many years ago, while he was still living in Buckingham, county, \ a, One day while woiking in Ids gatden, ho was accosttd byestrnngcr, who lode uuto the fence and inquired of him il he knew 'wnttea men by the name ol Fiancisco lived,' lulling liltMflf ftoTTiTv^^^yeirr jilt infetroxalor, wjio, appeared lo beToW o/,the'|ialf- horse half-alflgaMr1 brwd of Kefi|uckians, lie re* j)Hw, 'Welti stranger,'filoiS'ikiiow of atty other person by that name In these puis but myself.' .Well, I reckon, you ain't the man 1 wont. I want to find the treat fighting man Pre heard tell to much about. Thefellow they tay can whip all creation and Kalnluck to hoot.' .1 can't tell you( sirang«r, whero you'll find that man, I don't know »uch a man,' said Fran¬ cisco, resuming his wuk ai a hint lo the other that the conference was ended, Out the Kentucky Ian was not to he bluffed oil", as he would lerru It, 'Look'ere, stranger,' said he, retu.-iiln>; to'lho choige,'what might your given name he I1 .My name is Peter Francisco'at your service.' .Ahl returned the ot.hfr, 'you're Juit the man I want to find,'at the same time tiding inside the fence, he dismounted and tied bisnnimal.a lough ungainly Indian pony.to one of Ihe posts, .My name is Big Kill Stokes, all Ihu way from Old Kenluok. 1 am the Kentucky jaino chicken, I am. I can out run, out-hop, out-Jump, kt ock down and drag out, and whip any man in all Ihcm diggings. So, asl hcftu tell of a feller down hereahouls who could whip nil creation, I thought I'd saddle old Blossom, and jut tide over to sue what stuff he's made of, and here I am. Ami now stranger, I'm most starved for a fight, and I'm bound to sen who's the best man belore I go home. It's all in good feeling you know, and If you lick me, why I'm satisfied, but..' "Stop a minute, stranger," said Fiauclsco, "you've mistaken the man entirely,I'm no fighting man at all, and if 1 was, I've nothing against you to fi<ht about." "Well, I don't know) is there any other I'eter Francisco In these parts?" "No, none that I know of." "Well, then, you're the man, and ynu mint fight. I've come all the way from old Kentuok, and I aiut a-going back without knowing which is Ihe best man." "Hut I won't fight. I've got nothing to fight alout, and 1 tell you I Wth't fight!" "I).d if you shan't flgul, stranger, I'm hound to liek you if I can, if I don't, you must lick me."- Ily this time Francisco had become angry lit Ihe Impoitunily of Ins vis,tor, uuddeteiinined to put an end to Ihe scene, Seising his antagonist, therefore, by the fat of his buckskin breeches ,and Ihe collar of his hunting shirl, he threw Mm over the fence Into Ihe roadi then wolkjng leisurely lo wlme his pony was tied, lie unfasiened hill), and taking him up bv main strength, threw him u/ttr hij discomfited rider. The Keutuckian raised himself from Ihcgroiind, perfeotly dum-founded by such on exhibition of strength, and after rubbing his eyes as though ho thought he might not have sew clearly, he moun¬ ted his pony, remarking, "Well, stranger, 1 lecon you'll do, I guess it's ubout lime for me to make tracks. If anybody asks you about that great fight you can tell 'em you licked Bill Sokes most d ly." Francisco was a Powerfully built man, stand- Ing sis feet and one inch in height, and weighing- 260 pounds. His musculo: lystem was est raotdi- natily developed, nnd lii had been known toshoul- iler Willi easo a cannon weighing eleven bundled poiindii and a gentleman of undoubted veracity (slill living in Virginia,) who knew him well, says, "he cnnld tuke mo in Ins right hand and pass uvtr the room with me, playing tny head against Ihe ceiling as though I had been a doll baby. My weight wns 150 pounds," His wife, who was a woman of good size, mid fair proportions, he would lake-Ill I,i» light hand, a,.d holding tier out at nrint' length, would pais urutiu i the room with her, and carry l,»r up and down stairs in that po¬ sition, He would tbke a barrel of cider by the chimes, and holding it to his mouth, would drink from the bung a long and hearty draught without any apparent exertion. \ et, with nil his strength, lie was a very peaceably disposed man, and never made use of hit power, except in case of tiecetessity about his usual voca¬ tions, or in defence ol Ihe right. On occasion of cut-breaks at public gatherings, he was better at nulling uf ainl presetving thu pub.io peace than nil the conservative authorities on the ground,. Although uneducotcd, he was a man of strong natural sense, nnd of a kind, amiable disposition, He was wukal a coinpaiiinnalilvm.nl, and his nnec- doles mill stories of the war, of which he possessed a rich fund, rendered him a welcome guest in Ihe first families of llio Mute. H-s industrious and teinpernt habi's, together with his kind disposition, made liui| many fiituds, and thlough (heir influence ha wns appointed Sergeant nt-arnis ol Ihe Vir¬ ginia house of Delegate* in which service he died, in IS3t), and was buried with military honors iu the public burying ground nl lliehmond, Virginia. , Kloni the IWcXcrhxKcr lot Alt/, lleatd a goodstorv last uulil overa glas» of good hock (the wine that 'Old Sp'aker,' of the .tin- hawk Valley, had u '(|utcr notions of,' if I remem¬ ber you rightly.) '1 was stopping last summer,'sai l our host,'at Cape .M.,y. As usual, I was at Huttvuod's, and of course my wife was with me. 'About two o'clock one umiuing I ivos awaken¬ ed by a rtrille tap lium my better half. 'For gra¬ cious sake she whispered, 'if )ou want to laugh, just listen to that gentleman and his wifo hunting a mouse m the next room. '/j«-(f-,nr." I murmured, half owoke. '.Vow, do just wake up.' To tu.,rrow, when I tell the story, you'll be sorry thai you was'nt a- wakeluIhe reolii).' ' I'lms nnjurcd, I woke up in right earnest, loo lole lo heat any of the mouse bun; but just in tune lo hcor ll.e uexl door open, and a liiip, quavering dandy Voice, (which I ill mice teCoguiited a< that ol Pinket) call out to some distant night walker. 'Wai-towl.itni-lme. wxi-tsw!' (No answer.) 'H'ale|i-iuan.Mvi/cimi/ri.wxtcii juxl' 'Tlmt'n rue, sir,' growled n deep voice. 'Watoh-inan, come hero diweckly! We're In gwale Hvulible! There's iiorsj in this opawnient, and it nibbles awonnd in I ho most distivackted manner. I spoke to Air. Il'i'wood about it, aud he pwomised lo have Ihe inouso wemoved, but he hasn't done it. Aw think it ctirij unhaiultmiie coiidncji of Mr, Hi'wool In nilow thu mouse to wetnain, after pwoueiijig that it should be wemo. led, \\ alchuian, .Mrs. I'winkuey Is vewy appren* sive of mice. Can't you coinu in and catch Ihe ctvealnrer' . 'Fraul net, sir. IPs ton lair, ond I should lo sure to wake up some boarders as ihWIilli't like it,' .How tvielioktiluusl Well (a long pause,). U alchinan, couldn't you step down to the bar- woo,n iimlgtl tome eiMrttri and chrrit, ami tnlice Ihe ainmnl out into the enltDij," 'A brief r, mark Itom Ihe watchman lhat the bar wns closed, sent Air. I'inkey back into his mouse haunted dormitory. Fortunately the 'eiven- lute ceased its nibbling, and n dead calm soon reigned over that porliou of friend llarwoud's 'cot- tage' known as the 'New Building.' flne.vtmKs or tiik Wesr..If the receipts should continue as heavy as they are at present until the close of tiro season, (he year with us will prove one of the most remarkable, Inn commor- list point of view, ever known. Wheal, com, oats, rye and llour are laigely over last yeoi's re¬ ceipts for the ssme time, and Ihe amounts coming fir.vord appear to be indenting every day. Tfco Upper .Mississippi, wl iclr usually tends out loiter supplies of grain thou Illinois, this season falls lar beh in J her aggravate of shipments. .Should that seolion give anything like the supplies herelofote received, we have no hesitation iu slating tint the grain business or this market will show, at ihe close, an increase of at least 2S per cent, over Ihe operations of any preceding year. The coniinn- live paucity of receipts from Iho Upper Missiwip. pi is attributed by mony lo low waters nnd high freights.by others ton scanty surplus. We hear it slated, however, by n me ol Ihose who are in constant communication with Ihe traders at prom¬ inent points, thai large lots of grain are ready for shipment, owailiug only fair opportunities for itonsportation. Itls somewhat singular ttiat with these liberal supplies, and a fair prespeel for their continuance, that prices should bo at the figures which cut mar. ket reports exhibit. Wheal, corn and oats urn nearly at tw ice the sum they commanded one year ago..it, Aoui, Itc/mb, A Um O.ejtiun ore..The Baltimore Keptlb- licon says the followingoccurricd in (hat city re- cenllyr 'A card parly playe-d for various stakes until one of [hem.a woman-becoming, in her lan¬ guage,'dead broke,'offered Iu slake her infant child against a dollar, upon Ihe issue of another g titie, I he proposition was agreed to by her op¬ ponent, who was n childless mother, and, k ing favored by rorlune.nr nnsfoilsine.the touclusioti f.i.il gi"'n?/0lll V" Hiline'"f the babe, n bright, healthy male infant. The child, we learn, Tiff ^ !V7 ', ll0ul 0 niullMur> lo Iho winner, and we judge, from Ihe hearties conduct of Ihu unnatural parel, Iho offspring will find with its new custodian a better lome than Iho ono Iroiu which il was rulhlessly slaked ond Icci. A Prooxostic,.The Fredericksbuig Herald is resjvonsible for Hie followingi J1? J'®""8 "n of a leading Democrat in S'af- ihl ii e cc"I"f'nlo Iho breakfast room he other morntng, and remsikcd lo his fatheri 'I had # strange dieam last niehl, father,' 'What lo it! h'^*o ' 'IJr«ll,ei1 thai (lod appeared to the Ueniocralio party, am said.'Henent vo al .o,or ye shall ,|| like «ire(We IP/s"jriVslP ' jixtt W*»* ire candidate* for Ibe llouifoi Pflnptot f0ffl OhtfVouo. I>. They ate «ooa menamftm,, wil)bktuppo}|til bjrlhe 111,11 AMKIMCAN PKOPtK . ..-..».»...:. Km. lmUtil«»CMI-W«*'» .miOOIKe lint Mr. Ko- wa«n Norton Itkcaitdliltli for «be offl« of Juitkeof lite Prate, VftiM by thedeathof l>«*U Hlcbardt. Ill* lotallin onTb« N«t!6rUl fioad, inld.wai'Wween Wheel- lijjkod TrUittlpbU It 0H< ivliieh M|lpm|itM todl,- iu ftoiiM if it« bm<f wtih jtiii iiciiiir. m wilt In other t«r«u to IM tulltfaellon of Ihe mrO _ ,, . I'KOI'I.K. County Tlokol, Jon* 0. tVuratu, Jon* K*otr, «n«l I. Mikihu, will he tuppoi t«J «t the erttuln, election for the Home of Delejaies. They are too well known to need Mllier no¬ tice, and we comineni thefoatHit llfket for tnyS OHIO COUNTV. L-^--JSS!SSSS!!SS I Soctets to imtenVui tvliote ionic, we »*jr Tutn« back to lt« color IM Imr Hot tvaa gray. CTN'rofrator Wood', lltlr Dittorelive, «.lvorit«.l In our paper for the tptre of (event weeks, li v prime .Hi¬ de. for the lemovtl of daiidiull mil Impattlng soilness anil beautjr to the Intra II It. we Ihlnki unojuatcdi anil thoie who haveltled II lhoroo,hly, Iftll'y that It will noi onlycaute the hair to,tow, but, when gray, ictmrelt to lit original color. Ulve It a trial..A'rft Qtullt, Ocl, 13, 18V. inylO T. 11, 1.0(1.\ N & Co., Aienlt, There is no Mistake IS repnl to the fact that the most nopulat medicine be- for Ibe puhlle Hampton's vkoktaii.i: merlin*. Atk your ftlendt about II. Iluiadrrds In Halt cttjr Ijave used and have derived jreal btielll from It, rapeclallr In Oispepsla, i heuinailani, and the Nervous Debility, <Vc., or Females, For kale bjr T. II, 1,00AN & Co, brIJje corner dru&lsts. DAGUERREOTYPES. Side and Skylight Arrangement. I.lkeneiaet taken with all the lecent linpiovemenlt, without any unnatural whltcnessof hilr, or grey appear¬ ance on black drcsict, Kvery stjrte ot e»ie« alivara on hand, Hoomv, So45 .Vomoe tl, near IheCourt llouve. hnlfl-ly W.M. COWHKV, WHi-JlULINCr Oity Omnibus Lines. t?or RnlliomU, MrmnbontM, Hotel*, and I'rlvittv ICcnIiU lircMa in nil iiuii«. iiuj nutl CtlAftOKS, Psstenper with bajrsge Wcents Pasteogir without biftage..,, li .. IMlW®tlOHO ,,,, 13 .. PeiAonc wishing ail on mi bus to call far plejfce lend or leave their pUceoi icsidenceat the Ueneial.Stage .lid Oiijiilbui Oliice, corner of .Market ami .Momoe Us., Alcl.tiie llouu. Ouiiiibits tor HenwooU every morninc at 8tW. . mt n tt .SIIAUOKUSS »v TKHKV. IV, IS.-Oiunibuies lutiushcd tor Parties and Kune» nftMOnt *toilil tN.Ziuiiuch "lOTtii ilTUoUou WHEELING Stoam Oraoker Uakory, No, 102 Mailtot si, WMOI.KSAI.K MICH* .SUOAHCraeKersfct. P K I Jlutler ciackera p a,.,,,fc oil* do 8J tlo I Water ilo ilo notion do a do I IM^'finla'do do .,,,7c Pilot flread fioin $l,WtO$>,00j'cr hhl. P. E. ZINN, Confectioner and Fruiterer, COR.VCK *0F MU.V AMI MA0I80.S STMKKTS, Wlirrliiitft Vn. \ .S will h^ieenfiomthe ubove, the >ub>c<llier lia> re- /V Moved ht> onlaVli linifht totho .?llildj* t'oiiier," where ho will bo pieced to tec all hi* old tuitotipi x and a* nwiiy lew onea o* tiny call. Ilia atock h iwucli en- Urred, and IiIk umnu neatljr rentte-l. I'andlei, Frulta, .Null-, 4e.| ii wholesale at tlie veiy lowiit iulce*. Par tie* and lointifei kupiilinl with wKe* and liulU at short¬ est notice. Ills Ico cimih saloon U the moil p eiiant In the city, and no atteiitio.i will be upared to ideate his SUvsti, P, B. XI.NN, J. M, LB£). nOOKNK Ii I. H It , ('OHM* or \VAT»n AXH UxtU.M «li., WllKKMVi|, Va. \{ KKPX ronitantty onhaml a vailety ot liooh^.amoni IV which n«y br found the wo'ktof all the leading wil- leraof the (Intel, itch a* Jainev, liulwer, Sno, Kliti K. Wnjuy, lleniAtt, Atthur, Mmrd, llunus, and Uver. - .Minyof woiH^me boinni. lutood >iyle, with b*ck$. He also keepi an K.vch.injw l.lbrjry. Peisons putclns- ing bookn nuy return them aRer leading iheni, Tor which lie will pay the following prices for 60c books 4) ctuj '/Jc hook*SO ? fur 51 hooks S1)cent»? niliVftlv Wow Ooni'eotfoneryr~ WIU.IA.N FOX would re>|>ectlully lu'urnt theciti* icnsol U'lieellnf.tlnt he has opened a newconirc- ttonery KitablUhiiient at the o!d stand ol the "Indian Quieiy'ou .Main Mreet below .Momoe. lie confidently invites hit old Iiicudst0c4lt and patronlzo him in his new bu'inet*. Ice creams and the delicacies of the season, at .ill hojiil, *|i|7 Dissolution. TH K pirtiier»hln lieretotore exUtin^ under the name of '}. K. 4: t'. L Wlckhauj, was dissolved on tl.e l»t of Oc. tobei, IS*»I. 1 he huiiiie'S will be conducted .it the old stand.Auc¬ tion llooiiis .No. bO, Mavkot ftona»e-!iv _oc;il ti KO K WIOKIIAM, inssua/mx; flV/A" llrm of l^gati, Can A-t'o. Isthl'day dissolved 1 hy inuluil consult Jan I, IsW-Janl I.OUAS, CAItH A Co. |New Firm. I.ovn l.0fi.\.V, J. ((. IIAKKH,and J. II. IIAKKK i have formed a co part net ship, and will continue the Wllt)t.KH\I.K TOBACCO fIVtfl.NMS n the room occupied L) laOgan, (*arr»(* Co., .Main id., In IheiMneof jatii I.OOA.N, IIAKKK Co O,. Pj BROWN, DKAI.KK IN CLOCKS, U'ATCIIF.S, JKU'F.I,- IIY AND FANCY (IOODS, No, 4, Was Ii 111;; 1011 Hull, Jlonrocal, tt'herlliiu, Vn. _ClJKh.V_«nd W»lclietr»relull|f repaired. Jut! "w'.'tatwxr. 11. ruuvVT L. I, Ptl.lPt.tl», TALIiANT & DELAPLAIN, I OIMVA ItUI.XI AND Commission Morohants, A'e. 69Mcin aid ,Vo I? .Vonret ./, nv.^ WIIKKIilXt.. Daguorreotyuos the public J would far tut I will give one month's A not Ice bc'orr I diiconlituelakii, Pagi^ricoupfa lor M cent., ami I aliall conllnue to take tl.en) as low at lllty ccntaloral Iratt one \fai, ui Hut none need liuri y foi <.'<![ an advance In the price or pltluiea. lam imw ta klnj l)asuerieol|pe<ou *iaAi and paper, at well aa aolld orkieiosioplc ploiuna, which the publican Invited to call and murine. I have Juil iirelrada niejt varletyol la^cycaaeafor lha luilldayi, which t will sell irum 00 to 100 percent, below the lamer price. I aliokeepon hand, and lor tale, a laice auppty of Da. piariepljpe Apparatus, and maltirlalaorallkliida. laitfl A, I!. I'AHTKIIIOK. . OOLLINS &. HALL~~~ Grocer/, Feed and Produce Store, No, ISO ?lnrUH>jt^mrt, vrtal al,l<>, KRBF conilantly on hand' all kinds of Feed, auch at Oals.torn, llran, .short., Ship Hltilf*, etc., Ftonr, i;oin.M«l, Ifutter, Kfja, Poultry, Provisions,and HrleJ of'Famll (I "efle****1 complete aasoitiiKnt c0?'??!1'.1",1,1, "«r'co;n,nat«, Flaifeed, lliled Frulta, Sheep .Sitlin, hhles, buller, cm and iwuliiv, ,pl9 , iiivBii opbn; TIIK undenlined has alto opened anolher aplendld lot of line linpoileadgais, fall and ace them "ht» J. W. llllonK'.-, . | I. N. KtLLER, PCAI.IR IN Groceries, Produce, Grain and Feed, VI.M.* trmr^rwu* y.,t* ,»0 XanktiT, """ F"J- Sundrlos, tnO bnlTel. Family Kl'iur} IUU lOO do K«l<a k'ali| W do fto a medium mackerelt S0| do do do 2d' do latce Jo SOI/lo XoJ ilo (ii Alts No I do 10 " No 9 do ?.t barrels tlce, 50 bais llln Cofleei .*> do Java do 10 bi'Vespin, I'epreii SO doien luckeisi to do waih boards, W> pounds S I) hee't X barieta Hye Floor, hujar, molasses, bacon, etc. Just rer'dand for sale hr »'l|liIIKO. K .Mo\lKrtlKN. Sprlgg Houso Parker Shop and Path Rooms. GMBLMW. ,,e '"fretfully Informed that this e»- l labllshinent Is now under llw man.cement of Vicroa »AV*o*at)r, the trericli Harlwri and that Sliavlnj. Hair llreaamjand (.hampoonlnj will he conducted theietn Hie inott aatfsfaclory nunr.tr. WTna IIatii lino*, are fitted uplneletanl slilei and cold, tvatm and shower baths can atall limes be enjoyed. Location In the bateinenl of the Kpilrs Houte. ap?4-d|m loo! Ioell Ioell ,Jl'H'"bt<;'l,'«rb«|i1 leave to Inrorm h'» Irlendt.and hi. ? f ^'"'.I'r.ll'atl M It now ptc|«ted to serve transparent an aillcte of Ice aa was before o(fti,5 M'*leri «nd at a, low a rat, aa ever That which he notv offeis It In pan taken from the Mi ,rora we/^h<- J. AMICK OAK bariel tlenip Sted, Jmt tec.l l,f" ~ frl3JnltV II. TAl'l'AN 'rtnVttgti i pVnwMnt "Wf.- ,U|UI«<1 (or roort n* hai In> b. f'. I' ll |at ». loi'l« Ui« l.iHMIn* moorl ri«> moor! '»'l»pr*»orl witm )Sjt?ffi&ATJ;i fcS J";! n«mwiiwjraj8|1 |g in Wbo nurr^t- k«j ||W®SSSf r°Al"111w'l' wlll be Immediately p adjrcMM to : () ii|tniivll>, or} \u. VTWmRlitMw elOMl;'TfJ'l^/' al'uukV Vn ISSSSfH&« W . VJl'iwtrll.H H Co. ~K>lKOUTOK'S SAI.K OK UANK STOCK. o'iloik. il Ironl iour «Mhe rouU liMtf.^^ my|fil, Sarah I' linin'oi'. dec'd _ For Rent , it TIIK w.tehoiiteoccupied by II. F. Fesrce &£».'IjIM Melodeon hullJInji hV °'y'" SIS cellar. For lerni*apply «l <h« oince. !iLv sPRiaa housu. m||Ku^e?ilgVedV'e foiriiS ."eo mrlne'ililr> for Ihe I purpoie fit conducllns Ihe Hold bwlnew 11 »ll Nt ihisprlgg /owe.liy»Mij«< WW ace bellowed on the o'd firm They hope, .¦>' u"'l,lul forks to plow, lo give Mtls'.ctleii lotlN . KV ^ |it J." j.'VAHS.il.1". -m,0,tf >' VAHXAI^ Lot ami Houses for Sale, Til K undertkucd clTos tor sale «lot KM from ."'] mss^gggms terms. Apply to TIIOS. II. WI.MS. A-^'llrPTIOTORY "OVV.ffA U'.TlNlMKftTSl j B. VONDERSMITH'S Chang l'lui, on, Ohinoso Linlmont. flMllfi superior nrenration I. pie'fnlra to (ho Ainer- 1 can public Willi Ihe gieelest confidence thai I sera- ckut curative qualllleiescel any oilier kiiown Mulined. Its action iiceitaln, sale and uniform, fal lug ill no caM wherein esierml «P|>H«tHoii I. amiropila e. All who have tried It re(ai<l it inMIIM. III II* following dlt- eit'll iheumallim.»i>r«IM.biulu>,twelledll"ih»,WNk ioinlt, wimetwelfth, H"* " '{"."fW'l'Vii..'. 'J? breast, rice, or any ollur pat I of Hi. body. I is an e\ celle.it irntedjrIn brulies, wildi. euls, etc. The uwrul. neu ortl.la InesllmiMe el cm'cilcomj.oun.l It by no n.rar* confliif.l lo ll.o liuniatispecie*, but l»equally tfflcMlMs wheuver ai-nleJ to cuie dl.eateioril.etavoiiieiiomct- ticai.lnullh< horie. Anions Hie nitiiydl«a«esand mi- denHoccutrin* to tin hone, for wblcull la the njoitcer laliicuio, liny be named Hie Wlnwlns. *ill cut*. bniUet, sprains in ll.o sboulJoi9, clia|.», tcralclie.. crackr.l tool, vweeney, apliiic, palor Joints,etc. For tuithel partleu- ''fflWfCB. Many and juel objection* ««c maUelo all the ordinary l.iiilii.Miiiiit llie thy no «couiil of their offensive smell* and the unsightly stains often kit upon the '^iu. A W a CI Tut (jet Which been vcililct io tbe »<toiiiilin*ntor the >i»*t profound chemUts, i J the Ue-hht of fafci aious patients is that In addition to Us sii»i«rUli»8 curallvo el- (ecu. it Islhe 1110*1 liealI hint cosivctlcand ajreeable i«cr. lunw. l o any I'ftit oi Ihe skin to which Um ty be staled it impsttt . rosy and Mluul low which Isms for unny houis, and leaves the »flvcty sailnewof hriUhy »>kln,ln- ktead of tl.eciactcd «rd cha|'|td a|»|f*rance whlcn Isa common leaull ol alioo tall otheraillctea uwdfprtWt purpose. lleiK'a, t\t\y lady's toilet Is supplied Willi It who know* It* wceUent q ^ilijes In Ibis »eipect. 1 o rrat. Ite llsagieeable oJor you need bul open one bottle aud liy lor youtielf. , , kAkmvillr, Ohio1.' Mr. J. Hi YoniltrmitS t. 4 til Dear Sir t. inve been sffllckd or Hired years with rheumatism in my bach, oik* lor llie last six monjhs nol able to jet out of my bed without help, and your stent M our cilrlinlsied onmetiymi one Witlcoi t hang rhu l.i iilutent and try what elT.tt It wou'd Irtvei a d one bot¬ tle In* telieved mo so much tlwt 1 was able to get out or my bed without dilBcully. It hat been a bteuina to mej imttryltloi piUWlf, and >ou tvllj bo Well plMMd. I MIIS. M. fcoCIIIIAS. U'holeule «rd Ifelall Ateiltt. TIIOMFSOS .V I'ATfMlSOV inyl-ly. Xi>. 117 Malnatrret. McCOHMlCK'S IIKAI'INQ AND JIOW1.NU MACIIINK. AM prepared lo lake and execute orders for the«e Id,l,,y.«ful labor.avlr4|jnp:e,i«nt,.||i my.j Ajteni r.ir I'atenle.. . Just Reoeivert A Nil for tale at IIKKOKK A- HOFFMAN'S, No. 110 co'i*r .Maikel alley atiil Main ot. 10,010 Ilia, beit netl wgt. ie.1 Sole l<alberi |ii,i*>l * 1 o\er ' 1 " »,»*> »rod dauiasei 4/01) llglil wtla . TotttMr With . Iirjeilock of French calf>kln>, klpt, nioiovcos nitil liinllngl.M well asail other article* u»ual ly kei't in Leather Ntoies, all of which will be su d at low '"Ifc'fml" the old corner, and come well .rnied with eatli. and ymi will be leivar.lf.l ullli t.vi.l Imw !..¦ nO 01 HAyOiN AM) I.AItU Oil,. IX li ou.liln (N SMdeili It) 1 do Sldeai 44 tleicen limit, pait aujar cured and canvated. A140, i/) birielt No. I Urd OII,Ju»l icc'daud fur sale by nn.V'llw J II. S'lUHT IV ' o. IIUHSK KOll SAI.K. AI-IIIST me llorte, tultab'e for harness or saddle.. Kiiiiulreof s. AVHHV. myT 1 Not t in aril I IS. .Mai" tUeft_ " "Oill"i.0MK.V.S HANIIV nAW*biU%' A lAIIHKaitorlnieiitof Voutli'iandl'hll'lieii'a Fancy hitmiiilcJi^. A VKK\ , ,nv 1 Nn» Mftmd HA Miln M . Wh^'liK. Va. I'b.VlKUIt^l oOAIjIW. TO KAIIUIANKS'. TVSTarrived,another conslinmentof .Murdoch's Pie* i) mlum Stales. Ti.e public can eminently rely unon these scale*, for perfect accmacy and kubsUntlal make. The undesigned hat ^o!d many H tht-m-ard in no In¬ stance have they 'ailed tojilve entlie satisfaction, tlty references will tf,i'Tl'ufuiKl.i.. Acer.cy ware rooms ior Main ami Qulncy ils_ 1,1)9 _ VVhtellni. Va. Spring Stook, J AM Just openlnj a vci» large and well teletled steek hinldlrra Ilnribtiirr niul ilonrls TrliiliilliiK», in wlilci. I Invite ihe aileuilon uf nir custoineit «uu .11 .ruunsuilnieoidaof this MmI. (WSland, IWMai"streel, JOHN KNOTH. A UARD. JOHN FICK1KSF.N lespecifuly announces to his Mud tileiids.iiilclllttiisof Wliee ins, that l.e las en- tlrely close«l Ids muilc business, and Is iiuw piepaied to ll v»Insti uctioii In muiie ^ ^ For one lerm(or9llenons)oii ilioUullar ,.SI« ,|. do do do Violin M tin do do do Flute....*1^ The bed methods, or Instructors, areuied by tlie.bove °"oideran»TbeleHalT.il, IfljanACo.'a lliu|Slore, or at W Main .tieet nirl-gni " Shooteral Shooters!! l.oounrd'. Pnttnl ll»rol»ln« Hummer I'ialol III THIS pislol, for simplicity of corjtrnclion, facility of loading and caiplrg, rapidity of Oitcli.rtlnt, power and correc'neM. convenlerce ni rarrjln?, and In eiemptlon liom llabllllr lo acddeniai diichaiglnf, claims a superl orlly n\ero/f nlbeis now inanuracluied. A snvalI lot Just tecehed and for rale at lb; ch«p Jew¬ elry Store uf . <.¦. I ",li°_5^|, . in)INo.4 Wanbliigtini Hill. NKVTstOOK OV Watohes, Olooks and Jewelry. TIIK.uburlber bastuil relumed from New Vork, and can now offer a much laiger and flnor stock of Goods In ill. line (and at pikes much lower,) llun ever heielofoie. Tl4 public are earnestly sollc tet tocdl and evamlue his goods and price'. F.veiy oiliciesold at this establish, niei.t It warranied. Clocks snd waiehescarefolly repaired. 0. 1'. llltort.N, Washington Hall, m)lMonroe stuet. PAKTICUI.AK allentlon is callnl loa new slvleol lever watch, turn part tf uhteh it muiutaclurii fn .limrfee, which it. fated In every variety of style, g ild and silver. Ttieie watches sie Jeweled .mi .11 warranted correct time, keeper.. . For tale by C, I'. IIHOWN, mv|WashlnHon Hall. Monroe «t. Gordon, matthbws/& Co FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wheeling, Vn. KKsi'Rt'TPl'l.lV iiiRartiitheir lileinli and sldppert tei.erally, Hut they Inve reduieu ihelrcliarge for lor waiUlngper llalilmoieard O'lo Kallioadiand aieiiow charglnt lor commission .nil dr.rage on Jlrrclniiiiliac, Weil) 00c. per loll ft*a u.lucr, l!tl«l, 40c. il« We hope our attention lo the interest of shipper* vvlll aeeure a cominuince of Ihe favor herelofore extended to us. Khlppeil will be particular lo »ave IlielrgooJs mirk. ,VpTrC.",.nd'dV(l,0«nS'Afri& * Co. for Kent, The two M'nrcUousia at preienl occnpled by Hou a.o <v Knox, situated .I Ihe comer of Water ai d Moime.Ue^AP^on.hepre^e..^ ^ iitiskcll (f: Go. ARK now receiving from New Yoik their second slock enibtsclcg . greaterqiiiiililr of beautilul floods thai, IjMiy ha\j« ever heretofore lad llie plcavuie ot odeilng to Tpir siock.of llresn Ooodi, minllet, Kmbroldeilei, MMUBMHSn- 0 llr^OII-' <..k,. Prime .rtlcie, jusucc'^o. .p_ SPALDING & _ o ^iroue?#* '; io*iol.inAtl*o TU«|t C,L"MJ|# FL0.1TIM) MUI16 mgU nBs river*, tiwl their North American Circus! Co favorably known In tlx N«* and Hut, (BIO ONE M0N8TER CONCERN Wiih the Two CoxraNtM, croj. '"nThUSNDW STBITBI Dally, In the nine King, In pie*'*' cf the tudienee, with Two 8eU of Performers I TH'O SKTS PfPjAIt'jVS/ VIVK CLOWNS IS THE BINo I TWO ItKTI or HtNO IIORSMl Al'ompltlc Dramalle Corps' ftnlMlluil Jmj A/1 PUTNAM, EVERY NIGHT! NED KENDALL, the Bagterl KENDALL'S UBASS DAND UltOATH'S STHINO 11AKDI A 'frluinfht'. I'W'«! primipll lire*", v*f. Z} H., 01 every |<«« of Ihe Hands, In tlicOrand Moral of StntutltCfi Drawn l»y 10 Horse*! Driven V »»e m«ii | >|»1 «vet)iWii| eue. lu ami dI*oui the l.valltiliinritl, upon the raine clebwiite mill WI'JJ*. |ce:il icnte. with llllili liARK, ihe Oreat .WOifctillCIOttillil. Maoiltox. the WfflRto'W f!0,?' tlonleyi M'ile AO.NWS, & «!». liraled Creole QWIMMI MWW ATMAt, the Peeneu IhreMCk III- Sl^bll'ioM^'tfe AmitiM tkenlJ litIIWIIWWIII. AIaoixtTi the renowned Yoltlfeuri »Mw»»Ieur IiA Tiiohx. lhcM^[<M\llcreji!ti{l io( »*«¦ jj» M&M&i'.i)): II. DvtAsr, !&/w'Viyu, to mm Jeliu I (?. llltowNiJ. Ilv1*. W .*.?" Not, ic.i 4c,i will be c*lnl«ltd .> lir.M., n»l7|r.Mi afternoon and niohT Will be exhibited el Wheeling Two Days, aiottdn) niiiriiicuriuj-, illnr MIH rind I3IH, itl 2 o*clock and 7 o'clock tach day, AI AO AT St. Clnlravillo, Wednesday^ May 10. TIIR Oh A Ml Forty Horn Triumphal Proctssionl! Q-drlrrn by .Hoil. l'niil nlouc_o Will he mailt on Monday, startllil at lit A. Mi precitflf, fiontloot or Main »l.. Centre Wheeling, iipMelnloJef- femonrt, up Jefferson loMvkelat, down Jlaiket to flulucy st. up Qulucy to Sixth al.iluoivn sixth to John .1, to Hie Pavilion, where botli C'oiuimiilM under one 1 cut will be exhibited for only ote price nf admission, vln- llnves AO cent* CchlMren and «erv»nt« hallprlce) and Hit 9WK m" R. B. WOODS, IIKAt.CU IX House Furnishing and House¬ keeping Goods, .>«. ;m, Jiortitou Ipfl) II//AA/</*V^> r «1 e House Furnishing Store. rliAVKJu«t openeil, it No. 31 Monro*tiled/anew Mock of Hmitekeeplni ArlldM, conslsllng of Ttble Cutleir, Silver Plated Albila ami lliltannl* Wait, Plan- Itlieil, Japanned ami Plain Tin ware, Walter* o( different style. «nd various patterns, oiiiimentaland plain Fan iy a ml plain willow ware. Ilruihea, Featli»i llavlen and Fly bri'khcv, wooden waie, Family llardivaie, lialhliif .,,;.;.,n,»i,d Kit. wale complete. ^ lmiOVALS. Tohn II. Tlioii«i>>aii ins reniovM lilt HnoVStore (J in ||1 Main ttreet-ihove.i|iron*-loom latelyoccu pied hi W.T.Felhy. I. II. 1'iilleraoii Imren-ove.l In* alockof llri'S', I'alent .Mcdlcli.", Ac At.,to 111 MalnM. ap'J Thompson iV Patterson, tiK.il.i:m in Hooks, Stationery, Wall Paper, ntid Varloly Goods OJTOeneral lleiwt (or Ihetaleol all Hie Popular I'alent Mfillciiie*« cca etc., Utdy toM by I. II. i'atteiwn to Co., 33.Mumoeit. a|i» No. I It jlnhi ,,0 fATOtS" AT lluhhell'aS'ted Store, on Itimlt and to arilvi.100 hutkeli. A I.JO, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. aW Apple Tieen COI I'cich Tieet) ^ Uvulelletol new Kreixli llowa. With a veiieial iktortmnet ol OniiiMnial Tree, and lliare Vine*. » apIO WALL I'AI'KU. WK are now oieiilnjoiir tioek of Wall Paper, teleel. ed tioni thn hem irkiiulactmei* liitl,e Kakterucltlea -compilil, i all (M j^Hl^. aii^tl)le«.| KKS0X, o|i'.( in MOHH UttAUTIFUh OOOUS. AVKIiave iccclvedlMtibj. by Kxpretii ai other large lot ol KnibroliJerlef, comiillng of a variety of Jaconet a:ul s\vl$s Needle-worked t'olfais, in ll»e ;ii.ost eiqutiife and new deHgnn, niioo lioutUul tl»»uauy\\e lave ever Ital lltenioaMiitor (jffcrittj , .. Ahn,.an additional fupply of Jaconet and Nainsook FiOMtKlnxv. black l»ace, e c. , Onr>.tocko! Ki:ibroldeile«l« now larjerand moie de tlral.le linn it hat been befoie. >ifi IIKIRKKlil. A* ( o. Union faint Shop. II on bp < Misu u it tl Oiiinniritliil I'n Iti t i ittf» (ilu/iiiU, ft*(ti»cr IiiiiikIit||| Ac. MRSSHS. BKLli & SIMMONS \\J OUI.II Inform thecItlieiit of Willing and vicinity } ] that they have entoicd intoaco-iuitnenMpfoitlie I'u rote ol cair)inx on the above butincit In its vaiioui bitches, and hoj>e by a strict attention to buihtekt, and reasonable tci dm, to ineiita ahare ot public pationaje.. I'diaone having work to do in our line Will do well to give uv a c.tii. Shoo \W\ Mtlnt(.3doort below Ihe Monroe Home. 1 pp)ily IIHhli & .SI.M.MOXS. WALL PAPERS. AC'O.VP/.i.TA'a«ioitnient Juit opened. An cnilielf \ovr Stock. Knibraclnt a (teat variety of .New Pattern* of fine anil low priced luil, parlor, and chamber Paperi and llor- deit, kssiFor tale cheap by WII,|IK,V IIHOTIIF.K, ipfl cor Main and Union tit. " NBW FAMILY QROOBRY. rpilKtuhscilbeit lnvejntt received, and now opening 1 fortale, Inlhelaite new bilckstoie Doom Poit Of lice building*, corner of Market and Qulncy wtieels, a ve ry general and choice Miortmeiit of FHKSII FAMILY UIIUUKKIKS, rumixlnt In pari of Ihe following ai tie lei, which Ihey offer (o the clllten* ol Wheeling, and all olli- ei« wanting good. In their line on the mou Inviting term*, vl»i .New Orleans Sujari t'lyenne at il block Pepperi Cruaheit. pulv'il ami coffee do Allspice, .Nutmeg*, nucei (Iteen llio coiroei Ginger, toila.saieittus, l,nit white tlo Yeaat I'owiler,, elc t Marlcaibo mJ Java do Walnut and in veil pickles, linpeiltl, tiuiipowiler, Y. Jellies, catvupn llyiou. Kng.bieakfavtanJ lllackbcri y coidlali lluck Tea«offii;f quilltleti Syiupi, Kuencet.elC.) Codllsli, Salmon, iMrrlngi Sillail Oils) Mackeiel,Uite.No3| Alr.ionJ*, Fllbeiti) do incOlumNoS, Flg<, Kdslns.etc. ilo .No.a,Inbbli,qr. SoapiifHitsble^-ilalrywit bblk anil kllsi New Orleans mola&seti llacon, coin meal, Go'ilen Syrup, Ac, Family .ml Superfine Flour, Tobacco ami cigars of rail. oustiades. Toiellier with numerous other aitlcle* kept In > firoceiy, too leillous loo enuiiieiate.all or which vrillbesoldit the lowitl market prices br W. A. KDWAIIDS A- 11110. Ichyi at Ihe Sew sipie, »il]olnln; Ihe Pott Oinee [Dissolution of Oo-Partnership, 'IMIK eopartnership heretofore e.vlsllns hetwren Ml- I. duel Sweeney, Till Johnston, Jr., Pe:er Shoenber. ger, James M. Tod I, ami A..N, Jolinslon, undsr the m in name ol Sweeney, Johuiloii & Co , was tlltiolved on Ihe SIh day ol June, lS.il, by the tlealh ot Peler Sltoen- berger. Since that dale the omlciilgned hive continued the bus inekior thelale Arm under Ihe name and .trie of Swee¬ ney, Johu>to:liV Co, MltillAKL SWF.KNKY, Till JOHNSTON, Jr., JA M KS M. TOIH), A III JAII «, JOHNSTON. DissouFrioN. TIIK firm of Stveeney, Johnston ft Co., Is Ihlstlay 01s solved by niulnil conieni, ilessrs. Michael Sweeney aud Thonus Jobnaton, Jr., lellrlngfininlhe firm. >1 SWF.KNKY, J. M TOIIII. THOSi JOHNSTON, J*.. A. N. JOHNSTON, Wheeling, February SM, Si). co-iMiimnsiiiP. TIIKuntleis'gredhave unlledthemselves forth, pur. pou of manulacluilng all klmls of Iron nntl nails, at the .vliiaouVi Iron Work* under the style of J. M. Todd A Co., ami solicit a continuance 01 Ihe pationageof Ihe old Run. J. M. TODD, IIVUII NICHOLS, A, N. JOHNSTON. Wheellnt. Peh.$?d, IR.VS. reb"rt HTUdUHAFjti' ()¦ ENUliAVhSU. Middleton. Wallaoe & Co. AD. 11.1 IPAi.WT.mW7, CINCINNATI, MAPS, BONUS, UKKTIFIOATBS, VIKWS, I'Olt I'KAITS, OARDS, dto. SXORAVKI) AND PHlSTKl) lit TIIS IIX.1T STYLS AMI O.V SIIOI1T SOTIVH. (CrOrdeti leipectfully sollcileil.ua Ji, n. 140 Sleel Plates on hand for Magatfnea, Hooks, tie , impievilon* from wlilchwe wlllmpplyoii,. licavonahlctQim*. s>pl8 I'lO IKON. W K keep lor sale best Quantity Hanging Hock Pig Iron, .tillable for foui dry or mill purpose*. i|>M IIOANP. 4 COWflli.L SllkMPP'S SALK. TU Ciilowajr MltilVg .n4' Mtiiufie* f oiofr^fel tutjrg lU iiip*Mr . J Vufl>». | .liip&'iwtKeof I ISM, in Ue above ittnredrauM, I w.u uiiiii I Anting of (be til) f WMtliuj, ooSjIum.i u»,s< of »WW(nv(iiuiijfW >1.0 fiit u, "<i °o»d Itonl alio oik (.'I,lit Ui?«. ' L" «tj TIjs ulc ivl:l be made on . creOlt t,f 0 rha>0i*Klvlns boiiJ \Vilh a;'l>tov«J i«uiit,, J.,'V leretl lioiull*e dil'Of ule. -st \V«i f. WICKI ig »¦** 1R .u,L . hSUBb and lot for gm-l rpilK gnde,til»iiedoreii lor nit u. iiwtlui I Jlitkel ilrttl.CHl »lde, btiuimM,"l*-. «l)«H IbelOl if l«l llOW, l»llh>jwdk,l, N' 'II will be »olJ tow at>il on IrtoiwtrOitiwi, . po»»t»loinl\ni«i>|f lime »H»r He (inio: ouv, w CTKiiquire 01 >ep3 JX Zlim, FOlt iii-Mr. Tlir Slo.e llcainonMuuiirttiitltli.it.. br our Ho; flojilt bout. will I* lor reuto, "'"««i>( Xn. .Vtlu turn. Jii2 TAIAANT it li^i tp.. ¦ci.._ c>-i- ly" For Snlo. r OTS numbered IfC, Itf, lot, tr.d 11 ll.uited on Ztie tlicel In the Hit «.,? W|s, i tlvit ll.orAllnivli^.Uifril...! I ... ' W ¦ >| . , "I ¦"« «. « «»t CCfhor teims^e., Which will l»e \eirr».*. ply i«» n"" For Salo, Two llon.e. I | TIIK linJenljci.fil offer. loruieir t II,.,.' Iheuprereudoi Alonio«tir.'tl,iiiJi,uii,, he upper end or Kouilh tliecl. Tlii'buuuitiemivbilck, an.l In Aod i M&Korpirlltul«uenqulreo/AN1K>'' mMO < AIIUllAKt KIWaHh.,. W; & J. falowurt, "^ KAM'f.KTUHIiis or til. KIM'S rr 8T0VKN, UHAi'li*. I'KOnm uiou tor Thin«lil«K .tltrr kltu,' V At., Ar. south nurron. snuvMtrs ,y cmimv/.u, jiAMi'Ai'ti mm ui a COPI'EII, TIN, A NO SlIKKT IIION \\%S irriit icmi or xtmi wm, »|3 Whrrlhig. Vn, Groccrs and Commission Mcrelink T7riW?«k riMtTr etnvm uo*tt» itnum, BALTIMORE. , STIIICT attention lipild lo lie IrMtjjS u> l^ilTob'tcoO) Urtiu, flour, Frull, IhcoaUti.i. ''a-l'i.ir'idvitrcet nude trponcoiitlji.uwulJ, MIT* iu. JobttS. Cllllmt, Hsq. t'tn'I.CUi. lltiVi Mavi rcililliUltuter .Vl'a| UuibeiKlillliv, Kvq.i Xiwd Keiouver >v Ctmiibelli t'o). J.O. Mi'Ot, ImuiWi. .] Htq. !«lfe 1 Bolls! liollsii MKXKKI.V'Hcelfbitleil Cliurcli, KKlorr.Ktri^vl .iMonxilive, I'ltnUlluii, t'cliool IIolu ilJ r. Helli, lolil by JAN. M. DILLON, Asm'. lvHilt-;,l|> Wniiitu.V, Mew Fall and Wilitor Uooas At No. 1, | Ni'itH.-o no cm;. ITAKK rlrtiuieln kins tMe loiiilufinnrMuj loinrrs si d lhe| ubllc teintll)', Hal I In, S iduiteJ fioiuNew Vo'h»i J lluilon, ul.eiell4.nH IttitJ liomllie vailotsfciotki of FftncL £iii/lnli and Amtrinin Gv{, t Ol.e 0( III* 111( 91 fO'ffOUH Mid I'Mlitlltfl llMkt » i hroikiht to IliU intikei.-ctii vitliig ol all (m iw .luila ol, SROAD CU)T»IJ, AIW, IF.AYH CIOTIU, and fVci) Uc«cilj'tiou ui Matouable c<ntii?i :vi ul Ovcicoitt. vcaMi gt I h*vetf«M<iIt$ f.xlfiulxe ai d kauiiltl auorlr-eit c\(i o5« i< inaikeli all or which, youaia I am *1 make up onihort i.otUe. fti.d In aH>le vi r^uUlito1, city- lii addiUon to Ue above, 1 lave Urn stochor fine floodlliito READY MADD CLOTHTNO, .UI line Mill lilff, 10 lUl If JOWlLOuld WJIlll fu! .'. Me luit ol (lollies, niwl «.».».! unit m l:»ve i »'. can lui nlrh )ou icady made, equal to »ny jcucuvs In niadeloiiteakute. I have a.«o icedved an etfetuive «'nnm: of M : UiideitliliU* Diawert, (Jluvei, ('ia\at», Siaiff.lu keicklelf, S*u»rei:der», Collar, and In lact etrin tv that is tequliMl or called for Inll.e Aleuliht or I lolhingand Fuinltlih'g hiitlneis, cliol ntiealv. sell clieap for caili. I'lea&e live me a c«U. octl S. int'R GUTTING & GORDON, I'ltOlltlOli Commission Morohanli! 4 «rt>»'j wiiAkr, B ALTIM OR H, MA HK ca»h advai cca on conilgmtlils Kaoy, Laid1 Holler, Hlour, WhUkh Tollonard T«»W(» iu«"Ooidon, AlalthewK A- (Jo., NWelwj, Va, ni.li'v make advinccs on ihliuneulft to our llou>e. »'f ICooiler.^ai eivlllej Jouiiial«Coluin^i CJa;eK',» clnin.tli Journal, houitvillei Kerublitan. M.Ut*. K Hili cadi Tor tl.v nioutln, cLatje tin pifie*, ai.1 ic^' Mill.] A. FIELD, OYSTER DEALER, W. lx>M»ar. t*»T. it.li/ri.iton v. HA VINO fitted up mycihMulw.eut with eie i lad! ity I amniepaied to exnutetll oide«* («*i Kios .spired, Pick!rdand lie:met lally.»e#fed Oyllerr. OCrOIMIKIIS leu uiili lie ur.»fei*l;ied.for«i:yofih faove ai lie lea will be promj'il; aiiei ded 10. A. rtl.ISS .^nf, Ao. C, .McMoeilie#t. feWtf tVjnlHVt Vl SHKLL OYSTERS Recolvcd Dally I'MHT-orpifr. 'I'lIK umleitlfrr rt ietel\« su.l OjiiUii KVHV Mt -L, ImoIjiI):.«iiJ li |,it|ulttll'i lurirth.l'it <pv>ljIi«. tin! KtinlllM, urn, So i SHHl.t oysiKII-S c:Uj U e Oozcn or butbet.warranted ipusd tiM nr,b. i'^3 J.VQ. JAY WATfltt. Dupont's Gunpowder. 4 It.WfOKftiid foillml rippljcl ilrte, l»ra>!i«?.i»' ./V spoiling powder on hand. In n-apr ie A.*»>a»*' Ku e, for sale low either wliolcsil? oriefatl. l^ * '- railioad contiacinra, and inlneiti ttillleivMjlW loueit nuiket latet by M HblLI.V. mliQO No 18!, \ve*i s'de uutkM»? Manuro. TIIK umleiilgntJ lakes great pleaiurt In*i>tnIbatH l»astested the feitllislng qoallllts of it.e .si-prs tf hint, and feels Idnsell fully jutllfied In ifcwnmfcfe! Itasa gtneial fertilizer whi»h has pntiu»'dtleM»*t» Ijfiefory resullt, In lootrnlnjc the >oil ainl itopait**-;< healthy and fine color to the foliaceof rUMt JANKS MALI.OK, KlOilitardMrdeceN ^ l.'elfllOH'.M, OaW I resrectfiillycfell the illentlosof Fnner»ai;i erstolhe shove volnnlsry lest mony ol my woiihj *. and piactlcal Plorhtaud Gardener, ,Vr. Malior.»o»* and farurablr known among our lvorle >eie. Im»?'' allowed alio lo slate that Mr, Mallei's tenimra*"' conoboralesall other e.xnei n^ent hitlieito «»*.!< will* ^ excellent manure. K. If. lirmiKU, Sole ajei.t lor the safe of lielleig'* .No I «s* P Mw. mhW cor .Main and Quloiy sti. Wbceiiaj. \ «¦ Argus ropy WJiliXU fit,lT)E Ul' 1655. WA Card. r. Inrlle the »lleiilloii oriiuui.titu 10 ptr inci- eholre aiioilineiil ol KmbioliViln. liffitrJ OMye vet direct Irom Kmo|>e, ubiimt t f»u>>" .ell it I |,eit reductlou on Ionnei eilrri-oui itwi <'¦' initlnj. <H0 nrleliet of needle woiked rullirt, In S*l« I" net tni Ute, hV) varieties ol Mterrs In ut.ae mil,111. 100 varieties of Jicmrt 11..I Snlii muilln Flour.ilujt, T.(eiler wllb »lir;e variety ol Jnoort and <.0 Kdjliif* Ind Inicilltp, lu'ai.t t KmbV llutut.r'i It will l.e evident to all Hut larlht fttulln In i>uiehiilitT Ibrie lltodi, we will be tnHtJ t"'l' freiler liiducenienlt nol unty in tie etifiu.it» ' alioln pilcei, llun tlioie Iwuiev that bt, t i»i«»i« hands. t|d IIKI.-KtU *<.. WliNDOW il'UMW. PLAIN Orren Oil Clot),, Unduare, TWIit'""; Piper Window IHI»d>. new »nd Inuldj Utr, itcfhe.lat tLe corner boukilcie. , _a|.l WII.HK .V lj"_ IIA .V.\ KY iiid lTeiiiM Seed*, lor u e bf V in,IS J II. VOWKI.I.. 91 t>J'" .NKW STOCK OK 1)11055 MKUICTN^, I AM reeehlnga revrand fresh Hoeko' Pik». V'4;* rlnei, Ilje siwr,. 0 It, Cajjnt*. H , ronklttii«I mint moteeomplele tkinever, n.l attu'ewitwn inr home In IU eltr. JOHN II. T.VI'I'.<>. No(il Ceu'.ie «l<"(. flew Spring and Slimmer (looJi AT No. 1, Sprigg House. T TAKKpie-isuielnsajincIo inyhler.de iMl lk|Jf' I cenlly letuuet' from Sew Yotk wllhs Uaat»v»»* sort mem of Springand Snr.,iaer fiood«,co»il»i r? a Bftom CI.ATIIS, Al.t COI.OkS A.NP HUPr<. Summer Goods lii great vailety, luilablffor mik'rj*'' Summer conn CAMiHmks a.nu nstimj*. . ..f I will M) I havellie HKftt beautiful ain»rfn:eet #w ImporUUlo Ibis country, all of winch \ an» >«tiefW (vviedloinake up iNalyleand fit liar I have bernM m it)'year*. HEADY MADE CI.OTIIIXO AXI) KI K.M^" I NO ooous In treil v.tlelf, eonilillnt of f'oili. Veil'. Kbltli, UnderM.lrlt, Silk, I.Inert, .ltd llollon >na»ei»- St«|>eiideii. (.lover, jitiickt, Collut, and |a'"",'.'J Hilif u.nilljr tepl by i Merchant Tailor or I lotker.alto which I n III tell very chfap for tub rfi, I'ieaie el ve me a call and I will tninniee mi )>"*" bepleiied, Youn, . mm s myL. if't Il.tllKHW Kemuekf . iu. So ^NiiMi'r"- l'' I r r Ir rr rt rl rrd M'li. I'linlillon "" lit oak cooperate, In iloie iml fxrnleb) ^ Kxiil.V^. mtW ItACOX. ,.4,000 ^00. Pilinesi^l-I ra,, In ilote and for wle t»w by y _ jfaUA^, 1 hnrrfl«ln»t itcelvedindlor «lf .nil 6 Cl.tta

Transcript of Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va.) 1855-05-11 [p ]. · maleand fenisle assistant...

Page 1: Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va.) 1855-05-11 [p ]. · maleand fenisle assistant missionaries, lolly-three native helpers, 21 churches, and about 050 native comniuuicanui

Bea^AOo.;;; MP

*W HE IS LING, VA:-'FKfuAF»T0trNTN0,"MAYTl, .]Mj



For Otetmorof VirglMTil0.11 AH M> Vk0VRN01T,«r Halifax.

For Lieutenant OortlM/,JAJIK* .11. II. BKALK, «f JIn.on.

. JOIIN nfvAttllls^oVlll'chmoni.WILLIAM Brothc.

"fife 'IMaWNf jit imiwl*.PreeldentPleict, with lili wife, mil Mrs. Amos Lawrence,her «n, and Mi# »U">n, of Bjston, arrived InlfeltiiAoieon Wednesday morning, from Washing-ton.The PreilJent vlsiled the Custom House and

Post 9<11cer and went through (ho Reading Bonmmid surveyed the Merchants' Rscliange, generally,Willi reference to selecting o lite for the conlein-plated new United Slates Court House and HostOffice building.

lie, alio looked at varloui other locations named.Il'e'ttturned to Washington yesieiday morning.

'W"1 qg -*~-4-4 *

' HiiitXkt. WiSiiiNOTO* Monumbnt,.TheBoaid of Managed of Ihe fund have Issued an nd-dress, In which they make the following appeal furmeahs 10 complete the wurki

.<A new Board of Manager* have now been ap.np]Dl^..,W« conio into office under favorableauspices, and w'iili well founded hopes of meansto piosecute the work.' Since our election, on tho¦Jit February l«»l, we have not been idle. Ourarrangements have been begun, and ore In pro.;rt«. We appeal to the people. We wish no

.egulallve aid. We look lo free heat's) we callupon all, not the liberal and the gei.erous alone.We call upon eaoh man who this day wnlks erectmail ihe panoply of freedom In this broad land,who Is not dead lo Ihe common Im,mists ol hu¬manity, who is worthy in the least degree of thecountless and diveisilied blessings by which he issurrounded, call upon men everywhere to coniiib-Ule each his mile. A great and mighty people oftwenty-five millions cannot be (o dead lo Ihe sen-

astlons which are innato iu every bieast at the barenaming Of such it benefaction as lo refuse to givetheir aid in such a cause.

...4. ....

CorvaiouT or Hiwi..liilraordimryl.lw com¬mittee on ihe abolition of the newspaper * tamp,the new Biiglish Chancellor of the Rxchequtt-ex'editor of the Kdlnburg Quarterly Beview.propo¬sed to Insert clauses to effectually muzzle thepteu and prevent the circulation of intelligence.Ilia proposition was to the efleot that a propriciorof* newspaper! should be entitled lo a copyrightfor every original article, teller, inrigmph, «m-

MunltitlM anJ companion IrMeh thMfor the fin!be puH/tied In tueA iittetpaptr, and any pcison vi¬olating the copyright, even by a colorable abridge¬ment within 31 hours after Ihe appcainnce of sucharticle, letter, iVc.« to be lined from 6 to £20.

«.?-¦«»»-» ..

Mn.tsoaxiia.Nr or BuTitQums..-Tho fornerdirector of Ihe Observatory at Prague, Dr. Kiel),has invented an Ingenious Inslrumenl to measure

tl.e force, duration, and direction of enithpuakes.Jt consists of a pendulum so conlrivtd that, whilstIt can move iu any direction, it cannot return. Aperpendicular cylinder is attached, which by menusof clopkwork, tui us on .ts vcitiole axis in twenty-font houts. A pole with a lliin clastic aim, isfixed neat the pendulum) Una aim, poiula towardsthe oyliuder, and presses on it gently a pencil, bywhich means an unbroken line is formed on thesurface of the cylinders us long as the pendulumIs at rest, but If It is put In motion by an earth¬quake, the pencil makes broken marks, whichshow tho strength, direction, and period of theeatlhquake.

. .

I'I'iib N. Y, An.MVtas.taits..The annual re-

port of tho Ueneral Assembly's Hoard uf ForeignMissions of the I'resbyterion Church, was readat Dr. Phlllippa' Church, Fifth Avenue, NewYork, on Sunday evening. The receipts lor theyear weie including a balance from lasiol $1,207,-62) $181,071 17. Bipeilditures, J 176,106 10,leaving a general balance of $8,369 07. Sit mis¬sionaries tone of whom had been in this countryon it visit) and twenty-two male and female assis¬tant missionaries, making 23 In all, have been sentout during the year,

The'lluard has missions among tbo Indians, inAfrica, ill Liberia, in Inuia, hi China, in lluenosAytes and in the island of Corisco, end have la¬beled also among Ihe Jews of this country, and inPapal Europe. The angregale is thus given.The Board has under its direction, besidts what

Ii dope lor i'apal Burojw, 20 separate tuitions, 60ordained missionaries, 6 licenliaiv pi vat he is, IMmale and fenisle assistant missionaries, lolly-threenative helpers, 21 churches, and about 050 nativecomniuuicanui VO schools, and 0,400 pupils) sixprinting iuc«s<s, irom which have been issued overi2,100,000 ol pages during Ihe year.Ciuistun Union..itev, Dr. Baild, on Sondsy

evening, gave a verbal statement of Ihe year'sop-nations of Ih J Amciicnu and Foreign ChristianUnion hi the,Du'.eh Itefotmed, Church iu Lafay¬ette Place, N. V, Bev, Ut, Hewitt piejched Iheinnlvtriaiyieimon,.Hour Missions,.Bev, Dr. Sloir* of Uraiuitec,

Mass., pleached the .annual sermon before ihe A<tnerican Home Mission, Suuday evening, iu IhePresbyterian Church, .Madison njuaie, corner 21thstreet, (Bev. Dr. Adams'.)Barnsr Bisi.k Socutv..'The annualdiscourro

before Ihe Baptist American and Foreign Bible So-cltly was preached ,last Sunday evening by theRev. K. L. Magoon, D. 1)., ,iu the Fust UaptistChurch of Brooklyn.

Union Tiito, Sim..The Inauguration of Bev.1)1. II. I). Smith as Professor of Systemio TheologyIII Union Theological Seminary look place, lastSunday evening, at the Mercer at. PresbyterianChurch. Bev, Dr. Stearns, of New Haven, dcliv-«red Ihe charge, and Prof. Smith pronounced hisInaugural.

Til* Jtwi..The sermon before ihe AmericanSociety for the Amelioration of the Condition ofthe Jews, was preached last Sunday evening byIhe Bev, Edwin B. McOngor, in the new Colle¬giate Church, cornet of Fifth av. and Twenty-ninth st.

8. S. Mission..The tenth anniversary of thoSsbbath School Mission Association was celebra¬ted Sunday evening, iu tic Tabhnaole. C. L.llrace ond Mr, Tousley were Ihe speakers.About $2,600 have been collected since Ihe es¬

tablishment of this Association, of which $1,600lias been paid in suppoiling missionaries in theWest, and 81,000 has been expended in the pur¬chase of library btoks, by which meaus about300 Sabbath Schools have been established in llioWell.

Ilcarir..Bev, S. Lee, n Methodist preacher inCanterbury, Ct., has been suspended fiom Ihe ex-ticise of his ministerial functions on occouut ofa||ege< be$e»y. According lo Mr. Lee's account,his Iji(tales were'that man is a progressive being,'"#i!(l,Ui»iiiie Cend cannot instantly becouvertid

' liitb in ohgel of light.'' i

Death of an Oit> I,tor..Mrs. Elizabeth Young,«<d (9 yeari, the oldest mender of ihe Met IjodlitEpiii:cpil Cfiuich In Iho Valley of Virginia, diedit Port Republic, Hockl«gbam, on the 20ib jilt.

r "

laitont') tquatter sovereignly, By . ileimet jailortived frpm Poll i.eavcnwotlh, wo have leceiveda copy of « h<Ml. dated II* 1st Inst., Id whichlb# murder of Maieoinb Clark Is announced, aii'la call mode totho citizens toifieel and take actionIn elation to the matter. The deceased Is repre¬sented as having boine the character of a raost

worthy and amiable cltieen. Of Iho standing ofMcCtea, the homicide, no mention ia made, nor

are we acquainted at all with his history. Thedifficulty occurred on the 30th till.,"ie meet-

(tig of the citizens was to hare, taken f.Uce^in the3d Instant,

Of.at excitement prevailed at Fort l.eavenwoitliwiie.i the ateamer left. McCrea was in confine¬ment, availing the ileoison of the people, Vimthe feeticg expressed, it was feared ho would bemost suinmatiiy dealt with. The hand-bill as wellas the Information derived from the officers of theboat, leave no doubt but that the melancholy deedwas the result of that foul spirit of discord whichhas been let loose in the Territory by men profes¬sing to be actuated by holy and philanthropic mo-

""AMached lo the memoranda of the steamerEdinburgh we find a few addition"! rarticulars -*

The quarrel between McCrea and Clark oilginaledel a meeting of SquatlelS held at LeaveiiwoilliCity, and grew out of a dispute about voting..McCtea is a lawyer. After he shot Ms victim hootlcmpted lo escape by swimming the liver, butwas overtaken and conveyed to the guard house.The excitement, both In W eston and Leavenworth,wa< Intense, and it was apprehended the oiiitenswould teat down the piisonand lynch the prisoner.We give the hand-bill entires.8TO'l'ilB HUltliJOl

r.HKAT INDIONAtlON HKKTINOl IAroute anJAttnge Ihe Mm! ofput Ftlltu* .Van.

WSerta$i M.tu'oiia Cimkk, one of our mostworthy and (tiloubie cilitens.a man whom it IsImpossible lo see without admiring, or to knowwi'houtesleeming,and of whom it might be saidthat (hose who knew him brtt, loved him mod,was consigned to an tintiuiely grave, killed, alto-clouslyjmurdered, without anyJust c.use or pro-vocation, in this city, on the 3UI1. ultimo, by theviolent and ruthless hand of an assassin, C. Mo-Crea, a meeting of out citizens is hereby called in(lib place on Thursday, .May 3rd, for the purposeof taking some action in relation to this foul andatrocious Clime by whloh a happy family has sus¬tained a sad and irreparable bereavement, and outcommunity been depiived of one of her most use¬ful and enterprising oiiizetu.Here is another life that has been taken by the

murderous hand of a treacherous villain! "herewill these fatal consequences end, God onlyknows! Arise fellow men, and trample underyour leet the hydia-hvaded monster, AHUM-T10NI8M!U.Scott Boyle, John llartis, James M. l.yle, D. J.Johnson, II. Kiver bollard, J. Marion Alexan-der, Bennett Buinham, J. L, MoAleel, JarrettTodd, J. II, Mclliidc, membeli of the commit-tee appointed by the citizens of Leaveiiwoilli toframe a cull for it pulilio uiceliiig.litattttirorlh (111), A. I., May 1st, 1845.

. * ..

Potor Branolaooj tha Sani|isou of tboWestern Hemisphere.

As late as the year 1830, there lived In WesternVimniu a man, whose stiengtli was 40 remarkableas to win lolhitnthe title ol the "Virginia Samp-ion," He knew nothing of his liiilli o( parent¬age, but suppos d lie was born in I'oitugnl, fromwhence he was Stolen when a child and corricd toIselniut. Ilts earliest recollictions were Ihose ofboyhood In tLfe latter country.While yetn lad he apprenticed himself Ion tea

captain for seven >enrs, in pay for a passage tothis country. On l is ulllval his lime and seivioeswere sold loa Mr, Winston, of Virginia, in who*;service he teinnined until the breaking out of thedevolution, Being of an adventurous turn inmind, he sought and obtained permission of Idsmaster to Join ll eaimy, and was engaged in activeservice during me whole contest. Such wo, Insstrength and prison il binvety.lliatuoeiieniy couldres'sl him. lie wteideit a sword, tte blado olwhich was five leet in length, ns though it hadbeen a feather, and every one who Came in con¬tact with him paid the forfeit of Ins lire. <U StonyPoint he was ono of the "Firlorii Hope," whichwas advanced to cut uWBy the obalis, and, next toMajor till,boil was the first man to enter thvwuik*.At liraiidywinc, mid Monnioulh, he exhibited themost fearless bravely, and nothing but his inabili¬ty lo write, plevented ids promntio.i lo u commis¬sion. Transferred lo the South, he look pit in

most of Hie engagements in that section, and lowards the close of the war, lie was engaged in n

contest which exhibited in a sinking manner, histemaikablo degree of self-confidence mid ccor-

°8One day while reconnoitring, he slopped atthe hotife of a man by the name of W.., lo re¬fresh himself. While at the table lie was surpris¬ed by nine British troopers, who rode up to thehouse and told liiin lie was their prisoner. SeeingHint he was so greatly outnumbered, he p.etendedlo surrender, and the drayouns seeing he was appa¬rently veiy peacefully inclined, otter disarmingliiin, allowed Idm considerable freedom, whitethey sat down to pallake ol the food which hehad left when disturbed. Ww,deling out into thedoor-yard ho was accosted by tl.t p.iym.is'er, whodemanded of liiin eveiylhing of value about hunat ll.e lit); of his life in case of refusal. .! hoveuotliing lo give,' said Francisco, 'so use yourpleasure.1 'Hive up those itwisivo silver bucklesIn your shoes,* ssid the dragoon. ' i'hey were thegift of a friend,' replied Franciiw, 'and give themiu you 1 never sli-.ll, take ihem if >vii will, youhave the power, but I will never give Ih.mtoany one,' rolling his sabre under his atm, thesoldier stooped tloivn to take lliem Frwciscoseeing Hie opportuuily, which was too good lo belosl, seized Iho swoid, anil dtawiug it with forcefrom under the atm of the soldier, dealt him asevete blow acioss the skull. Although severelywiunded, yet be-lng a bravo man, the dragoon,|rew a pistol and aimed it at the breast of his an-tsgonitt, who was too quick for hint however, anda* he |>ulled (lie trigger, a blow from lie swordnearly severed his.wltsl, and placed him iu hit utcomkit. The report of the pistol drew the uHierdragoons into the yard ns well as \\ .-, whovery ungentiously, brought out a musket whichhe handed lo one of llieioldiets and told him louse it. Mounting the only hoise he could get at,he presented the muzzlenlthe breast ol Franciscoand pulled the trigger. Fortunately it missed fire,and Fiancisco cloied in upon him. A shortstrug-gle ensued, which ended in his disarming andwounding the soldier. Tarlton'i lroo|i of lourhundred men were now In sigh', ami the otherdragoons » ere about lo attack him. Seeing hiscose was ilesperature, he'turned toward an ad¬joining thicket, and as il cheeting on a pally ofmen he exclaimed, 'Coir.e on, my brave t-oysinow- is your time) wo will soon dispatch these lewand then nllaek the main body!' at the same timelushing at the dragoons 'villi the luiy of an en-raged ligtr.

I'hey did not engage him, but (lid precipitatelyto the troop, panic stiuck ami dismayed. Seizingupon the traitorous villain, U , Franciscowas about to dispatch Jiim, but he begged andplead so hard for his life, that he forgave him, and(Old hint to seciele lor hun the eight hoists, whichthe soldiers left behind them, Perceiving thatTorltou had dis|ialched two oilier dtfgroons insearch i f him, he made off into the adjoiningwood, and while they stopped ot the house, he,like an old fox, doubled upon their rear and suc¬cessfully evaded their vigilance. The next daylie went lo W -, lot his horsct) ho demandedtwo of Ihein for hit services, and generous inten¬tions. Finding his situation dangerous, and sui-rounJcd by enemies, where he ought lo havefound friends, Francisco wis compelled lo makethe best of it and left with six liotses, intending tolevenge himself upon W , at some iulitletune, 'but,' as he said 'Providence, ordained thatI should not be Ins executioner, for he broke Insneck by a fall ftim one of the very hones.'Many oilier anecdotes ale told of Francisco, il¬

lustrative of his immense strength and ptrsuunlprowess. At Camden, where Ootes was defeated,he telrealed and after running along n toad somedistance, he sal down lo rest himself, lie wassuddenly accosted by a British dragoon, who pre¬sented a pistol, and demanded his immediate sur¬render. His gun beiug empty lie feigneJ submis¬sion, and ssiil ho would suiretidel, at the somelime remarking thai his gnu was no further me lohim, he presented it sideways to the liooper, whohi reselling for it threw himself olT Ins guard,when Francisco, quick as thought tan Idintbioughwith the bayonet, and as he fell fiom his horse, hemounted him and continued Ids retreat. Overta-king his commanding officer. Colonel Mayo, ofi'owhaltan, he gave liini up the animal, for whichaclof gcnciosity the Colonel, aflcrwaids present¬ed him with a thousand acres ofland in Kentucky.The following anecdote exemplifying Ids peace¬

ful nature and his ilrenglh, isaitotold of Fran-Cisco, llow true il is, we cannot say, but wetell it as It was told us, many years ago, while hewas still living in Buckingham, county, \ a,One day while woiking in Ids gatden, ho was

accosttd byestrnngcr, who lode uuto the fenceand inquired of him il he knew 'wnttea men bythe name ol Fiancisco lived,'

lulling liltMflf ftoTTiTv^^^yeirr jiltinfetroxalor, wjio, appeared lo beToW o/,the'|ialf-horse half-alflgaMr1 brwd of Kefi|uckians, lie re*

j)Hw, 'Welti stranger,'filoiS'ikiiow of atty otherperson by that name In these puis but myself.'

.Well, I reckon, you ain't the man 1 wont. Iwant to find the treat fighting man Pre heard tellto much about. Thefellow they tay can whip allcreation and Kalnluck to hoot.'

.1 can't tell you( sirang«r, whero you'll findthat man, I don't know »uch a man,' said Fran¬cisco, resuming his wuk ai a hint lo the otherthat the conference was ended, Out the KentuckyIan was not to he bluffed oil", as he would lerru It,'Look'ere, stranger,' said he, retu.-iiln>; to'lhochoige,'what might your given name he I1 .Myname is Peter Francisco'at your service.'

.Ahl returned the ot.hfr, 'you're Juit the man Iwant to find,'at the same time tiding inside thefence, he dismounted and tied bisnnimal.a loughungainly Indian pony.to one of Ihe posts,.My name is Big Kill Stokes, all Ihu way from

Old Kenluok. 1 am the Kentucky jaino chicken,I am. I can out run, out-hop, out-Jump, kt ockdown and drag out, and whip any man in all Ihcmdiggings. So, asl hcftu tell of a feller downhereahouls who could whip nil creation, I thoughtI'd saddle old Blossom, and jut tide over to sue

what stuff he's made of, and here I am. Aminow stranger, I'm most starved for a fight, andI'm bound to sen who's the best man belore I gohome. It's all in good feeling you know, and Ifyou lick me, why I'm satisfied, but..'

"Stop a minute, stranger," said Fiauclsco,"you've mistaken the man entirely,I'm no fightingman at all, and if 1 was, I've nothing against youto fi<ht about."

"Well, I don't know) is there any other I'eterFrancisco In these parts?""No, none that I know of.""Well, then, you're the man, and ynu mint

fight. I've come all the way from old Kentuok,and I aiut a-going back without knowing whichis Ihe best man.""Hut I won't fight. I've got nothing to fight

alout, and 1 tell you I Wth'tfight!""I).d if you shan't flgul, stranger, I'm hound

to liek you if I can, if I don't, you must lick me."-Ily this time Francisco had become angry lit Ihe

Impoitunily of Ins vis,tor, uuddeteiinined to put anend to Ihe scene, Seising his antagonist, therefore,by the fat of his buckskin breeches ,and Ihecollar of his hunting shirl, he threw Mm over thefence Into Ihe roadi then wolkjng leisurely lowlme his pony was tied, lie unfasiened hill), andtaking him up bv main strength, threw him u/ttrhij discomfited rider.The Keutuckian raised himself from Ihcgroiind,

perfeotly dum-founded by such on exhibition ofstrength, and after rubbing his eyes as though hothought he might not have sew clearly, he moun¬ted his pony, remarking, "Well, stranger, 1 leconyou'll do, I guess it's ubout lime for me to maketracks. If anybody asks you about that greatfight you can tell 'em you licked Bill Sokes mostd ly."Francisco was a Powerfully built man, stand-Ing sis feet and one inch in height, and weighing-260 pounds. His musculo: lystem was est raotdi-natily developed, nnd lii had been known toshoul-iler Willi easo a cannon weighing eleven bundledpoiindii and a gentleman of undoubted veracity(slill living in Virginia,) who knew him well, says,"he cnnld tuke mo in Ins right hand and passuvtr the room with me, playing tny head againstIhe ceiling as though I had been a doll baby.My weight wns 150 pounds," His wife, who wasa woman of good size, mid fair proportions, hewould lake-Ill I,i» light hand, a,.d holding tier outat nrint' length, would pais urutiu i the room withher, and carry l,»r up and down stairs in that po¬sition, He would tbke a barrel of cider by thechimes, and holding it to his mouth, would drinkfrom the bung a long and hearty draught withoutany apparent exertion.

\ et, with nil his strength, lie was a very peaceablydisposed man, and never made use of hit power,except in case of tiecetessity about his usual voca¬tions, or in defence ol Ihe right. On occasion ofcut-breaks at public gatherings, he was better atnulling uf ainl presetving thu pub.io peace thannil the conservative authorities on the ground,.Although uneducotcd, he was a man of strongnatural sense, nnd of a kind, amiable disposition,He was wukal a coinpaiiinnalilvm.nl, and his nnec-doles mill stories of the war, of which he possesseda rich fund, rendered him a welcome guest in Ihefirst families of llio Mute. H-s industrious andteinpernt habi's, together with his kind disposition,made liui| many fiituds, and thlough (heir influenceha wns appointed Sergeant nt-arnis ol Ihe Vir¬ginia house of Delegate* in which service he died,in IS3t), and was buried with military honors iuthe public burying ground nl lliehmond, Virginia.,

Kloni the IWcXcrhxKcr lot Alt/,lleatd a goodstorv last uulil overa glas» of good

hock (the wine that 'Old Sp'aker,' of the .tin-hawk Valley, had u '(|utcr notions of,' if I remem¬ber you rightly.)

'1 was stopping last summer,'sai l our host,'atCape .M.,y. As usual, I was at Huttvuod's, and ofcourse my wife was with me.

'About two o'clock one umiuing I ivos awaken¬ed by a rtrille tap lium my better half. 'For gra¬cious sake she whispered, 'if )ou want to laugh,just listen to that gentleman and his wifo huntinga mouse m the next room.

'/j«-(f-,nr." I murmured, half owoke.'.Vow, do just wake up.' To tu.,rrow, when I

tell the story, you'll be sorry thai you was'nt a-

wakeluIhe reolii).'' I'lms nnjurcd, I woke up in right earnest, loo

lole lo heat any of the mouse bun; but just in tunelo hcor ll.e uexl door open, and a liiip, quaveringdandy Voice, (which I ill mice teCoguiited a< thatol Pinket) call out to some distant night walker.'Wai-towl.itni-lme. wxi-tsw!'(No answer.)'H'ale|i-iuan.Mvi/cimi/ri.wxtcii juxl''Tlmt'n rue, sir,' growled n deep voice.'Watoh-inan, come hero diweckly! We're In

gwale Hvulible! There's iiorsj in this opawnient,and it nibbles awonnd in I ho most distivacktedmanner. I spoke to Air. Il'i'wood about it, aud hepwomised lo have Ihe inouso wemoved, but hehasn't done it. Aw think it ctirij unhaiultmiiecoiidncji of Mr, Hi'wool In nilow thu mouse towetnain, after pwoueiijig that it should be wemo.led, \\ alchuian, .Mrs. I'winkuey Is vewy appren*sive of mice. Can't you coinu in and catch Ihectvealnrer'

. 'Fraul net, sir. IPs ton lair, ond I should losure to wake up some boarders as ihWIilli't like it,'.How tvielioktiluusl Well (a long pause,).

U alchinan, couldn't you step down to the bar-woo,n iimlgtl tome eiMrttri and chrrit, ami tnliceIhe ainmnl out into the enltDij,"

'A brief r, mark Itom Ihe watchman lhat thebar wns closed, sent Air. I'inkey back into hismouse haunted dormitory. Fortunately the 'eiven-lute ceased its nibbling, and n dead calm soonreigned over that porliou of friend llarwoud's 'cot-tage' known as the 'New Building.'

flne.vtmKs or tiik Wesr..If the receiptsshould continue as heavy as they are at presentuntil the close of tiro season, (he year with us willprove one of the most remarkable, Inn commor-list point of view, ever known. Wheal, com,oats, rye and llour are laigely over last yeoi's re¬ceipts for the ssme time, and Ihe amounts comingfir.vord appear to be indenting every day. TfcoUpper .Mississippi, wl iclr usually tends out loitersupplies of grain thou Illinois, this season falls larbehin J her aggravate of shipments. .Should thatseolion give anything like the supplies herelofotereceived, we have no hesitation iu slating tint thegrain business or this market will show, at iheclose, an increase of at least 2S per cent, over Iheoperations of any preceding year. The coniinn-live paucity of receipts from Iho Upper Missiwip.pi is attributed by mony lo low waters nnd highfreights.by others ton scanty surplus. We hearit slated, however, by n me ol Ihose who are inconstant communication with Ihe traders at prom¬inent points, thai large lots of grain are ready forshipment, owailiug only fair opportunities foritonsportation.

Itls somewhat singular ttiat with these liberalsupplies, and a fair prespeel for their continuance,that prices should bo at the figures which cut mar.ket reports exhibit. Wheal, corn and oats urnnearly at tw ice the sum they commanded one yearago..it, Aoui, Itc/mb,

A UmO.ejtiun ore..The Baltimore Keptlb-licon says the followingoccurricd in (hat city re-cenllyr

'A card parly playe-d for various stakes untilone of [hem.a woman-becoming, in her lan¬guage,'dead broke,'offered Iu slake her infantchild against a dollar, upon Ihe issue of anotherg titie, I he proposition was agreed to by her op¬ponent, who was n childless mother, and, k ingfavored by rorlune.nr nnsfoilsine.the touclusiotif.i.il gi"'n?/0lll V" Hiline'"f the babe, nbright, healthy male infant. The child, we learn,Tiff ^ !V7 ', ll0ul 0 niullMur> lo Iho winner,and we judge, from Ihe hearties conduct of Ihuunnatural parel, Iho offspring will find with itsnew custodian a better lome than Iho ono Iroiuwhich il was rulhlessly slaked ond Icci.

A Prooxostic,.The Fredericksbuig Herald isresjvonsible for Hie followingiJ1? J'®""8 "n of a leading Democrat in S'af-ihl ii e cc"I"f'nlo Iho breakfast roomhe other morntng, and remsikcd lo his fatheri 'Ihad # strange dieam last niehl, father,' 'Whatlo it! h'^*o ' 'IJr«ll,ei1 thai (lod appearedto the Ueniocralio party, am said.'Henent vo al.o,or ye shall ,|| like «ire(We IP/s"jriVslP '

jixtt W*»*ire candidate* for Ibe llouifoi Pflnptot f0ffl OhtfVouo.I>. They ate «ooa menamftm,, wil)bktuppo}|tilbjrlhe

111,11 AMKIMCAN PKOPtK...-..».»...:.

Km. lmUtil«»CMI-W«*'» .miOOIKe lint Mr. Ko-wa«n Norton Itkcaitdliltli for «be offl« of Juitkeoflite Prate, VftiM by thedeathof l>«*U Hlcbardt. Ill*lotallin onTb« N«t!6rUl fioad, inld.wai'Wween Wheel-lijjkod TrUittlpbU It 0H< ivliieh M|lpm|itM todl,-

iu ftoiiM if it« bm<f wtih jtiii iiciiiir. m i»wilt In other t«r«u to IM tulltfaellon of IhemrO

_,,. I'KOI'I.K.

County Tlokol,Jon* 0. tVuratu, Jon* K*otr, «n«l I. Mikihu,

will he tuppoi t«J «t the erttuln, election for the Home of

Delejaies. They are too well known to need Mllier no¬

tice, and we comineni thefoatHit llfket fortnyS OHIO COUNTV.L-^--JSS!SSSS!!SS I

Soctets to imtenVui tvliote ionic, we »*jrTutn« back to lt« color IM Imr Hot tvaa gray.

CTN'rofrator Wood', lltlr Dittorelive, «.lvorit«.l Inour paper for the tptre of (event weeks, li v prime .Hi¬de. for the lemovtl of daiidiull mil Impattlng soilnessanil beautjr to the Intra II It. we Ihlnki unojuatcdi anilthoie who haveltled II lhoroo,hly, Iftll'y that It will noi

onlycaute the hair to,tow, but, when gray, ictmrelt tolit original color. Ulve It a trial..A'rft Qtullt, Ocl, 13,18V.

inylO T. 11, 1.0(1.\ N & Co., Aienlt,

There is no MistakeIS repnl to the fact that the most nopulat medicine be-for Ibe puhlle l«

Hampton's vkoktaii.i: merlin*.Atk your ftlendt about II. Iluiadrrds In Halt cttjr Ijave

used and have derived jreal btielll from It, rapeclallr InOispepsla, i heuinailani, and the Nervous Debility, <Vc.,or Females,

For kale bjr T. II, 1,00AN & Co,brIJje corner dru&lsts.

DAGUERREOTYPES.Side and Skylight Arrangement.

I.lkeneiaet taken with all the lecent linpiovemenlt,without any unnatural whltcnessof hilr, or grey appear¬ance on black drcsict, Kvery stjrte ot e»ie« alivara onhand,Hoomv, So45 .Vomoe tl, near IheCourt llouve.hnlfl-ly W.M. COWHKV,

WHi-JlULINCrOity Omnibus Lines.

t?or RnlliomU, MrmnbontM, Hotel*, andI'rlvittv ICcnIiU lircMa in nil iiuii«.

iiuj nutl

CtlAftOKS,Psstenper with bajrsge WcentsPasteogir without biftage..,, li ..

IMlW®tlOHO ,,,,13 ..

PeiAonc wishing ail on mi bus to call far plejfcelend or leave their pUceoi icsidenceat the Ueneial.Stage.lid Oiijiilbui Oliice, corner of .Market ami .Momoe Us.,Alcl.tiie llouu.Ouiiiibits tor HenwooU every morninc at 8tW.. mt n tt

.SIIAUOKUSS »v TKHKV.IV, IS.-Oiunibuies lutiushcd tor Parties and Kune»

nftMOnt*toilil tN.Ziuiiuch "lOTtii ilTUoUou

WHEELINGStoam Oraoker Uakory,

No, 102 Mailtot si,

WMOI.KSAI.K MICH*.SUOAHCraeKersfct. P K I Jlutler ciackera p a,.,,,fcoil* do 8J tlo I Water ilo ilonotion do a do I IM^'finla'do do .,,,7c

Pilot flread fioin $l,WtO$>,00j'cr hhl.

P. E. ZINN,Confectioner and Fruiterer,

COR.VCK *0F MU.V AMI MA0I80.S STMKKTS,Wlirrliiitft Vn.

\ .S will h^ieenfiomthe ubove, the >ub>c<llier lia> re-/V Moved ht> onlaVli linifht totho .?llildj* t'oiiier,"where ho will bo pieced to tec all hi* old tuitotipi x anda* nwiiy lew onea o* tiny call. Ilia atock h iwucli en-Urred, and IiIk umnu neatljr rentte-l. I'andlei, Frulta,.Null-, 4e.| ii wholesale at tlie veiy lowiit iulce*. Partie* and lointifei kupiilinl with wKe* and liulU at short¬est notice. Ills Ico cimih saloon U the moil p eiiant Inthe city, and no atteiitio.i will be upared to ideate hisSUvsti, P, B. XI.NN,

J. M, LB£).nOOKNK Ii I. H It ,

('OHM* or \VAT»n AXH UxtU.M «li., WllKKMVi|, Va.\{ KKPX ronitantty onhaml a vailety ot liooh^.amoniIV which n«y br found the wo'ktof all the leading wil-leraof the (Intel, itch a* Jainev, liulwer, Sno, Kliti K.Wnjuy, lleniAtt, Atthur, Mmrd, llunus, and Uver. -

.Minyof M« woiH^me boinni. lutood >iyle, with b*ck$.He also keepi an K.vch.injw l.lbrjry. Peisons putclns-

ing bookn nuy return them aRer leading iheni, Tor whichlie will pay the following prices for 60c books 4) ctuj '/Jchook*SO ? fur 51 hooks S1)cent»? niliVftlv

Wow Ooni'eotfoneryr~WIU.IA.N FOX would re>|>ectlully lu'urnt theciti*

icnsol U'lieellnf.tlnt he has opened a newconirc-ttonery KitablUhiiient at the o!d stand ol the "IndianQuieiy'ou .Main Mreet below .Momoe. lie confidentlyinvites hit old Iiicudst0c4lt and patronlzo him in his newbu'inet*.

Ice creams and the delicacies of the season, at .illhojiil, *|i|7

Dissolution.TH K pirtiier»hln lieretotore exUtin^ under the name of

'}. K. 4: t'. L Wlckhauj, was dissolved on tl.e l»t of Oc.tobei, IS*»I.

1 he huiiiie'S will be conducted .it the old stand.Auc¬tion llooiiis .No. bO, Mavkot ftona»e-!iv_oc;il ti KO K WIOKIIAM,

inssua/mx;flV/A" llrm of l^gati, Can A-t'o. Isthl'day dissolved1 hy inuluil consultJan I, IsW-Janl I.OUAS, CAItH A Co.

|New Firm.I.ovn l.0fi.\.V, J. ((. IIAKKH,and J. II. IIAKKK

i have formed a co part net ship, and will continue theWllt)t.KH\I.K TOBACCO fIVtfl.NMS

n the room occupied L) laOgan, (*arr»(* Co., .Main id., InIheiMneof jatii I.OOA.N, IIAKKK Co


No, 4, Was Ii 111;; 1011 Hull,Jlonrocal, tt'herlliiu, Vn.

_ClJKh.V_«nd W»lclietr»relull|f repaired. Jut!"w'.'tatwxr. 11. ruuvVT



Commission Morohants,A'e. 69Mcin aid ,Vo I? .Vonret ./,


the public J would far tut I will give one month'sA not Ice bc'orr I diiconlituelakii, Pagi^ricoupfa lorM cent., ami I aliall conllnue to take tl.en) as low at llltyccntaloral Iratt one \fai, ui Hut none need liuri y foi<.'<![ an advance In the price or pltluiea. lam imw taklnj l)asuerieol|pe<ou *iaAi and paper, at well aa aolldorkieiosioplc ploiuna, which the publican Invited tocall and murine. I have Juil iirelrada niejt varletyolla^cycaaeafor lha luilldayi, which t will sell irum 00 to100 percent, below the lamer price.

I aliokeepon hand, and lor tale, a laice auppty of Da.piariepljpe Apparatus, and maltirlalaorallkliida.

laitfl A, I!. I'AHTKIIIOK.


Grocer/, Feed and Produce Store,No, ISO ?lnrUH>jt^mrt, vrtal al,l<>,

KRBF conilantly on hand' all kinds of Feed, auch atOals.torn, llran, .short., Ship Hltilf*, etc., Ftonr,i;oin.M«l, Ifutter, Kfja, Poultry, Provisions,and HrleJ

of'Famll (I "efle****1 complete aasoitiiKnt

c0?'??!1'.1",1,1, "«r'co;n,nat«, Flaifeed, lliled Frulta,Sheep .Sitlin, hhles, buller,cm and iwuliiv, ,pl9

,iiivBii opbn;

TIIK undenlined has alto opened anolher aplendld lotof line linpoileadgais, fall and ace them

"ht»J. W. llllonK'.-, . |I. N. KtLLER,

PCAI.IR INGroceries, Produce, Grain and Feed,

VI.M.* trmr^rwu* y.,t* ,»0 XanktiT,""" F"J-

Sundrlos,tnO bnlTel. Family Kl'iur}IUU lOO do K«l<a k'ali|

W do fto a medium mackereltS0| do do do2d' do latce JoSOI/lo XoJ ilo(ii Alts No I do10 " No 9 do?.t barrels tlce,50 bais llln Cofleei

.*> do Java do10 bi'Vespin, I'epreiiSO doien luckeisito do waih boards,W> pounds S I) hee'tX barieta Hye Floor,

hujar, molasses, bacon, etc. Just rer'dand for sale hr»'l|liIIKO. K .Mo\lKrtlKN.

Sprlgg HousoParker Shop and Path Rooms.

GMBLMW. ,,e '"fretfully Informed that this e»-l labllshinent Is now under llw man.cement of Vicroa

»AV*o*at)r, the trericli Harlwri and that Sliavlnj. Hairllreaamjand (.hampoonlnj will he conducted theietn Hieinott aatfsfaclory nunr.tr.WTna IIatii lino*, are fitted uplneletanl slilei and

cold, tvatm and shower baths can atall limes be enjoyed.Location In the bateinenl of the Kpilrs Houte.ap?4-d|m

loo! Ioell Ioell,Jl'H'"bt<;'l,'«rb«|i1 leave to Inrorm h'» Irlendt.andhi. ? f ^'"'.I'r.ll'atl M It now ptc|«ted to serve

transparent an aillcte of Ice aa wasbefore o(fti,5 M'*leri «nd at a, low a rat, aa ever

That which he notv offeis It In pan taken from the

Mi ,rora we/^h<-J. AMICK

OAK bariel tlenip Sted, Jmt tec.l l,f" ~

frl3JnltV II. TAl'l'AN

'rtnVttgti i pVnwMnt "Wf.-,U|UI«<1 (or roort n* hai In> b. f'.I' ll |at ». loi'l« Ui« l.iHMIn*

moorl ri«> moor!'»'l»pr*»orl witm

)Sjt?ffi&ATJ;i fcS J";!n«mwiiwjraj8|1 |g in Wbo nurr^t-


||W®SSSfr°Al"111w'l' wlll be Immediately padjrcMM to : () ii|tniivll>, or} \u.

VTWmRlitMw elOMl;'TfJ'l^/' al'uukV Vn

ISSSSfH&«W. VJl'iwtrll.H H Co.


o'iloik. il Ironl iour «Mhe rouU liMtf.^^my|fil, Sarah I' linin'oi'. dec'd


For Rent, it

TIIK w.tehoiiteoccupied by II. F. Fesrce &£».'IjIMMelodeon hullJInji hV °'y'"SIScellar. For lerni*apply «l <h« oince. !iLvsPRiaa housu.

m||Ku^e?ilgVedV'e foiriiS ."eo mrlne'ililr> for IheI purpoie fit conducllns Ihe Hold bwlnew 11 »ll Nt

ihisprlgg /owe.liy»Mij«<WWace bellowed on the o'd firm They hope, .¦>' u"'l,lulforks to plow, lo give Mtls'.ctleii lotlN

. KV ^ |itJ." j.'VAHS.il.1".-m,0,tf >' VAHXAI^

Lot ami Housesfor Sale,Til K undertkucd clTos tor sale «lotKM from ."']mss^gggmsterms.Apply to


on,Ohinoso Linlmont.

flMllfi superior nrenration I. pie'fnlra to (ho Ainer-1 can public Willi Ihe gieelest confidence thai I sera-ckut curative qualllleiescel any oilier kiiown Mulined.Its action iiceitaln, sale and uniform, fal lug ill no caMwherein esierml «P|>H«tHoii I. amiropila e. All whohave tried It re(ai<l it a« inMIIM. III II* following dlt-eit'll iheumallim.»i>r«IM.biulu>,twelledll"ih»,WNkioinlt, wimetwelfth, H"* " '{"."fW'l'Vii..'. 'J?breast, rice, or any ollur pat I of Hi. body. I is an e\celle.it irntedjrIn brulies, wildi. euls, etc. The uwrul.neu ortl.la InesllmiMe el cm'cilcomj.oun.l It by no n.rar*confliif.l lo ll.o liuniatispecie*, but l»equally tfflcMlMswheuver ai-nleJ to cuie dl.eateioril.etavoiiieiiomct-ticai.lnullh< horie. Anions Hie nitiiydl«a«esand mi-denHoccutrin* to tin hone, for wblcull la the njoitcerlaliicuio, liny be named Hie Wlnwlns. *ill cut*. bniUet,sprains in ll.o sboulJoi9, clia|.», tcralclie.. crackr.l tool,vweeney, apliiic, palor Joints,etc. For tuithel partleu-''fflWfCB.Many and juel objection* ««c maUelo all the ordinaryl.iiilii.Miiiiit llie thy no «couiil of their offensive smell*and the unsightly stains often kit upon the '^iu. AWa CI Tut (jet Which been vcililct io tbe »<toiiiilin*ntorthe >i»*t profound chemUts, i J the Ue-hht of fafci aiouspatients is that In addition to Us sii»i«rUli»8 curallvo el-(ecu. it Islhe 1110*1 lieal I hint cosivctlcand ajreeable i«cr.lunw. l o any I'ftit oi Ihe skin to which U m ty be staledit impsttt . rosy and Mluul low which Isms for unnyhouis, and leaves the »flvcty sailnewof hriUhy »>kln,ln-ktead of tl.eciactcd «rd cha|'|td a|»|f*rance whlcn Isacommon leaull ol alioo tall otheraillctea uwdfprtWtpurpose. lleiK'a, t\t\y lady's toilet Is supplied Willi Itwho know* It* wceUent q ^ilijes In Ibis »eipect. 1 o rrat.Ite llsagieeable oJor you need bul open one bottle aud liylor youtielf.

, , kAkmvillr, Ohio1.'Mr. J. Hi YoniltrmitS t.

4tilDear Sir t. inve been sffllckd or Hired years withrheumatism in my bach, oik* lor llie last six monjhs nolable to jet out of my bed without help, and your stent Mour cilrlinlsied onmetiymi one Witlcoi t hang rhul.i iilutent and try what elT.tt It wou'd Irtvei a d one bot¬tle In* telieved mo so much tlwt 1 was able to get out ormy bed without dilBcully. It hat been a bteuina to mejimttryltloi piUWlf, and >ou tvllj bo Well plMMd.


MIIS. M. fcoCIIIIAS.U'holeule «rd Ifelall Ateiltt.

TIIOMFSOS .V I'ATfMlSOVinyl-ly. Xi>. 117 Malnatrret.


AM prepared lo lake and execute orders for the«eId,l,,y.«ful labor.avlr4|jnp:e,i«nt,.||i

my.j Ajteni r.ir I'atenle...

Just ReoeivertANil for tale at IIKKOKK A- HOFFMAN'S, No. 110

co'i*r .Maikel alley atiil Main ot.10,010 Ilia, beit netl wgt. ie.1 Sole l<alberi|ii,i*>l * 1 o\er ' 1 "

»,»*> »rod dauiasei4/01) llglil wtla .

TotttMr With . Iirjeilock of French calf>kln>, klpt,nioiovcos nitil liinllngl.M well asail other article* u»ually kei't in Leather Ntoies, all of which will be su d at low

'"Ifc'fml" the old corner, and come well .rnied witheatli. and ymi will be leivar.lf.l ullli t.vi.l Imw !..¦ nO 01

HAyOiN AM) I.AItU Oil,.IX li ou.liln (N SMdeiliIt) 1 do Sldeai

44 tleicen limit, pait aujar cured and canvated.A140,

i/) birielt No. I Urd OII,Ju»l icc'daud fur sale bynn.V'llw J II. S'lUHT IV ' o.

IIUHSK KOll SAI.K.AI-IIIST me llorte, tultab'e for harness or saddle..

Kiiiiulreof s. AVHHV.myT 1 Not t in aril I IS. .Mai" tUeft_" "Oill"i.0MK.V.S HANIIV nAW*biU%'A lAIIHKaitorlnieiitof Voutli'iandl'hll'lieii'a FancyhitmiiilcJi^. A VKK\ ,,nv 1 Nn» Mftmd HA Miln M . Wh^'liK. Va.


TVSTarrived,another conslinmentof .Murdoch's Pie*i) mlum Stales. Ti.e public can eminently rely unonthese scale*, for perfect accmacy and kubsUntlal make.The undesigned hat ^o!d many H tht-m-ard in no In¬

stance have they 'ailed tojilve entlie satisfaction, tltyreferences will tf,i'Tl'ufuiKl.i..

Acer.cy ware rooms ior Main ami Qulncy ils_1,1)9_ VVhtellni. Va.

Spring Stook,J AM Just openlnj a vci» large and well teletled steek

hinldlrra Ilnribtiirr niul ilonrls TrliiliilliiK»,in wlilci. I Invite ihe aileuilon uf nir custoineit «uu .11.ruunsuilnieoidaof this MmI.(WSland, IWMai"streel,


JOHN FICK1KSF.N lespecifuly announces to hisMud tileiids.iiilclllttiisof Wliee ins, that l.e las en-

tlrely close«l Ids muilc business, and Is iiuw piepaied tollv»Insti uctioii In muiie

^^For one lerm(or9llenons)oii ilioUullar ,.SI«

,|. do do do ViolinMtin do do do Flute....*1^The bed methods, or Instructors, areuied by tlie.bove

°"oideran»TbeleHalT.il, IfljanACo.'a lliu|Slore,or atW Main .tieet nirl-gni"

Shooteral Shooters!!l.oounrd'. Pnttnl ll»rol»ln« Hummer

I'ialol IIITHIS pislol, for simplicity of corjtrnclion, facility of

loading and caiplrg, rapidity of Oitcli.rtlnt, power andcorrec'neM. convenlerce ni rarrjln?, and In eiemptlonliom llabllllr lo acddeniai diichaiglnf, claims a superlorlly n\ero/f nlbeis now inanuracluied.A snvalI lot Just tecehed and for rale at lb; ch«p Jew¬

elry Storeuf.

<.¦. I ",li°_5^|, .in)INo.4 Wanbliigtini Hill.NKVTstOOK OV

Watohes, Olooks and Jewelry.TIIK.uburlber bastuil relumed from New Vork, andcan now offer a much laiger and flnor stock of Goods Inill. line (and at pikes much lower,) llun ever heielofoie.Tl4 public are earnestly sollc tet tocdl and evamlue hisgoods and price'. F.veiy oiliciesold at this establish,niei.t It warranied.Clocks snd waiehescarefolly repaired.

0. 1'. llltort.N, Washington Hall,m)lMonroe stuet.

PAKTICUI.AK allentlon is callnl loa new slvleollever watch, turn part tf uhteh it muiutaclurii fn

.limrfee, which it. fated In every variety of style, g ildand silver. Ttieie watches sie Jeweled .mi .11 warrantedcorrect time, keeper.. .For tale by C, I'. IIHOWN,

mv|WashlnHon Hall. Monroe «t.

Gordon, matthbws/& CoFORWARDING AND

COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Wheeling, Vn.KKsi'Rt'TPl'l.lV iiiRartiitheir lileinli and sldpperttei.erally, Hut they Inve reduieu ihelrcliarge for lorwaiUlngper llalilmoieard O'lo Kallioadiand aieiiowcharglnt lor commission .nil dr.rage onJlrrclniiiiliac, Weil) 00c. per lollft*a u.lucr, l!tl«l, 40c.il«We hope our attention lo the interest of shipper* vvlll

aeeure a cominuince of Ihe favor herelofore extended tous. Khlppeil will be particular lo »ave IlielrgooJs mirk.

,VpTrC.",.nd'dV(l,0«nS'Afri& * Co.for Kent,

The two M'nrcUousia at preienl occnpled byHou a.o <v Knox, situated .I Ihe comer of Water ai d

Moime.Ue^AP^on.hepre^e..^ ^

iitiskcll (f: Go.ARK now receiving from New Yoik their second slock

enibtsclcg . greaterqiiiiililr of beautilul floods thai,IjMiy ha\j« ever heretofore lad llie plcavuie ot odeilng to

Tpir siock.of llresn Ooodi, minllet, Kmbroldeilei,

MMUBMHSn-0llr^OII-' <..k,. Prime .rtlcie, jusucc'^o. .p_

SPALDING & _o ^iroue?#*

'; io*iol.inAtl*o TU«|t C,L"MJ|#FL0.1TIM) MUI16 mgUnBsriver*, tiwl theirNorth American Circus!Co favorably known In tlx N«*and Hut, (BIOONE M0N8TER CONCERNWiih the Two CoxraNtM, croj.

'"nThUSNDW STBITBIDally, In the nine King, In pie*'*'cf the tudienee, withTwo 8eU of Performers I


Al'ompltlc Dramalle Corps'ftnlMlluil Jmj A/1

PUTNAM, EVERY NIGHT!NED KENDALL, the BagterlKENDALL'S UBASS DANDUltOATH'S STHINO 11AKDIA 'frluinfht'. I'W'«!primipll lire*", v*f. Z}H., 01 every |<«« ofIhe Hands, In tlicOrand Moralof StntutltCfiDrawn l»y 10 Horse*!DrivenV »»e m«ii | >|»1 «vet)iWii|eue. lu ami dI*oui the l.valltiliinritl,upon the raine clebwiite mill WI'JJ*.|ce:il icnte. with llllili liARK,ihe Oreat .WOifctillCIOttillil.Maoiltox. the WfflRto'W f!0,?'tlonleyi M'ile AO.NWS, & «!».liraled Creole QWIMMI MWWATMAt, the Peeneu IhreMCk III-

Sl^bll'ioM^'tfe AmitiM tkenlJlitIIWIIWWIII. AIaoixtTi therenowned Yoltlfeuri »Mw»»Ieur IiATiiohx. lhcM^[<M\llcreji!ti{l io(»*«¦ jj»M&M&i'.i)):II. DvtAsr,

!&/w'Viyu, to mmJeliu I (?. llltowNiJ. Ilv1*. W .*.?"Not, ic.i 4c,i will be c*lnl«ltd .>

lir.M., n»l7|r.Miafternoon and niohT

Will be exhibited elWheeling Two Days,

aiottdn) niiiriiicuriuj-, illnr MIH rind I3IH,itl 2 o*clock and 7 o'clock tach day,

AIAO ATSt. Clnlravillo, Wednesday^ May 10.


Forty Horn Triumphal Proctssionl!Q-drlrrn by .Hoil. l'niil nlouc_o

Will he mailt on Monday, startllil at lit A. Mi precitflf,fiontloot or Main »l.. Centre Wheeling, iipMelnloJef-femonrt, up Jefferson loMvkelat, down Jlaiket toflulucy st. up Qulucy to Sixth al.iluoivn sixth to John.1, to Hie Pavilion, where

botli C'oiuimiilM under one 1 cutwill be exhibited for only ote price nf admission, vln-

llnves AO cent* CchlMren and «erv»nt« hallprlce) andHit 9WK m"


House Furnishing and House¬keeping Goods,

.>«. ;m, JiortitouIpfl)II//AA/</*V^> r «1 e

House Furnishing Store.rliAVKJu«t openeil, it No. 31 Monro*tiled/anew

Mock of Hmitekeeplni ArlldM, conslsllng of TtbleCutleir, Silver Plated Albila ami lliltannl* Wait, Plan-Itlieil, Japanned ami Plain Tin ware, Walter* o( differentstyle. «nd various patterns, oiiiimentaland plain Faniy a ml plain willow ware. Ilruihea, Featli»i llavlen andFly bri'khcv, wooden waie, Family llardivaie, lialhliif.,,;.;.,n,»i,d Kit. wale complete.


Tohn II. Tlioii«i>>aii ins reniovM lilt HnoVStore(J in ||1 Main ttreet-ihove.i|iron*-loom latelyoccupied hi W.T.Felhy.

I. II. 1'iilleraoii Imren-ove.l In* alockof llri'S',I'alent .Mcdlcli.", Ac At.,to 111 MalnM. ap'J

Thompson iV Patterson,tiK.il.i:m in

Hooks, Stationery, Wall Paper,ntid Varloly GoodsOJTOeneral lleiwt (or Ihetaleol all Hie Popular I'alent

Mfillciiie*« cca etc., Utdy toM by I. II. i'atteiwn to Co.,33.Mumoeit.

a|i» No. I Itjlnhi,,0 fATOtS"

AT lluhhell'aS'ted Store, on Itimlt and to arilvi.100hutkeli.

A I.JO,Fruit and Ornamental Trees.

aW Apple Tieen COI I'cich Tieet) ^Uvulelletol new Kreixli llowa.With a veiieial iktortmnet ol OniiiMnial Tree, and

lliare Vine*. »apIOWALL I'AI'KU.

WK are now oieiilnjoiir tioek of Wall Paper, teleel.ed tioni thn hem irkiiulactmei* liitl,e Kakterucltlea

-compilil, i all (M j^Hl^. aii^tl)le«.| KKS0X,o|i'.( in

MOHH UttAUTIFUh OOOUS.AVKIiave iccclvedlMtibj. by Kxpretii ai other large

lot ol KnibroliJerlef, comiillng of a variety of Jaconeta:ul s\vl$s Needle-worked t'olfais, in ll»e ;ii.ost eiqutiifeand new deHgnn, niioo lioutUul tl»»uauy\\e lave everItal lltenioaMiitor (jffcrittj , ..Ahn,.an additional fupply of Jaconet and NainsookFiOMtKlnxv. black l»ace, e c.

,Onr>.tocko! Ki:ibroldeile«l« now larjerand moie detlral.le linn it hat been befoie.

>ifiIIKIRKKlil. A* ( o.

Union faint Shop.II on bp < Misu u it tl Oiiinniritliil I'n Iti t i ittf»(ilu/iiiU, ft*(ti»cr IiiiiikIit||| Ac.

MRSSHS. BKLli & SIMMONS\\J OUI.II Inform thecItlieiit of Willing and vicinity} ] that they have entoicd intoaco-iuitnenMpfoitlieI'u rote ol cair)inx on the above butincit In its vaiiouibitches, and hoj>e by a strict attention to buihtekt, andreasonable tci dm, to ineiita ahare ot public pationaje..I'diaone having work to do in our line Will do well to giveuv a c.tii.Shoo \W\ Mtlnt(.3doort below Ihe Monroe Home.1 pp)ily IIHhli & .SI.M.MOXS.

WALL PAPERS.AC'O.VP/.i.TA'a«ioitnient Juit opened.

An cnilielf \ovr Stock.Knibraclnt a (teat variety of .New Pattern* of fine anillow priced luil, parlor, and chamber Paperi and llor-deit, kssiFor tale cheap by

WII,|IK,V IIHOTIIF.K,ipfl cor Main and Union tit."

NBW FAMILY QROOBRY.rpilKtuhscilbeit lnvejntt received, and now opening1 fortale, Inlhelaite new bilckstoie Doom Poit Oflice building*, corner of Market and Qulncy wtieels, a very general and choice Miortmeiit of FHKSII FAMILYUIIUUKKIKS, rumixlnt In pari of Ihe following ai tie lei,which Ihey offer (o the clllten* ol Wheeling, and all olli-ei« wanting good. In their line on the mou Inviting term*,vl»i.New Orleans Sujari t'lyenne at il block PepperiCruaheit. pulv'il ami coffee do Allspice, .Nutmeg*, nucei(Iteen llio coiroei Ginger, toila.saieittus,l,nit white tlo Yeaat I'owiler,, elc tMarlcaibo mJ Java do Walnut and in veil pickles,linpeiltl, tiuiipowiler, Y. Jellies, catvupnllyiou. Kng.bieakfavtanJ lllackbcri y coidlalilluck Tea«offii;f quilltleti Syiupi, Kuencet.elC.)Codllsli, Salmon, iMrrlngi Sillail Oils)Mackeiel,Uite.No3| Alr.ionJ*, Fllbeiti)do incOlumNoS, Flg<, Kdslns.etc.

ilo .No.a,Inbbli,qr. SoapiifHitsble^-ilalrywitbblk anil kllsi New Orleans mola&setillacon, coin meal, Go'ilen Syrup, Ac,Family .ml Superfine Flour, Tobacco ami cigars of rail.

oustiades.Toiellier with numerous other aitlcle* kept In > firoceiy,too leillous loo enuiiieiate.all or which vrillbesoldit thelowitl market prices brW. A. KDWAIIDS A- 11110.Ichyi at Ihe Sew sipie, »il]olnln; Ihe Pott Oinee

[Dissolution of Oo-Partnership,'IMIK eopartnership heretofore e.vlsllns hetwren Ml-I. duel Sweeney, Till Johnston, Jr., Pe:er Shoenber.ger, James M. Tod I, ami A..N, Jolinslon, undsr the m inname ol Sweeney, Johuiloii & Co , was tlltiolved onIhe SIh day ol June, lS.il, by the tlealh ot Peler Sltoen-berger.Since that dale the omlciilgned hive continued the businekior thelale Arm under Ihe name and .trie of Swee¬


DissouFrioN.TIIK firm of Stveeney, Johnston ft Co., Is Ihlstlay 01ssolved by niulnil conieni, ilessrs. Michael Sweeney audThonus Jobnaton, Jr., lellrlngfininlhe firm.

>1 SWF.KNKY,J. M TOIIII.THOSi JOHNSTON, J*..A. N. JOHNSTON,Wheeling, February SM, Si).

co-iMiimnsiiiP.TIIKuntleis'gredhave unlledthemselves forth, pur.pou of manulacluilng all klmls of Iron nntl nails, at the.vliiaouVi Iron Work* under the style of J. M. Todd ACo., ami solicit a continuance 01 Ihe pationageof Ihe oldRun.

J. M. TODD,IIVUII NICHOLS,A, N. JOHNSTON.Wheellnt. Peh.$?d, IR.VS. reb"rt

HTUdUHAFjti' ()¦ ENUliAVhSU.Middleton. Wallaoe & Co.


(CrOrdeti leipectfully sollcileil.uaJi, n. 140 Sleel Plates on hand for Magatfnea, Hooks,tie , impievilon* from wlilchwe wlllmpplyoii,.licavonahlctQim*. s>pl8I'lO IKON.W K keep lor sale best Quantity Hanging Hock Pig Iron,.tillable for foui dry or mill purpose*.i|>M IIOANP. 4 COWflli.L


TU Ciilowajr MltilVg .n4' Mtiiufie* f oiofr^feltutjrg lU iiip*Mr. J Vufl>». |.liip&'iwtKeof IISM, in Ue above ittnredrauM, I w.u uiiiiiIAnting of (be til) f WMtliuj, ooSjIum.i u»,s<of »WW(nv(iiuiijfW >1.0 fiit u, "<i°o»d Itonl alio oik (.'I,lit Ui?«. ' L" «tjTIjs ulc ivl:l be made on . creOlt t,f 0rha>0i*Klvlns boiiJ \Vilh a;'l>tov«J i«uiit,, J.,'Vleretl lioiull*e dil'Of ule. -st\V«i f. WICKI ig»¦**

1R .u,L. hSUBb and lot for gm-lrpilK gnde,til»iiedoreii lor nit u. iiwtluiI Jlitkel ilrttl.CHl »lde, btiuimM,"l*-.«l)«H IbelOl if l«l llOW, l»llh>jwdk,l, N''II will be »olJ tow at>il on IrtoiwtrOitiwi, .po»»t»loinl\ni«i>|f lime »H»r He (inio: ouv, wCTKiiquire 01

>ep3JX Zlim,FOlt iii-Mr.Tlir Slo.e llcainonMuuiirttiitltli.it..br our Ho; flojilt bout. will I* lor reuto, "'"««i>(Xn. .Vtlu turn.

Jii2TAIAANT it li^i tp..¦ci.._ c>-i- ly"For Snlo.

r OTS numbered IfC, Itf, lot, tr.d11 ll.uited on Ztie tlicel In the Hit «.,? W|s, itlvit ll.orAllnivli^.Uifril...! I ...'

W ¦ >| . , "I ¦"« «. « «»tCCfhor teims^e., Which will l»e \eirr».*.ply i«»n""

For Salo,Two llon.e. I |TIIK linJenljci.fil offer. loruieir t II,.,.'Iheuprereudoi Alonio«tir.'tl,iiiJi,uii,,

he upper end or Kouilh tliecl.Tlii'buuuitiemivbilck, an.l In Aod i

M&Korpirlltul«uenqulreo/AN1K>''mMO < AIIUllAKt KIWaHh.,.W; & J. falowurt, "^KAM'f.KTUHIiis or til. KIM'S rr8T0VKN, UHAi'li*. I'KOnm uioutor Thin«lil«K .tltrrkltu,' VAt., Ar.

south nurron.

snuvMtrs ,y cmimv/.u,jiAMi'Ai'ti mm ui aCOPI'EII, TIN, ANO SlIKKT IIION \\%Sirriit icmi or xtmi wm,»|3 Whrrlhig. Vn,

Groccrs and Commission McrelinkT7riW?«k riMtTr etnvm uo*tt» itnum,BALTIMORE. ,STIIICT attention lipild lo lie IrMtjjS u>l^ilTob'tcoO) Urtiu, flour, Frull, IhcoaUti.i.''a-l'i.ir'idvitrcet nude trponcoiitlji.uwulJ,

MIT* iu.JobttS. Cllllmt, Hsq. t'tn'I.CUi. lltiVi MavircililliUltuter .Vl'a| UuibeiKlillliv, Kvq.i XiwdKeiouver >v Ctmiibelli t'o). J.O. Mi'Ot, ImuiWi. .]Htq. !«lfe 1

Bolls! liollsiiMKXKKI.V'Hcelfbitleil Cliurcli, KKlorr.Ktri^vl.iMonxilive, I'ltnUlluii, t'cliool IIolu ilJ r.Helli, lolil by

JAN. M. DILLON, Asm'.lvHilt-;,l|> Wniiitu.V,Mew Fall and Wilitor Uooas

At No. 1, |Ni'itH.-o no cm;.

ITAKK rlrtiuieln kins tMe loiiilufinnrMujloinrrs si d lhe| ubllc teintll)', Hal I In, SiduiteJ fioiuNew Vo'h»i J lluilon, ul.eiell4.nHIttitJ liomllie vailotsfciotki ofFftncL £iii/lnli and Amtrinin Gv{, tOl.e 0( III* 111( 91 fO'ffOUH Mid I'Mlitlltfl llMkt » i

hroikiht to IliU intikei.-ctii vitliig ol all (m iw.luila ol,SROAD CU)T»IJ, AIW, IF.AYH CIOTIU,

and fVci) Uc«cilj'tiou ui Matouable c<ntii?i :vi ulOvcicoitt.

vcaMi gt I h*vetf«M<iIt$f.xlfiulxe ai d kauiiltl auorlr-eit c\(i o5« i<inaikeli all or which, youaia I am *1make up onihort i.otUe. fti.d In aH>le vi r^uUlito1,city-

lii addiUon to Ue above, 1 lave Urnstochor fine floodlliito

READY MADD CLOTHTNO,.UI line Mill lilff, 10 lUl If JOWlLOuld WJIlll fu! .'.Me luit ol (lollies, niwl «.».».! unit m l:»ve i »'.can lui nlrh )ou icady made, equal to »ny jcucuvs Inniadeloiiteakute.

I have a.«o icedved an etfetuive «'nnm: of M :UiideitliliU* Diawert, (Jluvei, ('ia\at», Siaiff.lukeicklelf, S*u»rei:der», Collar, and In lact etrin tvthat is tequliMl or called for Inll.e Aleulihtor I lolhingand Fuinltlih'g hiitlneis, cliol ntiealv.sell clieap for caili. I'lea&e live me a c«U.

octl S. int'RGUTTING & GORDON,

I'ltOlltlOliCommission Morohanli!

4 «rt>»'j wiiAkr,B ALTIM OR H,

MAHK ca»h advai cca on conilgmtlils Kaoy, Laid1Holler, Hlour, WhUkh Tollonard T«»W(»

iu«"Ooidon, AlalthewK A- (Jo., NWelwj, Va, ni.li'vmake advinccs on ihliuneulft to our llou>e. »'fICooiler.^ai eivlllej Jouiiial«Coluin^i CJa;eK',»

clnin.tli Journal, houitvillei Kerublitan. M.Ut*. KHili cadi Tor tl.v nioutln, cLatje tin pifie*, ai.1 ic^'Mill.]


W. lx>M»ar. t*»T.it.li/ri.iton v.

HA VINO fitted up mycihMulw.eut with eie i lad!ity I amniepaied to exnutetll oide«* («*i Kios

.spired, Pick!rdand lie:met lally.»e#fed Oyllerr.OCrOIMIKIIS leu uiili lie ur.»fei*l;ied.for«i:yofihfaove ai lie lea will be promj'il; aiiei ded 10.

A. rtl.ISS .^nf,Ao. C, .McMoeilie#t.feWtf tVjnlHVt Vl


I'MHT-orpifr.'I'lIK umleitlfrr rt ietel\« su.l OjiiUii KVHV Mt-L, ImoIjiI):.«iiJ li |,it|ulttll'i lurirth.l'it <pv>ljIi«.tin! KtinlllM, urn, So i SHHl.t oysiKII-S c:Uj Ue Oozcn or butbet.warranted ipusd tiM nr,b.

i'^3 J.VQ. JAY WATfltt.Dupont's Gunpowder.

4 It.WfOKftiid foillml rippljcl ilrte, l»ra>!i«?.i»'./V spoiling powder on hand. In n-apr ie A.*»>a»*'Ku e, for sale low either wliolcsil? oriefatl. l^ * '-

railioad contiacinra, and inlneiti ttillleivMjlWloueit nuiket latet by M HblLI.V.mliQO No 18!, \ve*i s'de uutkM»?

Manuro.TIIK umleiilgntJ lakes great pleaiurt In*i>tnIbatH

l»astested the feitllislng qoallllts of it.e .si-prstf hint, and feels Idnsell fully jutllfied In ifcwnmfcfe!Itasa gtneial fertilizer whi»h has pntiu»'dtleM»*t»Ijfiefory resullt, In lootrnlnjc the >oil ainl itopait**-;<healthy and fine color to the foliaceof rUMt

JANKS MALI.OK, KlOilitardMrdeceN^

l.'elfllOH'.M, OaW

I resrectfiillycfell the illentlosof Fnner»ai;ierstolhe shove volnnlsry lest mony ol my woiihj '» *.

and piactlcal Plorhtaud Gardener, ,Vr. Malior.»o»*and farurablr known among our lvorle >eie. Im»?''allowed alio lo slate that Mr, Mallei's tenimra*"'conoboralesall other e.xnei n^ent hitlieito «»*.!< will* ^excellent manure. K. If. lirmiKU,

Sole ajei.t lor the safe of lielleig'* .No I «s* P Mw.mhW cor .Main and Quloiy sti. Wbceiiaj. \ «¦

Argus ropyWJiliXU fit,lT)E Ul' 1655.

WA Card.r. Inrlle the »lleiilloii oriiuui.titu 10 ptr inci-eholre aiioilineiil ol KmbioliViln. liffitrJ

OMye vet direct Irom Kmo|>e, ubiimt t f»u>>".ell it I |,eit reductlou on Ionnei eilrri-oui itwi <'¦'

initlnj.<H0 nrleliet of needle woiked rullirt, In S*l« I"net tni Ute,hV) varieties ol Mterrs In ut.ae mil,111.100 varieties of Jicmrt 11..I Snlii muilln

Flour.ilujt,T.(eiler wllb »lir;e variety ol Jnoort and <.0

Kdjliif* Ind Inicilltp, lu'ai.t t KmbV llutut.r'iIt will l.e evident to all Hut larlht fttulln

In i>uiehiilitT Ibrie lltodi, we will be tnHtJ t"'l'freiler liiducenienlt nol unty in tie etifiu.it» '

alioln pilcei, llun tlioie Iwuiev that bt, t i»i«»i«hands. t|d IIKI.-KtU *<..

WliNDOW il'UMW.PLAIN Orren Oil Clot),, Unduare, TWIit'"";

Piper Window IHI»d>. new »nd Inuldj Utr, >¦

itcfhe.lat tLe corner boukilcie. ,

_a|.l WII.HK .V lj"_IIA .V.\ KY iiid lTeiiiM Seed*, lor u e bf

V in,ISJ II. VOWKI.I.. 91 t>J'"


I AM reeehlnga revrand fresh Hoeko' Pik». V'4;*rlnei, Ilje siwr,. 0 It, Cajjnt*. H , ronklttii«I

mint moteeomplele tkinever, n.l attu'ewitwninr home In IU eltr. JOHN II. T.VI'I'.<>.

No(il Ceu'.ie «l<"(.

flew Spring and Slimmer (looJiAT

No. 1, Sprigg House.T TAKKpie-isuielnsajincIo inyhler.de iMl lk|Jf'I cenlly letuuet' from Sew Yotk wllhs Uaat»v»»*sortmem of Springand Snr.,iaer fiood«,co»il»i r? a

Bftom CI.ATIIS, Al.t COI.OkS A.NP HUPr<.Summer Goods lii great vailety, luilablffor mik'rj*''

Summer connCAMiHmks a.nu nstimj*. . ..f

I will M) I havellie HKftt beautiful ain»rfn:eet #w

ImporUUlo Ibis country, all of winch \ an» >«tiefW(vviedloinake up iNalyleand fit liar I have bernM mit)'year*.HEADY MADE CI.OTIIIXO AXI) KI K.M^"

I NO ooousIn treil v.tlelf, eonilillnt of f'oili. Veil'.Kbltli, UnderM.lrlt, Silk, I.Inert, .ltd llollon >na»ei»-St«|>eiideii. (.lover, jitiickt, Collut, and |a'"",'.'JHilif u.nilljr tepl by i Merchant Tailor or I lotker.altowhich I n III tell very chfap for tub rfi,

I'ieaie el ve me a call and I will tninniee mi )>"*"bepleiied, Youn,.

mm s myL.if't Il.tllKHW Kemuekf .iu. So ^NiiMi'r"-

l'' I r r Ir rr rt rl rrd M'li. I'linlillon""lit oak cooperate, In iloie iml fxrnleb) ^ Kxiil.V^.mtW

ItACOX.,.4,000 ^00. Pilinesi^l-I ra,,

In ilote and for wle t»w by y _ jfaUA^,1 hnrrfl«ln»t itcelvedindlor «lf .nil6 Cl.tta