Wheat crop disorders A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan


Transcript of Wheat crop disorders A Lecture By Mr Allah Dad Khan

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NITROGEN SYMBOL: N; AVAILABLE TO PLANTS AS NITRATE (NO3 – ) , AND AMMONIUM (NH4 + ) IONS1. N is biologically combined with C, H, O, and S to

create amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Amino acids are used in forming protoplasm, the site for cell division and thus for plant growth and development. Since all plant enzymes are made of proteins, N is needed for all of the enzymatic reactions in a plant.

2. N is a major part of the chlorophyll molecule and is therefore necessary for photosynthesis.

3. N is a necessary component of several vitamins4. . N improves the quality and quantity of dry

matter in leafy vegetables and protein in grain crops.

Nutrient functions

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Lack of tillering; stems thin and reddish tints; leaves pale green, basal leaves yellow and die off early.

Plants are pale green to yellow with chlorosis beginning on lower leaves and progressing upwards as the deficiency intensifies; plants have spindly stems and growth is slow. 

Nitrogen deficiency

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PHOSPHORUS SYMBOL: P; AVAILABLE TO PLANTS AS ORTHOPHOSPHATE IONS (HPO4 2 –, H2 PO4 – ).1. In photosynthesis and respiration, P plays a major role

in energy storage and transfer as ADP and ATP (adenosine di- and triphosphate) and DPN and TPN (di- and triphosphopyridine nucleotide).

2. P is part of the RNA and DNA structures, which are the major components of genetic information.

3. Seeds have the highest concentration of P in a mature plant, and P is required in large quantities in young cells, such as shoots and root tips, where metabolism is high and cell division is rapid.

4. P aids in root development, flower initiation, and seed and fruit development.

5. P has been shown to reduce disease incidence in some plants and has been found to improve the quality of certain crops

Nutrient functions

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Young plants, leaves and stems bluish green and develop strong purple tints; older leaves die off early.

P deficient plants may remain darker green than normal plants and develop purple discoloration first on the underside and later throughout. Leaf tips may die back when P deficiency is severe. Plants grow slowly, stems are thin and shortened and maturity is delayed. P deficient plants also exhibit poor tillering.


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1. Unlike N and P, K does not form any vital organic compounds in the plant. However, the presence of K is vital for plant growth because K is known to be an enzyme activator that promotes metabolism.

2. K assists in regulating the plant’s use of water by controlling the opening and closing of leaf stomates, where water is released to cool the plant

3. In photosynthesis, K has the role of maintaining the balance of electrical charges at the site of ATP production.

4. K promotes the translocation of photosythates (sugars) for plant growth or storage in fruits or roots

5. Through its role assisting ATP production, K is involved in protein synthesis.

6. K has been shown to improve disease resistance in plants, improve the size of grains and seeds, and improve the quality of fruits and vegetables.

Nutrient functions

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Growth short and uneven and few heads form; leaves bluish green and much dying off of older leaves beginning near tips and margins; severe leaf stripe (Helminthosporium gramineum) also present

K deficiency is initially manifested as chlorosis on the older leaves and progresses upwards as the deficiency intensifies. The leaves eventually become streaked and take on a scorched appearance along the leaf margins.  Chlorotic areas may develop throughout the leaf. Deficiency symptoms can occur in young leaves of some fast-maturing high-yielding varieties. Stems of deficient plants are weak and tend to lodge


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CALCIUM SYMBOL: CA; AVAILABLE TO PLANTS AS THE ION CA2 Ca has a major role in the formation of the

cell wall membrane and its plasticity, affecting normal cell division by maintaining cell integrity and membrane permeability. • Ca is an activator of several enzyme systems in protein synthesis and carbohydrate transfer. • Ca combines with anions including organic acids, sulfates, and phosphates. It acts as a detoxifying agent by neutralizing organic acids in plants. • Ca is essential for seed production in peanuts. • Ca indirectly assists in improving crop yields by reducing soil acidity when soils are limed

Nutrient functions •

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Death of growing points and failure of young leaves to expand.

Ca deficiency is very rare on small grains. Plants are severely stunted and new leaves exude a gelatinous like material and new leaves stick together. Because Ca deficiency is favored by low pH (<5.2) and low soil Ca, aluminum and manganese toxicity symptoms will usually be exhibited before Ca deficiency symptoms.


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MAGNESIUM SYMBOL: MG; AVAILABLE TO PLANTS AS THE ION MG2+ • The predominant role of Mg is as a major

constituent of the chlorophyll molecule, and it is therefore actively involved in photosynthesis. • Mg is a co-factor in several enzymatic reactions that activate the phosphorylation processes. • Mg is required to stabilize ribosome particles and also helps stabilize the structure of nucleic acids. • Mg assists the movement of sugars within a plant.

Nutrient functions

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Older leaves pale green, marginal yellowing and necrosis. 

Initially Mg deficiency is expressed as interveinal chlorosis on the older leaves and progresses upwards as the deficiency intensifies. Older leaves may become reddish-purple and the tips and margins may die. Older leaves may fall off with prolonged deficiency.


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SULFUR SYMBOL: S; AVAILABLE TO PLANTS AS THE SULFATE ION, SO4 2– S is essential in forming plant proteins

because it is a constituent of certain amino acids. • It is actively involved in metabolism of the B vitamins biotin and thiamine and co-enzyme A. • S aids in seed production, chlorophyll formation, nodule formation in legumes, and stabilizing protein structure.

Nutrient functions •

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Pale yellow plants; uniformly yellow leaves without necrosis .

S deficiency in wheat include: light green to yellowish colored leaves beginning on the younger leaves where there is an ample supply of N; where the N supply is low the symptoms may occur on the older leaves; plants may be spindly, stunted and maturity delayed. S deficiency may be confused with N deficiency but yellowing of S deficient plants is more pronounced than in plants with N deficiency.


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• B is necessary in the synthesis of one of the bases for RNA formation and in cellular activities. • B has been shown to promote root growth. • B is essential for pollen germination and growth of the pollen tube. • B has been associated with lignin synthesis, activities of certain enzymes,

Nutrient functions

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Terminal shoots die; leaves die back from tips and young leaves remain rolled. (Similar to calcium deficiency) 

Deficiency symptoms in small grains include: interveinal chlorosis of youngest unfolded leaves; leaf unfolding is delayed; increased tillering may be observed and internodes can be short; flowering is altered; seed set is poor resulting in low yields.

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COPPER SYMBOL: CU; AVAILABLE TO PLANTS AS THE ION CU++ Nutrient functions • Cu is essential in several

plant enzyme systems involved in photosynthesis. • Cu is part of the chloroplast protein plastocyanin, which forms part of the electron transport chain. • Cu may have a role in the synthesis and/or stability of chlorophyll and other plant pigments

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Head may fail to emerge; where formed, grain production restricted. Tips of heads chlorotic and distorted. Leaves subtending heads slightly chlorotic and deformed and in most severe specimens from spirals.

Deficiency symptoms in wheat are expressed as: light green color with twisted leaf tips; leaves eventually take on a bleached appearance and die and leaf curling is enhanced; growth is severely reduced.


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IRON SYMBOL: FE; AVAILABLE TO PLANTS AS FE2+, FE3+ • Fe is essential in the heme enzyme system

in plant metabolism (photosynthesis and respiration). The enzymes involved include catalase, peroxidase, cytochrome oxidase, and other cytochromes. • Fe is part of protein ferredoxin and is required in nitrate and sulfate reductions. • Fe is essential in the synthesis and maintenance of chlorophyll in plants. • Fe has been strongly associated with protein metabolis

Nutrient functions

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Severe chlorosis of leaves, most severe on younger growths; die-back of chlorotic leaves.


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• Mn primarily functions as part of the plant enzyme system, activating several metabolic functions. It is a constituent of pyruvate carboxylase. • Mn is involved in the oxidation-reduction process in photosynthesis. • Mn is necessary in Photosystem II, where it participates in photolysis. • Mn activates indole acetic acid oxidase, which then oxidizes indole acetic acid in plants

Nutrient functions

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Intermittent intervenal chlorotic streaks (rye, manganese deficiency). 

Manganese deficiencies are rare on small grain grown on soils with a pH of 6.0 and 6.3. Deficiencies have been observed on wheat growing on coarse-textured Coastal Plain soils with pH values above 6.3.  Deficient plants are chlorotic and greenish-gray spots develop on the older leaves (gray speck). Deficiency symptoms may eventually appear on the uppermost recently mature leaves as interveinal chlorosis (streaked) at the basal portion of the leaf while the leaf tips may remain green. Leaves intensively affected may kink or droop

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photosynthesis, where it is involved in the evolution of oxygen. • Cl increases cell osmotic pressure and the water content of plant tissues. • Cl is found in many bacteria and fungi. • Cl reduces the severity of certain fungal diseases, e.g., take-all disease of wheat.

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• Chlorosis of younger leaves and wilting of the plant. • Deficiency seldom occurs because Cl is found in the atmosphere and rainwater

Deficiency symptoms

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Mo is a necessary component of two major enzymes in plants, nitrate reductase and nitrogenase, which are required for normal assimilation of N. • Mo is required by some soil microorganisms for nitrogen fixation in soils

Nutrient functions

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• Deficiency symptoms resemble those of N because the function of Mo is to assimilate N in the plant. Older and middle leaves become chlorotic, and the leaf margins roll inwards. • In contrast to N deficiency, necrotic spots appear at the leaf margins because of nitrate accumulation. • Deficient plants are stunted, and flower formation may be restricted. • Mo deficiency can be common in nitrogen-fixing legumes.

Deficiency symptoms

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• Zn is required in the synthesis of tryptophan, which in turn is necessary for the formation of indole acetic acid in plants. • Zn is an essential component of several metallo-enzymes in plants (variety dehydorgenases) and therefore is necessary for several different function in plant metabolism. • The enzyme carbonic anhydrase is specifically activated by Zn. • Zn has a role in RNA and protein synthesis.

Nutrient functions

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Stunted, pale green plants with localized white to pale yellow chlorosis, turning to brown or gray necrotic lesions.

Zinc deficiency in wheat appears as intervenial chlorosis on the most recently developed leaves; plants are stunted and produce few tillers; if the deficiency is severe the leaves may turn white and die.

Deficiency Symptoms

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