Whats my personal injury case worth? Boston Injury Attorney Firm answers that question.

What’s my case worth?

Transcript of Whats my personal injury case worth? Boston Injury Attorney Firm answers that question.

What’s my case worth?

The most common question from personal injury clients at the initial visit

is how much money their case is worth.

Every time, the answer should be the same: It’s too soon to tell.

Anybody who gives you an amount at the initial visit, or even at the beginning of the case,of what your case is worth simply doesn’t

know what they’re doing.

They are revealing a lack ofskill and experience.

For starters, the details of your case may change from day to day.

The amount of evidence you’re able to collect against the defendant and the relative strength

or weakness of the evidence is variable.

The known extent of injuries is also subject to change. Sometimes people heal in a

short amount of time and they’re soon just as healthy as when started.

Others aren’t so fortunate and simply don’t get better. A doctor’s visit leads to a specialists visit,

and then it turns out surgery is needed.

Imagine being in that second scenario and being told the case was worth $20,000. After we uncovered more information about the medical complications, we are

able to increase the case value to $150,000.

That’s why we wait until the end medical results are known so we can make our call

with the precise details of the case.

But even then putting a dollar amount on a case is more art than science. There’s no worksheet or sliding scale to reference.

For example in cases involving a death, the opinions we received from outside the firm

ranged from $500,000 to $20 million. That’s a towering difference.

If we don’t reach a settlement, the actual dollar amount of the case can change with the whimsand emotions of the judge or jury. Which also

makes it difficult to come up with a dollar figure.

Lawsuits are a complex subject, too individualistic and varied to sum up with any broad stroke statements.

If you want to find out how much your case is worth you will have to talk to an expert and

wait for all the relevant information to become available.

Have you been injured? If so give us a call

Phone: 617-379-1797 Toll Free: 866-528-3515
