What You See Is What You Get



What You See Is What You Get 3 - International exhibition of contemporary art - Curated by Joe Pansa and Domenica Nasa

Transcript of What You See Is What You Get

what you see is what you get


What You See Is What You Get 3

International Exhibition of Contemporary ArtCurated by Joe Pansa & Domenica Nasa

Amélie Dufaut (France)Angela Loiodice (Italy)Arnož Božič (Slovenia)Domenica Nasa (Italy)Domingo Bombini (Italy)Elif Tatù (Turkey)Erika Kapin (USA)Evan Piccirillo (Italy)Joe Pansa (Italy)Kunster (Italy)

Lech Kolasiński (Poland)Nico Zeroisnan (Italy/Ireland)

Noemi Acquatico (Italy)Paolo Cilfone (Italy)

Perness Norbert (Hungary)Rosario Montero (Chile)

Roy Del Vecchio (The Netherlands)Sabino Rutigliano (Italy)Vincenzo Maraglino (Italy)

Zala Božič (Slovenia)

Il tema della condivisione è strettamente intrecciatoai temi delle problematiche economiche e sociali. Lacrisi economica, ma soprattutto quelladell’intelligenza, hanno favorito il dibattito sui temidella condivisione e del solidarismo, intesi comepossibili vie per risolvere molti dei problemi delmondo moderno e liberare la buona volontà degliuomini.

Sostituendosi alla competizione, all’avidità eall’egoismo, la condivisione e la cooperazionevengono inoltre considerate le vie d’accesso piùimportanti alla felicità dei singoli e dei gruppi,essendo in grado di favorire un clima più sereno,grazie al quale può essere apprezzata meglio labellezza delle relazioni e il rispetto per il proprioterritorio. Quando si vive una crisi, nessun ritornoindietro è possibile. Bisogna inventare qualcosa dinuovo e avere il coraggio di voltare pagina.

E’ su queste basi che è nata l’Associazione ArtisticaInternazionale God direct­line ed ha preso vita ilprogetto 'What you see is what you get'. La mostra,alla sua terza edizione, racchiude venti artistiprovenienti da diversi paesi del mondo creando unavarietà espressiva multietnica e multiculturale dove lalibertà della visione individuale dell’artista fa dapadrona.

Realtà diverse si raccontano attraverso lo sguardointeriore di ogni artista portando il fruitore in realtàdifferenti attraverso la fotografia, la pittura, la videoarte e la musica.

The concept of sharing is closely intertwined with thetopics of economic and social issues. The economiccrisis, and more importantly the intelligence crisis,have fostered discussions on sharing and solidarity,as possible ways of solving many of the problems ofthe modern world and free the good will of men.

Replacing competition, greed and selfishness, sharingand co­operation are considered the primary accessroads to the happiness of individuals and groups,being able to promote a calmer atmosphere, in whichthe beauty of relationships and the respect for one'sown territory can be better appreciated. When you gothrough a crisis, no coming back is possible. You haveto invent something new and find the courage ofturning the page.

It is on this premises that the International ArtisticAssociation God direct­line was founded and theinternational project 'What you see is what you get'took life. The exhibition, in its third edition, putstogether twenty artists from different countries of theworld, thus creating a multi­ethnic and multiculturalvarieties of expression where the freedom of theindividual artist's vision reigns supreme.

Different realities are told through the inner eye ofeach artist bringing the viewer into different realitiesthrough photography, painting, video art and music.

Fisher(digital print)

Amélie Dufaut


Lo sdegno(acrylic on canvas)

Angela Loiodice


Untitled(digital print)

Arnož Božic


Inside me(digital print)

Domenica Nasa


La Nò(digital print)

Domingo Bombini


Atlantis night(collage)

Elif Tatù


Plastic Portraits: Mila(digital print)

Erika Kapin


Untitled(oil on canvas)

Evan Piccirillo


Sarita(digital print)

Joe Pansa


I Níx Makrá(digital print)



Latvia(digital print)

Lech Kolasiński


No place is safe(digital print)

Nico Zeroisnan


Sgomento(acrylic and charcoal on canvas)

Noemi Acquatico


Untitled(digital print)

Paolo Cilfone


In hoc signo vinces(digital print)

Perness Norbert


No le compro ni le arriendo(digital print)

Rosario Montero


Il mare(digital print)

Roy Del Vecchio

The Netherlands

Untitled(acrylic on canvas)

Sabino Rutigliano


Salento by night(acrylic on canvas)

Vincenzo Maraglino



Zala Božič


What you see is what you get 3An international exhibition of contemporary art

Organized by: "God Direct Line" ­ AssociazioneArtistica Internazionale

For enquiries of any kind please contact:

Joe Pansa ­ [email protected]

Domenica Nasa ­ [email protected]

Graphic concept: Lucia Lamacchia

Flyer design: Lucia Lamacchia

Catalog design: Nico Zeroisnan

Many thanks to:

Fabbrica Paladini Lequile

Thulab ­ Spazio per le Arti Visive

The Factory ­ Urban Lab Palagiano

Collettivo ZNS

All the works presented in this catalog are copyright of their

respective owners. You are free to copy and redistribute this

catalog in any medium or format for non commercial

purposes only under the terms of the Creative Commons

Attribution­NonCommercial­NoDerivatives 4.0 International

License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by­nc­nd/4.0/
