What to Expect in a Job Interview

What to Expect in the First Interview A video resource to help candidates prepare for interview success!


This will give you the information on how to face your first interview

Transcript of What to Expect in a Job Interview

Page 1: What to Expect in a Job Interview

What to Expect in

the First InterviewA video resource to help candidates prepare for interview success!

Page 2: What to Expect in a Job Interview

What to Expect in the First Interview

What Will They Ask Me?

Interviews in general will cover three areas:

1) Your life, skills, experience, qualifications;

2) The job you are applying for;

3) The company.

Review your CV prior to the interview and know it backwards and forwards. Do not assume that the interviewer has read it carefully. You should have remembered to bring extra copies with you so while you wait for your turn to interview, read it again.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Your Life

• Employers are most interested in your personal

contributions, motivation and lessons learnt.

• Typical questions:

– Why should we employ you?

– What can you do for us that other candidates cannot?

– What makes you the right person for this job?

• The point of these questions is “Sell me!”

• Use this worksheet to prepare your answers to the most

common First Interview Questions.• http://www.quest.co.za

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What to Expect in the First Interview

The Job You’re Applying For

• Find out why this job is important for the business.

• Use the Employer Concerns Worksheet to try to discover what the

employer’s concerns are.

• Learn what the career ladder looks like within the organisation.

• Typical questions:

– Why do you want this job?

– How do your skills make you the right person for this job?

• Study the job description. You need to know how your skills and

experience make you a good candidate.

• Use the Transferable Skills Worksheet to review your skill set.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

The organisation you hope will employ you

• When asked “why do you want to work for this organisation” never

state the obvious. This is your chance to impress the interviewer

with your research. Mention presentations, brochures or a news

article you found about the organisation. This question should

never be hard to answer.

• Similar questions:

– Why are you applying to us?

– What appeals to you about this company?

– What do you know about our industry?

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Do’s of an interview

Do make sure that you dress the part for the job, the

company, the industry. Rather, be conservative with your

dress code: remember you are not meeting your friends for

a night out.

Do plan to arrive about 10 minutes early. Late arrival for a

job interview is never excusable. If you are running late, do

phone the company.

Do shake hands firmly. Don't have a limp or clammy


Do make good eye contact with your interviewer(s).

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More Interview Do’s

Do greet the receptionist or assistant with courtesy and

respect. This is where you make your first impression.

Do avoid using poor language, slang, and pause words

(such as "like," "uh," and "um").

Do ask intelligent questions about the job, company, or

industry. Don't ever not ask any questions -- it shows a lack

of interest.

Do send a thank you to the interviewer afterward.

Review the Interview TIP Sheet.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

More Interview Do’s

• Do remain positive. This is not to say that everything you say should

be wonderful and inspiring. When you are asked about a weakness,

highlight the positive benefits of learning and overcoming your


• Do show enthusiasm. Showing enthusiasm is one of the most

natural ways to get someone to like you.

• Do listen. It is easier to answer clearly and effectively if you listen


• Do go alone. Never arrive with friends, children, etc. You will look

disorganised or lacking in confidence.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Interview Don’ts

• Don't chew gum.

• Don't tell jokes.

• Don't smoke, even if the interviewer does and offers you

a cigarette. And don't smoke beforehand so that you

smell like smoke.

• Don't be soft-spoken. A confident voice projects


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What to Expect in the First Interview

More Interview Don’ts

• Don't ever say anything negative about former colleagues, supervisors, or employers.

• Don't lie. Answer questions truthfully and frankly.

• Don't answer questions with a simple "yes" or "no." Explain whenever possible. Describe those things about yourself that showcase your talents, skills, and determination. Give specific examples.

• Don't answer mobile calls during the interview. Turn the phone off before your interview or leave it in your car.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

How to get rejectedNegative factors and comments evaluated during employment interviews, frequently leading to rejection (as reported by research):

• Poor personal appearance.

• Overbearing-overaggressive-conceited.

• Inability to express self clearly-poor voice diction, grammar.

• Failure to research the company.

• Lack of planning for career, no purpose, and unable to express goals.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

How to Get Rejected

• Lack of interest and enthusiasm.

• Lack of confidence and poise, nervousness.

• Over-emphasis on money.

• Unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much too soon.

• Makes excuses, is evasive, and harps on trouble areas.

• Not enough examples for questions.

• Lack of maturity.

• Lack of courtesy.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

How to Get Rejected

• No interest or knowledge in the company or industry.

• Emphasis on whom the individual knows.

• Intolerant; strong prejudices.

• Lack of appreciation of the value of experience.

• Late to interview without good reason.

• Never heard of the company.

• Failure to express appreciation for interviewer’s time.

• Ask no questions about the job.

• Moaning about previous employers or co-workers.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

Standard Chronological Interview• This is an unstructured type of interview

and it is largely based on your application form or CV. The interview is a means of getting you to explain and expand upon what you have written.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

Structured, Criteria-based Interview

• A structured interview is a method that employers use to ensure that the interviews are as objective as possible. All candidates are asked the same questions. The foundation for criteria or behavioural based interviews are: past performance predicts future success.

• During a behaviour/competency based interview the interviewer will want specific examples of when and how you demonstrated particular behaviours. The questions will be specific to the competencies required by the job.

• Examples of competencies are on the next slide

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

Here are general classification of the competencies:

• Individual competencies: Your personal attributes i.e. flexibility, decisiveness, tenacity, etc.

• Managerial competencies: Taking charge of other people i.e. leadership, strategic planning, empowerment, etc.

• Analytical competencies: The element of decision making i.e. innovation, numerical problem solving, detail consciousness etc.

• Interpersonal competencies: Dealing with other people i.e. impact, persuasiveness, personal awareness, teamwork etc.

• Motivational competencies: The things that drive you, i.e. resilience, energy, quality focus, achievement, orientation, etc.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

Behavioural-based Interview questions generally start with any of the following phrases:

• Tell me about a time when you….

• Describe a circumstance when you were faced with a problem related to….

• Think about an instance in which you…

• Tell me how you approach a situation where…

• Review the questions on the 140 Interview Questions worksheet.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

Answering behavioural questions you will have to:

• Describe the situation.

• Describe the tasks that the situation required.

• Describe the action that you took (remember

you are applying for the position not your

colleague or manager).

• Highlight the outcomes.

• Review the CAR strategy worksheet for

structuring Interview Questions.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

The Panel Interview

• With a panel interview you will be interviewed by two or more interviewers. Although a panel interview can be intimidating, it can actually be to your benefit! During a one-on-one interview, the interviewer might not like you but during a panel interview your chances are increased since you are being evaluated by multiple interviewers.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

Here are some basic rules to consider during a panel interview:

• When answering a question look at the person that asked the question, with a few brief glances to the others.

• Don’t be upset if one of the interviewers looks bored. The bigger the panel the greater the likelihood that some of its members are not experienced interviewers.

• If you get asked the same question twice do not be alarmed. Answer the question again in a polite manner. Chances are that person did not listen the first time you answered the question.

• When possible, ask for a list of the panel members and do some research. By knowing the panel you will be able to tailor your answers to address their special interests. Look them up on LinkedIn.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Types of Interviews:

Technical Interviews• When applying for a technical or highly skilled

position the interviewer might give you a practical task to complete. It is important to remember that even though they are looking for someone with technical skill they are also for someone with personal skills who is able to work in a team environment.

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What to Expect in the First Interview

Closing the Interview

• Emphasise your interest in this position.

• Emphasise your interest in working for the company and that you would appreciate invitations to other interviews if this one is not a perfect fit.

• If the interviewer has not told you the process that will follow, clarify the timeframe for making a decision and determining your status with them.

• Thank the interviewer or panel for their time.

• Remember to send a hand-written thank you card for the opportunity to interview.