What is the ``normal'' fetal heart rate?

Submitted 4 March 2013 Accepted 14 May 2013 Published 4 June 2013 Corresponding author Martin Daumer, [email protected] Academic editor Mandeep Mehra Additional Information and Declarations can be found on page 11 DOI 10.7717/peerj.82 Copyright 2013 Pildner von Steinburg et al. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 OPEN ACCESS What is the “normal” fetal heart rate? Stephanie Pildner von Steinburg 1 , Anne-Laure Boulesteix 1,2,5 , Christian Lederer 2 , Stefani Grunow 3 , Sven Schiermeier 4 , Wolfgang Hatzmann 4 , Karl-Theodor M. Schneider 1 and Martin Daumer 2,3 1 Frauenklinik und Poliklinik der Technischen Universit¨ at M ¨ unchen, Munich, Germany 2 Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research e.V., Munich, Germany 3 Trium Analysis Online GmbH, Munich, Germany 4 Frauenklinik, Universit¨ at Witten, Witten-Herdecke, Germany 5 Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Munich, Germany ABSTRACT Aim. There is no consensus about the normal fetal heart rate. Current international guidelines recommend for the normal fetal heart rate (FHR) baseline dierent ranges of 110 to 150 beats per minute (bpm) or 110 to 160 bpm. We started with a precise definition of “normality” and performed a retrospective computerized analysis of electronically recorded FHR tracings. Methods. We analyzed all recorded cardiotocography tracings of singleton preg- nancies in three German medical centers from 2000 to 2007 and identified 78,852 tracings of sucient quality. For each tracing, the baseline FHR was extracted by eliminating accelerations/decelerations and averaging based on the “delayed moving windows” algorithm. After analyzing 40% of the dataset as “training set” from one hospital generating a hypothetical normal baseline range, evaluation of external validity on the other 60% of the data was performed using data from later years in the same hospital and externally using data from the two other hospitals. Results. Based on the training data set, the “best” FHR range was 115 or 120 to 160 bpm. Validation in all three data sets identified 120 to 160 bpm as the correct symmetric “normal range”. FHR decreases slightly during gestation. Conclusions. Normal ranges for FHR are 120 to 160 bpm. Many international guide- lines define ranges of 110 to 160 bpm which seem to be safe in daily practice. How- ever, further studies should confirm that such asymmetric alarm limits are safe, with a particular focus on the lower bound, and should give insights about how to show and further improve the usefulness of the widely used practice of CTG monitoring. Subjects Bioinformatics, Evidence Based Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Statistics Keywords Cardiotocography, Fetal heart rate, Baseline, Computerized analysis, Monitoring, Guidelines INTRODUCTION Recording of fetal heart rate (FHR) via cardiotocography (CTG) monitoring is routinely performed as an important part of antepartum and intrapartum care. However, in several randomized trials it became evident that there is only limited ecacy in improving fetal outcome using CTG antenatally (Pattison & McCowan, 2004). A detailed meta-analysis of available studies on the use of intrapartum cardiotocogram showed reduction of perinatal How to cite this article Pildner von Steinburg et al. (2013), What is the “normal” fetal heart rate? PeerJ 1:e82; DOI 10.7717/peerj.82 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk provided by Open Access LMU

Transcript of What is the ``normal'' fetal heart rate?

Page 1: What is the ``normal'' fetal heart rate?

Submitted 4 March 2013Accepted 14 May 2013Published 4 June 2013

Corresponding authorMartin Daumer,[email protected]

Academic editorMandeep Mehra

Additional Information andDeclarations can be found onpage 11

DOI 10.7717/peerj.82

Copyright2013 Pildner von Steinburg et al.

Distributed underCreative Commons CC-BY 3.0


What is the “normal” fetal heart rate?

Stephanie Pildner von Steinburg1, Anne-Laure Boulesteix1,2,5,Christian Lederer2, Stefani Grunow3, Sven Schiermeier4,Wolfgang Hatzmann4, Karl-Theodor M. Schneider1 andMartin Daumer2,3

1 Frauenklinik und Poliklinik der Technischen Universitat Munchen, Munich, Germany2 Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research e.V., Munich, Germany3 Trium Analysis Online GmbH, Munich, Germany4 Frauenklinik, Universitat Witten, Witten-Herdecke, Germany5 Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Munich, Germany

ABSTRACTAim. There is no consensus about the normal fetal heart rate. Current internationalguidelines recommend for the normal fetal heart rate (FHR) baseline different rangesof 110 to 150 beats per minute (bpm) or 110 to 160 bpm. We started with a precisedefinition of “normality” and performed a retrospective computerized analysis ofelectronically recorded FHR tracings.Methods. We analyzed all recorded cardiotocography tracings of singleton preg-nancies in three German medical centers from 2000 to 2007 and identified 78,852tracings of sufficient quality. For each tracing, the baseline FHR was extracted byeliminating accelerations/decelerations and averaging based on the “delayed movingwindows” algorithm. After analyzing 40% of the dataset as “training set” from onehospital generating a hypothetical normal baseline range, evaluation of externalvalidity on the other 60% of the data was performed using data from later years in thesame hospital and externally using data from the two other hospitals.Results. Based on the training data set, the “best” FHR range was 115 or 120 to160 bpm. Validation in all three data sets identified 120 to 160 bpm as the correctsymmetric “normal range”. FHR decreases slightly during gestation.Conclusions. Normal ranges for FHR are 120 to 160 bpm. Many international guide-lines define ranges of 110 to 160 bpm which seem to be safe in daily practice. How-ever, further studies should confirm that such asymmetric alarm limits are safe, witha particular focus on the lower bound, and should give insights about how to showand further improve the usefulness of the widely used practice of CTG monitoring.

Subjects Bioinformatics, Evidence Based Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, StatisticsKeywords Cardiotocography, Fetal heart rate, Baseline, Computerized analysis, Monitoring,Guidelines

INTRODUCTIONRecording of fetal heart rate (FHR) via cardiotocography (CTG) monitoring is routinely

performed as an important part of antepartum and intrapartum care. However, in several

randomized trials it became evident that there is only limited efficacy in improving fetal

outcome using CTG antenatally (Pattison & McCowan, 2004). A detailed meta-analysis of

available studies on the use of intrapartum cardiotocogram showed reduction of perinatal

How to cite this article Pildner von Steinburg et al. (2013), What is the “normal” fetal heart rate? PeerJ 1:e82; DOI 10.7717/peerj.82

brought to you by COREView metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk

provided by Open Access LMU

Page 2: What is the ``normal'' fetal heart rate?

mortality by 50%, but an increase of operative intervention by factor 2.5 (Vintzileos

et al., 1995). One potential reason is the wide variability in clinical decision making

associated with its use. Standardizing management of variant intrapartum FHR tracings

was suggested to reduce this variability and to lead to improvement in fetal outcome

(Downs & Zlomke, 2007). In a recent Cochrane review no difference in outcome could be

found when looking at potential improvements through the use of CTG monitoring, but,

remarkably, the conclusion was different when computerized interpretation of CTG traces

was taken into account: “when computerized interpretation of the CTG trace was used,

the findings looked promising” (Grivell et al., 2012). Therefore it seems natural to assume

that further work on improving definitions and standardization by using computerized

methods will further improve the monitoring systems. However, currently, there is not

even agreement on the normal range of the baseline of the FHR, although, as Massaniev

stated in 1996, “baseline rate provides valuable information on which we plan our further

actions” (Manassiew, 1996).

The current international guidelines of the Federation Internationale de Gynecologie et

d’Obstetrique (FIGO) (Rooth, Huch & Huch, 1987), based on consensus during the 1985

conference, recommend a normal range of the FHR from 110 to 150 beats per minute

(bpm). The FIGO guidelines, despite some well-known shortcomings, “remain the sole

broad international consensus document in FHR monitoring” (Diogo & Joao, 2010). This

consensus replaced the former range of 120 to 160 bpm, as there was evidence pointing

to worse fetal outcome for baselines higher than 160 bpm (Saling, 1966). Up to now,

ranges such as 110 to 150 bpm or 110 to 160 bpm (American Congress of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists, 2009; Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe, 2010; Macones

et al., 2008; Manassiev et al., 1998; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

(NICE), 2007; Perinatal Committee of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2009;

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2006; Society

of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Canada, 2007) are also used, widely based on expert

opinion rather than evidence.

This assessment of the situation and the existing “evidence base” is based on the

following elements. We have published the plan to do the analysis and have publicly

asked for feedback. We have done several literature searches mostly in Pubmed, Google

Scholar, the Cochrane Library and have collected publications listed in various versions of

published CTG guidelines and standard textbooks. In total we have collected more than

100 papers related to the topic. We have asked opinion leaders in Germany, the UK and

the US about awareness of any recent and ancient work that would need to mentioned.

In addition, stimulated by the reviewer’s comments, we have (March 2013) conducted a

snowball search based on the original Manassiev paper, as well as a systematic search with

the related topic of “electronic fetal monitoring”. We did not find any published work that

would interfere with the findings in this manuscript.

Our aim was to first define what one should mean by “normal” fetal heart rate and then

to give a data-driven answer to this question, as a basis for the more complicated question

about the right choice of “alarm limits”.

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MATERIAL AND METHODSIn order to reduce the probability of publishing false positive results, this study followed a

strict analysis plan, published before onset of the analyses (Daumer et al., 2007). A similar

methodology is now being recommended by ENCePP (www.encepp.org) of the European

Medical Agency.

CTG database for exploration and validationFrom 2000 to 2007 CTG raw data were systematically collected from three hospitals: the

two university hospitals “Technische Universitat Munchen” and “Witten-Herdecke” and

the non-university hospital of Achern (Germany). “Technische Universitat Munchen”

and “Witten-Herdecke” are tertiary care centers, while “Achern” is a primary care center.

The work program and the corresponding contract were approved by the Department

of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Technische Universitat Munchen and the legal

department of the Technische Universitat Munchen and by the “Ludwig Maximilians

University” (cooperation contract in the context of Sonderforschungsbreich SFB 386,

subproject B2 Statistische Analyse diskreter Strukturen - Dynamische Modelle zur

Ereignisanalyse, from April 28, 2005).

The training data set consisted of the cardiotocograms recorded at “Technische Univer-

sitat Munchen” from 2000 to 2004. For validation three data sets were used: “Technische

Universitat Munchen” from 2005 to 2006 for temporal validation, “Witten-Herdecke”

from June 2005 to December 2007 and “Achern” from September 2001 to December 2005

for external validation.

We included all 87,510 FHR tracings recorded during the described period on CTG

devices linked to the central server in the study, if they were derived from a singleton

pregnancy. The included cardiotocograms were obtained both during labor in the delivery

room and before onset of labor in the prenatal care unit, starting typically at gestational

week 24. The recordings were not necessarily longer than 30 min, as it was originally

planned, but a sensitivity analysis (data not shown) suggested, that this did not affect the

results. 78,852 tracings demonstrated a sufficient signal quality, necessary for our analysis.

For 13,015 CTG tracings collected between 20 and 42 weeks, data about gestational age

were available, so that they could be used for analysis of association of FHR and gestational


Investigated variablesFor each CTG tracing, the baseline heart rate was extracted from the FHR data coming

from the CTG device at a rate of four measurements per second by excluding outlier

measurements, eliminating accelerations or decelerations, and averaging based on

the “delayed moving windows” algorithm (Daumer & Neiss, 2001). These steps were

automatically performed by the “Trium CTG Online®” software.

The basis for our analysis was the non-averaged baseline as computed by the CTG online

algorithm (Schindler, 2002) with one data point as statistical unit.

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Formulation of the normal fetal heart rate rangeWe considered multiples of five as candidate FHR limits. For this purpose, we first divided

the results for the FHR limits by five, rounded to the nearest integer and finally multiplied

by five, eventually leading to an approximation of the exact FHR value by an integer

ending with 0 or 5 (Macones et al., 2008; National Institute of Child Health and Human

Development Research Planning Workshop, 1997).

We chose the admissible widths of a candidate interval of normal FHR as 40 and

45 bpm. The candidate interval of normal FHR was selected by definition of intervals

of 40 or 45 bpm width leading to similar numbers of measurements beyond the lower and

upper limit. Further explanations concerning the mathematical optimization problem are

provided in the previously published analysis plan (Daumer et al., 2007).

Validation scheme and statistical methodologyBy analyzing the “training dataset” a hypothesis for the range of the normal fetal heart

rate was built, fulfilling the analysis plan mentioned above. Validation data sets were

not opened before the hypotheses were formed. Three independent statisticians did

programming of these steps.

RESULTSPatient characteristicsWe analyzed 45,915 (Training: 32,325, Validation: 13,590) CTG tracings from the

university hospital “Technische Universitat Munchen” (2000–2006), 25,294 from the

university hospital “Witten-Herdecke” and 7,643 from the non-university hospital of

Achern. The pregnant women whose CTG tracings were included were treated antepartum

in an in-patient or out-patient setting or they were admitted for delivery (with continuing

or intermittent CTG surveillance). Characteristics of the patients delivered during the

study period are summarized in Table 1 to give an impression of the population in the

respective hospital. They show essentially similar results, but as expected they reveal slight

differences consistent with regional characteristics (the small town Achern versus the

city of Munich) and the high or low risk collective in tertiary and primary care centers.

As an example, older and nulliparous women are more likely to deliver in the university

hospitals. Also children with congenital malformations are born preferentially in the

University Hospitals, Munich even with a focus on heart malformations as the hospital

cooperates with the German Heart Center in Munich for postnatal care of the babies.

A high percentage of the tracings were obtained ante partum or from women during

first stage of labor as, for example, in “Technische Universitat Munchen” only 7,465 women

(16.2% of tracings) were delivered under CTG surveillance in the years of 2000 to 2006,

while 45,915 CTG tracings were recorded. In “Witten-Herdecke” 3,527 women (13.9%)

were delivered and 25,294 CTG tracings were recorded, in “Achern” there were 1,788

deliveries (23.4%), but 7,643 CTG tracings were recorded. Our study comprises all weeks

of pregnancies with analyzable CTG tracings, typically starting at 24 completed gestational

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Table 1 Patient characteristics. Description of patient characteristics.

Characteristics Training Validation I Validation II Validation III


2000–2004 2005–2006 06/2005–2007 09/2001–2005

n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

Number of delivered women 5,366 2,323 3,542 1,788

Cardiotocogram recorded during delivery 5,184 (96.6) 2,281 (98.2) 3,527 (99.6) n/a

Maternal age <20 J. 88 (1.6) 38 (1.6) 105 (3.0) 78 (4.5)

20–29 J. 1,707 (31.9) 744 (32.0) 1,440 (40.7) 739 (42.6)

30–39 J. 3,249 (60.8) 1,371 (59.0) 1,857 (52.4) 866 (49.9)

≥ 40 J. 302 (5.6) 169 (7.3) 140 (4.0) 51 (2.9)


Nulliparous women 2,387 (44.7) 986 (42.5) 1,477 (41.7) 458 (27.9)

Gestational age at delivery MW± STD 38.3± 3.0 38.2± 3.0 38.4± 2.4 38.8± 3.0

Normal delivery 3,058 (57.1) 1,237 (53.3) 1,992 (56.2) 1,050 (58.4)

Forceps extraction 88 (1.6) 14 (0.6) 75 (2.1) 0 (0)

Vacuum extraction 263 (4.9) 131 (5.6) 71 (2.0) 137 (7.6)

Elective Cesarean 824 (15.4) 405 (17.4) 774 (21.9) 289 (16.1)

Secondary Cesarean 1,118 (20.9) 535 (23.0) 630 (17.8) 321 (17.9)


Tocolysis during delivery 1,177 (21.9) 584 (25.2) 645 (18.2) n/a

Male 2,799 (52.2) 1,177 (50.7) 1,799 (50.2) 927 (51.8)

Female 2,567 (47.8) 1,146 (49.3) 1,743 (49.8) 861 (49.2)

Birthweight (g) MW± STD 3,157± 727 3,138± 731 3,263± 631 3,393± 475

Congenital malformationa n/a 75 (3.2) 125 (3.5) 15 (0.8)

Fetal outcome

Congenital heart malformationa n/a 36 (1.5) 11 (0.3) n/a

Notes.n/a, Data not available or quality not sufficient.

a Via ICD-10 coding.

weeks. But more than 75 percent of the CTG tracings were obtained from pregnancies

older than 37 weeks.

Fetal heart rate analysisThe distribution of the FHR baseline measurements of the training data set over the whole

range of possible frequencies is shown as a histogram in Fig. 1A, showing roughly the

shape of a Gaussian distribution, but not the full symmetry. Distribution in steps of 5

bpm is summarized in Table 2 as a percentage of all measurements for the training data

(Column 1).

The criterion for definition of the best interval is

arg mini=1,...,5

(F(Z(i)lower)− (1− F(Z(i)


(for further details see our analysis plan (Daumer et al., 2007)).

Analyzing the training set, the selected interval of 40 to 45 bpm width was 115 to

160 bpm (criterion: (0.0181− 0.0321)2= 0.20 · 10−3). The criterion for the interval with

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Figure 1 Histogram of baseline fetal heart rate values (A) Training data. (B) Validation data. (C) Alldata. Red bars comprise 25th to 75th percentile, red and green ones 12.5th to 87.5th percentile, red, greenand yellow bars 5th to 95th percentile and all bars except white ones comprise 2.5th to 97.5th percentile.

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Table 2 Distribution of the fetal heart rate in the training and validation sets. The number of singularfetal heart rate recordings under or above the given limits of fetal heart rate as a percentage of allmeasurements is displayed.

Training Validation I Validation II Validation III Validation I - III


2000–2004 2005–2006 06/2005–2007 09/2001–2005

Lower limit

<100 bpm 0.13% 0.15% 0.08% 0.17% 0.12%

<105 bpm 0.26% 0.26% 0.15% 0.37% 0.24%

<110 bpm 0.62% 0.64% 0.40% 0.78% 0.57%

<115 bpm 1.81% 1.79% 1.24% 1.68% 1.53%

<120 bpm 5.02% 4.90% 3.54% 4.45% 4.21%

Upper limit

>145 bpm 23.26% 23.81% 27.84% 22.33% 25.22%

>150 bpm 12.56% 13.13% 16.09% 12.04% 14.16%

>155 bpm 6.51% 6.96% 8.67% 6.23% 7.53%

>160 bpm 3.21% 3.55% 4.35% 3.11% 3.79%

>165 bpm 1.47% 1.76% 2.00% 1.51% 1.80%

>170 bpm 0.68% 0.78% 0.92% 0.70% 0.82%

Table 3 Calculation of the criterion for definition of the best interval in the training and validationdata sets. Square of difference between upper and lower tail of the distribution ([i]), as shown in Table 3.All values have to be multiplied with 10−3. The best criterion for each data set is marked in bold letters.

Training Validation I Validation II Validation III Validation I - III


2000–2004 2005–2006 06/2005–2007 09/2001–2005

110–150 14.24 15.60 24.62 12.69 18.48

110–155 3.46 3.99 6.83 2.97 4.85

115–155 2.21 2.68 5.51 2.07 3.61

115–160 0.20 0.31 0.97 0.20 0.51

120–160 0.33 0.18 0.07 0.18 0.02

120–165 1.26 0.98 0.24 0.86 0.58

120 to 160 bpm was only marginally bigger (criterion: (0.0502− 0.0321)2= 0.33 · 10−3)

(Table 4, Column 1), such that the lower bound, in contrast to the upper bound, is not


Hence the following hypotheses were formulated and tested during validation:

1. The upper limit of the FHR should be 160 bpm.

2. The lower limit should be either 115 or 120 bpm.

Results of each of the validation data sets and of a combination of all three of them

revealed the range of 120 to 160 bpm as the best interval (Fig. 1B, Tables 2 and 3, Columns

2, 3, 4, and 5). Hence, both hypotheses were validated.

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Table 4 Distribution of FHR baseline during gestation. (A) 95% confidence intervals for mean FHRbaseline are displayed for intervals of several gestational weeks. All pairwise comparisons are significant(p < 0.01) with both t-test and Mann-Whitney tests. The comparisons between gestational age of >= 37and other groups are the most significant. (B) 95% confidence intervals for mean FHR baseline withinthe group of gestational age of 37 weeks or more.

Gestational age n 95% confidence interval


<28 1230 140.7538 – 141.9422

28 – <32 1059 139.1587 – 140.3843

32 – <37 2248 138.1575 – 138.9322

>=37 8478 136.0104 – 136.4295


37 1090 136.7176 – 137.8588

38 1793 135.5575 – 136.4720

39 1962 135.9786 – 136.8404

40 2325 135.2181 – 136.0158

41 1199 135.9135 – 137.0438

42 109 133.2492 – 137.8009

The mean FHR baseline plotted against gestational age is shown in Fig. 2. Table 4 shows

95% confidence intervals for mean FHR baseline in different gestational weeks. Regression

analysis with the median FHR baseline as dependent variable and the gestational age

(in weeks) as independent variable yielded a slope estimate of −0.378 (p < 0.001),

meaning that the median FHR decreases on average by 0.4 bpm per week of pregnancy.

The assumptions underlying the linear regression model were approximately fulfilled.

DISCUSSIONAnalyzing about 1.5 billion individual single baseline fetal heart rate measurements from

78,852 CTG tracings in three German medical centers, we found that “normal” ranges

– normality in a statistical sense - are 120 to160 bpm. By this data-driven definition of

the normal FHR we aimed to generate a solid basis for the clinically important attempt

to eventually further reduce the rate of false alarms in CTG monitoring in general and

electronic decision support systems in particular. This might help to avoid unnecessary

interventions such as Cesarean sections. The FHR baseline in our analysis decreases slightly

during gestation, in line with results of other groups (Nijhuis et al., 1998; Serra et al., 2009).

There are well-known physiological changes in fetal development that are consistent with

this empirical finding (Karolina & Edwin, 2011), essentially due to the increasing opposed

effect of the sympathetic nervous system as gestational age increases.

Validation of the results in an independent data set is a crucial step to avoid the

publication of false positive research findings (Daumer et al., 2008; Ioannidis, 2005).

Both temporal validation (based on data collected later than the training data) and

external validation (based on data collected in another medical center), used in our study,

are known to be essential (Konig et al., 2007). Furthermore, the strict blind validation

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Figure 2 Quantile bands of FHR plotted against gestational age. FHR (bpm) is plotted against gesta-tional weeks from 20 to 42. Red colours comprise 25th to 75th percentile, red and green colours 12.5th to87.5th percentile, red, green and yellow colours 5th to 95th percentile and all colours comprise 2.5th to95.5th percentile.

procedure was adopted and described in a detailed analysis plan in the pre-publication

platform Nature Precedings (Daumer et al., 2007) before starting the analyses. The results

about the normal range are very robust, indicating that neither the type of hospital which

is potentially linked to special selection criteria for the pregnant women nor the time as

measured roughly in 5–10 year intervals seems to play a role – an argument for the external

validity of the findings in the exploratory part.

For user acceptance we used steps of 5 bpm as possible borders of the normal FHR as

recommended in the consensus meeting of the National Institute of Child Health and

Human Development (Macones et al., 2008; National Institute of Child Health and Human

Development Research Planning Workshop, 1997). The width of the interval of 40 to 45 bpm

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was traditionally used in many international guidelines. As we planned the study, we chose

no other intervals, as narrowing of the interval would increase the false alarm rate and

wider intervals could miss pathologic conditions of the fetus.

The upper limit of 160 bpm raised concerns in the FIGO meeting in 1985, as Saling

described abnormal findings in 24% of scalp blood analyses if the baseline was higher

than 160 bpm (Saling, 1966). It could be shown that the current FIGO guidelines based

on computerized analyses of the CTG show a high sensitivity to detect fetal acidosis in

case of a suspect or pathological classification of the baseline level. It may turn out that

a modification of the normal ranges further improves sensitivity and specificity of fetal

acidosis during labor (Schiermeier et al., 2008). Also, multivariate modeling involving fetal

and maternal outcome data may improve evidence-based online decision support tools.

Data from a recently published study in a different context (Serra et al., 2009) is

compatible with the findings of our exploratory analysis with a lower limit of 115 or

120 bpm for the gestational ages. Data for the 97th and 99th percentiles are not shown

in this study. But shifting the lower limit to 120 will increase the number of false alarms

whereas a lower limit of 115 will inevitably increase the risk to misinterpret maternal heart

rates as fetal heart rate. This last problem has raised many concerns and discussions about

technical solutions for differentiation of maternal and fetal heart rate, as fatal consequences

for the fetus could occur (Murray, 2004). The new German guideline (Deutsche Gesellschaft

fur Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe, 2012) recommends therefore simultaneous recording

of fetal and maternal heart rate, technically possible either by maternal pulse oxymetry

integrated in a CTG device or simultaneous ECG recording of mother and fetus.

As FHR tracings of prenatal care patients were included, our study population consists

of a fraction of pregnancies remote from term, eventually resulting in higher baselines

as suggested before. As our analysis according to gestational ages shows, the upper limit

of 160 bpm is valid for younger and for later gestational ages. A lower limit of 120 bpm

leads only near term to more false alarms since normal FHR decreases further, and is more

appropriate, as discussed above, to avoid misinterpretation of maternal heart beat as FHR.

There are no different guidelines for scoring cardiotocograms of early gestational ages

as this would be too difficult in daily practice. Only computerized algorithms could use

boundaries without rounding based on multivariate modeling and correlate these results

to fetal outcome.

FIGO guidelines defined boundaries from 110 to 150 bpm, representing the ap-

proximately 0.6th to 86th percentile from our study. Current guidelines released by the

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (American Congress of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists, 2009), the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

(National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Research Planning Workshop,

1997), the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (Society of Obstetrics and

Gynaecologists of Canada, 2007), the United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and

Clinical Excellence (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2007),

the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Royal

Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2006) and the

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Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Perinatal Committee of the Japan Society of

Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2009) define a very wide range of normal FHR with 110 to

160 bpm, representing the approximately 0.6th to 96th percentile. We raised concerns

about the broad width of the range of 50 bpm and the lower limit of 110 bpm. As these

guidelines are in use for some years in many countries at the moment, we assume that this

range is still safe for detection of fetal compromise. In contrast, specificity of the CTG for

fetal acidosis becomes better. But safety-analyses should confirm this assumption.

Our results have stimulated discussions within the corresponding German society

“Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe” (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur

Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe, 2010) having led to a recent update of the previous

guidelines (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe, 2012), based on data

from the exploratory analysis. We hope that our study will trigger a process of continuous

improvement of evidence based clinical decision making in fetal monitoring – perhaps

a task to be triggered by the HTA working group of ENCePP (http://www.encepp.eu/

structure/documents/ENCePPWGHTA Mandate.pdf).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank Nicholas Lack from the “Bayerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Qualitatssicherung”

and Thomas Fusslin, Ortenau Klinikum Achern, for their support in providing informa-

tion about the pregnancies at the Klinikum rechts der Isar and Ortenau Klinikum Achern.

We thank Nadja Harner, Martina Gunter and Michael Scholz for data management and

technical support. We also would like to thank Erich Saling for helpful discussions and the

speaker of Biomed-S and former speaker of the DFG-funded Sonderforschungsbereich

SFB386 Prof. Dr. Fahrmeir, Ludwig-Maximilians University, for continuous support. The

comments of Marlene Sinclair and another anonymous reviewer have helped to further

improve the manuscript. The authors thank the Porticus Foundation for their generous

support for the International School for Clinical Bioinformatics & Technical Medicine.


FundingThere was no funding for the study or for publication, but the Sylvia Lawry Centre for

Multiple Sclerosis Research, Munich, Germany, has received support from the Porticus

Foundation in the context of the “International School for Clinical Bioinformatics and

Technical Medicine”.

Grant DisclosuresThe following grants were received by Martin Daumer as professional support

during the time of the study but were not directly for use in this study:

NETSIM - European Union FP7: Grant No 215820.

VPHOP - European Union FP7: Grant No 223865.

ABMA - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology: Grant No KF0564001KF7.

EBDiMS - Hertie Foundation: Grant No 1.01.1/07/015.

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Intl. School for Clinical Bioinformatics - Porticus Foundation: Grant No 900.50578.

Cardiogenics - European Union FP6: Grant No LSHM-CT-2006-037593.

Bloodomics - European Union FP6: Grant No LSHM-CT-2004-503485.

The following grant was received by Dr. Christian Lederer & Dr. Anne-

Laure Boulesteix as partial support when employed at the SLCMSR as fellows

of the International School for Clinical Bioinformatics & Technical Medicine:

Grant No 90050578.

Competing InterestsMartin Daumer is Director of the Sylvia Lawry Centre for MS Research. He is also one of

the two managing directors of Trium Analysis Online GmbH, together with Michael Scholz

(50% ownership each). Trium is a manufacturer of CTG monitoring systems.

Dr. Daumer serves on the scientific advisory board for the EPOSA study; has received

funding for travel from ECTRIMS; serves on the editorial board of MedNous; is co-author

with Michael Scholz on patents re: Apparatus for measuring activity (Trium Analysis

Online GmbH), method and device for detecting a movement pattern (Trium Analysis

Online GmbH), device and method to measure the activity of a person (Trium Analysis

Online GmbH), co-Author with Christian Lederer of device and method to determine

the fetal heart rate from ultrasound signals (Trium Analysis Online GmbH), author of

method and device for detecting drifts, jumps and/or outliers of measurement values,

coauthor of patent applications with Michael Scholz of device and method to determine

the global alarm state of a patient monitoring system, method of communication of units

in a patient monitoring system, and system and method for patient monitoring; serves as a

consultant for University of Oxford, Imperial College London, University of Southampton,

Charite, Berlin, University of Vienna, Greencoat Ltd, Biopartners, Biogen Idec, Bayer

Schering Pharma, Roche, and Novartis; and receives/has received research support from

the EU-FP7, BMBF, BWiMi, and Hertie Foundation.

Nadja Harner was an employee of Trium, Anne-Laure Boulesteix was an employee of the

SLC when the study was conducted.

There is no known financial or other conflict of interests for the other authors.

Author Contributions• Stephanie Pildner von Steinburg conceived and designed the experiments, performed

the experiments, analyzed the data, wrote the paper.

• Anne-Laure Boulesteix and Martin Daumer conceived and designed the experiments,

analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper.

• Christian Lederer analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools,

critical review of manucript.

• Stefani Grunow analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools.

• Sven Schiermeier performed the experiments, analyzed the data, wrote the paper.

• Wolfgang Hatzmann performed the experiments, and critical review of mansucript.

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• Karl-Theodor M. Schneider conceived and designed the experiments, performed the

experiments, and critical review of manuscript.

Human EthicsThe following information was supplied relating to ethical approvals (i.e. approving body

and any reference numbers):

The work program and the corresponding contracts were approved by the Department

of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Technische Universitat Munchen and the legal

department of the Technische Universitat Munchen, and by the Ludwig Maximilians

University (cooperation contract in the context of Sonderforschungsbreich SFB 386,

subproject B2 “Statistische Analyse diskreter Strukturen - Dynamische Modelle zur

Ereignisanalyse, from April 28, 2005).

Patent DisclosuresThe following patent dependencies were disclosed by the authors:

Martin Daumer is the inventor of: method and device for detecting drifts, jumps

and/or outliers of measurement values, US Patent 6,556,957, April 29, 2003, German

Patent application Nr. 198 39 047.5-35, Nov. 11, 2005, European Patent 1097439

(99939929.8-2215), March 3, 2004.

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