What is happening to your skin?


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Before you make using anti-aging creams a part of your routine, know about your skin more. If you are already aware of what actually happens to your skin when it ages, you can go ahead with your anti-aging routine. If not, the world has not come to an end. Read and know about your skin.

Transcript of What is happening to your skin?

Page 1: What is happening to your skin?
Page 2: What is happening to your skin?

Before you make using anti-aging creams a part of your routine, know

about your skin more. If you are already aware of what actually

happens to your skin when it ages, you can go ahead with your anti-

aging routine. If not, the world has not come to an end. Read and know

about your skin.

Page 3: What is happening to your skin?

It is plump and tight.

It displays excellent structure with good intracellular activity.

Touch the skin of a 15-year-old and you can feel the vitality and

freshness. Now touch mature skin of a 40-year-old, who is still not on

any anti-aging treatment. You, at once, realize the stark difference.

Well, please do not feel bad for the 40-year-old, as skin maintenance is

an individual choice. Care for your skin on time and it will care for you

by keeping you beautiful.

Page 4: What is happening to your skin?

It is dry and loose.

It displays damaged structure with cells that are unable to hold on nutrients to nourish skin.

Wrinkles are a common signal that indicates your skin has begun to age.

Page 5: What is happening to your skin?

It’s true that nobody can stop the aging clock.

However, you can certainly delay it.


It is possible with the use of the right anti-aging products.

What are they?

Page 6: What is happening to your skin?

According to dermatologists, the best anti-aging treatment comes from

a face cream that loves your skin to the core. We are not talking about

those attractive bottles proudly sitting in swanky store shelves, instead

we are talking about creams that talk less but show more.

The right ingredients in the right proportion, when come together, can

create anti-aging miracles on your face.

Page 7: What is happening to your skin?

Hyaluronic Acid (HA): This is a God-sent moisturizer. This is what is found in youthful skin naturally. One of the reasons for skin aging is

the depletion of it in skin with age. For the best anti-aging effect, use a face cream that contains HA.

Matrixyl 3000: This is a collagen booster. A cream that does not contain this ingredient is useless for mature skin. Make sure your cream

contains it.

Argireline: A peptide that helps to increase elasticity of skin, this ingredient helps a cream show faster results.

Are we forgetting something?

Page 8: What is happening to your skin?


Sun is the biggest enemy of skin. It damages your beautiful skin.

One of the major reasons for pre-mature skin aging is over exposure of

skin to the sun.

If you wish to look younger even in your 30’s and 40’s, never part with

sunscreen. Nowadays, anti-aging face creams from esteemed brands

come with in-built sunscreen, along with well-sorted ingredients. Grab

them with both hands.

If you already have a cream, please double-check its ingredient list on

the label. In case you find none of the discussed ingredients, drop it like

a hot potato.

Page 9: What is happening to your skin?

You need not travel to some mysterious, far-off land with confidential

labs to get hold of a couple of jars for your skin. Simply log online.

Yes, surprised as you might be, but the internet is one of the best places

to get face creams that promise youthful skin.

Reputable brands like Hydroxatone offer such promises in jars.

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Once you know what makes your skin lose suppleness and radiance,

you can start your anti-aging treatment. Proper knowledge helps you

to choose the right products and not chase those glittering commercials.

The cyber age has made it easier to take care of your skin. No long

waits at the dermatologist. No resigning to your aging fate.

The youth of your skin is now in your hands.

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