What is copyright

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Basic PowerPoint presentation to use with students on Copyright and Creative Commons. Share and share-alike!

Transcript of What is copyright

  • 1. What is Copyright?A Quick Overview

2. Copyright Definition Can you define copyright? Basic Definition: Copyright is a form of legal protection automatically provided to the authors of original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works. www.teachingcopyright.org/handout/copyright-faq If you write it down on paper- copyrighted Length of Copyright: life of author +70 years 3. Limits of Copyright Fair Use- educational (non-commercial) purpose First Sale- you bought it, can sell it once Public Domain- material no longer copyrighted (i.e. Classic books) 4. Creative Commons Response to limitations of copyright Creative Commons - copyright license that allows owners of property to decide how they want their works used http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DKm96Ftfko Shared culture- work creatively without fear of copyright infringement 5. Using Creative Commons Use sites and information withCreative Commons for yourPSA speech, and earn bonuspoints! Go tohttp://creativecommons.org Search for sites with CreativeCommons licenses Be a part of the global sharingcommunity