What is Cholesterol: 9 ways to Control and lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally?

What is Cholesterol: 9 ways to Control and lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally? In this article, we will discuss how to lower the cholesterol level in the body. If you are searching for a complete guide to lowering your cholesterol, here it is. It will guide you on how to control cholesterol levels without medications. Also, it will help you to find many ways to lower it naturally. So, let's begin. What is Cholesterol? The liver in our bodies produces it. It is a fatty material found in our bloodstream. It has a lot of helpful functions. However, a high amount may cause some complications. For example, high levels can cause the accumulation on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood flow gets blocked. It may lead to severe Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and blood pressure complications. As already mentioned, it is a lipid and it doesn't dissolve in water. As a result, it is difficult to transport it throughout the body. So, there are certain transporter molecules known as lipoproteins that transport it throughout the body. 1. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL): The lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the blood. The different types of lipoproteins transport it in the blood. LDL is such type of molecule. It stands for, Low-Density Lipoprotein. It helps in transportation. However, it is also responsible for the accumulation. It leads to various heart diseases. This is why we call it as "Bad Cholesterol". 2. High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL): HDL stands for High-Density Lipoproteins. These types of lipoproteins transport the cholesterol away from the body. To clarify, HDL removes it from the bloodstream. As a result, It protects the heart from adverse effects. Hence, it is known as "Good cholesterol".


You can follow this simple and all-in-one guide to lower your cholesterol. You will get all the answers of How to lower cholesterol levels? Control the levels by including PUFA and MUFA in your daily diet. Also, avoid smoking and trans fats. Do exercise and eat soluble fiber a lot.

Transcript of What is Cholesterol: 9 ways to Control and lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally?

Page 1: What is Cholesterol: 9 ways to Control and lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally?

What is Cholesterol: 9 ways to Control and

lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally?

In this article, we will discuss how to lower the cholesterol level in the body. If you are

searching for a complete guide to lowering your cholesterol, here it is.

It will guide you on how to control cholesterol levels without medications. Also, it will help

you to find many ways to lower it naturally. So, let's begin.

What is Cholesterol?

The liver in our bodies produces it. It is a fatty material found in our bloodstream. It has a lot

of helpful functions. However, a high amount may cause some complications. For example,

high levels can cause the accumulation on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood flow

gets blocked. It may lead to severe Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and blood pressure


As already mentioned, it is a lipid and it doesn't dissolve in water. As a result, it is difficult to

transport it throughout the body. So, there are certain transporter molecules known as

lipoproteins that transport it throughout the body.

1. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL):

The lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the blood. The different types of lipoproteins transport it

in the blood.

LDL is such type of molecule. It stands for, Low-Density Lipoprotein. It helps in

transportation. However, it is also responsible for the accumulation. It leads to various heart


This is why we call it as "Bad Cholesterol".

2. High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL):

HDL stands for High-Density Lipoproteins. These types of lipoproteins transport the

cholesterol away from the body. To clarify, HDL removes it from the bloodstream. As a

result, It protects the heart from adverse effects.

Hence, it is known as "Good cholesterol".

Page 2: What is Cholesterol: 9 ways to Control and lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally?

How to Lower Cholesterol Levels?

From this brief summary, you will have understood the concept of cholesterol and how it

works. Our main objective is to manage the low levels of LDL and high levels of HDL. The

HDL to LDL ratio should increase in the body. As a result, the cholesterol levels will be

maintained. How to do this? Let's understand...

1. Monounsaturated Fats in Diet:

We all have heard about avoiding saturated fats in our diet. Saturated fats are indeed bad for

our heart health. In addition, it has an adverse impact on our overall health also. So, we

should avoid the intake of saturated fats in our diet. However, this is not enough to lower

cholesterol levels.

To maintain the high ratio of HDL to LDL, you should add monounsaturated fats to your

daily diet. Always check the content of monounsaturated fats before eating the packaged food

or KurKure, etc.

Sources of Monounsaturated Fats:

Here are some foods that have high levels of Monounsaturated Fats. Try adding enough

amount of this to your daily diet.

• Olives

• Olive oil

• Canola oil

• Tree nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Cashews)

These foods will help you lower LDL and increase the HDL levels in the body. As a result,

the ratio of HDL to LDL will increase effectively. HDL will take away the excess amount of

cholesterol from the body. Hence, these foods are good for health and help in lowering it.

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Additionally, it prevents the process of oxidation. The oxidation process is responsible for the

clogging of blood vessels. By the prevention of the oxidation process, it helps in the

prevention of blockage of arteries. So, it is good for heart health.

2. Polyunsaturated Fats:

In addition to Monounsaturated fats, you should also include polyunsaturated food in your

diet. For instance, Omega-3 fatty acid is the best option to include in your diet. It will lower

the cholesterol level.

Furthermore, the PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid) lowers the LDL level in the blood. As a

result, the "Bad Cholesterol" is removed from the bloodstream. Also, it lowers the risk of

Type 2 Diabetes and various heart diseases.

Sources of PUFA:

• Oily fishes

o Salmon

o Mackerel

o Herring

• Deep Sea Tuna Fish

• Blue-fin Fish

• Albacore Fish

• Shrimps

• Tree nuts

• Flax seeds

3. Avoid Trans Fatty Acids:

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TFA or Trans Fatty Acids are produced by the addition of hydrogen to fatty acids. The

stability of fatty acids is increased after the addition of hydrogen. However, you should avoid

Trans-fats in your daily diet.

Trans Fats increase the levels of cholesterol in the body. It decreases the HDL levels by 20%.

On the other hand, it increases the level of LDL or "Bad Cholesterol".

You should always ensure the quantity of Trans Fats before eating packaged foods.

Sometimes, the manufacturing companies write Zero trans fats in the product. However, this

might not be the case. So, you should be aware of what you are eating and how it will affect

your cholesterol levels.

Moreover, you can check for hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil. Companies try

to escape the label "Trans Fats" and instead write this. The hydrogenated oil is the same as

the trans fats. So, if you read this, just avoid eating that food.

Sources of Trans Fats:

• Margarine

• Butter spread

• Pastries

• Cookies.

4. Soluble Fiber:

This is a must ingredient for your daily diet. You should definitely add soluble fibers to your

foods. These are soluble in water and are obtained from plants.

The bacteria in your gut can digest these soluble fibers. As a result, it helps in lowering the

quantity of "Bad Cholesterol" in the body.

Sources of Soluble Fiber:

• Beans

• Peas

• Lentils

• Fruits

• Whole grain oats.

5. Exercise:

Exercise can decrease your harmful LDL. Also, it helps in increasing your good HDL levels.

Studies have shown that 30 minutes of exercise, five days per week can improve your

cholesterol. Moreover, exercise decreases the risk of heart disease.

Exercise increases the heartbeat rate. A study showed that, if a person takes its heartbeat to

85% of the maximum rate, it can increase HDL levels.

So, exercise can help in regulation. Also, increase the intensity and time duration of exercise

after every week. It will benefit a lot.

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6. No Smoking:

Smoking does not only affect cholesterol management. But also affect the heart and lungs. It

significantly affects other body parts as well and increases the risk of death. So, stop smoking

immediately if you want to manage HDL and LDL levels.

The immune cells cannot return cholesterol from vessel walls to the blood. They cannot

remove it from the walls of blood vessels. As a result, plaque formation occurs. It leads to

artery blockage.

Smoking can decrease HDL and increase the total cholesterol of the body. So immediately

quit smoking habit.

7. Weight Loss:

Losing weight can have a significant impact. A weight loss plan helps in increasing the good

HDL and decrease the bad LDL.

So choose a good healthy diet plan and strictly follow it.

8. Plant Sterols and Stanols:

Sterols and Stanols are plant versions of cholesterol. They do not directly manage and lowers

it. However, they engage in the absorption process of LDL. It prevents the absorption of


Hence, decreased absorption of your LDL can lower cholesterol levels.

9. Red Yeast Rice

It is one of the best options that can lower levels. It has similarity with Statin drugs. Statin is

a group of drugs or medicines that help to lower the cholesterol levels in blood.

Red Yeast Rice has this ability same as Statin. Hence, you can use it in your daily diet. You

don't have to take medicines for cholesterol management. Red Yeast Rice can be used as an

alternative to these medicines.

How to reduce cholesterol without medication?

You can try adding Red Yeast Rice to your diet. It has the properties of Satin drugs. Hence, it

can be used as a substitute for these medications.

How can I lower my cholesterol naturally?

Eat monounsaturated fats.

Eat polyunsaturated fats.

Avoid TransFats.


Eat soluble fibers.

Page 6: What is Cholesterol: 9 ways to Control and lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally?

Avoid smoking.

Eat Red Yeast Rice.

Lose weight.

Include plant sterols and stanols in the diet.

What are the best foods to lower cholesterol?


Olive oil

Canola oil

Salmon fish

Mackerel Fish

Herring fish

Albacore fish



Lentils, etc.


You can follow this simple and all-in-one guide to lower your cholesterol. You will get all

the answers of How to lower cholesterol levels? Control the levels by including PUFA and

MUFA in your daily diet. Also, avoid smoking and trans fats. Do exercise and eat soluble

fiber a lot.