What happens during Drug rehab? · become physically addicted generally need the intensity of a...

WHAT HAPPENS DURING DRUG REHAB? An introduction to daily life in a residential rehabilitation program for substance abuse and/or addiction. The information you need to help yourself or someone you love.

Transcript of What happens during Drug rehab? · become physically addicted generally need the intensity of a...

Page 1: What happens during Drug rehab? · become physically addicted generally need the intensity of a drug rehab stay for the best chance at long-term recovery. For more about detox, see


An introduction to daily life in a residential rehabilitation program for substance abuse and/or addiction.

The information you

need to help

yourself or someone

you love.

Page 2: What happens during Drug rehab? · become physically addicted generally need the intensity of a drug rehab stay for the best chance at long-term recovery. For more about detox, see

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Introduction It’s no secret that substance abuse and addiction can be devastating experiences. But what many people don’t understand is that the thought of entering a residential treatment program can be overwhelming to individuals who desperately need this type of help. In many cases, resistance to treatment is based upon fear of the unknown. Even those who know that they need help may be plagued by questions such as What will treatment be like? What will they do to, with, and for me? What will they expect me to do? Am I going to be completely cut off from the world? What are the other patients going to be like? Though many of the answers to these questions depend upon the unique nature of the treatment program you are considering, some of the mystery can be removed – and much of the anxiety can be lessened – by gaining a general understanding of what happens at a drug rehab center. This e-book is designed to demystify – and hopefully take the fear out of – the process of residential treatment for substance abuse and chemical dependency. The information in this publication is organized in the following manner:

Chapter 1: Who Needs Drug Rehab? …………………………………………… Pages 2-3

Chapter 2: The Four Stages of Drug Rehab ………………………………….. Pages 4

Chapter 3: What Should You Expect at Drug Rehab? …………………… Pages 5-7

Chapter 4: What Happens During Detox? ……………………………………. Pages 8-10

Chapter 5: Selecting a Treatment Program …………………………………. Pages 11-12

Appendix A: Program Guide ……………………………………………………….. Pages 13-18

Appendix B: About Us …………………………………………………………………. Page 19

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Who Needs Drug Rehab? Residential drug rehab is an intense – and intensely personal – experience. Entering a residential drug rehab program means leaving your home, work and responsibilities for a month or more, and working tirelessly to create a new path in life.

But before a person can enter drug treatment, he or she needs to understand that treatment is needed, and determine the type of treatment that best meets his or her needs.

Every individual is unique, and what might be a perfect fit for one person won’t meet the requirements of another. In order to confirm your need for residential addiction treatment, you should consider speaking to a professional who can assess your needs and history and make a personalized recommendation.

The following is a list of reasons to consider inpatient substance abuse treatment. If your situation seems at all similar to the situations outlined below, you should consider making contact with a treatment professional to discuss your rehab options in more detail:

1. You Can’t Stay Sober in Your Home Environment

People who have attempted outpatient treatment in the past and found it impossible to resist temptations while in their home environment will benefit from the temporary break from temptation offered at a drug rehab.

Important Note: A stay in a residential addiction treatment program keeps you safe from temptation until you’re strong enough to handle it.

2. Your Health Is at Immediate or Serious Risk

For health reasons, some people need immediate abstinence. If you can’t stop on your own and you are putting your life in danger every time you use or drink, you need the intensity of treatment offered at a residential program.

Important Note: Addiction, left unchecked, is ultimately a fatal disease.

3. You’re Going to Lose Something Important to You (Job, Spouse, Children, House) Unless You Stop Using Right Now

You may not want to get help, but if your continued use is going to cost you something you care about (or need), you may not have a choice.

Many people enter drug rehab at the urging of a concerned family member or employer, and these people do just as well in the end as people who decide to get help on their own.

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4. You Have a Dual Diagnosis of Mental Illness and Addiction

People with a dual diagnosis benefit most when they receive integrated addiction and mental health treatment. This is most likely to happen in an intensive residential treatment program. Without getting mental health symptoms under control, periods of drug abstinence are short-lived and mental health worsens. Thus, people with a dual diagnosis should seek out an addiction treatment program that specializes in the treatment of co-occurring disorders.

5. You Have a Physical Dependence and Need to Detox

People physically addicted to certain drugs or alcohol will need medical supervision on a residential basis for a safe withdrawal period. Alcoholics should never attempt to detox without medical care, as alcohol withdrawal without proper medical supervision can be dangerous and even fatal.

After a residential detox, some people choose not to participate in residential drug treatment; these people put their hard-won freedom from addiction in jeopardy.

Detox is not addiction treatment, and people who used drugs or alcohol heavily enough to become physically addicted generally need the intensity of a drug rehab stay for the best chance at long-term recovery. For more about detox, see Chapter 4 (pages 8 to 10).

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The Four Stages of Drug Rehab Most drug rehab programs consist of four stages: Intake, The Development of a Treatment Plan, Treatment, and Continuing Care:

Step 1 – Intake “Intake” refers to the assessment process that happens on a patient’s first visit to a treatment program. During intake, the program’s treatment professionals learn the medical and family of the patient, and discuss the patient’s drug use. There’s usually a lot of paperwork to fill out during the intake phase, including a treatment consent form that – among other things – outlines the program’s confidentiality policy and states that the patient has willingly entered the program.

Step 2 – Developing the Treatment Plan Based on the information the client gives during intake, an initial treatment plan will be created, and a doctor or nurse will review the plan with the client. This is a great opportunity for the client to ask as many questions as are necessary to develop an understanding of what will occur during treatment.

Step 3 – Treatment Once the plan has been developed, actual treatment will begin, starting (if necessary) with a period of detoxification during which the clients’ body will purge itself of the drug(s) or alcohol that have been abused. Once the detox is complete and the client’s body is clean, the rehabilitation and recovery portions of the treatment plan can begin. During this time, the treatment plan will be reviewed and modified as needed to ensure that the therapeutic activities and experiences that the client is completing are having the desired effect.

Step 4 – Continuing Care People typically make great progress toward a life without drugs or alcohol while they’re in a treatment facility, but returning to “normal” life can be difficult. A good treatment center will provide continuing care in the form of counseling sessions and support groups. Continuing care is important because addiction is a lifelong disease that requires maintenance. Some treatment centers will even help graduates find a “sponsor” – someone who’s been through treatment and has successfully abstained from drugs and alcohol for an extended period of time. The treatment process may seem overwhelming, but remember that taking things one step at a time will keep the process manageable, and make long-term recovery achievable.

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What Should You Expect at Drug Rehab? Taking that big first step into addiction treatment can be scary, especially when you don't know what to expect and you fear the worst. Although you will work hard while in treatment, you are also well taken care of and free from other responsibilities, at least for a while.

Checking in to drug rehab lets you get away from temptation, responsibility and distraction, allowing you the needed luxury of recovery time for yourself.

Knowing what happens in a drug rehab can reduce some of the apprehension you may be feeling about treatment. To help you understand what to expect, here is a short list of elements common to most quality drug rehab programs.

No two drug rehabs provide identical experiences, but a majority of programs will offer the following program elements.

An Intake Interview and Assessment

Treatment works best when it is individualized. Your requirements are unique and so program staff has to get to know you and your situation well, so that they can develop a plan tailored to your personal needs. You can expect the initial assessment to include an interview period as well as a medical exam and sometimes a psychiatric exam.

In some cases, program staff may wish to speak with family members about your situation to develop a more comprehensive picture of your addiction.

A Roommate

Although most of us would prefer a private room, especially during a difficult period in life, few drug rehabs will allow patients to sleep without a roommate. The expenses inherent in running a residential program make single rooms an expensive proposition, but more importantly, roommates keep clients from isolating behaviors and other negative patterns. In short, roommates offer safety and aid in the recovery process.

Although you may have a roommate, effective drug rehab programs make a concerted effort to protect your privacy and provide comfortable, home-like accommodations.

Detox, if Needed

During the initial assessment interview, the medical team will determine whether or not you need medical detox. Should you require a detox (medical observation for a supervised drug or alcohol withdrawal period) you will first enter into a special medical facility to ensure safety and comfort during this period.

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The detox period can take as little as a couple of days or up to a week or more, depending on the drug abused and the history of abuse.

A Structured Schedule

You should not expect a lot of free time during your stay in drug rehab. Programs are scheduled carefully to maximize available time, but a regimented schedule also serves as needed structure to people emerging from the chaos of addiction. This structure is beneficial for people who, during the very early days of abstinence, may have difficulty making clearheaded decisions.

A tight schedule doesn't imply a stay with no recreation - just that recreation and leisure activities will be scheduled!


You can expect to participate in counseling, typically on a daily basis. Different counseling modalities can include group therapy sessions (very common) and individual sessions with a therapist or certified addiction counselor.

Other counseling modalities sometimes offered include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), animal-assisted therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), hypnotherapy and others.


In addition to counseling, you can expect to participate in frequent workshops on topics pertaining to addiction and recovery. Knowledge of addiction can strengthen your recovery and guard against relapse.

It's important that you understand why you feel and act as you do, and what to expect in the months to come.

Relapse Prevention Planning

Soon after your arrival in drug rehab, you'll start planning your exit. It's easy to stay sober while away from temptation, and although a substantial period of abstinence gives you a foundation for recovery, the real challenges begin once you get home.

You will need to determine what most threatens your continuing sobriety, make a plan to minimize your exposure to these threats and decide exactly what you will do when tempted.

The time you spend planning against relapse while in drug rehab pays enormous dividends once back in the community.

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No one can work all the time, and it's important that people new to recovery realize that sobriety can be just as much fun as intoxication. You will have daily recreation time when you will have an opportunity to participate in sporting activities, community outings, cultural workshops and other leisure activities.

Family Participation

Although in many ways you must take the journey of recovery alone, you also live as a part of a family. Your actions affect the lives of those close to you, and you can and should rely on them for support when needed.

Family participation in drug rehab is important. Your family members need to learn what they can do to help you stay sober and what they may have done in the past that contributed to your drug abuse. Your loved ones will also need to learn to accept the limitations inherent to their assistance (i.e., they can help you, but they can't do it for you!).

You may also have to make some amends to family members for wrongs done while using or drinking. An impartial family counselor can help guide a family through difficult reconciliations.

Continuing Care

Drug rehab doesn't end at the end of a residential stay. It continues on for weeks and months after, as you stay active in continuing care activities and alumni group outings.

The transition out of rehab can be difficult, and you will need the continuing support of a counseling group, even if you don't think that you do.

The statistics clearly show that people who stick with some form of addiction treatment for a year or longer have a much greater chance of long-term recovery.

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What Happens During Detox? "Detox" is both a common and a commonly misunderstood word. Diets, foot baths, lifestyle management programs, and herbal supplements are just a few of the many products and services that are marketed with this vague term.

But in the world of alcohol and drug rehabilitation, detox is a serious process - and an essential step in an addict's path to recovery.

In its broadest sense, to detoxify means to remove a poison (or the effects of that poison) from a body or an environment. For individuals who are addicted to alcohol or other drugs, detoxification is a process through which their bodies get rid of the substance or substances to which they were addicted.

Detox is a physical process with emotional and psychological ramifications, and it is best undertaken under the supervision of a qualified physician or medical team.

Detox is a crucial step in the recovery process, as an addicted individual cannot fully participate in the rehabilitation and recovery effort if he is still using, or if he is experiencing the withdrawal symptoms associated with his body's cravings for the object of his addiction.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol and other drugs can inflict severe damage on the human body. But for addicted individuals, the absence of these substances can also have negative effects on their health. For example, alcoholics who stop drinking can experience symptoms ranging from shakiness and nausea to convulsions and hallucinations.

Though withdrawal symptoms are usually temporary, some severe cases can be fatal. This explains why the supervision of a qualified physician is an important component of the detox process.

The effects of detoxification vary from person to person based on a variety of factors. But the following are among the most common withdrawal symptoms associated with substance abuse:

Alcohol - Not everyone who stops drinking experiences withdrawal symptoms. And, as noted above, those who do can feel effects that range from annoying to devastating. Some alcoholics become dizzy or nauseous within hours of taking their last drink, while others experience clammy skin, tremors, and a loss of appetite.

The most extreme symptoms of alcohol withdrawal involve delirium tremens, a potentially fatal condition that is commonly referred to as DT. About 5 percent of recovering alcoholics

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experience DT, which is most common among individuals with a long history of alcohol abuse or who have had previous withdrawal experiences. DT can include delusions, hallucinations, and seizures, and can have a mortality rate as great as 35 percent, if left untreated.

Cocaine - Cocaine withdrawal is not usually accompanied by the dizziness, nausea, and shaking that most alcoholics experience. However, following prolonged use or an intense binge, cocaine users may experience a "crash" that is characterized by anxiety, irritability, fatigue, and depression.

The malaise and agitation associated with cocaine withdrawal can persist months after cessation of use, and can be accompanied by thoughts of suicide. Because studies have indicated that as many as half of all cocaine addicts also suffer from mental disorders such as depression or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the mental health aspects of cocaine withdrawal can be particularly acute.

Opiates - Heroin is the most commonly abused opiate. Other abused drugs in this category include morphine, codeine, opium, and oxycodone (the primary active ingredient in OxyContin). Opiate-related withdrawal symptoms, which can begin within six hours of abstinence, can include abdominal pain, agitation, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Some heroin users who are detoxifying experience a phenomenon known as "itchy blood," which causes them to scratch themselves compulsively - even to the point of breaking the skin or causing bruises.

The intense symptoms of opiate withdrawal (or "dopesickness," as it is often called) usually peak within two to three days after the start of detox.

The Detoxification Process

The stages of detox can vary, but it generally takes between three to seven days to eradicate physical withdrawal symptoms (though some cases can take as long as two weeks). Again, because of the severity of the symptoms that can follow withdrawal from alcohol and opiates, most experts advise that the process not be undertaken without the supervision of a qualified physician.

Years ago, detox often took the form of shutting an addicted individual away to suffer through the experience in a virtually isolated environment - a "cold turkey" approach based on a punishment mentality.

Today, a more humane and medically sound philosophy is the rule, with detoxing individuals placed under close supervision and prescribed medications when necessary to relieve anxiety or prevent seizures. In cases of opiate withdrawal, heroin detox in particular, drugs such as

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methadone or buprenorphine may be prescribed to help ease the body back to a healthier state.

Regardless of a hospital or detox facility's policy regarding medication during detox, undergoing the process in the presence of qualified personnel minimizes the health risks associated with withdrawal. Also, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities provide safe and supportive environments in which a patient's medical and mental health needs can be met during and after detox.

Once an individual has gone through the detoxification process and been weaned from her physical dependence on a particular drug, she can then begin to address the social, emotional, and psychological issues related to her addiction.

Though detox is just one step in a lifelong effort to overcome addiction, it is an essential stage that establishes a foundation upon which a new and drug-free life can be built.

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Selecting a Treatment Program Selecting a treatment center for alcoholism and drug abuse for yourself or someone you care about may be one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime. Most of us don't know what to look for in a quality program.

Not all treatment centers are the same. They will differ greatly in program options, staff qualifications, credentials, cost, and effectiveness. You need to ask appropriate questions, and you should expect to receive clear answers.

The following are excellent questions to ask when selective a drug treatment program for yourself or for someone you love:

Does the treatment center offer a variety of programs?

Alcohol and drug addiction is a disease that progresses through predictable stages. It takes a trained health professional, often a doctor specializing in addiction medicine, to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Centers should offer a variety of treatment programs that meet individual needs. Programs may include inpatient, residential, outpatient, and/or short-stay options.

The difference between inpatient and residential treatment is that inpatient services are provided by a licensed hospital, while residential programs usually do not meet the same rigorous standards of medical care.

The length of stay depends on the severity and stage of the disease.

What does treatment cost?

"How much does it cost?" is often one of the first questions asked.

The price tag for drug abuse & alcoholism is presented in many different formats. You need to know what is included in the price, what will be added on to your bill as a fee-for-service program, and what services your health insurance will cover. This makes it extremely difficult to compare prices by simply asking the question - "What does it cost?"

If you are seeking the best value for your treatment dollar, remember: Price can be meaningful only in the context of quality and performance.

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Is the treatment program medically based?

There is an advantage to including on-site medical care in a drug abuse treatment center. Physicians and nurses provide 24-hour hospital services to monitor and ensure a safe withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. In addition, a medical staff specializing in addiction medicine can oversee the progress of each individual and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Medical credentials can also be important. For example, chemical dependency treatment centers that earn a JCAHO accreditation (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) meet national standards for providing quality medical care. Appropriate state licensing is also an important consideration.

Be sure to ask which medical costs are included in the price of treatment.

What is the degree of family involvement in the recovery program?

Drug abuse and alcoholism affects the entire family, not just the alcoholic/addict. Quite often family members do not realize how deeply they have been affected by chemical dependency. Family involvement is an important component of recovery.

Treatment centers vary in the degree and quality of family involvement opportunities. Some offer just a few lectures and others offer family therapy. Ask if there is any time devoted to family programs and if group therapy is included.

Does treatment include a quality continuing care program?

There are no quick fixes for the diseases of drug abuse and alcoholism. Recovery is an ongoing process. The skills one learns during intensive treatment must be integrated into everyday life and this takes time.

Some treatment programs will offer a follow-up program but only in one location which may make it difficult to use.

Treatment programs should include a quality, continuing care program that supports and monitors recovery.

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Program Guide The following programs, which are part of CRC Health Group’s nationwide network of behavioral healthcare facilities, are among the nation’s premier providers of residential treatment for substance abuse, addiction, and related disorders

Azure Acres 2264 Green Hill Road Sebastopol, California 95472 www.azureacres.com 800-222-7292 Located on 30 acres of redwood forest in Sonoma County, California (about an hour north of San Francisco Bay), Azure Acres Recovery Center provides comprehensive drug treatment, alcohol rehabilitation, and gambling addiction recovery services for adult men and women. Azure Acres offers residential treatment, day treatment, family therapy, and continuing care programs in a nurturing, natural environment.

Bayside Marin 718 Fourth Street San Rafael, California 94901 www.baysidemarin.com 800-757-7131 Bayside Marin provides residential and outpatient treatment in one of northern California’s most serene and luxurious settings. Bayside’s multi-disciplinary team of physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other treatment specialists embrace a comprehensive holistic approach to addiction recovery that addresses the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of each client in an atmosphere of comfort and support.

Bowling Green Brandywine 1375 Newark Road Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348 www.bowlinggreenbrandywine.com 800-662-2438 Nestled in the scenic and historic countryside of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Bowling Green Brandywine has been providing quality chemical dependency treatment for adult men and women for more than a quarter of a century. An 89-bed inpatient treatment facility that features a full continuum of addiction treatment services, including recovery programs for individuals who are struggling with prescription drug abuse or an addiction to opiates, Bowling Green Brandywine offers the highest quality of residential and outpatient care in an atmosphere of integrity, compassion, and clinical excellence.

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Burkwood Treatment Center 615 Old Mill Road Hudson, Wisconsin 54016 www.burkwoodtreatmentcenter.com 715-386-6125 The Burkwood Treatment Center is a licensed residential chemical dependency treatment program for adult men and women. Located at the end of a quiet street in Hudson, Wisconsin, (just across the river from Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area), Burkwood specializes in treating clients who are suffering from a dual diagnosis (addiction plus a co-occurring condition).

Camp Recovery Center 3192 Glen Canyon Road Scotts Valley, California 95067 www.camprecovery.com 800-924-2879 For more than a quarter of a century, The Camp Recovery Center has been providing comprehensive detox, residential, outpatient, and aftercare treatment services to teenagers and adults who are struggling to overcome problems related to drug and alcohol abuse, dependence, or addiction. Located in northern California’s stunning Santa Cruz Mountains, The Camp Recovery Center offers clients the opportunity to take an active role in their recovery.

Four Circles Recovery Center 156 Clear Crossing Lane Horse Shoe, North Carolina 28742 www.fourcirclesrecovery.com 800-893-2221 Four Circles Recovery Center is an innovative addictions, substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders treatment program for young adults ages 18-28 that combines a traditional counseling setting with a series of wilderness expeditions. Four Circles employs the most effective, cutting-edge clinical modalities with an underlying traditional 12-step philosophy to create the foundation for sustained recovery.

Keystone Treatment Center 1010 E. 2nd Street Canton, South Dakota 57013 www.keystonetreatment.com 800-992-1921 Keystone Treatment Center is nationally respected residential and outpatient facility for adults, young adults, and adolescents who are affected by alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and compulsive gambling. In addition to providing specialized treatment tracks for clients who have histories of methamphetamine addiction and inhalant abuse, dual diagnosis, cognitive disorders, and opioid dependence, Keystone Treatment Center also offers multidisciplinary programs that address and incorporate Native American and Christian values and principles.

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The Landing 4711 Seashore Drive Newport Beach, California 92663 www.soberlanding.com 800-647-0042 The Landing of Newport Beach is a private, 30-day program housed in a six-bed beachfront home. Offering comprehensive services and intensive support for men who are struggling with alcoholism, drug addiction, and mild dual diagnosis, The Landing specializes in helping clients overcome addictions to heroin, cocaine, crack, opiates, methamphetamines, and ecstasy.

Life Center of Galax 112 Painter Street Galax, Virginia 24333 www.galaxrecovery.com 800-345-6998 Continuing a tradition that began when a small staff of committed professionals started offering 12-Step based treatment services in 1973, The Life Center of Galax remains one of the region’s premier recovery programs. In addition to featuring a comprehensive residential program that focus on the behavioral, emotional, and spiritual aspects of addiction and recovery, The Life Center also offers online recovery program and an active alumni association.

Life Healing Center 25 Vista Point Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87506 www.life-healing.com 800-989-7406 The Life Healing Center is place of emotional safety, spiritual recovery, and positive change where men and women can begin to heal from the emotional trauma, mental health disorders, addictions, and compulsions that have previously exerted a devastating influence on their lives. Located in the peaceful hills above Santa Fe, New Mexico, The Life Healing Center is one of the nation's oldest and best known residential programs for trauma recovery.

The Meadow Lodge 3192 Glen Canyon Road Scotts Valley, California 95067 www.themeadowlodge.com 800-924-2879 A component of the renowned Camp Recovery Center, The Meadow Lodge provides a comprehensive, social-model, substance abuse treatment program for teens who are affected by alcoholism, substance abuse, and drug addiction. The Meadow Lodge features round-the-clock care and individualized, inclusive programs that are delivered by a team of highly trained, experienced, and dedicated treatment professionals.

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New Life Lodge 999 Girl Scout Road Burns, Tennessee 37029 www.newlifelodge.com 800-365-3899 Nestled among dogwood trees on 109 acres of breathtaking Tennessee countryside, New Life Lodge has been providing superior rehabilitation and recovery services to adults and adolescents for more than 25 years. With a personalized treatment philosophy that is based on the 12-Step model, New Life Lodge offers comprehensive residential care, family support, and aftercare services.

The Rose 6111 Seashore Drive Newport Beach, California 92663 www.roserehab.com 800-657-0042 Founded upon the principle that every woman has the capacity to live a fully enriched and empowered life, The Rose of Newport Beach offers alcoholism and drug addiction recovery services for women ages 18 and above. The Rose provides a safe and discreet environment in which women are treated with the utmost respect, support, and confidentiality.

Sierra Tucson 39580 S. Lago del Oro Parkway Tucson, Arizona 85739 www.sierratucson.com 800-842-4487 Sierra Tucson is a unique treatment center that is dedicated to the prevention, education, and treatment of addictions and behavioral disorders. Founded upon a holistic philosophy that recognizes that all individuals exist as all exist as mind, body, spirit, and emotions, Sierra Tucson provides comprehensive services to treat coexisting disorders such as addictions, trauma, eating disorders, mood disorders, and chronic pain.

Sober Living by the Sea 2811 Villa Way Newport Beach, California 92663 www.soberliving.com 800-647-0042 Sober Living by the Sea has been providing highly effective treatment services for alcoholism, drug addiction, and eating disorders for more than two decades. Located in beautiful Newport Beach, California, Sober Living by the Sea emphasizes the 12-Step model and features comprehensive services that include group meetings, individual therapy, family counseling, meditation, a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and activities that develop spirituality and enhance self-esteem.

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Starlite Recovery Center 230 Mesa Verde Drive East Center Point, Texas 78010 www.starliterecovery.com 800-292-0148 For more than 30 years, the treatment professionals at Starlite Recovery Center have been helping adults, adolescents, and families overcome alcoholism and drug addiction. Starlite Recovery Center is dedicated to providing a range of targeted programs that deliver a comprehensive continuum of care to addicted individuals and their family members.

Sunrise Recovery Ranch 6690 Limonite Frontage Road Riverside, California 92509 www.sunriserecoveryranch.com 800-292-0148 Sunrise Recovery Ranch is a residential treatment program for adult men who are struggling to overcome alcoholism, drug addictions, or other types of substance abuse or chemical dependency disorders. As a proud member of the family of Sober Living By The Sea Treatment Centers, Sunrise Recovery Ranch provides chemically dependent men a 30-to-90 day experience that helps them establish a solid foundation upon which to build a drug-free life.

Twelve Oaks Recovery 2068 Healthcare Avenue Navarre Beach, Florida 32566 www.twelveoaksrecovery.com 800-622-1255 Twelve Oaks Recovery Center is a private, free-standing, 101-bed residential treatment facility that is designed to help adolescents, teenagers, and adults who are affected by alcoholism, drug addiction, and chronic pain. Located on a five-acre beachfront campus in the Florida panhandle, Twelve Oaks is licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Families and is fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Wellness Resource Center 7940 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, Florida 33487 www.wellnessresourcecenter.com 800-455-7483 Wellness Resource Center provides affordable and effective treatment for adult men and women (ages 18 and above) who are suffering from dual diagnoses of psychiatric illness and chemical dependency. Featuring multidisciplinary teams of addiction recovery experts, WRC offers primary, extended, transitional, and continuing care treatment.

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White Deer Run 360 White Deer Run Road, Box 97 Allenwood, Pennsylvania 17810 www.whitedeerrun.com 800-255-2335 White Deer Run Treatment Centers offer a broad range of alcohol rehabilitation programs and drug treatment options to adults and adolescents who are struggling with alcoholism and addiction, and to family members who are also affected by these diseases. Treatment services include counseling, education, training in the tools of recovery, and introduction to the recovery community. The White Deer Run network includes 17 inpatient, outpatient, and inpatient/outpatient facilities in Pennsylvania.

Wilmington Treatment Center 2520 Troy Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 www.wilmingtontreatment.com 800-992-3671 Featuring two facilities in North and South Carolina, the Wilmington Treatment Center offers several levels of care– including comprehensive detoxification, inpatient, outpatient, day treatment and aftercare services – to adult men and women. Based upon the 12-Step model, the program focuses on personal growth in recovery, and features a wide range of therapeutic interventions and relapse-prevention strategies.

Page 20: What happens during Drug rehab? · become physically addicted generally need the intensity of a drug rehab stay for the best chance at long-term recovery. For more about detox, see

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About Us

The majority of the information in this e-book was adapted from the following websites:

Drug Rehab (http://www.drug-rehab.com)

Drug Rehab Referral (http://www.drug-rehab-referral.net)

Drug Rehabilitation (www.drug-rehabilitation.org)

Residential Drug Rehab (www.residential-drug-rehab-net)

These four sites, and the 21 residential treatment programs listed in the previous section, are proud members of CRC Health Group, the nation’s premier provider of behavioral healthcare services.

Offering the nation’s largest array of personalized treatment options, CRC enables individuals, families, and professionals to choose the most appropriate setting for their behavioral, addiction, weight management, and therapeutic education needs.

CRC Health Group is deeply committed to making its services widely and easily available to those in need, while maintaining a passion for delivering the most advanced treatment available.

For more about CRC Health Group visit www.crchealth.com or call (877) 637-6237.