What does it mean to have an “unwritten Constitution”? A: Not written explicitly in the...

What does it mean to have an “unwritten Constitution”? A: Not written explicitly in the Constitution ex. Political parties, judicial review, cabinet

Transcript of What does it mean to have an “unwritten Constitution”? A: Not written explicitly in the...

What does it mean to have an “unwritten Constitution”?

A: Not written explicitly in the Constitutionex. Political parties, judicial review, cabinet

Organizing the Government

What precedents did Washington establish for future presidents?

Enter George Washington“A Born Leader”

1st President of the United States

General during the American Revolution

Although he had little administrative experience, he had an “air of authority”

“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.”George Washington, First Inaugural Address,

April 1789

Who is Mr. Washington trying to appeal to?

The 1st Cabinet “GW’s Crew”Set a pattern for future presidentsWashington chose men he knew and trusted!Considered the best cabinet in U.S. HistoryCongress created the first 3 departments of

cabinet:State, treasury, and war

The 1st CongressJohn Adams becomes VP after losing electionConstitution stated Vice President would

preside over the Senate (only job at this time)Judiciary Act of 1789- Congress organized the

judicial branch6 person Supreme CourtJohn Jay named first chief justice

Dude where’s my money?Alexander Hamilton faced huge problems/US

was in debtHamilton’s Economic Plan

Taxes on imported goodsExcise tax on liquor and sugar (NOT HAPPY)National gov’t pays off debt

Jefferson not happy because North had more debt than the South (South gets screwed)

Hamiltonians vs. Jeffersonians

Views of the ConstitutionAlexander Hamilton “Federalists”

Thomas Jefferson“Democrat-Republicans”

“To constrain the powers of the federal government would mean to weaken it considerably.”

“Necessary and proper” clause would open the door to the abuse of power

Compromise over dinner…Capital would be moved from Philadelphia to

the South, near Virginia (Jefferson wins!)Hamilton had to convince Federalists of this

In return, southerners would vote for Hamilton’s debt bill to pass (Hamilton wins!)

How much power?Strict constructionist- Gov’t can only do what

is specifically in the Constitution (Jefferson)

Loose constructionist- Gov’t can take reasonable actions that are not outlined in the Constitution


Thomas “Teflon” Jefferson“Nothing sticks” to Jefferson though he

spreads information about other politiciansCould he get away with it today?

Believed Washington was a “monarchist bent on destroying the rule of the people and a senile follower of the policies of Alexander Hamilton”

Thought Hamilton was influencing Washington (“ignorant puppet”)

Letters between the men/ “Martha”

The “Reynolds Affair”Hamilton had an affair with Maria Reynolds,

who requested him to help her escape her abusive husband

Hamilton paid the husband over $1000 to keep it a secret

Eventually Jefferson got hold of the love letters and brought them to the newspaper, exposing Hamilton’s private life

Hamilton responded with a 95 page pamphlet in which he openly admitted to the affair but denied corruption

In what ways did Washington strengthen the Federal Government?

Debate over the bankHamilton wanted Congress to create a

national bankBelieved bank would win support of communityBank would help the gov’t in its financial


Democrat-Republicans argued that the Constitution didn’t give the gov’t the authority to create a bank

Hamilton said that any powers not stated in the Constitution were “implied” or needed for the common good

Washington signed the bank bill into effect

1. Who is the person in the cartoon? What is he holding?

2. What is the significance of the phrase “bottling up”?

Whiskey Rebellion

In 1794, Western Pennsylvania farmers protested and refused to pay the excise tax on whiskey

Washington called out state militias and put down the rebellion

Demonstrated that the new gov’t intended to enforce federal law

Why whiskey?

Farmers had a hard time getting their grain to market, so they turned their grain into whiskey, which was easier to transport.

They got more money for the whiskey anyway. Farmers traded the whiskey for salt, sugar, and

other goods. Farmers used whiskey as money to get

whatever supplies they needed. Farmers did not have the money to pay for the


Why do you think tax collectors were tarred and feathered?

Why do you think Washington chose to lead the troops himself?

Washington’s Farewell“It is our true policy to steer clear of

permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…”Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796

1. Summarize this quote…What is Washington saying?2. Why do you think he said this to the American people?

Washington’s Farewell Address

Before he retired, Washington gave a farewell address (speech). In it he

Warned against political parties - he thought they caused arguments

Urged the nation to remain neutral and not become involved in foreign alliances.

Warned against a powerful military. Urged Americans to maintain and value a sense

of national unity.

What were the differences between the Federalists and the Democrat-Republicans?


Hamilton versus Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton led the Federalists. Thomas Jefferson led the Democratic-

Republicans. Northern merchants and manufacturers

became Federalists. Southern farmers and workers became



The Evolution of Political Parties • Federalist Party: first

U.S. political party• Democratic-Republicans

formed in opposition to the Federalists

• Democratic Party developed from the Democratic-Republicans

• Whig Party arose to counter the Democratic Party

Andrew Jackson

Henry Clay

Daniel Webster

Political PartiesDebate between Federalists and Anti-

Federalists led to the creation of a two party system

Two major parties at this time were: Federalists Democrat-Republicans


The Role of Political Parties

• Parties organize individuals with similar ideas who work to effect political change

• Citizens may freely choose their party affiliation, or opt to have none at all

• Parties can represent a wide variety of interests

• Parties aim to elect people to government who will help pass laws in their favor


Third Parties in a Two-Party System

• Usually form in opposition to one or both major parties

• Have had great influence without ever winning the presidency

• Bring attention to important public issues ignored by the major parties

• Complaints about third parties:– They take votes away from

major candidates with similar positions

– Supporting a third-party candidate “wastes” one’s vote

Third-party poster from the 1912 presidential campaign

What challenges did the United States face to remain “neutral”?

Election of 1796Issues in the Young Nation

• Federalists and Democratic-Republicans aren't speaking to each other.

End of the One-Party Systemhttp://www.james.com/beaumont/images/smith_melancton1.jpg

Election of 1796The Potential Candidates

• Final candidate was the Vice-President, John Adams, who was also a Federalist, but more strong-minded.

John Adamshttp://www.tamut.edu/academics/mperri/AmSoInHis/John-Adams.jpg

Election of 1796Results in the Electoral

College• Adams 71,

Jefferson 68, and Pinckney 59.– Adams takes

Jefferson as Vice-President.

– Does not trust Hamilton and Pinckney.

1796 Election Resultshttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/


On this week’s episode of Desperate Founding

Fathers…• Constitution Says…

– Two candidates with the most votes become President and Vice President! So…..

• President Adams and Vice President Jefferson are from different political parties

• This is changed by Amendment XII (1804)

• Predictions?

Jay’s TreatyFrance and Great Britain had fought many

warsAgreement between the U.S. and Great

Britain designed to prevent future warsHamilton believed it would ease tensions

between the two countriesJefferson was concerned with our alliance

with France and that it may suffer because of this treaty

How do you think France felt?? Why?

The French Revolution Interferes

• American merchant ships being seized by French warships– French not happy with Jay’s treaty

• Adams sends delegates to France to negotiate

• XYZ Affair– French ministers (X, Y, & Z) requested bribes in order

to enter into negotiations

XYZ AffairAmerican Response

• Congress ends the French alliance.• Creation of a naval department.• Congress appropriates money to

triple the size of the army and build 40 warships.

• Washington comes out of retirement to lead the American forces.

• American privateers attack French shipping.

1. Who are the people in the cartoon?

2. What are the two men on the left doing?

Public Opinion toward France Shifts

The XYZ affair - Maiden America ravaged by the French

5 members of the Directory in France

Britain looking on from on high

Rest of the world looking on

Fallout from XYZ Affair

• Many Americans calling for war with France– Hamilton, others thought U.S. could gain land– “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!”

• Adams feels that U.S. Army and Navy not strong enough to fight a major power– Sends new ministers instead

• Unpopular move, but….?

Federalists take control

• Public anger with France strengthens Federalists in congress– Win majority of both houses in 1798– Enacted laws that were restrictive to Democratic-

Republican rivals

• What did Washington warn about again?

Naturalization Act

What did it do?• Increases from five to fourteen

number of years required to qualify for U.S. citizenship

Why would it favor the Federalists?

• Most immigrants voted with the Democratic-Republicans

Alien Acts

What did it do?• Authorized the president to deport

any aliens considered to be dangerous

• Authorized the president to detain any enemy aliens in a time of war

Why would it favor the Federalists?

• Democratic-Republicans sympathetic to the French Revolution

The Alien & Sedition Acts

The Alien Acts• Naturalization Act.– Increased the eligibility for

citizenship from 5 to 14 years.

• Alien Enemies Act.– Gave the President the

power to arrest or expel enemies in times of "declared war."

• Alien Act.– President can expel all

aliens deemed "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States."

The Alien Acthttp://www.historicaldocuments.com/AlienandSeditionActs1.jpg

Sedition Act

What did it do?• Makes it illegal for newspapers

to criticize the president or Congress

• Imposed heavy penalties for editors who violated the new law– Fines– Imprisonment

Why would it favor the Federalists?• Are you kidding?

Representative Matthew Lyon of Vermont, arrested under the Sedition Act of 1798, attacking a fellow congressman

The Alien & Sedition Acts

The Sedition Act• Made it a crime to

"impede the operation of any law."– Illegal to publish

or speak any "false, scandalous, and malicious" criticism of high government officials.

A Fight in Congress Over the Sedition Act


Judging Adams

• Keeps U.S. out of war, preserves neutrality

• Strengthens the Navy

• Peaceful transfer of power in 1800

• Relationship with France damaged

• New taxes imposed

• Party politics become entrenched

Dislike for the Federalist Congress and the Alien and Sedition Acts cost Adams his reelection and

gave control of Congress to the Republicans. But in weighing his presidency, we have to

consider the negative along with the positive:

Homework Tonight

• Pg. 220 #2-3 • Pg. 231 #17

Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency


Food for Thought Why was Jefferson’s victory in the

Election of 1800 considered a “peaceful transfer of power”?

How did Jefferson’s acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase contradict his political views?

Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr both tie with

73 votes. It goes to the House and Hamilton controls the outcome and chooses Jefferson! Why?

He hates Burr more than Jefferson! Thomas Jefferson became our 3rd president The Democratic-Republicans took control of

Congress The Twelfth Amendment was added to the

Constitution Pres and VP run as a ticket

"We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists."


Why is this significant??

The election of 1800 was the most important election in American

History No one knew after the election

(which lasted forever and was the closest ever) what would happen.

Would the Federalists give up power peacefully or would there be revolution, secession, or civil war??

It was the first time EVER, in the history of mankind, that power had been transferred from one group to another without bloodshed and war.

The Midnight Judges

The night before Jefferson is sworn in as President, John Adams does the unthinkable…

John Adams filled all open positions with Federalist Judges!

Why would he do this???

The Louisiana Purchase




Louisiana Purchase Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana had

its origins in his desire to Give the United States control over the

Mississippi River Acquire a port to provide an outlet for

western crops Hoped to preserve an agricultural

(agrarian) society by making abundant lands available to future generations

To prevent war with France over control of the Louisiana Territory and secure American commerce

Louisiana Purchase April 30, 1803

Robert Livingston & James Monroe signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty in Paris

The United States paid $15 million for the land, roughly 4 cents per acre

The purchase doubled the size of the United States

On July 4th the Louisiana Purchase is publicly announced Original treaty can be found at:



Lewis and Clark Expedition

January 18, 1803 Jefferson asks

Congress for funds to explore the land west of the Mississippi

His goal is to find a water route to the Pacific

May 1804 Meriwether Lewis

and William Clark depart on the expedition

Map of Lewis and Clark’s RouteOriginal map can be found at:


But wait a minute…

JEFFERSON IS A STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST. What’s wrong with this picture?

He must use “implied powers” to justify the deal


Evaluating Jefferson

Positives Expands the size of the

United States. “Louisiana Purchase”

Negatives• Contradicts his own interpretation of the Constitution.

~ Why?