What are people, who nobody is listening to, saying?

What are people, who nobody is listening to, saying? InterenetBeta - September 2015

Transcript of What are people, who nobody is listening to, saying?

What are people, who nobody is listening to, saying?

InterenetBeta - September 2015

WARNING!Thoughts in presentation

come form videos which had less than 1000 views on YouTube.

DAVE TROTT- 402 views

„You may have the most convincing argument in the world, but if I can’t hear it, nothing can


- Dave Trott

4% 7% 89%

Ads which weren’t noticed at all

Ads remembered negatively

Ads remembered positively

What is the bigger problem:

perceiving ad negatively or

not noticing it at all?

- one sees our ad

- information transfer

- we ask someone, to do something

Communication scheme




89% of ads fail here. Nobody sees them, we don’t even have a chance to transfer information or persuade.




In the meantime we care only about persuasion. But what for, if nobody sees the ad?




That is why impact should be the most important part of our ads. The biggest

problem is that ads aren’t being noticed.

Ads for the target audience should be firstly visible, than relevant. Not the other

way around.

Being remembered positively or negatively it the secondary issue.

MARTIN WEIGEL - 694 views

(for customers) „…our brands are tiny little things, which are

buzzing around.”

- Martin Weigel

Weigel tells us, what to do to fail.

He has 6 solutions for it.

How to fail 1:Assume that people care about brands

80% of your buyers know little or nothing about your brand. People hear Heineken and only one thing, comes to their mind about the brand - it’s the beer in the green bottle.

How to fail 2:Assume that people want to have relationship with your brand

In reality there is no such thing as a loyalty, it’s unconfirmed fiction. 72% of pepsi drinkers also drink Coca-Cola. You don’t own customers, you are sharing them with other brands.

How to fail 3:Assume that your fans are yourmost valuable customers

There are not many people, who are fans and the sum of their spendings is minimal in comparison with the spendings of people who are buying your brand only once a year.

How to fail 4:Assume that everyone wants to participate

Passive consumption of content didn’t die. People are very lazy. You don’t need to engage customers. Often it is better to not even do it.

How to fail 5:Assume that people will find your content

Only 1 in 1 000 000 people are viewing your content on YouTube. Nobody is looking for adverts.

How to fail 6:Assume that depth is more important than breadth

Deep interactions which demand a lot of effort from the customers and reach small group of people, are worst than shallow communicates which are directed towards huge group of people.

„Our task is not nurturing enthusiasm of the few, but overcoming indifference of the many.”

- Martin Weigel

„Marketing is a game of scale. If you are not scaling your marketing, you

are not marketing.”

- Martin Weigel

ROB CAMPBELL - 1 263 views (6 years)

Wait… I said that I will present thoughts from videos which

had less than 1000 views.


ROB CAMPBELL - 61 views

„I hate how advertising agencies talk about ideas. Most ad agencies don’t know

an idea in a milion years. They know ad idea, but they don’t know an idea.”

- Rob Campbell

ad idea = an idea

an execution - the message showed in

some form

the only legal mean to change the World

regardless of money, distribution or heritage



Usage of an insight, which tells that if you are hungry you’re acting

differently and strange - Snickers

Harry Potter books - got a lot of children started on reading books

Gorilla playing drums - Cadbury Compass showing where the Mecca is, in LG smartphone in Males

You have a problem > you find an idea > you advertise a solution.

We shouldn’t advertise a problem.

We shouldn’t make adverts which tell only about the problem. It’s useless.

„Awarness was created by the ad industry to justify their jobs. I know who Hitler is,

I’m not gonna join nazi youth party.”

- Rob Campbell

JOHN HEGARTY - 554 views

Christ’s target group?Males, between the ages of 18-24, from the big cites, with salary lower than the average, interested in fishing and woodworking


„Christ spoke to the masses.”

- John Hegarty

Brand isn’t created only by clients. It is created by everyone who knows it.

Reach is the key. Everyone needs to know your brand. Even people who won’t buy it.

All because our clients should want to position themselves through our brand.

„Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which

half. ”

Hegarty thinks that it’s a mistake. Why 50% is waisted? Because people who

aren’t clients will see adverts?

This should be our aim!

„As a creative person, you have to have a philosophy. You have to have something

you believe in.”

- John Hegarty

Creativity is a way for self expression.

True ideas are an expression of self. They are an individual’s manifesto.

By cooperation (brainstorming for instance) we can create the 40th episode of The

Simpsons. But not the idea for The Simpsons itself.

Hegarty doesn’t believe in brainstorming. He also doesn’t believe in seating on the beanbag

in the conference room.

WARNING!Thoughts in presentation

come form videos which had less than 1000 views on YouTube.

And what is being said during lectures, which have more than

10 000 views?

RTM Interent of things

Archetypes Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Gamification Convergence of media

2017 trends

We can find tones of articles about topics above. Majority of them are presenting the same thoughts that aren’t

change anything.

People think, that if thought appears often in a public space, it means that it has to be true.

But in the reality we are talking all the time about the same things. We are inventing new ways to deceive customers.

In the past, adverts tried to interest people, now we are trying to place adverts in the places where nobody is

expecting them.

20 years ago ads used only few mediums - TV, radios, press and outdoor.

Their content was more important than intrusive

placements with very boring messages.

Our „innovative” thoughts

Timeless thoughts by people that nobody is listening toVS

RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

“Just move me dude.”

- Dan WeidenVS

RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

“Adapt your techniques to an idea, not an idea to your


- Bill Bernbach


RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

"The real fact of the matter is that nobody reads ads. People read what interest

them, and sometimes it's an ad.”

- Howard Gossage


RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

"What I’ve always loved to do is build a brand that’s so cool that you want to wear

their T-shirt.”

- Lee Clow


RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

“There is no rivalry between Google and traditional


- Maurice Saatchi


RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

“Don’t tell me how good you make it; tell me how good it

makes me when I use it.”

- Leo Burnett


RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

“The message is the medium.”

- John HegartyVS

RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

“People tell you who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we

want them to be.”

- Don Draper


RTM Interent of things

Archetypy Big Data

Storytelling Cannes

Inbound marketing Groth hacking

GenZ Mobile

Branded content Permission marketing

Omnichannelling Mobile

Grywalizacja Konwergencja mediów

Trendy na 2017

“People tell you who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we

want them to be.”

- Don Draper


Oh, actually everybody is

listening to him

Albert Stęclik Junior Strategic Planner [email protected]

Videos with less than 1000 views can be found at:


Sources: Dave Trott https://youtu.be/VXsEFr9DHkc Martin Weigel https://youtu.be/E6WV-sT8RWE http://www.slideshare.net/mweigel/how-to-not-fail-16647530?qid=4071add0-cb50-4943-9697-90edf235c565&v=qf1&b=&from_search=1

Rob Campbellhttp://www.slideshare.net/Robertc1970/psfk-conference-singapore-sunshine-presentation-13-presentationhttps://youtu.be/UazdKJPgPoshttps://youtu.be/qYV5nPM1hrE

John Hegartyhttps://youtu.be/qYV5nPM1hrE