WFC 02/12

Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss World Record: 43 lbs. 10 oz. – Lake Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan – June 5, 2007 Walk along a trout stream in the winter and the riffles and pools that danced with insects and rising fish look as lifeless as the bare branches on the hillsides above. Overhanging brush that offered secure feeding spots in August is transparent and useless without its veil of leaves. You peer into a riffle and can't imagine a trout living there. But there is plenty of life in a January river. I bought a house on a small trout stream, and in the process of figuring out how to improve my habitat for the wild brook, brown, and rainbow trout that live there, I became as aware of a trout's needs in winter as in summer. Because natural mortality of trout populations is highest in winter, if you're a landowner you pay attention to habitat concerns that most fly fishers never consider. For instance, young-of-the-year trout need safe havens from floods, mergansers, and anchor ice that are totally different than the needs of adult trout. They can't handle fast current and need to stay away from older trout that might eat them, so these little guys need lots of protection in the gentle currents of backwaters and shallows. I've sunk a number of brush piles in eddies and backwaters where young trout can find refuge, and hopefully next year I'll be rewarded an abundance of healthy yearlings. Adult trout spend the winter in different places. There are about eight pools and a half-dozen riffles on my property, and all of them hold trout in varying densities during the trout season. I'm able to walk the banks of this river at least twice a day, and gradually I've discovered places where I can crawl up to the bank on my belly to watch the trout, undisturbed. I've been known to leave a house full of guests to do this when the light is just right, but I don't advise it unless you crave a reputation for eccentric behavior. Continued on page 4. The Monthly Newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters Backca! "e Vol. 39 February 2012 How to Catch Trout in Winter by Tom Rosenbauer


The Wyoming Fly Casters club was formed in 1974. The membership currently consists of approximately 160 members. The WFC was organized by a group of dedicated fly fishermen and since the club’s inception the Wyoming Fly Casters have strived to further the sport of fly fishing through conservation and education. Conservation of our water resources is one of our primary goals and in cooperation with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department we have and will continue to carry out worthwhile projects for the benefit of Wyoming fisheries. In addition to conserving Wyoming’s water resources we encourage conserving the fish themselves. A fish safely released today will live to give sport to others

Transcript of WFC 02/12

Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

World Record: 43 lbs. 10 oz. – Lake Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan – June 5, 2007

Walk along a trout stream in the winter and the riffles and pools that danced with insects and rising fish look as lifeless as the bare branches on the hillsides above. Overhanging brush that offered secure feeding spots in August is transparent and useless without its veil of leaves. You peer into a riffle and can't imagine a trout living there.

But there is plenty of life in a January river.

I bought a house on a small trout stream, and in the process of figuring out how to improve my habitat for the wild brook, brown, and rainbow trout that live there, I became as aware of a trout's needs in winter as in summer. Because natural mortality of trout populations is highest in winter, if you're a landowner you pay attention to habitat concerns that most fly fishers never consider.

For instance, young-of-the-year trout need safe havens from floods, mergansers, and anchor ice that are totally different than the needs of

adult trout. They can't handle fast current and need to stay away from older trout that might eat them, so these little guys need lots of protection in the gentle currents of backwaters and shallows.

I've sunk a number of brush piles in eddies and backwaters where young trout can find refuge, and hopefully next year I'll be rewarded an abundance of healthy yearlings.

Adult trout spend the winter in different places. There are about eight pools and a half-dozen riffles on my property, and all of them hold trout in varying densities during the trout season. I'm able to walk the banks of this river at least twice a day, and gradually I've discovered places where I can crawl up to the bank on my belly to watch the trout, undisturbed. I've been known to leave a house full of guests to do this when the light is just right, but I don't advise it unless you crave a reputation for eccentric behavior. Continued on page 4.

Backca! The Monthly Newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters

Backca!"eVol. 39 February 2012

How to Catch Trout in Winterby Tom Rosenbauer

! !

Hello again. Some of you may have been wondering what happened to the ‘Drag Free Drifts’ portion of the newsletter. Well it was really nothing more than inattentiveness on my part. I want to thank Randy Stalker for filling the space and getting the newsletter out.

Speaking of the newsletter, Randy has decided to step out of the editor role he has occupied for quite some time. I think I speak for the entire club when I say that we all appreciate the outstanding job he has done over the years. I definitely appreciated the ‘Randy’ touches he put in each issue.

Peg Novotny has agreed to step up to the plate and produce the newsletter, for a while at least. Peg has some big shoes to fill, and from what I hear she has some great skills so we can rest assured that the WFC will continue to have a quality publication.

That is one change for now and we have some other changes coming in the near future. At the March general meeting we will be electing some new folks to the board and perhaps the Executive committee. I am glad that I chose to get involved with the

board because the people that I have come to know best in the club are those that serve on the board. I encourage those of you that would like to get to know more club members to seriously think about putting your name in the hat for this round of elections. Fresh faces and ideas are always welcome. You will also notice that the bylaws are printed in this copy of the Backcast. The board has proposed some changes for you to consider. We hope to be able to ratify the changes at the March meeting so look them over and let us know what you think.

Giving credit where credit is due, Thanks Matt! Matt Stanton did a great job of tending to the Christmas Party and has also said he will chair the Banquet Committee. The Banquet is March 31st so we don’t have a lot of time to gather donations. Please take a moment and think about who you know that might be able to support our efforts, and then go ask them if you would.

This month’s quote has to do with my first experience fishing the Upper Green River outside of Pinedale in November during a Trout Unlimited gathering. Fall colors were still about,

the sky was a gorgeous Wyoming winter blue, sheets of ice extended from the shoreline here and there, and the winds were minimal. We caught a few fish but the best part of the day was simply being there, cold fingers and all. The area we fished looked like it was straight out of a calendar. Days spent in places that beautiful melt away memories of lesser days spent fending off mosquitoes or untangling your fly from bushes for the umpteenth time. I hope you had more than a couple of similar days last year and have many this year.Windless days and ice-free guides,

February’s Le#er from Will

The Backcast is the monthly newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters, an affiliate club of the Wyoming Council of Trout Unlimited, the Nature Conservancy and the Federation of Fly Fishers. Editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views of the officers, board or members of the Wyoming Fly Casters. Annual dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a family, or $250 for a lifetime individual membership or $450 for a lifetime family membership. Visit the club website at pay dues or contact the club, write to P.O. Box 2881, Casper, WY 82602. The deadline for submission of information for each issue is a week before the end of the month. Make contributions to the next issue by e-mailing material to the Backcast editor at marketingmavenaha@ or call (708) 997-2071. The Backcast is available either in electronic format or through USPS snail mail. To receive each newsletter through a monthly e-mail, you must be able to open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat, a software program available free of charge) docu- ments. Usually, each issue is roughly 1 MB in size, some are larger. Your e-mail provider may have limits on the size of attachments. In order to be added to the e-mail list, send a


Will Waterbury, President Vacant, President-elect Vacant, Vice President Casey Leary, Secretary Matt Stanton, Treasurer


Terms expire in 2012 Spencer Amend Scott Novotny Neil Ruebush

Brent “Smokey” Weinhandl, DDS Terms

expire in 2013 Greg Groves Joe Meyer Alex Rose Herb Waterman Terms expire in 2014

John Dolan Jim Johnson Chris McAtee

Andrew Sauter

request to marketingmavenaha@ In addition to receiving each issue of the newsletter earlier than your hard copy peers, e-mail subscribers are able to print each copy in vibrant color -- an added plus if the issue is rich in color photographs. By sub- scribing electronically, you also save the club roughly $17.40 a year in printing and postage expenses. The Backcast is available either in electronic format or through USPS snail mail. To receive each newsletter through a monthly e-mail, you must be able to open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat, a software program available free of charge) docu- ments. Usually, each issue is roughly 1 MB in size, some are larger. Your e-mail provider may have limits on the size of attachments. In order to be added to the e-mail list, send a request to marketingmavenaha@ In addition to receiving each issue of the newsletter earlier than your hard copy peers, e-mail subscribers are able to print each copy in vibrant color -- an added plus if the issue is rich in color photographs. By sub- scribing electronically, you also save the club roughly $17.40 a year in printing and postage expenses.


3 Wyoming Fly Casters

February 2012


Tom Rosenbauer wrote this a r t i c l e f o r t h e O r v i s m a g a z i n e . S i n c e i t ʼs February seemed like the perfect article to include.

Page 1 and 4


Yep, formerly know as the Brag Board this is your chance to show everyone the b ig one you jus t caught.

Short notes of upcoming events. Page 5.


Treasurers report, minutes from January 18th meeting, b y l a w s , c l a s s i fi e d s , C h r i s t m a s B a n q u e t pictures ,

Pages 6 - 14

On January 19th I was informed that I would be creating the 2012 Wyoming Fly Caster’s Newsletter.

I am very happy to accept the assignment and I hope that I will not disappoint the WFC members.

I’d like to thank the following individuals who helped provide the information needed to produce February’s newsletter: Will Waterbury, Randy Stalker, Matt Stanton and Scott Novotny. A special note of thanks to Randy Stalker. Once again I’d like to extend my apologies for not correctly identifying Randy as the former editor of this newsletter. He’s done a great job and has been a great contributor in ensuring that the next newsletter goes off without a hitch. I’d also like to thank all the others who have offered their congratulations and support.

As you have probably noticed I’ve made some changes to the look and feel of the newsletter.

I hope that introducing some new color to the newsletter will not offend. There’s such a wonderful palette of color in nature, I just wanted to include that this year.

As before, the newsletter is only as good as the information supplied to our members. So please, send any ideas, stories, pictures, dates to:[email protected] A special shout out to all the women fly casters. I know ya’ll have plenty of ideas and much to say! Let’s hear something gals!

Thank you!


! Wyoming Fly Casters 4

By the end of the summer I was confident that I knew where 80% of the fish on my property lived (my confidence level of catching them was much lower). When there was food on the water, the fish would suspend in riffles and tails of pools; when there were no insects on the water, or when the wind blew hard and spooked them, the fish sunk closer to the bottom, along the banks, submerged rocks, and in deep pools. As soon as the leaves fell, though, their habits changed. Places that held fish every day in summer were barren. I could see clear to the bottom but did not even spook trout-in all pools except one.

All of the trout on my property had congregated in one slow (but not the deepest) pool, the one with two massive logjams in the center. Comparing this pool to all others in the area, I noticed the one thing it offered was lots of protection4

from predators and the current. During the spring and summer, the need to capture food is equal to or more important than protection from enemies-as long as there is some cover close at hand when danger threatens.

As the food supply dwindles and water temperatures drop and streamside vegetation recedes, the need for protection from winter floods, anchor ice, and predators becomes the primary factor in a trout's existence. Most of the fish on my property are spring-spawning rainbows so spawning migration is not an issue.

Trout do feed in winter, especially if water temperatures climb above 40 degrees. If the law allows, try winter trout fishing in your area. Trout won't be found everywhere, though, in fact they will probably be concentrated in just a few pools. So look for them where you find:

continued ... How to Catch Trout in WinterIn-water cover, especially logjams. Trout will use rocks for winter cover but because there is usually more turbulence around rocks, logjams offer better habitat.

• Water depth over three feet

• Slow but not stagnant currents. Water that is nearly still does not bring food to the fish.

• Springs along the streambank. Groundwater is warmer that surface water during the winter. Usually, springs betray their presence by patches of green plants growing in the warmer water. You can also find springs by looking for tiny patches of fog along the bank on very cold mornings.

5 Wyoming Fly Casters

Member Notes: Brag Time!

Are you up for some of Charlie Shedd"s fly casting lessons this summer?  Please contact the WFC newsletter editor for more [email protected]

Russ Newton

Scott & Mick Novotny

Phil Gaskill

The guest speaker for the WFC General Meeting on February 8th will be Brian Connely and Bob Shellard from The Natrona County Weed District Presentation will be on Russian Olive Trees bordering the North Platte River. Also, there’s Lyin’ & Tyin’ on Saturday, February 11th and our Board Meeting is February 15th.

January 28th Ice Fishing at Pathfinder. The fish were a little too cold to hit. 20 degrees with wind speed sustained 35-40 mph ... gusts to 50 mph. Brrr. One WFC member reported that food and beer froze! ...‘colder than I have been in a long time!’

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is coming soon to Casper!

Date: Saturday, March, 3, 2012Where: Iris Theatre 230 West Yellowstone HWY Casper, WY 82601

If you attended last year, you know this is a great way to spend a Saturday. Plus there’s beer available in the lobby!

Missed it last year? Don’t miss it again. This is great for Casper and as WFC members we can show our continued enthusiasm and support for bringing venues like this to Casper, Also, local vendors attend and there’s always some free giveaways. It’s a win, win! Fish videos, beer and free stuff!

The WFC will be in the lobby and actively seeking to enlist new members from this great sporting community. See you there!

Joe Meyer requests thirteen flies from each member to include in the club fly plate and to fill fly boxes for the Spring Banquet. Deadline: March 1st!

Hey Kids! Annual dues are due for 2012!

Gear Swap & Sale is coming up! Stay tuned for more information on this event. The newsletter will report the dates on this event once they have been finalized.

! Wyoming Fly Casters 6

Minutes of the Wyoming Fly Casters

Meeting Date: January 18, 2012

Call to Order: A board Meeting of the Wyoming Fly Casters was held on January 18, 2012. The meeting was convened at 7:00 PM, President Will Waterbury presiding, and Casey Leary Secretary.

Members in Attendance: Will Waterbury, Matt Stanton, Casey Leary, Lee Tschetter, Spencer Amend, Scott Novotny, Greg Groves, Alex Rose, Jim Johnson, Chris McAtee and Andrew Sauter.

Members Absent: Joe Meyer, Neil Ruebush and Herb Waterman all excused.

Guest: Robin Kepple, WGFD

Approval of the Minutes: The Minutes were corrected to read that Spencer Amend was an excused absence. Motion was made to approve the corrected minutes of December 21, 2011. Motion Carried

Officers Report: Matt Stanton provided a treasurer’s report. Motion was made by Andrew Sauter to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.

Guest Report: Robin Kepple of WGFD is looking for help for the annual Kid’s Fishing Day at Yesness Pond, to be held on June 2, 2012. Two shifts are to be conducted, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She is looking for 5-10 people to assist the kids with the hope they catch more fish. She reported not many trout are caught by the kids, around 12. She indicated the Walleye club hands out free fishing rods, but needs more help in showing the kids how to use the equipment. Greg Groves will attend the next meeting on behalf of the WFC.

Committee Reports: Conservation report: Matt Stanton has a new contact regarding the Wasatch Wind project between Interstate 80 and the Miracle Mile. He will set up a meeting once the new contact has sufficient knowledge of the project. Matt reported the Land and Conservation Fund thanked the WFC for our $20,000 donation for the Miles Land and Livestock (Government Bridge) project.

Old Business: The board thanked all those who helped with the Christmas party. Matt Stanton presented the proposed changes to the ByLaws. Motion by Alex Rose to strike article Six of the ByLaws to remove the requirement of membership cards.  Motion carried. Matt Stanton will have the ByLaws published in the Backcast of the proposed changes for the general membership to review, and vote on the proposed changes. Scott Novotny continues getting input on the possible renewal of the youth Emergers club. Matt Stanton reported he received the renewal notice for FFF dues. They are asking for $100 plus $3 for every WFC member who is not a member of FFF, or a flat $500 fee. In addition, they requested the membership list of the WFC. Some board members expressed concern about giving out our membership list. The matter was tabled until further information was received. Andrew Sauter again reported the WFC Foundation is seeking a new member as one member plans on resigning March 31, 2012.

New Business: Joe Meyer suggested to Spencer Amend that since the club has twice used the Audubon for Lyin N’Tying, we should give a possible donation to this organization. Motion by Alex Rose that the WFC send a $50 donation to the local Audubon. Motion carried. The Board agreed that a fishing gear swap would suffice for the April program and Alex Rose will publicize. Matt Stanton volunteered to chair the banquet committee. The annual WFC Banquet will be held on March 31, 2012. Thanks to Bob Fischer for promptly reserving the room. Casey Leary will contact Joe Meyer to confirm that Joe will continue to complete the fly plates. Club members are encouraged to give Joe a fly for the fly plate. MacTavish award recipients are also encouraged to give Joe a fly for the fly plate. Alex Rose has confirmed the reservation at the Casper Recreation Center for March 3, 2012 for the Cabin Fever Clinic. Casey Leary will purchase a beginner fly fishing outfit to be given away as a door prize.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.

7 Wyoming Fly Casters


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! Wyoming Fly Casters 8




Changes to article I: Clarification of notice of general meetings.

Meetings of Members

Section 4. Notice of Meetings. Notice of every meeting of the members shall be in writing. Such notice shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called and the time when and the place within the State where it is to be held, and a copy thereof shall be served, either personally or by mail, upon each member of record entitled to vote at such meeting, not less than three nor more than forty days before the meeting. If mailed, it shall be directed to each member at his address as it appears on the membership book unless he shall have filed with the Secretary of the Corporation a written request that notices intended for him be mailed to some other address, in which case it shall be mailed to the address designated in such request. Notice given in the Corporation’s monthly newsletter may serve as meeting notice.


Changes to article II: Section 1: Modification of general board powers to reflect removal of President Elect position in Article III. Section 8: Expansion and clarification of notice of board meetings. Section 11: Addition of title.


Section 1. General Powers. The Board shall manage the business and affairs of the Corporation and may exercise all such authority and powers of the Corporation and do all such lawful acts and things, including the formation of committees, as are not by law, the Certificate of Incorporation or these Bylaws, directed or required to be exercised or done by the members. The whole Board shall be in charge of programs and shall work collectively to ensure programs are planned for monthly member meetings.

Section 8. Notice of Meetings. Notice of each regular and special meeting of the Board, stating the time, place and purpose thereof, shall be mailed to each director, addressed to him at his residence or usual place of business, or shall be sent to him at such place by telegraph by electronic mail, or be delivered personally or by telephone, at least one (1) day before the day on which the meeting is to be held, but notice need not be given to any director if such notice shall be waived by him and any business may be transacted by the Board at a meeting at which every member of the Board shall be present, though held without notice. Notice given in the Corporation’s monthly newsletter may serve as meeting notice.

Section 11. Absences. In the event that any Director of the Board of Directors of the Wyoming Fly Casters shall have three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from the regular meetings of the Board of directors, that Director shall be automatically suspended from the Board, and the Board shall declare the office of said Director to be vacant. The suspended Director may formally apply for reinstatement to the board. The Board will review the application and vote on reinstatement. If the application fails to receive a majority vote of the Board; the Board may nominate another member to fill the vacancy. The nominee shall be voted on by the Board and by majority vote, shall be appointed to fill the remaining term of the vacated office.


Changes to article III: Elimination of President Elect position, re-distribution of responsibilities and re-numbering of sections


Section 1. Number. The executive officers of the Corporation shall be the President, President Elect, Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer; who shall be members of the board and there may be, in addition, such subordinate officers, agents and employees as shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 3 of these Bylaws. No one person may hold the office of, and perform the duties of, any two or more offices. The Board may require any such officer, agent or employee to give security for the faithful performance of his duties.

9 Wyoming Fly Casters

Section 2. Election, Term of Office Qualifications. The executive officers of the Corporation, except for the President, shall be chosen annually by the Membership, each thereof to hold office for a period of one year., with the exception of the President Elect, who shall serve one (1) year as President Elect and shall serve the next year as President or until his successor shall have been duly chosen and shall qualify, or until his death or until he shall resign, or shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided.

Section 6. The President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and shall have general supervision over the business of the Corporation, subject to the control of the Board. He shall, if present, preside at each meeting of the members and of the Board. He shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect. He may sign, with the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer, or the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, certificates of membership of the Corporation; and he may sign, execute and deliver in the name of the Corporation all deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments authorized by the Board, except in cases where the signing, execution or delivery thereof shall be required by law otherwise to be signed, executed and delivered, and he may affix the seal of the Corporation to any instrument which shall require it. He shall be in charge of outings and as such he shall report to the Secretary, Treasurer and Board an account of the proceedings of the corporation relative to outings. He shall co-chair the Budget committee with the Treasurer and shall annually present a budget to the Board of Directors for approval. In general he shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by these Bylaws by the Board of Directors.

Section 7. The President-Elect The President Elect shall have such powers and perform such duties as the Board or the President shall from time to time prescribe and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by these Bylaws. The President-Elect shall be the person in charge of outings and programs. At the request of the President, or in case of his absence or inability to act, the President Elect or, if there shall be more than one Vice President then in office, that one of them who shall be designated for the purpose by the President or by the Board of Directors shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions upon, the President. As such he/she shall report to the President, Treasurer and Board an account of the proceedings of the corporation relative to outings and programs. The President Elect shall chair the Budget committee and shall present a budget to the Board of Directors. The President Elect shall assume the duties of President upon the completion of the elected President’s term.

Section 8 7. Vice President.

Section 9 8. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all the funds and securities of the Corporation and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Corporation and shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the name of and to the credit of the Corporation in such banks or other depositories as may be designated by the Board; he shall disburse the funds of the Corporation as may be ordered by the Board, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the President and to the directors at the regular meetings of the Board or whenever they may require it, a statement of all his transactions as Treasurer and an account of the financial condition of the Corporation, and may have charge of the membership book and also of the other books, records and papers of the corporation; and in general, he shall perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Board. He may sign, with the President or Vice President, certificates of membership of the Corporation. He shall co-chair the Budget committee with the President and shall annually present a budget to the Board of Directors for approval.

Section 10 9. The Secretary . ARTICLE VI

Changes to article VI:Removal of section as membership cards no longer serve a purpose for the corporation


Section 1. Cards. Membership cards shall be issued and signed by an officer of the corporation.

Changes to subsequent article numbering






! Wyoming Fly Casters 10

Maecenas aliquam maecenas Sociis mauris in integer, a dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagittis felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementum est, ipsum purus pede class. Sodales nulla ante auctor excepturi wisi, dolor eros condimentum dis, sodales lacus nunc, at. In orci ligula suscipit.

None but the brave - WFC’s Polar Bears!

Polar Bear OutingThere was a lot of action at the Polar Bear outing this year but it looks as though most of it was at the local bar in Alcova! Haven’t heard about what was caught but in the picture below I’d say it was a few of those early Saturday/ Sunday morning fish called, Bloody Mary’d and of course the ever favorite ... the BrewskiFish! Here’s a list of all those who braved the ‘outdoor’ elements!John Dolan-Streamkeeper, Bruce Slensker, Bob Fischer, Spencer Amend, Clarke Turner, Bill Mixer, Dick Depaemelere, Rob Thompson, Will Waterbury, Wanda Peters, Lee tschetter, Neal Ruebush, Matt Stanton, Amy Stanton, Marty Robinson, Nancy Stichert, Scott Novotny, Mick Novotny, Bob Stewert, Kathy Knapp and Joe Meyer.

ClassifiedsDrift Boat - ’97 Hyde

(Pre Dove Tail)With all the stuff you would

expect AND an extra front seat with storage.


Andrew Sauter 307-265-3932

One Regal vise with pedestal mounts


Art Van Rensselaer307-262-7655

Large selection of framed, signed and numbered

Vivi Crandall and Terry Redlin prints

(contact me for names/prices)

Men’s Chaco Z/1 Sandal. Size 13.

“Matrix color. New in box, $45, OBO

Matt Stanton307-258-9915

Classifieds are free to WFC members for sale, drop a line. To advertise your item to

[email protected]

Our members are very special to us and we want to remember them in times of adversity. If you know of a member or their spouse who is ill or is recently deceased, please contact Donna Diesburg at

(307) 234-4278 or e-mail her at [email protected].

Remembrance ...

11 Wyoming Fly Casters


TROUT: 8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter 8 12-14 oz whole trout, boned, rinsed, patted dry 8 tablespoons minced fresh parsley 8 teaspoons drained capers 8 bamboo skewers

FOR TROUT: Melt butter in heavy small saucepan over low heat. Sprinkle interior of each trout with 1 tablespoon parsley, 2 teaspoons melted butter and 1 teaspoon capers. Using bamboo skewers, close fish. Add vermouth to remaining melted butter in saucepan. Brush butter mixture over both sides of fish. (Can be made 8 hours ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

FOR SAUCE:Melt butter in heavy small saucepan over medium heat. Remove from heat. Add lemon juice, vermouth and mustard and whisk to a blend. Mix-in minced herbs. Season with salt and pepper, keep warm.

WHAT TO DO: Grill or broil fish until cook through, about five minutes per side. Transfer fish to plates: remove skewers. Garnish with lemon wedges and parsley springs. Serve, passing sauce separately. [Serves 8]

SAUCE:¾ cup (1.5 sticks) unsalted butter4 ½ tablespoons fresh lemon juice 3 tablespoons dry vermouth3 tablespoons Dijon mustard3 tablespoons minced fresh chives3 tablespoons minced fresh parsleyLemon wedgesFresh parsley sprigs

WFC’s Recipe Box

! Wyoming Fly Casters 12

WFC Christmas Party Highlights

Christmas Fly Winners!

13 Wyoming Fly Casters

“Unless one can enjoy himself fishingwith the fly even when his efforts are

unrewarded, he loses much real pleasure. More than half the intense enjoyment of fly-fishing is derived from the beautiful

surroundings, the satisfaction felt from being in the open air, the new lease of

life secured there, and the many, many pleasant recollections of all one

has seen, heard and done.”

Charles F Orvis, 1886


'e Backca!

Wyoming Fly CastersP.O. Box 2881

Casper, WY 82602

The Mission of the Wyoming Fly Caster’s is to promote and enhance the sport of fly fishing and the conservation of fish and their habitat.

General Meeting 7 pm

Lyin’ &Tyin

WFC BoardMeeting 7 pm

Valentines Day

Deadline forBackcast information