“We’ve Been Hit!”

“We’ve Been Hit!” Unit 6


Unit 6. “We’ve Been Hit!”. Lesson 1: Overview. Warming up Background New words and expressions A global understanding. Warming-Up. What do you know about the 9.11 attack? It happened on __________________. __________________ in New York City was attacked by _______________________. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of “We’ve Been Hit!”

Page 1: “We’ve Been Hit!”

“We’ve Been Hit!”

Unit 6

Page 2: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Lesson 1: Overview Warming up Background New words and expressions A global understanding

Page 3: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Warming-Up What do you know about the 9.11 attack?

It happened on __________________.__________________ in New York City was

attacked by _______________________.As a result of the terrorist attack, __________

________ collapsed. Nearly _______ people were killed in the

terrorist attack.

September 11, 2001World Trade Center

two hijacked jet planesthe twin


Page 4: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Background On the morning of

September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda-affiliated hijackers flew two Boeing 767 jets into the complex, one into each tower, in a coordinated suicide attack, resulting in 2,750 deaths.


Page 5: “We’ve Been Hit!”
Page 6: “We’ve Been Hit!”

In Washington D.C.A third hijacked

airliner crashed into the Pentagon.

Many government buildings including the White House were evacuated for fear they could be targets as well.

A portion of the builder later collapsed.

Page 7: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Pentagon The headquarters of the

United States Department of Defense

As a symbol of the U.S. military, "the Pentagon" is often used metonymically to refer to the Department of Defense rather than the building itself.

Page 8: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Who did this? Investigations into who

was behind the terrorist attacks began just hours after the first plane struck the north tower.

Almost immediately the finger of suspicion was pointed at exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden and his group of followers known as al Qaeda, or "The Base."


Page 9: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Background The World Trade

Center (sometimes referred as WTC or Twin Towers) was a complex located in the heart of New York City's downtown financial district.

Page 10: “We’ve Been Hit!”

The Designer Minoru Yamasaki

( 山崎實 1912-1986) was a Japanese-American architect

The completion of the 110-story twin towers, which are 411 meters high, took 7 years.

World trade means world peace; the World Trade Center buildings in New York are living

symbol of man’s dedication to world


Page 11: “We’ve Been Hit!”

9/11 Survivor Stories The story of Adam Mayblum, a survivor at

the World Trade Center is said to be real. Rumor has it that within 24 hours after the

9/11 disaster, Adam Mayblum wrote about his experience in a 2100-word email entitled “The Price We Pay”, and then sent it to his 25 relatives and friends.

Afterwards, the email was forwarded to all over the world.

Page 12: “We’ve Been Hit!”

New Words & Expressions Reading aloud (page 76) Understanding Derivation Differentiation

Page 13: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Window shade & drawstring

= <BrE> blind

Page 14: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use illusion

The magical ~ is created using mirrors, lights, and paint.

The mirror gives an ~ of depth.

Did you see a young or an old woman in the picture?

Page 15: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Careen

A heavy flood tide caused my vessel to ~ dizzily.

The car ~ed around the corner. 汽车歪歪斜斜疾驶拐过街角。

Page 16: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Soak

She spent some time ~ing in a hot bath.

The rain poured down, ~ing their hair.

Foot Soak

Page 17: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Stairwell ( 楼梯井 ) & Flight ( 一段楼梯 ) Stairway, staircase, stairwell, flight of stairs o

r simply stairs are names for a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into smaller vertical distances, called steps.

Page 18: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use calf


the Calf

Page 19: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Spasm

His body was jerking in quick ~s.他的身体在一阵接一阵剧烈地抽搐。

An earthquake rippled in ~s along the plain.


Page 20: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Stoop

He ~ed down and reached towards the coin.

They ~ed to pick up the shells.

Page 21: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Guinea pig

It is now typically kept as a pet or for laboratory research.

There were experiments of which the POW’s are to be the ~s. 拿战俘充当实验品的实验

Page 22: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Butt Hip Buttocks Bottom Behind Backside

Big Butt Chairs

Page 23: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Meaning & Use Heavyset (euphemism) Overweight (more polite) Plump (of women) Chubby (of babies) Stout (rather fat & heavy) Obese (unhealthily fat)

Page 24: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Related Words

Beer belly Love handle

Double chin

Page 25: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Getting to know the words I had to s________ to go through the low

doorway. She claimed to be d_____________ from

George Washington. There was sheer p____________ in the

dance hall when someone shouted “Fire!” He was faced with the d__________ of

whether or not to return to his country.





Page 26: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Getting to know the words They’re going to London first, but their

u___________ destination is Rome. Prayers were said for souls in p_________. A bus r_________ along the road at the top

of the path. The waves l_________ against the smooth





Page 27: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Getting to know the words Her ______ love ended when Daisy had to

say goodbye to her science teacher upon graduation.

In the heat of midafternoon the women would draw the ________, spread blankets on the floor for coolness and nap.

Students in fifty school are to act as _____ _____ for these teaching methods.




Page 28: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Getting to know the words Ron would wait at the ____________

every morning, hoping to see the beautiful girl again.

I’ve been on a diet for two weeks now, and it’s ____________!

After swimming for half an hour, my legs suddenly went into __________.




Page 29: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Derivation

V. lash scoff rip


V. soak stoop sway


V. transfer

N. rumble descent

lashlash scoffscoff riprip

soaksoak stoopstoop swaysway

transferencetransferencerumblerumble descenddescend

Page 30: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Derivation

N. illusion purgatory spasm


N. rumble

A. ultimate moral

N. N. butt

A. devastating V.

illusionaryillusionary purgatorialpurgatorial spasmodicspasmodic

rumblerumbleultimateultimate moralitymorality


Page 31: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word DifferentiationCareen vs. Career The car _________ uncontrollably down

the hill and into a tree. As the carriage __________ down the hill,

the passengers were thrown roughly from side to side.

The vehicle _________ across the road and hit a cyclist.

careered=go at full speed


<esp. AmE> =lurchcareered

=rush wildly

Page 32: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word DifferentiationIllusion vs. Allusion He cherished the ___________ that she lo

ved him, but he was wrong. His statement was seen as an _________ t

o the recent drug-related killings. I have no _______ about his ability — he's

just no good. Her poetry is full of obscure literary ______.






Page 33: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word DifferentiationStoop vs. Stop A security guard was killed trying to _____

a raid. He tends to _______ because he is so tall. He used to _______, but he did exercises

to make his shoulders straight. She'd ________ to anything to get her

own way.




Page 34: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word DifferentiationDescent vs. Ascent The first balloon _________ was in 1783. Richard was of French ________ on his

mother’s side. The old man had difficulty climbing the

steep ________. The aircraft was making a very steep






Page 35: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Differentiation

Moral vs. Mortal Her reputation suffered a _______ blow as

a result of the scandal. I can't help your scheme with money, but

I'll give you ________ support. She lives in _________ terror of her

husband's anger.



Page 36: “We’ve Been Hit!”

A Global Understanding What is the text mainly about? A particular episode in the disaster that

occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York City

What is the author’s purpose of writing? To illustrate some people’s great courage

to help others in the presence of disaster.

Page 37: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Structure of the Text Part One (para.1) the common people's perception about the

WTC Part Two (para.2-9) the initial reaction of people inside the

WTC when the building was hit

Page 38: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Structure of the Text Part Three (para.10-30) how the three people endeavored to save

a heavyset man with their joint efforts Part Four (para.31-34) the gathering of some of the survivors and

victims' family members in memory of the dead after the disaster

Page 39: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Thank you!

To be continued.

Page 40: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Lesson 2: Overview Detailed Study of the Text

ComprehensionLanguage PointsSentences

Word Review

Page 41: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Comprehension Questions What do you know about Adam Mayblum? Where was his office? What did Mayblum think of the WTC befor

e the building was hit? How many people were there in the WTC

before it was hit? What did the author mean by saying “For s

ome, it was a matter of geography…”?

Page 42: “We’ve Been Hit!”

87th May Davis

Page 43: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Declarative Questions (para.1)

I forgot the milk.You forgot the milk?

(to show surprise, joy etc.)You realize the risks?

(to expect a positive answer)You think it good?

(to show disapproval or sarcasm)

Page 44: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points In flames (opening remarks)

The car was engulfed in flames. [mass noun]

The dry sticks burst into flame(s).

Sway (para.1): swing from side to side slowly

Page 45: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points

Careen (para.2): rush forward in an uncontrollable wayThe truck sways wildly, careening down

narrow mountain roads. A matter of (para.4)

The difference between a white collar worker and a blue collar worker is simply a matter of shirt preference.

Page 46: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Purgatory (para.3):

Purgatory is the place where Roman Catholics believe the spirits of dead people are sent to suffer for their sins before they go to heaven.( 炼狱 )

He's so impatient that waiting in a queue is sheer purgatory for him!

Page 47: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Comprehension Questions How did people react after the WTC was h

it? What did Mayblum do? Who was Harry Ramos? Who was Hong Zhu? What did Mayblum see on the 78th floor?

Page 48: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Off and on (para.7): intermittently

I was still working on and off (off and on) as a waitress to support myself.

He has been working at the book off and on for over 20 years.

Bolt (para.8): start suddenlyHe ~ed down a hurried breakfast.The horse ~ed at the sound of the shot

Page 49: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Ankle (para.8) Sparks (para.8)

Page 50: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Transfer lobby

(para.9)a room providing space for people to change from one elevator toanother

Page 51: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Wade: walk with difficulty

There's no bridge; we'll have to ~ across (the stream).

Wade into (para.9): start doing sth (esp sth difficult) with energy and determinationThe job has to be done, so let's ~ in immediat

ely. She ~d straight into her critics with her openin

g remarks

Page 52: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Pandemonium (para.9): chaos

There was ~ when the news was announced.消息宣布後一片混乱。Pandemonium reigned in the classroom until t

he teacher arrived.教师来到之前教室里乱哄哄的。

Page 53: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Stairwell (par

a.9) Cf: staircase

(para.5) Two flights

(of stairs) (para.8)

Page 54: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Comprehension Questions Did Mayblum stop to help the heavyset ma

n on the 53rd floor? Who helped the heavyset man to descend? Where was the second transfer lobby? Did the last bank of elevators take them do

wn to the first floor?

Page 55: “We’ve Been Hit!”

87th May Davis

78th Transfer

53rd Heavy man

44th Transfer

36th Hong left

Page 56: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Send help (para.11)

Send help at once! 请立刻派帮手来 !The Red Cross is quick to send help whereve

r there is human suffering. So far, so good. (para.18)

We’ve covered the first half of the course without mishap and so far so good.

I found a tin of beans in the cupboard. So far so good, but where is the opener?

Page 57: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points The Port Authority (p

ara.15) 港务局(负责管 理纽约州和新泽西州边界上 的海港和空港) Run by the Port Authority of

New York and New Jersey, PAPD ( 港务局警察署 ) is a bi-state agency running the bridges, tunnels, airports and seaports along the New York-New Jersey border.

Page 58: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Bank of (para.19): a set of similar or matc

hed things arranged in a row We saw a ~ of lights in the distance. 我们看见远处有一排灯光。The sun went behind a ~ of clouds. 太阳钻到云堆里去了

All the way (para.19): as far as possiblePrices vary all the way from $5 to $50. I’m with you all the way. (=agree completely)

Page 59: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points At a time (para.21)

Please come in one at a time, not all together.Cf: at one time: formerly

Sap (para.24)Her long illness gradually sapped her strength. 体力不支Everyone was ~ped of strength by the sun’s heat.

Page 60: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Gasp (para.24)

I came out of the water ~ing for breath.She gave a ~ of surprise.The rebellion seemed once more at its last ~. 叛乱看来将又一次面临失败了。

Turn to (para.26) I can’t tell my parents about it; I don’t know wh

o to ~ to.

Page 61: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Define the words Scoff Ultimate Stoop Purgatory Illusion Dilemma

to laugh at most extreme to bend the upper body forward

or down a place or condition of great

suffering something that deceives a

person by seeming to be real a situation in which one has to

make a difficult choice

Page 62: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Comprehension Questions How many floors did Harry Ramos and

Hong manage to help the heavyset man down in the building?

Why did Hong Zhu leave alone? Who was Rebecca? Who was Victor? What is the implied meaning of the last

sentence of the text?

Page 63: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Language Points Still (para.31): <adv.> even

He has made ~ greater progress this term than last term.

We received ~ further complaints. Meet up with (para.34)

It was there that I met up with Louis again.This track should ~ up with the main road. I met up with Mick Burke in the camp.

Page 64: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Sentence Highlights They were careening wildly, three feet in

either direction. (para.2)

They were swaying up to three feet high from side to side, like a ship in a great storm.

Page 65: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Sentence Highlights For some, it was a matter of geography —

not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building. (para.4)

People in the building were in great danger and they would have to try to find their way out according to where they happened to be.

Page 66: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Sentence Highlights Ramos had waded into the pandemonium

to help panicked workers into a stairwell. (para.9)

Ramos had walked into the wild chaos with great difficulty to help those frightened workers get into a stairwell.

Page 67: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Sentence Highlights He went back upstairs, the whole area no

w filled with smoke and burning jet fuel. (para.8)

Mayblum continued his descent, the muscles in his calves contracting in spasms. (para.10)

The underlined part of each sentence is an absolute construction, functioning as an adverbial.

Page 68: “We’ve Been Hit!”

A Global Understanding What is the text mainly about?

A particular episode in the disaster that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York City

What is the author’s purpose of writing?To illustrate some people’s great courage to help others in the presence of disaster.

Page 69: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Structure of the Text Part One (para.1)

the common people's perception about the WTC

Part Two (para.2-9)the initial reaction of people inside the WTC when the building was hit

Page 70: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Structure of the Text Part Three (para.10-30)

how the three people endeavored to save a heavyset man with their joint efforts

Part Four (para.31-34)the gathering of some of the survivors and victims' family members in memory of the dead after the disaster

Page 71: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review The waves l_______ (against) the rocks. The worst winter storms of the century

l_______ the east coast of North America.

Her husband has a terrible temper and l______ ____ at her when he’s angry.

As a politician Jefferson frequently l______ ____ at the press.



lashed outlashed out

lashed lashed outout

Page 72: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review A hundred years ago people s______ ___

the idea that man would ever fly.

He ignored the s______ of the critics.

The pancakes were so good that I s________ the lot. (=eat quickly and greedily)

scoffed scoffed atat



Page 73: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review He cherished the i_________ that she loved

him, but he was wrong. They were ______ ____ i_______ that the

company was doing well, but in fact it was in serious trouble.

I have no i________ ______ his ability – he is just no good.

His freedom is i________. An i_________ is an entertainer who plays

tricks on the eyes in a stage performance.


under the under the illusionillusion

illusions illusions aboutabout


==based on based on illusionillusion

Page 74: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review A few days before, a fire had d___________ la

rge parts of Windsor Castle (温莎堡) . Teresa was d___________, her dreams shatte

red. Affairs do have a d____________ effect on ma

rriages. A huge bomb blast brought chaos and d_____

______ to the centre of Belfast yesterday.





Page 75: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review The silence of the night was punctuated by the

distant r_______ of traffic. A bus r________ along the road at the top of t

he path. The sky, swollen like a black bladder (气囊) ,

r________ and crackled. Her stomach r________. She hadn’t eaten any

breakfast. There were r__________ of discontent within t

he ranks (三军) .




Page 76: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review The leadership (领导层) voted to p______ th

e party of “hostile and anti-party elements.” The army have called for a more thorough p___

____ of people associated with the late President.

He closed his eyes and lay still, trying to p______ his mind _____ anxiety.

This fruit often has a p_________ effect. Every step of the last three miles was p______




purgepurge purgativpurgativee


ofof 泻药泻药

Page 77: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review The u_________ aim is to expand the network

further. Caviar (鱼子酱) and oysters (牡蛎) on ic

e are generally considered the u________ luxury foods.

This hotel is the u_________ in luxury. U__________, the success of the product dep

ends on good marketing. They issued an u____________ to the police t

o rid an area of racist attackers, or they will take the law into their own hands.





Page 78: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review He was faced with the d_________ of wh

ether or not to return to his country. She was __ __ d_______ as to whether t

o stay at school or get a job. Their offer has put me in a bit of a _____

____. … 使我有点左右为难。


in a in a dilemmadilemma


Page 79: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review S______ the beans in water for two hours. We sat on the beach s_____ _____ the sun. Keaton comes here once or twice a year to

s____ ____ the atmosphere. My face and raincoat were s________ wet. You poor thing, you got s_______ to the skin. It is a place s________ in history.

SoakSoaksoaking soaking upup

soak soak upup soakinsoakin


Page 80: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review The f_______ will take four hours. On September 11, 2001, United F______ 93 ta

xied (滑行) down the runway and lifted off for nonstop service to San Francisco.

Supersonic f______ could become a routine form of travel in the 21st century.

A f_______ of green parrots shot out of the cedar (雪松) forest.

We walked in silence up a f______ of _____ and down a long corridor. (一段楼梯)

He was told of the raid and decided to _____ f______ immediately. (逃跑)









Page 81: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review Have you heard about the crash of an Air

bus A300 on its d______ _____ Kathmandu airport?

I was shocked at his swift d______ from respected academic ___ struggling small businessman.

All the contributors were ___ African d_______.

descent descent intointo



(( 下降下降 ))toto

ofof(( 沦落为沦落为 ))

(( 出身出身 ))

Page 82: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review She d__________ one flight of stairs. Darkness has now d__________ and the m

oon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky. 3,000 city officials d_________ __ Capitol

Hill (国会山) to lobby (游说) for more money. (visit sb./sth. unexpectedly or inconveniently)

We’re not going to d______ ___ such methods.

descendedescendedd descendedescende

dddescended descended onon

descend descend toto(( 堕落到…堕落到… ))

Page 83: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review He was ultimately overthrown and the

country d_________ ____ chaos. All the other ingredients, including water,

have to be listed in d__________ order by weight.

She claimed to be d_________ _____ George Washington.

They are d____________ of the original English and Scottish settlers.


descended fromdescended from


descended descended intointo

Page 84: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review He a__________ the stairs. Victoria a_________ the throne in 1837. He slowly gained a___________ over th

e group. Radical reformers are once more in the a

_________. 占优势,占上风 We made a successful a______ of the m


ascendeascendedd ascendeascende

dd ascendancascendancyy


Page 85: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Word Review

She w______ straight _____ her critics with her opening remarks. 猛烈攻击某人

Police w______ into a crowd of protesters.

I spent the whole day w______ through the paperwork on my desk. 费力地读(冗长或艰深的材料)

waded intowaded into


Page 86: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Thank you!

To be continued.

Page 87: “We’ve Been Hit!”

“We’ve Been Hit!”

Unit 6

Page 88: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Lesson 3: Overview• Students’ duty report

• Onomatopoeia • Skyscrapers in the World

• New Jersey

• Sentence translation

•Oral practice

Page 89: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Duty Report Skyscraper in the World


New Jersey

Page 90: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Onomatopoeia Originated from Latin, the word

“onomatopoeia” means “name-making”. It is a rhetorical device characterized by

imitating the sound in the natural world produced by human beings, animals or plants. It is also known as “sound symbolism” or “phonetic symbols”.

Page 91: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Onomatopoeia In-Culture

Hip hop singers like to go bling bling in their music videos to look fancy.在音乐录影带里 , 嘻哈歌手喜欢披挂一堆珠宝 , 让自己看起来很花俏。

Page 92: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Onomatopoeia 拟声The firecracker made a loud


The use of words that mimic sounds.

Page 93: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Onomatopoeia 拟声The car rolled ______

into the telegraph pole.

The stone rolled into the river with a _________.



Page 94: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Onomatopoeia 拟声She ________ the pans

down on the stone floor.clashed

The fly ________ around him.


Page 95: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Onomatopoeia 拟声 The crowd began to hiss and boo

him for his unsportsmanlike conduct, but he sat unmoved.

He ________ and ________ as he washed the dishes.


Page 96: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Old MacDonald Had a FarmOld Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had some Chicks.

E-I-E-I-O. With a chick-chick here. And a chick-

chick there. Here a chick. There a chick.

Everywhere a chick-chick.

Page 97: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Old MacDonald Had a FarmOld Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had some cows. E-

I-E-I-O. With a moo-moo here. And a moo-

moo there. Here a moo. There a moo. Everywhere

a moo-moo.

Page 98: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Old MacDonald Had a FarmOld Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had some ducks.

E-I-E-I-O. With a quack-quack here. And a

quack-quack there. Here a quack. There a quack.

Everywhere a quack-quack.

Page 99: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Old MacDonald Had a FarmOld Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had some pigs. E-

I-E-I-O. With an oink-oink there. And an oink-

oink there. Here an oink, there an oink.

Everywhere an oink-oink.

Page 100: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Old MacDonald Had a FarmOld Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had some dogs. E-

I-E-I-O. With a bow-wow here. And a bow-

wow there. Here a bow. There a bow. Everywhere

a bow-wow.

Page 101: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Types of Imitative Words

sound-meaning association rumble; collapse; lash

imitation of natural sounds baa; quack; cuckoo; coo; hoot; buzz; hum

interjection Alas; oh; ah; phew; pooh; wow; hun

Page 102: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Sound-Meaning Association [h] usu. heavy breathing when violent force is

involved haul; hack; hurl; heavy; hurry; hoarse; hop; hunt; hit

[w] violence or greatness wail; wrath; wallop; wasp; wangle; wallow

[w] + [h] violence whirl; whisk; whip; whir; whistle; whinny; wheeze

[s] sound of wind, leaf-falling, snake moving or clothes hiss; whisper; sizzle; rustle; whistle; snake; swish

Page 103: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Sound-Meaning Association [m] nasal sound; sleepy; noise of insects, birds

or wheels humming; murmur; mumble; hummer; thump; bump

[r] “dog’s letter”; friction, rough or sharp noise creak; rumble; crack; cry; groan; scream; rattle

[i] association with small things mini; little; bit; titbit

[sta] motionless or stationary stare; static; stay; stand; stack; stall; stammer

Page 104: “We’ve Been Hit!”

Sound-Meaning Association [sk] /[sc] touching a surface

skate; skim; scan; skin [are] association with light or certain sound

flare; stare; glare; blare [fl] association with flowing, floating, shinin

g or spreading flap; flutter; flitter; fly; flash; flicker; flare; flame

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Sound-Meaning Association [sl] symbolizing wet smoothness

slip; slide; slither; slick; sleek; slime; slush; slough; sleet; slam; slash

[cl] association with “attachment” or “noise of metal striking” clam; clip; click; clink; clang; clank; clasp; clutch

[gl] association with “light” or “brightness” glare; glass; glimmer; glaze; glint; glisten; glory; glitter;


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Celebrities from New Jersey Whitney

Houston Bon Jovi Jonas


Meryl StreepMeryl Streep

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Useful Words & Idioms illusion

The mirror gives an ~ of depth. Within the first week at university all my ~s

were shattered. I'm under no ~s about the man I married. The impression of calm in the office is just

an ~.

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Translation Practice 他红润的脸色给人一种健康的假象。 His ruddy complexion gave an illusi

on of good health. 该是他们丢掉幻想的时候了。 It's time for them to shed/cast aside

their illusion. 他们对所面临的困难认识很清楚。 They are under no illusions about th

e difficulties ahead of them.

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Useful Words & Idioms devastating

If the bomb had exploded in the main shopping area, it would have been ~.

She had a ~ beauty/charm that few men could resist.

To the little boy, the teacher's blame/criticism was quite ~.

He spoke with ~ simplicity.

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Useful Words & Idioms urge

The dog ~d the sheep toward the gate.Lawyers will ~ the parents to take further le

gal action. She ~d (on us) the importance of the time f

actor. The President, ~d on by his staff, has decid

ed to attend the talks.

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Useful Words & Idioms confusion

To avoid ~, label each box clearly.The sound of gunfire caused ~ outside th

e hotel. A mass of long blonde hair was blown int

o hopeless ~ by the swirling winds.

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Translation Practice 为避免混淆,这对双胞胎姐妹从不穿一样的衣服。 To avoid confusion, the twin sisters ne

ver wore the same clothes. 有关政府的交通政策,众说纷纭。 There is widespread confusion about t

he government's transport policy.

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Useful Words & Idioms glance at

他瞥了一眼墙上的钟,发现自己迟到了。Glancing at the clock he saw/realized that he w

as late.我只来得及瞥了一眼报纸的头条。 I only had time to glance at the headlines in th

e newspaper.我瞥了一眼书名,发现是自己刚看过的书。 I glanced at the title of the book and saw that it

was one that I had just read.

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Useful Words & Idioms off and on /on and off

雨断断续续地下了一整天。 It rained on and off all day. 我们有时玩玩牌。 我的牙断断续续疼了几个月。 I've had toothache on and off for a couple

of months.

We play cards off and on.

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Useful Words & Idioms meet up with

I met up with Mick Burke in the camp. This track should ~ up with the main road. Does this office ~ up with your requirements? I was so pleased to ~ up with my old friend

after all these years.They met up with the senior officer later for a


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Useful Words & Idioms find one's way to/into

That river finds its way into the sea.His words and looks found their ~ to her

heart. They found their ~ to the cheaper seats. The word has found its way into some

diplomatic documents. He eventually found his way into acting.

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Useful Words & Idioms cast into

The fishermen ~ their nets into the sea.The wicked king ~ his enemies into

prison.The priceless treasures had been ~ into

the Nile.

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Useful Words & Idioms wade into

She ~d into the task with more enthusiasm than skill.

I must have offended her somehow, because she really ~d into me.

The police ~d into the crowd with their clubs swinging/batons.

You should see the way those boys ~d into the meal, as if they hadn't eaten for weeks!

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With hope of finding more survivors / of Turkey's devastating earthquake / now all gone, / the Turkish authorities / are turning their attention / to caring for those who have survived. /

A full-scale relief effort / in the area hit by the earthquake / is finally beginning / after days of confusion. / Turkish and foreign volunteers / have been joined / by soldiers and the police, / and heavy equipment / sent by nearby cities and by private companies / has been moved / to almost every victimized town. /

The Minister of Housing estimated that / 60,000 buildings had been either destroyed / or seriously damaged in the quake. / Within a few days, / many of the homeless / would be moved / out of the fields and tents / where they were now living. / 42 countries and 38 international organizations / have sent aid to Turkey. / The World Bank has sent $200 million / for housing construction. /

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The end

Thank you!