WELLBEING: Topic 2: Power Poses...Microsoft Word - Topic 2- Power Poses Handout 1.docx Created Date:...

www.studysamurai.com 1 WELLBEING: Topic 2: Power Poses Power Poses are one of the quickest ways you can change your mental and emotional state. Managing your mental and emotional states is one of the most important skills you can learn. There are confusing ideas about how to manage your own “state” and that leads to frustration and doubts about yourself. Knowing how to quickly regulate your own state will help you feel better about yourself. .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... Why are Power Poses one of the most important skills you can learn? Check In: What do you do to move from a negative to more positive state?

Transcript of WELLBEING: Topic 2: Power Poses...Microsoft Word - Topic 2- Power Poses Handout 1.docx Created Date:...


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    WELLBEING: Topic 2: Power Poses


       • Power  Poses  are  one  of  the  quickest  ways  you  can  change  your  mental  and  emotional  state.    • Managing  your  mental  and  emotional  states  is  one  of  the  most  important  skills  you  can  learn.  • There  are  confusing  ideas  about  how  to  manage  your  own  “state”  and  that  leads  to  frustration  

    and  doubts  about  yourself.  • Knowing  how  to  quickly  regulate  your  own  state  will  help  you  feel  better  about  yourself.  







    Why are Power Poses one of the most important skills you can learn?  


    Check In: What do you do to move from a negative to more positive state?


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      To  create  a  breakthrough  you  need  to  examine  three  things:  

    1. Your  Story:  Is  the  story  are  you  telling  yourself  about  the  problem.  2. Your  State:  Refers  to  the  mental  and  emotional  state  you  experience  with  this  problem.  3. Your  Strategy:  What  strategy/s  are  you  using  with  this  problem?  


    Now  identify  ONE:  

    • Strategy  • Story  • State  

    That  will  help  you  achieve  it.  



    1. Change  the  questions  you  ask  yourself.  2. Change  how  you  focus  on  something.  3. Change  your  body  language  (pose).  


       Describe  body  Language  

    Something  sad  or  negative   Something  happy  or  positive  




    Tone  of  voice    







    How to create breakthroughs?  

    Check In: What’s one breakthrough or change you want to make in your life?

    Three ways to change your state.  

    Check In: Describe the body language a friend when they are telling you:


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       Cortisol  is  a                  






       § Each  morning,  wake  up  and  stand  in  a  high  power  pose  for  two  minutes.      

    § While  doing  that,  close  your  eyes,  breathe  in  deeply  for  a  count  of  3,  hold  for  1,  and  then  breathe  out  fully  for  a  count  of  5.    

     § In  this  way,  you  can  combine  breathing  exercises,  meditation,  and  power  poses  for  a  relaxing  

    and  confidence–boosting  start  to  the  day.    

    Check In: Describe the body language a friend when they are telling you:

    Action for you to take right NOW: