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 THE WELDING INSTITUTE We lding Inspection, Steels WIS 5 60 Multi – Coice !uestion "#pe$ % MS& – WI – '( N#)e * STE+EN GE&&&D ns-e$ #ll .uestions 1. Whic h of the followin g but t- we ld pr epar at io ns is usua ll y the most suscep ti bl e to la ck of  sidewall fusion during the manual Metal arc process ? a. A dou bl e- U butt  b. A sing le-V butt c. A dou bl e- V butt d. t is no t normally a d efect asso ciated with th e MMA weldi ng pro cess !. What is the leg length of a fil a. "he di stance fr om t he t oe t o fa ce  b. "he distance from the root to face center c. "he dis tan ce fr om the roo t to the toe d. "he di stance fr om toe to toe #. What is th e t hr oa t t hi ckness of a f il let weld $ e%ual le g l en gths & a. "he di stance fr om t he t oe t o fa ce  b. "he distance from the root to face center c. "he dis tan ce fr om the roo t to the toe d. "he di stance fr om toe to toe '. (ap )oints contain * a. +illet weld s  b. ,orner )oints c. utt-welds d. i ng le -be/ el butts 0. A du ty no t nor ma ll y und ertake n by a wel di ng in specto r is to * a. ,heck the con dit ion of the par ent mater ial  b. ,heck the condition of the consumables c. Measure residua l stress d. ,he ck cal ibr ati on cert ifi cates W 0 u paper M2 - W 3 1 4age 1 of 5. Muhammad 2a6ali 7arnen

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Welding Inspection, Steels – WIS 5 60

Multi – Coice !uestion "#pe$ % MS& – WI – '(

N#)e * STE+EN GE&&&D

ns-e$ #ll .uestions

1. Which of the following butt-weld preparations is usually the most susceptible to lack of 

sidewall fusion during the manual Metal arc process ?

a. A double-U butt

 b. A single-V butt

c. A double-V butt

d. t is not normally a defect associated with the MMA welding process

!. What is the leg length of a fil

a. "he distance from the toe to face

 b. "he distance from the root to face center 

c. "he distance from the root to the toe

d. "he distance from toe to toe

#. What is the throat thickness of a fillet weld $ e%ual leg lengths &

a. "he distance from the toe to face b. "he distance from the root to face center 

c. "he distance from the root to the toe

d. "he distance from toe to toe

'. (ap )oints contain *

a. +illet welds

 b. ,orner )oints

c. utt-welds

d. ingle-be/el butts

0. A duty not normally undertaken by a welding inspector is to *

a. ,heck the condition of the parent material

 b. ,heck the condition of the consumables

c. Measure residual stress

d. ,heck calibration certificates

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8. Under most conditions9 which of the following welding positions will deposit the most weld


a. Vertical down

 b. :/erhead

c. 5ori6ontal-/ertical

d. +lat $ down hand &

;. What meant by the term crater pipe *

a. Another term for conca/e root

 b. Another term gi/en for a burn through

c. A type of gas pore9 found in the weld crater 

d. A shrinkage defect9 found in the weld crater 

<. What is meant by the term weld )unction ?

a. "he area containing the 5A= and the weld metal

 b. "he weld metal and parent metal

c. "he boundary between the fusion 6one and the 5A=

d. "he part of the weld9 which has undergone metallurgical changes due to the heat from


>. the strength of a fillet weld is primary controlled by *

a. (eg length b. "hroat thickness

c. Weld thickness

d. All of the abo/e

1. A crater crack may also be termed *

a. ,old crack 

 b. "earing

c. +atigue crack 

d. tar crack 

11. Which of the following welding processes @ techni%ue is likely to be used for the repair 

welding of localised porosity in a butt weld ?

a. MMA9 4 position

 b. Mechanised MA

c. ubmerged arc

d. All of the abo/e

e. Bone of the abo/e

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1!. Which of the following welds would be considered in a situation where two plates are to be

 )oined that o/erlap $ assume no eCternal assess &

a. A fillet weld

 b. A single-be/el butt weld

c. A plug weld

d. A single-U butt weld

1#. n the MMA welding process9 which of the following is most likely to be caused by a welder 

with a poor techni%ue

a. Deep weld craters @ crater cracks

 b. ,opper inclusions

c. 5ydrogen cracks

d. All of the abo/e

1'. 2oot conca/ity is caused by *

a. ECcessi/e back purge pressure and entrapped gas

 b. ECcessi/e back purge pressure and /ery high heat inputs

c. ECcessi/e root grinding and a slow tra/el speed

d. ECcessi/e root grinding and eCcessi/e back purge pressure

10. When inspecting a critical component9 the toes of a weld must be *

a. Always ground flush

 b. Must always o/erlap at least 1.0 mm onto the parent material

c. Must always be inspected using a crack detection method $ M49 D4 &

d. Bone of the abo/e can be selected 3 specification re%uirements unknown

18. When carrying out /isual inspection9 the specification makes no mention of the re%uirements

for /isual inspection9 in this situation what should you do ?

a. ,arry out normal /isual inspection

 b. eek ad/ice from higher authority

c. ,arry out no /isual inspectiond. 2e-write the re%uirements of the specification

1;. Under most circumstances9 which of the following do you consider to be duties of a welding


a. "he super/ision of welders

 b. 4rocedure writing

c. ualifying welders

d. All of the abo/e

1<. Which of the following is most likely to cause a burn throughW 0 u paper M2 - W 3 1 4age # of

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a. 2oot gap too small

 b. "ra/el speed too fast

c. 2oot face too small

d. all of the abo/e

1>. n an arc welding process9 which of the following is the correct term used for the amount of 

weld metal deposited per minutes ?

a. +illing rate

 b. Deposition rate

c. Weld deposition

d. Weld duty cycle

!. What is the term gi/en for the area of a welded )oint )ust outside the weld metal that has

undergone microstructural changes ?

a. 5eat affected 6one

 b. "he weld 6one

c. +usion 6one

d. All of the abo/e terms may be used

!1. When carrying out /isual inspection9 which defect $s& is likely to be missed ?

a. (inear misalignment

 b. ,ap undercutc. 4orosity

d. (ack of fusion $ inter run &

!!. ,old lapping is another term for *

a. (ack of fusion at the toe of a weld

 b. (ack of fusion between weld metal and weld metal

c. Undercut at the toe of a weld

d. oth a and b

!#. ncomplete root penetration is most likely due to *

a. Welding speed too slow

 b. Welding current too high

c. 2oot gap too small

d. Electrode diameter too small

!'. ,rater cracks are caused mainly by *

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a. ECcessi/ely fast welding speeds

 b. mproper electrode angle

c. 5ot shrinkage

d. mproper )oint design

!0. :n a single-V butt weld9 the distance through the center of the weld from root to face is

called *

a. 2einforcement

 b. 4enetration

c. "hroat thickness

d. Bone of the abo/e

!8. "he throat thickness of a F inch fillet weld is ?

a. !;.0 mm

 b. !' mm

c. 1#.0 mm

d. 1!.0 mm

!;. "he need for pre-heat for steel will increase if *

a. "he material thickness reduces

 b. +aster welding speeds

c. "he use of a larger welding electrode

d. All of the abo/e

!<. Which of the following butt weld preparations is most likely to be considered for welding the

welding of welding of a 8 mm thick plate ?

a. Double-V butt

 b. Asymmetrical double-V butt

c. ingle-U butt

d. ingle-V butt

!>. A welding inspectors main attributes include *

a. 7nowledge

 b. 5onesty and integrity

c. ood communicator 

d. All of the abo/e

#. A code of practice for /isual inspection should co/er *

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a. efore9 during and after welding

 b. efore welding acti/ities only

c. After welding acti/ities only

d. Bone of the abo/e

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N#)e *

ns-e$ #ll .uestions

1. Defects outside the permissible limits of the applicable specification should be *a. "he decision is up to the welding inspector 

 b. 2epaired

c. Always double checked using BD"

d. All of the abo/e

!. +luC cored wires may be ad/antages o/er solid wires because *

a. 5igher deposition

 b. (ower hydrogen contents in the deposited welds

c. Easy addition of alloying elements

d. oth a and ce. All of the abo/e

#. Mo/ement of the arc by magnetic forces in an arc welding process is termed *

a. Arc de/iation

 b. Arc misalignment

c. Arc blow

d. tray arc

'. A crack type most associated with the submerged arc welding process is *

a. 5ydrogen cracking in the 5A= b. olidification cracking

c. (amellar tearing

d. +atigue cracking

0. Which of the following processes )oins metals plastically

a. +riction welding

 b. 2esistance welding

c. Arc welding

d. 4lasma welding

e. All of the abo/e

8. What type of power source characteristic is re%uired for a manual process ?

a. ,onstant /oltage

 b. +lat characteristic

c. Drooping characteristic

d. Bone of the abo/e

;. Which of the following electrodes and current types may be used for the " welding of 

nickel and its alloys ?

a. ,erium electrode9 D, 3/e

 b. =irconium electrode9 A,

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c. "horium electrode9 D, G/e

d. All of the abo/e may be used

<. What are the possible results of ha/ing a heat input to low ?a. An increase in hardness9 lower yield strength and lack of fusion

 b. A reduction in toughness9 hydrogen entrapment and an increase in hardness

c. Entrapped hydrogen9 an increase in hardness and lack of fusion

d. Entrapped hydrogen9 a reduction in carbon content and lack of fusion

>. "he main reason for using a back purge when welding 1<-< stainless steel with the "

welding process is to *

a. mpro/e positional welding

 b. 4re/ent the possibility of porosity

c. 4re/ent eCcessi/e root penetrationd. 4re/ent the formation of a dense oCide layer forming in the root

1. "he possible effects of ha/ing a tra/el speed too fast *

a. (ow toughness9 slag inclusions and cap undercut

 b. 5igh hardness9 slag inclusions and a narrow thin weld bead

c. 5igh hardness9 eCcessi/e deposition and cold laps

d. (ow toughness9 poor fusion and slag inclusions

11. f arc blow eCists when welding with the MMA welding process9 this can be best reduced or 

eliminated by *a. A change from A, to D, current

 b. A change from D, to A, current

c. A change from D, G/e to D, 3/e

d. A change from D, 3/e to D, G/e

1!. When welding a double-V butt weld with the submerged arc welding process the presence of 

center line porosity may be due to *

a. Damp fluC

 b. ,ontamination on the weld preparations

c. ncorrect fluC depthd. All of the abo/e

1#. "he inclusion of an inductance in the welding circuit when using M @ MA welding

 process is to *

a. ,ontrol the rate of spatter in the dip transfer mode

 b. t enable the welder to weld in position with the spray transfer modec. t allows for thicker filler wires to be used $ !.8-#.8mm diameter &

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d. t allows full control o/er droplet si6e in the spray transfer mode

1'. An undesirable property of aluminium oCide residue9 when welding is that it *

a. Decrease weld pool fluidity b. 2e%uires more heat to melt it when compared to aluminium

c. ,auses the welder to tra/el to %uickly

d. "he presence of the oCide makes aluminium impossible to weld

10. When welding with the M welding process using pure argon as the shielding gas on carbon

steel9 which of the following problems are likely to occur ?

a. ,opper inclusions and eCcessi/e cap heights

 b. ECcessi/e root penetration and porosity

c. lag inclusions and crater pipe

d. (ack of fusion and poor cap profiles

18. When considering the tungsten arc welding process what is the purpose of the down-slope

$slope-out& control ?

a. Ensure good penetration

 b. "o pre/ent arc striking on the parent material

c. "o help pre/ent the formation of crater pipe and possible cracking

d. "o help pre/ent tungsten inclusions during welding

1;. When considering thermal cutting local hardening can be reduced by *

a. ncreasing the cutting speed b. "he use of propane as a fuel gas

c. 4re heating the material to be cut

d. All of the abo/e

1<. n a semi-automatic welding process9 which of the following shielding gas @ gas miCtures

would normally gi/e the deepest penetration on steel ?

a. 1H argon

 b. 1H ,:!

c. ;0H argon G !0H ,:!

d. All of the abo/e would gi/e the same depthin penetration

1>. n a MMA welding process9 which of the following statements are false ?

a. An arc gap9 which remains almost constant e/en if as usual the welder /aries the position

of the electrode

 b. A /oltage which remains almost constant e/en if as usual the welder9 /aries the arc gapc. A current9 which remains almost constant e/en if as usual the welder9 /aries the arc gap

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d. a and b

e. All of the abo/e

!. When considering the M @ MA welding process which of the following metal transfer modes would be the best suited to the welding of thick plates o/er !0 mm9 flat welding


a. Dip transfer

 b. 4ulse transfer 

c. pray transfer 

d. lobular transfer 

!1. Which of the following current types would you eCpect to be used for the welding of 

aluminium with the " welding process ?

a. D, 3/e

 b. D, G/ec. A,

d. All of the abo/e

!!. Which of the following statements is false ?

a. n the MMA welding process electrode D, G produces a deep narrow weld pool9 which is

fast free6ing

 b. D, electrode positi/e is used for the MA welding of steel plate

c. n the MA welding process the wire feed speed remains constant during the welding


d. All of the abo/e

!#. When considering hydrogen9 which of the following welding process would produce the

lowest le/els in the completed weld $ under controlled conditions &

a. MMA

 b. AW

c. "

d. +,AW

!'. 4re heat prior to the welding of a carbon steel butt weld *

a. Must always be carried out b. s always carried out using a gas flame

c. Beed not be carried out if post weld heat treatment is to follow

d. Bone of the abo/e

!0. n steel the element with the greatest effect on hardness is *

a. ,hromium

 b. Manganese

c. ,arbon

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d. Bickel

!8. +or a gi/en /oltage and current setting on a MMA welding plant9 when the arc length is

shortened9 which of the following will be most affecteda. "he current will increase

 b. "he current will decrease

c. "he /oltage will decrease

d. "he /oltage will increase

!;. Which of the following best describes a semi-automatic welding process ?

a. "he welder is responsible for the maintaining the arc gap and tra/el speed

 b. "he welder is responsible for tra/el speed onlyI arc gap is kept constant by the welding


c. oth tra/el speed and arc gap is controlled by the welding plantd. All of the abo/e

!<. What is purpose of a rectifier in a welding sets electrical circuit ?

a. "o keep the arc stable when using low current settings

 b. "o con/ert A, current to D, current

c. "o con/ert D, current to A, current

d. "o initiate the arc at start up

!>. When calibrating a mechani6ed MA welding plant9 which of the following applies $ W+ J

Wire +ide peed & ?a. ,heck 3 W+9 current9 /olts and wire diameter 

 b. ,heck 3 W+9 )oint set-up9 gas flow rate and W+

c. ,heck 3 as flow rate9 stick out length9 W+ and current

d. All of the abo/e

#. "he main usage of the arc air process is *

a. "he cutting of a weld preparation

 b. "he remo/al of defecti/e welds

c. +or the cutting of no-ferrous materials only

d. +or the cutting of ferrous materials only

Welding Inspection, Steels – WIS 5

Multi – Coice !uestion "#pe$ % MS& – WI – 1 (

N#)e * H2 Mu#))#d &#3#li 4#$nen

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ns-e$ #ll .uestions1. "he likelihood of a brittle fracture in steels will increase with *

a. "he formation of a fine grain structure

 b. A reduction in-ser/ice temperature to sub-6ero conditionsc. A slow cooling rate

d. All of the abo/e

!. 5ydrogen cracking in 5A= is most likely to occur when welding *

a. ,arbon manganese steels

 b. Austenitic stainless steel

c. Micro alloyed steel $ 5(A &

d. (ow carbon steel

#. 4reheating for arc welding applies to *a. Assembly and tack welding only

 b. Koint o/er !0 mm thick only

c. Assembly welding only

d. When using the MMA welding process only

e. oth a and b

'. Which of the following destructi/e tests would indicate the toughness /alue of the weld

metal@parent metal and 5A= ?

a. Macro

 b. Bick break c. "ensile

d. ,harpy Vee notch

0. What constituent is needed in a coating of an electrode to pre/ent the formation of porosity

when welding rimming steel ?

a. ron powder 

 b. 4otassium silicate

c. ilicon

d. ,alcium carbonate

8. Welds made with high heat inputs show a reduction in one of following properties ?

a. Ductility

 b. "oughness

c. Elongation

d. 4enetration

;. Which of the following steel types would gi/e ride to the formation of porosity when

autogenously welded with an arc welding process

a. +ully killed steel

 b. emi killed steel

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c. 2imming steel

d. alanced steel

<. Which of the following elements9 which may be added t steel9 has the greatest affect on creepstrength

a. "ungsten

 b. Manganese

c. ,arbon

d. Molybdenum

>. "he 5A= associated with a fusion weld

a. ,an not be a/oided

 b. Usually has the highest tensile strength

c. s usually martensiticd. oth a and b

e. All of the abo/e

1. What four criteria are necessary to produce hydrogen induced cold cracking ?

a. 5ydrogen9 moisture9 martensitic grain structure and heat

 b. 5ydrogen9 poor weld profiles9 temperatures abo/e !°, and a slow cooling rate

c. 5ydrogen9 a grain structure susceptible to cracking9 stress and a temperature below !°,

d. 5ydrogen9 eCisting weld defects9 stress and a grain structure susceptible to cracking

11. A carbon e%ui/alent $ CE ) of .0H *a. s high for carbon manganese steel and may re%uire a preheat o/er 1°,

 b. s generally significant for carbon for manganese steels and is certainly not to be taken

into consideration for preheat temperatures

c. s high for carbon manganese steels and may re%uire a preheat temperature o/er #°, as

to a/oid cracking

d. s calculated from the heat input formula

1!. n a martensitic grain structure what would you eCpect to increase ?

a. Ductility

 b. 5ardnessc. "oughness

d. All of the abo/e

1#. What do you understand by the term minimum interpass temperature ?

a. Minimum post weld heat treatment applied to a weld

 b. Minimum stress relief temperature

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c. "he lowest temperature to be used during preheat

d. "he lowest temperature allowed during welding and between weld passes

1'. Which of the following heat treatments on steel cools down in air from the austenite region ?a. Bormalising

 b. Annealing

c. "empering

d. tress relie/ing

10. What is the purpose of microscopic eCamination of a weld ?

a. "o determine the number and type of defects present

 b. "o determine the grain si6e

c. "o determine the strength of the weld

d. oth a and be. All of the abo/e

18. Which of the following units could a tensile specimen be measured in ?

a. 4ounds per s%uare inch

 b. Bewton per s%uare inches

c. Koules

d. oth a and b

1;. Assuming that the welding process9 material thickness9 carbon e%ui/alent and the welding

 parameters to be the same9 which of the following )oint types would normally re%uire thehighest preheat temperature

a. Edge )oint

 b. (ap )oint

c. utt )oint $ single-V &

d. "ee )oint $ fillet welded &

1<. Austenitic stainless steels are more susceptible to distortion when compared to ferritic steels

this is because *

a. 5igh coefficient9 low thermal conducti/ity

 b. 5igh coefficient9 high thermal conducti/ityc. (ow coefficient9 high thermal conducti/ity

d. (ow coefficient9 low thermal conducti/ity

1>. Which of the following will most likely re%uire the preheat temperature to be increased ?

a. An increase in tra/el speed

 b. A reduction in material thickness

c. An increase in electrode diameter 

d. Bone of the abo/e

!. Which of the following properties may be applicable to a carbon steel weld $ CE .'< &

welded without preheat ?

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a. Barrow heat affected 6one and hardness /alue in eCcess of ' 5V

 b. road heat affected 6one and hardness /alues in eCcess of ' 5V

c. A /ery tough and narrow heat affected 6one

d. Barrow heat affected 6one and low hardness /alues

!1. Which of the following materials is considered to be the easiest to weld ?

a. Mild steel

 b. Medium carbon steels

c. Martensitic stainless steel

d. +orging steel

!!. Which of the following BD" methods would be best suited for the detection of surface

 breaking defects on an austenitic stainless steel pipe

a. M4 b. U"

c. D4

d. All of the abo/e can be used

!#. Which of the following butt weld preparations would be considered for a mechanised

welding process

a. ingle-V butt9 root gap !.0 mm $ welded from on side only &

 b. Double-V butt-welded both sides9 root gap !. mm

c. ingle-U butt with backing

d. Bone of the abo/e can be used for mechani6ed welding

!'. Which is the correct heat input for the following parameters9 amps #09 /olts #! and the

tra/el speed #1 mm @ minute $ MMA welding process &

a. !.18 kK@mm

 b. .#8 kK@mm

c. !18 kK@mm

d. #.8 kK@mm

!0. Assuming thet the applicable specification makes no mention of arc strikes9 what would you

eCpect to do as a welding inspector if arc strikes were found on a component made of a hightensile strength material

a. 5a/e the welder re-%ualified

 b. gnore them

c. 5a/e the area checked for possible cracking

d. ,ut out the entire weld where the arc strikes eCist

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!8. A multi-pass MMA butt weld made on carbon steel consists of 0 passes deposited using a

8mm diameter electrode. A 1!-pass weld made on the same )oint deposited using a 'mm

diameter electrode on the same material will ha/e *

a. A lower heat input and a higher degree of grain refinement b. A lower heat input and a coarse grain structure

c. A lower amount of distortion and a higher degree of grain refinement

d. A higher amount of distortion and a lower degree of grain refinement

!;. What is the purpose of a tensile test ?

a. "o measure ultimate tensile strength

 b. "o measure the elongation of a material

c. "o measure the yield strength of a material

d. All of the abo/e

!<. Which of the following mechanical tests can be used to gi/e a %uantitati/e measurement of 

weld 6one ductility ?

a. "ensile test

 b. end test

c. ,harpy V notch test

d. All of the abo/e

!>. Which of the following are reasons for applying preheat ?

a. "he remo/al of residual stress

 b. "o aid slow cooling and reduce the carbon contentc. "o reduce the chance of a brittle grain structure and to reduce the chance of hydrogen


d. ncrease the ultimate tensile strength /alues and increase o/erall weldability

#. Which of the following are true with regards to a charpy test

a. tLs a static test used to determine a materials notch toughness in the weld region

 b. tLs dynamic test used to determine a materials notch toughness in the weld region

c. tLs a destructi/e test to gi/e a measurement of through thickness ductility

d. Bone of the abo/e

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Welding Inspection, Steels – WIS 5

Multi – Coice !uestion "#pe$ % MS& – WI – (

N#)e * ns-e$ #ll .uestions

1. Degreasing components are essential for %uality welding but when welded some agent may *

a. ,ause corrosion problems

 b. (ea/e residues

c. i/e off toCic abo/e

d. All of the abo/e

!. ,ellulose electrodes are often used for the deposition of a root pass on pipes welded in the

field. "his is because ?

a. 5ydrogen control is re%uired b. "he high deposition rate due to the iron powder content

c. "he hydrogen gas produced in the fluC increases the arc /oltage

d. All of the abo/e

#. n the welding of austenitic stainless steels9 the electrode and plate materials are often

specified to be low carbon content. "he reason for this *

a. "o pre/ent the formation of cracks in the 5A=

 b. "o pre/ent the formation of chromium carbides

c. "o pre/ent cracking in the weld

d. Minimise distortion

'. With regards to a welding procedure9 an essential /ariable may *

a. ,hange the properties of the weld

 b. nfluence the /isual acceptance

c. 2e%uire re-appro/al of a weld procedure

d. All of the abo/e

0. Which of the following BD" methods can only detect surface breaking defects ?

a. M4

 b. D4

c. U"

d. 2"

e. oth a and b

8. Which of the following defects would show up as light indications on a radiograph ?

a. lag inclusions and copper inclusion

 b. "ungsten inclusions and eCcessi/e root penetration

c. ,ap undercut and root piping

d. ECcessi/e cap height and incomplete root penetration

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;. Which of the following may be added to an electrodes fluC to act as a stabili6er ?

a. odium silicate b. ilicon

c. Manganese

d. "itanium dioCide

<. (amellar tearing is best pre/ented by *

a. "he use of plate materials containing low le/els of impurities

 b. "he use of buttering runs

c. 4ost weld stress relief

d. oth a and b

e. All of the abo/e

>. When considering radiography using -ray9 which of the following techni%ues is most likely

to be used for a pipe to pipe weld $ circumferential seam &9 81mm diameter with no internal

access ?

a. W

 b. DW

c. DWD

d. W-panoramic

1. A balanced welding techni%ue for eCample back step welding is most often used for *a. ,ontrolling lamellar tearing

 b. ncreasing weld toughness

c. 2educing weld 6one hardness

d. 2educing distortion

11. asic coated electrodes ha/e which of the following properties

a. 5igh mechanical properties may be used to produce welds of high deposition rates and to

 produce welds of low hydrogen content

 b. +riable slag9 high mechanical strength9 and to produce welds of a low hydrogen content

c. (ow hydrogen content welds9 good stop @ start properties and high strengthd. (ow carbon content welds9 friable slag and high strength

1!. :n a radiograph9 the most likely appearance of lack of root fusion on a single-V butt weld is *

a. A dark straight line with a light root

 b. A dark root with straight edges

c. A dark une/en line following the edge of the root

d. Bone of the abo/e lack of root fusion can not be seen on a radiograph

1#. Which of the following applies to the heat treatment process of tempering

a. t is always carried out at a temperature abo/e upper critical limit

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 b. t is carried out to increase the strength and toughness of weldments

c. "empering is generally carried out before %uench hardening

d. Bone of the abo/e

1'. Which of the following is applicable to a plate laminationa. "hey are best detected by radiography

 b. "hey are mainly caused by hydrogen entrapment

c. "hey originate in the parent material

d. "hey are caused

10. Which of the following BD" methods would be latest effecti/e on an austenitic stainless steel

 butt weld

a. U"

 b. 2"

c. D4d. M4

18. "he hardest part of multi-pass welded )oint9 assuming no post weld heat treatment has ha/e

taken place is *

a. "he 5A= of the cap

 b. 5e 5A= of the root

c. "he root

d. "he cap

1;. s it permissible to allow a multi-pass butt weld to cool down between weld passes ?a. t should be up to the welding inspector

 b. Bo the weld must be kept hot at all times

c. t depends on the welder

d. t depends on the specification re%uirements

1<. A tee )oint on a support bracket is to be welded both sides using a 0 mm leg length fillet weld9

each weld is to be intermittent 0 mm in total length9 the gap between each weld is to be !0

mm. Which of the following is the correct symbol in accordance with : !00# ?

a. .

 b. .

c. .

d. .

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1>. "he usual method of assessing the sensiti/ity and density of a radiograph is by means of *

a. Densitometer and dosimeter 

 b. 4enetrameter and a densitometer 

c. and a dosimeter 

d. and a fluCmeter 

!. n the submerged arc welding process9 the use of eCcessi/e high /oltages would result in ?

a. nsufficient fluC melting

 b. ECcessi/e fluC melting

c. lag remo/al difficultiesd. ECcessi/e spatter 

!1. Welding a steel plate with a CE  of .'0 would re%uire preheating to ?

a. 4re/ent the formation of sulphides

 b. 4re/ent hardening in the 5A=

c. 4re/ent the formation of carbides

d. "o reduce the amount of current re%uired

!!. Which of the following welding process uses a resisti/e heating system to achie/e weld metal

deposition ?a. MMA

 b. 2esistant spot welding

c. Electro-slag

d. +riction welding

!#. What does the ; represent on an E; 1 AW A0.1 classified electrode ?

a. ; B@mm! minimum U"

 b. ; )oules minimum impact strength

c. ;9 p.s.i Minimum yield strength

d. ;9 psi minimum U"

!'. 5ot cracking in steel weldments occurs *

a. Along the fusion line

 b. n the last metal to solidify

c. Weld center line

d. n areas of the lowest dilution

!0. ,ellulose electrodes ha/e which of the following properties ?

a. Viscous slag9 large /olumes of shielding gas and U" /alues abo/e >9 psi

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 b. (arge /olumes of shielding gas9 high spatter contents and hydrogen le/els N 10 ml per 

1g of weld metal deposited

c. (arge /olumes of shielding gas9 hydrogen contents O 10 ml per 1g of weld metal

deposited and should be ne/er bakedd. 5igh spatter contents9 high deposition and large /olumes of gas shield

!8. +rom the following electrode coding in EB '>>9 E50 1 'Ni '0 0 ' H5 9 what does the

1 represent

a. A minimum charpy /alue of a # )oules

 b. A minimum impact /alue of '; Koules

c. A minimum impact temperature of -#°, at a gi/en Koule /alue

d. Bone of the abo/e

!;. Which of the following is applicable to electrode efficiency ?a. "he mass of metal deposited as a percentage of the mass of core wire melted

 b. ron powder electrodes ha/e efficiencies abo/e 1H

c. Electrodes of high efficiencies tend to produce welds of a smooth flat profile

d. oth a and b

e. All of the abo/e

!<. A +atigue cracks fracture surface is *

a. 2ough randomly tom

 b. mooth

c. tep like appearanced. right crystalline

!>. E81# electrode would most probably used for welding *

a. (ow pressure pipework 

 b. 5igh-pressure pipework 

c. Vertical down welding on storage tanks

d. n a situation where low hydrogen welds are specified

#. Which element in steel if present in significant amounts may lead to hot shortness ?

a. 4hosphorus b. Manganese

c. ilicon

d. ulphur 


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Welding Inspection, Steels – WIS 5

ssess)ent !uestion "#pe$ % MS& – WI – ' 05 (

N#)e *

ns-e$ #ll .uestions1. What is the Arc energy of the following welding process welding process parameters ?

Amps 1'9 Volts !19 "ra/el speed !0 mm @ min

a. .; 7K@mm b. .8 7K@mm

c. .1 7K@mm

d. .; K@mm

!. What is the effect of tempering after %uenching

a. "oughness and strength are increased

 b. "oughness and strength are reduced

c. "oughness reduced and strength increased

d. "oughness increased and strength reduced

e. "oughness increased and hardness increased

#. What is the ratio between the leg length and the design throat thickness on a mitre fillet weld

with e%ual leg length

a. 1 to 1

 b. ! to 1

c. 1.'1' to 1

d. All of the abo/e it depends upon the leg length si6e

<. An MMA electrode classified as E;1< is *

a. A basic low hydrogen electrode containing iron powder 

 b. A rutile electrode containing iron powder 

c. A cellulose electrode suitable for welding in all positions

d. A basic electrode depositing weld metal with yield strength of a least ;9 psi

e. oth a and d

>. "he number 1#0 is placed at the end of the reference line on a weld symbol

According : !00# what does this number indicate ?

a. "he welding process is stated as MMA

 b. "he welding process is stated as "

c. "he welding process is stated as AW

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d. BD" is to be carried out after welding

e. Bone of the abo/e

1. Which of the following is the most likely to be considered an essential /ariable

for a welder %ualification test

a. ,hange from an electrode classified to EB '>> as an E'8 # B to an electrode

classified to AW A0.1 as an E;1<

 b. A change of pipe wall thickness by at least 10 mm

c. A change in pre-heat temperature from 0°, to 1°,

d. A change from 4, welding position to 4A welding positione. All of the abo/e

11. What would be a typical appearance of a ductile fracture surface ?

a. 2ough randomly torn and a reduction in area

 b. mooth fracture surface displaying beach marks

c. tep like appearance

d. right crystalline fracture with /ery little reduction in area

e. oth a and b

18. Which of the following is most likely to increase the chance of solidification cracking ?a. 2eduction in sulphur content of the parent material

 b. ncreased restraint on the )oint during welding

c. ncrease in weld hydrogen content from 10 ml@1 g to !0 ml@1 g

d. 4oor through thickness ductility in the materials being welded

e. oth a and b

1;. What is the effect of full annealing compared to normali6ing ?

a. A reduction in grain si6e

 b. An increase in grain si6e

c. An increase in toughnessd. "he grain si6e will not be affected

e. Bone of the abo/e

1<. Which of the following elements may cause cold shortness

a. ulphur 

 b. 4hosphorous

c. Manganese

d. ilicon

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1>. When considering the ad/antages of site radiography o/er ultrasonic inspection which of the

following applies

a. A permanent record produced good for detecting lack of sidewall fusion in a single U butt

weld and defect identification

 b. A permanent record produced9 good for the detection of all surface and sub-surface defect

and assessing the through thickness depths of defects

c. 4ermanent record produced9 good for defect identification and not as reliant upon surface preparation

d. Bo controlled areas re%uired on site9 a permanent record produced and good for assessing

 pipe wall thickness reductions due to internal corrosion

e. oth a and c

!'. A tee )oint on a support bracket is to be welded both sides using a 0 mm leg length fillet

welds9 each weld is to be intermittent 0 mm in length9 and the gap between each weld is to

 be !0 mm. n accordance with EB !!00# which of the following symbols gi/e the correct

representation ?

a. . b. .

c. .

d. .

!0. Austenitic stainless steel can be identified by *

a. Very shiny appearance

 b. (ack of magnetic attraction

c. ts eCtreme hardness

d. Bone of the abo/e

!8. Ultrasonic testing is preferable to radiographic testing due to *

a. ts ability to detect all defect

 b. (ower amount of operator skill re%uired

c. ts ability to detect laminations

d. ts ability to detect both sub-surface and surface defects in Austenitic stainless steel

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