Welcome to Year 6 Class 6W. Welcome Miss Wynne Mrs Volner Jaguars.

Welcome to Year 6 Class 6W

Transcript of Welcome to Year 6 Class 6W. Welcome Miss Wynne Mrs Volner Jaguars.

Welcome to Year 6Class 6W

Welcome Miss Wynne Mrs Volner Jaguars

Objectives Home learning PE kits indoor and outdoor Pencil Case – right equipment at the right time Teachers at Morrison’s gate each afternoon Reading book from home or library On Trust

CurriculumOur curriculum is based on the National

Curriculum It is about creative teaching making links

in learningWe plan for children to deepen their

understanding and master the curriculum relevant to their year group

Long Term Plan

Current Theme and Books used

Blue Abyss Guided Reading – Titanic based novel


Each week children will learn a spelling pattern

No spelling logs No list to learn/be tested on Separate to this there are ‘Key Words’

the children have to know by the end of the year. These are practised alongside our weekly spelling patterns and will be given to your child to take home.


Handwriting and presentation is a school focus this year.

We would encourage you to work with your child on cursive handwriting and presentation in their home learning.

All children now write in blue pen. Joined cursive style handwriting will be a

regular feature of our weekly learning as will ‘Mindful Colouring’ to support the improvement of handwriting and fine motor skills.

ReadingWe expect your child to read regularly during the week and at least once out loud to an adult.

Please ask questions and discuss the text your child is reading to help them with comprehension skills.


6W will visit the library once a week on Wednesday afternoons.

Home Learning Given out on Friday and due in following

Wednesday Check the school website Reading –please continue to read with

your children . Keep revising your time tables.

PE Kit needs to fit! Please check plimsolls/trainers.Winter kit – navy blue tracksuit bottomsKit needs naming!Kit needs to be IN SCHOOL!Hair tied back! No jewellery.Draw string PE bags are preferred as we are

short of space on pegs and for H&S.PE days are Wednesday and Friday.

Uniform and Bags• Pale blue polo shirt• Grey trousers or skirts• Navy sweatshirt• Black shoes• No jewellery other than watches

and stud earrings• Make sure bags are not too big

or heavy to carry!

Targeted Support Class groupings Children with specific needs may be put

into an intervention group for a short time.

Children with a diagnosis receive SEN support. (See the school website under ‘learning’)

Reward Systems Class marbles Collect good choices – Bronze, Silver, Gold

Parent Helpers Reading Trips and workshops

Communication 3:30pm on the field playground near Morrison's

gate. A note in the home learning book. Email via admin

Parent Rep for class

On TrustIn year 6, children are given more responsibility. We recognise this by allowing children to take on jobs and responsibilities around the school.

For one of our home learning tasks, children will be asked to write an application for an ‘On Trust’ job.

Thank you!