Welcome to the Virtual MICAH Prayer Path. Watch and See Listen Notice God.


Transcript of Welcome to the Virtual MICAH Prayer Path. Watch and See Listen Notice God.

Welcome to the Virtual MICAH Prayer Path.

Watch and See


Notice God

The following pictures have been taken along the

prayer path. Some are of the path itself and some are views from the path. Sometimes we look forward

and sometimes we glance back.

Always our intention is to

find God.

Also along the way you will find several

‘stations’ that offer you

questions and scripture

passages for your reflection.

Use these as you feel called.

Enjoy your walk!

Listen to me; be silent, and I will speak.

Listen to me; be silent, and I will

Teach you wisdom.”- Job 33: 31, 33

Speak… for your servant is listening.

1 Samuel 3:10

What brings you


Christ has set us free to live a free life.Galatians 5:1

What desires has God placedin yourheart?

I’m going to give this city a thorough

renovation, working a true healing inside

and out. I’m going to show them life whole,

life brimming with blessings. I, God say

so.Jeremiah 33

What is real in

your life?

Jesus said, “You can tell what the

weather will be like by looking at the

sky. But you don’t understand what is happening now.”

Matthew 16

Listen, Look Carefully,What do

you Notice?

Praise the LORD from the earth… you

mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals,

and all creatures… Let them praise the name

of the Lord.Psalm 148

What are you

grateful for?

Summing it all up friends, I’d say you’d do best by filling your

minds and meditating on things

true, noble, authentic, and

gracious.Philippians 4

Peace be with you