Welcome to the South Online Library Using EasyBib - to take notes from sources and create an outline...

South Online Library Using EasyBib - to take notes from sources and create an outline Julie Vignoul, Teacher-Librarian

Transcript of Welcome to the South Online Library Using EasyBib - to take notes from sources and create an outline...

Welcome to the South Online Library

Using EasyBib- to take notes from sources

and create an outline

Julie Vignoul, Teacher-Librarian

EasyBibYou have already

learned:•To use EasyBib to make citations

•To use library databases to find information

•How to cite your sources using EasyBib

•How to make a Works Cited page in MLA style

Using EasyBib notebook

•Keeps your notes and citations connected

•Lets you cut and paste information, paraphrase information and organize by color or topic

•Can create an outline and re-organize your sub-topics in logical sequence

Open your EasyBib accountFrom the My Projects page OR from within your Bibliography

access Notebook

Make a new note

Make a new note•Title your note: what is the sub-topic?

•Must have a citation made BEFORE you can attach it to your note.

This may seem backwards, but it’s best to collect citation information FIRST

•Cut and paste information

•Paraphrase the information

•Add your own comment to link this with other information

•Color code it: Organize

Attach correct source to the note

Move thumbnails around

Make an outline in EasyBib notebook

•Drag notes to the right hand side of notebook. Organize sub-topics

Print outline•‘Print’ button: a new tab opens with your outline

•Copy and paste the outline into a Google Doc or Word file.

Linking EasyBib to a Google Doc

Once you have chosen the PAPER link, follow the steps onscreen to link your paper to

your GoogleDocs

Make Works Cited page

•From Bibliography view

•EXPORT to Google Docs,Word, Pages, or Open Office etc.)

•Your Works Cited page will be downloaded (if using a document software)

•Print it