Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed...

Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Church 88 Main Street, PO Box 129 Drayton, Ontario N0G 1P0 Website: www.draytoncrc.org * tel: 519-638-2032 * email: [email protected] Worship Services: Pastor Paul Droogers Sunday mornings: 10:00 a.m. email: [email protected] Visiting Children: NURSERY: Is available for children up to 3 years old downstairs. SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children who are ages 3 to grade 4 are welcome to join us for Sunday School which is held downstairs. The children are dismissed during the service as indicated in the order of worship. Children In grade 5 through 8 are invited to take a Sermon Questions folder from the back of the sanctuary to answer questions during the service. They are excused after the sermon for their Sunday School class. Sharing God’s Grace and Hope Mission: The Christian Reformed Church of Drayton is a Christ-centred fellowship led by God’s word and spirit to share His gifts of grace and hope. Sunday, November 15, 2015 Welcome to worship today! A special welcome if you are visiting with us! Together we look forward to experiencing the Triune community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit through our worship and fellowship. November 15 ~ This morning our time of worship is led by Licenced Exhorter within Classis Huron and member of our congregation, Mr. John Zwart. We are thankful to John for sharing his love of God’s Word including his gift of preaching with us today. As this is the third weekend of November, Pastor Paul has a scheduled Sunday off and, together with his family, is making a brief visit to the Chicago, Illinois, area to spend some time with Jill’s family both for American Thanksgiving and Christmas. November 22 ~ Next week Sunday our time of worship will be led, Lord willing, by Pastor Paul Droogers. Drawing on this year’s SERVE theme “The Other 51” and Dr. Alvin VanderGriend’s Love to Pray Devotional Study, we look forward to the Holy Spirit’s challenge not to place any limits on God and his mission as we’ll reflect on 1 Kings 8:22-30. As this will also be a Preparatory Service for celebrating the Lord’s Supper on November 29, or the First Sunday in Advent, may the Spirit convict and equip us to respond to God “who cannot be contained even by the highest heaven” (1 Kings 8:27). Coffee: Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the worship service this morning. Offerings: November 15 ~ 1: Budget 2: Back to God Ministries: MEDIA MINISTRY Today’s offering will be for Back to God Ministries International, the media ministry of the CRC. Thanks to your gifts, offerings and ministry shares, Back to God Ministries International Spanish outreach is using radio, TV, Internet and training workshops to bring God’s Word to people who may have no other way to hear about Jesus. To learn more, visit BackToGod.net/global - ministries/Spanish. November 22 ~ 1: Budget 2: Drayton Youth Centre: In 1995, a number of people had a vision to start a Youth Centre in Drayton. A Board was established and it met regularly. Plans were discussed and plans were implemented. The new Centre officially opened in September of 1999 in the basement of the Drayton Pentecostal Tabernacle. As more and more youth attended the Centre, it became clear that the place was too small. After months of hard work, with many dedicated volunteers, and prayer, the present location was found, renovated, and opened on April 6, 2001. The support of the community, which includes businesses, churches, ladies' groups, and individuals has been tremendous and is very much appreciated. Collections Received on November 8, 2015 ~ Diaconate

Transcript of Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed...

Page 1: Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Churchdraytoncrc.org/download/i/mark_dl/u/4012963953/4625033141/Bulletin... · Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Church 88 Main Street,

Welcome to the Drayton Christian Reformed Church 88 Main Street, PO Box 129 Drayton, Ontario N0G 1P0

Website: www.draytoncrc.org * tel: 519-638-2032 * email: [email protected]

Worship Services: Pastor Paul Droogers

Sunday mornings: 10:00 a.m. email: [email protected]

Visiting Children:

NURSERY: Is available for children up to 3 years old downstairs.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children who are ages 3 to grade 4 are welcome to join us for Sunday School which is

held downstairs. The children are dismissed during the service as indicated in the order of worship. Children

In grade 5 through 8 are invited to take a Sermon Questions folder from the back of the sanctuary to

answer questions during the service. They are excused after the sermon for their Sunday School class. Sharing God’s Grace and Hope

Mission: The Christian Reformed Church of Drayton is a Christ-centred fellowship

led by God’s word and spirit to share His gifts of grace and hope.

Sunday, November 15, 2015 Welcome to worship today! A special welcome if you are visiting with us! Together we look forward to experiencing the Triune community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit through our worship and fellowship. November 15 ~ This morning our time of worship is led by Licenced Exhorter within Classis Huron and member of our congregation, Mr. John Zwart. We are thankful to John for sharing his love of God’s Word including his gift of preaching with us today. As this is the third weekend of November, Pastor Paul has a scheduled Sunday off and, together with his family, is making a brief visit to the Chicago, Illinois, area to spend some time with Jill’s family both for American Thanksgiving and Christmas. November 22 ~ Next week Sunday our time of worship will be led, Lord willing, by Pastor Paul

Droogers. Drawing on this year’s SERVE theme “The Other 51” and Dr. Alvin VanderGriend’s Love to Pray Devotional Study, we look forward to the Holy Spirit’s challenge not to place any limits on God and his mission as we’ll reflect on 1 Kings 8:22-30. As this will also be a Preparatory Service for celebrating the Lord’s Supper on November 29, or the First Sunday in Advent, may the Spirit convict and equip us to respond to God “who cannot be contained even by the highest heaven” (1 Kings 8:27).

Coffee: Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the worship service this morning. Offerings:

November 15 ~ 1: Budget 2: Back to God Ministries: MEDIA MINISTRY – Today’s offering will be for Back

to God Ministries International, the media ministry of the CRC. Thanks to your gifts, offerings and ministry shares, Back to God Ministries International Spanish outreach is using radio, TV, Internet and training workshops to bring God’s Word to people who may have no other way to hear about Jesus. To learn more, visit BackToGod.net/global-ministries/Spanish.

November 22 ~ 1: Budget 2: Drayton Youth Centre: In 1995, a number of people had a vision to start a

Youth Centre in Drayton. A Board was established and it met regularly. Plans were discussed and plans were implemented. The new Centre officially opened in September of 1999 in the basement of the Drayton Pentecostal Tabernacle. As more and more youth attended the Centre, it became clear that the place was too small. After months of hard work, with many dedicated volunteers, and prayer, the present location was found, renovated, and opened on April 6, 2001. The support of the community, which includes businesses, churches, ladies' groups, and individuals has been tremendous and is very much appreciated.

Collections Received on November 8, 2015 ~ Diaconate

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Drayton Christian Reformed Church Worship Leader: Mr. John Zwart Sunday November 15, 2015 Music Leader: Mr. John Landman 10:00 am., Worship Service

Order of Worship Come To Receive Welcome and Announcements *Call to Worship Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. *Opening Song: PH 242 Come, All You People, Praise Our God *Silent Prayer followed by PH 629 Worthy Is Christ *God’s Greeting Song of Praise: PH 542 The Ends of All The Earth Shall Hear Be Shaped in Gods’ Likeness Prayer of Confession Merciful God, you pardon all who truly repent and turn to you. We humbly confess our sins and ask your mercy. We have not loved you with a pure heart nor have we loved our neighbor as ourselves. We have not done justice, loved kindness or walked humbly with you, our God. Have mercy on us, O God, in your loving-kindness. In your great compassion, cleanse us from our sin. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Do not cast us from your presence, or take your Holy Spirit from us. Restore to us the joy of your salvation and sustain us with your bountiful Spirit through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen (based on Psalm 51: 10-12) Assurance of Pardon: Ezekiel 36: 25-26 Gods’ Guide for thankful service: Romans 12: 1-2 Song of Response: PH 427 Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit Children’s Message: Nanda Z Children ages 3 through Grade 4 leave for Church School

Stand In God’s Promises Prayer for Illumination Bible Reading: Ephesians 4: 1-13 Sermon Title: Worthy of Calling *Hymn of Response: PH 573 O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee Walk By Faith Congregational and Offertory Prayer (Elder) Children Grade 5 to 8 leave for Church School

Offerings: 1. Church 2. Back to God Ministries International *Closing Song: PH 620 By the Sea of Crystal *God’s Blessing *Doxology PH 632 To God Be the Glory


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Church Family & Events

Please remember in your prayers those who are confined to their homes: Bertha D., Janet K., Margaret K., Doreen L., Diny R., Grace R. and Alice S. Pray for Wayne V.who was hospitalized at Kitchener’s Grand River Hospital a week ago, last Friday, due to health complications. Together with the V’s we are thankful Wayne was able to feel a little better again this past week. Pray for clear results of additional tests and continual effectiveness of treatment which tries to maintain his cancer.

Pray for Grace G. as she continues to settle in at Caressant Care Nursing and Retirement Home in Arthur. Should you wish to make a visit or send a card, please make a note of Grace’s new address: Grace G., c/o, Caressant Care Nursing, 215 Eliza Street, Arthur, Ontario, N0G-1AO. No specific room number is needed; just “Caressant Care Nursing” will suffice. Pray daily encouragement for Grace including wisdom and patience for both her and her husband Bert.

Pray for Syma B., mother to Alice and Art N., who continues to struggle with her health mostly due to lung cancer. Even though Syma receives oxygen full time, she is also very tired most of the time. Pray for daily grace and wisdom as Syma and her family members experience this difficult journey.

Pray for Faith V., daughter to Fred and Lori V. of Listowel and granddaughter to Jerry and Lucy H., who was admitted to Kitchener’s Grand River Hospital this past Tuesday evening due to a chest infection and vomiting. She has been placed on oxygen and antibiotics in the hopes of clearing up the infection. Pray healing for Faith and encouragement for her parents including the rest of her family.

Happy Birthday to…

Wednesday: Carolyn P. Thursday: Lammie B. Friday: Mitchel V. Saturday: Jack S. Happy Anniversary to...

Sunday: Jason & Kristin P. To the congregation of Drayton CRC: Thank you for your gifts to World Renew received in

October. Your donation will be used for World Renew’s work through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), for them to continue to do their important work worldwide. Thank you for your prayers and financial generosity. World Hunger Sunday - Thank you for your support during this year's World Hunger Campaign! For additional information about World Renew, please visit worldrenew.net. Peter Fish: If there are any Peter Fish left to be returned, please bring them back to the church TODAY and place in the basket in front of the pulpit! Otherwise, please contact Candace Burnett to make arrangements. Thank You!

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Elders Meeting scheduled for November 17 has been moved to November 24 to accommodate the Annual Fall Membership Meeting held at Community Christian School this coming Tuesday evening. All elders are reminded about this switch in dates noted at our last Church Council Meeting and in the Council Meeting Report

Congregational Meeting: Please be sure to be at the Congregational Meeting this week on Wednesday, November 18 starting at 8:00 pm sharp. We will be receiving reports from Pastor Paul and the Youth Pastor Search Team. The Committee of Stewards will be presenting the Proposed Budget for 2016 and there will be a Renovation Completion Break Down! A Congregational Meeting Package was placed in your mail slots last week. Pray that God will bless the discussions and planning that will take place at this meeting.

Operation Christmas Child Canada - Samaritan's Purse: Sharing God's love for children with gift-filled shoeboxes. Have you had a chance to take home a shoebox yet? There's still time and anyone can do it! Operation Christmas Child provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in this simple, hands-on project of Samaritan's Purse which focuses on the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus Christ - God's greatest gift. In Cite-Soleil, the poorest neighborhood in the Western hemisphere, a Haitian church is growing as a result of Operation Christmas Child. Children who experienced God’s love through gift-filled shoeboxes have returned to attend the voluntary, follow up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey—so many that the church had to move to a nearby school. Today, local Christians are ministering to more than 260 children. Praise God, who is growing churches through simple gift-filled shoeboxes and a tangible representation of Christ’s love! You may bring your shoeboxes to the church on November 22 and the Youth Group will bring them to the Collection Centre next week. As you pack your shoeboxes, "please pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - 1 Thessalonians 5:7-18 Sort & Pack: We would like to let you know we will have our next Sort & Pack on Wednesday, November 18, from 1 till 4pm. We kindly ask anyone able to spare a hour or two or more to please come out and help as there is continually SO MUCH TO DO. Your interest and help is really appreciated! We give thanks to God there is a lot of packing to do. It is amazing. We hope also hope to do some quilt tying! A big thank you on behave of C.F.F.C. and Friends of First Nations.

Youth Group

Chocolate Letter & Pizza Drive Fundraiser: Attention Congregation: Just a reminder to please have your pizza and chocolate letter orders in by

November 22! Feel free to e-mail them to [email protected]! Thanks!

November 19 - War Room Movie! Please meet at the church at 6:15 as we are going to Palmerston

movie theatre to watch the War Room. The movie starts at 7. If you live closer to Palmerston, feel free

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to drop and pick up your child there. Please let us know if you plan to come so we have an approx number. Please bring money for the movie and any snacks you want. November 25 - Operation Christmas Child. Please meet at the church at 6 as we are going to

Operation Christmas Child from 7-9:30. We will stop off at McDonalds after so will be back at church 10:30/11. REMEMBER to take along your form signed by your parents! If you need one, please let me know and I will e-mail form. Please also let us know if you are planning on coming out! It’s a fun night and great community service! November 28 - Pizza Drive!! Please meet at the church at 8 am. We should be done around 12/1:00. Please plan to help this morning as many hands make light work! December 3 - Regular Meeting

December 16 or 17 - Progressive Dinner!

Attention Congregation: The Youth Group’s Annual Progressive Dinner is coming up quickly! This is one of the youths favourite outings! If anyone is interested in hosting the youth group for either appetizers, main course or dessert, please let Sonia know if you are interested or if you have any questions! The dates would be either December 16 or 17. Thanks!

Church Activities

Sunday: ~ Morning worship at 10:00 am ~ Sunday School ages 3- Grade 8 Monday: ~ GEMS 7-9 pm ~ Committee of Stewards Meeting at 8 pm Tuesday: ~ Cadets Meet from 7:30 – 9 pm Wednesday: ~ Coffee Break and Story Hour at the Reformed Church at 9:45 am

~ CONGREGATIONAL MEETING AT 8:00 pm! Thursday: ~ Catechism at 7:30 pm

~ Youth Group at 8:30 pm ~ Evening Coffee Break at 7:30 pm

Sunday: ~ Morning worship at 10:00 am

Requested Announcements

Momentum Choir of St. Catherine's: “Our Friendship group started 30 years ago. To celebrate this we have a concert on Sunday November 22 at 4pm at First CRC Guelph (287 Water Street, Guelph). The choir is the Momentum Choir of St. Catherine's directed by Mendelt Hoekstra). Pastor Bernie DeJonge - a friendship board member - will say a few words. It will be an amazing afternoon. Hope to see you all there! For Friendship, Jetty Vanderkamp”.

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Blood Donor Clinic: Drayton is holding its next Blood Donor Clinic on Monday, November 30 from 3:30 to 7:30 at the Community Christian School, 35 High Street. Remember that your donation can help up to three people. It’s in you to give! Call 1-888-DONATE(1-888-236-6283) to make an appointment or just walk into the clinic. www.blood.ca


Friday December 4 2015 at 7:30 p.m. An awesome and wonderful night of Music and Song for Young

and Old. Very affordable ticket prices. Bring the family. Come by bus or subway or Go Train or park

under the hall(flat rate after 6). Tickets are $50.00, $40.00 and $25.00. Phone 416-636-9779 or email

[email protected] or visit our website: www.ontariochristianmusicassembly.com

Christmas Concert with Andre Knevel - Organ & Liselotte Rokyta Panflute together with Emmanuel Christian Orchestra (ECO) in the Grand Valley Canadian Reformed Church 173354 Reg. Rd 25 Grand Valley on December 3, 2015 at 7:30 pm. This is a Free Admission concert & a Freewill offering will be held with all the net proceeds of the concert going to the upcoming Mass Band Trip to BC of the ECO (Spring 2016).Please join us for a beautiful Evening of Praise and Music ! Refreshments will be served after the concert.

News from North America

50 Years of BTGMI Spanish Ministry - Today’s offering celebrates 50 years of the CRC’s media outreach to Spanish-speaking people worldwide. Your gifts, offerings and ministry shares make it possible for Back to God Ministries International to reach millions of people like Requejo who wrote, “When my father was alive he listened to your program. After 30 years I now have the desire to personally know Christ. Now I listen to Christian radio and Internet.” Pray that this ministry continues to help people grow in faith.

IN TRUTH AND LOVE - Are truth and love at odds? Have you ever felt like you’ve had to make a choice between living what you know is true and compromising that truth to show someone love? Join our Groundwork discussion as we dig into 2 John to discover what it really means to live our faith in truth and love. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Special Advent Devotional Series - Looking for more meaning in the midst of a busy Christmas season? Let us help! This Advent, ReFrame Media offers a special e-mail series just for you. With daily devotions and encouragements from Today, Family Fire, Groundwork, and the fun of Kids Corner, it's designed to help you and your family experience the wonder of Christmas. Sign up at ReFrameMedia.com/Advent.

STAND UP SPIKE - Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Spike knows all the good jokes, and the KC gang wants to put him on the stage at the talent show. But when Spike switches things up, he has to learn a lesson about what really is funny. Listen and have a laugh with Kids Corner. Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download this special song, “Leap of Faith,” at kidscorner.net.

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Chaplaincy and Care Ministry - Please join us in honoring our chaplains on Chaplain Sunday, Nov. 22. The CRCNA chaplains are specially trained men and women who serve in hospitals, hospices, counseling agencies, long term care facilities, correctional facilities, community service agencies, Veterans Affairs centers, the military, and the workplace. They touch hundreds of lives every day with the presence and the love of Christ. Our network of chaplains stretches literally from the prison to the Pentagon. Whether in a nursing home or on a battlefield, our chaplains have served with courage and distinction over the course of the last century.

FREE WEBINAR - Join us on Nov. 17 for a free, one-hour webinar on the topic of "Youth Ministry and Intergenerational Faith Formation". Youth ministry programs and intergenerational faith formation are like the right and left hands that together build sturdy discipleship. This webinar will examine the many ways that an entire congregation blesses its teens. To register visit crcna.org/webinars..

LIBERTAS MALE CHOIR CHRISTMAS SING-ALONG CONCERTS - Martin Mans director, Martin Zonnenberg accompanist, Jan Scheper guest soloist: Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m., Alexandra Presbyterian, 410 Colborne St. Brantford, Ont. Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m., Smithville Canadian Reformed Church, 330 Station St., Smithville, Ont., Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., Knox Presbyterian Church, 142 Ontario St., Stratford, Ont. Order tickets online www.libertasvoices.com or contact Tjitske Van Reenen 905-522-0001 or 905-520-0207. Adult $20, Youth $10, Children under 10, Free. NEW MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME, visit the website for information.

Keeping In Touch…. The following are asked to send a card, letter or email to:

Nitin & Ruth S.……………………………………………………………………….…..……. Francis C

email: [email protected]. Jonathon & Janice B…………………………………………………………………….Rudy & HInke C [email protected] or [email protected] Kathleen L……………………………………………………………………………………... John & Rita C email: [email protected] skype: kathleen_lauder

Mark & Heather K........................................................................................................... Eric & Tara D email: [email protected] phone: 919-482-2382

November 2015…

Serving Elders & Deacons

Harry M Keith V Tom D Jake V Ed H

Serving in Foyer: Nov 15 – Steve D

Nov 22 – Candace B

Nov 29 – Adam D

Floating Greeters:

Nov 15 – Doug & Sandy

Nov 22 – Elden & Julie

Nov 29 – Elden & Julie

Ushers: Back West Back East

Back Centre Upstairs

November... John K Ed K Teresa W

November 15, 2015 November 22, 2015

Greeters Andy & Evelyn K Sijtse & JItske P

Coffee Servers Arnold & Sharon M

Alfred & Helen R Harry & Margaret M Albert & Martha R

Sound System John K Tony V

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Projectionist Anthony W Wes V

Hall Monitor Mia R Teresa R

Library Sharon M Julie W

Joel SS Assistant Janice V Nicole H

Grade 5 & 6 SS Arnold R Rita K

Grade 7 & 8 SS Marg H Arnold M

November 15, 2015 November 22, 2015


Rita R Yvonne V Jolene H Alanna P

Jeanette K Martha R Gerri D

Reeghan R

Little Lambs Tamara N Lauren H

Denise D Aidan R

Subs Jeanette K Reeghan R

Arlene P Nicole H

Bingo at the Terrace Nov 18: Pat H. & Jane H.; Dec. 2: Margaret M. & Rita K.

Royal Terrace Dec 6: Jane G.; Dec 13: Joyce K.; Dec 20: John Z. Dec 27: Missionary Church

Large print Psalter Hymnals are available. Please contact an usher if you wish to use one.