Welcome to Subtext

Welcome to Subtext Collaborative reading service for K12 classrooms Try it free at bit.ly/GetSubtext


A quick intro to Subtext, including key features, what you can read, and how we align with the Common Core. For more info, please visit www.subtext.com or follow us at @readwithsubtext.

Transcript of Welcome to Subtext

Welcome to SubtextCollaborative reading service for K12 classrooms

Try it free at bit.ly/GetSubtext

Collaborative Classroom ReadingSubtext is a free iPad app that allows classroom groups to exchange ideas in the pages of digital texts. You can also layer in enrichment materials, assignments and quizzes—creating opportunities to engage students and foster analysis and writing skills.

Tons of Quality ContentWe offer one of the world’s largest collections of free and paid books via Google Books and Feedbooks. You can also add documents, import ePubs, and save almost any Web article to Subtext for classroom reading. And don’t miss our Volume Purchasing program!

Brings Your Tools TogetherWhether you want to grab your lesson materials from Google Docs, embed videos from YouTube, or import your groups from Edmodo, Subtext works with your existing tools to help you bring reading content, assignments, and supplementary materials together in one place.

Supports the Common CoreSubtext supports a natural progression from reading to analysis to writing. And because annotations are linked directly to the source text and transferable to Google Docs for easy access, there’s a built-in emphasis on close reading, critical thinking,

and writing. Subtext also makes it easy to layer in informational texts, web links, and videos – right over the text. And don’t miss our professional development collections!

Student Insights & ResponseWe know a lot happens between assignment and assessment, and Subtext now surfaces this engagement. From a student’s fi rst page turn to their hundredth annotation, we build an individualized reading profi le. As you gain an understanding of student engagement, you can personalize your teaching strategies and tailor assignments and interactions.

Five Reasons to Try Subtext01

Contact us at [email protected] to set up training or get started with a free book.

Books & Beyond02

Our goal is that every time you open a text in class, you’re reading in Subtext. It might sound lofty, but we wholeheartedly believe in the power of collaborating over everything from great literature to mind-blowing math. We’ve only just begun, and we’re continually adding resources and functionality to give you greater access to more content.

Here’s what you can read in Subtext today:

Free Books Search for thousands of free books from Google Books and Feedbooks, all within Subtext.

Premium Books Get free previews of premium ebooks available through Google Books. Let us help with Volume Purchase.

Web Articles Clip and discuss web articles, blog posts or public domain content using ‘Save to Subtext’, available in the app or on the web.

Any ePub (Word, PDF) Convert any doc to ePub and read with your class. Native PDF support is coming soon!

Reading Lists Browse recommended book lists by grade level. Try Free, Common Core-aligned or Web content.

Contact us at [email protected] to set up training or get started with a free book.

*Book catalog via Google Books & Feedbooks. Volume purchase via Google Books.

Subtext is built for classrooms:

Large Book Catalog

Utilities (Dictionary, Fonts)

Offl ine Mode

Volume Purchase

Closed Class Groups

Web & Video Embeds

Student Reading Stats

Text to Speech

Available on Edmodo

Subtext iBooks Kindle Nook

We’re a Chapter Ahead03

Subtext was built from the ground up to support classroom reading, from essentials like getting everyone on the same page in class to unprecedented visibility into how your students read.

No matter what type of iPads you have in your school — from a small cart to a big 1:1 program — Subtext makes it easier to fi nd, distribute and discuss books and docs.

Contact us at [email protected] to set up training or get started with a free book.

Common Core04

Subtext is remarkably well-aligned with the Common Core Standards. When students read with Subtext, they are naturally encouraged to analyze what they read, articulate what they think and make connections between texts and the outside world. And of course, reading with Subtext integrates a whole host of 21st Century skills.

How Subtext aligns to the Common Core:


Students should be reading at higher lexile levels

Emphasis on close reading, critical thinking & writing

More non-fi ction, mixed media, & informational texts

Subtext Solution

• Book lists by grade level (including all ebooks on CCSSI text exemplar list)• Sample Common Core-aligned annotations

• Access to web & video content• Opportunity for content bundling & crosslinking

• Notes and Tags highlight core concepts and link to text• Supports reading, analysis & writing loop• Access to lesson plans, sample annotations, assessments• Chapter-end writing prompts• Teacher community/knowledge sharing

Contact us at [email protected] to set up training or get started with a free book.