Welcome to Physics 2130 -...

Welcome to Physics 2130 Physics is the Language of Nature! Therefore it is the basis of science and engineering So..... you will be learning a new language this semester!!

Transcript of Welcome to Physics 2130 -...

Welcome to Physics 2130

Physics is the Language of Nature!

Therefore it is the basis of science and engineering

So..... you will be learning a new language this semester!!


• Thomas Kvale• MH4023• 530-2980• [email protected]• Office Hours: MWF 11a-12n, W 3p-4p

or by chance or appointment

Class Organization

Grade Breakdown: • Biweekly Exams -- top 6 of 8 ............. 60%• Daily Quizzes -- 40 of 48 ................... 5%• Homework -- 70 of 75 ....................... 5%• Lab ..................................................... 10%• Final Exam ......................................... 20%

TOTAL .............................................. 100%

Class Organization -- Biweekly Exams

Biweekly Exams (60% of total grade): • 12 - 15 Multiple Choice Questions• 1 Problem• Roughly equal weight M/C & Problem• Exam Grade figured on 6 out of possible 8 Exams.• Exams returned during Recitation Section.• Anything in the chapter(s), lectures, homework, and/or

demonstrations are fair game material for the exams!

Class Organization -- Homework

Homework (5% of total grade): • 6 problems per week• 1 Problem graded 0 - 5 point scale• Specific graded problem not announced prior to recitation.• Roughly equal weight M/C & Problem• Homework Grade figured on 70 out of possible 75 points.• Homeworks are due Friday @ 5pm• Turn them in to either me or your recitation instructor.

Class Organization -- Daily Quizzes

Daily Quizzes (5% of total grade): • Every lecture period (MWF and non-exam Tuesdays).• PRS required.• 3-5 minute discussion period with neighboring students.• 2 minute answer period.• Maximum of 3 entries -- but only the last one counts!!• Quiz Grade figured on 40 out of possible 48 quizzes.• Recorded quizzes start this Friday.

PRS system

Point at receivers in front of class

ON/OFF switch

personal code on back

Daily Quiz

How many years have you been at UT?

Material Organization:As with learning another language, we will use familiar objects, situations, etc. to convey the meaning of the language. But as with another language, the culture the language comes from is much richer than just the collection of words.

“Words”:length, time, velocity, mass, momentum, force, energy, temperature, entropy, charge

Physics is about the construction of the universe and the interaction of objects with the environment.

So..... How would you describe the universe?

DefinitionsHuman definitions are based on our senses.

• Length• Time• Mass• Temperature• Charge

NOT Universal. Value depends on relative speed.

Universal. Value depends on entropy.

Universal. Mystery what exactly charge is or what carries it (Quantum wave nature of elementary particles).


Describe “length”.

Units of length measurement:• meter (SI -- preferred)• inch/foot/yard/rod/mile• furlong• Smoot• etc.....

1 meter = length light travels in vacuum in 1/299,792458 seconds


Describe “time”.

Units of temporal measurement:• second (SI -- preferred)• day• year• fortnight• etc.....

1 second = time taken by 9192631770 oscillations of light emitted by a cesium-133 atom.

MassDescribe “mass”.

Units of mass measurement:• kilogram (SI -- preferred)• slug• ounce• grain• etc...

NOT universal

1 amu (atomic mass unit) is universal and defined as 12 u = mass of carbon-12 (12C) atom. But mass varies with relative speed!!1 kg = 6.02213665x1026 u.

Chapter 1 Measurement• Importance of Physics

– Basic law of the universe– Foundation of all science and engineering field

• Physics is based on observation and measurement. The result of measurement is a physical quantity which consists of a numerical value together with its units– e.g. the length of the table: l = 2 m

International System of Units ( SI )• Length

– meter ( m )• Time

– second ( s )• Mass

– kilogram ( kg )• And other basic quantities to be introduced later....

Unit Conversion• A physical quantity may have more than one

choice of unitse.g. Time can be measured in day, hour, minute or second:Example: Express the speed of light c = 3.0 x 108 m/s in terms of mile per hour (mph)we know: 1 mile = 1609 m, 1 h = 3600 s



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Daily QuizWhich of the following quantities doesn’t depend on the observer?

1. length2. time3. mass4. charge5. all of the above6. none of the above

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